Exploring Emotions

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#32 of All They Knew

Skye thought all day about the kiss she shared with Aaron. If they hadn't been standing directly in front of her parents' door, it would have lasted a lot longer. Perhaps Skye should have waited for a better time to commit to a first kiss, but the mutual tension felt and urge she had couldn't possibly have been contained. Maybe they could share it again soon. That kiss warmed her inside just thinking about it, and she'd never forget how his lips felt against hers. It was currently evening, and Skye awaited Aaron's call while lying in bed alone in comfy sky blue shorts and a cream-colored tee. It ate at Skye that Aaron was in her region, yet he and she were apart. It brought her a pinch of restlessness and more loneliness. Ruki was in the living room or kitchen, likely having supper. Skye would call him in a bit since he always made her feel better.

Little did she know, Ruki was already heading down the hall and to her nearly closed door, quite eager to have his second malasada. He nudged it open with his nose and quietly slipped through, approaching the bed. Ruki wasn't sure whether or not Skye was asleep. She wasn't moving, but it was still early.

Fortunately, she felt his presence and lifted her head from the pillow to scan her room with her eyes moments later. "Hey, Ruki."

He didn't hear the jubilant tone he usually did, so Ruki suspected that something was bothering her. He stood on his hind paws and placed his front two on the bed, asking for permission.

"Yeah, come up, baby," she said, slowly sitting up.

Ruki did, taking a few steps toward Skye and sitting in front of her, keeping his concerned eyes on her face.


Ruki knew Skye like the back of his paw. She knew what he was asking.

"It's not much... quite stupid, really." Skye leaned back against the bed's headboard. "This is just new to me. I've never had feelings this intense before... well, besides when it comes to you." She grew a subtle grin and patted her lap, watching him lay his upper half between her legs. Skye pulled him up some, his paws resting atop her lap. She looked straight ahead at her curtain rippling against a draft. "It was simple when it was just you and me... not that I don't love him. I feel I do. I guess this was bound to happen eventually, just a mixture of feelings to deal with." Skye looked down at Ruki, who was intently gazing at her the whole time she spoke. "You're a great listener, Ruk'. Has to be boring listening to me vent about my emotions."

"Nn." Ruki gently nudged her stomach with his nose and swayed his tails a few times. He'd always be present to listen to what was on Skye's mind. He made her feel better while being able to hear her voice. There wasn't a downside in his eyes.

Skye felt her phone vibrate beside her a moment later and picked it up. "Ah, it's him." She answered it. "Aaron?"

"Hey, Skye," he replied.

"Are you at the resort? Get settled?" She casually ran her hand up and down Ruki's back while on the phone.

"Yes, everything here is priceless. Why don't you come to Hano next, unless you had another idea in mind?"

Skye didn't consider the resort as their very next location to meet. "No, that's great. I'd love to. How about the day after tomorrow? I'm sure I'll be there all day."

"Sounds perfect. It'll give me and Sylmi a day to rest too," he replied.

"Mkay, I'll call tomorrow afternoon so we can set it up, then. Talk soon, Aaron, and goodnight."

"Sleep well, Skye."

She ended the call and sighed. Skye set her phone aside and noticed Ruki giving her a look of inquiry. She already knew what it was and giggled. "Yes, of course I'm taking you with, silly."

"Nine," he said, his tails happily swaying a few times while sitting up to meet her height.

She grinned and scritched his cheek with her index finger. "You want your second malasada?"

Ruki completely forgot about that. He promptly nodded at Skye.

She slid off her bed and went to reach into the bag atop her dresser, taking the malasada out its packaging and standing in front of him at the bed's edge afterward. "Here," said Skye, handing it to him.

Ruki didn't take it, however. "Nin," he muttered, gently nudging the malasada toward her using his nose.

"...What, you want to split it? I figured you wanted one to yourself since you gave half to Sylmi today already."

Ruki wanted Skye to eat as well. He knew she was in bed most of the day. He shook his head, patiently waiting for her to tear it.

"Mh, okay then. I guess I could use a snack." Skye neatly split it down the middle, ultimately giving the slightly bigger half to Ruki. She sat down beside him, leaning her cheek against his shoulder while he chewed. "You're a sweetheart, Ruki." Skye didn't know what she did to come across him that day at Lanakila. A part of her felt she didn't deserve Ruki sometimes, but she couldn't imagine how life would be without him, emptier and much less bright. That's for certain.


"I missed you, Skye," Aaron said, eyeing her face as she pulled away. "I did too..." She slid her watch onto her right wrist and took Aaron's hands into hers, giving them a gentle squeeze before releasing them. "Let me show you my city." Aaron looked...

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Another Week

"Ugh, I just wanna sleep..." Skye turned onto her other side under the covers, facing Ruki, whose chin was resting on his paws while eyeing her. "Why don't you go sleep on the couch? I don't want to keep you up all night." It'd be midnight soon, and...

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Out Her Comfort Zone

The next six days were a drag. Skye couldn't quit anticipating Aaron's arrival and where she'd take him in Alola in such a short amount of time. They talked plenty over the phone about how the trip would go in general and a few plans. Skye would meet...

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