Hypnovember 13 - Artifact

Story by FelineSleepy on SoFurry

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#13 of Hypno Stories

While cleaning out an abandoned antique shop, the new owner finds a lamp that can grant any wish! The mouse finds that the wishes of the wish granter are far more important, however.

All characters are 18+

No one knew what happened to Mister Turner who ran the local antique shop down on old Williams Road. Barely anyone visited the store in the first place. When he disappeared, the neighbourhood had no idea whether to put out a search party or if he was away on just another of his elongated artifact hunts. Regardless, the store's month-long closure had forced authorities to assume the property abandoned and the owner--nowhere to be seen--deceased. As far as folk could tell, he didn't have family, so the small town had their own vigil where folks young and old could remark on their experience with the man.

Bryce, the dormouse who lived next door to Turner, was surprised to learn he had left him everything in his will. The store, the contents, his personal effects--everything. The mouse had spent the last few days cataloguing the store's contents, one old, antique clock at a time. Today would be the last before he started to pack everything up. His alarm went off at 7:00 just as planned. He stretched, showered, put a tee shirt and jacket round his grey and black furry belly, made a waffle, and walked over to the store with the confection in his mouth. Opening up the store, he braced himself for the smell of dust and stale relics. The store itself had an open floorspace with just the one aisle for smaller, more intricate pieces that lined the shelves. The walls were covered in paintings, old trinkets, and coocoo clocks while the floor was lined with old, impractical furniture.

The mouse sat down at the front desk, lifting up the cardboard box he stored underneath last night labelled 'unknowns.' One by one, he took out the various knick knacks and polished them with a soft fibre cloth, logging them into his journal for when he would eventually sell them online. About one hour in, his palms reached into the box to find a smooth, round object. His face broke into amusement when he found it to be an old oil lamp, covered in dirt. "Alright, three wishes, here we go..." He chortled to himself as he brought the cloth to the lamp and removed the dirt one swipe at a time.

"Oh," a voice rumbled and echoed from inside the lamp. Bryce froze in place. The lamp rattled in his hands. "It'll be much more than three, my dear Master!"

** ** He heard the cartoonish sound of a balloon being inflated as a grey blob began to emerge from the lamp spout. One by one, accentuated with a little 'pop,' bulbous, thick fingers emerged followed by a thumb until a full grey skinned hand emerged and waved at him. Bryce made to release the lamp and run, but that hand reached out, grabbing him by the hem of his shirt. "All of your dreams are about to come true!"

** **"FUUUUUUU--" Bryce screamed as he was tugged towards the lamp with imposing strength. The lamp grew bigger and bigger in Bryce's eyes until the spout expanded outward into a large tunnel that he was hoisted through thanks to that big grey hand. Golden walls surrounded him, all the while he screamed, horrified at this sudden dreamlike shift in his reality. Although he wasn't asleep, not with the sheer force of air flapping against his face.

Eventually, the crazy trip came to an end. He saw flickering light at the end of the tunnel. The hand let go, his momentum enough to carry him all the way to the finish. He tumbled, shouted and fell right into a bed of plush multicolored silk pillows. His head snapped up and looked around in a panic. He was currently prone in what could only be a palace. Marble walls, stained glass windows, and gold balusters surrounded him at every turn--polished to a mirror sheen. As for the ones doing the polishing, men of all shapes and species dotted the interior--servants no doubt. They all had similar garb--gold collars with seemingly no latch to remove them as well as gold bangles along their biceps, wrists and ankles. The most noticeable trait they shared, however, were the brightly coloured, near transparent harem pants they wore. His sudden appearance hadn't drawn the attention he expected. A couple of lions lounging on another pile of pillows nearby barely turned their heads in his direction before they returned to their conversation. The hall reeked of incense, soap and just a dash of musk from the sheer volume of shirtless males. Another scent tickled his nostrils, coming from the layer of purplish mist along the floor, that he couldn't quite place. Whatever the aroma was, it smelled rustic and oddly familiar.

"Welcome!" boomed the voice from earlier. At the sound of that bass echoing out through the hall, the servants visibly shuddered. He caught more than one of them pitching a tent. The dormouse felt the pillow underneath him rise into the air, scooping him up with it. On its own volition, the pillow carried him to the head of the hall. Easily eight times his size and rippling with muscle, an elephant sat in a throne the size of Bryce's bedroom. He swallowed as the magic floating pillow came to a stop at the elephant's feet, whereupon he got a better look at him. A stocky protruding musclegut stuck out from the gold-trimmed vest he wore underneath two mountainous pectorals. His battering ram arms were raised up, hands behind his head. From there, the dormouse could see two engraved gold bracelets on his wrists. Two yellow eyes appraised him from above a swishing, playful trunk and two shiny tusks that hid the majority of his hungry, charming smile. An otter servant combed his beard which flowed into a swirl underneath his chin. Myriad servants in turn were at his sides. One eagle stood behind the throne with a vacant smile as he rubbed and massaged the elephant's arms. A tiger on either side of him had their faces buried in his pits. Two more servants lay on their backs before the throne. Bryce couldn't see their faces, underneath the elephant's feet as they were. They didn't seem bothered. Their hands rubbed and massaged the elephant's soles and Bryce could hear the sounds of tongues lapping against them. He stared up at the impressive, gargantuan figure, apparent fear in his eyes. "Welcome, 'Master!'" bellowed the elephant. His tone didn't seem to reflect the respect attached to the word 'Master'. "I am Jamal! Today is your lucky day, little Master! Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"I..." Bryce began to calm down as he processed all this. He slapped his own cheeks and shook his head. "I'm...Bryce?"

"Ah, a wonderful name, 'Master,' a wonderful name indeed," the elephant hummed as he lounged. He murred deeply while the tiger in his pit lapped at his pierced nipple. The mist surrounding him swelled ever so slightly around him. The mist, when hit by the light from the stained glass windows, created small speckles of light throughout the mass that dazzled Bryce's senses. "Master Bryce--you've found my lamp! I'm sure you know what that means!"

"Yes, uh, speaking of I can't help but notice," said Bryce. He attempted to stand up before an insistent cloud of mist swept him off his feet. He fell back onto the pillow. There was a snap of fingers and in a puff of smoke, a grizzly bear servant with a wide dreamy smile and a perky bubble butt lowered a tray filled with confections to Bryce. Not one to be rude, Bryce picked up a cookie in between his fingers. "We're um. Inside your lamp?"

"Yes, little one," said the genie, barely paying attention to him as he curled his left arm downward both to show off his medicine ball bicep and shove the tiger's face deeper into his chest. Bryce got the feeling he wasn't paying him much heed but he also didn't mind that much. The elephant seemed to exude an aura that magnetized his sight and made it hard to get angry or upset.

He didn't notice the mist pervading the lamp closing in on him more and more. Or that he had begun to breathe it in, growing more and more accustomed to the incense smell.

"You can have anything you want! Money!" He snapped his fingers and Bryce's pockets instantly exploded. Dollar bills poured out onto the floor along with gold coins and dubloons from ages long past. "Power!" The elephant snapped once more and Bryce's jacket was replaced with a suit that wouldn't look out of place in a CEO's wardrobe. "A sea of concubines!" The elephant didn't need to snap this time as a crowd of men began to grind their hips against his face. His heart hammered as handsome men planted their hands on him from every side, winking, kissing, and stroking his body sensually. One tugged at his suit, pulling the jacket off and Bryce, normally a private person as a rule, let it happen. He saw the bear from earlier leer down at him with desire for him in his eyes. The bear's lips were on his before he could resist. His tongue tasted like honey. He sucked in his delicious breath. His eyes rolled back in his head as he became engulfed in worshipful pleasure. The harem was rabbid and needy. His name was whispered again and again, smiles all around. He wondered what it would be like to be like them, so happy and devoted to him that nothing else mattered. He moaned shamelessly as a broad paw from someone he couldn't see reached into his pants and grasped his cock.

Then it all disappeared with a snap of the elephant's fingers. He gasped for breath, his gyrating hips slowing to a stop as the warmth of so many bodies pressed against his disappeared. He missed them already. He missed the touch. "Ah...that was..."

"You could grow eleven feet tall!"

The elephant gave him no time to rest. In a snap he watched as the room grew smaller, his perspective growing taller and taller, expanding outward until he was just as tall and round as the king in the throne. A thrill shot through him as he looked down to find all the harem dancers staring up at him with admiration and hunger. For the first time ever, he was the tallest person in the room except for his k--Jamal.

"You could have the body you always dreamed of!"

Another snap. Another change before he could even speak. He felt a pleasurable tingling in his rear end. His butt was growing bigger, rounder, more supple--he could feel it. The eleven-foot tall mouse fell to his stomach and grit his teeth as his rump multiplied in size. Already, a few servants behind him stroked and rubbed those cheeks.

"Ohhhhhhhh," he cried, eyes rolling back as he felt similar changes to his cock and balls. As he grew harder and harder, he could feel his length extend and extend. Infinite pleasure expanded his balls until he heard two globe sized objects hit the pillows beneath him. He'd never felt so powerful! So strong. He glanced down and saw a rhinoceros who once would have looked down on him as a runt meekly kissed his huge forearm and rubbed it tenderly. "Oh my God! Stop! Stop! It's too much!"

The genie, about to snap his fingers again, smirked smugly. "Of course, 'Master.' Your wish is my command."

"So...So I could have anything?" Bryce said between raspy breaths. Jamal's trunk swished side to side, drawing his eye. The elephant's hand was curled around his exposed wine bottle cock and melon-sized balls. He tracked the movement with his eyes, strangely drawn to the lewd sight. "Were you...did you always have your pants off?"

"Yes, you can have anything you want!" Jamal spoke as his hand began lightly moving his cock side to side along with his trunk. The mist swirled in, clouding everything but the genie. For a second, Bryce zoned out just staring at those two grey appendages moving side to side. Back and forth. Enchanting him. Inviting him to imagine what it would be like to live here with these other servants, staring and doting on this elephant come what may.

Bryce shook his giant head. "Um, this has been nice. Very nice. I-It's great to be tall, but I don't think this is me. I think I have a wish that I want inst--"

"Wonderful!" That trunk reached out and curled around his neck like a collar. The elephant guided him towards him to look him in the eye. Those pretty, glistening yellow eyes. "Tell me your wish, Bryce." The mist swirled in again as he was held there by that firm, muscular trunk, spinning and drawing his vision towards his beautiful peepers.

"Yes, I..." he blinked, face awash with heat. For some reason, he felt a hint of danger. "I...one sec--I think I need some air. I feel like something's happening to me."

The trunk tightened. Bryce felt his body magically scooped closer until his forehead was pressed to the genie's. The glow in his eyes intensified. As that trunk closed around his neck, preventing his head from pointing anywhere but his gaze, the mouse had one moment of panic where he realized that this wasn't right at all. "Wait--N-No, I wish--" His mind and body melted. He gazed forever into two yellow gems that attracted his attention like an oasis in the hot dessert. Two golden fires that scorched away the sentence he was about to say from his tongue. Instead, only beauty awaited him and sweet bliss as the genie held him fast. He couldn't look away anymore and there wasn't any reason to. Nothing existed but those eyes. He sank back into the mind-numbing lust. He sank back into his desires. He sank back into that wonderful feeling of lust. Images sprung to mind of all the servants who got to worship this genie's body and to those who hungered for Bryce on command. Jealousy bloomed in his heart at how happy they seemed. How their lack of responsibilities inspired such bliss. How simple life could be in this harem--to live and worship his genie who cared for him so deeply. "I wish...I wish..."

With the goofy, flustered lust emptiness returning and dominating Bryce's demeanor, the genie's triumphant smirk only grew. "You wish...for what, dear Master? Tell me what you desire!" He chuckled, asking him questions he knew the mouse's mind had no answers to. "Tell meeeee..." The elephant said as he pumped up the juice on his eyes to burn every last lingering thought to pieces. "Tell me oh wise and glorious Master~"

His voice was condescending, his face even moreso. But that just made him look even sexier to the mouse, more in control. "I wish..."

"Yeeeeees?" The trunk began to lower Bryce's face away from his eyes. The mouse was disappointed until he saw the elephant's cock swaying back and forth just for him. "You wiiiiiish...?"

"I wish..." The mouse licked his lips. There was only one thing any rational person would wish for in this situation. "To be here every day...until the end of time."

With a snap, his clothes disappeared. A flurry of helpful mist spread his legs and brought him belly to belly with the elephant. He mirrored his genie's happy grin, though his was far doofier.

"Ah but you know," the genie started. His hands clapped and smacked the mouse's now giant cheeks, spreading and teasing them with a dominant roughness. All the while his trunk guided the mouse's face forward. Bryce moaned when he felt the head of that mighty member pierce his entrance. "Only my slaves are allowed to remain here. Only members of my harem are permitted to enjoy the bliss of living here for all eternity. Ah, alas, I can't make your wish come true."

Sadness filled Bryce's heart. That wasn't fair! He wanted to stay! Unless...a thought slid into his empty mind at the genie's insistence just as his cock slid inside the rump Jamal had made a perfect fit for his member. "Wait! That's it! I wish to be your slave! Heheh..." The mouse spoke aloud. What a great solution!

"Granted," the genie said simply. With a snap, Bryce felt the gold collar slip around his neck and seal itself there forever. His arms and wrists became bound in gold bracers that told the world who he belonged to. Cold metal slipped and sealed around his ankles. There would be no way to remove them and that's exactly how the mouse wanted them.

Bryce groaned, convinced he had died and gone to heaven, as his rump slid to the base of the elephant's cock, his erection exactly the right length to tickle his prostate. He cried out the genie's name, happy and proud to be in his lap. With that done, the pachyderm began to rock his hips like a tidal wave, bouncing his new treasure up and down. "Ahhhhhh! Master!"

"Good. Good slave," the genie bellowed. He released a belly laugh as his new thrall slid up and down his cock of his own accord, eyes glittering with the gold that would slowly over time remove what remained of his old self. "Oh yeah! That's the spot! Good little slave! Good little fuck boy. Ah, and remember, this is not just a three-wish deal! You can wish for my cock in your ass as many times as you like, you big dumb idiot!"

"Yes Master! Yessir! I wish to be fucked every day!" Bryce said, face alight with a squiggly grin that would never disappear.

The elephant's foot raised up, releasing one of the slaves from underneath his heel. Another slave mindlessly wandered up to take Mister Turner's place while he stood up. Had he had more presence of mind, Mister Turner might have warned his neighbour of what fate had in store for him and to keep on guard. He might have tried to climb out from that foot and attempt to free Bryce from his trance. However, the weasel had other things on his mind. He had wished to run the genie's bath every day and he didn't want to be late for such an honour!

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