Back to Gym Life

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#16 of Cassidy's Journey

Fenny was lying in Cassidy's bed on his back and under her blanket. He couldn't move much as she was asleep next to him. Her cheek rested on top of his chest, and her right arm was draped over his upper stomach. He couldn't sleep, and it was nearly midnight. So much happened recently, and so much more could happen as time progressed. Cassidy had pulled him to bed after getting everyone fed, including herself, and he didn't fight it since he was exhausted. Fenny still could barely fathom his current relationship with Cassidy. He was the closest he'd ever been to her in his lifetime. He loved her so much. Cassidy had to feel the same way, right? It seemed that way, but Fenny would never ask. What he knew for sure was he needed to sleep. He wouldn't be in the mood to train if he had a headache. Fenny raised his left hand and set it on top of Cassidy's arm, and that's how he eventually drifted to sleep.


The transition to morning was quick, but Fenny felt well-rested enough to keep his eyes open for more than five minutes. Cassidy wasn't laying on him anymore and was turned onto her other side. The blanket didn't cover her body, but she was wearing black short shorts and a violet-colored t-shirt that cut off just above her lower stomach. Fenny sat up and gently dragged the blanket over half of her body, then spent a few minutes flattening any jagged edges of fur sticking out on his tail from the shower. He also repositioned his branch, ensuring it was sturdily fixed in one spot within his tail, and making sure the green bow he wore was presented neatly.


Time passed quickly since Fenny kept himself busy, and he heard Cassidy shift about around fifteen minutes later, which made him look to her as she slowly sat up. She looked half asleep and adorable.

"Do you always wake up before me?" Cassidy spoke quietly and eyed him while rubbing her eyes.

'Sometimes... Did you sleep okay?'

"It helps when you aren't sleeping alone." She grinned slightly and opened her arms. "Come here, hun."

Without hesitance, Fenny went and sat in front of her crossed legs.

Cassidy turned him around and leaned his back against her chest, which Fenny went with. "We'll leave for the next gym tomorrow. I think it's time to get back into it." Cassidy draped her arms across his chest. "But you gave me an amazing break, Fen." She planted a loving kiss in between his ears.

Fenny enjoyed how she held him, her delicate kiss adding to its serenity. 'Really?' Cassidy telling him that made his day before it started.

"Of course, I'm glad you told me how you felt when you did." She held him closer.

'Was all of it temporary?...' Fenny asked and look up at her to the best of his ability.

"It was going to be... at first, but I think we've done a bit too much for me to pretend it never happened." Cassidy looked at him. "So, no, it wasn't," she added, and it was the best news Fenny could ever have heard.

He contently sighed to himself while bringing his hands up to hold Cassidy's wrists.

"Do you still want to train today?"

'Mhm." Fenny was determined to be battle-ready.

"I'll get us fed first, and we'll head out afterward." Cassidy pulled her arms away and went to change her shorts.

Fenny got a few glances at her bare thighs before she changed into a short and pleated black skirt that stopped just above her knees. Seconds later, he heard her greeting Añu and Garna in the living room. Añu occasionally slept on the couch unless Garna already had it taken, and since he'd never question Garna, Añu usually slept on the blue poké bed Cassidy bought for him a long time ago. It sat next to the table the television was on in the living room across from the couch. Fenny entered the living room while fluffing out his tail.

"What do you want to eat, Fen?" she asked while on her way to the kitchen.

'Just a few puffs. It'll hold me, and I don't want you doing too much.' He followed after her.

"All right, we won't be out for too long, anyway." She gathered a few different types of poké puffs for him and gave Añu a few as well. "You ready, Fenny?"

Pokémon Village

"We should nearly be there," Cassidy said, even though she was unsure. Route 20 had so many different directions one could take. They'd already walked into a few dead ends and got lost within the shady, tree-filled forest multiple times. Cassidy was...

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