Story by Steven_T_PARKER on SoFurry

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Minotaur University

Part Two

Author's note: this final paragraphs of this episode contain vivid descriptions of avian/reptiloid sex, oral sex, domination and rape.

Thoth sat on the parched, lightly singed grassy bank and tried to catch his breath. The journey's from Edge Worlds were always bothersome. He looked at the fleshy mass that hung about his neck and thighs that had furthermore been flung in several other directions. Light-brown in colour, it was one of several attempts by his colleagues to create a humanlike spacesuit. Yes, it was supposed to be a spacesuit in the greatest sense of the word as he would be able to pass as a human regardless of Magical Barriers. He had of course attempted to directly inhabit the bodies of both humans and other animals, but they had this horrible habit of ageing dramatically over the space of a few days, and as a result he would forget much of his tightly acquired research. He was not here on business this time, however, but rather pleasure.

Thoth's wrists ached, not due to his bumpy journey, but rather his profession as the chronicler of the gods. Being endowed, or some might say cursed, with the ability to fluently run off an independent string of text with each hand had given him the most awful case of rapid strain injury, or RSI. Being a scribe rather than physician (and yes, there were such in the Realm of The Nile's Gods) he had never thought of such things. His administrative post had grown ever more demanding over the past few years as the Earth People had re-discovered a means of contacting him, which he hadn't had any objections to - before now.

Lesley Gyron, who worked at the nearby Minotaur University had been one of those people. Well, not technically a person, but as far as the rest were concerned. Poor scribe Thoth found himself in a musty church hall one evening in the year of nineteen-twenty six if he wasn't mistaken in relation to an experiment directed by the a dough-faced upper-class Englishman who would go on to become infamous for very little indeed.

And the snotty-nosed bastard didn't even thank him for his visit. As a result the silly man did little else afterwards but write books in gibberish language and snort cocaine from the nubile curves of the backs of very young boys. And they call them mystery schools.

Thoth had helped buy Lesley Gyron out of prison. Why did he do it? Well, shortly after one of the booze-addled meetings in the early 1900's they had struck up a temporary intimate relationship, which had lead to years of letter writing. Oh, the lizardman had none of the poor manners he had witnessed amongst the nile serpants, and wrote in the most elegant hand - well, as far as non-gods were capable anyway.

Thoth was in the Land of The Living to spend a weekend away, and hoped to reunite with master Gyron. He'd even polished his beak to a pleasant burnt-umber colour with aged bees wax and hops, and wore his best silver ankh chain.

A rustling sounded in the bushes, and a faint repetitive thump sounded from beneath Thoth's. Was he being assailed by a pack of moles? He wondered. Close by a tree was half uprooted, and a cloud of dirt was cast into the air. Just slightly out of Thoth's field of vision glowed two fiery points of light.

Master Gyron exhaled softly, deeply, inhibiting the instinct to flick out his tongue and taste the air as that always gave his kind away. How small that half-bird-half-man deity looked without his wings. Those he had left in the realm of Nile god's he presumed, and that would make what he planned even more delightfully simple. Inching closer, his form now made a tightening noose formation around the puffed, resting figure.

Thoth first noticed the eyes as they approached, like twin comets. A cold injection of fear coursed through his veins; he knew that an encounter with a reptiloid under these conditions could essentially render him in a state of torpor. He cursed his own lack of foresight, and sought to move. But the hypnotic power of those eyes had already taken hold of poor Thoth, peeling away the layers of his will, numbing his short-term memory and more besides. He was rendered little more than unwitting prey for that most ancient of predators. Thoth, being of the Nile gods did retain some of his consciousness. He could hear and see everything.

'I considered eating the magician,' said master Gyron, 'and the others, but it was much more fun watching them stitch together idiotic theories. And of course observing the other practices, safe within my well-bred human shell.' Lesley laughed demonically. 'It too years for Ra's prison to find me. Slow beasts they are. The eye of Horus is thorough but moves rather slowly.' Lesley paused for a moment, recalling how it felt to be within that heptagonal prison on the edge of the galaxy and the pain he went through to permeate its cracks, a molecule at a time.

'Now I'm able to experience you in my true guise, neither bound by nerve, sinew, nor dulled human senses. Yessss, yesss!' The coils of his brightly coloured scaly body were now wrapped around the debilitated god who, bereft of speech, was unable to express his deepening arousal.

Perhaps more than a weekend away was in order?

Cedric Demeter carefully dusted away the collected filth from the wall closest to the Dragon Studies observation hall. He trained his ears carefully to the soft rise and fall of the NMU's newly arrived dragon. Though he was not granted access to the hall, he stole occasional glimpse of the immense creature within. He had asked, no pleaded with the rector, Gideous Grand, for the position of Dragon Hospitality Steward, but had had his requests and endless applications rejected.

Cedric Demeter wasn't always a caretaker. Seven centuries ago he had been rector and master of Black Magic Studies at the Dragon University. Well, there was no longer any such thing as the Dragon University, it being demolished as a result of a claimed magical experiment that not only caused the deaths of thousands of dragons and other creatures besides, but had created a rift in Usual Reality. That was their side of the story; nobody took his because magical containment was his responsibility, regardless of whether or not others abused supernatural powers, both either inherited or newly acquired.

The truth was not a single dragon had died in the disaster, a calamity which for them probably was more of an irritation than anything. Certainly, a rift had been created - and he was pretty sure he knew who by - but merely to another realm, a continent to which men were strangers.

Dragons inhabited a couple of other realms, and a sparse number batted about here and there on the earth. Those were the earth dragons, with of course the odd marine dragon here and there (and he most certainly wanted to know where). To enter these realms for a draconite was simple, but to exit was not. To do such required they age themselves backwards until they are an egg. The cost of this was often immense to the dragon involved as they didn't so much as forget everything they knew as store it in an unreachable place - within their cells.

The last time he glimpsed the dragon its scaly flesh was of a dark rusty colour. This state was most curious to dracologists as they were of an indeterminable species. He - or she - could either be a fire dragon who was simply shedding their skin or one of the very rare golden dragon species that were were attempting a metamorphosis. It was even more complicated than that. Golden dragons, were they able to remember the technique were able to become cross-species by means of regeneration. This didn't mean they could become humanoid, but rather draw forth the aquatic abilities of whichever variant they wished be it a sea, or swamp dragon, or the climbing and spelunking abilities of the more common Earth variety.

If old enough, any dragon could shift species to that of the Golden variety but most chose to sleep, or ethereally wander the spirit realm. The lucky blighters.

What an injustice it was for one who had never seen a dead dragon to somehow have their blood on his hands. At times he hoped another war would come about that would tear Minotaur University asunder once more, stone by stone, foundation by foundation. He was wearisome of both human and their former pets and pawns, the minotaurs.

If only he had been allowed to keep his re-generation monitor, then he would know if their guest's true nature. Were he or she golden, then the containment field would not hold them. He giggled to himself at the thought of the dusty old professors being knocked over by the beautiful one's immense form.

Lewis Hayes looked one more time under the bed, puzzled. He had asked a few people, but they had not helped him become any the wiser as to why it floated rather than rested upon plain old wooden or metal legs. It gave him a peculiar feeling, that magical stuff and he wondered if he was indeed in the right place. Granted, from an early age he had been able to bend spoons and left objects with his mind but that didn't make him feel any more part of this.

Certain students, the older ones seemed to walk down one corridor and vanish. Why, and furthermore, how did they do that? He would stand in the exact same spots they did, and despite a giddy, sickly feeling that set his hair a bit on end nothing else would happen. Surely that was the kind of thing people should be taught on day one.

Certain dead-ends in the University would seem to just not fit in with the rest of the building. When he blinked, he would find himself several feet advanced, or at times at a ninety degree turn. Those walls were always cleaner than the rest, and decorated with hairline cracks that suggested openings but despite his every attempt gave little indication of being hollow.

Then again, very little in the Uni reverberated to a brush or knock as one would expect in the world outside.

A hooded figure, just a little shorter than Lewis dropped his or her suitcase violently on the bed, which even he knew was forbidden. The mattress bobbed on its supporting magical cushion, and groaned with discomfort; needless to say this scared Lewis a bit. The mysterious figure removed her rain-soaked cloak, casting it unceremoniously in the corner. For one moment he thought he was looking at a bob-haired, very elfish-looking boy, but upon closer inspection he realised he was in fact of the female variety. She noticed his observations but paid no heed reacting as one would were they childishly casting paper aeroplanes over one's shoulder. Yes, it was an air of arrogant majesty that she had; she was a rung above him without even uttering a word, and he was filled with the desire not to embrace her but to shy away, unworthy to even share the air in the same room.

He stole one last sideways glance and saw something strangely familiar about her; of course, the Uni played with people's brains in such a way that even had he once known her he might not know. I mean, he had forgotten the names and faces of some of his aunts and uncles, and even forgot that of his much-adored dog...oh... what's-his-name?

This bloody University; everything had to be re-learned. Perhaps they had once been friends, but the enchanted walls would have their way, and somehow keep them apart. Perhaps students of NMU weren't supposed to have friends, but rather study mates that would be forgotten once it was time to leave.

Master Lesley Gyron rose to full-height. Now in the favoured form of a lizardman, he gripped the bird god's submissive head, Wrenching open that glorious beak, Gyron's fork-like, pulsing cock hardened in readyment. He first slipped the tip inside the soft fleshy tip of the beak, then slipped it, bit by bit inside. Thoth's tongue awakened a little, and moved in tiny waves along the shaft of that immense, reptile penis. Gyron buried himself deeper still; gripping that feathered head even more aggressively, he relished the feeling as he passed the tight, welcoming boundary of that ancient avian throat.

Thoth released a moan of pleasure which added to the rapid vibrations of that long, massaging tongue; he had never tasted reptile cock, merely satisfying himself with the far inferior human variety. His spine tingled with joy! Had he known the pleasures of this particular kind fuck he would have made more regular visits to this Realm in search of such creatures.

He may even have dared enter Realm Saurian for that matter.

Not wishing to release his juices yet, Gyron shoved the now mobile Thoth onto the ground, sullying his robes and feathers with mud; this was of course very much to the avian scribe's delight.

'On your knees!' Said Gyron, withdrawing a dagger, of course not of any earthly metal but rather starmetal that could most certainly create a wound that his avian companion would not be able to recover from. At least not any time soon.

So, the god-scribe submitted. In a manner that was almost second nature to him, his rear opening loosened. He tried to further relax it by "readying himself" with his fingers; this was however completely forbidden to his reptiloid master.

'Did I say you could warm yourself up, slave?'

'No, my Lord.'

'So why did you do it?' Without waiting for an answer, he flattened the deity with all of his two-and-three-quarter metre form, and pinned him down with a force that would have snapped the arms of an Earth Dweller. 'It seems, creature, that you need to re-learn the roles.'

'Yes, master.'

'And the first lesson will be to give you a more thorough than usual arse fucking with additions.'

'What are the additions my lord?'

'You will turn to me, look into my eyes. I will then fill your avian mind with insanity. You may experience hundreds forms, each with one intention: to brutally ravish you. You will be but an object. Now,' the reptile's tone softened. 'Gaze into my eyes. Do it!'

Those eyes seemed to swell, their light intensifying to that of a fresh flame. He was reduced to mere fragments as he felt that monstrous cock ramming into his tight sphincter. The form that ravished him buckled, and became temporarily formless as miniature, many-legged versions of itself tore themselves free of its knotted-mass. These were soon as large as their creator; this was how it would come to pass: he would be serially raped by hundreds of lizard men, then left in a bruised heap, a mere shell of his former self.

And he would be thankful for every thrust, scratch and bruise.



Georgis Cobbler - a student and mallenx minotaur. The mallenx are a rare, bovine-birthed sub-species with mysterious powers of premonition and insight.

Gideous Grand OBE - magnanimous rector of the New Minotaur University. Being one-third human, one-third common (bred) minotaur and one third Scotia natural, he has is at odds with his nature. A magician endowed with Obfuscation, he serves as the observing eyes of NMU. He has an in-depth knowledge of dragons.

Lesley Seth Gyron MBE - deputy-rector, history master and reptiloid ex-convict of Ra's House of Confinement and Betterment.

Cedric Demeter - caretaker, dracophile and former rector of the sadly demolished Draco University.

Lewis Hayes - human and un-initiated student of NMU.


Lewis Hayes sweated under the strain of his suitcase and the late-August sun. The taxi - or more properly titled Neophyte Transportation Carriage - stopped just before the tight, mazelike path that lead up to the New Minotaur University. The "new" part...
