Hypnovember 11 - Summon

Story by FelineSleepy on SoFurry

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#11 of Hypno Stories

All characters featured are 18+

The bright light finally began to fade after an extended fall. Gabriel's screams became audible again. He saw a floor fast approaching filled with glowing symbols. Limbs flailing, he braced for impact as best he could while tumbling and falling through nothing. The impact never came. Instead his body froze, suspended inches above the misty floor. Short, panicked breaths rasped from the red panda's muzzle. He hung suspended by nothing as he examined his new surroundings. He couldn't see much beyond the gold glowing symbols that lit up the misty floor. They seemed to have warbled motions to them as though they were underwater. Everything seemed to grow fuzzy beyond them, like he couldn't comprehend what he saw.

"Where the--what the--who the--?!" Gabriel spluttered, looking around and desperately reaching towards the ground with his foot in an attempt to make gravity work again. It was then he realized--however he came to be here--his clothes hadn't made the trip with him.

"Blast it!" Gabriel looked down his lithe frame, and between his legs where a tall, triangle-statured, buck stood outside the circle of symbols. He wore a toga and loincloth laced with gold trimming and more archaic lettering Gabriel didn't understand. His antlers extended his height two additional feet. Lily of the valleys bloomed and drooped down his branch-like antlers. The deer's eyes were as electric yellow as his clothes. Unlike other bucks Gabriel had seen, he walked towards Gabriel on two bare feet--no hooves to be found. He flipped through a tome filled with bookmarks, dog-eared pages and handwritten notes. "I'm certain I aligned these runes correctly! Damn it all!" He peered at the floating wah, looking him up and down as if to appraise him. "I suppose it's worth asking--ARE you a demon?"

"What?!" Gabriel reached out towards the buck who didn't react. "No! I was just sitting in my dorm room doing classwork and then a big hole opened up beneath me and now I'm here! Where the hell am I?!"

The deer didn't answer and instead began to remove implement after strange glowing implement from his robes. He placed a magnifying glass over his eye with multiple lenses that began to rotate and zoom in on Gabriel on their own. He removed a small, smooth, whittled stick that could be nothing else but a magic wand. The tip glowed with more bright gold light. The deer flicked the wand and Gabriel felt his stomach lurch as he rotated in the air to face away from the wizard. A tingling chill wrapped around his leg like a ribbon. A purplish-blue smoke coiled up his leg, abdomen and underneath his arms. The ticklish sensation forced his lips into smile and giggles to escape his throat. "Haha--S-stop! Stop!"

"No immense strength--Gods! You're not even magical!" The deer exclaimed. Gabriel's body lurched once more so that he floated right side up, facing him. "I couldn't possibly have messed this up so badly! What did you do? How did you meddle with the ritual?"

Gabriel growled, his patience already depleted. "Man, I don't know! How could I if I'm so unremarkable?!"

"...Were you perhaps standing next to a demon and they pushed you in in their place?"

"No bud! Demons aren't even real where I'm from!"

"Demons are real. It doesn't matter your location." The deer scribbled something in his book. "Seems...out of touch...with reality--you are determined to give me a failing grade, aren't you?"

"Failing--" the red panda's brow furrowed even further. "...Oh no. No, no! You did NOT just isekai me for your friggin' wizard school THESIS!"

"This term. 'Ee-sec-eye.' Is it an incantation in your realm?"

"I'm not doing this! Send me home!"

"Incorrect. You will have to do," the deer said, indifferent to his rage.

Gabe's black furred forearms lunged for the buck but impacted a wall he couldn't see--relatively above where the glowing symbols sat. "I won't do anything you want--so just send me home."

"When dealing with your summoned," the wizard spoke, reading aloud from the book. He gestured with his wand and an ornate armchair literally danced into frame, placing itself down. Without looking, the buck whirled around and planted his ass in that chair. "IE--if the summoned is not demonic in nature, you have either inputted the rune work incorrectly--impossible--or the spell has found a compatible thrall for arcane service. The odds of latter occurring are roughly one in 87, 231."

Gabe let his limbs go limp and knitted his brow. "Cool. So, either you're incompetent or we both have the worst luck imaginable. It's great--because in either case, I have the worst luck imaginable."

"In the unlikely event the latter has occurred, seal the contract. With no infernal resistance and strong compatibility, the target will not and cannot deny the contract. Report with your new thrall to your instructor for extra credit and you will be permitted to perform a make-up exam. Wonderful!" The buck brandished his magic wand once more. The red panda snarled.

"I'm never doing anything you say, so you might as well send me back!"

"Silence!" said the buck. His wand glowed bright as he crossed his legs. With that one word, Gabriel's arms and legs were pinned to his sides and his jaw clamped shut. The buck began to swish his shining arcane focus in a circular motion. The only thing Garbiel could move were his eyes and in his peripheral he saw the symbols on the ground begin to swirl and rise off the floor.

The runes began to warp and rend. One by one they danced before him, spinning in a fantastical glowing helix. Despite his struggling, his body couldn't move as they swirled inward like a whirlpool. The first of the runes came in contact with him at his feet.

The moment that symbol made contact with his flesh, Gabe's entire body spasmed. A pressure built up around the wah's skull and an unwelcome sense of calm began to suppress all the rage boiling within him. The rune glued itself to his foot, rearranging to contour to his shape before it became as imperceptible a part of his body as a tattoo. Gabriel tried to hang onto his anger--his rage at this interdimensional kidnapping. However, as more and more runes began to attach to his feet, his ankles, his calves--each one brought a new wave of forced tranquility. He could feel the seductive danger within those waves but could do nothing against them as his anger was pushed down so deep inside him that he felt perfectly calm. He found it harder and harder to be upset about his memories from home because those two began to compress inside him, bound up in a ribbon of arcane symbols that prevented his mind from accessing them. Before they had finished marking his thighs, the symbols made Gabriel's mind as empty and clean as the vacuum of space. Soon, even the red panda's name became bound in glowing runic symbols.

"'Sexual devotion optional'--well what else am I to use him for?"

When the symbols attached themselves to his pelvis, his exposed cock twitched as new emotions were forced upon him. His eyes fell upon the deer. Adoration and a reverence one might feel for a mythological deity bloomed inside his chest. Where once sat his captor now sat an impressive figure whom he revered more than anything. Those feelings of worship and devotion only grew as those symbols painted themselves over his balls and cock--attaching that worship to an erotic reverie. The magic forced blood into his penis, keeping his phallus hard so long as this enchantment lasted.

The feeling intensified as the symbols affixed themselves to his abs, his chest and in his pits. Every inch of him became entwined in this spell and the red panda without a name welcomed them. His pupils slowly faded away, leaving glassy, empty, white voids. His jaw went slack. His head lolled to the side. Euphoria overwhelmed everything else and the red panda knew the source--the buck who had cast this wonderful spell upon him. As one final rune--larger than the others--glowed bright and embedded itself upon his forehead, his entire body went rigid at attention. His eyes burst into golden light--a bright golden fire that burned away everything except his Lord. The room disappeared as did any concept of stimuli outside his Lord.

The moment his paws touched the floor, h e lowered himself to his knees and bowed. Without a word, his Lord's toes touched his forehead, gently nudging his head back up. He gave into his benefactor's guidance and looked up into his eyes--his handsome, radiant face impassive.

"Summoned--you will obey and swear fealty to me until I release you from my service. I, Vallant Cabal, am your bound. Do you accept this contract?"

"Yes, Lord Vallant," said the summoned without inflection. All at once, the runes on his skin burned so good. He felt, deep down inside, the memories and personality buried under all these glowing runes lock--beyond his reach until his Master bid their return.

Without a beat missed, Lord Vallant placed his feet in the kneeling wah's lap, frustratingly close to his erect cock. His wand waved and Vallant's loincloth disappeared into nothing, revealing his own erection. "I've never had a thrall before. You'll help me make the most of this blunder. Rub my feet. It's been a long semester and I've earned a little worship."

Truth. His Lord's voice was truth in purest form. The red panda's padded paws palpated the deer's soles. The soles, somehow clean of dirt despite the deer walking barefoot everywhere, His feet were average-sized but had a toughness to them he didn't expect. The scent wafted into his nostrils. A musk which would make the average person recoil smelled like a beautiful rose garden to the wah. Regardless, he dug in both thumbs underneath the ball of his Lord's left foot. He heard a grunt of pleasure from the deer and it was like he was the one receiving the massage. He understood. Vallant's pleasure was his. His thumbs prodded rubbed and swirled down his foot, every inch worshipped just as much as the last. When he got to the heel, he moved to start on the other foot but the first remained near his face.

"Say ahh," the deer said.

The summoned nodded. His mouth opened. The foot he just finished massaging entered his muzzle. Immediately, the red panda began suckling on those divine toes. The taste and smell intensified in his mouth and lit a fire underneath him. That musky flavor multiplied his devotion to his summoner tenfold.

"Keep rubbing," the deer said, face still stoic as he shoved his foot deeper in the summoned's maw.

"Mm 'orry, mlor," the red panda mumbled an apology from around that appendage. His fingers curled around the other foot and began their work--massaging toe after toe before pressing both thumbs under the ball of his foot. He intensified the pressure as needed.

"Yes, you belong underfoot," the wizard spoke. His head hung back and he sighed. "Ohhhhh, yes, that's the spot, slave."

He continued to rub his Lord's feet up and down. For nearly an hour he sat there, licking, rubbing and stroking his Lord's feet as the deer lounged deservedly. The slave had no concept of time. The only concept he knew of was this buck's pleasure. Every now and again, the cervine would release a moan or his cock would twitch. Those moments set the summoned's soul ablaze and completed him for brief, wonderful seconds. Though his own cock stood erect between his legs, not a thought went to his own pleasure. His pleasure didn't exist. Such a concept was beyond him now.

"Gods--I didn't realize what a blessing this was," said Vallant. His foot slipped from the panda's muzzle. Both firmly pushed the summoned onto his back. Vallant nodded to his cock. For the first time his face seemed to contort into something other than passive--almost embarrassed? Impossible to fathom, that such a creature could be embarrassed. "Now...pl-pleasure me. With your feet."

Without complaint, the red panda raised his legs and curled them upward to squeeze both his paw pads around Vallant's legendary length. He squeezed, stroked, and rubbed Vallant's cock with sensual fervor. The deer grit his teeth. The flowers on his antlers glowed with an ethereal light as powerful as the runes on the summoned's body.

"Oo-ooooooh! Yes! YES! Oh, it feels--it feels exactly as I imagined. Gods above, thrall! Your paws are so soft!" The wizard moaned his silent demeanor overcome with a lustful passion. "You're--oh, oh thrall, slow d--"

Before he could fulfill his command, and with a set of musky toes on his tongue, the red panda watched as the deer's cock exploded with a long string of cum. Vallant moaned, words forgotten as white steamy dear semen sprayed over the summoned's feet, chest and face. Vallant, voice shrill with lust, snapped his fingers. "CUM, SLAVE! FOR THE LOVE OF THE ARCANE, CUM!"

The red panda's cock burst harder and further than it ever had. His eyes rolled back in his head. The satisfaction of pleasing his Lord set his body on fire. Showering himself and his master's legs in his own juices, the summoned released a cry of joy. His bliss was immeasurable. His service would be long. His free will may have been wrenched away. But for euphoria such as this? The contract provided everything he ever needed.

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