Roadie Chapter 8: His Parents

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#9 of Roadie

Nothing like introducing your girlfriend to your parents for the first time. Especially on the holidays! Normally I'd avoid centering a holiday event around a multi chaptered story like this, but given the month I started writing this it only felt fitting to do so.

Felix, Weiss, and Chester belong to Jeramiah Chase.

Tiffany belongs to Myself.

I hope you all enjoy!

Felix paced around his bedroom feverishly. Everything was fine. He knew it because he kept telling himself that. Checking the mirror again, the pink leopard straightened his shirt and baggy pants. Just the monthly visit with the family after all. That and it's thanksgiving, but it's not like mom and dad were sticklers for tradition. Felix didn't even remember the last time they had a regular turkey during it. Dad always wanted to experiment, like with the turkey chili last year.

Course, he never brought a date over during the holidays. Especially not for the first time. His father was thrilled with the news, while his mother's reaction remained hidden on the other line. He shook his head, this was a bad idea. Ignoring all the baby pictures they'd show her, he was forcing her to come into that den unprepared.

"No, not unprepared." He muttered aloud, "You told her dad is talkative and mom" Taking a deep breath and counting to ten, the leopard laid flat on his bed. It was too late to cancel, at least without looking like an asshole.

His cellphone rang. Springing from the bed, Felix landed on his paws and climbed back up. Clasping the phone, he checked and saw his girlfriend on the other end. "H-Hey," Felix answered, straightening himself back up, "You ready?"

"Yeah. I'm out front in the van." Tiffany said. There was something at the edge of her voice. Familiar, but rarely did he ever hear it from her.

"Cool. I'll head right down." With a brisk pace, Felix headed down the stairs of his complex to the front street, meeting Tiffany's, or rather, the RockJaws van waiting for him. The shark smiled and waved behind the window, her signature mohawk combed over to one side. He blinked, squinting as he came closer to see something odd with her wardrobe.

Was Tiffany wearing a dress?

She met him with, "Hey, cutie." as he took the passenger seat. His eyes didn't deceive him. Tiffany, the punk rockstar normally clad in jeans and sleeveless tees, wore a loose black dress with long sleeves and a small navy blue coat over it. She frowned, "Something wrong?"

"No..." he eyed her up and down, pausing at the worried look in her gaze, "No, no, just...well I've never seen you in a dress."

"Too much?"

"What? No, just...well I said you could be yourself."

She laughed. A forced awkward little laugh. "Y-yeah, I know. I just figured...well it's a holiday and this is the first time I'm meeting your parents..." She reached behind her seat, "I even have a purse! I don't use it often but...well it's here." Pulling out a red leather purse with silver colored buckles. "It's just...well I want to make a good impression. Don't wanna scare your parents."

"My parents don't scare easily."

"Felix, I'm aware how uncomfortable my arms make some people. I don't want your mother worrying, or make your father envious."

He smiled, "Trust me, Tiff. They aren't gonna be bothered. But, for what it's worth, you do look nice."

"Aww..." She brushed his cheek, "Thank you. But I feel like I'm walking around in tight tissue paper. One wrong move and the whole thing rips."

"Then I guess we won't make any wrong moves." He said, resting his cheek into her rough palms.

During their uneventful trip, Tiffany explained that she'd merely been borrowing the van since it belonged to the twins, Conner and Connie, and those two already had their own special thanksgiving plans. Vicky already took a plane to visit with her extended family, leaving the shark all alone this time of year. "Do they never invite you?" Felix asked.

"Oh plenty. But the twins are...well it turns into a fuckfest pretty quickly. Last year I took up Vicky's offer, and I had to deal with flexing matches with all her cousins, siblings, and even her aunt. The one person who didn't want to flex kept hitting on me." A tinge of jealousy gripped his heart. She must have seen it on his face, since she smiled and pinched his cheeks, "Relax, cutie. It was nice to get hit on, but from how her cousin talked I think I'd end up hating the entire affair. Plus I was dating someone back then."

He directed her on as they passed the entrance to the neighborhood. House upon house of brick layered design stretched out before them, each two stories high and carrying a healthy green front lawn. "There it is," Felix said, pointing out to the house near the end of a cul de sac.

"Huh, we have more in common that I thought."


"Well, you grew up here right?" She asked. He nodded. "Well, I grew up in a cul de sac too. Lived the generic middle class life as a kid, going out to play with neighbors and stuff."

Looking back, he did have that kind of life. Though even then, he had trouble keeping up and kids had a habit of mocking his fur color. Even today people couldn't understand that it was genetic. Back home, they had his father to compare. A looming sense of dread swelled over him. Dad would be answering the door, no doubt about it.

Might as well rip the band-aid off.

Tiffany stared at the house after they parked, her fingers drumming the wheel. "Maybe I should have worn heels." She said, "I just...sneakers are more comfy and I don't think my heels would fit so-"

He rested his hand to her shoulder, "Tiff, trust me. My parents are the last kind of people to worry about your outfit."

"But it's a holiday."

"Holidays are for families to be comfortable with each other. That's what my dad always says."

"Then why do you look like you're gonna tear your lip off?" She asked with her brow raised.

"That..." He sighed, "It'd be easier once you met them. Let's go." Her hand clasped his sweaty palm tight as they stepped to the front door. Each second another heartbeat of anxiety surging through his body. He looked over Tiffany before pressing the doorbell. His normally tall and proud girlfriend had her eyes shifting back and forth, one hand pawing at the key hanging from her neck. The key to his...

"You need to hide that." He said, voice growing cold.

"What?" She said, "This?" Tiffany held out the key. He nodded, face growing white at her smile. "Felix, there's no way they'll."

"Tiffany. Please." He said, fighting the urge to get on his knees and beg. His parents would know. But he couldn't let her know they'd know. Biting her lip, she relented and pulled it off, putting it inside her purse. With a sigh of relief, he pressed the doorbell and waited behind the teal door as the mellow melody played.

It opened inward, with a lanky striped tabby standing in the doorway. Shaggy headfur and a long goatee rested upon his smiling but vacant face, mixed with warm eyes hidden behind green 'pince nez' sunglasses. His clothes were baggy, much like Felix on a day to day, but he stood with a confidence the leopard rarely ever mimicked. Standing out most, however, was the deep purple fur running all across his body.

"Felix!" His father called, hugging his son with half a foot of height over him. Felix's tail shot up at the sudden grab, but he did nothing to push away. He knew it was better to get accustomed to his dad's antics than fight against them.

And he didn't hate getting hugged. "Hey dad," Felix mumbled into the older cat's apron, "Sorry we're late."

"Late?" The cat checked his watch, "Bah, you're early. Could have sworn you were gonna be here at 5."

"It's 5:15. We hit traffic."

"Huh?" He let go, squinting over to his watch, "I got 4:15. Huh...must have forgotten to set the time for a bit. Explains why I've been late to my classes." He laughed. Seeing Tiffany, the cat stepped over and extended his palm, "And you must be Tiffany. The name's Chester, and I can't wait to learn more about you." The cat said, taking her hand. "Felix has been awfully quiet about his love life," Chester pulled her in closer and whispered aloud, "Personally, I think he's embarrassed of us. But I think I'm doing a great job if I'm embarrassing."

"Dad." Felix said, drawn out and blushing. Last thing he needed was for his father to get meta with his girlfriend.

Tiffany blushed, covering her mouth to avoid showing her teeth to Chester. Not that the old cat took notice, stepping aside and bowing graciously for the shark, "You can find my honey in the living room. I'll meet you all there shortly, got to make sure the turkey is cooking right."

"Turkey? We're actually having turkey this year?"

Chester winked, "Yeah, your mother's idea in fact. She wanted to challenge me with a 'normal' type of holiday dish. I figured I could give it a shot, maybe even add my own personal kick to it."

"What kind of kick we talking, Mr. Rose?"

"Where?!" Chester cried out, twisting with mock fear. Tiffany stood straight, Felix sighed as his father smiled. "Sorry. Mr. Rose is my father. You can just keep calling me Chester."

"Dad...for the love of god people might think you hate Granddad."

"Bah," He brushed the worry aside, "Dad and I have our differences, but he's mellowed out. I'll probably get him some fancy beers for christmas. But look at me ramble, get in here you two!" After taking Tiffany's jacket, Chester stopped Felix and softly whistled. "I like her. She's got a nice positive vibe going."

"Yeah," Felix said, watching Tiffany in passing, "She really does."

"Plus she's tall. I knew that'd rub off ya."

"Dad, oh my god..."

Not much had changed since he'd last visited. Same mixture of fanciful furniture and relaxing bean bags that contrasted the differences between his mother and father. Tiffany, he noted, looked at everything with a perplexed eye, unable to see the order inside the chaos. Though Felix couldn't blame her, this kind of chaos was something he had grown up with.

Tiffany wasn't kidding when she said how fragile her dress felt. Every step she made was constrained by her own mind rather than her clothes. No doubt she wanted to tear it off, even behind that warm smile. Felix wondered if he should compliment her more, but with how much she hated the dress that might have been a bad idea.

Mother waited for them in the living room, enjoying a cup of tea while watching something on TV. She paused it when they entered, the tall leopardess carrying an icy gaze towards the shark. "You must be Tiffany." His mother said, putting her tea down to stand up in her cool blue dress. Judging by the bright shine to her fur and how smooth her long headfur wafted with her movements, the snow leopard had been to the salon recently. With amber eyes she reached for Tiffany's hand, "Weiss. Though most people call me, Mrs Rose."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Rose." Tiffany said, gleefully shaking her hand, "I could have sworn you were Felix's sister."

"I'd hope not." She responded with an authoritative smirk. "There's a certain grace to aging and getting carded at a bar is rather annoying." She said, reaching for her son's cheeks while keeping her gaze on Tiffany, "Where do you find such an...observant girl?"

"A-asking the big questions already, mom?" He said, inching away from the leopardess's pinch.

"It's not rude to be a little curious. We cats have nine lives for a reason."

"I've got five left!" Chester shouted from the kitchen.

Felix casted a worried eye at Tiffany, who in turn did the same. They both knew the full details of their first encounter were rather inappropriate, and borderline creepy if they both thought about it. "We met at the gym." She said. His heart tightened in suspense at the immediate questions that would follow.

"The gym?" Weiss asked, "Well that's peculiar. I've never known Felix to be the exercising type."

"Well you know..." He scratched the back of his head, hoping his finger could dig for ideas, "I just wanted to..."

"Bulk up." the shark said. "He wanted to bulk up, and I saw him struggling with some weights. So I helped out."

"Bulk up?" His mother looked at him with a worried puot, "Felix, sweetie, I thought we've been over this? You're fine just how you are."

"I...I know..." Felix muttered, staring down at the floor for no reason but to avoid his mother's caring, but overall judgemental view, "I just...I was in a bit of a dark place that day and I wanted to..." he reached for his arm, feeling that thin little twig that it was compared to other guys, compared to Tiffany.

"T-that's what I told him." Tiffany said, "But it doesn't mean he couldn't exercise properly. He might have suffocated on the bench if I didn't come. And well, one thing leads to another and..." Tiffany reached behind to tug him closer, but pulled her grip back at the last second, "Well, we got talking, and then we went out on a real date."

With crossed arms and a stern gaze, Weiss's eyes darted back and forth between them. Felix grinded his teeth behind his lips, holding his hands behind his back to hide the twitching. What Tiffany said wasn't wrong, but they did leave out important details that, while his mother had no business of knowing, were impactful to their relationship. Like the cage he was wearing.

"Are you cold dear?" She asked Tiffany, "You're practically shivering."

"Cold? No, not at all." Tiffany said, reaching to scratch her back but stopping for fear of ripping her dress, "It's just, well...I need to use the bathroom. Sorry, I didn't want to be rude."

"Rude? Oh heavens no," His mother looked appalled at the insinuation, "By all means, you're our guest. Guest bathroom is down the hall, but I'd suggest the one in Felix's room." She pointed a single sharp claw to the hall, "Down there to the right you'll find a staircase. Felix can take care of the rest."

"Y-yep," He said with a hasty nod. Gently but quickly, he nudged along his unresisting girlfriend, walking out of sight and back to his old bedroom. It hadn't changed since he'd last been here, filled with nerdy paraphernalia like D&D posters, anime figurines, and some collections of manga on a nearby bookshelf. Frankly, it was the least embarrassing place he felt around the house.

Tiffany collapsed onto the bed, "Holy shit...your mother is intense." She took a deep breath, "Like...I don't mean she's a bad person but there's something about her that puts me on edge. No one has stared at me that long without smiling outside of my goddamn manager. Is this dress too tight?" The shark started pulling at the cloth, stretching but careful not to rip, "She didn't see the muscles you think? Gah, I can't even do sit-ups in this."

"Sit-ups?" Felix asked, staring at her in surprise. Sure his mother had an intensity to her, but didn't all mothers have that? The way Tiffany was acting almost felt...felt like him.

She nodded, "Yeah. I exercise when I'm stressed. Though I can't do that in this stupid dress because of how fucking tight it is."

"Tiff, it's ok." He said, sitting down next to her, "Really, they aren't gonna be bothered by your looks."

"I...I know..." She sighed, "Deep down, I think I believe that. It's just...well, I expect them to. I'm used to it when meeting new people. That little dead eyed look of shock when the tall muscle bound shark herm walks on in. But I didn't get that. It just feels..." Hugging herself, the shark spoke in a low pitch, "It should feel good but I'm freaking out."

Felix added his hug to her own, wrapping his pink furred arms around what he could of her. "It's ok, honey." He whispered, "I'd share some spare clothes with you if I could, but I have nothing in your size."

She smiled, leaning back and taking him with her down to the bed, "I can stomach it for a day or two. Especially for you." Looking around, her eyes fell on one particular D&D poster. Standing in the middle was a cow warrior woman dressed in feral furs and loincloths and carrying a wicked axe above herself. "Oh? Who's this?"

"Oh, her? I don't know, just a fantasy character."

She looked around more, finding several adventurous and strong women doting the walls, ", cutie, did you have a bit of a muscle girl fetish?"

"W-what?" He stammered, eyeing the Dungeon and Dragons posters around his room. He'd never been particular into fit girls, but all the painting the pictures made may have told something else. "No." Felix blushed, averting his eyes from the amber gaze of his girlfriend. She smiled in his peripheral vision, that big sharp toothy grin edging closer and closer until both arms were at his shoulders and pushing him down against his queen sized bed.

"You sure?" She whispered, their cheeks inches from touch, "You never imagined one of these scantily clad heroines bringing you into their...I don't know, mead hall, to ravish you?" The leopard's heart shook his body. The barbs of his cock scratched against his cage, sending an insufferable pinch of pleasure coursing through him. He opened his mouth to answer, but her tongue silenced him, stepping into his mouth as if she damned well owned it. A hand pressed against his chest and slowly crawled, fingers prodding along his stomach until reaching his pants and slipping under to embrace his cage.

"I'm gonna enjoy this tonight." Tiffany whispered, her breath drifting down his ear, "This...let's say this barbarian queen is going to claim her prize in their own bed."

" don't..." He spoke between pants, the grip on his cage drove him nearly mad, "You don't need to do roleplay." Felix felt her cock harden against him through her dress. Knowing Tiffany, it had the strength to ruin it if she wanted.

"Aww...but it's fun." She teased, "Either way, tonight I'm fulfilling a big fantasy. I've always wanted to fuck someone in their parents house. Bonus points for the parents being home."

"Didn't get lucky in highschool?"

Tiffany paused, her smile fading, "No..." The shark said, bereft of her sensual candor, "Wasn't allowed to." She let go, sitting back up and leaving a confused and aroused Felix lying there. Confused, aroused, and feeling a swift combination of stupid and guilty."

"I didn't...Tiff I didn't mean."

"I know." She said, staring up at the ceiling, "It's just...I'm confused is all."


She squinted, "Yeah. Confused."


"Your parents." She said, "Like, yeah your mom has an ice queen vibe going on, but beyond that they seem like nice people. And I don't mean nice only for company. Like...ok I've only visited once so I can't know all the bad things they might have done."

"Bad things? They never did anything that bad. I mean...I've been grounded before, but only for like a day."

"Then why..." She sighed, "Sorry, I just...well I guess I don't understand why you're so nervous around them."

"Cause they're embarrassing." He said matter of factly.

"Yeah, sure. But they love you."

"Aren't parents supposed to?"

The stare she gave him was the coldest he ever felt around her. Slumping her shoulders, she reached around and pulled him in. She opened up to speak, but she closed it before saying anything. Instead they cuddled, keeping close to each other until dinner was called.

"You can head down first." She said.

"Tiff, are you ok."

"I'm fine." She said with a soft smile, "I just need to pee. I'll be right with you."


Felix had never seen someone enjoy his father's cooking as much as Tiffany. Throughout dinner she showered him with compliments, from the herb spiced turkey, to the freshly baked rolls. Even so, he knew she was holding back. Being a shark, and having all that muscle mass, he'd noticed her appetite was rather voracious. Mom kept watching the two of them, eyes like a feral beast watching its prey.

"You know, I can share with you some recipes if you'd like," His father said while leaning back into his chair, "Felix never showed much interest beyond the basics."

"That's not true," His mother said, grasping her husband's hand in comfort, "He used to love helping you cook as a child. You even had a special apron for him and everything." Drumming his fingers, Felix tried to hold back his blush at the memory.

"You're right." His father said, being struck with the memory, "Back then he wanted to learn everything that made you smile. Which of course, meant copying everything I did."

"Not everything, dear." She stared at Chester with a warm amber gaze, "Not everything." Tiffany blinked, looking over to her boyfriend then going wide eyed at the realization. Felix wished his dad still had a zen garden to bury his head in.

"Well, that's dinner. How would you two like some pie for desert?"

"Yes." Tiffany blurted, coughing to regain her posture before asking, "Did you make it yourself?"

Chester shook his head, "No. Thanksgiving prep takes a lot of time, and I like to support local businesses. Got the pie at a small little bakery in town."

"With icecream from the supermarket." Weiss said, "S'mores, fudge brownie, and vanilla."

The older cat blushed, "Well," He said with a soft chuckle, "I have my weaknesses. Anyway you kids want any?"

They both nodded. Weiss sipped from her tea, waiting until Chester left the room before asking, "So, Tiffany. What do you do for work?"

The shark froze. Felix's eyes shifted over, seeing his girlfriend silently panic at the question. Already he could tell that she believed 'punk rock drummer' wasn't an acceptable answer. Grabbing her hand, he smiled over and gave a silent nod, letting her know that she wasn't going to be judged.

"I...I'm a drummer, for a band."

"Oh?" His mother said, "What kind of band?"

"A...well a rock band."

"Bitchin," His father said, carrying three tubs of ice cream stacked atop each other on one hand, and a pumpkin pie in the other, "What ya rocking about?"

"Well, I don't know if it's appropriate," She forced a low giggle, "I mean, it's mostly just kind of stupid."

"How's music stupid?" Weiss said, cutting herself a slice, "I still practice my violin every now and then. Sometimes I sign up for orchestral venues, though I don't get anything like a first chair."

"I think you should." Chester said, plopping a fresh scoop of double fudge brownie onto her plate.

"I know you do dear, but I'm fine without it. Tiffany, dear, does your band have a name?"

She bit her lip, eye gazing over to Felix. Tiffany's grip tightened in his hand. He knew what needed to be done. "RockJaws." He answered, "She's the drummer for RockJaws. They're pretty up and coming, already have an album out with a publisher."

His father squinted at that, as if the name sounded familiar but he couldn't quite place it. "A publisher huh? Well, ya gotta make money these days if you wanna follow your dreams." Rubbing his chin, the purple cat looked over to the shark, deep in thought.

Tiffany nodded, "I mean, getting paid is great. But it's not like I'm making millions or anything. We've mostly been doing cover shows for bigger artists. But that might change in the future. And it's been a great platform for me."

"Oh?" His mother spoke with an inquisitive grin, "What do you do with that platform?"

"I..." She gulped, eyeing the slice Chester handed to her. Cheeks reddening, she looked over to Felix. He nodded back, not wanting her to feel trapped. "I...well I kind of..." her voice lowered to a murmur, "I talk about hermaphrodite rights..."

Chester snapped his fingers, "That's where I heard it from!" Everyone looked to him, Weiss with interest, Felix with confusion, and Tiffany with embarrassment. The cat smiled, "One of my fellow professors, Dr. Gerard, has been using the band RockJaws as a reference in his segment on the history of sexual rights. He is very talkative about it, to the dismay of my coworkers."

"T-talkative?" She asked, taking a fork to her pie, "In the bad way or good way?"

"Oh he likes your stuff. He's a really old hippie, older than me."

Weiss pinched his arm with a giggle, then turned to Tiffany with a small, if rather smug, smirk, "Sounds like you have a few ideas for the world."

"I mean...kind of, but's not something to talk about with my boyfriends parents, at least not right away."

"Why not?" Weiss asked.

"'s not appropriate."

Weiss leaned into the table and tented her fingers, "Dear, I'm a retired dominatrix. I've seen inappropriate and you aren't it." The shark started coughing on her pie. Felix blushed at his mother's brazen response, hiding his face from everyone. His mother looked puzzled. "Did my son not tell you?"

"No!" Felix shouted, "That's kind of weird to tell my girlfriend."

"Only if you make it weird," Chester said, taking a bite from his slice, "Besides, she's seen worse as a lawyer than as a dominatrix."


Felix's face burned from embarrassment throughout the rest of the night. His parents had done everything he was afraid they'd do. Show pictures, tell stories like how he wanted to be the pink ranger one halloween, and make him hate monopoly all over again. The only solace he had was Tiffany's wide smile and laughter through it all. The shark started out as a rigid tree wearing a thin dress. But now she was more like bamboo, bending without worry. She still hadn't rolled up her sleeves, but he wasn't going to force her.

"Ok, your parents are adorable." Tiffany said, pinching his ass as they ascended the stairs. He didn't answer on account of being too busy moaning with how handsy she was getting. By the time they got to his room, her arms were wrapped around him. She kissed his neck slowly, slipping a hand under his shirt to play with his nipples.

"S-someone's excited," Felix said, feeling her cock straining against his back.

"Oh very," Tiffany growled, "Cause now I get to fulfill that one fantasy I never got to."

She pushed him against the bed, crawling over his frail from. With both hands she shoved his head against her breasts, smothering him while her cock pushed against his chest. Felix's cock jerked in agony against his cage. Reaching around, he found the zipper and pulled down with a tight grip. "Does my beautiful boi want to have fun tonight?" Tiffany whispered. The leopard nodded, fighting the urge to dry hump his caged cock. He wanted his erection in her hands while she plowed him, to drive him crazier than he already was.

"Good. Cause I got the perfect thing for tonight." She said, tapping his nose, "Strip and lay flat on your stomach." Cold steel locked around his wrists as he laid down. Tiffany wanted full control of him tonight, and Felix happily obliged. Turning over, he watched the muscular shark strip out of the tight dress like it'd been holding her back. Her arms flexed freely, her abs finally showed in the room's light, and her cock bobbed in attention. Pursing her lips, she grabbed her meat with one hand and started stroking, "I see your attention, cutie." Tiffany said, stepping one foot against the bed and propping her hanging erection to his face, "You want this, don't you?"

"Yes." Felix said, speaking with confidence he'd been missing in the day to day.

"Yes who?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Her smile warmed his stomach, that poised and blushing smile growing bigger and bigger as the musk of her cock grew ever closer with each inch. "Good boi. Now open wide for me." She grabbed his head with the order, firm yet caring, the shark's cock pressed up against Felix's wanting lips and sunk past the leopard's tongue. He relaxed his throat and breathed in, letting him take her deep without gagging. A common thing he made sure to practice, just for her. "God, you're such a good learner." Tiffany said, "Your parents are home and you're chugging down on my cock without a care. What if they came in right now?"

He'd die of shock, that's what. Didn't stop him from sucking her off, looking up with lustful eyes and meeting her desiring gaze halfway. The way she held him there, Felix knew she could fuck him in the park in broad daylight and she's still keep him safe.

She pulled out, letting her boyfriend cough and sputter while she looked through her purse. "W-why'd you stop?" he asked, pre and saliva dripping from his lips.

Bent over, she winked and shook her ass while searching, letting her cock, balls, and tail wiggle, "Cause I wanted to get to part two." Tiffany said, pulling out a small pink vibrating wand from her purse, "And that's making you cum."

"With that?" Felix asked, "I know I'm more sensitive because of the cage, but I don't think that will work against my cock. Maybe against the head?"

"Oh Felix," She shook her head, "Poor innocent Felix. This isn't going against your head. No, this," the wand flared in her hand, "Is going against your cage."

"What?" He blinked, staring at the vibrating wand in her hand then back at her, "I thought it was coming off?" The leopard asked, coming off as more whiny than he intended.

Tiffany bit her lip, blushing and swaying her hips as she stepped over and gently pushed him down against the bed, "Oh, it'll come off. When we're cleaning it."

"Tiff...I don't know if that's gonna work."

"Oh, it'll work." She said, hovering the toy over his cage, "I've done this a few times. I just want you to get a taste of cumming inside that cage, and I'm sure you're pent up."

His girlfriend wasn't wrong. It had been a solid while since he came, and he'd been practicing with his roommate's dildos in secret to help train his prostate. And Felix would be lying if he said he wasn't uninterested in the prospect of what she had planned. Their lips met again, her weight pushing over him as the wand buzzed against his cage.

His barbs scratched against the trembling walls. Gasping out, his fingers clenched behind him. "Breathe, Felix." Tiffany whispered, stroking his headfur, "Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Let it build, honey." The rattling of his lock rang in his ears, loud enough for his anxiety to scream that mom and dad could hear it. But he blocked it out, trusting his girlfriend and taking heavy, intoxicating breaths. She rolled the wands head up and down his cage, bracing under his balls to the edge of his crotch. The pleasure built up with no erection to show for it. Tiffany kept him steady, spooning him as her arm locked him tight. Her throbbing hard cock pressed against his back.

"F-fuck me..." He pleaded, grinding against her tool, "Please...Tiff...fuck m-me."

"Don't worry, your mistress will fuck you." The shark sensually whispered, "After you cum, like a good boi. Tell me when you're close."

Minutes of intense vibration passed him by. She bit his ear, gently toying with it. "I'm close..." He uttered.

"You're close, who?"

"I'm close, mistress." Felix corrected, gulping to swallow his mistake, "May I cum?"

"Of course. You don't need my permission when locked up."

The wave shook his body. Tiffany's strong hand held his maw tight, muffling his moans as the leopard's orgasm hit. Cum spurted inside his cage, streaming from the urethra hole for two shots before turning to a steady drip. She pulled the wand away, freeing him from its torment. "How'd you like your first erectionless orgasm?"

He looked up to her loving gaze, giving a tired but warm smile. Resting into her chest, he whispered out, "Loved it. My dick feels slimy though."

"Well yeah, it's covered in cum." Tiffany chuckled, one hand over the cage with her finger against the hole, "Hmm...maybe we should try a sounding cage?"

"A what?"

"Oh well it's like a regular chastity cage. But it has this little rod you stick up your-"

"No." He said flatly, "At least...not today."

"Well of course not today, silly. It's something to work towards. But," Wrapping her arms around his waist, she squeezed him tight, "We can discuss that later." They laid there, nestled atop his childhood bed. Felix remembered so many nights he went to bed angry, sad, and ashamed. Hating how feminine he was. But now, in her muscular arms, the pink leopard never felt happier.

"So, ready for round two?" She asked, joyfully dry humping him.

Felix answered with a smug smirk and a nod. "Waiting on you."


"I can be quiet."

Weiss rolled her eyes at her husband's whining. Gag in hand, she stood at the bottom of the bed to admire her work. Nothing fancy, just a simple tie to each corner or the bed, leaving Chester splayed out before her naked save for the play collar locked around his neck. The ballgag hung from her fingers, swinging like a pendulum while she took in the image. From how his cock twitched, her husband grew impatient.

"No. You can't." Weiss argued, crawling up from the foot of the bed. Their bodies grinding against one another, still excitable even after all the years of marriage. While the youthful spark had died, it made way for a long lasting cool burn. "And normally, that's ok. But I don't want Felix and his girlfriend hearing us fuck. You saw how he blushed at dinner, how she blushed."

"It was adorable, wasn't it?" Chester smiled, "I mean, I bet she looks really intimidating outside of that dress, but she's such a sweetheart." She nodded, though Weiss found the dress to be rather odd with the shark's demeanor. She walked around as if she were wearing paper, afraid to rip at the slightest movement.

"I suppose so. She looked rather uncomfortable though." She said, laying down next to her husband and forgetting their play. "Something about her felt...well she looked scared of me."

"Dear, you have trouble turning off the, as the kids say, big dick domme energy."

"I don't know what that is, and I do...Oh...OH..." Her eyes opened wide with shock, blush forming under her white facial fur, "Oh my god, I must have looked like one of those evil in-laws from terrible romcoms."

"Terribly good rom coms."

"Oh, shut up." She playfully slapped his chest, "No wonder she looked so terrified of me at dinner."

"In your defense, she probably imagined the worst. From what info I dug up on her, it seems like she's not really a dress person."

"Info? What? Did you do a dive on TMZ?"

He shrugged what little his bond limbs allowed, "Something like that. It's not always accurate, but I am a math professor. Putting two and two together is in my job. But, if I had to guess, our little angel didn't tell her that much about us and she figured it was best to dress and impress. Combined with your big dick domme-"

"Don't call it that." She said. His big smile told Weiss she'd be making his ass red throughout the week.

"Combined with 'that' and she probably got stressed out. Course I can tell you like her."

Weiss squinted her eyes at the observation, "What's that supposed to mean? Am I not supposed to like people who make my son happy? I'm not some obnoxious inlaw. I just come off as...cold sometimes."

"Well snow is in your descriptor."

"Ok, that's enough out of you." Weiss said, locking the purple ballgag into her husband's maw, "I'll make a point to have a chat with her in the morning. But for now, you need to stay quiet so those two won't-'' Her ears perked up, and soon his followed. Listening carefully, they heard the rhythmic creaking of the upstairs bed, and moans muffled by distance and doors. Their son's moans. Chester wiggled his eyebrows, smiling behind his gag as she grabbed his maw, "They're young, they can be rude at least once."


Yawning, Tiffany stretched her arms as she rose from Felix's covers. Hair raggled, she peeked through her side bangs, finding her little spoon of a boyfriend still sleeping peacefully. She thought about waking him, but that'd end his cute little expression and she wanted to savor that just a little longer. Stepping out of bed, Tiffany headed to the bathroom to freshen up. A large purple bathrobe caught her eye, hanging on the doorknob with a note stuffed into one of the belt loops that read, 'To Tiffany'. Curious, she unfurled the letter and read it.

'Feel free to use. You didn't look comfortable in your dress. Breakfast is waiting.'

Fitting herself into the cozy morning robe, Tiffany followed the scent of bacon and pancakes down the steps to the main floor. Weiss was waiting for her there, eyes focused on a newspaper with coffee in one hand, leering towards the shark as she entered. "Morning, dear." The snow leopard sipped from her mug, "Sleep well?"

"I'm sure she was too exhausted not to." Chester said, sliding a plate of pancakes with three strips of bacon to his wife. The purple furred cat wore nothing save for his apron and a pair of boxers, showing off his lithe body that only confirmed how closely Felix related to him. Tiffany blushed, unable to figure out what she could say as she took her place across from Felix's mother, dressed in the same bathrobe.

Weiss rolled up her newspaper and playfully bopped her husband, "You be nice. I'm scary enough without your jokes."

"Just trying to break the tension, my precious ice queen."

Weiss's ears furled at the compliment, "Y-yes, well..." She paused with a long awkward gulp, long enough for Tiffany to get her own dish of fresh pancakes and bacon. The grease still sizzled. The shark could have her cheat day a little early, right? "Tiffany," the leopard asked, catching the shark's attention, "I've noticed that you've been rather...uncomfortable in my presence."

"Uncomfortable?" Tiffany shook her head in haste, "Me? No, no. Nothing of the-"

Weiss's cold glare made the nickname all the more apparent, "Lying does not become you."

"Extremely." Tiffany admitted, "B-but it's not your fault, Mrs. I just-"

"You were raised in a rather strict household if I had to guess, right?" She asked, smiling at Tiffany's nod. "Do you remember how I play the violin? Well, my family sort of...forced me to do it. It was but one of the many small extra tasks I had to master in order to be a 'presentable' woman when I became of age. I had a strict schedule of when to get up, when to exercise, when to sleep, and even what I could eat and how much of it was planned out. I lived in a rather gilded cage until," With a snap of her fingers, Chester stood behind and rested his chin atop her head, "This goofball entered my life. Because of this charming little jester, I was able to figure out what I liked doing, and what my folks liked me doing."

"And they certainly don't like me."

She petted his cheek. "Oh please, father sends you brandy every year. Cheap brandy, but at least he tries. Anyway," Weiss returned her gaze back to the stilted sharkgirl, "I made a vow that I didn't want to make people feel like they couldn't be themselves around me, especially in personal settings. But I failed to turn off my..." rolling her eyes, the leopard sighed as she said, "Big dick domme energy, as my husband calls it, and gave you a bit of a fright. I just want to clear the room and say that, so long as Felix is happy with you being you, I'm happy with you being you. Neither of you should pretend around us. If you can't be yourself around family, why even call us that?"

Family. The original context of that word had been a bitter one for Tiffany throughout her life. It was only after she joined her band that the word had anything positive associated with it. But to hear it from Felix's mother, seeing those warm smiles and welcoming eyes, it took everything for Tiffany not to tear up at the spot.

"Morning everyone," Felix groaned on his way to the table, headfur still messy from last night.

Chester smirked at his son's arrival, "Mornin, son. Hope you two were using a condom last night."

Tiffany blinked, blurting out without thinking about it, "Why would his tongue need a condom?"

Weiss bursted into a laugh, "Oh, I like her!"

Roadie Chapter 9: A New Look

It started out like any other morning. Alarm off, the urge to stay in bed despite it, and the regretful rise to actually waking in the new day. Yawning wide and stretching, the pink leopard went about his usual morning routine. Showering, brushing...

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RockJaws: Connie Gets Coffee

"One black with whip and one Pumpkin spice latte with a shot of espresso," Connie ordered, barely glancing up from her phone. Vicky had sent her the newest set of lyrics to work with, along with concepts and ideas on how the song should sound. First...

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Sissy Training Center Chapter 2: Orientation

Jamie sank his head into his shoulders. Everyone he arrived with, like him, had been forced to wear these girly outfits and no doubt had their dicks locked up. Judging by how some of them walked, it wasn't exactly comfortable for them. It took Jamie a...

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