The New Alpha Ritual

Story by Boomslang on SoFurry

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#3 of Standalone Stories

The pack has a new alpha and both tradition and custom require specific actions to ensure pack survival.

As alpha female, it was Tyla's duty to submit to the new alpha male or surrender her position as alpha female.

She walked to the center of the circle with a steady pace, shoulders back and head held high. The pack had gathered about the center of the village and looked on. They waited to bear witness to the new pack alpha asserting his breeding right.

Torches flared to life with a touch from a lit taper as dusk fell. Tradition dictated that nightfall on the day of the alpha's confirmation was the proper time.

With the last of the sun sliding beneath the far hills, Tyla motioned to the unmated females with her hand. They stepped forward and unfastened the material covering her chest and then the wrap about her waist. Once the alpha female was unclothed, they bowed their heads and retreated to the circle of observers.

Tyla knelt on the blanket. She garnered approving looks from the assembled males. Older than half the pack females, she had wide childbearing hips. Heavy breasts had suckled pups with plentiful milk before and would do so again. Many of her children stood in the circle, watching their mother with admiration in their expressions and posture. She was well-regarded in the pack hierarchy and held the position for over ten years; not a record but quite respectable.

Minutes later, a murmur rippled through the observers. The new alpha male approached from his lodge; two elder males a respectful two steps behind. The pack alpha stepped through the parted circle of onlookers that closed behind him. He was young, much younger than the alpha female. Her gray eyes found her mate among the circle of onlookers. He was lower in the pack rank and had no say in what was to come, nor would she allow it. As alpha female, this was her duty; one she was serious about. Tradition bound her mate as it did her and having the alpha breed her engendered much respect from the pack.

The alpha male stopped before Tyla, a self-assured expression on his muzzle. He spoke in a voice heard by all in attendance. "I am pack alpha by deed and acclaim of the pack members," he stated. "Tyla, as pack alpha female, you must submit for breeding or relinquish your rights as alpha to another female." His gaze was steady as his eyes fastened upon hers. "What say you?"

Tyla had no intention of surrendering her position. It came to her as naturally as breathing or breeding for that matter. "I submit to you, pack alpha. Breed me as is your right."

He said the ancient words. "I claim the right of breeding." The elders looked on, neither satisfied nor disapproving.

She expected no less. She'd bred with pack alphas before and produced two pups from the encounters.

Tyla positioned herself to the ground on her hands and knees. Her tail arched and moved to the side.

The male removed his loincloth. Unlike the alpha female, he had no attendants to take his garment. He dropped it on the ground and expressed his penis. She had seen it plenty of times before during pack mating celebrations. It only held her interest now because he was the new pack alpha.

The male knelt behind the older female. His penis hardened at the scent of the female's musk. Her flesh glistened in the torchlight, evidence of her mating readiness.

There was no need for conversation. They'd exchanged the only words necessary during the ritual.

His hands gripped the wide hips of the female. The pack watched. After a pause, the young male pushed himself into her slick vagina.

A murmur of approval came from the pack members.

Tyla tried not to moan as his stiff penis moved inside her body.

The male pulled on her hips as his own began surging forward. In moments, he was rutting her as was his right. Tyla's heavy breasts swung beneath her torso. He grunted with satisfaction as her body accommodated him.

The scent of male musk and the odor of their sex affected the female. She began moaning and thrusting herself onto him due to the increasing arousal of her body. Thoughts of her mate vanished and Tyla only thought of mating the alpha for the continuation of the pack. The pack's needs were paramount. She began forcing herself onto his big cock as he moved forward. One hand stole between her legs to massage the aroused clitoris peeking from the mature femme's clitoral hood.

Their mating was vigorous and enthusiastic. The pack cheered the alphas' efforts.

The male was experienced and young. Tyla climaxed several times with her hand as he rutted her. It was a quarter hour before she felt his jaws clamp onto the shoulder muscle at the base of her neck. A growl from him caused the female to hold herself still. His hips remained pressed to her rump as he pulled on Tyla's big hips.

The sensation in Tyla's belly told her that the alpha's knot was growing within her vagina.

She cried out with pleasure as his knob of flesh engorged in her.

In moments, he attained full size and tied into the female. Once tied, he began ejaculating, filling her with his seed to quicken a pup in the femme's belly.

Tyla felt the warmth flood into her and smiled. He would remain tied into her for almost a half hour, ejaculating at intervals. Although the alpha female was older than the pack leader, she was still of childbearing years. Once locked together, his jaws opened and she felt his tongue lap at her neck wound.

The pack cheered the tying and began to pair off. Couples fornicated with cheerful enthusiasm. As the alphas looked on, tied males and females began to surround them. Tyla smiled; her own mate was tied into a female come to breeding age earlier that spring.

The pack survived.

When the alpha's knot diminished, he pulled free of her body. Semen trickled onto her lips and thighs. Female pack elders examined her and pronounced it a valid mating.

The pack alpha rose and howled into the night, cementing his authority over the pack. Unattached females rushed forward, eager for a mating of their own. The alpha would sire several children this night and continue their pack lineage.

Tyla watched her eldest son, the new pack alpha, lead the harem toward his lodge with a smile on her muzzle. He had done well this night.

The pack alpha had satisfied propriety by breeding her while the pack bore witness. As alpha, it was his right to breed any female in the pack at any time. As alpha female, it was her duty to set an example for the pack females and to produce pups from vigorous males. Tyla knew that this was her only time with the pack alpha as a breeding partner. The pack understood and could accept it now that he'd already taken her to mate, satisfying custom and tradition.

The attendants returned and helped Tyla to her feet. She smiled at her mate and his young female as they passed.

On the way to her lodge, a solitary young male stood athwart the path with a confident smile. The strapping young canine had attracted Tyla's eye for weeks. The mature femme stopped and sampled his scent on the air. She found the masculine odor pleasing and inclined her head in acceptance. The male moved aside.

Tyla took the clothing from her attendants and dismissed the young females. They bowed their heads and yipped with excitement while running toward a pair of males awaiting them with stiff expressed penises.

The pack survived.

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