A Bit of Confidence

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#38 of All They Knew

Ruki felt disappointed in himself. He couldn't even look Sylmi's way. That was an ordeal.

"Vee..." Sylmi eyed Ruki with concern and placed a ribbon on his back. He attempted reassuring Ruki that his apprehensiveness was nothing to be ashamed of. Sylmi wasn't experienced in that department either.

Still, Ruki kept his eyes on the floor. He was beating himself up over this and likely would for a while. It could have gone so much smoother.


Skye stepped out of the elevator with Aaron behind her and paced toward the lounge. "I know they're fine. I just never leave him on his own."

"I get it. Sylmi is usually with me as well." Aaron kept up with her speed.

Skye noticed the espeon Ruki was eyeing earlier and her trainer walking past her and Aaron as they strolled through the lobby, likely to the elevator, but it wasn't her primary focus.

Ruki exhaled, hoping Skye would return soon. He wanted to leave the lounge. He felt tense. Fortunately, Ruki saw her appear at the doorway in moments.

"Hey, Ruki!" She grinned at first but quickly noticed how sad his expression was, causing it to fade just as quickly. Skye approached and crouched in front of him, Aaron watching some feet away. "Ruki... what's wrong, what happened?"

He scooted closer and leaned his forehead on her chest

"Baby..." Skye felt guilty already for leaving him down here. "Give me something," she said, using her right hand to slowly tilt his chin up.

Ruki's eyes were slightly sorrowful as he looked at her. He just wanted comfort.

That's when the espeon came to Skye's mind. They had to have come from the lounge. They were walking from that direction. "...Was it the espy from earlier, Ruki?"

He didn't give her a direct answer and instead looked off to the side.


Fortunately, Sylmi caught her eye from behind and nodded.

"Damnit..." Skye mumbled and stood, jogging past Aaron out the doorway and looking ahead into the lobby. She walked and entered it, but there was no way she'd see them among crowds of people. Skye felt terrible. The one time she left Ruki alone, this unfolded, although she didn't know what exactly happened. Skye sighed and walked back to the lounge, approaching Aaron this time. "What time is it?"

"Nearly four, is something up?" Aaron asked. He had no idea what was going on and had been watching the situation silently.

"Ruki saw this female espeon he seemed to be into, and they were in here. Something happened between them when we left, but I'm sure I could have helped. It's not like Ruki can talk to a trainer. I feel bad," said Skye. She watched Sylmi rub Ruki's back with his ribbon and attempt some more words of reassurance.

"Well, when are you two leaving?"

"Before dark, so near six in about two hours," Skye replied.

"Okay... we still have time. They can show up by chance." Aaron took her right hand into both of his and gave it a light squeeze.

"It makes it worse because he evolved just months ago. He and I are close, but I know he needs more than me now. I know it." She stared at Ruki while speaking.

"We're assuming the espeon likes him back, right?"

"Either way, I know he didn't get a proper chance... Come on."

Some minutes later, they were back in the lobby chairs. Skye and Ruki sat a few tables away from Aaron and Sylmi as she wanted a moment with him.

"Ruki, you aren't hurt, right?" Skye asked.

He looked up at her and shook his head. It wasn't her fault. Skye didn't know that would happen.

She slid off the chair and kneeled in front of him. "I'm still sorry, okay? I feel like I should have been there." Skye placed her hand on the back of his neck and kissed the top of his head.

"Nine." Ruki grinned slightly and leaned in to nuzzle her arm with his cheek. He didn't think he could ever be upset with Skye, especially when it wasn't her fault.

"We've gotta leave soon. I'm gonna call and buy our ticket for a quarter to six, so we've got two hours," she said while pulling her phone out of her pocket. Skye beckoned Aaron and Sylmi over with her hand since she was done.

They did, and as they approached, Ruki noticed Sylmi sit beside Aaron, who was next to Skye, but he took a few glances at Ruki beforehand. Sylmi didn't know how Ruki was feeling and obviously didn't want to be a bother. "Nin!" he called him over.

Sylmi's ears perked, and he trotted over, sitting in front of Ruki and looking up.

"Nin, nine." He leaned down and gave Sylmi a soft nuzzle atop his head with his cheek, a thank you for his encouragement and reassurance earlier.

Sylmi grinned warmly and pressed his cheek up against Ruki's chest for a couple of seconds. He was glad he was able to help Ruki. Sylmi liked him-- a lot.

Skye's side was leaning against Aaron's shoulder. She was resting before the walk they had to take to the ferry soon. "I can't wait to be in my bed." She quietly yawned.

Aaron's left arm was loosely hugging her waist. "You'll sleep well. You were active all day."

"Mhm, it was a lot of fun. I'm really glad you're here," Skye said. It still felt somewhat unreal that their relationship had progressed this far. She hoped it would continue to this smoothly.


Within fifteen minutes, Skye dozed off against Aaron, and he didn't dare move an inch while she slept. He just ensured he was holding her up adequately so she wouldn't fall while gazing at her. Aaron had never fallen in genuine love prior to Skye. He'd only ever had a few crushes, but he was always far too anxious to act on them-- just as he was with Skye. Aaron got lucky she was outgoing and friendly all around.

She woke up shortly, however, still very tired. Aaron offered to buy her a coffee before she left for a small burst of energy because of it, and Skye stayed behind with Ruki and Sylmi this time while he went. So, now she was sitting beside Aaron with a caramel frappuccino in hand. "Thanks again for the coffee. I needed it more than I thought." She also gave both Ruki and Sylmi a pokébean. That should hold Ruki off until they got to the ferry.

"I could tell. You should take two days to rest," Aaron said.

"Maybe... but I don't want your time here going to waste."

"It won't. Trust me." He grinned and glanced over at Sylmi but saw Ruki staring in the direction of the lobby's east section. "Skye..." he said after following Ruki's eyes.



She briefly scanned the lobby before her eyes fell onto the espeon and her trainer talking to the receptionist at the counter. The trainer held a small black briefcase in her right hand this time. They were likely checking out.

Ruki gave Vivi terrible impressions already. Thinking about them mentally turned him away, but she was so cute. He slowly stood, looking over at Skye, who gave him a slight smile and eyes that encouraged him to go for it. What could go wrong? Well, everything, but on the bright side, he'd never see her again if he failed three times in a row. Ruki started his walk forward, slipping through individuals and a small crowd before making it to the end of the resting area. The lobby's desk was straight ahead, but he felt sick to his stomach. This was far too new to him, but before he could contemplate for too long, Vivi turned around and looked at Ruki with curiosity. She must have felt him. Psychic types.

She glanced up at her trainer as if to ask permission, but she was currently busy, so Vivi slowly approached a far too anxious Ruki and stood several steps away.

"He knows what he's doing. He helped me a lot." Skye kept her grin.

"N-Nine," he greeted for a second time with his name. Ruki went on to tell her about how he'd seen her throughout the day, and how he found her beautiful-- which was the hardest part. He stuttered multiple times.

"Espe..." She grinned timidly and studied him for a moment. He was quite bigger than she was, but that wasn't an issue. Vivi remembered him from earlier and found both instances cute looking back. She could tell he was a sweetheart by his aura alone.

"Vivi... huh?" Her trainer turned around and saw the same ninetales again, this time going and kneeling beside Vivi. "You must really like my girl, hm?"

"That's my cue! Here," Skye said and handed Aaron her drink before getting up.

"Do you have a trainer?"

"Yes, hi," Skye said warmly upon walking up.

Ruki felt instant relief now that Skye was there with him.

"I... think he may like Vivi. I've seen him twice around her now." Vivi's trainer watched their friendly interaction.

"Can I pull you over here for a moment?" asked Skye.

"Sure..." And they stepped aside so their pokémon weren't in earshot.

"So, Ruki, my ninetales, recently evolved months ago and is a hundred percent new to the idea of love and attraction. He saw Vivi a few times today, and I could tell she put a spell over him," Skye explained. "My name is Skye, by the way."

"Ah, that makes sense. Lexi, nice to meet you." She stuck her hand out, and Skye took it. Lexi saw Vivi's tail sway from side to side while talking to Ruki, which she did when content. "Do you live in this region?"

"Hau'oli city, not too far."

"Oh, we're in KoniKoni. It's a few miles west. Okay... so we're both in Alola. Why don't we exchange numbers, then? Vivi's always been a bit of a loner, so this is interesting. She's always reading personalities. Kind of a cheat code."

"That sounds great," said Skye while pulling out her phone.

"I'll be eighteen in a month. Maybe we can work something out then," Lexi said.

"I know how that is. I turned eighteen months ago and went on my first trip away from home." They exchanged numbers and saved them, then there was a beat of silence." Well, I don't mean to keep you two from being on your way. Have a safe walk."

"You too. See you around. Come on, Viv'," Lexi called and headed toward the exit.

Skye waited until they were out the door before kneeling in front of Ruki. "Yess, Ruki! I'm so proud of you, baby." She squeezed his cheeks with her hands and giggled. "You just needed a bit of confidence and kindness, and your looks and charm did the rest for ya."

And her, he needed her. "Nini!" Ruki's tails swayed quicker than usual. He exhaled deeply, still shaken up.

"We exchanged numbers. Hopefully, we keep in touch." Skye stood and walked back toward Aaron, Ruki following behind.

Sylmi could tell by Ruki's joyful demeanor that it went well. He was excited for him.


Skye spent the next half-hour beside Aaron, and Ruki with Sylmi, although Ruki was sitting between Skye's legs. She wanted to leave early to ensure they didn't miss the ferry. They now stood out front by the pools under the light purple evening sky, Skye facing him. "Sucks we have to go, but the day was priceless, really."

"Of course, it was the most fun I've had in Alola so far... Want me to walk you two to the ferry?" Aaron asked.

"It's fine; you and Sylmi go rest." She held his wrists and grinned.

"Can you at least call me when you two are safely onboard?"

"Mhm. Bye... for now." Skye leaned up and gave his lips a soft and quick parting kiss.

Aaron leaned into it at the last second. He would have reacted better if he was prepared. "Bye." He grinned.

Ruki and Sylmi exchanged their usual paw to ribbon shake, and Ruki again thanked Sylmi for him being with him earlier. That helped reinforce their friendship. Afterward, he followed Skye down the steps, and they were on their way.

Battling Wulfric

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Closer and Farther

"It's been two days already. A week flies," Skye said while they stood in the elevator going up. "That's how I felt while you were in Sinnoh..." Aaron leaned against the wall. "I was afraid I'd lose you forever. Made me anxious during the last few...

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