Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 45

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#45 of Care Bears Family Adventures Book 4

No-Heart implements the final phase of his plan as the Star Fox Team makes one last desperate assault.

Chapter 45: When Feelings Fail

Teacher Bear lay still as Take Care examined her. She still felt tired but nowhere near as weak as when she had been in the Hall of Hearts.

Take Care finally finished her diagnosis, "The good news is you're not getting worse, the bad news is that your agape has been weakened since it doesn't seem to be as infused with caring energy as it used to be. You're going to be fine but maybe not as active as you once were."

"Is there anything I need to do?" Teacher Bear didn't stand up.

"I might be able to make some medicine with ground up caring crystals, but otherwise just take things easier and you'll be fine." Take Care said. "As for the rest of us, if Indy and I anything to go by there hasn't been a significant physical change but I can't tell if there are going to be long-term effects we'll have to adapt to." She looked over to Indy who stood at the entrance to the exam room.

"For now we just have to wait and see-" Indy suddenly froze, his eyes wide. "Something's wrong!" He almost pulled the door off it's hinges and darted outside.

"Indy?" Take Care followed, shortly thereafter by Teacher Bear, who had to lean on her cane for the first time in weeks.

As they emerged outside they saw Andross' psionically projected head appear above the clouds.



Indy tensed, then took off towards the Hall of Hearts. Teacher Bear was stunned but Take Care managed to snap her out of the stupor and get her moving.

Love Heart was standing a short distance away when the Arwings landed, along with Katt who was trying to quiet Kalico who was crying from the approaching engine noise. When the fighters landed, Falco jumped out and ran to Katt, embracing her and their daughter to reassure them.

Fox stepped out of the MK V with a grim look on his face as he approached Love Heart. "General, the mission was a failure." He did his best to keep his voice level.

"I know," he looked at the others stepping down from their cockpits, "Any casualties?"

"Just ROB, and the Great Fox." Fox stared at the clouds, "That ship was my home for years... and ROB... I'll miss him."

Love Heart saw the looks on their faces and just gave a grim look, "I hate to say this but you'll have time to grieve later. Right now we need to do something about that." He pointed to Andross' head right before it vanished.

A few minutes later, they were in the Hall of Hearts with the rest of the Care Bears. Though they paid attention most weren't sure what to do as Love Heart spoke.

"Star Fox, what's your situation without the Great Fox?" Love Heart asked.

"First is that we're stuck here," Fara said, "The Arwings can't use warp without outside hardware and they don't have enough fuel to take us back to Lylat even if they could."

"Not to mention we lost all our fuel reserve and repair facilities," Peppy added, "As of right now Andross has the only ship capable of using warp space."

"Then we should capture it!" Falco's shout made a few people jump, "Launch a raid and take it over while we capture him!"

"That's too risky Falco," Fara said.

"But it's the only way we have to get home!" Falco's shout made Kalico start to cry again.

"Enough!" Love Heart's sharp tone cut across the argument, "We'll talk about it inside." Love Heart pointed back towards the Hall of Hearts as he saw Indy, Take Care and Teacher Bear approach.


Most of the Care Bear Family was settling down in the Hall of Heart's dormitories, which used to house all the Care Bears when they were children. It was a bit cramped but it was decided that it was better to keep them all in one place that was easier to defend than scattered around the Kingdom of Caring.

True Heart was helping Kind Heart and Valiant Heart lay down to sleep in a hammock, both were doing their best not to worry their parents and thankfully they fell asleep very easily. True Heart watched them sleep then sat down on another hammock and looked around the room, seeing worried faces and despondent cubs, some still scratching where their tummy symbols used to be. Even though their spirits had been briefly lifted by Anger and Guidance Heart earlier, they all still felt a piece of them missing. And yet...

Noble Heart sat down on the hammock next to True Heart and gave her a kiss as they swung slightly. "Are the twins alright?"

"Yes, I just got them to sleep," True Heart managed a smile. As she did the Radiant Heart crystal around her neck glowed brighter. "It's good to know we all still care."

"We always will," Noble Heart leaned up against her, "I'll always love you and care about all of them. No matter what comes, we built a great life here for everyone."

True Heart couldn't help but giggle, "We did, and we'll make a better one when this is over." They kissed again.


Love Heart had gathered all of the Care Bear Magi, Tenderheart, Brave Heart, Take Care and Bright Heart Raccoon along with the Star Fox team in the main meeting room. Falco was still arguing with Fara and Peppy about capturing Andross' ship intact backed up by Katt and Slippy. Fox was trying to mediate, both concerned about the risk the attack would pose and the fact that they had no way to get home without the ship.

"Even with the technology blueprints we gave to everyone, it could be over a decade before we're able to get even a crude warp drive constructed," Slippy said.

Fox had to concede, "that's a good point. We can't even contact Lylat from here."

"Actually, you can." Bright Heart interjected, "I still have the FTL communication system I used to... contact Andross..." he trailed off.

Love Heart took over, "Right. Bright Heart take someone to send a message to Lylat and ask for transport or reinforcements."

"Katt, go with him, the rest of us need to stay here," Fox added.

"Alright," Katt got up with Bright Heart and left.

Love Heart nodded, "Now that that's settled, we need a plan of attack. I agree with Peppy and Fara, trying to capture Andross' ship is too risky. Destroying it is the best option."

"What about Andross?" Falco protested, "If we can't prove he's dead he could just sneak away and start this over again."

"Not to mention we'll lose most of our fee if we can't prove he's dead or in custody," Fox interjected.

"The best option would be to try and draw him out before the ship is destroyed," Peppy said. "If we can provoke him out, somehow, we might be able to trap him and hold him, or at least make sure there's a body to prove he's dead."

"Shouldn't be too hard, Andross likes show off whenever he gets the chance," Fara said.

Debate began to swing back and forth as ideas were shared, discussed and dismissed. Amidst all of that, Tenderheart's Heartphone (thankfully not having been inside his symbol when they disappeared) started ringing and he excused himself to take the call.

"Anyone who goes with us will have to be able to fly," Fox looked at the Magi, "Refresh my memory, General, but which Magi can fly without a cloud car?"

"Myself, Colonel Defender Bear, Majors Truth and Independent Bear, Captain Confidence Heart Fennec, and Lieutenants Sweet Heart Pegasus, Anger Heart Fox, Miracle Heart Kitsune and Shimmering Star Bear," Love Heart counted off the nine on his fingers as he spoke, "That accounts for almost half the Magi, if I count the enlisted as well."

"We can't afford to send everyone with you," Defender Bear interjected, "We need to be here to protect everyone when No-Heart attacks."

Love Heart nodded to Defender, "Then I think you should go with them, Take Major Truth and Lieutenant's Anger Heart and Sweet Heart too. They should be enough without crippling us here in the Kingdom of Caring."

"You're going to do what?!" Tenderheart's shout drew everyone's attention. "You're just going to be sending them to their deaths! You need to call them back and..." he stopped as voices from his phone became audible enough to hear squawking but no distinct words until Tenderheart hung up as he re-entered the room. "The Chinese are sending their army to attack Andross."


Andross could already sense the machines of war approaching his ship, "So they're taking matters into their own hands. Prepare all weapons to destroy them!"

'That won't be necessary.' Mental Heart's voice echoed in Andross' head as the purple bear seemed to materialize out of thin air.

'I thought you were resting,' Andross folded his arms.

'I was and I feel more powerful than I ever have!' Even those without psionic abilities could see orange energy bleeding off his body. 'Don't waste any resources, Admiral Andross. I'll deal with the humans'. Cards flew out of Mental Heart's coat to spin around him.

Charged with psionic energy, the cards flew outwards and sliced apart every jet and missile long before they were in weapon's range. Explosions rent the air as the energy bleeding off the cards detonated their payloads. Andross sat back and watched the fireworks.


Tenderheart sat away from the rest of the assembly as he stared at his heartphone. Finally, it rang and he answered. "Yes... I understand... Do we have permission to engage them in Chinese airspace? Thank you." He hung up and rejoined the assembly, "We have permission to engage Andross over China and any other country he might move to."

Love Heart sighed in relief, "Politics gives me a headache, thank you. Fox can you launch an assault right away?"

"We can, but we only have one shot at this, then we'll be out of fuel and supplies," Fox turned to the rest of his team, "We can't hold anything back either." They all responded in kind to him.

"Alright, Defender, Truth, Sweet Heart, Anger Heart, get ready to join the Star Fox Team's assault." Love Heart's voice ran throughout the hall, as did their response.

"Yes, General Love Heart!"


No-Heart was still working on his spell when he heard Mental Heart return. "Did everything work?"

"Yes, Lord No-Heart." Mental Heart bowed, "After that rest I feel more alive than I have in years!"

"And yet you still look like that even with the Star destroyed." No-Heart didn't look up from his work.

Mental Heart Bear looked at his purple furred hands, "I just don't want to lie to myself anymore, but I will still wipe them from this world at your side."

"Good," No-Heart held up the Spirit Book, "Now the spell is complete, but I will not pour my power into it. You will be the power source!" He grabbed the floating head of the spirit as it regained its previous color and disposition.

She screamed, "NOOOOOOOOO!" as No-Heart tore it from the book then plunged it into the cauldron where his spell was cooking. As the spirit's cries faded to nothing the cauldron bubbled and hissed as gas began to pour out and spread, Mental Heart instinctually forming a barrier around himself, the gas passing harmlessly by him as it spread.


"Everyone! Something's happening!" Soulful Heart's shout drew everyone into the monitor room as the grey cloud appeared underneath Andross' ship and began to spread, slowly at first but expanding faster with each second. Everyone watched in horror as the cloud expanded into a ring that swept across the land, wiping away all color as it did so.

"It's like Drab City and the Cloud of Uncaring," Defender Bear felt his blood turn to ice as he watched, horrible memories flashing before his eyes.

"We have to stop it! Somehow..." Noble Heart's voice trailed off as he touched where his tummy symbol used to be, "But how..."

Love Heart forced himself to turn away, "Everyone brace yourselves, Care-a-Lot could start coming apart!" His words spread through the hall in an instant and everyone grabbed onto a wall or stable furniture or moved to shield their cubs, to brace for the tremors to come. But none came.

Soulful Heart, Noble Heart, True Heart, Love Heart and Defender Bear's remained transfixed on the screen as the grey spread across the planet.

"I don't feel anything, not like the last time," Noble Heart touched his tummy again.

True Heart looked at where their twins slept in the strolled she had brought along, then down at her own blank tummy, "Maybe it's because we're not in touch with feelings like we used to be."

Soulful Heart nodded, "Losing the star might have saved us from this." He watched the screen until the cloud finished its work.

"Or maybe it's because of how we care about each other," True Heart touched the still glowing Heart Crystal that hung around her neck.

"Maybe," Noble Heart touched the crystal too, "But now what?"

Brave Heart shuddered then picked up Tenderheart's phone where he had dropped it when he braced himself for the coming tremors and re-dialed the last number. The phone rang for a full minute before it went to voice mail and Brave Heart hung up. "No answer..."

"Is everyone dead?" Soulful Heart asked.

"I don't think so, they probably just don't care anymore," Brave Heart sighed.

"We're going to have a lot of problems to deal with when we reverse this," Love Heart said. "Prepare for your missions, Andross has to be taken down and every other Magi needs to be on alert." Love Heart's eyes narrowed, "No-Heart is coming."


It didn't take Long for Star Fox to return to their Arwings, still sitting on the clouds where the Great Fox used to be. Defender Bear, Truth Bear, Anger Heart and Sweet Heart waited for them to take off, each with an earpiece Slippy had fished out of the spares he kept in his fighter so they could stay in contact.

"Alright, everything's ready." Fox tested his headset as the Mk V's 360 cockpit lit up around him, "Arwings and Magi, Launch!" Five of the Arwing's engines came to life as they lifted off and the four Magi flew off to join them, Sweet Heart flapping her wings with the air of air to sty aloft.

"Think you can keep up?" Falco taunted.

"Just watch us!" Sweet Heart grinned. The four Magi flew to the sides as the Arwings shot away then took off after them, managing to get into formation.

Defender Bear took a deep breath, "Truth, Anger, Sweet Heart, are ready for this?"

"I am." Truth pulled out his Guan Dao.

"You bet!" Sweet Heart did a little spin in the air without losing speed.

"Definitely!" Anger Heart punched his hand into his palm as his fur began to turn white from his hands, then spreading back until all his fur was white and his tail split into nine fox tails much longer than they normally were.

Truth Bear looked over at the Kyuubi that flew alongside him, "Why did you do that?"

"Makes me look more serious and Guidance said I should look imposing when I go into battle and change forms to show I'm stronger." Anger Heart grinned as the ghost fire flared up across his body.

"Wish I could do that," Sweet Heart sighed, then looked forwards. "We're almost there!"


Andross sensed them coming. Protected from No-Heart's spell by his ship's shields he sat back, "Launch all fighters and arm all batteries. It seems they've come back to us of their own volition," he grinned back at Cold Heart and Illyana, "Just sit back and continue to enjoy the show!"

As soon as Andross' attention was on the battle, Cold Heart and Illyana turned to leave, both deciding to try and reach the escape pods in case things didn't go their way.


Fox saw the specks emerging from the flagship as it came into view, "Incoming fighters and missiles, everyone be ready to attack."

Defender nodded, "Anger Heart, scatter the attackers and try to destroy a many as you can."

"Got it!" Anger Heart shot ahead of the formation, his body wreathed in white fire.

Falco nearly flinched when Anger Heart passed him, "Damn he's fast!"

Anger Heart got a good distance ahead of his allies, the specs taking the shape of fighters as they got closer. "No need to hold back!" his tails splayed out behind him as the white fire roared higher, he whirled his arms around as a massive fireball built up and he hurled it forwards, "GHOSTFIRE TSUNAMI!" the fireball exploded into what looked like a massive tidal wave of white fire that blasted over the approaching fighters, many melting or exploding from the sheer heat and the rest scattering.

"Break and attack!" Fox gave the order as the Arwings and flying Magi scattered in mid-air as the dogfight began in earnest. Anger Heart was forced to start dodging as the fighters from Andross' ship fired torrents of lasers everywhere.

"Force your way through and destroy Andross' Flagship," Peppy ordered as he pulled a defensive roll to avoid being perforated by over a dozen lasers.

"Haa!" Sweet Heart smashed a fighter with a giant rock then destroyed another with a blast of lightning before dropping to avoid a laser blast. Defender Bear conjured a massive bird of fire around himself and plowed through a formation of fighters as Anger Heart literally swatted fighters out of the sky with his tails and exploded them with his ghost fire.

Lasers from the Arwings tore through hundreds of fighters but they just kept coming.

"There's no end to these guys!" Falco shouted.

"We're closing in, just keep pushing!" Fara shouted back as she fired off a nova bomb that vaporized a large formation of fighters.

Truth Bear sliced several fighters in half with his Guan Dao, then looked around. "Something's wrong."

"What's wrong, Truth?" Peppy asked.

"Mental Heart's not here!"


Back in the Hall of Heart's, Kat and Bright Heart had returned.

Love Heart turned to them, "Did you send the message?"

Bright Heart nodded, "We sent the message, but it'll take a few days to get there then they have to send someone. Mostly just a military escort and hopefully nothing severe enough to make people nervous."

"That's a relief. Everyone get ready! No-Heart could be here any minute!" Love Heart shouted through the hall.

Then Care-a-Lot started to shake. Love Heart knew what it meant and ran outside, the other Magi running to catch up.

"Care Bears! The day it all ends has come!" Mental Heart Bear floated up over the side of the clouds, his voice amplified by his psionic powers.

No-Heart levitated up over the edge of the clouds, his amulet glowing like a blood-red moon, his body wreathed in darkness and lightning as he towered over his previous height. His voice boomed out across the Kingdom of Caring, "CARE BEARS! YOUR TIME IS AT AN END!"

Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Twilight Indy couldn't sleep. He had tried to talk things over with Take Care but eventually let her drift off, knowing she needed her rest. Indy smiled as he watched her sleep, then gave her a kiss on the cheek and slid out of bed. ...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 43

_"Mommy what are these?" the small purple bear cub with the heart on his nose picked up the deck of cards and looked at the pictures._ _ _ _The young woman smiled down at him, "They're called tarot cards, I can use them to tell the future. In fact,...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 42

Chapter 42: Shadow of a Dream Soulful Heart Fox didn't think he could find an answer about how to use the Radiant Heart Crystal either through research or reaching out with his new psionic abilities, but it didn't stop him from trying. Everyone was...

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