Closer and Farther

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#37 of All They Knew

"It's been two days already. A week flies," Skye said while they stood in the elevator going up.

"That's how I felt while you were in Sinnoh..." Aaron leaned against the wall. "I was afraid I'd lose you forever. Made me anxious during the last few days."

She grinned. "Really? You should've told me sooner, nearly did."

The elevator doors opened, and they exited, Aaron leading down the west hall with red carpeting past many doors. His was the tenth room on the right side. "Wasn't in me. I was stuck on everything I liked about you, and it kept increasing the more time I spent around you... It's hard to confess to someone when they're everything you've ever wanted." Aaron stopped at his door and felt her eyes on him as he reached into his pocket for the keycard, so he stopped to look over.

Skye was slightly smiling, but her eyes held her words. So did her cheeks, as a visible and gentle blush was on them. "Go ahead..."

Aaron took out the card and slipped it into the reader on the door, despite him wanting to take a longer pause and admire her expression. He pushed it open and stepped aside. "You first," he said.

"Thank you." Skye entered and looked around. It was about as classy as she expected. A half-sized gray marble-floored kitchen with an island in the center was at the far right of the room. A queen-sized mattress with white bedding and a nightstand holding a ceramic lamp was to the left, and two TV's were mounted on the wall above the entrance before the kitchen. Straight ahead must be the view Aaron referred to. There was a large window straight ahead with white curtains draped over it.


Ruki still hadn't budged from his spot. He hadn't a clue how to approach the espeon. He felt something tap his lower back and turned his head.

"Syl, veon." Sylmi attempted to give Ruki some courage. It was easier for him to say, however.

Ruki watched her trainer exchange money for a few items. Time wasn't on his side. He may have to take Sylmi's advice.


Skye walked to the window and pushed the curtain over, letting in some sun. "You were right..." Beyond were massive rocky mountains and expansive grassy fields surrounding them. Located slightly west was the Royal Avenue, housing the blue Battle Royal Dome. Skye could see its road and the garden before it. There were a few dirt paths leading to several structures, including the Pokémon Center and mart. In the garden's center was a large rounded hedge with pink flowers. If they had more time, Skye would take time to sufficiently admire it all.

"Priceless, right?" Aaron stood to her right.

"Yeah, I've never seen the Royal Avenue like this before." She grinned and gently held his wrist. "Remember when we were in front of my parents' door..." Skye turned to him, eyeing his face. "And you briefly kissed me?"

"I'll never forget," Aaron replied, giving her his full attention.

"Kiss me again... properly," Skye nearly whispered. She knew it was straightforward, but they had to get back to the lounge, and she wanted another taste.

This was the perfect time, and as Aaron gazed into her mesmerizing orbs, he couldn't resist anyway. He hugged her waist with his left arm and slowly pulled her toward him. Aaron reached his other hand up and placed his palm on her cheek, brushing a few strands of hair behind her ear and further tilting her head up.

Skye loved very much being his hold. She held his side with her right hand and leaned up toward his face.

Aaron completed the distance, pressing his lips against hers for a second time. He exhaled silently and pulled her closer, so her stomach touched his. He felt both internal and external bliss as Skye kissed him delicately.

She didn't cut it short this time. "Mh..." Skye slightly tilted her head and deepened their kiss, slowly closing her eyes and leaning her cheek against his hand. She placed her left palm on his chest.

Skye's short-lived moan turned him on more than he already was. Aaron continued kissing her, their mini session growing only slightly rougher and much hotter. He felt and heard her breath get denser by the second.

Skye pulled her hand away from his side and grabbed Aaron's wrist again, slipping his hand under her shirt while they made out. She wanted him to explore her for a minute, just a minute.

And Aaron would, but he first pulled Skye a few steps away from the window and set her back against the wall, where he broke the kiss, letting them both catch their breath.

Skye glanced at his hand as he slowly traced his fingers up and pressed into her side, sighing softly and leaning her head back on the wall while eyeing his face. She told him with her soft gaze she liked him in control.


The espeon's trainer and the cashier had struck up a friendly conversation, which bought Ruki more time to think of an approach, but he officially had no more. Ruki nervously shifted his front paws as they walked toward his direction, and just after the espeon passed, Ruki barely squeezed out a word. "Ni!--" a rushed greeting.

The espeon's ears perked, and she stopped, curiously turning around to eye Ruki.

Well, that froze him in place. He wasn't at all prepared. Ruki fought himself to get another word out, but nothing came to mind. It was a blank slate.

"Vivi!" Its trainer called ahead at the doorway, and Ruki watched the espeon turn back and slip away. So much for second impressions.


"Huh..." Skye took steady breaths through her mouth as both of Aaron's hands gently ran up her waist and sides, stopping at her chest beneath her bra, and pulling her shirt up in the process. It was physical bliss, although it was nothing compared to what more it could be.

He leaned in and kissed her lips with passion once more while holding her. He loved this girl.

Skye leaned in, holding it for several seconds. She exhaled and grinned timidly after he broke it. They couldn't possibly continue. "We should go back..."


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