Rex and the Mother of the Groom

Story by Boomslang on SoFurry

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#1 of Standalone Rex Stories

An older femme comes to town for attend the wedding of her son. The interest between her and Rex is mutual but can he convince her to take a chance on a younger male?

A Coyote Walks into a Bar

Rex parted ways with the males he called his dance gang in the hotel lobby. Wanting a drink, he entered the bar and ordered a draft beer.

The bartender placed a foaming glass before Rex. "Compliments of the lady at the end of the bar," he said with a tilt of his head toward the femme.

Rex grinned. "Thanks." He lifted the glass and offered the femme a silent toast. When she smiled, he slid off the stool.

The mature wolf watched him approach with a half-grin on her muzzle.

The coyote seated himself on the stool next to her. "Thanks for the beer."

"It's my pleasure," she replied. Her voice had a smoky note to it.

He grinned. "You were at the party.

"I was."

"We were booked for a nude show with customer contact," Rex stated. "But you didn't sample the goods. And I was hoping you would."

The femme laughed. "I prefer to do my fondling in private."

"To each their own."

"What about you?" She asked. "Do you like performing for rowdy femmes?"

He chuckled. "I thought that was obvious. But to answer your question, yes, I do enjoy it. I guess that's the exhibitionist in me."

She sipped her cocktail. "How did you get into dancing for bachelorette parties?"

"Ballroom dancing was an elective course that fit into my college schedule."

"It doesn't seem like college girls are into ballroom dancing. And what you were doing wasn't anything I've seen in a ballroom."

The coyote smiled. "You're right. College girls aren't into ballroom dancing but frisky older femmes are. But, to answer your original question, I took a modern dance class and convinced a few friends to do the same. We formed our private dance troupe to fulfil the needs of the soon-to-be-married femmes."

"there's probably a few lonely bridesmaids now and then, I'll wager," she said.

"Yep. Some of the parties get wilder than others."

"How so?"

"A few have devolved into full on sex parties," Rex said.

"You're joking!"

He looked askance at her. "It's true."

"Brides too?"

He nodded. "You'd be surprised at what peer pressure will convince a femme to do on her last night as a single lady."

"I'm glad my prospective daughter-in-law isn't like that."

"A lot of grooms do the same at their bachelor parties."

The wolf was silent as she imagined what her son was up to at his party that evening.

"There's no harm with a last fling before marriage." After a sip of beer, Rex said, "Of all the femmes at the party, you're the one I wanted to perform for."

That took her thoughts away from her son. "Oh? Why me?"

"I have a thing for older femmes," he said. "You're everything I find sexy about them."

"Such as?"

He turned on his stool to look her over. "You look fantastic in that skirt and blouse," he replied. "It accents your figure well. And while the younger femmes were quite excitable, you oozed a self-assured sexuality while you watched us dance. That's an incredible turn-on."

"I enjoyed the visual display of male endowment," the wolf replied with a grin. "And I have to admit that it did make me more than a little excited."

"I'd like to excite you further," Rex said.

"You sound like you're hitting on me."

He nodded. "I am. How am I doing?"

"Not bad but I haven't made up my mind yet. Keep trying. I like the bold approach."

"That just makes me want you even more," he said with a chuckle. "You know how to play the seduction game."

She finished her cocktail. "Is that what I'm doing?"

"Of course," he observed. "But don't tease me if you aren't interested."

The femme smiled and leaned toward him. "Unearned rewards aren't appreciated," she said in a quiet voice. She returned to her former position.

"I'm going to appreciate you," Rex said.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," she cautioned.

His torso moved toward her and the coyote's voice lowered. "I can smell your excitement," he said. "While you're sitting here acting cool and detached, your body is betraying your desires."

The femme was nonplussed. "Maybe I've got a husband waiting for me in my room and I'm using you to get ready for him."

He returned to his original position. "Anything is possible."

"You don't sound disappointed."

Rex took a drink of beer before looking into her eyes. "I'm spending tonight with someone and I want that someone to be you. I can guarantee that you'll enjoy our time together."

"I like confident males," she said as a finger circled the rim of her empty glass. Her claw point was dark red, chosen to match her outfit.

"You'll find that I'm well-versed in various techniques and have plenty of stamina."

The femme's finger paused for a moment. "Every male says that."

"I can deliver," Rex stated with a smile.

"I'll have to think about it," Kimberly said. She reached into her purse and placed some bills on the bar.

Rex turned to her. "I'm going to have a late dinner in the grill across the lobby." He placed a card on the bar next to her money. "I'll be there for an hour. Give me a call when you're ready for me to come up."

She looked at the card for a moment and then back to him. "What if it takes me longer than an hour to decide?"

"I'll be with someone else."

She picked up the card. Without another word, the femme moved toward the exit.

Rex watched her leave. With each step, the wolf's tail swayed with the movement of her generous hips.

He finished the beer and left the bar. Rex strolled to restaurant and up to the server's station.


The pony looked up from her phone and smiled. Rex smiled back. "Booth for one, please," he said.

"Right this way sir," she replied and reached for a menu one the way out of the station. The coyote followed several steps behind, his eyes on the mare's rump.

She stopped and turned. His gaze was still directed at her rump. "Do you know what you want?" she asked, a grin on her muzzle and one eyebrow arched.

He nodded. "Yes, but I'll need a menu to decide on what to eat."

Her eyes widened a bit and she placed the menu on the table. "I see."

"I hope so." Rex slid into the booth and gave the femme a grin.

"I'm Dahlia," she said. "I'll be your server tonight."

"Pleased to meet you, Dahlia. I'm Rex."

"Hello Rex. Nice to meet you, too."

Another table signaled for her attention. Dahlia said, "I'll be right back."

The coyote perused the menu for several moments.

Dahlia returned several minutes later. "Have you decided on your order?"

"Yeah. Grilled chicken and house salad for now."

"Anything to drink?"

"Water is fine."

She tapped on a tablet to enter his order. "It won't take long. I'll get your water."

Rex noted that her movements were unhurried. He appreciated the view of her ass and watched her with a half-smile on his muzzle.

She returned with his water and placed in on the table. She leaned over far enough to show off her cleavage.

After a few moments of chit-chat, Dahlia noticed her manager and said, "I have to stay at my station or the manager gets real pissy," she said under her breath.

"I understand," he replied. "I like taking to you, Dahlia."

She smiled and returned to her greeter's cubicle, her pace slow and unhurried. Her tail was arched, allowing him a good view. The muscles of the mare's taut rump rippled under the snug black skirt she wore with each step.

"Nice," he observed to himself.

He didn't have to wait long for his meal. Dahlia looked pleased while carrying it to the table.

While eating, Rex caught Dahlia watching him from across the room several times. They exchanged knowing grins.

He was in no hurry and stretched out his meal. He finished and provided his card for the charge.

"Can I get you anything else?" the mare asked after returning with his card and receipt.

"I'd like a non-menu item," the canine said. "What's your phone number, Dahlia?"

She blinked several times before reaching for his receipt. "I've got to work a double shift tomorrow," she said, writing on the paper. Her gaze lifted and she smiled. "But any time after that is good for me."

"Great," Rex replied, offering her his card. "Here's mine."

She took it with a smile. Another patron waved to attract her attention. "Sorry, I gotta go."

Rex nodded. "I'll call you soon."

"I can't wait," Dahlia replied and moved to the table needing attention.

Rex left her a generous tip and slid out of the booth. His phone buzzed for attention on his way into the lobby. The coyote moved into an alcove and answered the call.

"Rex speaking."

Kimberly's voice asked, "Were you serious earlier? About spending time with me?"


"I'm in room eight thirty-one."

The coyote smiled. "I'll be there in a few minutes." He ended the call and paused to enter Dahlia's number into his contact list.

Emerging from the alcove, Rex proceeded to the gift shop.

After Party with Kimberly

The wolf femme smiled as he offered her the flowers. "For me?"

"Of course," he said. "Beautiful femmes deserve beautiful gifts." She was dressed in the same clothes as earlier, a dark skirt the reached to mid-thigh and a cream-colored top. He admired how the tailored clothing accented her curves.

She moved aside and beckoned him into her room.

"What changed your mind?"

She paused before responding. "This wedding has me stressed out. The party and our conversation got me worked up and I need some relief." She sighed. "It was you or a dildo. I prefer the real thing and you indicated interest." She placed the flowers on the desk and turned to him. Kimberly's expression was expectant.

Rex was ready and drew her into an embrace. His fingers lifted the graying muzzle. "I'm more than interested," he said. Their lips met and the canines shared a deep lingering kiss.

When they parted, he held her close. "I'm glad that you decided to take a chance," Rex said. He gave her a light kiss on the lips.

"I almost didn't."

"Almost doesn't matter right now."

She began to unbutton his shirt. "It's been a while since a male expressed interest."

"You need to get out more," he suggested. "I know a half dozen guys my age who'd fight to be where I am now."

She smiled. "You don't have to do that."

"It's the truth." He shrugged out of his shirt. "Mike commented on how attractive you were when we were getting dressed after the party."

She looked interested. "What did he say?"

"He said that he'd love to bang the hot wolf MILF. You were the only femme that fit the description."

Kimberly grinned. "That's pretty direct."

Rex chuckled. "Mike's that kind of guy. I agreed with Mike; I wanted to bang you at first sight."

She gave him a rueful smile. "It's hard to believe that at my age, I could have two young males interested," she admitted.

"Femmes your age? Hell, you're damned sexy. Any hetero male with a pulse is interested in you," Rex said as she unfastened his pants. "If you're interested in a threesome, I can call Mike."

Her eyes widened. "No, that's not necessary."

"It's always an option."

"Thanks, but no." The wolf examined his naked body with interest. She sniffed the air to sample his scent. "You smell nice," she observed.

"So do you." Rex turned in place to let her examine his body up close.

Kimberly took a deep breath. "My heart is racing," she said.

"Take a few more deep breaths," the coyote said. "Arousal is natural."

The femme nodded.

Rex closed the distance between them. His arms encircled her waist. The coyote's fingers found the fastening for the flap over her tail. After releasing it, his hands fondled her soft rump over the skirt material. "You have a nice ass. Watching you leave the bar had me fantasizing about this moment."

She giggled and gave him a shy smile. "Feel free to take off my skirt and explore further."

He caressed the silky fur of the wolf's tail with his fingers before tugging the zipper below it. "I find undressing a femme quite erotic," he said as the zipper plunged over her backside. "Something to savor and take time doing it."

"I like having a male undress me."

Rex's fingers pulled the skirt's waist open.

Kimberly gave her hips a shake and the skirt dropped away.

The coyote's hands squeezed and caressed the femme's ass cheeks for several moments. Then Rex traced the tapered hips with his fingers. "This is how a femme should feel," he said with a smile.

The smile on her muzzle drew his closer. "I can't wait to see more of your body," he said in a soft voice before kissing her again.

The coyote's growing arousal caused his penis to emerge from its sheath.

He took a step back and reached for Kimberly's blouse. As he unbuttoned the garment, his erection firmed and poked the wolf in the belly.

The touch of his member against her stomach caused Kimberly to lower her gaze. "Wow," she said. Her hand fondled his dangling testicles. "Nice package," she said with a grin.

"Thanks. I'm glad you like it."

She released him and Rex pushed the blouse from her shoulders. Her arms moved backward and it fell to the floor atop her skirt.

Rex pulled her body to his, trapping his shaft between their torsos.

"That's a big cock," she said, gazing into his eyes.

"It's just a cock," he said. "Every male has one."

The wolf pulled his muzzle to hers. Rex parted his jaws and let her probing tongue into his mouth.

After their kiss, the male's eyes examined her body.

Kimberly wore matching lace bra and panties. Erect nipples strained the material of her bra and the odor of the femme's arousal filled the air.

Rex sniffed the air and his cock throbbed with excitement. "You look fantastic," he said as his gaze lifted to meet hers.

She had a questioning expression on her face. "Do you want to take them off?"

He shook his head. "I like lingerie. Leave them on for now."


He picked her up in his arms and carried the wolf toward the bed.

She grinned as he deposited her on the bedsheets near the center.

Rex moved between her long legs and sat on his haunches. His fingers went under the waistband of her panties. With deliberate movements, he pulled the material from her hips, exposing her belly and mons a bit at a time.

Kimberly watched as his muzzle lowered. His lips found her body trembling with excitement as he kissed the exposed fur of her soft mons.

After several kisses, he pulled the panties further onto her thighs. The femme's crotch was exposed. Kimberly could feel her throbbing heartbeat in both ears. Rex's nose hovered over her Mons, sampling her scent. "My spine is tingling," she said.

"You smell great," he said as their gazes met. Rex resumed pulling her panties off. Kimberly lifted her rump and then both legs as he pulled the gauzy material off.

The coyote lay between the wolf's parted legs. She watched as his long muzzle lowered into the vee formed by her legs and crotch. Warm breath on her flesh sent a shudder of excitement rippling across her body. She caught her lower lip in her teeth and barely breathed as she waited for his next action.

The warm caress of his tongue on her labia brought forth a low moan from her now-open mouth.

Rex smiled as he savored the salty tasted of her body on his tongue. He dragged his broad wet tongue between the folds of her flesh toward her mons. Kimberly moaned again, louder this time.

When his tongue glided across her aroused clitoris, the wolf's back arched in response. "Yes," she said with a smile.

The coyote took his time arousing the femme. He licked and tongued her clitoris until Kimberly begged for release. Then Rex diverted his tongue to probe her vagina, labia, thighs, and mons for long minutes. The process repeated in this fashion several times.

"You're driving me wild!" Kimberly said the third time he allowed her to recover. "Please make me cum! I can't stand this much longer!"

Rex kissed her mons and winked at Kimberly before focusing his tongue on on the wolf's aroused clitoris once again.

She reached sexual plateau in moments. Unlike before, his tongue remained on her clit.

"Don't stop!" she cried. "Don't stop!"

He forced his tongue atop her clitoris and slathered it across her flesh.

Kimberly's body convulsed with a powerful orgasm that lifted her shoulders from the bed. "Yes!"

She fell back to the bed and the wolf's hips worked to push her crotch to his muzzle. Rex continued stimulating her with his tongue and her body jerked twice as successive climaxes spread from her mons.

He sat on his haunches again and let the femme recover. When her breathing slowed and eyes focused on him, he rose onto his knees.

"That was amazing," she said. "Thank you."

"It was my pleasure," Rex replied. "I enjoy foreplay. It sets the mood for everything that comes after."

She nodded assent. "I think I came four times. That's never happened before."

He grinned. "You've never had me before." He rose onto his knees.

Kimberly's eyes focused on his erection. "You're big," she observed.

"I'll go slow," he said with a smile. The coyote reached for a pillow. "Lift your rump."

She did as he asked. He inserted the pillow underneath the wolf and her butt settled onto it. She curled both legs about his waist.

Rex guided the tip of his prick between her wet labia. The resistance to his flesh felt dropped when he found her vaginal opening. The male's hips flexed to push a couple inches of his erection into her body. "There," he said. "How's that feel?"

"Nice," she replied, smiling. "This angle helps."

"We're going to go slow," the male said. After several moments, he asked, "Ready for more?"

Kimberly nodded.

The coyote pushed more of his member into her with a satisfied sigh. "Nice and tight," he observed.

"Mmm," she murmured with a smile on her muzzle. Her eyes remained fastened on his.

After a briefer pause, the muscles of Rex's hips flexed and he eased more of himself into Kimberly.

"You feel amazing," he said.

"So do you," the femme replied. "This is so much better than a dildo."

Rex chuckled. "I'm honored."

She giggled. "You know what I mean."

"Yeah." His hips flexed again.

"Ah," Kimberly murmured. "Oh wow, you feel fantastic in me."

A smile showed his teeth. "I'm glad you like it." He eased more penis into her vagina. "Almost to the knot," he said.

"Give all to me, lover."

Rex's knot kissed the femme's wet labia as he continued into the femme. "How do you feel, Kimberly?"

She paused before answering. "Oh Rex, this is an amazing sensation."

"Do you like it?"

She nodded. "Oh Yes. I really like it."

He remained buried inside her until the femme's legs relaxed. Rex withdrew the length of his erection from her body. His shaft emerged from between her fleshy lips glistening with wetness.

The odor of sex filled the air.

"I'm going all the way in this time," he cautioned her. "Slow and steady."

She nodded.

Rex's hips propelled his cock into the wolf's body in a deliberate smooth movement.

The wolf moaned with satisfaction. "Ah yes! Rex, you feel so good inside me!"

"Kimberly," he said with a smile. "The way your body feels is amazing."

He performed several slow withdrawals and insertions to allow her to adapt to his member. With that done, the coyote set up a smooth rhythm with his hips. Soon, the wolf encouraged him to move faster.

Rex nodded and his muscles bunched and flexed as he drove his hips with quicker thrusts.

The wolf's breasts bounced from head to toe with the force of their movements.

"Oh yes," she murmured. "Oh yes."

Rex moaned his satisfaction.

Kimberly glanced at the beside clock and then to Rex. "You weren't kidding about stamina."

"I don't joke about sex." The coyote slowed his movements. "Let's change things up," he said.

She looked confused as he withdrew his penis from her body.

Rex gazed upon her for a moment. "Roll over and lift your ass in the air."

Kimberly did as he asked. Rex moved between her legs and pushed his shaft into her vagina. His fingers gripped her waist and his hips began thrusting again.

"I like mounting canine femmes from behind," he said.

Kimberly moaned as her body responded to the male. "I like it this way too."

"Relax and enjoy the ride," he said with a grin. "We're in no hurry."

"Take as long as you need," she replied. "This feels good."

She lost track of time as she concentrated on the sensations the coyote provided her. She opened her eyes in surprise when Rex withdrew once more. "What's going on?"

"On your back," Rex said. "Time for the finale."

Kimberly rolled onto her back and opened her legs for him. She gazed at her lover with an expectant expression.

Rex slipped inside her body and leaned forward. He placed his hands beside her shoulders and lay atop the wolf at an angle.

"Are you okay?"

Kimberly nodded. "Yeah."

His hips began making shallow thrusts. "Roll your hips as I thrust," he said in her ear.

The wolf took several moments to find the rhythm but when she did, her eyes opened wide as a shudder of excitement shot through her body.


Rex smiled. "Keep doing that."

"God, that feels incredible!" she blurted as his shaft moved against her clitoris with each thrust. Her body shuddered. "I'm not going to last long!"

"Neither am I," Rex replied. "I'm close."

"Cum with me, Rex," Kimberly said into his ear.

"I will."

The canines moved together with rising moans of pleasure. They took less than two minutes to climax together, both howling with sexual release.

Wedding Day

Kimberly's eyelids fluttered open.

"Morning," Rex said when she stirred next to him.

"Morning," she replied and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "What time is it?"

"Almost nine," he said.

As wakefulness returned, the wolf noted the tented bedsheets across Rex's midsection.

"I'd almost forgotten how hard young males get in the morning," she said. Her hand found his stiff member under the sheets and gripped him.

"What time is the wedding?" He asked.

"Three this afternoon. I have to get my hair and clothes done at one. Why do you ask?"

"Because I want to take care of this erection with you right now."

"Mmm, lover, I like the sound of that." Her fingers traced his penis from knot to tip. "You're already leaking," she observed.

"I've been thinking about last night since I woke up," he admitted. "And your scent makes me want to fuck."

Her fingers encircled the coyote's stiff member.

Rex smiled as her hand moved along his flesh. "That feels nice."

Kimberly grinned. "I'm glad you like it. This is getting me excited." She let out a sudden laugh. "Getting laid by a hot stud before my son's wedding never would have crossed my mind if someone had asked me what the most improbable thing that could happen was."

"You're a hot MILF so you should expect this," Rex said.

She released his cock. "I'm ready," she said. "Mount me, Rex."

He lifted the sheets and positioned himself atop the wolf's body. Kimberly guided his erection into her vagina and before hugging his torso to hers. "Do me like last night," she whispered into his ear. "I want me a mind-numbing orgasm to start the day."

"With pleasure," the coyote said. He adjusted his body position and began thrusting his hips.

"Oh Rex, you feel so good," Kimberly murmured as her hips sought synchronicity with his.

Parting Ways

Kimberly stood with Rex at the door to her room. She kissed Rex on the lips. "My flight leaves after the reception. I wish we had more time together."

He smiled and caressed her cheek. "I enjoyed our time together, Kimberly. You can call me any time you come back to town."

"You can do the same if you come to my city," she said.

"Deal," he replied. "I travel when I can. I'll let you know when I'm heading your way."

"I'd like that." She smiled. "I'll always make time for you."

Their lips met and the canine couple shared a deep lingering kiss. After a final kiss on her soft lips, Rex left the room.

Kimberly sighed and looked about the suite. "Thanks for the wonderful experience, lover."

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