RockJaws: We Fucked the Law...and Won

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#3 of RockJaws

Officer Mels is what many would call a corrupt cop. Using her influence to get a few unlucky crooks a better chance if they make her happy. A visit from a previous victim of hers and their sibling might teach her the error of her ways. Or put her into the hands of worse people.

I know I said or alluded to exploring more of the RockJaws bandmembers in these stories, and I do have stories written involving the other members, but I really wanted to get this little sequel to 'Nightstick Patrol' out of the way, since Conner and Connie generally act together most of the time.

Either way, I hope you enjoy. Next time I post in RockJaws, it won't be directly about these two.

Kelly bobbed her head to the techno beat bouncing off the walls. The rhino sipped her Blue Hawaii, letting the vodka sting down her throat while the sugars of the juice danced like all the furs on the dance floor. She watched with desire, surveying the crowd for her own special kind of prey. Easier said than done since most people run from rhinos. Even in her nice red dress that gave an ample view of her chest, she'd scare off all but the most courageous types. The kind usually built to hunt after girls with a thinner and less muscular frame, or finally, dig into her as a challenge to scratch off their bucket lists. Or fellow muscular gentlemen who wanted to wrestle her for dominance.

She got enough of those meatheads at the precinct. Those so-called 'men' didn't interest her. Kelly wanted someone cute. Someone to shiver under her palm only to rest in her hand before grabbing them and forcing their cute face down between her legs. Most of those cuties got scared of the tall amazon at a glance. So much that she'd had to take her fair share of fun with some cute faces in lock up, or whichever unlucky boy she found with some drugs.

But tonight wasn't about work. Tonight Kelly wanted to try her luck at actually flirting with people, rather than getting favors. The rhino knew she couldn't play with her power forever, so a more close companion was needed.

"Ya look better in the uniform."

She turned, tilting her head down to see a familiar rat staring back up at her. Except, rather than a fishnet shirt and a plaid skirt, he wore a dark pants suit and a black tie emblemed with a skull over a white dress shirt. And, judging by his pitch, it wasn't a he at all.

Then it hit her. Kelly smiled, "I'm sure you say that to call officers, Miss..."

"It's Connie." She said, raising her hand to the barkeep, "Gin, quick please."

"Connie, right." Kelly nodded, "Well, I can't say I'm willing to take advice from a girl in a suit."

Smirking, Connie said, "Really? I figured it was obvious with how people avoided ya."

Kelly ignored that, running a finger around the rim of her drink, "Well I have been out of the game for a bit, I'll admit. Work has been busy as of late."

"Hasn't stopped ya from 'enjoying' it, has it?" The rat said, her Australian accent growing on the rhino's nerves.

Giving a wide and fake smile, Kelly forced a mock laugh, "Well aren't you a bundle of annoyance? Tell me, is your crossdressing brother here? I'd love to find a reason to take him down to the station. Course with his tongue, I could find a way to keep him out of it. And I have you to thank for that." She ended with a quick little poke to Connie's pink nose. The rat didn't flinch. She stood there, eyes dead set on Kelly with an unreadable expression.

Then she smiled. "He's outback, waiting for us."

As much as Kelly wanted to make a joke about her word choice, a question arose. "Waiting for us? And why's that?"

Smiling, the rat leaned in, "Because, you're gonna walk out the back with me and go for a little ride." Pulling out her phone, she opened an app, "Else your 'proposal' about my brother's bail will get leaked." Kelly's smile dropped. Her eyes widening, she looked over to the phone. Connie hadn't played the app, no point if Kelly couldn't hear it above the noise in this club. She had to be bluffing.

"You're the one who accepted." Kelly said in a low tone, "I could have you arrested for pimping your brother out to me."

"Nah ah, you suggested it. And 'sides, I did a little digging on some of your other victims." Connie said, her confident smirk never wavering, not even with the quick sip of her gin. Behind Kelly's thick hide, she panicked. The rhino thought back to every cutie she had her hands on while in uniform, every little abuse of power she had. Too many to count, no way to tell which ones this rat got hold of. And if Connie recorded their conversation, then there was little doubt she had a backup plan in case things didn't go her way.

She needed to follow along. "Ok," Kelly said, grabbing her purse, "Let's go-"

"You're 'cuffs," Connie held out her palm, "Give 'em to me."

"My handcuffs?" Kelly looked around the room, taking note that none of the scantily dressed furs had noticed their hushed conversation. "I'm not on duty, bitch. I don't have my handcuffs."

"You're a dirty coppa who rapes people while in uniform. You got your cuffs on ya." Connie said as fact while hooking her fingers, "Give 'em. Now." With an explanation like that, Kelly figured that denying it would only make it worse. Giving a bitter huff, she pulled out her standard issue handcuffs from her purse and slapped them into the rat's palm. "Good," Connie said, spinning her finger, "Now turn around, hands behind ya back."

"W-what? But people will-"

"Hands. Behind. Ya back." Connie repeated. With a weary sigh, Kelly did as instructed, letting the rat lock her handcuffs against the rhino's wrists. A large jacket was pulled over her back, covering her restraints. "Bloke's really shouldn't be leavin their jackets in empty seats. But I bet you get stupid theft reports all the time." She said, patting the rhino's back to get her moving off the stool. Kelly ignored her, hanging her head in shame as the rat escorted her through the club like a common criminal. Being on the other side felt like a knife in her gut, and even with the jacket hiding her restraints she could tell people noticed. The sheer humiliation of being cuffed and walked out by this punk had her knuckles turning white.

Connie got more handsy after they left the crowd, directing Kelly by squeezing her ass under the rhino's dress and pulling her black g-string back in a wedgie to stop her, grinding it against the rhino's cunt.

"Pretty thin," The rat said, pulling the g-string harder, "Was the spoiled apple hoping to get some tonight?" Kelly didn't answer, preferring to grind her teeth at the humiliation. Fresh air brushed against her when they pushed past the back door, nearly blowing the stolen jacket off the rhino's frame. Parked alone in this alley was a standard white maintenance van still running. Steering her over, Connie knocked hard on the back doors, "Oi, bro. It's time."

The doors opened, with another rat standing in the doorway. The spitting image of Connie, save for a dark pants suit and a tie, he wore a fishnet top with nothing underneath, a plaid skirt, and thigh high leather boots with buckles strapped up the legs. Conner smiled at Kelly, "Remember me, love?"

"Vividly," Kelly sneered, "Every night when I'm stuck doing boring paperwork, I imagine you under my desk eating me out."

Conner's smile wasn't the reaction she was hoping for. His sister grabbed her ass and pushed her forward, "Save the dirty talk for the trip, ya cunts. Conner, go ahead and secure her." She ordered. Helping her into the van, Conner propped her down against the installed backseat of their vehicle, taking a brief moment to drag his finger across the shoulder loops of her dress.

"Nice outfit. Surprised to see you dress like a woman."

"Unlike your sister, I can pull it off."

He laughed, "I tell her that every morning." Ripping the spare coat from her shoulders, he rolled her dress down her chest and up her thighs. With a pair of scissors, he snipped off her panties and bra, letting her boobs hang free. Kelly made a mental note to add 'ruined a matching pair' to her list of reasons to return the favor.

"Now," Conner held up the rhino's removed panties, "You can be a good girl, and hold this in ya mouth until we tell ya to drop it. Or I can get duct tape. Choice is yours." Relenting, Kelly opened wide and let him stuff the rhino's maw with her panties. A blindfold covered her eyes next, designed so she couldn't even see under it by looking down. Her body rocked as the van started moving, leaving the rhino blind, gagged, and bound at the mercy of her previous victim.

Small fingers rubbed against her exposed nipples. "Bet ya did stuff like this all the time." Conner whispered, both hands prodding and teasing her tits, "Cuffed people in ya backseat so they couldn't fight back as you explored their bodies. Never expected it to happen to you, did ya. Or..." A finger crawled down from her tit, dragging across her stomach and seeping down to her crotch, "Did ya?"

She couldn't surprise the gagged gasp and long sigh from his finger against her clit. He edged around her vulva, slowly parsing it open with help of her fluids. "Well, I'll be." Conner muttered, "Oi, sis. Coppa's into it!"

"Doesn't surprise me." Connie shouted from up front, "I was grinding her undies so deep that they felt a little wet." They both laughed, then Kelly felt his tongue against one of her breasts. His hot and saliva covered muscle sending her nerves ablaze, while his right hand worked the other and his left hand teased her cunt. Kelly was used to taking what she wanted, barking out demands to bring her closer. But Conner, oh he knew how to build her up slowly. Stopping right at the edge more times than she could count, all while painfully teasing her nipples with pinches and bites.

"Turns out the big bad coppa likes being on the other end of it." He chuckled, "Is that why you take advantage of so many people? You secretly put ya'self in their shoes, being abused and dominated by someone else?" Conner's fingers dug deeper into her, shaking her core. Kelly responded with ragged breaths, trying her best to push out the mind games. Yes, she enjoyed putting people under her. Watching them squirm, moan, and beg had her dripping. They were all pathetic little wastes of space.

And here she was, getting off on the same treatment. How pathetic was she?

The van made a complete stop. "We're 'ere." Connie said, her shoes echoing against the concrete of a parking garage as she stepped out. Conner stopped playing with Kelly, leaving the rhino's tits stiff and throbbing from bite marks and spit, while her cunt was left wanting. "Get up, bitch." He snarled with an air of smugness, grabbing her arm after unbuckling her and pulling her out of the van. They grabbed her by the scruff of her dress, directing her blindfolded self through the exhaust ridden parking garage that only her nose could tell. The open air felt like needles upon her exposed nipples.

The more they walked, the more she realized they were in a parking garage, and the more her fears piled up. What if someone saw her? Sure, her chances of this nightmare ending went down, but the utter humiliation back at the precinct rocketed skyward. Knocker Kelly getting overpowered by two little rats? They'd never let her live this down.

They soon left the harsh echoes of concrete, stepping across tiled and carpeted floors. Every extra creak or step made her ears twitch, worried for another pair of eyes watching. A door opened and they had Kelly duck her head to step inside. Cold chains wrapped around her neck and hung above her head, latching onto something. "Stay still, love." Conner said from behind, his hands firmly holding her ass, "Me and sis are gonna go change into something more appropriate. So stand tall and wait."

"Might take an hour. Conner 'ere loves checking his reflection."

Thanks to the blindfold, Kelly had no way of knowing how long they did take. Could have been an hour, could have been ten minutes. Either way, boredom almost set in until the edge of a powered off taser pressed up against her neck. "So, out the goodness of my heart, we're gonna switch ya cuffs to the front." Connie said, with no doubt Conner's hands being at Kelly's wrists, "You make any movements we don't lick and well, click. Ya understand?"

"Yeah." Kelly growled, "I understand."

"Well ain't that cute," Conner chuckled, unhooking the rhino's cuffs, "She's still got fight left in her."

"You never lost it under my desk." Kelly said, grinning as her hands were locked in the front, "And no way am I weaker than a punk like you." They hoisted her hands over her head, locking them in and undoing the chain around her neck, replacing it when a thick leather collar. They took the blindfold off, revealing just how the twins decided to dress for their revenge.

Connie still carried that butch attitude, having replaced her suit top with nothing a leather vest, black gloves, and a biker cap. Her suit pants were replaced black leather chaps with nothing covering her crotch. Her neutral gaze chilled the air, while her brother smiled in his opposing attire. Long leather heels with buckles reached up to his knees, where stockings took over to his crotch. From there, a black corset had been fashioned around his waist, leaving his nipples exposed across the rat's flat chest. His hands, deep inside elbow length latex gloves, held two floggers, one he passed on to his sister. "T or A, sis?"

She took the flogger from his hand and twirled it. "Tits, you got to play with 'em too much."

Kelly finally spat out her undies, "You two are freaks, you know that?" The rhino scoffed, "And not even the good kind of freaks. I mean, look around this room." Tilting her head aside, the officer drew attention to what was no doubt their living room. And live they did, with all the cast aside clothes and empty bottles lying about.

Rolling her eyes, Connie sighed, "Well, someone was supposed to clean up."

"Yeah, you." Her brother said, circling around their victim, "I checked the schedule, it was your turn tonight."

"Cept I had to wash the dishes you left. That's how this cunt got ya. Far as I'm concerned, you owe me."

He swung the flogger down at Kelly's ass, "I'll eat ya out later." Conner said, winding up and striking again, "That should make up for it."

"Ya can't skimp out on your duties with orgasms." His sister argued, swinging her flogger across Kelly's exposed breasts, "I already got people who will gimme one with just a phonecall."

"Why not make 'em clean it up then? Dress 'em up in a maid outfit or a gimp hood, maybe both, and tell 'em it's a kink thing. Pro's do it all the time."

"Oh please, I respect 'em more than that." She swung again. Both rats bombarded her tits and ass with flogger strikes, not that it did much. Kelly's thick hide absorbed it all. The rhino stood there, smiling with confidence, waiting for them to tire out as they bickered.

They caught on quick. Still arguing, Connie grabbed a pair of thin wooden switches and a ring gag from another room. "I'm just saying, you need to respect the schedule." She said to Conner, ignoring Kelly's struggles to keep the ring gag off.

"Then stop giving me all the tedious chores." He argued back while tying Kelly's tail to her collar, leaving her ass perfectly exposed. Slicing through the air, he struck both cheeks. The rhino mewled into her gag, reflexively struggling at the sudden pain. Connie followed, whipping the wooden rod right above Kelly's nipples.

"Finally, some fucking response." She sneered, striking again and again. Solid red marks lined her breasts and ass from the twins barrage. Their argument continued through the beating, jumping from tangent to tangent as Kelly's cries were garbled by the gag and ignored. By the time they finished, her sensitive spots throbbed in burning pain. Even the air brushing against her nips felt like fire.

"Well, that wasn't as cathartic as I expected." Conner said, taking in a heavy breath, "How 'bout you, sis? Feelin a rush?"

"Oh, I'm feeling something," She said, dragging a seat over and plopping down to it, "And I think it's time we get to the main event. Don't you?" Kelly found herself lowered to the floor, failing to notice the winch above her until her knees laid against the carpet. Connie scooted closer, spreading her lips with one hand and grabbing the rhino's horn with the other. "Get to work, bitch."

Forced against the rat's dripping wet snatch, Kelly recoiled her tongue away. A swift slap against her marked ass reminded her who was in charge. Kelly closed her eyes to avoid the image, pressing her tongue against the punk rat's cunt. "Ya call that a licking?" Connie growled, holding the horn in both hands and locking her legs around Kelly's head, "You best learn how to lick better quick."

Her muffled response turned to a garbled gasp as something cold and slimy lathered up against her pucker. Conner laughed from behind, "Oh just relax, love. Hey, ya remember when you told me my cock wouldn't make ya feel anything in that loose cunt of yours?" She didn't remember those words exactly, but his sister had her too preoccupied to correct him. "Well, I'm big enough to admit that you're right. So, I figured tonight I would make you feel something." A cold, large, and tubelike object pressed against her asshole, "Only, not ya cunt. You don't deserve that just yet."

The dildo spread her hole wide. It took Kelly almost all her focus to keep her ass relaxed, something Connie took note of. "Don't fucking quit on me ya rapist coppa." She growled, claws digging behind the rhino's ears. Her brother pushed deep, taking his sweet time pulling back out only to ram it back in while Kelly drowned on Connie's cunt.

"If I knew I'd be getting this much resistance," The rat called out, gripping his hands tight against her burning buttcheeks, "I'd have just used my cock unblocked. She's freakin tight in this hole, sis."

"Yeah, and she eats pussy worse than you. That's a real feat."

"That's cause she's always makin someone eat her out. Clearly she needs proper," He spanked her red ass, letting her squeal into his sister, "Teaching."

They were relentless with her. Neither letting up the insults. Conner possessed stamina unbefitting his skinny body, pounding into her ass at rapid pace with no signs of stopping. Connie was merciful, giving Kelly ten seconds to breath while eating her out, never forgetting to throw another insult until she finally came. "Fuck!" She screamed in pleasure, painting the rhino's face in rat juices.

"Bought fuckin time she got you off." Conner pulled out, showing Kelly the massive penis attachment he had flopping between his legs. Dripping with lube, he pulled it up against her free face, slapping her playfully. "You weren't kidding, she is a bad cunt licker."

"Yeah, she might have to take lessons from you. And you can't teach for shit." Connie got up, leaving Kelly's head hanging as she unlatched her brother's attachment. His cock bounced free, large for his species and erect at the sight of Kelly's misery. His sister snuck behind him, wrapping her hand on his chin, pulling him closer for a kiss. The other, tightly wrapped around his erect cock.

"You've been wanting my cock all day, haven't ya sis?" He urged. Connie squeezed his nuts in response, smiling at the sudden surge of pain.

"Maybe later. Right now, this bitch cop deserves a fitting makeover." She whispered, pumping his brother's erection sensually and biting where his neck and shoulder met. He shuddered in her grasp, reaching to grab what Conner could of her before he gasped out. Kelly closed her eyes, shielding them from the rat jiz splattering against her face. The hot sticky cum came in strands, its stench filling her nostrils whilst the twins laughed.

"Looks fitting, don't it bro?"

"That it does. Wish she wore some mascara. Would have been better to watch it run."

"We'll just have her wear some next time." Connie said. Kelly wanted to struggle in her bonds, but she simply hung in shame. No doubt the rats recorded this as well, another semblance of blackmail to keep her at bay. "Still, I think the bitch is a pretty good girl. What say we give her a reward?"

Conner scoffed at the idea, "After what she did to me? She's lucky we didn't rip her dress off."

"Conner, Conner, Conner," His sister shook her head, stepping around the rhino as she talked, "She may be a corrupt cunt, but she follows orders well. Might even be worth inviting over for holidays."

"Ya only saying that cause you've got a soft spot for taking down bigger prey."

"And you don't?" She asked. Something whirred behind Kelly, pressing against her cunt before she could make it out. The rhino reeled in the vibrations, holding still thanks to the bonds and Conner's grip on her horn. "Besides, one little session ain't enough to make up for her sins, ain't it? No, we should have her over a lot more."

The rat's brother shoved his cock into Kelly's wide ring gag in response, further muffling the rhino's cries as the vibrator wand did its work. She couldn't hold out, the orgasm hit her like a brick wall as she struggled to breath from the throat fuck. Wave after wave surged through her body. "There we go. Good corrupt coppa." Connie cooed, slapping the rhino's red ass.

"Finally," Conner said, pulling out with a grunt, "Now, how about I get a second?"

Licking her lips, Connie pushed her brother against the chair and straddled over him, hovering over his saliva and cum drenched cock, "Only if you give me two more."


"You look like shit, Mels."

Kelly strained to look up from her paperwork. A tiger in uniform stood across from her, carrying two cups of freshly brewed coffee. "Better than you." She said, forcing a smile.

"I actually got good sleep last night." The tiger cop said, giving her one of his cups.

"Point still stands." She took it, trying her best not to move much. Her ass and tits were still sore from last night. Not to mention her wrists still having cuff marks, leading her to be extra careful in covering them. "Thanks for the coffee, Jim. I-"

Her phone buzzed. Jim smiled, "Oh, you gave your hook up your number? Must have been a good one."

"Yeah, it's your wife. She's been feeling lonely ever since you started grabbing manass." She sneered, giving the tiger all he needed to leave her be. Checking her phone, Kelly found a single new text from an unknown number. The rhino had a fifty-fifty shot of who it was.

'You free tonight? We'll pick ya up.'

Rage should have swelled inside her. The sheer arrogance that either of them could just text her like some sort of booty call was far beyond what even her abuses were. But instead, she smiled. Chuckling to herself, she typed back, 'Yeah. Parking garage two blocks from my precinct lacks cameras in the back.'

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