Hypnovember 15 - Serve

Story by FelineSleepy on SoFurry

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#15 of Hypno Stories

All characters are 18+

Cole awoke with a start. Something was wrong. He sat up and looked in the full-length mirror at the foot of his bed. He didn't normally sleep in the nude and yet there was a very naked, wide-framed tanuki staring back at him, the thickness of his stomach only matched by the girth of his limbs. Even so, the nudity wasn't what bothered him. Or perhaps it was. Cole couldn't be sure. Either way, examining his reflection, he knew it was somehow incorrect. Like looking at a photo of oneself from two years earlier, the image was distorted from how it should have appeared.

Where is it? What is it? He patted down his stomach. No, that didn't feel right. His hands trailed over his wide hips, clasping over his cock and balls. He needed to cover those up at some point, but they weren't the main issue. The tanuki scrambled to find what part of him had gone missing, panic setting in as he realized how empty he felt without...whatever piece had disappeared.

Then at last he caught sight of it. No longer holding his breath, he bent over and scooped up the bowtie that had fallen at his bedside. It must have come undone in his sleep. Only when that soft fabric fastened and closed round his neck did his shoulders go slack. He collapsed back into the soft downy bed crisis averted. Soon, he would get up, shower, slip on his formal speedo and get to his wonderful work. Looking at the clock, he had fifteen more minutes to lounge--fifteen more minutes to revel in the soothing tightness around his neck.


Keoni's Cove, a resort along a tropical coast that no map could locate, was built along a vast marina composed of intricate interlacing docks. One could be their full self--as gay or naked as they liked, and no one would bat an eye. The resort was packed as usual and the workload was packed to match. Cole spent his morning serving hors d'oeuvres and fetching drinks beachside. He loved beach duty. Sunshine poured down upon him at all hours and while his arm felt sore afterward from constantly holding up a tray--the benefits far outweighed his discomfort. His only task: to wander, provide refreshment, and shake his hips in the direction of whoever whistled his way. He received so many tips on beach duty--plenty of ear, tummy, and bulge rubs. Ah, and the smiles! So long as the guests were smiling, he knew he'd done a good job. So long as the guests were happy, he knew he could report to his boss with his chest swelled and head held high.

Speaking of his boss, his final duty for the afternoon was fast approaching and as wonderful as beachside duty was, it paled in comparison to this. The service cart clattered against the boardwalk as Cole made his way to room 316 where his boss and dearest boyfriend resided. He checked the doorknob for a 'do not disturb' sign and found the door ajar instead. His ears perked to a chorus of impassioned moans and light, repetitive smacking inside. Without hesitation, he pushed the door open and wheeled the cart inside. The suite was cozy and cool. Past the foyer, Cole wheeled the cart through the small living space before arriving at an intimate dining table outfitted with scented candles. Nearby, Cole glanced to the curtained off bedroom from which he heard his paramour's dulcet tones as he made love to another of his boyfriends. He needed no other motivation to proceed with his task, setting the table and lighting the candles for the romantic dinner to come. Once both meals and all the silverware were in place, the tanuki lifted the sheet from the cart, retrieving the special tray he used just for his boyfriend's escapades. Loaded with the usual implements: lube, ball gag, spare condoms, and two icy cold glasses of water. Silent as could be, Cole padded inside the bedroom, tucking the curtain behind him so the sudden flash of light wouldn't spoil the passion. He stood at attention, one arm holding the tray and the other behind his back, desperately resisting the urge to palm his bulge at the wondrous sight before him.

His boyfriend, the behemoth black and white cetacean currently on all fours straddling a young badger, pounded his hips back and forth, slamming a wet, prehensile pink cock deep into an equally black and white rump. The badger's face was pressed into the sheets, rump raised. Little squeaks of desire were the only language his brain processed in that moment. The orca, eyes bordered with floral, hibiscus tattoos, turned to Cole with that devil may care smile and winked. The tanuki straightened and held his chin a little higher.

"Hey babe," Keoni said as he delivered another thrust into the badger. His furry fingers gripped the sheets as his back arched. His tongue lolled outward. Cole knew that face. He saw it in the mirror many times before. "Pass me the lube, will you? Gets a little dry after the third hour."

Cole nodded, reached for a bottle and passed it towards the orca. The orca shook his head, gesturing towards his hands, gently, sensually running down the sides of the badger. "Gonna need you to apply it, hon--got my hands full treating my big man here just right. You'll do it for me, right babe?"

Without hesitation the tanuki set the tray down, squirted a glob of lube between his paw pads. He rubbed his hands together and leaned in. A shiver shot through him as he brushed up against his orca's warm bulk. From this position, his head suspended between the two men, his nose melted under the stench of constant, rigorous sex. He reached underneath him, slipping his fingers into the badger's hole, making the walls nice and slick while his orca continued to fuck his new boyfriend in earnest.

"Aww, yeah there we go! There we go! Bounce back a bit there, babe--that's it! Enjoy it!" Keoni cooed in response to the badger's cries of joy. He slapped his cheeks, pace quickening. Leaning down, the orca's dull teeth nibbled at the badger's neck sensually. "Ohhhhhhhh, yeah I love you so much."

As he rose, the orca slowwwwly pressed his hips into the badger's sweaty, reddened backside one more time. Inch by inch that ass consumed his entire length. Keoni turned to Cole with a smirk, flexing as he made his cock twitch inside the badger. He winked and made his pecs dance just for Cole. Spellbound to that chest, the canine stood to attention once more.

"I'll finish up here," he thrust his hips forward once more with a slap. "Grab some dinner with this sweetie pie--then you'll get your turn. I promise."

"That's alright, sir," breathed Cole dreamily. "I'm fine just serving your needs."

"Aw babe..." Cole yelped, eyes rolling back as he received a kiss on his forehead and a rub underneath his chin. "We'll do some training tonight. How does that sound?"

Cole nodded vigorously.


Cole stripped himself free of his formal speedo. He folded the cloth neatly and placed it into the laundry bin. It wouldn't do to have his uniform wrinkled. With slumped shoulders, he wobbled his way towards his bed where an orca with a frame as wide as a truck and sinewy muscles to match. All he wore was a set of swim shorts that he was flattered to find bulged at the sight of his naked body. Well, naked except for his precious, strapping bowtie.

A meaty black and white finger beckoned him. "Come here, sweet thing."

None could refuse an invitation so graciously given. Cole accepted, diving into his orca's mattress of a chest with glee. He whimpered, the sensation of soft skin so soothing on his weary, furry body after such a long day.

"Oho...frisky today, huh?" The orca's voice murred in his ears.

Cole wriggled, happy as could be now that he earned his reward--the orca's gentle embrace. The back of his head nestled comfortably over Keoni's bulge.

"Settle down, sweetie. Settle down. We didn't get to play today, but I'll make it up to you right now..."

Cole nodded, letting his excitement quell into tranquility. He stared forward into the mirror. He remarked at how handsome he looked wrapped in the arms of his precious Keoni. He watched the orca's legs curl around him, cloaking him in a musky, smooth grip from head to toe. He doubted he could escape even if he wanted to from those sinewy sacks of brawn as he looked into his boyfriend and boss' eyes.

"Now. Take a deep breath. You're going to focus on me. Just let me help everything else wash away. You know what I love about this resort? You can always hear the waves coming in and out...in...and out. And you can time the waves with your breaths--like your body's becoming a shore and the tide's coming in, washing away all the thoughts you don't need out to sea. And you can just let those thoughts drift. You don't need 'em. Just focus on me. Focus on you."

"Look at you...look at how nice you look, wrapped in me. Wrapped in that bowtie. I'm proud of you. You've done so well as my little butler. You're going to do so well for me tomorrow too. Serving the guests is serving me. I know how much you love to serve. Heh, it surprised me. Normally I have to nudge people in the direction of service--but you love it so much, don't you babe? All the guests giving you their attention? Hmm? And they should. I have such a cute little boyfriend with an even cuter butt. You deserve the attention and you deserve all the affection in the world. Keoni's proud of 'ya, babe. Your boyfriend loves you. You'd love to help me find new boyfriends to join you, hun. I know you'd love that. Serving them as they serve me. In that way, you're always serving me, my cute lil' tanuki bae. So, sleep now. Ride the wave of my voice and sleep. Ride the wave of my voice as I take you down. Down you go. Five...four...three...two...one..."

The tide came in.

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