Rex: Chapter 5

Story by Boomslang on SoFurry

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#5 of Rex

Welcome to Rex's word. He's a coyote pushing the boundaries of pack life and his role as alpha male.

Chapter 5


Rex watched the lynx couple approach through the nearly-empty restaurant lit by the early afternoon sun. Cienna walked with her shoulders back and hips swaying moving from shadow to bright light from the windows. With each movement, her snug top displayed every bounce of her breasts. Pert nipples tented the fabric and tawny belly fur showed between her short top and form-fitting pants. White teeth showed between her parted lips.

Chris's attire conservative and unremarkable, flattered his slim build. His movements, like his wardrobe, drew scant attention, leaving his wife the focus of admiring eyes.

Cienna went to Rex and hugged him, pressing her breasts into his chest. She lifted her muzzle to his and they kissed, long and deep, the coyote's hands caressing her rump. Chris waited without saying anything.

Rex drew back and guided her to her chair. "Did you make your appointments today?" he asked.

"Yes," she said. "Is that part of your surprise?"

He smiled. "It is."

She grinned. "Care to let us in on it?"

He shook his head. "No spoilers. You have to wait until tonight for the reveal." He appraised her for long seconds, letting her observe his eyes taking in her figure. "That's a nice outfit," he said. "Did you wear it for me?"

A shy half-smile lifted the corners of her mouth. "Yes. After last night, I wanted to show off," she said, laughing. "Do you like it?"

He nodded. "I do." The trio took their seats and within moments her bare foot probed the coyote's crotch, her actions masked by the tablecloth. "Naughty girl," he said, smiling. She winked and he lifted his hand to signal the waiter to their table.

After placing their orders, he dropped one hand and caressed her lower leg while she pressed her toes to his genitals. Neither paid any attention to Chris.

Cienna's toes detected the change in her lover's prick and she smiled. A hard ridge of flesh extended from his crotch to his belly. "The thought of your hard cock inside me is making me wet," she said, her voice low to keep their conversation private.

"You slut," Rex said, his voice matching hers.

Her soft pink tongue moistened her upper lip. "I'm _your_slut."

"Do you say that to every male that fucks you?"

"Maybe. Do you like hearing me say that I'm your slut?"

He smiled and nodded at her. "Yes." He glanced at her husband. "It's important for Chris to hear it too."

She laughed. "I love how naughty you make me feel, Rex."

"I just bring it to the surface, Cienna. It's the part of your nature that you like to keep hidden away."

Chris watched the flirting between his wife and her lover and smiled. He recalled their night with Rex and his own prick grew hard. From the way Cienna and Rex looked at each other, all three of them had more to look forward to.

Lazy Afternoon

After lunch, Rex took Cienna's hand and pulled her to his side after they exited the restaurant. His arm encircled the lynx, his fingers tucked into the waistband of her pants. The possessive display didn't evoke any response from her husband. "Chris, you can run along. I want your place ready for company tonight," he said. "I like the music playlist you used last night so use it again. Stock the bar with cold beer but not the local crap."

Chris nodded. "Yes sir. Anything else?"

"You'll get instructions via email." Rex's voice grew serious. "Follow them to the letter."

The smaller male nodded and left without a goodbye for Cienna.

"What about me?" Cienna asked her canine escort. Her arm closed on his waist.

"You and I are going to the beach. I feel like relaxing before tonight's activities." He turned his date away from the resort. "Come along, slut," he said, nudging her with his arm.

Her spine tingled at his order. "Yes, Rex." She walked beside him, comfortable in his company. The wind raised and she detected his musk, causing her nose to twitch. The tangy odor triggered memories of last night and she smiled. "This place is fantastic," she said while the pair strolled toward the ocean along a stone path.

"I vacation here every year," he said.

"This is our first time."

"But not the last."

She detected the lack of question in his statement. "Chris and I decided to return next year," she said. "We could time our vacation to meet you again," she said, her voice hopeful.

"Good," he said.

At the public beach area, they remained on the footpath instead of stepping onto the warm sand.

"I thought you wanted to go to the beach," she said, glancing at her companion.

"We are."

"But we're walking past it."

"The clothing optional beach is past the point there," he said, pointing with his muzzle. He laughed at her surprised look. "I want you natural for the rest of the afternoon. The sight your big bare tits will make me horny."

Heat spread in her cheeks and across her chest. "I've never gone to a natural beach before," she said.

"It's like a regular beach but without clothes," he said. "It's a crime not to show off a hot body like yours."

Heat spread through her loins as thoughts of putting her body on display began to excite her.

They continued on the path, approaching the ocean where the land rose and jutted into the surf. Rounding the point, the beach formed a cove set aside for the non-traditional beach-goers.

He guided her to a pavilion near the tree line. They obtained a basket of beach supplies from the staff member there and located a suitable location to spend the afternoon. A vacant umbrella with chairs set to view the ocean caught his eye and he took Cienna's hand and pulled her along.

Rex spread a large beach towel on the sand and stripped off his shirt, pants and sandals in seconds. Cienna waited for him to finish before stepping onto the towel and removing her shoes. He stepped close and kissed her, his fingers closing on the hem of her top. She lifted her arms and he pulled the material. When it cleared her arms, she shook her hair and stood before him.

He paused and looked at her. A black lace shelf bra exposed her nipples and the top half of her areolas. He unfastened the catch at the front, freeing her breasts from their attractive confinement. Her nipples stiffened and stood proud of the dark circles of her areolas, warmed by the sun.

Cienna grinned, noting his pleased expression. She reached for the front of her pants. She unfastened the button and pulled the zipper without hurry, taking a dozen seconds to finish the process. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband and pushed her pants off her generous hips with slow rocking motions. With his support, she freed her legs of the material.

He smiled, noting how the string panties rode low on her hips. Using her fingers, she tugged at them until they fell to her ankles.

"You don't seem too shy now," he said. "Did you tell the truth about not visiting a natural beach before?"

She looked at him, her eyes as golden as the sun. "I did. Seeing everybody else natural made it a bit easier. I'll admit that stripping in public for you has gotten me wet." With a quick movement, she covered her crotch and dragged her middle finger between slick labia. She lifted her hand to his face. "Taste how excited you make me."

Rex held her hand and licked her finger. The earthy taste of her moisture and musk caused his dick to twitch with excitement. "You taste good," he said.

She arched an eyebrow. "Good enough to fuck?"

"Yes, but not here." He released her hand and retrieved the phone from his pants pocket. He stood next to her, holding the phone out for a selfie.

"Vacation memories?" she asked.

"This is for Chris. He needs to see how much you enjoy your time with me." He pulled her to his side. "All right now, big smile." He took several pictures and sent them to her husband's email address. He also sent Chris an email with instructions to complete before their evening began.

"Chris is beside himself with happiness," she said. The pair settled into the lounge chairs. The beach umbrella shaded their faces from the sun while it warmed their fur.

"You can't find a stud to treat him like a proper sissy bitch at home?"

She shook her head. "No. And he enjoys getting dominated and treated like a bitch when I take a lover. Few males are comfortable in the dominant three-way role or they lack the experience or motivation to make it worthwhile for him."

"I don't have a problem with it," Rex said. "I look forward to fucking his sissy ass."

Cienna smiled. "That will send him over the moon," she said. "I've grown to like seeing him mounted like a bitch. Dominant men get me off. Having one take both of us fulfills both of our needs."

"Now that I understand what turns on you two," he said, looking at her. "We're going to have a lot more fun for the rest of our vacations."

"What do you have planned for tonight?" she said.

"Wait and see," Rex said.

Cienna closed her eyes and sighed. "Okay." Warmth from the sunlight and sand seeped into her fur, making her sleepy.

Rex lay back and closed his eyes. They relaxed, allowing Chris the time to make things ready for the evening.


Chris tipped the delivery raccoon and closed the door. He put the warm beer in the bar refrigerator. A tropical-scented breezed drifted through the open windows. He hummed as he went about his task.

Another knock at the door surprised him. Another delivery, this time from a mouse. He examined the label and found it addressed to him. He opened the box and found a page with written instructions along with various personal care items. He took the items to the guest room bath. He re-read the instructions a broad grin on his muzzle.

His phone chimed and he tapped the first email notification with his thumb. He looked at the pictures Rex sent from the beach and a smile spread across his muzzle. His wife looked happy with her lover. The last picture showed her hand resting on the canine's sheath. Chris rubbed his growing erection but resisted masturbating. He viewed the second email from Rex and his grin widened. He had preparations to make for the evening.

Cienna returned to the bungalow several hours later. Chris met her in the living room. "Did you have a nice time?" he said, noting her lazy smile.

She nodded. "Did you get the pictures?"

He nodded. "Oh yeah."

"Did seeing me naked with a stud turn you on?"

Another nod. "I've imagined you riding his dick for the past few hours."

A smile softened her face. "I'm lucky to have a husband that enjoys watching me fuck other men," she said, caressing his cheek. He detected the scent of musk on her fingers and the ocean on her fur. He didn't detect the odor of sex on her but didn't pursue the matter. "I'm glad you enjoyed your time at the beach."

"Thanks, babe," she said and kissed his cheek. She turned toward the hall. "I'm going to get a shower."

"'Kay." Chris lay on the sofa for a nap. He wanted to rest for the night ahead.

Pack Introduction

The sun began to sink below the horizon and the lynxes relaxed on the sofa, soft music filling the air. They jumped at the chime of the doorbell. They looked at each other.

"Are you nervous?" Cienna said.

Chris nodded. "A little," he said. "Excited too."

"Me too," she said, taking his hand. They rose and went to the door.

Four coyotes--Rex, two males, and a female stood on the porch. They appeared pleased.

"This is my pack," Rex said, smiling at the surprised lynx couple. He led his pack mates into the bungalow. "Cienna and Chris," he said indicating two coyotes, "This is Markko and his wife Laura."

"Hi!" The petite coyote femme said. She had a trim athletic build. Dark brown hair cut in a bob above her shoulders along with A-cup breasts and slim hips lent her a tomboyish air. Her husband Markko had a physical build similar to Rex.

"We're pleased to meet you," Cienna said to the pair.

A tall coyote stepped forward. "I'm Jesse," he said, a grin on his muzzle. He stood a head taller than Rex and seemed to fill the room.

"Hello, Jesse, it's a pleasure to meet you too," Cienna replied, a grin making its way across her muzzle. "Come in and make yourselves comfortable."

Laura held three shopping bags in her hands. She spread he arms wide before Cienna and Chris. "Come with me, girls. We have preparations to complete while the boys relax."

The coyote males smiled and exchanged knowing looks. Cienna shrugged her shoulders when Chris looked at her for a brief moment. They turned to follow the slight female canine.

Laura led the lynxes to the master bedroom. She nudged the door closed with her butt and she set the shopping bags on the floor. Chris and Cienna looked at her, not knowing what to expect.

Laura wasted no time and knelt by the bags. She took a card from one and pushed the bag toward Chris with her foot after reading it. "These belongs to you." She scanned another card. "This is mine," she said and pushed the third bag toward Cienna. "And this is yours."

Chris reached for his bag. "What is this?"

Laura stood and smiled at the felines. "Your outfits, of course." She studied Chris for several moments, a small smile on her muzzle. "You're the cuckold," she said.

Chris nodded and Laura's smile widened. "Lovely. You sure have the build for it, cutie." She stripped off her shirt, revealing pert breasts capped with light brown nipples. "The boys like a bit of cosplay action sometimes to make things interesting." She reached into her bag and spread the items on the bed. "Get dressed and we can start the fun."

Chris held a pleated skirt and furrowed his brows. "I though you said this was for me," he said to the coyote.

Laura cocked her head and looked at him. "It is."

He stated the obvious. "It's a skirt."

She rolled her eyes. "Duh. Put it on. Panties first though. They're in the bag." Laura peeled off her loose shorts, leaving her natural and unfazed by the lack of clothing. She reached for her garments. "You too, babe," she said to Cienna. "Get dressed." Her gaze returned to Chris and she grinned. "Get a move on, bitch, the boys are waiting."

Chris looked at the items Cienna retrieved and compared them to Laura's clothing. The outfits matched. "I'm a male," he said, not comprehending the situation.

Cienna unfastened her husband's belt, a smile on her face. "Remember, you're a sissy bitch now, not a male. The real males are in the living room waiting for us."

"Bingo!" Laura said. She affixed a ribbon to her hair. "Jesse and Markko love that femme boy shit. Banging a twink dressed like a schoolgirl gets them harder than titanium."

"Twink?" He said, stepping clear of his pants.

"Do you prefer sissy bitch?" Cienna said. "This is your special night, Chris. You get to experience being a femme."

"Yeah," said Laura. She examined Chris for several seconds, her gaze lingering on waist. "Your slim build is going to rock that outfit. She addressed Cienna. "He's going to look so hot. Do you mind if I fuck him after the boys are done?"

Cienna laughed and shook her head. "Be my guest, Laura," she said. "If he's a good bitch and satisfies our studs, you can do whatever you like with him."

Chris blinked. His wife just pimped him out.

"Cool," Laura said, a huge grin on her muzzle. "It'll be fun to fuck a dude dressed like a girl."

"Your husband won't mind?" He said to her.

Laura shook her head. "Nah. If you please him, he'll let you do anything you want to little ole me." She giggled at Chris's open-mouthed expression and patted his cheek. "I know your thing is getting treated like a femme but I want to sample your feline cock. And having you dressed like a schoolgirl while you fuck me is the icing on the cake."

He looked at her unclothed body and found himself growing aroused. A gold heart inset with a red stone dangled from her pierced belly button. A gold knob protruded through her clitoral hood. Her movements caused it to catch the light at intervals, glinting in her brown fur. He liked the sight of the jewelry adorning her body.

Laura noted his prolonged stare and smiled. She thrust her hips forward. "Do you like what you see?" She turned, giving him a view of her entire body. She wagged her tail, revealing a tight ass and strong slender legs.

He nodded. "Yes. You're quite attractive."

"Aw, you're sweet," she said. "Come on honey, let's get you dressed. The boys are waiting. I want to see how this outfit looks on you," she added.

Chris pulled white panties onto his hips. "These are tight," he said, rearranging his testicles to a more comfortable position.

"Yeah, that's because you have a dick," Laura said, fastening fastened her skirt. "Without a sheath and balls, they're comfortable."

He said nothing regarding the lack of bras for their outfits.

Cienna had problems with her shirt. "This blouse is almost too small," she said, struggling to fasten the buttons above her big breasts.

Laura looked at her chest. "With tits like those, it's no wonder." She considered the situation for a moment. "Leave the top buttons unfastened. You're the slutty schoolgirl tonight--you sure have the tits and ass for it." She laughed at Cienna's surprised expression. "Chris and I are the shy virgin girls."

"I'm Rex's slut," Cienna said, a grin on her muzzle. "Do I get to fuck the other males?"

"Oh yes," Laura said, buttoning her own blouse. "The pack shares everything, especially bitches." She looked at Chris, her expression soft. "You understand that, hon?"

He looked at his wife and nodded. "The more the merrier," he said. I like watching Cienna get nailed by canines."

Laura laughed. "Rex is the pack alpha. Look to him for approval, not your wife." She smiled and zipped his skirt. "Do what he and the other pack members say, including me. Our pack ranking is higher than yours or Cienna's."

"I'm the omega?"

She shook her head. "No. That role isn't filled yet. You're just the lowest ranking pack member for now."

"When did we become pack members?"

"Well, you're not official members. But Rex marked you and that gives you certain privileges," Laura said.

The ladies finished dressing first and assisted Chris with his remaining clothing.

Their school uniforms consisted of white blouses and dark blue pleated skirts above translucent white thigh-high stockings and panties. White garter belt straps connected to the tops of the stockings and vanished under the skirts.

Laura finished and looked at the felines. She cocked her head and looked at Chris for several moments. "Cienna, we need to fix his hair. He looks too butch."

The femmes spent several minutes with combs, styling mousse and hair clips to transform his hairstyle. All three looked in the mirror above the dresser after they finished.

Chris stared at his reflection open-mouthed. Cienna and Laura flanked him, smiles on their muzzles. His image looked more schoolgirl than middle-aged male. The femmes had given him a feminine hairstyle and clipped a plastic bow at a jaunty angle above his temple.

"We look good!" Laura said, a huge smile on her face. She groped Chris's ass under his short skirt at his less than enthusiastic expression. "Loosen up, Honey! You're a hot bitch!"

Chris jumped from the sudden goosing, causing Cienna to laugh.

"Markko and Jesse prefer that you act shy and effeminate," the coyote femme said. "If you relax and enjoy the ride, you'll remember tonight for the rest of your life."

"No doubt," Chris said. He looked forward to casting aside his masculinity to participate like a femme. The prospect of submitting to the whims of his wife's lovers made his stomach tremble with anticipation.

Laura grinned and kissed him on the mouth. She looked in his eyes. "Are you looking forward to fucking me?"

Looking into her warm brown eyes, his desire for the petite canine rose. His cock stirred in his sheath. He nodded. "Yeah."

"Cool," Laura said. She kissed him again. "I guarantee you'll enjoy it."

Chris expected Cienna to remark on the affection Laura showed him or overstepping his bounds but she grinned at his questioning look. "The pack shares everything, especially bitches," she said.

"One more thing," Laura said, poking the lynx male in the chest with her index finger. "Your name is Christine, not Chris. Understand?"

The butterflies in his stomach intensified and nodded.

Laura took Chris by the hand and led the group from the bedroom. In the great room, Rex and the others moved the furniture toward the walls, leaving a large space in the center.

Laura struck a pose while holding Chris's hand. "What do you think, boys? Are we hot or not?"

The three coyote males stood at the bar, unclothed and ready for action. They put their beers on the counter and appraised the group.

"Nice," Rex said, nodding. "Very nice."

Markko and Jesse's eyes never left Chris. That caused Cienna to grin, suspecting what they wanted to do with him. She went to Rex and kissed her lover, a lingering expression of her desire.

The unattached male coyotes went to the femmes in the center of the room. Laura hugged her husband and they regarded Christine. "What do you think, babe?" She asked. "Isn't she a good-looking bitch?"

Markko's gazed at the small feline and nodded. "Well done. She looks good."

Jesse nodded agreement. "Very well done, Laura."

Chris began to feel unease between the big canines. Laura sensed his growing tension and put her arm across his shoulders. "Relax Honey. Remember what I told you."

Tension left his body as he forced himself to relax. He adopted a shy posture and hugged himself. "Do you think I'm pretty?" he asked the canine males, his voice low and soft.

Jesse smiled, "You're lovely, Christine," he said. The tip of his member peeked several inches above his sheath opening.

Markko added his approval. "Yes. Very pretty indeed." He turned his head to Laura but his eyes never left Chris. "See to the alpha's needs."

With a goodbye kiss for her husband and a pat on Chris's rump, Laura sauntered to Rex and Cienna.

"You're an artist, Laura," Rex said. "I'm tempted to claim alpha privilege and fuck her first."

"Let the boys give Christine a proper introduction to the cuck lifestyle," Laura said "They can get her ready for your alpha prick." She winked at Cienna. "You just have to decide which of us to fuck first."

He guided the ladies to the sofa. "Let's get comfortable and enjoy the show." He said, sitting between them. "You two can blow me while I decide."

After making themselves comfortable, he leaned back and expressed his semi-hard shaft.

Laura took the initiative and leaned across his lap. Her long tongue lapped at him from balls to cock tip before she closed her mouth on his shaft. After several bobs of her head, she released him and looked into his eyes. "I love sucking your big dick, Rex," she said and kissed the tip of his glans with light pressure from her lips.

Cienna moved her head close to his lap. The coyote female moved aside for her and the lynx licked the wet shaft. "I like sucking canine cock," she said and looked at Laura, a mischievous grin on her muzzle. "Let's share."

Laura nodded. Cienna opened her mouth and her head lowered onto Rex's shaft.

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