Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 43

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#43 of Care Bears Family Adventures Book 4

Mental Heart reveals the truth about himself, and the rage buried within

"Mommy what are these?" the small purple bear cub with the heart on his nose picked up the deck of cards and looked at the pictures.

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The young woman smiled down at him, "They're called tarot cards, I can use them to tell the future. In fact, that's how I found you after they chased you off. Want me to show you how to use them?"

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The cub grinned widely, "Yes!"

Chapter 43: Rage Against the Reflection

Some small towns in the United States, holdovers from mining and manufacturing, end up cut off from the rest of the country. In these places there is little oversight from the outside and they function more or less as micro nations allowing them to run laws however they please, much to the detriment of those unwelcome in their towns.

"Mommy! Mommy!" The small purple bear tried to run forwards, but was grabbed and restrained by two pairs of hands and forced to the ground. He forced himself to stare up through his tears at the scene before him, a young woman tied to a stake atop a pyre if unlit branches.

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The woman tried to break free and stared in despair at the bear, "No! Matthew! Run away!"

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"Shut up, witch!" the leader of the men slapped her across the face with his free hand. He held a burning torch aloft as he addressed the rest of the small town. "People! You've seen this woman practise her vile arts here in town and we were tolerant, for a time!" He turned to glare at the purple bear cub who still struggled in the grip of this men. "We only wanted to keep this community pure and tried to chase out the monster, we even spared its miserable life, but no! She had to bring it back and hide it! She and her familiar will not survive this day!" He lowered the lit torch to the pyre, "Now she will burn and then we will be rid of this evil forever!" Cheers erupted from the crowd as he set light to the pyre, which roared into a massive fire!

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Matthew watched in horror through the tears in his eyes as the fire danced up the pyre. His mother couldn't help but scream in pain, a scream that pierced right through Matthew's ears and into his soul he wanted to look away but couldn't even though the smoke and fire blocked his view.

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As her screams faded into gurgling Matthew felt something welling up inside him. Sorrow, despair and rage all bubbled up to the surface as his body started to glow and he let out a primal scream.

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His whole body glowed then an instant later a tremendous explosion erupted from his body!

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A moment later all that was left of the town was what could be charitably described as a blasted wasteland.


"That's why they were scared of us," Sage Heart shuddered at the memory.

"And I ran!" Mental Heart shouted, "I ran as far away as I could! I just wanted to get away from that horrible place!" He stared at his hands, "But it wasn't enough for that place to take away my mother! The one person who ever cared about me! Right as winter hit and I snuck into a town to hide from the cold, I was shot and I woke up in a cage! I was an attraction at a circus for years, a little wondrous freak! I was an attraction for people to gawk at and if I didn't put on a good show I was starved and whipped!"

Stellar Heart and Darien visibly winced at Mental Heart's shout.

Mental Heart stared at his hands, "I don't know why I never managed to destroy that place, maybe I burned up all my power when I was young but I grew up in that cage, and they were afraid of me even when I never lashed out. I started to hear their thoughts, how even the ones who didn't hate me were scared of me. I knew the circus was going under so I thought maybe I could be free if I just waited long enough." He bared his teeth, "And then, after ten years I was sold as a slave!"


"You're going to pay me how much?!" The ringmaster stared at the briefcase full of money.

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"Count it if you want, it's all there." The man in the suit sat with his arms folded then glanced sideways at Matthew in his cage. "You and all of your performers can retire and live in comfort for the rest of your lives."

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"But why would you pay so much for that little freak?" the ringmaster glanced at Mental Heart.

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"No point in lying, because in a year I can make ten times that amount off of him, and more if I play my cards right." He held up a hand, "I can already hear what you're going to say and listen, my business is one of vice and with your circus failing the way it is you couldn't afford to get started, let alone deal with the backlash it would generate to you. Take the money now, live comfortable and let me get on with the business of my own affairs."

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The ringmaster only had to think for a moment. "Deal." He closed the briefcase and took it, "Do you need any help?"

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"No." The man stood up, "I'll take care of everything."

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"Good." The ringmaster turned away, "Time to reward everyone else for their long years of service."

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The man stood in front of Matthew's cage, the purple bear whimpering slightly. "You're the most exotic thing I've ever seen," he grinned maliciously, "You're going to make me a fortune!"

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"I spent the rest of my teenage years in darkness, bounced around from location to location, used as a slave! The beat me, tormented me, forced me to do work, and satisfy their urges! Hunted! Attacked! But most often used to sate their carnal desires!" he hung his head, grabbed his upper arms and gripped until his body shook.

Everyone stared in shock as the meaning behind his words sunk in.

"I couldn't even escape when I was alone or sleeping! Their putrid minds assaulted me, their vile thoughts permeating my every waking moment and even my dreams! It was an endless torment! I thought I would die several times but something inside me kept me going! My pure hatred of them!" He let his arms go slack for a moment, "I could feel the same power welling up inside me for years, I don't remember what finally pushed me over the edge but I snapped! I vaporized their entire building and the town it was hidden in! Once again I freed myself but this time I stuck around and I hid, then I saw you arrive." He looked across to Love Heart Bear, Confidence Heart Fennec and then to Independent Bear, "You came and I was confused... For the first time I saw others like myself. But I heard your thoughts, you were there for the humans! You didn't even know I was there! So I just watched and waited until you left."

Mental Heart sighed, "I didn't know what to make of things but this time I stayed hidden and learned about you, the Care Bear Family." He clenched his fists, "I learned what you did, what you were all about and I hated it!" He pointed out to the assembled crowd, "You sat up here on you fields of ivory clouds while I suffered at the hands of the humans you coddle and protect! You look after those... those monsters! I've seen and experienced what they do to their own kind!" He stared down at his hands again, now trembling and clenching fingers. "This world is rotten, full of vile people who do nothing but torment and destroy one another or just ignore when others do it! Even their so called authorities who keep the peace are corrupt, vile monsters! And you!" Energy flowed out from Mental Heart as he pointed out to the Care Bear Family, "You coddle and encourage their despicable behaviour while you lead a life of peace and luxury here in the clouds!"

True Heart stepped forwards, sympathy from "It's not like that, Mental Heart, just listen to us-"

"NO! NO MORE TALKING!" The tarot cards flew up from where they lay on the ground and spun around Mental Heart.

Before he could act, Indy charged forwards, his sword charged with psionic energy and he sliced right at the purple bear. Mental Heart was fast enough to block it but the force of the blow sent him flying up into the sky. Mental Heart spun from the force of the impact for a time before he stopped in mid-air and hovered.

Mental Heart barely had a chance to get his bearings before Love Heart had sent a blast of lightning at him and flew up at him, swords crackling with lightning. "Right! No more talk!"

Mental Heart created a psionic sword and used it to block Love Heart's attacks before his tarot cards flew at him which forced Love Heart to fly back to avoid being sliced. An instant later Mental Heart found himself surrounded in the air by Love Heart, Defender Bear, Anger Heart (surrounded by a corona of white fire), Indy, Sweet Heart Pegasus, Miracle Heart Kitsune and Truth Bear while below, everyone else stared up, the Star Fox team's weapons at the ready with Sage Heart, Meek Heart, Wild Heart, Aqua Bear, Lonesomeheart, Redemptionheart, Shimmeringstar, Meek Heart and Guidance Heart ready to step in if they could.

Mental Heart looked around, having calmed down enough to talk, "Why are you hesitating? Can't stand the thought of attacking one of your own?" his eyes narrowed.

Truth Bear was the first one to speak, "Mental Heart, listen. I know what you're going through but No-Heart's just using you, or lying to you and once you're no longer of use to him he'll dispose of you like the rest."

Mental Heart just stared back at Truth Bear for a moment, then smirked, then giggled and finally broke out into uproariously creepy laughter, "EheheheheheheehhahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His face turned psychotic again, "I'm not being used by him and he never tricked me! I chose to serve him on my own!" He didn't give a chance for them to reply as he continued, "I shadowed you after that day I freed myself and when I saw your fight with Dusk Heart and No-Heart I saw kindred spirits! People who hated you and humanity as much as I did! After you almost killed him I created my human guise so he wouldn't reject me just for looking like his hated enemies, and I saved him! I could have killed No-Heart at any point in these last ten years but I didn't! Without me to save his life and find the materials for his resurrection he would have been dead long ago!"

"If you hate us so much then why don't you try to kill us now!" Anger Heart shouted.

Mental Heart's face turned sour, "I want to, so badly! But no matter what happens I can't! Something holds me back, stops me from delivering a fatal blow once you were touched by the Wishing Star! That's why I serve No-Heart, because he can do what I cannot!" He grinned, "So instead, whenever I wasn't doing No-Heart's bidding I decided to make you suffer in whatever way I could."

Defender Bear was stunned, "Wait, so that woman, those children's parents!"

"HAHAHAHA!" Mental Heart threw his arms open wide, "And I slaughtered every 'lost' Care Bear and Cousin I could find, because whatever keeps me from harming you didn't protect them!" He looked down as the assembled group. His eyes went wide as he realized something. Everyone's here?" he was starting to calm down as he remembered something he had come here to do, "except the cubs." He grinned, "Good!"

The tarot cards flew up and into his hand then a sphere of energy former around him and he shot off towards Care-a-Lot.

"The cubs?" Indy's eyes went wide, "Shit, he's after the cubs!" His shout alerted everyone right before he dropped and hit the ground running towards Care-a-Lot. His alert flashed through everyone present as they all turned and followed suit, Love Heart, Confidence Heart and Anger Heart all flying on trails of wind and white fire at top speed right on the heels of Swift Heart Rabbit and Zippy Heart Roadrunner on the ground.

Panic was prevalent as they arrived at the Hall of Hearts, Love Heart and Confidence putting on a burst of speed, almost crashing through the doors. "Mom! Mom!" Love Heart shouted.

Life Heart Unicorn emerged from a doorway, shushing them, "Shh. I just managed to get the cubs down for a nap..." she saw the panicked faces of everyone staring at her. "What's wrong."

"Mental Heart, I mean Mental Heart was coming here and..." Love Heart saw the confused look on his mom's face, "he's not here?"

Indy has slowed down outside one it was apparent that Mental Heart hadn't gone to the Hall of Hearts, "Then where is he?.....!" a sudden flash in his mind turned his attention towards the Forest of Feelings. "Home!"

Indy was about to take off when Take Care grabbed his arm, "Indy wait! What's going on!"

"He's at our house! I don't know why but I can feel him!" He didn't try to pull away from Take Care, but waited for her to let go. "I need to stop whatever he's up to!"

"Not alone!" Take Care's tone left Indy in no doubt.

"Right. Magi!" He shouted, "Follow me, I know where he is!" his shout drew the attention of the other Care Bear Magi who followed after him as he took off towards the hospital.


Mental Heart reached up and grabbed the thick green leather bound book. "At last, my mission here is finished."

"Ahh. I sense someone. Someone full of desire for vengeance." The voice from the book crooned.

"Yes, indeed." Mental Heart said.

"Then come, open my pages and I will help you with the revenge you seek."

Mental Heart chuckled, "Yes you will." His sixth sense flared as he hurried out the door, "But not by my hand or now. I've done what I came here for." Before anyone could arrive at the hospital, a sphere of psionic energy formed around Mental Heart and he hurtled away.

They arrived too late to even see where Mental Heart had disappeared to. Once the Magi were certain he was gone, Indy and Take Care entered their house. Indy beelined straight for the living room where he could still sense traces of Mental Heart's psionic energy and immediately began scanning the room, his hand coming to rest on the bookshelf at an empty spot where the feeling was strongest.

"Take Care, what book was there?" he asked, touching the empty spot.

Take Care felt a chill run down her spine as she answered. "The Spirit Book. No-Heart has the Spirit Book!"

Despite the attack, everyone was relieved that their cubs were safe. Love Heart called a meeting of the Magi, Star Fox and the leaders of the family to discuss what they had known. Now they all sat in the Hall of Hearts, all of the Magi, the entire Star Fox Team, Tenderheart Bear, Brave Heart Lion and Take Care Bear.

Love Heart was the first to speak, "Mental Heart is definitely a Magi. If what he said is accurate that would explain his slow aging, and his affinity for psionic ability and why he's so tough."

"I just... can't believe he did all of this willingly," Tenderheart sounded far away. Brave Heart patted him on the back.

"I know, I know..."

"More importantly, he took the Spirit Book to No-Heart." Take Care struck the table with a fist, "I never should have kept it..."

"No one blames you, Take Care," Indy an arm around her shoulders. "what I want to know is how he survived so long and got so strong, I doubt he was being fed properly..."

"I think I know," Fara spoke up, "Some powerful psionics are able to feed off of their own psionic energy to sustain themselves. It's usually done in desperation but I can tell how strong he is just being near him. He could have been surviving off his own power for years before he finally unleashed his energy to free himself."

"That might explain what happens to him in the future," Guidance Heart said, "If he's been feeding off his own psionic energy for years that might be why his body turned into nothing but living psionic energy."

"Possibly, but no one's ever recorded a psionic surviving off self-sustenance for that long," Peppy said. "But what is this Spirit Book he stole?"

Tenderheart managed to speak up, "It's a powerful sentient spell book that once tried to destroy all the caring in the world and nearly destroyed the Kingdom of Caring when it possessed a boy called Nicholas Cherrywood. We don't know what it's capable of because we never tried to use it."

"But No-Heart almost certainly can..." Sage Heart's words cast a huge cloud over the assembly.

Love Heart cleared his throat, "Then I think everyone needs to be on high alert. Be ready for battle at a moment's notice. No-Heart's going to make his move soon."


The psionic bubble flew into No-Heart's lair and landed, bursting to reveal Mental Heart Bear with the Spirit Book clutched in his hands.

Before he could speak, Cold Heart shouted, "A Fuzzy Wuzzy! What are you doing here?!"

Mental Heart ignored him as he approached No-Heart's throne, only for No-Heart to bellow, "WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DID YOU COME HERE!?"

Mental Heart immediately stopped in his tracks and held the book forwards, "I am Mental Heart, the human form you saw was a disguise I created to serve you." He levitated the book towards No-Heart. "I have brought the Spirit Book as you requested, Lord No-Heart."

No-Heart watched the book levitate before him and then looked down at the purple Care Bear. Narrowing his eyes as he magically telescoped his vision, "Your eyes are the same, and your voice, though nauseatingly high, does sound like him." He took the book in his head and his harsh gaze softened to euphoria for a moment, "Yes! This is the book I sought. Care Bear or not you have proven to be the most useful of my servants."

"So why trick us, Fuzzy Wuzzy? And why do you have a symbol?" Cold Heart approached Mental Heart and looked him up and down.

Mental Heart grimaced then grabbed his tummy symbol in his right hand, "I couldn't stand to see what I was once I learned what the Care Bears do, and I believed Lord No-Heart would turn me away even at the brink of death instead of accepting my assistance. As for my symbol, I just woke up with it one day."

Illyana gave a snort of derision, "Of course. Only a Care Bear could feel compassion for someone like No-Heart. What do you get out of this?"

Mental Heart turned to her, the ice in his eyes enough to send chills up even her spine, "Revenge!"

"Then why not just kill them?" Andross interjected.

Mental Heart kept his teeth bared, "I have tried! But every time I attempt to land a fatal blow, something holds me back! I had to satisfy myself with slaughtering their missing kin and disrupting their missions."

"So why stay in that form if you hate it so much?" Cold Heart asked.

"Now that the illusion has been shattered I can't seem to restore it. I tried but it didn't work for the same reason I couldn't kill any of the Care Bears!" Mental's face was still in a grimace.

No-Heart started to laugh, "Heheheheheh! I spent years trying to create my own evil Care Bears and every one of them abandoned me or had to be destroyed! Now all this time, one has been serving me of his own free will! The irony is sickeningly bittersweet!"

Andross nodded, "Indeed, but now what is our next move?"

"My next move is to seek a spell this book has contained within its pages, once I deal with the spirit that inhabits it." No-Heart opened the spirit book and a green bald woman's face appeared, hovering over the text.

"You..." the spirit stopped speaking as it saw No-Heart, "Your power it''s..."

"More than you can hope to understand," No-Heart stood up, the remains of his crystal throne fracturing into several chunks attached to the magical lines connected to his body, "But you do possess knowledge of spells and power that I need."

The Spirit tried to put on a commanding tone, "Then if you wish that power you will do as I say."

"No! I am no one's servant!" No-Heart's hand glowed purple and he shoved it into the Spirit. Her cries of pain shook the cavern as the chunks of crystal dangling from No-Heart shrunk into nothing and the connecting lives dissolved. The Spirit turned purple and seemed to become, slack somehow. "You are my slave now, Spirit, and you will give me the knowledge I seek!"

"Yes, master." The Spirit's voice was now completely devoid of emotion.

No-Heart turned to look down at Mental Heart, "As for you, Mental Heart Bear, though your appearance and concern for my well-being disgusts me, your service has seen the greatest of my victories." He looked down at the book, "And I believe the spell I seek can free you of your limitations so you may unleash your full destructive power on the Care Bear Family."

"Yes, Lord No-Heart," Mental Heart Bear bowed, arm across his chest.

"As for the rest of you: Andross," No-Heart turned to the monkey, "Prepare to launch your ship. The time of our final victory is at hand. Everyone else assist him!" No-Heart swung his hand out. The countdown had begun!

Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 42

Chapter 42: Shadow of a Dream Soulful Heart Fox didn't think he could find an answer about how to use the Radiant Heart Crystal either through research or reaching out with his new psionic abilities, but it didn't stop him from trying. Everyone was...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Origins of the Heart "And that's the last one," Take Care Bear pulled the last of the bullets out of Love Heart's chest which made a \*plink\* sound as it dropped into the old saucepan with the rest. "I'll need to give you a more...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 40

Chapter 40: The Soul Without Soulful Heart Fox landed at the front of No-Heart's castle and left his cloud car at the entrance. The front doors hung open, inviting him to enter. Soulful shuddered and almost turned back but something was drawing him...

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