The Next Step

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#27 of All They Knew

These chapters are set two months after Skye arrives home and covers the beginning of her and Aaron's relationship, along with touching on Sylmi and Ruki's.

"Well... it's been two months, you know?" Skye sat on her bed one evening in shorts and a casual white tee, her phone held to her ear.

"So, you want to try in-person?" Aaron slowly paced back and forth inside his kitchen, ensuring not to cross lines or Skye's comfort.

"I mean, we've talked almost every day since Sinnoh and know a lot about each other, you know?... I miss you." She grinned. "What do you think?"

"I think we're ready. I miss you a lot, Skye." Aaron felt his chest warm in response to her statement.

"Glad to hear that. I think we should stick to the regions we know best, and we've both been to Sinnoh..." said Skye.

"That leaves Kalos and Alola," Aaron completed, leaning against the counter.


"To make it fair, I enjoy traveling more and have been for a long time. I've also always liked the idea of visiting Alola... if it's okay with you," Aaron wasn't the best at leading plans, so he assumed he sounded nervous while explaining.

Fortunately, it sounded perfect to Skye. She knew what he meant. "Yes, it is." She smiled shyly. "When would you like to set something like this up? I don't want to mess with your life over there."

"Name a time," he said quickly.


"Of course."

Skye didn't want to push it, so she'd grant an ample amount of time. "How does... next week or two sound to stay a week? On a Monday."

"Next week, Skye... Should I bring Sylmi?" he asked.

"Uh, hold on." Skye muted the call. "Ruki!"

A few beats later, he appeared in front of Skye's door and approached her bed while licking his maw.

"What's that red stuff around your mouth?... Is mom feeding you berries again?"

He nodded, sitting in front of her.

"Anyway, Aaron is visiting next week. Would you like to see Sylmi again? It's fine if not."

Ruki didn't know Sylmi well, but he warmed up to him after some days spent in Sinnoh. They were becoming friends if he may. Ruki briefly envisioned showing Sylmi around his city and felt a touch of joy stir within. It wouldn't hurt. "Ni!" He nodded.

"All right, baby. You can go," Skye dismissed, unmuting the call and watching Ruki trot away. "Hello?"

"I'm here."

"Sorry, it's a yes for Sylmi. He and Ruki get along well," she said.

"Great... you said you lived in Hau'oli, right?" Aaron questioned. He remembered Skye telling him in Eterna City.

"I do. You just have to buy a ticket for Hau'oli. You'll get dropped off at the Marina. It's a few miles from my place. I know a resort you can stay at too. It's quite expensive, but it'll be beautiful," Skye explained.

"I guess the saving I've done will come in handy. I'll keep in touch so you're updated on everything before I leave. I'll see you soon, Skye."

"See you soon, Aaron, bye..." She set her phone beside her after the call ended and sighed, smiling to herself for a moment. Skye was undoubtedly in love after two months of off and on chatting, including a few late-night talks. She had to hope they'd work out in person.

Skye stood and walked to the living room, and sure enough, she saw her mother giving Ruki lansat berries. He could eat all day. "Hey, mom." Skye noticed Ru napping on the couch alone. Her father must be in the bedroom.

"Hey, honey," she said while feeding Ruki another small handful. "That's enough, Ruki. You can't have them all now."

"That's what I always tell him." Skye grinned, watching his eyes shift to her. "I've gotta talk to you, mom." She felt anxious about breaking such major news to her mother, but it was far better than leaving her in the dark.

"What is it?" She looked up from Ruki and leaned against the counter.

Ruki knew what it was already, but he still wanted to hear it. He silently sat amid them.

"So... you remember Aaron, right?" Skye asked

"Of course, you two have been talking for a while now, right?"

"Yes- and... we just spoke some more and agreed we were ready to try and take our relationship farther. So, we... set up for next week, and he'll stay at Hano Grand Resort," said Skye.

She nodded, and to Skye's relief, seemed mellow about it. "That's a surprise. As long as you trust him, I'm fine with it. Should we let your father know?"

Skye knew her father would be fine with it, although he tended to be tougher on males that she knew, even if they were friends. "Soon... when I'm ready."

"All right, honey. Just let me know."

"I will... Come on, Ruk'," said Skye while walking back to her room. She closed her door after entering and letting Ruki squeeze through. "I'm nervous about seeing him again." Skye sat on her bed and patted her lap. "I know I'll be super shy. Should I just hug him?"

Ruki hopped up and rested his upper half on her lap, eyeing her attentively.

She grinned and ran her hand over his head. "I don't think this would be without you. My first attempt at... what I think is love." Skye laid back and tugged Ruki up, helping him onto her chest. "But..." She gazed at him. "You know I'll never love another soul as much as I do you, right?"

Ruki swished his tails, softly nuzzling Skye's cheek with his. He felt overjoyed upon hearing that. Ruki never wanted their relationship to wither due to another presence, but he'd never get in the way of Skye's happiness.

"Mhm, baby," she giggled, kissing his nose. "I know you've already eaten, but I'm gonna go make something for me. I'll bring it back, maybe see what's on TV. Stay put." Skye set Ruki aside and left the room.

He walked to the center and laid on his stomach to wait for her, pondering again on Sylmi being in his region. They were acquainted enough for Ruki to feel comfortable around him, and it'd feel nice to be in charge of sightseeing and whatnot this time. Sylmi was more amiable than any pokémon he'd met before. He made a good friend.

The Calm

Cassidy entered the house from touching upon Violet's agility and attacks during an early evening training session outside. Violet was ready for the next gym. She's always been a fighter unless she was at home. Then, she'd rather be sleeping. "Here...

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If He's Good Enough

Fenny sat outside of the house, a small distance away from the front door and in their grass field. He wouldn't wander farther than that, but he wanted to watch the sun rise, and it was nearly halfway in the sky. Fenny had been here for thirty minutes...

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