Hano Grand Resort

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#35 of All They Knew

Skye sat in a wooden chair off to the left near the ship's railing under the sun.

Ruki sat beside her, watching other pokémon and trainers interact on the front deck. They'd been on the cruise for forty minutes, so they were nearing Akala. In that time, Skye had taken them below deck to get a few snacks and drinks to pass time.

Skye rested her palm on the back of his neck while he watched a few children and pokémon play on the deck. "You don't get lonely, right?"

Ruki looked up at her. Rarely, and Skye pulled him away from that feeling quickly. He had been experiencing it recently, however. Ruki didn't need friends. Skye was his best, but he felt he needed something more. He didn't like thinking about it.

"Ruki..." she said, noticing his attention had drifted away.

He focused his eyes back onto her face and shook his head.

"All right..." Skye knew Ruki needed more than her, especially because he was maturing, but she wasn't sure where to start.


When less than ten minutes from Akala, Skye standing to see the ferry approaching the docks miles ahead in HeaHea city, she'd dialed Aaron to prepare him for their arrival. "Hey," Skye said after he picked up.

"Hey, are you two here?"

"Not yet, but we're super close. I know how to get there, so no need to walk to the docks. Just meet us in front of the resort. I'll let you know," she explained.

"All right, waiting eagerly."

Skye smiled and hung up, slipping her phone into her pocket. "Okay, Ruki. Let's look at Akala." She stood, walking ahead to the front of the ship's railing where a few other people were.

He gladly followed behind, standing on his hind legs and placing both his front paws against the railing once they arrived.

"HeaHea City... that's where we're docking," Skye said. HeaHea resembled Hau'oli, although it was a smaller city. Ahead she saw the ferry terminal, a large blue building by the docks, along with the city's lengthy asphalt path populated by various shops and restaurants leading far east to Grand Hano. She also saw KoniKoni City's tall white lighthouse a few miles south of HeaHea.

Ruki's tails swished excitedly while watching the view. He was adventurous at heart, of course. He couldn't wait to see the island up close.


Once they arrived, Skye and Ruki waited by the docking area on the ship to exit with everyone else. Fortunately, they stood in front of many passengers, so they were put in the very first group let off the ferry.

The moment they were set free from the crowds and at ground level, Ruki trotted ahead and eyed the many buildings, palms, and people walking about, his ears erect.

"We'll be walking this road east for a while. I'll let Aaron know we're on our way. Go ahead, I'm right behind you."

With that green light, Ruki sauntered ahead while Skye pulled out her phone. He curiously looked into the windows of a few clothing stores and a poké mart. Ruki wanted to find something that stood out, however, and his wish was granted sooner than later. He tilted his head upward and sniffed the air a few times-- coffee, but something about the scent lured his nose. Ruki approached the pokémon center ahead and to the left, looking back at Skye, who had just put her phone back in her pocket.

"A Pokémon Center, Ruki?" she asked, eyeing a few poster adverts on the center's walls. "Ah..." One stated that they sold poké beans. Some Pokémon Centers around Alola did. Skye grinned down at him. "You have a good nose too, huh? C'mon, we'll get you some."

He happily followed her inside and looked around. There were a few people in line at the mini mart's front counter to the far right, a nurse healing a set of a defeated trainer's pokémon straight ahead, and a small café area tucked away to the left.

Skye approached the counter where a young red-haired woman stood and eyed the menu above. She wouldn't buy anything for herself. The resort had expensive restaurants and such she'd rather spend money on. "Hm, want one of each, Ruk'?"

Ruki scanned the visual assortment. Red, indigo, sky blue, green, yellow, purple, and orange. "Nni," he replied while nodding.

"We'll have one of each poké bean please," Skye told her.

"Our limit is one per customer, actually... unless you're willing to pay for more. How many pokémon do you have?" the woman asked.

"One... He just really eats sometimes."


Skye bought four beans before they were back on the road to Hano. She held the small white bag in her hand as they strolled past more stores. "Don't think we've ever bought these before. I'm curious to taste what kind of coffee they make."

Ruki was curious too, though he just wanted to eat one later.

"...About a ten-minute walk ahead of us. We've been doing a lot of that recently." Skye hoped it would tone her legs a bit more.

The further they ventured past HeaHea's busy tourist-based area, the quieter the environment got. More houses and fewer people surrounded them.

Ruki loved the bustling nature of cities, but the tranquility residential areas held were enjoyable as well. He could hear each step he took.

As the houses soon turned to trees and greenery, Skye saw the road's end fading into an expansive beachfront overlooking the ocean a mile ahead. "Ruki, there it is." She smiled. Surrounding the resort's grounds were rich green trees planted atop light green grass. It was a beautiful sight.

"Nine!" He grinned at what he could see of the towering dark orange structure in the distance. Ruki felt more excited about this than Sinnoh. Hano presented itself exquisitely.

They were off the road in minutes and sauntered across Hano Beach's warm sand toward the resort's entrance. Many people were in the water. Of course, Ruki paced ahead, his paws sifting through the gritty terrain as he neared the clearing among the trees. There he saw a large white-tiled platform underneath a flight of stairs and the Grand Resort entirely. The building spanned the east and west extensively. Ruki had to look up to see the top of the structure. He glanced back and saw Skye still making her way to him.

"Thanks for waiting for me, baby," she said once reaching him. Skye then stepped onto the tile and climbed the steps with Ruki. At the top was a much larger white platform the resort sat on. Two large pools of water were to the left and right, and Aaron stood between them in front of the glass double-doored entrance. He wore white running shoes, dark gray jeans, and a zip-up white jacket. A few other people stood by the pools or sat on benches lining the resort's walls. Skye couldn't hold back a timid smile upon seeing him, and she took a few steps forward.

Aaron met her halfway and gently embraced Skye's waist, holding her closely. "Hey, Skye."

Skye pressed her cheek against his chest and snaked her arms around his sides. "Mh, hi..." Warmth filled her inside. It was an addictive sensation. She pulled away slightly and looked up at him.

Aaron only held her closer, looking down at Skye's face, captured by her blue eyes. She was adorable.

"You wanna take me inside?" She grinned.

"Of course," he replied, stepping back.

"Come on, Ruki." Skye turned around and saw him patiently sitting.

Ruki stood and followed them through the doors and down a short corridor. He couldn't believe he'd forgotten this. Below him was red carpeting covering the massive lobby, around him fancy red leather seating with glass tables in front of them, potted plants and mini pink flower bushes, and large crystal clear windows to gaze out of. Straight ahead was the reception desk, a rounded wooden counter with an active water wall above it. Everything was organized and well-lit to create a welcoming environment. The lobby was packed with pokémon and trainers either standing or sitting, mainly socializing.

"Just as priceless as I remembered," Skye said with a smile while standing with Aaron off to the side in the lobby. Many guests wore pricey outfits, but it wasn't surprising since the resort was an expensive stay. Many people here were wealthy.

Aaron slipped his left hand into his jacket pocket. "This is about the best place I've ever stayed. I almost feel like I don't belong."

"People travel from other regions just to stay at this resort. It's one of the best there is," Skye told him. "Oh, where's Sylmi, by the way?"

"He was asleep, so I left him up in the room. I'll go get him if he's awake, then we can get something to eat here. It's... really overpriced."

She giggled. "Mhm, Ruki and I will be waiting here." Skye watched him walk down the east hall and enter the elevator. "Let's go rest, Ruki," she said and went to sit on a bench by the entrance. Her legs needed it.

He went and sat by her, Ruki's eyes still on various pokémon and trainers, but they soon singled out one.

"You want a poké bean while we wait, Ruki?" Skye asked. "I know you're hungry." He didn't budge. "Ruki..."

His eyes suddenly shot up to give her his attention.

"Poké bean?..."

Ruki nodded while taking a few more glances ahead.

Skye took a red bean out of the bag and held it beside his mouth, which he didn't notice. "Ruki... what are you looking at?" Her eyes scanned the lobby and soon sought out what his eyes were on in moments. "Ohh..." Skye smirked. "It's that espeon, hm?"

Ruki's ears flattened slightly. He felt quite embarrassed now, not to mention how anxious he'd already felt. His gaze was in fact set on an espeon a few seats ahead. He'd seen a few throughout his lifetime, but his heart fluttered upon seeing this one. Ruki saw things quite differently now. She was slim, her fur a sleek lavender tone. Her ears were large and stood upright, and she had a mini lavender-colored bow at the base of her tail's tips. Ruki swallowed nervously just looking at her. She sat by her brunette trainer, who wore a dark rose-colored button-up top that ended in a casual black skirt, black high-socks, and black boots.

"She is cute..." Skye placed a hand on his head. She then saw Aaron and a tired Sylmi finally enter the lobby from the hall. "Maybe you can go say hi if she's around later."

Ferry to Akala

Skye was lying in bed alone atop her blanket after getting off the phone with Aaron. They agreed on noon, so Skye would order her ticket to arrive at Akala then. He'd brought her a burst of inner joy, and so did Ruki whenever they spent time together,...

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Early Outings

Ruki opened his eyes as gentle sunlight hit the curtains. He slowly lifted his head to see Skye still asleep on her left side, the blanket covering her lower half. She looked stunning to him while sleeping. Ruki felt it in his chest while gazing at her...

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Exploring Emotions

Skye thought all day about the kiss she shared with Aaron. If they hadn't been standing directly in front of her parents' door, it would have lasted a lot longer. Perhaps Skye should have waited for a better time to commit to a first kiss, but the...

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