Minotaur University Part III

Story by Steven_T_PARKER on SoFurry

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Minotaur University

Part 3


No sooner had he hit the floor did the hydra made her move. Pinning him forcefully down, she entreated the dragon to take advantage. Carefully positioning he bovine creature's rear with one paw, and taking a clutch of fur with the other, he gently pushed the tip of the throbbing, spear like cock. The recipient felt the immense rod penetrating him in sections, each part being a mass of contours and rivulets that teased and enlivened his rectal nerve endings in such a way that he felt his spine itself was charged by an electrical current.

These things did the sorcerer survey.

Gideous Grand's immense red-furred shoulders seemed to dominate his office desk. He carefully placed the manuscripts and scrolls in the corner. And with effort that was considerable even for a minotaur, he dragged the giant tome to the place directly in front of him. Carefully highlighted with magical place-markers, the book opened with an abrupt slam on the desired sections, of course concerning his speciality, dragons.

"Contrary to rather uneducated misconceptions about dragons, there have only been five recorded fatalities, and the evidence pointing towards human intervention is dubious and shows signs of fabrication. With the exception of the small Earth variety, neither bullet nor missile can pierce the hide of a dragon. Of the other possible causes such as poisoning it seems likely that the creatures simply died of old age, and said wounds were formed not from without but within.

"The draconite's dermis, the layer lying beneath the outer skin, is unique amongst reptiles as well as other animals in that it has an almost independent circulatory system that regulates its temperature accordingly allowing travel to the impressive heights usually accessible only to jet aircraft.

"In terms of protection, the draconite form is similarly unique. A vast system of scales absorbs whichever collision, scrape barb, missile that may be encountered. In rare cases when disease causes individual scales to fall away there is the additional acidic layer which quite literally eats away weapons repelling assailants with a corrosive torrent. When such weak points appear a further change occurs about the skin's scaly surface in the form of a faux wound or tumour that in all but few cases becomes the more durable focus of attack.

Earth dragons are unfortunate in that they have permanent weak points that skilled hunters could potentially take advantage of. They are however so small that incredible precision or machine rifle or harpoon would need to be used. The likelihood of this is very low due to earth dragon's choice of dwelling in hard to reach mountain peaks, caves and isolated forests.

"Much of dragons' fire breathing display is not a sign of aggression but rather caused by their digestive system. Given that dragons have five stomachs, they produce an excess of gases that must be quickly burned away in order for them not to quite literally explode. This gas production is used in an internal combustion that gives dragons at least half of their lift.

"Lines of flame are expelled through the nose in a pattern that we are certain forms a secret language, much similar to smoke signals that can be seen from great distances. Fireballs are formed of bile, acid and other digestive juices that the dragon ignites for its own purposes and at times those of companions, and is potentially far more destructive behaving somewhat like napalm. There have been a few cases of dragons in the service of human masters in war, and it has been suggested rather than confirmed that this method of fiery spit was utilised.

"Dragons are non-migratory unless their food sources are threatened. Again Earth dragons and certain subspecies of the swamp variety are the exceptions being rather nomadic in nature. They do not form large flocks but form life-long pairs rather like what is seen amongst swans and geese."

Gideous scoured further to the section on draconite flight but gasped with disgust as he noticed they had all been removed! He inspected the spine of the book carefully and it was as he suspected; there was no sign of tearing, but rather the pages had been seared out by magical means. A red halo framed his vision, but he succeeded in calming himself. He reasoned that there had to be another explanation rather than foul play. Perhaps one of the professors was simply desperate to make a copy? Gideous was most certain that sections of the Minotaur Enclopaedia weren't readily accessible on the internet.

Elsewhere, Thoth, scribe of the Nile gods wandered aimlessly about the surrounding marshes. Dazed, and half-blind, he toddled towards the large grey building that presented itself as if through a dense mist nearby. He stopped to examine himself. His body felt lighter than it should, but all of his limbs and plumage were present. He felt about himself once more and a memory filtered through his enchanted brain; he was missing not only his heavy robes but jewellery. The latter caused his stomach to knot and recoil with unexplainable worry. He cared not for material (or more literally divine, super-immaterial) possessions, but made the exception in the case of all that he had lost. He feared for not only the safety but for some precise function that should not be disturbed.

He backtracked for a while until he realised he was able to leave his body in the form of a ka - the spirit vehicle of gods and the enlightened - and the span of his vision was increased a hundred fold as he flitted from "pillar to post" with the speed, dexterity and observation of a young bat. He found sadly narray but a torque bracelet that the thief had somehow mislaid, or discarded because of the minute power it held.

The latter detail caused Thoth's long beak to open in a devilish chuckle. Minute power. He pondered the words carefully to re-enliven their meaning, which of course is a talent any good scribe should adopt, and it made sense. Greedy people often want the short cut, things that are accessible and offer instant gratification. Bigger is better, so to speak. The bracelet held a power in the same way small Gods or lower entities did. An example is the mussel that can by no means accomplish the feats of a bee, or wandering mouse in a maze. On the other hand they, given their higher faculties are equally poorly-suited to exist and perform the function within nature that is the tiny shelled creature's predilection.

Neither computer nor microchip can open an ancient church door; he liked that analogy. So, the torque bracelet therefore contained a gradual power that in terms of crude linear thinking was viewed as weak. The same lack of visualisation rendered trees and banks of cloud inert.

No sooner had he replaced the bangle did he find himself losing - for want of better words - solidity. He was no longer a surface that reflected the dim rays of the moon, but rather a line of hieroglyphs, numbers and alga rhythms revolving about the air; the binary codex of the divine of which he could smugly claim authorship. Yes indeed, Thoth was as close as dammit to being the programmer of the Nile gods.

The glyphs formed a series of chains each of which was drawn like a magnet towards minotaur university.

The following morning, when Lewis was in class he gazed out of the window. The teacher could have been speaking ancient Latin and he would not have been more confused. No, Lewis mind was elsewhere as it had been on and off since his first encounter with the young lady he now knew as Eva Hannah. She was sat in the far corner, displaying the obvious inapproachability he'd witnessed during their first brief meeting in the dorm; Eva seemed neither to need nor care about her fellow students.

Part of him worried about her and wondered what things had been like for her at home. On the other hand, he envied her air of independance. Forming no attachments, she had a clear, narrow focus on study and study alone. Truth be known, hers was a more honest selfishness than the rest who would undoubtedly feign loyalty to their form fellows in order to ease their workload. He had seen a lot of that when he was studying computer science at the local poly and it disgusted him. Lacking time and energy for the sychophantic games they played, he more often than not had to push harder than the rest as his studies were entirely the fruits of his own labours.

How delighted he was that Minotaur University was free of Information Technology bar the steam-driven oracle engine situated somewhere in the west wing.

He returned his attention to the finely printed book before him. But no sooner had he begun to absorb its text did he feel an odd tingling about the back of his neck, a sensation he was oft prone to when under another's secret observations. He turned quickly, and there it was; Eva moved in a sudden, false motion, pretending to pick up a small grimoire and inkwell. It was plainly obvious to him in which direction her gaze was destined!

He followed suit, pretending he had failed to notice; it was for the best, lest she combine another layer to her already dense shell.

Georgis Cobbler knocked on Lesley Setch Gyron's door. It was not actually so much a knock as an insulated thud, so thick was the ebony wood of which it had been carved. It was a spooky door, if ever there was such a thing, replete with a goddess face in dulled bronze that staring eyelessly from above. No handle either, but that was not entirely unusual within the MU.

'You may enter,' said Gyron just as the door swung inwards. No sooner had he caught sight of the miniature minotaur had he briskly filed away a clutch of manuscripts. 'Ah, Georgis I presume.'

'Yes Master Gyron. I have the crystal orb you asked for.'

'Really?' Said Gyron in the warmest, crumpets-with-butter tone he could manage. 'Now I thought it would take a few more days for you to put everything in its place. You said it was stuck amongst a great clutch of junk.'

'Yes, but it sort of fell into my gripping hoof as I was rummaging through.'

'It rather stuck between your fingers.'

'Yes, that is rather what happened.'

Georgis carefully unwrapped the outer-membrane of brown paper, revealing another of unbleached cotton. He could not help but notice the serpent man's eyes widen beyond the girth of a normal human's and felt almost that he might swallow him whole. But rather than do so, he tentatively extended a wiry, marble-veined hand forth; Georgis was however incompliant, drawing it away in a series of movements as if it were a chess game.

'The orb?' Asked Master Gyron in a stilted, intoxicate fashion as if he had suddenly forgotten his adopted English.

'I said you may look at it, but you have not warrant to touch it. What we have here is the property of my great-aunt, and may very well be one of the minotaur runes.'

With those words master Gyron found himself struggling not to salivate and taste the very air surrounding the piece. Had any of them the vaguest idea what marvels and atrocities such were capable of of? Such were the components of species regeneration, from which Common minotaurs were spawned. Subconsciously, he knew that the young one was aware.

Of us were thee moulded

To do our bidding, mix'd with th' fruit of our flesh.

And thus moreover again shall it be

When all five are replaced.

My, thought Gyron, such a way uncle Ramses had with words. That was one admirable reptilian.

Eva Hannah sat alone in the dorm room. She had left half of her dinner in exchange for the quietudd she now enjoyed. had travelled light, taking narray but a clutch of books and sparse clothes with her. It was best that way. The works she beheld in themselves, however, seemed to fill the entire room. She had no flavour for childrens books, but amongst the titles was Enyd Blyton's The Faraway Tree. The story essentially depicted an enchanted tree with branches that lead to other worlds, transitory worlds that if one were complaiscant could not find passage from. Lately she pondered if the authoress was describing other dimensions or realms, vibrations through which the great plant was a channel. The book had undoubtedly set her mind in the direction it was currently on, in the pursuit of magical knowledge. She found some ironical delight in the manner which her tendency had been taken three-hundred-and-sixty degrees to the beginning.

Her maturing intellect was able to find more secrets in this book; perhaps not only the subject matter, but the stanzaic structure, indeed the lingua pura. The number of realms the children in the book visited was of issue, as was their guide, an entity strikingly named Moon Face. The latter was obvious, highlighting the importance of the moon.

In time she would be have free reign of nursery and would attempt to grow her own faraway tree. Were time not in abundance enough that its farthest limbs may brush heaven, then she would carefully store away its wood and pulp. Of such could magic cabinets and doors be wrought. The whisper of such was contained in another writer's work, C.S Lewis.

Of course it didn't work quite like that, but rather in reverse. One doesn't travel from realm to realm in the normal sense, but rather causing a section of space to curve inwards, like the edge of a sheet crumpling over to another; it was not the traveller that moved so much as the area of space he, she or it inhabited.

At least that's how it worked theoretically. Such was forbidden. That was just a technicality that she would have to find a means to work her way around.

A particularly dark-skinned faun stood with his back against the wall, reeling a yoyo up and down. When he got it in a particularly fast spin, a blue flame flickered from somewhere deep inside, and as a result it shot up and down at blinding speed, steady despite being free of its wielder's control. At that particular moment Lewis walked by. His head was full to bursting with problems. If it wasn't the troublesome transmutation formulas, or seemingly impossible obfuscation incantations, it was the face of Eva Hannah. Her air of intelligence, cold self-sufficiency and above all mystery. He could very well see her being not only the head of Minotaur University but, were it possible, something even grander.

'What do you make of the new girl Conrad?' Asked Lewis, rubbing his eyes from the glare of the other's yoyo flames.

'She's mysterious and seems dangerous.'

'Dangerous, how?'

'Hedge witches man.'

'Sorry, what do you mean?'

'It's a slang term. Magicians, occultists who work alone. Make their own rules.'

'But they are still rules.'

'Don't tell me you don't sense it. She don't need you, don't need me, don't need anyone.'

'I was going to say I felt she seemed kind of sad.'

'Sad maybe, but potentially potent.'

Lewis changed the subject, as something he heard just came to mind. There was this thing that fauns were supposed to be able to perform. Well, a number of this, but this one in particular intrigued him.

'There is something I need to ask.'

'Go ahead.'

'Is it true what they say about fauns? How you can bend time.'

Conrad cast him a severe glance, then uttered gruffly, 'these are our secrets. Perhaps we can bend time, then again it may just be a trick we play on humans. You will have to prove yourself before I tell you something like that, mate.'

'Okay. I think I understand.' And no sooner had he made to leave he began to concoct a mischievous plot. He would need to study transmutation a little more carefully.

Cedric Demeter dusted away the layer of dry soil that covered the sackcloth package. It was two metres long and a half-metre in width. As he opened the first layer its contents, rows of human and bovine bones rattled together almost musically. Letters and esoteric symbols were painted on the sides of each, which though having some magical significance, it was rather to aid their utilisation. These were tools, each having a relationship with the next.

Once acknowledged and carefully placed the bones locked and assumed a steely sheen turning and developing crawling vines, chains and multiple-cogged panels. Some bones were drawn as if by a magnetic pull to the next. After several hours work he was able to stand back and observe the fully assembled construction. It was a dizzying sight, this permanently shifting portal of bone. The way the pieces crawled - yes crawled, for the motion was not mechanical but very full of life - was likenable to a hive full of drones. The bones were in communication, one juddering, passing a wave of vibration to the next in a peculiar language of turns, coils and precise flips from one space to the next.

Within was a dimly lit, sloping burrow. Sections of the rock shimmered as if implanted with crystal, or precious stones. Demeter knew however that they were lenses; just as he wished to enter, the various realms of the gods wished to catch a glimpse at the world from which they were separated by a vast divide.

There was no real sense of gravity inside the astral portal, but more a suction. The floor seemed to hold the soles of his boots to the floor as if it were covered in barbs, and along the staircase itself was that pull, the vacuum. At times it felt as if hands pushed the nape of his back, then there were others where he felt his body lift as if from an internal force, inflating perhaps, moving in a specific direction.

The hands of his wristwatch stopped with a crackling sound of cessation when he was but a few paces within the portal. It was a scentless, soundless yet somehow visible void. The descent was steeper now, and the light became even dimmer. Before him was what looked like a steady water that fell in so steady a stream that it was like a curtain, a veil through which he could not see. This was a membrane between the other realm. Not fearing that the water would soak his clothes, eyes shut tight, he pushed his head through. His heart beat violently in his chest, for he knew what he was doing was utterly forbidden.

Then he opened his eyes to the alien landscape, the realm that he had not seen for almost a century. Spanning from left to right he spied the greenish hills, the mouth of the slowly flowing, unfathomably large river Ther'n. Then closer by, there were the lofty hanging cages and carrier nesting houses of The Island of Birds and Penance. He noted that the cages were less full than usual, but carriers were entering and exiting those elegant nesting huts more rapidly than usual.

Then there was the row of jagged rocky peaks they called The Maw of The Sea, as from a certain angle the rocks did appear to form something resembling an open jaw.

More vast than any other feature was the forest. He looked with special care at this area, for he knew it was here that lazing hydras, and on rarer occasions dragons dwelled.

With a simple exhalation and a clear recollection of symbols in his mind's eye, Demeter felt suddenly as if each of his bones was made of air, and following this sensation his whole form began to melt, become more compact then from a glowing cloud of electricity and plasma reform. What was left in place of the man was something that looked like a huge knot of many scaly, piscine coils. This unravelled repulsively, leaving a slimy residue on the red, sandy floor, until finally revealing itself to be an incredibly long serpentine wurm. Yes, wurm as in sea serpent, of the invertebrate variety. Or at least as close a relative into which the sorcerer could transform given the limitations of illusory, chaos magic.

He crawled towards the edge of the river, cleaning away the last of the slimy residues between the many rushes. His many vertebra ached as they locked and released, accustoming themselves to movements they had not performed in a very, very long time.

He delighted in the first draughts of pleasantly warm water that filled his gills and swam in a spiralling motion, making an impressive frothy vortex in the deep. There were shoals of fish town below upon which he may fest later.

Unbeknownst to him, a mysterious orange glow emanated from the portal, and from this a shadowy figure shuffled forth, followed by another smaller quadruped.

When Cedric Demeter peered out from the water, he spotted something that caused his fishy blood to fizzle; a pair of minotaurs, each with glorious bronzed horns, a female hydra and - most sizzling of all - a small earth dragon with its wings unfolded. The latter was perched on a small standing stone. The two minotaurs approached him, and following this action he lifted his huge forepaws to reveal an immense, venous erect penis.

The smaller of the two minotaurs knelt, not touching but rather beckoning the impressive organ, pleading with it for release from its pangs of longing. The other was more aggressive in its approach, and was knocked over with a playful gust from the dragon's wing.

No sooner had he hit the floor did the hydra made her move. Pinning him forcefully down, she entreated the dragon to take advantage. Carefully positioning he bovine creature's rear with one paw, and taking a clutch of fur with the other, he gently pushed the tip of the throbbing, spear like cock. The recipient felt the immense rod penetrating him in sections, each part being a mass of contours and rivulets that teased and enlivened his rectal nerve endings in such a way that he felt his spine itself was charged by an electrical current

The hydra moved over to the free minotaur. She was by far the more sadistic of the group, tying him with a tendril whilst whipping him with her tail. With an act of careful concentration she was able to stimulate enough of her hormones in order that a pleasingly functional cock poked from her warm, dark mound.

She commanded him to open his mouth and take it, all of it, and that if he was very good she wouldn't gag him too much. The minotaur proved his skills most lucidly, in fact he was a master of sucking, drawing every bit of milk from her in ways she had rarely experienced.

'Ah, you're a decent cock sucker, but let's see you take Sellion's dick with such ease and prowess.' These words seemed to invoke new ideas in his mind; to indeed have that member down his neck whilst being tied and impaled by the lust crazed, hermaphroditic hydra. Perhaps a showered of delicious minotaur cum at the crescendo of his orgasm.

Cedric rubbed his own male member on the smooth stones of the riverbed, revelling in the pulse of his own borrowed reptile cock. He did indeed contemplate his own anatomy and a pleasant realisation came to him:

Wurms are most flexible beasts.

Author's note: Should anyone use my stories for masturbatory purposes more than three times, could they please make a small donation, say a dollar or so?

I do this for the kids =)



Georgis Cobbler - a student and mallenx minotaur. The mallenx are a rare, bovine-birthed sub-species with mysterious powers of premonition and insight.

Gideous Grand OBE - magnanimous and enigmatic rector of the New Minotaur University. Being one-third human, one-third common (bred) minotaur and one third Scotia natural, he has is at odds with his nature. A magician endowed with Obfuscation, he serves as the observing eyes of NMU. He has an in-depth knowledge of dragons.

Lesley Seth Gyron MBE - deputy-rector, history master and reptiloid ex-convict of Ra's House of Confinement and Betterment.

Cedric Demeter - caretaker, dracophile and former rector of the sadly demolished Draco University.

Lewis Hayes - human and un-initiated student of NMU.

The god Thoth - scribe of the Nile gods.

Eva Hannah - a moody, antisocial fellow student with a dark secret.

The M.U - Minotaur University, rebuilt and expanded upon the original.


# Minotaur University # Part Two #### Author's note: this final paragraphs of this episode contain vivid descriptions of avian/reptiloid sex, oral sex, domination and rape. **Thoth** sat on the parched, lightly singed...

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Lewis Hayes sweated under the strain of his suitcase and the late-August sun. The taxi - or more properly titled Neophyte Transportation Carriage - stopped just before the tight, mazelike path that lead up to the New Minotaur University. The "new" part...
