Hellcat, Hare, and Hound

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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I really need to find a better method of posting stuff to SF because having to space out everything is tedious.

Anyway, this is a story featuring an inexperienced Pitbull girl walking into a den of leather, beer, and experience, with her mistresses holding out her safety net. I hope you enjoy.

"You sure you can't just tie me up and stuff me in the trunk?" Rebecca asked from the backseat. Her nubby tail would be wagging with excitement had it not been smooshed up between her and the seat, but she couldn't really do anything about that. "It'd be really fun. Add to this whole plan."

Helga sighed, but Amy turned around from the front passenger side, "It'd also be really dangerous, and there is no 'plan' Rebecca. We're just meeting some of Mama's friends."

"Her rough and tumble biker friends." The pitbull added, "I mean, you did show me her photo album. These were the kind of people that she ran with back in the day, and they participated in her kinky escapades."

"Some," Helga said, "Not all. And your mistress is right, there's no actual plan. Besides, if I ended up getting pulled over with you gagged in the trunk...well I don't want Amethyst having an arrest record."

"Why would she?" Rebecca asked with a tilt of her head, "I'd explain it's all a scene we're doing."

"They will not care, not in the first few seconds of discovering your gagged body. Plus there's no way to really secure you in there, and trunks aren't known for having that much oxygen." Amethyst explained, earning a nod from the pig driving.

"Can't you have maybe gagged or hooded me back here at least?" Rebecca whined, twisting her wrists into the seatbelt for impromptu restraints, "I mean...it's obvious I'm excited."

"It's obvious someone isn't going to be getting playtime tomorrow if they keep this up." Amethyst said. Holding her tongue, Rebecca nodded and leaned back into her seat, watching the darkened sides of the road pass them by while her vole mistress received a pat on the head. Pawing at her own collar, Rebecca tried to imagine the kind of people she'd meet tonight. But they came out too fast paced or unrealistic for her. She'd always had fantasies of multiple doms using her, and tonight she just might get that.

And at the same time, Rebecca knew she needed to relax. These were Helga's friends, and as the slave at the bottom of the pig's totem pole, she needed to act with respect. Realistically, she'd not get any play from these women and would return home with more fantasies. Fantasies she couldn't sate with the chastity belt blocking her. It'd been a month since her last orgasm, far longer than she'd ever gone without one before. Didn't help that Helga loved to tease her, both directly and otherwise. From making the pitbull eat the pig out, to listening in on her playing with Amethyst, to even having Amethyst toy with Rebecca under Helga's tutelage.

The woman took what she wanted, and Rebecca loved it.

When they parked, Rebecca waited for Helga and then Amethyst to exit the car first. Stepping outside, she breathed in the cold night air and took in the sights. For a supposed biker shack, there was only one bike parked in the lot. Next to it stood a hellcat muscle car, a minivan, and Helga's own suburban ride. She stepped over to Helga, standing aside her mistress as both stood straight with their chests puffed out towards the older woman. Smiling, Helga pulled two leashes from her trunk, "Such obedient little sluts." She cooed, clicking a hook through each of their collar's rings. Rebecca's eyes shifted through the night, her cheeks flaring at the idea of someone seeing them so openly.

"What are your safewords?" She asked, holding the leash firm.

"Pineapple, Mama." Amethyst said, smiling.

"W-Watermelon, Mama." Rebecca followed, her voice barely containing her excitement. They had to be planning something big. Her mind ran wild, making the giddy pittie visibly shake as Helga smiled back.

"Good girls. Now, Amy, you've been here before, but I'm just gonna lay some ground rules for Rebecca as well. Now, Rebecca...ok first stand still." The pig ordered, placing her hand against the younger's woman's shoulder, "It looks like you have to go pee. Do you need to pee?" Rebecca shook her head, "Good. Anyway, my friends have a knack for looking intimidating at first, but they're pretty nice when you get to know them. That said, don't be a smartass to them, except Dawn," The older pig said with a shrug, "We're all kind of smartasses to her. Though I'd advise to avoid it if possible. This ain't some 'we're older so we deserve respect' sort of bullshit, but rather 'this is our house, don't shit in it.' ok? They ask you a question, you answer to the best of your ability. They tell you to be quiet, you respect their wishes and be quiet. If you have any problems, you come to me or Amy. And Amy," She turned to the green haired vole, "Rebecca is your responsibility tonight. I'm trusting you to make good calls. Understand?"

Rebecca eyed Amethyst's curling fingers when the vole answered, "Yes, Mama."

"Good." Helga said, smiling as she pulled her two pets in and kissing them. With Rebecca, the kiss was brief but heavy, whereas with Amethyst Rebecca swore she could see them exchange tongues. Her own envy notwithstanding, Rebecca knew where she sat in their relationship. It wasn't as if they never made time for her, but the bottom slave often became a cuck to their relationship. Something Rebecca found herself enjoying to a degree.

Pulling the leashes taught, Helga led her two pets up the steps of the gang's personal shack. At the door, Rebecca heard the blaring roar of heavy metal and rock from inside. Her mouth dried. What sort of people were inside? Given how much of an amazon Helga was, they had to all be muscle bound goddesses.

She was half-right.

Stepping inside behind her mistresses, Rebecca eyed three women in the room. Two locked in an arm-wrestle on a bar counter, with another cheering each contestant on with a singsong motherly tone. On the barside, a greyfurred bobcat wearing an American flag bandana, a chained necklace, and a white T-shirt with what looked to be oil stains, strained against the grip of her opponent, a brown furred and deep blonde wolverine carrying a struggling smile and two keys around her neck.

"Come on, Jo," The rabbit said, standing out completely different from what Rebecca imagined, "You're going to let Tabs beat you again?" She leaned in, wearing a pink floral dress and the kind of smile Rebecca only saw in afterschool specials, where the mother's made apple pie.

"Shut up, Allison..." The bobcat growled, tightening her grip, "How are you this strong? You just run a gym class, I actually have to do heavy lifting."

"And you stopped hitting the gym because of it." The wolverine grinned, "Least Helga made a home gym after that debacle, you've been slacking."

"F-Fuck you." She grunted, "I do p-plenty of-"

With a heave, the wolverine slammed Jo's hand against the bar. She raised her hands in triumph, whereas the bobcat rubbed her own wrist in discomfort. "Two out of three bitch! You know what that means."

Jo rolled her eyes, "Fine, I'll give one of your boys a 'chance' at an internship. I make no promises of actually giving him one."

"A chance? Jo, come on." The wolverine pressed on, leaning into the countertop, "Justin's a wiz when it comes to this stuff. I had him help with my bike."

"You let him touch your bike?"

"I said help, not touch." She explained, "He did fix my mower pretty quickly, and he's got a beat-up piece of junk car he can keep running. Reminds me of my old bike."

"Frankenstein?" Helga asked, pulling Rebecca and Amethyst behind, "If it's anything like that bike, it should have been pulled over long ago."

The three women looked up with varying degrees of smiles. "Helga!" They cried, with the wolverine stepping away from her seat, "Bought time you got here. Help me convince Jo that..." green eyes shifted towards Rebecca, "Well...hello. You must be the new girl." She said, giving a small but predatory grin that had the pitbull's legs shaking subtlety.

"Really Helga, another girl?" Jo asked, pulling out a beer from under the counter, "I expected a haram from Tabs, but I thought you were more single minded? Did settling down bore you?"

"Just because I settled doesn't mean my bitch can't have her own." Helga said, catching a beer the bobcat tossed and pulling Rebecca closer, "Rebecca here is officially Amy's bitch, which of course makes her mine by proxy. These are my friends, Jo, Alison, Tabitha, and..." She pointed to the bikers respectively, "Where's Debbie and Dawn?"

"Debbie's working," Tabitha said, "Dawn is hanging out with Harper. It's also a school night. Shouldn't your 'girls' be in bed?"

"Amethyst doesn't have class in the morning, and Rebecca doesn't work tomorrow. Anyway, introduce yourself." Helga said, playfully spanking her butt.

Stepping forward, Rebecca felt sudden nerves sink under her skin. These were experienced women, the kind that back in New York City she'd have stayed clear from. Biting her lower lip, she straightened herself with as much poise as she could muster, "Hello, Mistresses. My name is Rebecca, but you can call me whatever you desire."

Tabitha stepped to her, standing a few inches below the dog and looking up. Rebecca's throat felt eerily tight, more than the collar allowed. Had she said something wrong? She tried to see Mistress Amethyst's response, but her dominant was hidden behind Helga's frame.

"Lighten up, kid." Tabitha snickered, wrapping her arm around the dog's neck, "Only people I like calling me 'Mistress' are the people I fuck, and I ain't fucking you now am I?"

Jo smiled, "Judging by her blush, I'm sure she'd be fine with it." They all laughed, even Helga joined in as Rebecca stood there, her face red underneath her fur. She expected them to sound crueler, to force her against her knees while they mocked her. Instead, their laughs were friendly, inviting even. "What do you want to drink, kid?" The bobcat asked, peering into the fridge below, "We've got Oberon, Buds, Coors-"

"First off, she's eighteen Jo," Helga said, letting the leash go loose as she stepped over and reached around to grab a beer, "Second, why are you buying Buds? Just because the jackasses at your work drink pisswater doesn't mean we do."

"Well when it's your turn to restock the place, you can decide what to fill us with." The bobcat said in quiet frustration, still looking into the minifridge, "I got soda, would ya like that?" She asked, reaching into it.

Alison interceded, "She probably shouldn't have soda," the rabbit said.


"It's full of sugar."

"She's 18, not 12."

"And that's no excuse to drink such an unhealthy beverage."

"Christ, Alison," Jo said, shutting the fridge door, "Turn off the mom for once! I get that one kid is in college and the other is in that rebellious teenager stage so you feel like you need someone to listen, but I am not in the mood to be lectured."

"Well if you're going to be giving a young man an internship it's best to remember healthy things to treat him to."

Rebecca's ears furled throughout their argument. Eyeing Amethyst, she saw the vole looking over to Helga, who gave them both a reassuring shrug. "Um..." Rebecca said, stepping forward outside of her place. If she was to be punished, she'd accept it so long as it helped stop the fight, "I'm fine with water. Please don't argue."

"Argue?" Alison asked, one of her ears tilting with her confused expression. Then she smiled, chuckling as she reached over to pinch the pittie's cheeks, "Oh sweetie, we aren't arguing, at least not seriously. I'd never want to hurt my close friends."

Jo passed along a water bottle to Rebecca and nodded. Rebecca gripped the cold bottle tight in her hands, unsure exactly how to process the cheek pinching. Mothers did it to their kids in shows, but Rebecca...she forced a smile, "S-sorry."

"Oh it's no trouble, sweetie." The bunny said. "Helga, are you here to make her a shield slave?"

Rebecca's heart skipped at the question, "Shield slave?" She asked, looking to Helga, "Mama, what's that?"

"It's..." Helga scratched her head, "It's an initiation thing. But to answer your question, Alison, I'm not. Rebecca is Amethyst's bitch first and foremost, so even if she's mine by rank, I don't want to start some annoying long list of things about what ranks in the gang mean. I'm going by the assumption that shield slaves can't have slaves in the gang. That seem fair, Tabs?"

The wolverine vaguely nodded, "Eh, I guess? It's not like we're a massively chaptered outfit or anything. But it's up to you if you want to try to get her in."

"It's up to Amethyst actually," the pig said, pulling her punk haired slave close, "And any questions related to Rebecca can be relayed to her, preferably first. She's this one's responsibility." The vole blushed at their dominant's response and Rebecca did the same.

"In that case," The white-furred rabbit eyed the punky vole, "Would you mind if I stole her from you for a while? I'd love to get to know her."

Rebecca found herself smiling at the request. Fear crawled up her spine, but so did the excitement of wanting someone to talk with her. Amethyst looked over to the pitbull with concern, but the pittie nodded back. She was fine with it, Rebecca wanted to meet Mama's friends after all. "Sure," Amethyst said, letting Helga unhook Rebecca's part of the leash and hand it to Allison, "But don't leave the room with her without asking me again, Miss Allison. I don't want her out of my sight just yet."

Rebecca's heartbeat rose with the sudden tug from the rabbit, "Wouldn't consider it, dear. Dream of it for sure, but she is yours after all." Allison giggled before pulling the timid pitbull down near a white couch beside a vintage 'Metallica' themed pinball machine. Taking a seat, Allison crossed her legs and patted the cushion next to her. Gripping her bottle tight but feeling her tail nub wagging, Rebecca took her place beside the older bun, carefully eyeing the room as she did. Tabitha and Helga had started playing a game of Pool with Amethyst kneeling atop a cushion near the bar, whereas Jo focused on the basketball game on television.

"So, do you prefer Rebecca or can I call you Becca for short?"

"Rebecca please, Miss." She said. Rebecca didn't want to hear her nickname ever again, preferring to keep Becca dead and buried.

"Oh don't call me 'Miss'," Allison said with a hand wave, "Ma'am or just Allison will do. I haven't been called miss without my last name since before I got this," She held her left ring finger, carrying a tiny diamond atop a white gold band, "And now it just feels weird to not be called by my hubby's last name."

"Y-you're married?" Rebecca asked, staring at the ring.

Allison nodded, "Twice actually. First husband had certain expectations of what a woman should be, and being the young impressionable girl I was, I thought I agreed with them. Though that all changed when I got my first taste of the revving engine. We didn't part on good terms, but we're more amicable now after some growing."

Looking back, Rebecca saw no sign of a wedding band on any other member, "And your wife?"

"Second husband, dear." Allison corrected, "Just because Helga prefers tacos doesn't mean I gave up on hotdogs."


"Do kids these days not use that terminology? I figured it was classic."

"Maybe? I never really interacted with many people." Rebecca said, "My dad had kind of a busy schedule with me."

"Busy how?" The rabbit asked, leaning in, "If you don't mind me asking that is."

"Wasn't that why you brought me over here? To learn about me?"

"Well that and take a swim in those pretty little blue eyes" Allison said. Rebecca's throat tightened despite her collar, her blush growing wider and wider. Was someone flirting with her? That never happened, at least not when she ever noticed it.

"I...I..." She found herself at a loss for words. Allison giggled, scooting closer and placing a warm hand against the pitbull's inner thigh.

"Take a deep breath, dear." The older rabbit ordered softly, "We have all night to get acquainted, no rush." Rebecca's heart pounded at the command. Slowly, she inhaled and exhaled, calming herself before the experienced rabbit. "Good girl," Allison cooed, trailing her fingers up the blue-furred pitbull's shoulder, "Now, please tell me about yourself."

Rebecca didn't feel she had much to tell, but the dog gave what she could. Her life growing up in NYC, balancing school work with taking care of the apartment and her dad's injuries before his 'forced' retirement. Then how she had to take over to earn the family living. The days she'd spent going to the gym after school just to practice, then coming home to study, repeated until the weekends where she had a little time to herself to watch horror movies.

Looking back, Rebecca found those memories hard to bring out. After what her father did to her, trying to trade her for his debt after they moved here, it all seemed so...wasted. If she'd only been stronger and not retreated behind the mindset of Becca the fighter, maybe...

The leash slacked, followed by soft paws holding her head and pulling the pitbull in, "There, there, it's all ok now." Allison cooed, letting Rebecca rest between her breasts. She hadn't even realized how wet her face was until it dripped onto the rabbit's dress. When did she start crying? "I know what happened next. Helga called us all for a little backup, and we found those sons of bitches outside. I don't miss the old days as much as Tabs or Helga, but when I saw her walk out with you cradled in her arms...oh, I could feel old Sanngrior calling."

"Songrer?" Rebecca asked, mispronouncing it while face deep in the bun's heavy tits. "What's that? Am I even saying that right?"

Allison shook her head, "Try a little deeper." She explained, smiling warmly, "It's a name. Back when I first met Tabitha and Helga, they were really into this concept of being unbound valkyries. So, being the myth major I was, I suggested we each take a name of a valkyrie. It's pretty silly now that I look back on it, but we were young and foolish, and I was especially a different person."

"What's it mean?"

"Very violent," Jo said from behind, the pinball still rolling throughout the machine, "And very cruel. Allison still knows her way around a butterfly knife."

"I practice with it everyday before I try knitting." Allison boasted. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Rebecca knew she should be terrified of how casually they spoke of it. But the way Allison talked, how she looked at her, it made her feel...safe. Not in the same way with Helga where she could rest in the pig's arms, or the comfort Amethyst brought as a sister slave who could understand her as well as dominate her. The rabbit just made her feel...well she couldn't describe it beyond a warmth. "So, I take it from your rather spartan childhood, you've never had much excuse to really date or experiment?"

"I...I had a little." She said, eyeing back over to Amethyst, the vole now cradled in their Mama's arms while Helga talked something with Tabitha, "But they're currently my longest relationship that's been...well, intimate."

"Do they let you play with others?"

Rebecca felt her tongue twist inside her maw. Her clipped ears leaning forward while she repeated the question in her head. Allison's smile burned her, drying her throat as she found trouble to breath in the rabbit's presence. She never...well that's not true. Rebecca had considered playing with more people, but that was before she met Helga and Amethyst, back when her fantasies went to extremes due to her loneliness. She never grew tired of those desires, but they hadn't been in the forefront for some time.

The bobcat behind them sighed, "She's asking if you want to fuck." Jo said, stating the obvious that Rebecca had been too slow to respond. "Allison, you have no excuse not to be blunt. We've all seen how dense your husband can be."

"But it's just so fun to see them squirm." The rabbit cooed, leaning in closer, "The way their ears splay, their faces redden, and, how you can see certain sexual characteristics get restricted by their clothes. For guys, it's seeing how tight their pants become. But I do love seeing flustered cuties like this one."

Putting her hand between them, Jo scowled, "Ok, first off give her some space. She's probably terrified right now. Second," She turned to Rebecca, "I want to make something clear, we will not ever make a move on you without consent. Allison loves to talk, but she's not going to force you to do anything. It's your choice."

Eyeing between the two women, Rebecca shifted her gaze back over to Amethyst. With a haggard breath, she asked, "Do...would either of you mind if I spoke with my mistress on this?"

They both nodded, "We'd ask you to if you said yes." Allison said. With her leash free, Rebecca made her way over to the billiard table where Helga and Tabitha were focused on their game. Amethyst smiled at her approach, making Rebecca feel all the more anxious.

"What's up?" She asked, "Having fun over there?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Rebecca nodded, taking a seat next to her, forgetting she should be kneeling instead. Amethyst didn't seem to mind. "They are...kind of intense."

Amethyst nodded with her, "Yeah. My ass still stings when I see Allison."


"It was part of my initiation. Mama had them all spank me. Allison did it..." She paused, looking off into space as if the words escaped her, "I guess if I had to rate everyone on how well they can spank, I'd say she's on top."

Looking back at Allison, the pitbull had trouble believing it. Not that she had reason to doubt her mistress, and the rabbit did give off a rather sadistic aura behind those smiles. She had to feel it to really understand, "So..." Her fingers looped through the belt rings of her jeans, "They want to play with me...like, I think intimately."

"Do you want to?"

"W-what?" Rebecca stuttered, tepidly tapping her index fingers against each other as she mumbled, "I...I mean, I kind of do, but..."

"But you're worried I'd be mad, since you're my pet and you don't think I'll be ok with sharing you." Amethyst asked. Hitting the nail on the head, Rebecca nodded. The vole smiled, cupping her hand under the dog's chin, "I want you to have fun. Honestly I feel guilty sometimes making you watch me and Mama go at it, even with your little cucky fetish. So no, I'm not mad if you want to play with others."

"So...I can play with them?"

"Do you want to?"

Looking back over to the two women discussing without her, Rebecca nodded. "Ok," Amethyst said, sitting up and tapping Helga's shoulder, "Mama, I need to go supervise something with Rebecca and a few of your friends. Would you be ok with that?"

"Huh?" Helga asked, turning around to eye the rabbit waving over to them. The pig squinted, "Rebecca, what's your safeword?"

"Watermelon, Mama."

"And if you can't speak?" Helga asked. Rebecca kicked with her left leg three times and her right once, "Good. I ain't giving either of you a key, understand."

"Yes, Mama." They said in unison. Helga let them go, with Amethyst taking Rebecca by her leash on their way to Jo and Allison, where the rabbit had been teasing her friend's interest in her action. "Hello my valkyries," Amethyst said with a bow of her head, "As Rebecca's mistress, I am giving her permission to play with you both. But I demand to be present during it. She is my responsibility after all."

"Worried we'll bite?" Allison asked, smiling as she leaned in, "We will, but only till she says stop." Rebecca wondered how her ribcage held her heart at this rate, with how it pounded against her.

"She belted?" Jo asked, pointing at Rebecca's crotch before swaying to Amethyst's, "I remember you had one when we all had a view of your ass."

"She is, and Mama hasn't given permission for her to be unbelted."

"Ain't she your pet?"

"She is. But Mama is the prime keyholder."

"That does sound like Helga," Allison giggled, stepping up from the couch and stretching her back, "Always a bit of a control freak. It's no wonder she took to this lifestyle."

"The biking?" Rebecca asked, wishing she caught her question immediately with their stares.

Allison smiled, brushing her hand through the pitbull's hair. Saying nothing, she signaled Amethyst to give the leash over. Holding it taught, she whispered, "I hope you're ready to squeal, young lady." Rebecca would have fallen if not for the leash.

Heading towards the back, they discussed their limits and fetishes to be explored. Allison teased Jo on her apparent straightness given the choice of company, but the bobcat brushed it off. The shadows in the room behind the bar dissipated with the flip of a switch, revealing a spacious chamber with a queen size mattress covered in black sheets. "We keep a spare bed in case one of us is too drunk to drive home." Jo explained.

"Or just want a more comfy place to fuck on." Allison corrected, "Jo's had the habit of bringing a few boys here to fuck."

"Men, Allison." Jo said, stripping away her leather jacket, "I bring men with muscles. No fun dominating someone weaker than me." While no broad brickhouse like Helga, Rebecca's eyes fell upon the tight and lith muscles under the bobcat's fur. Compact and powerful, with small flexes surging through her with each stretch, and several scars across the back and arms. They reminded Rebecca of how her own body used to be, back when she trained daily to fight in the ring. It almost made her feel self-conscious, hands grabbing at her legs to feel the new thigh fat building up. She still exercised, running every morning with Helga, but it was a farcry to what she used to do.

Allison was much the opposite. Tactfully discarding her dress, the rabbit revealed a fuller body more comfortable in her skin. Wider child bearing hips that helped shape the round figure the rabbit held. "Like what you see, dearie?" The rabbit asked, swinging her tush and giving it a playful little slap. Rebecca nodded, her mouth drooling yet too dry to respond. The motherly rabbit swayed over, taking the blushing girl by her chin and pressing those full lips against her own. While lacking the forceful nature of Helga, it still sent chills down the dog girl's spine. An experienced hand sunk past her shirt, fondling the small breasts hidden under her sportsbra.

"Strip, dearie. It's no fun if you're clothed."

Any tack Rebecca had vanished. She threw her clothes off, disgracefully discarding them to the side like they were nothing. She knew Amethyst would disapprove of such disregard, but god help her Rebecca didn't care. All she cared about now was the last piece she couldn't remove, the infernal chastity belt Helga claimed ownership of. For once, Rebecca regretted handing it to the older woman.

But that made the decision all the stronger.

Wrapping Rebecca's leash around her hand, Allison pulled the pittie in, whispering for her to kneel down and crawl behind her. Without hesitation, Rebecca answered, letting her knees and hands rest against the cold cement floor of their backroom. With a sharp tug, Rebecca crawled, her face down and watching the white hare's feet step by step on their way to the bed. "Up." She commanded, and Rebecca followed, her gaze meeting the spread legs of the bobcat waiting for them.

"Get to work, cunt." The bobcat growled. Rebecca smiled softly, her body quivering at the insult already. Her maw to the open lips, she remembered all her training under Amethyst and Helga, and applied it. Starting with slow gentle licks to help probe the area. She'd only met this woman today, and now she was the third woman's whose cunt she had the pleasure of tasting.

"Not bad..." Jo said, taking deep breaths with every lick and prod, "I...jeez...I normally consider myself more straight, but there's something powerful about having a trained cuntlicker eating me out."

Allison giggled from behind, "My husband likes to joke that a blowjob is a blowjob," she said, her hands kneading the pitbull's rump. It used to be so firm and tight, but slacking off had given her a small layer of fat that the rabbit couldn't help but pinch and poke. "I've never seen why it couldn't apply to being eaten out."

"Not like he's getting any from anyone other than you." Jo said, her hand forcefully holding down the submissive pitbull by her red hair.

"On rare occasions, when I can bring home a lucky third wheel and we've gotten privacy, he gets some lovely new lips." Allison pinched and prodded all over the dog's bum, before taking them in both hands and spreading them wide, "Anyway, it's a shame Helga didn't let us borrow a key. But I suppose I could be happy her butt is so free. Gives me all that I really need to play with."

Rebecca's licking paused momentarily, her body quivering as a warm and wet tongue slowly lapped against her tailhole. Jo didn't take kindly to it, holding her tighter and shoving her nose into the bobcat's cunt, "Keep licking, little dyke." She ordered, carrying that confident and domineering tone that had the pitbull gushing. Right now, she was no more than a toy between two attractive and experienced women. An object to be used as they saw fit. All she needed now were some cuffs and maybe her hood to complete the illusion.

A slap echoed across her buttcheeks. The sudden sting paused her for a half second before she continued, avoiding Jo's ire. "Oh, I just love how these jiggle." Allison giggled, slapping her open palm across cheek after cheek, over and over. Rebecca's whines were muffled by her duty, and when she'd been pulled up for air the spankings ceased.

"You like it down there?" Jo asked, "You little muffdiver?"

Gasps for air muffled her words, but Rebecca answered. "Yes." She said, Jo's juices dripping from her maw. There was no doubt in her mind how pathetic she looked, held up by this experienced woman. It made her all those more excited, with a scratch that her belt refused to let her itch.

Allison's motherly laugh sounded behind them, "Judging by her little nub, she more than likes it, Jo." A hard wooden instrument braced against her neck, like a knife held up to her throat. "I have to ask, are you a painslut, Rebecca?" the rabbit whispered. Rebecca shook her head, she'd accept pain in play and humiliation, but it wasn't her favorite sensation. She saw Allison smile from the corner of her eye, "Good. Painsluts can be fun, but for people like me they can get really worrisome. I don't like breaking people after all."

"What about your husband?" Jo asked, shoving Rebecca into her crotch.

Allison chuckled, running the flat side of the cold wooden paddle against Rebecca's sore ass, "Oh, he's the exception. Unlike most people, I just want to cuddle with his big belly when I'm done making him scream."

The strike came swiftly. Rebecca screamed into Jo's cunt, but the bobcat didn't loosen her hold. She heard the air scream with each swing, no doubt from the holes in the paddle that marked her tush. Fast and hard, with no rhythm she could prepare for, Allison bombarded the pitbull with hit after hit. Rebecca struggled on reflex, but Jo kept her still and focused on her task. Even Helga had a pattern, giving a little breathing room between the strikes.

She couldn't take it. The pain echoed through her too much to focus on Jo. She muffled her safeword, but being face deep in pussy made it hard to be heard. Desperate, she signaled with her legs, but the spankings made her movements erratic to their eyes.

But not to Amethyst. "Enough!" Her mistress shouted, running over and stopping Allison's next strike, "She's had enough."

As soon as Jo let go, Rebecca screamed her safeword. "Watermelon!" she shouted, tears in her eyes. Some of it from the pain, but much from the shame of resorting to it, "Watermelon!"

Amethyst wrapped her arms around the crying pitbull. She buried her face into the vole's chest, clinging tight while Allison stepped out of bed. The door opened, with Helga pushing through the frame and Tabitha close behind her, "What happened?" She asked, the worry etched across her face.

"Rebecca called her safeword." Amethyst said, brushing her hand through the pitbull's hair and whispering how she was ok. Rebecca couldn't bear to look at everyone. She'd been so excited to play when they hit on her. But she couldn't push through, and now she had to be held like a mere baby.

Having Jo scoot over, Helga sat beside them both and held them tight, "It's ok, Rebecca." She said, "It's ok."

When she turned to meet Helga, Rebecca saw Allison from her peripheral gaze. Still naked, the rabbit stepped back into the room with an ice pack wrapped in cloth. Without a word she handed it to Amethyst, silently whispering what no doubt had to be some kind of apology.

Helga and Amethyst stayed by her side the rest of the night. The pig asked if she wanted to leave, but Rebecca shook her head. She didn't feel scared around everyone, and didn't want to ruin their night further. Not that she explained these feelings, preferring to stay quiet as the night went on. Allison kept looking on with a twinge of guilt behind her smile, and she felt the same.

Before they headed out, Helga and Amethyst needed to use the bathroom. Alone, Rebecca saw Allison step up to her. "Hey..." She said, frowning with her hands clasped, "I am so sorry for what happened."

"It's not your fault..." Rebecca said, "I...I had fun. I guess I just bit off more than I could chew."

"We all have at your age. But I'm glad you had fun. May I sit?" Rebecca scooted over, letting the plump bunny take a spot. "I had fun too, with you. And I was thinking, if you're ok with it, now that I know you're really not into pain but were into...well that. I figured you'd be interested in stopping by my place. You see my husband's mother and all around bitch is taking the kids out sometimes leaving us alone, and I've been looking for a third."

"Are you asking me to join you in another threesome?" Rebecca asked, blush forming again, "With your husband?"

"If you're gay or just not interested, I understand."

If steam could burst from her ears, they would. She smiled, "I'll...I'll think about it. I'd have to have permission."

"Completely understandable." She said, handing Rebecca a folded napkin, "I'd also love to know your workout regimen. Just to help lose a few pounds."

Returning from the bathroom, Helga took Rebecca's leash and the three said their goodbyes. Rebecca unfurled the napkin in the car, revealing the rabbit's digits, as well as a lipstick kiss against it.

"Did you girls have fun?" Helga asked. Rebecca nodded on, silently reading the numbers again and again, imagining the little scenario that could happen.

This world was better than her fantasies.

St Agnes Didn't Expect This

The shrill call of her whistle echoed through the gymnasium, "I don't want to see you girls slacking!" Nora called out, scowling at the 'tired' girls barely putting in any effort. She'd been a gym teacher for nearly a decade, and that gave the ram at...

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A Jewel in the Ruff Chapter 8

Alex remembered the last time she got to sleep in an actual bed. It wasn't a pleasant memory, filled with arguments echoing from the corridor across her old room before she'd been kicked out. Then she'd spent so much time wandering alone, only to find...

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A Jewel in the Ruff: Chapter 7

Given the situation, being at a loss for words shouldn't have made Jewel so nervous. Her former best friend was, after all, standing before her naked in the doorway. Well, not exactly naked, but a studded collar, chastity belt, and nipple rings didn't...

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