Fervorous Nights

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#22 of Cassidy's Journey

Garna, Añu, and Violet were asleep early that night. Añu in his pokébed, Violet curled up on the floor a short distance away, and Garna on the far left side of the couch. She was leaned up against the arm and backside of the cushion.

Fenny sat on the opposing end but couldn't sleep while sitting upright. He didn't know how Garna did that. The television was still on, which lit up the living room enough for Fenny to see the surroundings in his proximity. He saw the door to Cassidy's room open slowly. He could barely make out anything by that area, but that was definitely Cassidy standing there. As she silently approached, Fenny could make out more of what she was wearing. He scanned her up and down, noticing that she wore thigh high socks he'd never seen her in before and only black panties on above, a cute gray shirt complementing it. That had to be risky. Everyone was asleep, but all three of them nearby and capable of waking up at any given moment. Even still, Fenny's eyes focused on her, and he watched her step forward and gently rest her knees on each side of his legs on the couch.

Cassidy draped her right arm over his shoulder and leaned in to whisper in Fenny's ear. "Can't sleep?" She placed her left hand on his chest while grinning at him.

Fenny swallowed and glanced at her hips as she gently pressed into his lap. He would give anything to squeeze her thighs right now, but a lot of movement would risk everything much more. 'N-No...' he said and finally looked up at her face.

"Maybe I can help you with that... If you want me to." Cassidy pulled away from his ear and gently pressed her forehead against his while maintaining intimate eye contact.

'I do...' Fenny shivered. Having his attractive trainer whisper in his ear while sitting in his lap under such risky circumstances made him want her badly.

"I thought so. Come with me." Cassidy let her arm slip away as she stood. She grabbed his right hand and walked him back to her room.

Fenny let her pull him along and happily followed behind, eyeing her backside and outfit.

Cassidy closed her door behind them. The room was dark, with only some moonlight seeping through the window. "You can sit," she told him.

Fenny obeyed, sitting on the edge and near the mid side of her bed. Again, he watched Cassidy stand in front of him and slowly lean in, caressing his cheek's right side with the palm of her hand.

She looked at his shy face and sat in his lap once more. "Do you want your trainer?" Cassidy asked tenderly.

Fenny slowly nodded.

"How much, hm?" she questioned further and softly stroked his cheek with her thumb.

'More than... a-anything.' Fenny looked down after a moment, gazing at Cassidy's legs. He had to touch her, so he placed his left hand on her thigh's bare upper section, giving it a few gentle squeezes while tracing his fingers across it.

"Touch me as much as you'd like..." Cassidy quietly exhaled through her mouth from his touch and watched his hands delicately run themselves down to her inner thighs.

They were perfect to him. Fenny could admire and feel Cassidy's thick thighs all night, but that alone aroused him, and his erection slowly grew from its sheath.

"Are you getting horny for me?" She never failed at noticing.

'I can never help it...' Fenny's cheeks were hot. He was surely blushing under his fur.

"I know, but I like being able to turn you on so easily." Cassidy placed her left hand atop his right while it was still on her thigh and leaned in, pressing her soft lips against his while holding his cheek. "Mmh... I love you so much, Fen," she mumbled into his mouth with closed eyes.

Fenny fell into her love, deepening their shared kiss. He lifted his free hand and held Cassidy's hip while they made out.

She pushed her hips against his, passionately, deeply kissing Fenny and subtly moaning into his mouth. He turned her on like nothing else.

He leaned back slightly as Cassidy took control, softly massaging her upper thighs with his fingers and feeling her hot breath against his. Fenny was almost fully erect at this point.

Cassidy continued, her mind murky, but she broke the kiss seconds later, softly sighing and wiping her mouth. "Want to mount me this time?" She caressed his cheek some more.

'Mount you?...' Fenny wasn't familiar with most terms pertaining to mating.

Cassidy grinned a bit. He was still relatively innocent and completely adorable. "Mhm, I'll get on my hands and knees, and you'll take me from behind. How does that sound?"

'A-Amazing...' Fenny imagined how she'd look in that position, but he didn't have to for long.

Cassidy got off of him and crawled to the center of the bed. She spread her legs for Fenny and propped herself on her hands and knees. Once she was in position, Cassidy looked back at him and smirked a bit. "Are you gonna stare all night?"

'N-No, I...' He was practically salivating over Cassidy's legs and figure alone, even more so once she was on her knees.

"Come on, then. I'm ready for you." Cassidy watched him make his way to her and raised her rear upward.

Once Fenny was behind her, and on his knees, he was able to get a good view of her rear, which he hadn't seen much of yet. Her rear cheeks were tempting to squeeze just as much as her thighs were. 'Your... panties.' He looked at her.

"Just move them aside." At least Fenny was respectful to her. Very respectful.

He nodded, grabbed ahold of the laced fabric with his left hand, and slid it over enough, so her vaginal entrance was visible to him. He spread his knees so they were on the outside of Cassidy's and held her smooth inner thighs. They felt like they belonged there.

Cassidy momentarily closed her eyes upon feeling Fenny's hands on her. She couldn't wait for what came next.

He positioned his member's tip at her folds and slowly pushed his hips forward, parting them and quickly feeling the warm confinement of Cassidy's walls encompass his shaft while he gazed at her rear.

"Mh..." she sighed in pleasure. Cassidy leaned her upper body on the bed, so her elbows propped her up. She rested her cheek's left side on the blanket.

Fenny tightened his grip on Cassidy's inner thighs and gave slow, passionate thrusts into her wet womanhood. Although this was his third time being inside of her, it still felt surreal. Fenny softly breathed through his mouth while his lightly throbbing erection elegantly slipped in and out of Cassidy's sex.

"Faster, Fen... give your trainer a good time." She rolled her hips against his movement a few times, bringing a short-lived moan out of Fenny and teasing a bit of pre from his tip.

'I- uhn... I w-won't last long...' he warned, although he'd try to hold himself back from cumming too quickly. It wasn't easy when Cassidy looked so good in this position. Fenny pulled her thighs into his hips and thrust forward at a faster pace. His tail often flicked behind him while he mated her. He focused on her rear cheeks and the backside of her thighs as they noticeably jiggled each time Fenny thrust his hips against them. An audible exhale escaped his mouth each time his stiff erection shoved itself deep into Cassidy's walls.

"Y-Yes, hun... You feel so d-damn good..." Her words slurred. Cassidy fully closed her eyes while giving Fenny a few subtle-sided moans and whimpers through an open mouth. Her right hand reached in front of her and gripped the blanket as her body was driven forward by Fenny's pressured thrusts.

'You're clenching me s-so tightly...' He shut his eyes, more pre-cum spurting from his tip. Fenny leaned forward and thrust into Cassidy's sweet hole roughly. He tilted his head to the right and softly panted through frequent huffs.

Cassidy's breathing pattern sped up as well. She savored every living moment of Fenny firmly holding onto her body and pounding her with his stiff cock. Feeling it constantly move against her sensitive walls made her feel so helpless and drove her wild. "Ghn... k-keep fucking me, Fen!" Cassidy desperately pushed her hips against his thrusts.

Fenny's tail stiffened, and he at times humped against her rear instead of giving her full thrusts. His knot began to inflate, and his hands twitched while his climax started to build.

Cassidy emitted a heavy gasp while his knot smacked against her folds. Her walls further tightened around Fenny's shaft.

'I'm g-gonna cum, Cass... I c-can't hold it.' He gritted his teeth while roughly breeding her. His cock twitched against them, and Fenny groaned out of pure bliss.

"Fill me up, Fen... p-please." It mostly came out as a mumble, but Fenny heard it. She raised her rear as much as she could, allowing his member to fit as deep into her as possible.

'C-Cassy, I'm c-cumming... oh!' His expression grew impuissant, and he sighed contently as an overbearing orgasm immersed him. His knot burrowed its way through Cassidy's tight entrance. His fluids spurted deep into her, filling her womb a great deal. Fenny opened his eyes afterward and stared down at her while breathing densely.

"S-So hot..." She sighed, teasingly rolling her hips against his sensitive shaft, and because of how much of his fluids were inside of her, it was very audible.

'A-Ah, Cass... C-Cass...' Fenny trailed off. He closed his right eye from how sensitive he felt from his recent orgasm.

"Mmn... what?" Cassidy smirked back at him, watching his troubled expression as he struggled to handle the sensation with quivering legs. She kept at it, though, clenching the blanket with her right hand. Cassidy transitioned from rolling her hips to putting her lower back into raising and lowering her rear up against him. "Do you like it, love?"

'It's g-gonna make me c-cum ag... again.' Fenny exhaled shakily and tightly squeezed Cassidy's inner thighs in an attempt to cope with the pleasure it brought him. He sneaked in a few humps against her rear while she moved her hips. He was so hard that it hurt.

"Nh... good. I want more of you inside of me." Cassidy rolled her hips again, faster than before, and pressed her rear against him with more pressure.

'Here it c-comes... ugh...' Fenny leaned in, feeling dizzy as his second orgasm arrived. He emitted a quavery moan, his vision blurry. It didn't last as long or hold as much semen as his first, but Cassidy thoroughly enjoyed making him cum.

Once he was able to pull out, Cassidy laid on the center of the bed and pulled him beside her, holding him close to her chest with her arms. Fenny's face wasn't far from her breasts again, so he buried it between them this time for warmth. He had no trouble falling asleep this way.

Cassidy fell asleep soon afterward while stroking the back of his neck with her right hand. She'd fallen in love with him to the point of no return. She knew she did.

The Calm

Cassidy entered the house from touching upon Violet's agility and attacks during an early evening training session outside. Violet was ready for the next gym. She's always been a fighter unless she was at home. Then, she'd rather be sleeping. "Here...

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If He's Good Enough

Fenny sat outside of the house, a small distance away from the front door and in their grass field. He wouldn't wander farther than that, but he wanted to watch the sun rise, and it was nearly halfway in the sky. Fenny had been here for thirty minutes...

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Falling In Love

Using Añu, Cassidy sped through her sixth gym in an hour and was now finishing off gym leader Candice's final pokémon. She always bought many potions before going up against a gym, so Añu was still capable of battling. "One more bullet punch should do...

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