The Old Ways

Story by Boomslang on SoFurry

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#5 of Standalone Stories

Coming of age in the tribe is a special time for a young female wolf, especially one that seeks to honor her past and present.

The young wolf female unwrapped the medicine bundle obtained from the village elder who knew of such things. Her muzzle wrinkled at the bitter taste but she chewed it and swallowed. "Ugh!" she said. Her eyes widened when her stomach threatened to expel the mixture. When the feeling passed, the slender femme straightened for it was the last preparation to complete. She moved out of the unmated female's lodge into the warm morning air. She nodded to several females who were mending nets nearby and made her way toward the tree line.

Once among the trees and hidden from view, the female's pace quickened. Her destination was far from the village. She scent-marked a bush with a squirt of urine and left the main path. She moved through trees and bushes, pausing to mark the way. The marking wasn't for her but for the male that was to follow.

A smile graced her muzzle as the patrol path appeared. She placed two scent marks to indicate her direction of travel and loped along, exulting in the feel of arms and legs working in unison. Although her pace devoured distance with long strides, the femme's breathing was regular and deep. A grin appeared on her muzzle as she sampled the forest, finding the earth and foliage relaxing. At times, she caught the scent of a prey animal but ignored the instinct to divert from the path.

The sun was almost at its highest when the young female arrived at a secluded area chosen for its seclusion and suitability for her purpose. The wolf had discovered it when the last snows of winter melted away that Spring. The clearing was small and carpeted in soft moss and grass and surrounded by mature trees with thick boles and bushes heavy with green foliage.

The location was close to the border of their pack territory and well off the game trails her people stalked for food animals. The border in this area was a wide fast river nearby that flowed through a steep gorge, making it an unlikely route for invaders.

She proceeded about the perimeter of the clearing, squirting the trees and bushes. Then the femme locating a waiting area screened by thick foliage. She waited, her strong heart beating fast; not from exertion but from excitement. She knew that any male finding any of her scent marks would pursue and locate her without trouble. However, most of the males of breeding age were off hunting on the opposite side of their territory. Patrols moved through this area but the next wasn't due for a day or so. There was just one specific male that she wanted to make his way to her chosen location.

She'd heard him speak with reverence for the old ways and long-discarded traditions for many years while growing up in the village. By chance, she'd learned of a particular tradition that applied to females coming into their breeding years from an elder female. What she did this day had come to her that night as sleep eluded her. She'd broached the subject with the male and while surprised, hadn't dismissed the femme's idea. At the time, she was not yet of breeding age so the matter was academic.

With the ceremony on the night of the last full moon, the female, along with several others, had completed the right of adulthood. She was now of breeding age and ability. The medicine bundle consumed earlier was to prevent pregnancy and allow her to mate without the consequence of childbearing. The village had no need of pups and the young females consumed the bundles to maintain balance and to have sex for enjoyment.

She caught a male scent on the breeze and tensed a moment before the familiar and welcome musk of her pack alpha began to arouse desires within her slender frame. Her ears flicked forward but he was a stealthy hunter. A moment later, the alpha slipped into the clearing silent as a ghost, his nose sampling the air. He went to the bush she'd sprayed earlier, lifted his loincloth, and anointed the leaves with urine.

As she had done, he moved about the perimeter, overlaying her scent with his own before moving to the center of the clearing. The male was tall and well-muscled, evidence of his physical prowess. Sharp eyes scanned the forest as his ears moved about, scanning his surroundings. Pigments decorated his fur and a hunting knife was slung by a leather thong on a diagonal across his broad chest, the hilt close to a wary hand.

The slender femme moved from her hiding place; hands lowered with palms showing at her sides. The male's head swung in her direction as he detected the femme's movement as soon as she lifted a foot.

Their eyes met and the male relaxed a small amount.

She gave him a warm smile. "I didn't think you'd come."

His posture changed, becoming relaxed as he gazed upon the smaller female. A grin spread across his big muzzle. "Your wishes in this matter were clear. And I think the old ways hold meaning for those that care to dwell upon them."

Her eyes devoured his mature and well-muscled frame. The female had long thought of him as a most attractive male. She stopped a short distance away, feet apart, letting her mating musk perfume the air. "I seek to honor the old ways," she said. "But it was your right to refuse."

He chuckled. "Refusal was impossible after you reminded me of my appreciation for the old ways," he said with a grin. "Thus, I fell into a snare of my own making."

She lifted an arm and caressed the soft fur of his cheek. "But not a snare you wish to escape?"

The femme's scent and mating pheromones began to affect the male. His penis emerged, sliding up and falling forward, half-erect and evident under his cloth. He caressed her cheek. "No, I do not wish to escape your snare."

The female inhaled his male scent filling the air from his marking. She trembled with arousal because his scent indicated breeding desire, not territory. Warmth spread in her loins, cheeks, and chest.

Their arms dropped. He cast off his loincloth, revealing a now-erect member throbbing with excitement. The odor of his mating scent was even stronger with him standing close. He retained his knife.

With shaking hands, the femme removed the patch of fabric covering her chest, revealing pert breasts capped with erect pink nipples. The wrap about her hips released with a tug of her fingers on the bindings.

He gazed upon her and smiled. "You are an attractive female. A fitting mate for any pack male."

Her eyebrows arched. Confidence suffused the femme's body at his words. "Even for the alpha?" she asked, moving closer to him.

He nodded. "In accordance with the old ways, yes."

She embraced the big male and pressed her lithe body to his large muscular one while trapping his member between her thighs. "This is my first breeding season. I wish you to be my first, pack alpha."

His strong arms embraced the female. The alpha's tongue licked her muzzle, cheek, and neck. "I accept you as breeding partner. You have taken precautions?"

She nodded and rocked her hips along his stiff member. "I have, this very morning."

He looked at her for a moment. "Are you ready?"

The femme's head tilted up, allowing him to gaze into his eyes. "I am yours, pack leader."

The male stepped back and guided the smaller femme to a large tree he'd marked moments ago.

If this were the village, she'd lay on soft skins upon the floor to accept him. Exposed in the open, she placed both palms against the rough bark, leaning forward at the waist. The strong male odor rose and flooded her senses as his liquid evaporated. She rolled trim hips, revealing a glistening pink sex to the aroused male. She arched the luxurious gray-furred tail, flipping it across her left hip.

He sniffed the air, letting the female's musk do as intended. His penis hardened further, the skin growing tight. A growl of lust escaped his muzzle as he guided the throbbing erection to the wet female flesh with his hand.

The first mating rite was a time-honored tradition for females of their tribe. She accorded him great respect and the alpha felt pride at the young female's courage to honor the lost traditions.

"Prepare yourself," he said in a voice thick with lust.

She felt him slip into her opening. Then the male yanked her rump to his abdomen as he shoved himself into her with a powerful thrust of muscular hips.

The pain was brief and pleasurable, causing the femme to cry out in surprise as her claw points gouged the bark. "Ah!"

After a moment to savor the feel of the female upon him, the alpha began thrusting his hips with vigor.

She gasped as the male's member was rammed to the hilt into her body. The female knew that his actions were primal; intended to create a pup within her belly, not pleasure. With all her senses heightened, from touch and smell to hearing, she responded by growling low in her throat. Her hips thrust back as he moved forward to stimulate him further.

"Amazing," she heard him grunt some moments later.

"Thank you, pack leader," she replied with a snarl. Knowing he enjoyed her body gave the female immense satisfaction. "I am yours."

When he sensed his time was close, the male leaned forward, and gripped the female's shoulder and neck with his teeth. His hips hunched his abdomen tight to her rump and kept their bodies close. The knot on the base of his penis swelled inside the small femme, locking them together.

The tight feel of her on his growing knot was sheer pleasure for the male. The urge to release her neck and howl in triumph was hard to resist. When his knob reached full engorgement, the male ejaculated, flooding her with his seed.

The female felt the warmth of his mating deep in her belly. She closed both eyes and moaned. Her body squeezed his bulbous knob and the male sent another surge of warmth into her body. This repeated several times to ensure a successful mating among canines. The mature alpha produced great amounts of seed and soon, she smelled it, not doubt oozing from their union.

His jaws released her neck and the male licked her fur. Then the pair eased themselves onto the lush grass and soft moss, tied together by his knot. At intervals, she felt a fresh flow of warmth into her belly as he ejaculated again.

"You're filling me with lots of seed," she noted in a happy voice. Her eyelids drooped, heavy with post-coital fatigue. She rested her head on a muscular arm as he held her close. The moss they lay upon was soft and warm, almost as nice as a sleeping skin in a lodge.

He nuzzled her ears with his nose and tongue. "I haven't bred a female with this intensity in many years. I would make you first among my harem if that were possible."

"Even though you cannot quicken a child inside me, thank you for breeding me, pack alpha." She replied. "You have made my first mating a joyful experience. I shall remember it for all my days."

"As will I, my daughter."

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