Garna's Story

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#17 of Cassidy's Journey

"And one more flame charge!" Cassidy exclaimed.

Fenny inhaled and cloaked himself with a wall of bright flames, holding it for a few seconds before releasing the pressured fire far in front of him. It disintegrated into the air in seconds, and he turned around, wearily looking at Cassidy while awaiting his next command.

"I think we've done enough today." She stepped forward until reaching Fenny. They were training in the spacious area in front of their home as usual. "We need to work on building your stamina some more. I can't have you tiring out too quickly during battles. It'll slow you down... but your offense is powerful, Fen. Good job."

They'd been outside for an hour straight. The clouds overhead uncovered the sun, which called for a perfect time to go inside.

"You can rest. I have to make sure I have enough information on the next gym," Cassidy told him once they were back inside.

He drank a cup of water in the kitchen before entering the living room. 'Hi, Garna.' Fenny spotted her standing and leaned against the wall by the couch.

'How was your training session?' she asked as he sat on the couch's left end, close to her.

'Cassidy said I did well. I still have things to work on, though.' Fenny rested his hands in his lap.

'We all have flaws. You'll get there as long as you keep practicing,' Garna lightly encouraged.

'Right... You didn't tell me your story yet,' Fenny said. He remembered wanting Garna to continue it yesterday.

'You still want to hear it? It's not much... really,' she warned.

'I'm curious. I don't know much about your younger years,' Fenny replied and leaned in some.

'Well, about two years ago, when I had no trainer, I came across a zoroark in Dendemille Town. I was wandering as I usually did and had only recently evolved into what I am now...'

'Why was he there?' Fenny asked within her short beat.

'I was getting to that... He had a trainer with him, but he had little interest in me for his own reasons. However, the zoroark hinted for me to follow him home and couldn't keep his eyes off of me. He was appealing enough for me to do just that.'

Fenny's arms rested on the couch's arm. He watched intently while Garna told her story.

'While his trainer slept that night, we took time to form a light bond outside of their house. That was my first time feeling warmth in my chest... and it kept me going back whenever I was able to see him. Zen, that was his name.'

'What about the village? Was it him you went with?' Fenny rested his chin on his arm, attentively gazing up at her.

She grinned at his repeated questions. 'Of course, that... was the last time I would ever see him. He took me there to tell me both he and his trainer would transfer regions in a few days. He wanted me to go with him. Fortunately, he knew extrasensory, so I could understand him.'

Fenny lifted his head. '...You didn't go.'

'I couldn't. By that time, sixteen-year-old Cassidy had already captured me. She allowed me to go to the village with him. I couldn't possibly leave the region I'd spent most of my life in, anyway.' Garna sighed.

'Wait, so... you and Cassidy could communicate before?' He figured since Garna said Cassidy allowed her to go to Pokémon Village.

'She was still getting the hang of it and didn't take it that seriously, but yes. Our bond was strong. It weakened significantly once you evolved. Cassidy has always been fond of you.'

'Don't you want to communicate with her?' Fenny couldn't imagine not being able to converse with Cassidy.

'I'm fine as I am. She has you, Fenny, and you give her life.'

Back to Gym Life

Fenny was lying in Cassidy's bed on his back and under her blanket. He couldn't move much as she was asleep next to him. Her cheek rested on top of his chest, and her right arm was draped over his upper stomach. He couldn't sleep, and it was nearly...

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Pokémon Village

"We should nearly be there," Cassidy said, even though she was unsure. Route 20 had so many different directions one could take. They'd already walked into a few dead ends and got lost within the shady, tree-filled forest multiple times. Cassidy was...

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