Cougar on the Prowl

Story by Boomslang on SoFurry

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#1 of Standalone Stories

Susan Elliot is on the hunt for a young male to satisfy her needs and has Brett Jacobs in her sights. How will the canine handle a mature femme looking for a new lover?

The Plot

Susan and Bill Elliot sat in the sun room enjoying the quiet Sunday morning. Both were lapines, gray furred with black tips to their ears. Bill was reading a book and Susan sat on the opposite side of the small table swirling tea in her almost-empty cup.

Susan pushed her foot harder into Bill's crotch. "I'm going to seduce Brett Jacobs."

He looked over his book at her. "It's about time. I was wondering when you'd get around to it."

She laughed. "Having him do the yardwork for the past couple of summers has let me see what kind of young male he's become. He's filled out nicely in the past year. I've been sunning myself in barely-there swimsuits while he works in the hot sun."

Her husband glanced at her. "Males like having some eye candy while they're working. Make a job seem not so bad."

The doe grinned and said, "I wore a microkini last weekend. The poor boy took longer than usual to finish the yard. I think he mowed the same patch of grass a dozen times just so he could look at me."

Bill laughed. "You're incorrigible."

"I know," Susan replied without a hint of shame. "From the bulge I could see in his shorts, he's sporting a decent package; and you know how much I like cocks."

He nodded. "Oh yeah."

Her foot massaged her husband's prick to stiffness. "I'm going to have him help me cleaning out the spare bedroom," she said. "I'll wear something normal yet slutty and seduce the unsuspecting young male."

"He doesn't stand a chance."

She grinned. "Make sure the video equipment is ready to go."

"Of course. When do you want to try for him?"

"School's out for the week and dear Brett has no plans. I was thinking of Wednesday. Then, if things go as well as I think they will, I'll have another romp with him on Friday."

"I'll take care of the recording setup."

Susan took her foot out of his crotch. "Great. Now why don't you get your stiff cock out? I've got a craving for cum."

Bill smiled and set his book aside.

The Setup

Brett found himself staring at Susan Elliot more than he should have. The lapine femme had a snug maroon top hugging her big breasts. From the way she moved under the shirt, it was obvious that Susan didn't have a bra on. Tan shorts rode high on each leg and revealed plenty of her ass cheeks when she bent or crouched. Her mature body overfilled the shorts and the too-short top showed plenty of midriff. It had a tendency to ride up her chest as she stretched for items on shelves.

Remembering how her body looked in the microkini left little to his imagination as he took time to admire her when the femme's back was turned or not looking in his direction. His imagination, her outfit, and stray carnal thoughts caused the canine male to grow excited several times.

As Brett worked with the Susan, he began to realize how often her body made contact with him. There were boxes and items filling the room early on, which explained much of the incidental contact. A brief touch of a soft breast on his arm or back, a hip or brush of her rump against his legs or crotch seemed unavoidable. As the room grew more organized and space opened up, her hip and rump contacted him more often. Several times, she pressed herself full against him while reaching for objects on high shelves. Brett found himself in a constant state of arousal and semi-erection.

When the contact was accompanied by knowing looks and grins from the rabbit, he thought that she was doing it on purpose. Not that he minded. It was just damned distracting. And arousing. He remained silent and offered her shy smiles when she grinned at him. He'd rather be a fool and stay silent than take the risk of upsetting her with incorrect suspicions.

Susan peppered her conversation with subtle innuendos and sexual references. Just as Brett thought she was serious; Susan would smile and laugh and Brett was left unsure of how to react to her. Maybe it was all just a tease. That was fine by him, he could think of worse ways to spend his time and if she wanted to rub against him, she was welcome to keep doing it.

Before lunch, the pair had almost finished their task. The conversation took a more personal turn.

The rabbit closed the box between her knees. "Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked, all innocence and curiosity.

Brett shook his head. "Not anymore."

"I'd think a handsome fellow like you wouldn't lack for companionship."

He grinned and sighed. "I had a girlfriend. We broke up a few weeks ago. I'm not interested in the girls I know."

"Oh, what kind of femme are you looking for?" she asked and reached for the packing tape.

He shrugged. "I dunno."

"Come on, you can tell me," she said, to the screech of packing tape. "Wait, let me guess; do you like young or older femmes?"

Brett hesitated a moment before answering and said, "Probably older. Girls my age don't seem to know what they want."

She grinned and pushed the box along the carpet toward the closet. She crawled along the floor, pushing the box before her. "I see. Athletic or full figured?"

Brett watched her ass as the doe moved across the floor and didn't realize she was waiting for an answer until her head turned over her shoulder. "Full figured are nice. I like a femme with curves."

She stood and turned. There was a grin on her muzzle. "It sounds like you're interested in someone like me."

The canine couldn't keep the surprise from his face. "Uh, well, I guess so," he managed to say.

Susan moved toward him and stopped before the young male. She traced his arm with a manicured finger. "If you had the chance, Brett, would you go for a mature femme like me?"

Brett wasn't sure how the conversation had taken this direction. The finger moving through the fur on his arm was distracting and he avoided looking at it. However, she stood before him so lowering his chin to look into her face allowed him to see Susan's breasts too. Her nipples tented the fabric. She looked at him, expecting an answer. He swallowed hard and nodded. "Yeah. I would."

She smiled. "Thanks. Having a good-looking young male find me attractive is exciting." Her finger moved across the male's shoulder and over a firm pectoral muscle. "Mmm, nice," she said, looking at him with a smoldering gaze under lidded eyes. The rabbit had a half grin on her muzzle.

Brett stood rooted to the floor, not believing or understanding what was happening to him. His penis, however, hardened, deforming the front of his shorts. He said a silent prayer that she wouldn't notice and tried to will the erection away.

Susan was watching the young male with more attention than he realized and noted his arousal. "Wow, did I do that?" she asked, wide-eyed and innocent as she examined his distended shorts.

Brett wished the floor would open and swallow him whole. "I'm sorry."

"What for? It's a natural reaction," she said, smiling at the canine. "To be honest, Brett, I'm glad that I make you excited." The rabbit's arm dropped and her fingers traced the bulging material. "You must be uncomfortable," she murmured.

Brett's cock throbbed at her touch and grew even harder. "A little," he admitted and wished the doe would take her hand away.

Both eyebrows arched as she looked into his eyes. "Only a little?" she asked, "From the size and firmness of this bulge, it must be quite uncomfortable." Her fingers continued exploring Brett's erection. "I know that males don't like to have their hard-ons confined like this."

The canine's mind raced, trying to connect the dots of the conversation and situation. "I, uh, don't know how to respond to that."

Susan's voice dropped into a sultry octave. "Shh. Don't say anything." Her fingers closed on his bulge and squeezed.

Brett moaned.

"Does you like that?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

Her fingers squeezed and released several times. "You have a nice cock, Brett. Can I see it?"

He stared at her his mouth open.

She gave him a hard squeeze. "I really want to see your cock, Brett. And you'll feel better once it's not confined."

Brett found his voice. "Okay."

The doe's fingers took his zipper tab and tugged. The sound of his fly opening seemed loud to the male's ears. Brett's heart thudded inside his chest.

"Briefs," she noted. Susan pulled the waistband low and extracted his stiff penis through the unzipped fly.

Brett sighed when his cock sprang free and swelled to full size.

Susan's fingers curled on the male's shaft and moved along it. "Mmm, you have a nice cock." She smiled and let her eyes fall onto his member. "Very nice indeed."

"That feels good," Brett admitted as she stroked his shaft. His knot swelled near the base.

"I'm sure it does. I haven't met a male that didn't like having his cock stroked by a femme. Oh wow," the doe said, tracing the growing knob of flesh with her fingertips. "I like your knot." She resumed stroking his shaft but released him after a few moments. "Why don't we make you more comfortable?"

Before Brett could stop her, Susan unfastened his shorts and pushed them and his underwear from the male's hips. He stepped out of the garments to keep from tripping.

Susan reached for his dangling testicles. "Nice balls," she said with a smile. Hefting one in her palm, she observed, "Big and heavy; I'll bet they're loaded with cum."

"I guess so."

Susan's hand moved to the end of Brett's cock where her fingertips traced the pointed glans. "Already leaking," she noted. "You must be really excited."

Another nod. "I am."

"Thanks for letting me play with your dick," Susan said, her eyes returned to his and the femme gripped his shaft again. "I like masturbating a hard cock and getting a male ready for sex."

"I'm enjoying what you're doing."

She let go of him and brought the hand to her muzzle. A pink tongue slipped between her lips and licked each fingertip. "Mmm. I like how pre-cum tastes but I like cum even better."

Brett stared at her.

Susan laughed at his expression. "Are you surprised that I like the taste of cum?"

"It just surprised me to hear you say it."

"Mature gals know what they like and aren't usually shy about it. Now, since I've gotten a good taste and feel of your cock, why don't you do me a favor?" The doe took Brett's hands and lifted them to her waist. "Take my top off."

After a glance into her eyes and getting a reassuring nod and smile, Brett's fingers hooked under the hem of her top and lifted. The doe raised both arms he removed the garment. Her arms lowered and Susan stood before him bare-breasted.

Brett's eyes were fixed on Susan's large, well-proportioned breasts. Each was capped with rosy areolas and firm nipples standing proud of her gray fur. After long moments, his gaze lifted to hers.

She nodded. "Go ahead Brett, touch them."

Brett cupped the rabbit's breasts with his palms. His fingertips caressed the stiff nipples. "Wow," he said in an awed voice.

"Do you like my tits?"

He nodded. "Very much. They're amazing!"

"Have you ever fondled boobs like this before?"

He shook his head. "No girl I know has breasts like this!"

Susan arched her back, pushing the mammaries into his hands. "Give them a little pinch," she prompted.

He applied pressure to the erect flesh with thumb and forefinger and the rabbit sighed. "Not too hard. Yeah, just like that." Her ears lowered and flared wide as she relaxed under his touch.

After exploring Susan's nipples, Brett let his hands roam the femme's breasts, sides, belly and waist. "You have a great body, Mrs. Elliot."

The doe arched an eyebrow and gave the male a wry grin. "How can you tell? I've still got some clothes on."

His eyes widened.

"Go ahead, Brett." she prompted. "Undress me. I want you to see me without anything on." She gave a small laugh. "Not that there's much you haven't seen, what with the teeny bikinis I've worn while you worked in the yard."

"I love your bikinis. That's the best part of working for you."

"Brett, I hope to change your mind about that."

The canine's fingers trembled with excitement as he unfastened the buttons on Susan's shorts. When the last one came undone, the material slid from her generous hips to the floor.

"Panties, too," she reminded him as he stood gazing at her lower body.

Brett removed his tee-shirt and knelt before the femme. The white panties hugged her plump Mons. With his muzzle close to the femme's belly, the doe's musk and scent filled his nose. The odors made his erection throb with lust and excitement. "Oh wow, your scent is amazing," he said. His fingers pulled the waistband from her hips. The front material curled over, revealing her mound of Venus to his unblinking eyes.

When he caught sight of the glistening labia and clitoral hood peeking from her damp fur, the sight and aroma almost overrode his self-control.

Susan shuddered as he exhaled, his warm breath caressing the flesh between her thighs as he guided the panties down the femme's legs.

After stepping clear of the panties, she held him place with hands on Brett's shoulders. "Stay there. Explore me with your fingers."

The male felt like he was dreaming but lifted a hand between Susan's thighs without hesitation. At the last moment, he changed his mind and brought the hand from between her legs. Brett traced the swell of her Mons and the hollow where belly met thighs with his fingertips.

"Go slow," Susan advised.

"Okay." Brett slowed the movement of his fingers through her fur as he traced the curve the rabbit's belly toward her pubic mound. Then he placed both hands on the swell of her hips, caressing the fur of her outer thighs to her knees and down to her ankles. His hands retraced the path upward to Susan's hips, changed direction and caressed her ass.

"I like your technique," the rabbit said, pleased with his exploration.

Brett didn't answer. His hands slid from her rump to the tapered hips and then onto her belly. Both palms moved up, ruffling the doe's fur. The male caressed the bottom of each breast, pinched her nipples and then slid across her belly. He dropped one hand and moved to the swell between her legs. When his fingers grazed the fleshy clitoral hood, the femme shuddered.

"Oh! Stay there for a minute!"

His fingertip pushed the flesh against the excited clitoris underneath as he applied light pressure and gentle movements.

"Wow," she said. "That feels so good!"

Brett smiled and kept stimulating the mature femme. He was starting to enjoy this. The doe's scent was stronger now that she was growing more excited. His cock felt like iron as his arousal increased.

"Okay," she said after several shudders rippled through her body. "Go lower."

His fingers moved lower, into the labia beneath her clitoris. As his fingers moved between her thighs, the sensation changed, growing warm and slick from her lubrication. "You're wet," he observed.

"After what you did to my lower body, I should be dripping down there."

"Not yet but you're very wet." Brett's fingers found her vaginal opening. After tracing it for a few seconds, the male pushed a fingertip inside her.

Susan moaned and moved both feet apart.

Brett inserted two more fingers inside the femme and pushed until his knuckles met labia. Wet warmth enveloped his fingers. The sensation was new and thrilling to the male. He'd never fingered a pussy like this before.

Susan remained silent, waiting to see what the Brett was going to do.

After wondering what to do next, Brett probed her interior for several moments. When this caused the rabbit to sigh with satisfaction, he began slipping his fingers in and out of her slit.

"I like that," she said.

When he extracted his wet fingers, the odor of the doe's sex flooded the canine's nose. He licked her moisture from his hand, savoring her salty-sweet taste and odor.

Susan watched him with a smile on her muzzle. "How do I taste?"

Brett licked his muzzle. "Great! I love it!"

The rabbit lowered herself to the floor next to him. "Lie back."

When he stretched out on the floor, Susan gripped his stiff member and stroked. "You are hard as a rock, Brett! That's how I like my males."

He brought both hands behind his head to form a pillow that allowed him to watch the rabbit.

"I told you earlier that I like the taste of cum," Susan said, looking into his eyes.

"A hand job would be great."

Susan looked surprised. "A hand job?" The rabbit shook her head, her ears swaying with the movement. "No, I think a blowjob is necessary."

"A beejay? Really?"

She nodded. "What, don't girls suck dick anymore?"

"I haven't been with one that did it without me asking."

The femme shook her head again. "Pity. They don't know what they're missing. As for me, I love having a hard dick in my mouth and the taste of hot cum." She lay out on the floor between his outstretched legs. One forearm supported the femme's torso and the other hand guided his shaft toward her muzzle.

Brett held his breath as the mature femme inserted his stiff cock between her lips. When her tongue bathed his glans, he felt as if he were going to blow his load then and there. "That feels so good," he said.

She winked at the male and inserted more of his erection into her mouth. Her tongue coated his member in saliva within seconds.

Brett sighed. Susan's mouth felt great--warm, wet, and sensual.The look the doe gave him as she sucked his cock was like nothing he'd ever experienced. She mesmerized him and showed obvious enjoyment at sucking cock.

Soon, her head moved with a steady rhythm along his shaft. At times, her small nose bumped against his knot. He liked the sight of his shaft emerging from between her lips wet with saliva and disappearing again as her head lowered toward his abdomen.

"Ah fuck," he breathed.

Susan grinned around his member and kept blowing him. At intervals, she'd alter her technique to keep things interesting and prevent Brett from ejaculating too fast.

The canine lost track of time. When the telltale sensation in his penis and balls signaled an impending climax, he said, "I'm going to cum soon."

Susan winked at him and started fellating Brett with faster movements and lots more tongue action on his glans.

"Oh damn!" Brett's hips moved on instinct, pushing his cock into the oral embrace as she went down on him. "Don't stop!"

Susan maintained her fast pace and Brett groaned. "I'm cumming!" His hips surged toward her head.

A surge of warm semen filled the rabbit's mouth. She paused to savor the taste of it before swallowing it all down. Then she resumed fellating him.

Brett's cock was more sensitive than he could remember. "Fuck!" he cried and came again. Susan coughed as it hit the back of her throat. She thought it was as large as the first load he provided. The rabbit swallowed it down and kept sucking his hard cock.

"Damn," Brett said as he ejaculated again.

The doe continued bobbing on Brett's shaft and he climaxed several more times.

When the young male's balls produced no more semen, the doe's mouth slid free of his softening prick. "Wow, that was a lot of cum!" She looked pleased. "Do you do that all the time?"

"I've never cum like this before," he gasped.

"You've never had me suck your dick before," she observed and moved to lie beside him on her side. "You just needed the right femme to empty your big balls."

Brett stretched out an arm and she rested her head on it. "Thanks," he said. "That was amazing."

"I'm glad you liked it. Now we have a problem though."

The male's scrotum pulled up in fear as he remembered that Susan was married. "What kind of problem?"

"I like a good fuck after I blow a male," she said with a smile.


Susan laughed. "Oh yes. I have needs too, Brett." She patted his soft penis. "When you recover, you can use this instead of your fingers. Until then, I have something else in mind."

"Oh? What's that?"

"Do you like to lick pussy, Brett?"

Brett turned his head toward hers and smiled. "Yes!"

Susan laughed. "Canines usually do. They're also the best."

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