Hypnovember 9 - Collar

Story by FelineSleepy on SoFurry

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#9 of Hypno Stories

A second person perspective where you're passed around at an orgy with multiple partners.

Y'know, classic Tuesday.

All characters featured are 18+

You feel the tug, the gentle insistence that tells you where to follow. You're not sure when you started to feel the tug. You're not sure of much before this moment, now that you think of it. And now you don't even think about that. The tug doesn't approve of thought.

Your handler is a grizzly bear, holding the leash that the tug comes from. He guides you inside a dimly lit place that smells of the same leather draped over his burly, fuzzy body. Whoever holds the leash doesn't matter. The tug is your Master and speaks through whoever holds the other end.

The grizzly glances over his blinder shades at you. Tug. You smile. A polite smile is common courtesy when the tug's host gives you the chance to obey. "C'mere." Tug. Your lips meet his. His tongue wrestles yours down. You let his strong, broad tongue coil and pin yours. You revel in the taste of alcohol on his breath. Everything about the tug's host is beautiful. Especially his chest as he tugs you close.

You watch as a leather-studded collar slip onto the bear's neck from behind him. Your leash slips from his hand and you no longer feel the tug. You watch as the bear's expression becomes one of shock. He reaches for the collar but before he can reach his neck, his body twitches violently and he goes completely rigid. The pupils in his eyes shrink to pinpricks, then disappear entirely, leaving only white voids. Drool drips from the bear's muzzle. There's a snap and another leash is attached to his collar. The bear receives his own tug and leaves your sight.

You stand vacant, empty without the tug. You feel no sadness, no fear, just a need for the tug. A purpose. After what feels like an eternity, you feel a new tug and everything is right again. This new host is smaller than you, a rabbit with a sultry gaze. Their hips are curvy and broad, which you get a good look of as they tug you forward. With one finger, they beckon you, but what really draws your attention is the tug. Once you reach a somewhat secluded booth in the chorus of moans and whispers, they begin their ministrations. They draw you closer, choking up on your leash. The tug insistent and delightful. They place their paws on your shoulder, lowering you to your knees. Before you, the tug demands your attention. The tug has changed form, appearing as two lovely, fluffy, creamy white globes, spread wide by two thin-fingered paws. In the center is a cute pucker. Pucker. Like a kiss.

The tug seems to agree and pulls you forward with a lurch. You press your lips between those soft, velvety globes. You lap at that pucker and a sweet, yet musky taste runs up your tongue. You hear the tug moan. Every part of you relishes the tug's pleasure. Your back arches and you feel your nethers tingle. You must give more. The tug provides so much, your payment for that pleasure must be returned in full. You reach around and rub their hips. Your fingers find their bulge and you begin to massage them. They moan more, thrusting their hips backward, allowing your tongue to slip inside the awaiting pucker, which elicited more moans--and the cycle continued.

This version of the tug filled you with bliss, but this too came to an end when you heard the snap of another collar clasping tight 'round your latest handler. The tug's host became yet another of its followers and left you tug-less.

Luckily, you were snatched up right away. A tall vixen winked at you as she grasped your leash. The tug pulled you upwards, nestling your muzzle between her firm breasts. You are calmed by a sweet scent--a pleasing respite after so much ass. You fondle her breasts at her whim. Tug. Your fingers slowly explore and caress her body as she likes before you slip a finger oh so gently in her pussy.

You hoped this tug lasted a longer than the last. You worked hard to please her so that she would never let go of your tug. You didn't know how many potential hosts remained without a tug of their own.

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