a differant kind of job

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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one night while drinking at a bar a wolf finds a nice horse who he becomes friends with over drinks a trip back to his leads to sex, in the morning he wakes up and can smell food the horse is cooking he hugs the horse then his sister walks in on them saying he really does know how to pick hot guys she kisses him deeply, after breakfast they go off to there jobs the horse has a job but its not the kind the wolf has

oh what kind of job is it? your have to read on to find out

another day of work was over everyone was going home sitting in the traffic or looking at there phone on the subway or bus I was in my car I smiled as I knew this area so took a side road and only got caught by some traffic but I was moving.

Getting home I sighed as I locked my car and put the key in the lock to my house.

It was a basic house one room small kitchen and bathroom living room only fit if you're single and I was.

I'm Ralph, a very nice black and white wolf about 6'6 maybe 6'7 easy going I just get on with my life as it comes, I work in a shop mostly doing odd jobs here and there.

I'm not fit I have a gut from years of not doing work but now I was I could still run and growl and leap quite high as well as have the sex drive even if I was 33.

I put on some food and turned the TV on getting the local news but that was dull something about us wanting out of something no idea I don't follow it.

As I drank my water and ate my food I looked at the clock on the wall it was late but not that late 8 in the evening.

I grabbed my coat and caught the bus that went past my house I then paid my faire and sat on an empty seat I then waited a few stops next and there was my real home.

The watering hole or a bar as it's called the name was the watering hole as it had all kinds coming in.

I walked in and there was some rock music playing I sat at the bar and had my normal beer and food.

I watched the room it was a large bar,

there was a bar area to sit at and watch the game, another area with a Juke box that would blast old the old classic we older furs liked there was a newer one over by the pool area but that one was only used lightly.

There was seating for groups as well as pool and darts plus the odd thing hanging up like signs and car parts.

As I drank my beer I was waiting, as it was date night or singles night one thing about me is I'm partly BI.

Back in college when things got wild I meet a nice fox would was full on gay I mean it, the clothes he wore, the walk and he talked gay always saying darlings or deary he was a good gay though the kind that would bitch on those he also hated or would tell you tales of friends he had sex with.

He passed away about 3 years ago now AIDS, I told him to be safe but he always wanted to pleased so bare back it was I miss him but he was my first.

I kinda wanted to get better at well kissing so I asked him and we made out a lot, before I knew it I was kissing like a pro it then lead to me kissing him and then us having sex.

He was always on the bottom to be subbed was his thing so I did so I was the only fur well there might have been others that used rubber but I was the first as I had one from those free ones you get when getting checked out for STD's.

I came and knotted him making him love it that was really when I started to like guys more.

Gay pride would come and I'd go out and meet others getting drunk and waking up in someone bed it was fun but I also liked girls so I would know how to kiss them and best of all I pleased them as I would want to go shopping yes some guys like to go shopping okay its for manly things like car parts or bike parts or to try on new clothes that you look good in but it counts.

At 10 the dating started there was a load of furs all chatting I waited my time I was like a tiger I would wait for the weaker or rejected ones to come to the bar crying or to get another drink and pounce.

There was a few guys and girls but they were too drunk and chatting them up was like trying to chat up a brick wall they just stared at you and would normally throw up or laugh and want sex for money or if you did get any were would cry out rape.

After a good few drinks I was in the mood I'd had enough of rebounds or rejects coming over and getting drunk, I walked over to a table and sat down were some guys were playing blackjack.

I joined in and they chatted about girls guys and were playing some rub bulge under the table as I felt one of them a nice stallion rub my crouch with his hoof.

Two then exited as they folded I looked at my hand it was 20 two kings nice I stayed the house guy looked at the horse who said hit me and he got a card.

He then flipped it over and there was 18, king and two fours I then flipped mine over and he saw the two kings the house then flipped there cards over and boom we'd beaten the house as they only had 13 then hit and got a jack 23 I won the money I smiled picking it up as I took my winnings and ran I never stuck around years of listening to songs on gambling I knew to take my money and run and not to risk it again.

Going to the bar I had another drink at that point the horse joined me.

He was a nice light brown stallion he had on shirt and jeans he had a black patch on one side of his face, he sat next to me and we chatted he then put his hoof on my lap and rubbed it this was a sign that he was looking for some fun.

The reply was simple push away for no I'm not into guys or rub his lap back I did the latter he smiled and got up and walked to the bathrooms.

I waited and then got up and after finishing my bottle I walked to the bathroom in this bar no one cared about sex so long as it wasn't rape or bareback.

In the bar was a poster of furs that had worked here that gotten AIDS from someone and died from it even with magic and furry logic AIDS still killed you (use a condom kids and only be bareback if you know you're safe or clean)

Walking into the bathroom there he was by the urinal he had his cock out I stood next to him and took out my cock his was bigger for sure.

Well being a horse he was 9 inches and that was soft he then rubbed it and it got harder going to 11 inches, I let out a deep murr as I pee'd and rubbed mine my wolf cock was 8 inches with the knot and extra inch so 9 in total.

He then rubbed my cock and I rubbed his he then kissed me and he wowed at the kiss as his cock throbbed thank you dead fox friend for all the teachings.

Breaking the kiss he gasped and stood there cock throbbing and dripping pre.

"Dam wolfie you're quite the kisser, how about you put that mouth to good use?"

He said as he turned showing me his cock all hard it was black with pink circles on it one by the top of his cock head the other near his sheath

"Only if you're willing to go first I'm a wolf after all stallions are just horses that need to be shown who the Alfa is"

I said as I rubbed my cock on his our pre mixing on the floor

"Such a powerful wolf I can't say no"

He said as he leaned down and started to rub my cock and fury ball sack that wasn't as big as his was cooking apple size mine normal ripe apple sized

His horse tongue licked and sucked my cock I let out growls as another couple came in kissing and heading into a stall I just stood there as the horse sucked me off.

His muzzle was good I thrusted and growled lightly I was enjoying this a lot.

He sucked and bobbed his head up and down his tongue licking the underside of my furry sack I put my paw on his head and started to thrust into him.

He moaned and held his head in place as I face fucked him I then let out growls and oral knotted him my knot swelled up and I came.

Thick warm wolf seed filled his horse muzzle he gulped it down as some leaked out the sides he then opened his mouth and was able to unknot his mouth.

I panted and he got up kissing me I could taste my seed on his tongue and inside his mouth his own cock throbbed on my still hard and knot swollen cock.

"Your turn wolfie boy"

He said as I felt his cock flex and slap him on the belly he was thin but that nice horse thin

"Think your be able to last longer then normal stallions?"

I said getting down and starting to long lick his shaft loving the leathery taste and feel

He grunted and nickered and thrusted at my face as I licked and sucked his sack he was loving it as I pre dripped onto my nose I licked and then licked his head.

I started by sucking just the head licking and sucking like a dog would to a bone.

I then took him all the way to the balls as I heard the door go again another fur walked in and took out his cock pissing near me I didn't care.

I sucked that shaft loving the length as well as the musk horse musk smells great.

I sucked and stroked his belly and then lightly started to finger his hole his tail went up like a mare as I pushed a finger in and bobbing my head up and down on that shaft while the other fur watched jerking his meat next to me I felt the stallion let out a neigh and cum I'd only just pushed lightly on that spot known as the prostate.

Thick warm horse seed filled my mouth and throat I gagged lightly but swallowed and breathed though my nose even if that was full of his musk and the bathroom smell.

I then heard the grunt as the guy next to me came shooting his load into the metal urinal.

I pulled off the horse then kissed him deeply his seed still in my mouth he swallowed some as we made out his hoofs going to my butt and lightly circling my hole I let out a light playful growl as I bit him softly on the nose.

"Well I think after that you are coming home with me wolfie well should I say wolfie or your name?"

He said as he pulled up his jeans me doing the same our paws and hoofs going back to our butts

"Ralph, and I think your place is indeed in need of me being there making it musky after we fuck like wild animals horsey"

I said making him blush then say David which was his name

we exited the bathroom's both holding each other as we exited the bar we then hailed a taxi as all the buses other then the night bus which was crap and full of drunks like us or as it was free the odd homeless person that used it as a bed.

Getting to another street the taxi driver stopped and he put the faire meter on stop,

"Far as I go bub, that is not safe neighbourhood; my taxi will be a target"

He said as he got out and paid him he turned around and drove off fast just as some bad looking furs the kind that take the wheels off your car with you still in your car!

Walking along the street there was burnt out cars, old cars that looked to be off the road but weren't, the houses were run down or burnt out.

I looked around this place was a hell hole,

"You live here?"

I said as I looked at the females all dressed up ready for a good time sugar with anything

"Yeah well its complex don't worry about its nicer in better light just at night it looks bad"

He said as we walked into one of the tower blocks that wasn't burnt out nor had police tape on it

walking up the stairs as the lift had been bombed or trashed and was now more a toilet then lift we got up to the 14th floor were he pulled out his keys.

The door opened and he turned the light on, I saw the roaches flee under anything, the house was old, it had wall paper or tiles from the 70's the smell of damp was there but not that strong mould was in the corners but the house was bigger then mine.

Two bedrooms, one bathroom and a kitchen joined so that wasn't very good the living room was basic a couch that looked like it had been left out on a rainy day then dragged out from the forest he turned the light on and smiled kissing me.

"Welcome to our home my er friends asleep so if your going to moan out then um do it in a pillow"

He said as he started to get nude,

"Um okay but is it safe? I might get something,"

I said as he walked nude cock out semi hard to his bedroom

The bedroom was large ish the bed only a single but it would do we kissed I didn't even dare ask about the mattress under us.

We had lovely sex I was safe and he said he was too so bare back was fine his seed in my ass felt good and my knot in his horse butt felt good.

We both feel asleep holding each other well mostly because my knot wasn't going anywhere.

Morning came and I groaned as my head hurt I then sniffed and could smell the sweat and god only knows what on this mattress I got up and needed a shower but not before my nose smelt cooking I had a slight bit of morning wood.

Walking into the kitchen there nude was David the horse he was cooking I came from behind and grabbed him making him gasp as he felt my semi poke his butt his tail moving to the side almost as if he was part mare.

"Morning David, this looks nice"

I said grabbing a bit from the pan and eating it making him gasp I was used to hot food in my mouth years of eating quickly

"It should be I know how to cook stuff just as my friend"

He said turning and kissing me at that point there was a yawn and a voice

"Dam it David you really know how to bring home the sexy young males huh?"

I turned and saw in the nude another horse same colours as David even with that black patch on her side

"Indeed I do Marge, you sleep well without us?"

He said as he walked to her

"It was a bit cold without you but it was okay"

She said hugging him them they kissed deeply

I stood there and my brain clicked the penny dropped you get the idea I covered my mouth and spoke,

"Your brother and sister?!"

I said as they broke the kiss David cock rubbing on her pussy lips

"indeed we are wolfie boy, this is why were in this bad place, our parents hated us so we got sent to other schools but one day we decided to run away that was 7 years ago huh?"

She said walking over and rubbing my sack and sheath as it throbbed at the thought

"Yep, and we've not heard from them why can't parents just accept who you are? Okay incest isn't that good but at least it's not like forced"

He said as he gave her sister's butt a smack making her cry out and giggle

Sitting at the dinner table eating the breakfast they told me how one wet night Marge had gone out to see some band and well it got rained out.

She came home but her key had been left in her room she tried the back door but that was locked.

Now dripping wet she saw that my window was open and I was watching the rain I then saw her all wet and soaked, I threw down the ladder we have just in case of a fire and she climbed up it, she then fell on top of me and well we looked at each other then kissed for no reason.

I guess I was horny being a teenager and she was going out to get laid by someone.

We had sex and loved it after that we'd fuck whenever we could that was until our parents found out when they came home only to find me balls deep in my sister and calling her name as I came into her stupid local shopping store being out of milk.

We were punished by being watched my dad put in creaky floors to stop me and her getting to each other, at the table we sat far away in school we had some fun but that stopped when we were taken out and put into other schools; boys on one side girls on the other.

After that I had words with her on the bus I'd saved my money and she had done the same so we grabbed our bags and ran away.

Mostly staying at motels or in an old building but then we found this place.

Free rent if you're not a drug user/grower, aren't a pimp or looking to start and whore house and aren't going to start a fire or kill others.

I was shocked but then again I wasn't I told them my story on my fox friend that had passed they were sorry to hear that but it would explain why I was a good kisser.

I then heard my phone go crap work!

I put my clothes on and then kissed them goodbye and headed out I saw a bus and got on it no idea if it was going the way I wanted but it was better then running.

It then went around here I saw all the burnt out cars and the houses that were lived in but looked abandoned.

I then got to work telling the boss I'd had a fun night out and that I slept with someone in another part of town.

He was forgiving and well after a quick blow job he let me get on with my work.

At lunch I went to the park and sat on a bench I then looked over and saw Marge the mare.

I watched as she he then started to talk to some guys and they walked with her to some over grown part of the park they talked about a job and she was happy to do it.

I followed using my wolf stealth to track them I then saw her get nude and let these two guys fuck her they finished inside her and pulled off shooting there load all over her body then throwing a few notes at her she picked them up and they exited.

At that point she got dressed and walked out only to be seen by another guy I noted there was a set of old shoes above a tree that meant three things drugs sex or something else.

After that I went back to the store only to see David he was talking with some big guys and they walked into the public bathroom's there right next to the store.

He took offered them a job my ears were good all I had to do was pin point there voices and I could hear everything.

They walked in and I walked in and could hear grunts and moans as they were fucking him I then saw money being thrown over the top of the stall.

They exited I just stood there taking a piss not taking any notice of them as they exited.

At that point David came out his face covered in cum his butt the same at least they had orgasmed outside him and on him he blushed as he saw me and I confronted him.

Both he and his sister were giving out blow jobs or fucking jobs to anyone that had money it wasn't cheap as it had to be 50 bucks a lot of money.

He said that he went to the bar to get more or to spread the word about himself and his sister that was until he meet me there that and to see if he could win some more money on the blackjack table.

He exited and I went back to work mopping up the mess made by some kids dropping milk all over the floor then running off out the store.

As I mopped I felt sorry for David and Marge my mind was thinking it only takes one infected fur to cum inside him or her and that's it time is no longer on there side.

That night I didn't go to the bar I instead drove to where David and Marge were living.

I parked my car up and locked it I knew that would do nothing but I was thankful each part was numbered and had a small chip in it to track it.

Walking up the stairs I saw three big furs bears walking down the stairs all chatting about how good a fuck that was, I then saw the door were Marge was only partly covered up and counting the money she had gotten she then saw me and shut the door I knocked on it and then spoke about knowing what jobs they had.

The door opened and Marge fell into my arms crying.

"It's the only way to buy food and things, no were else here offers jobs this place only does homeless or if you can ram raiding a shop to grab its stuff"

She said to me as David walked in holding money and had a bloody nose

"Oh my gods David are you okay?!"

Marge said holding him as he grunted as he sat down

"Fucking cunts beat me up as I didn't let them finish in me oh hello again Ralph"

He said as I sat next to him

"look you two this can't go on, unless you want to end up like this almost every day, furs will want to finish in you I know as I've had a few finish in me they were all safe but it only takes one"

I said as David cleaned up the cut on his nose

"but we have to otherwise we'll just be in here starving or waiting for our parents to track us down, look Ralph I'm sorry but its the life we chose now you can get the hell out or you can help us"

Marge said kissing her brother and wiping the blood and spit from his body and clothes

I sighed as I sat on the bar that night, I really wanted to help them but they were right, jobs weren't easy you had to either be very good at a certain job or have papers sadly no more mister nice works and doesn't go on strike or want a pay rise.

As I drank the booze my body warming up I had an idea, I wrote it down and put it in my pocket in my shirt I then drank and went home by taxi.

In the morning I held my head and groaned hang overs are a nightmare good thing they don't last too long.

Getting up and checking my pockets I found my idea from last night after some sobering up breakfast I went to were my boss would be.

Driving to the golf range I saw him there I grabbed a few clubs that were free to users and brought a bucket of balls.

I swung and hit the ball sending it flying I was right next to my boss I then let him swing.

His new wood hit that ball making that click ping noise it flew all the way to 300 yards.

I did a classic wolf whistle and he saw me,

"Oh Ralph it's you, don't often see you here what brings you to my club?"

He said as he pulled out from the small mini fridge there by the side for him and other higher class furs some soda he gave me one cracking it open

"well sir, I know your in need of staff and well I have two friends a brother and sisters, now before you judge your gay pride banner will be no good if you complain,

"there lovers and yes there brother and sister they need a job if they don't get one well there other job is being fucked and sucking guys off which you know means it only takes one to go inside and boom AIDS"

I said as he swiped and missed from that word, he knew it as he took had lost a dear friend to that and lover

"Well I could use some ball fetchers here on the range, tell you what bring them here and I'll interview them now watch this"

He said getting out his other wood and swinging it around

He then put a ball down and another prefect ping ting sound as it went flying right into net 350 I just clapped and used up my balls mostly with irons until my basket was empty.

Heading home I went to them and they were happy hugging me in the morning they went there and he was very interested in there story so they told him it.

He shock there hoofs and said they would be welcomed here to start Monday morning.

Monday morning came and both of them got up had a shower and put on there only clean clothes they then headed to the bus stop and went to the range.

It was all locked up until he showed up to let them in, he then showed them the area's there was a till and shop to buy golfing clothes and clubs and other bits you don't really need but you buy as its related.

Marge was to be there, David then had a small soft padded back put on him and he walked out to the range to collect golf balls he enjoyed it at first but the furs took aim at him but it sold balls to have a target.

I was happy for them I'd really fixed there lives, okay they still did brother and sister things like argue the hell out of subjects while customers were there but then would make out and no one knew they were brother and sister.

Everything was going great that was until a few months later when I would find out who they really were.

A few months later I was mopping up some beer that had been dropped when the box fell apart from were it had gotten wet from rain when the PA system came over,

"Will Ralph please report to the boss's room now"

I put my mop and bucket back in the side holes and walked to the back I then walked into the cool room that was the bosses, he told me to take a seat.

"Ralph, I have bad news, those two furs you got me to hire there nothing but crocks!"

He pushed a button on the desk and the screen fired up showing Marge taking the money from the till and putting in counterfeit notes!

"No Marge what will David say?"

I said the boss then went to another camera and there was David taking money from furs that hit him saying that it hurt but a few moments later he was fine that and taking money for the furs that had there own golf balls

"I looked up there names and well they are brother and sister but there a con pair and you fell for it and so did i"

He said as he then gave me my pink slip


I said looking at it

"Sorry Ralph but I must fire you for being with them who's to say you're not the ring leader?"

He said turning as I looked down at the pink piece of paper

walking out of the shop I sighed I wanted to get my revenge by finding a fur with AIDS and giving it to them and then watching them suffer but I buried that thought then I was hit hard on the head by something wooden.

Waking up I groaned as my head hurt I then saw I was in the apartment were David and Marge were I tried to move but I couldn't I was tied up.

They were there counting money real stuff not fake as they smiled at me.

"Ah seems our pigeon is awake you really do know how to pick them little brother"

Marge said kissing him as she kicked me in the ribs

"Well he picked me besides who'd of though the banks around here were so dumb to change 20's into tens"

He said laughing at me as I growled

"You bastards! Let me go what do you need me for now?"

I said as a gag was put in my mouth

"one last thing a get away car, oh you've been quite the pigeon, helping us were now rich enough to go away far away, were wanted and there is a big reward on our heads,

"Your car will do with you in it us by your side your taking us to see the land mark were once we get there your be shoved out and left to die"

They both laughed and I growled trying to get free but the rope hurt it had wire in it the more I moved the more it hurt

putting the money into the suit cases they loaded them into my car I was then loaded into the car and told to drive there was police around but they were dumb I just smiled as I drove by they waving back as I had the two cons in my rear seats and the tinted glass hid them.

Driving to the land mark they smashed my phone and then took out a chip from my cars computer, it was the main chip that located every part, David stamped it and they laughed as they drove off.

I was in my boxers still tied up and out in the middle of no where thank gods for v loggers those odd ball youtubers that film places no longer visited or used often.

He untied me and we headed to the state trooper I told them my story but they said they were long gone I then saw them pull my car into the yard it was partly destroyed mostly by water they had driven it into the lake.

Back at the bar I sighed drinking my booze when I had an idea, they were crocks and they always return to the crime, I went to there place and it was empty.

I looked into cupboards nothing but dust and old food from years ago.

I then found there clothes but best of all there plans oh yes David had wrote them all down in fact he had put everything down.

I called the state and they picked me up, a long ass drive later we got to a train station.

David and Marge kissed each other as they held onto the suit cases of money they had 4 all large and full of the money from other towns.

They sat there drinking some booze as the train pulled out of the station but was then stopped by the troopers they had also called in SWAT sadly not the 90's cult classic TV show but the guys in black with guns.

Both horses gave themselves up they had conned furs out of 5 million mostly by printing out fake notes changing 0's to 8 to give them a different code or number they then put those notes into the tills or machines or got them exchanged for two real 10's.

In court they were found guilty of fraud, sexual conduct as in sex in public places and paid for it, and conning furs and people of there money.

They were jailed for life, thankfully only the really bad furs get the death sentence and that's only in certain black states as in the states that still allowed that not the furs that are black.

As I sat in the bar with my reward money the news chatting about how these dumb two bother and sister had left this big a clue, I then thought it seemed to easy checking the money no it was real and the next week I saw them both in the state jail both were in the different sexes ones.

Marge would only just be able to hold David's hoof as they went out into the yard.

I felt bad maybe I should have let them go but no it was good they had lost me my job and conned me just like they had others, I looked at them and sighed.

I then had an idea.

Going into the jail I meet with David who spat at the glass and ignored me I then just put a note though the draw in the desk and he read it.

I did the same with Marge who did the same as David spit and ignored me I had given them the same piece of paper they both had the same reaction.

In-between the two jails was a mini jail for lovers or to meet singles that had a thing for convicts.

I had a job as a guard there I went for the position and got it simple as that, I then worked to get these two as one but only under my guard.

Inside Marge walked in and David got up and hugged her I then locked the door.

"Well, well if it isn't mister killjoy; fuck off so I can fuck my sister in piece"

David said grouping her butt and making her moan

"Yeah fuck off wolfie unless you want to be shanked"

Marge said pulling out a weapon I grabbed it and put it in my jacket pocket

"Calm, who do you think made you two come here? It was me, you fucked me over but you two are lovers so if you are to be in here the least I can do is well let you two fuck"

I said as I exited locking the door

I heard moans and love making from behind the door both of them crying out each others names they did this for as long as it was allowed a few hours.

They were then both lead out to there own jails saying goodbye and see you in another month.

That night at the bar I sighed and looked back over my last few days and months what a few months it had been!

I meet two horse lovers get them jobs of the good kind then they con me over and I'm the one to put them away in jail.

As the music played on I sighed as I knew that I'd never find true love.

I guess my first love was fox, but he is long since dead has been for going on 4 years now.

One night while looking though old pictures of friends from my younger days I saw him then I looked in my high school book and there in the back was his fur and the note;

"If I'm ever killed or go bald Darling please bring this to me and make them make me a wig of my own hair"

That's it! I could make a clone of him, grabbing the hair I went to a place that cloned things.

Giving them the hair they put it into a machine and it started to make a clone grabbing the DNA and putting it into another fox body within moments he was there.

The goop fell and he breathed and looked at me he then came out and I hugged him he was really alive again but sadly clones only have a life span of the same of the fur there from as in a few years as cloning wasn't quite that good even with furry logic.

It was then that I woke up in my bed and looked around my clock rang out and I pressed it I had dreamed the whole thing up my head hurt bad I rubbed it and then I could smell cooking.

Going out I saw David there making food his sister there too making out with him.

They were both happy to see me in fact I was very happy to see them my cock rock hard.

"Good morning lover sleeps well?"

David said smiling as he gave me a pan cake

"Wow bro you get all the sexiest guys I hope he wants to have this threesome"

Marge said rubbing her pussy as she ate her food


I said looking at them

They nodded;

"Yep last night in the bar after we gave each other blow jobs I told you I was in love with my sister and you wanted to have weird threesome"

I nodded and sat down to eat my breakfast

if I was to have this so called threesome I would need some food in my body as I ate Marge started to suck me off making me grunt oh boy this was going to be quite the fun day as well as telling them the crazy ass dream I had.

~the end?~

nature hike

"Were lost just admit it you fool!" One pokemon said to another "Am not! I'm sure it's around here somewhere, just um were I don't know" The other pokemon said blushing "I knew it! We are lost you and you stupid map reading skills that you don't...

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the office party

another morning came as the sun shone though the blinds of my house I yawned awake only to find a tent were my bed sheet was I pulled it off and saw that poking though my panties was my cock, I yawned and rubbed it a thick bead of pre came from it I...

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having a whale of a time

As another day dawned I woke up and groaned licking my lips and feeling a slight after taste of seed had I taken someone home or had I done another self blow job? Looking down I see it was the latter as there was a stain on my bed and my cock semi out...

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