Goat Butt

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!!

Goat Butt

By William W. Kelso

"So let me get this straight, I asked the demoness, I enter the pentagram and fuck you, and in return I get the sexual organs of any animal I want?"

"Yes, the hideously beautiful creature replied, after I first swear an oath not to harm you of course. This is unless you don't want me to?"

"No such luck!" I laughed as the demoness cawed in amusement.

"Can't blame a lady for trying, can you?" The demoness chuckled, clacking her beak.

"Does anyone ever, I mean, just let you take them?" I asked curiously.

"Actually, yes, the demoness replied seriously, you'd be surprised. If you give me your body and soul now, without conditions, I will of course enslave you and do with you what I want. But it will be an eternity of sexual torment and pleasure, not one of agony and pain. By demonic standards my kind of demoness are quite, er, kind to our slaves. Some find my offer of eternal sexual ecstasy and agony...appealing."

"I guess I can understand that, I replied, you are...beautiful, in a rather disturbing way."

The demoness started to say something, paused, and then finally said, "I THINK that was a compliment."

"Oh yes indeed, I replied, it was. You are something most men only dream about in their darkest sexual fantasies, but few ever get to meet you in the flesh."

The demones preened her feathers, "Why thank you, what a nice thing to say! 'Darkest sexual fantasies' you say, what a nice phrase! I shall have to remember it."

And she was beautiful too. She looked like a cross between a bird and a lizard, or maybe a feathered pterodactyl, but she was no dinosaur. He had a bird's body with obsidian black feathers like a raven or crow, with the same kind of bluish almost metallic sheen to them. But in addition to a birds wings she also had human arms, except for the long nasty talons matching the ones on her bird feet, and she had a pair of gorgeous breasts, the nipples large and protruding, as did the lips of her sex which I could clearly see under a thin layer of downy black feathers, the dark pink lips of both her sets of labial lips standing out in contrast against the shiny black of her plumage. But her head was more like a reptiles, her beak lined with nasty sharp fangs, two horns sweeping back from the top of her head, a brilliant dark red crest of feathers in the center of them, and she had a reptilian tail with bands on the underside that ran up to her lower belly, the top of the tail covered in a continuation of her red crest feathers. She was totally nude of course, except for nipple rings with large rubies on them, a gold ring piercing her clitoris, and gold and ruby bands on her horns and a large ruby in her navel; or where one should be. As her tail whipped into view I noticed she also had a large gold band with more rubies near the tip. Her name was Grackxa, and I'd found out about her quite by accident in an obscure reference on demonology that made a short mention of her and her 'specialties', the main one of which was bestiality. And for $100.00 a friend had given me a spell he claimed could be used to actually summon the avian demoness, and when I told him I'd want a refund if it didn't work he'd just smiled. Since I knew he knew I knew where he lived I decided, what the heck, if it didn't work I wouldn't be out anything, plus it would be kinky to do a black mass in the nude, would be worth at least a nice jack-off. If it did work, well, I'd always had a thing for what she had to offer, that is, having sex with animals. I'd never indulged, but the interest was there. But now the question was, what kind of animal's sexual organs did I want?

"So Grackxa, I said, say I wanted a whales cock, or an elephants, you could give those?"

She cocked her head at me, and said "I could, but why on earth would you want those? I mean, a whale's would be bigger than you are, and as for an elephant, well, I don't think you'd be able to mount a female though it would make masturbation most enjoyable. But, if that is your desire..."

I grinned, and said, "I was just joking, frankly I'm not sure what kind of animal's sexual organs I want yet, there are so many."

"Well, the demoness said, you could think about it while you're in the pentagram coupling with me, which would be most enjoyable, for both of us. You do not have to make up your mind until you've orgasmed and given me your cum."

"OK, I said, how do we do this?"

"Well, the demoness said, I swear in the name of my Lord and Master Great Lord Baphomet, that I will in no way harm you physically, mentally, or spiritually while you are in the pentagram fulfilling your part of the bargain. Once you have serviced me you may leave the pentagram unharmed at any time you desire. If I break this oath may his wrath be swift and terrible. Now you enter the pentagram and we will copulate, and as soon as your seed enters my womb I will grant your desire and give you whatever kind of animals sexual organs you may desire. Oh, and the animals you choose will be unable to deny your sexual desires, you may couple with them as often as you like as you will be insatiable, and they will see you as the perfect mate."

I was already naked, and had a painful hard-on, so was pretty much ready as soon as I entered the pentagram, VERY ready. And we didn't waste any time, she seemed to be as eager as I was. She really was beautiful in a horrible way, there was no mistaking her for any kind of normal animal or mortal creature. Her glowing red tinted reptilian eyes pretty much made that apparent. As I entered the pentagram she came to me, and taking my hands put them on her breasts and rubbed her body against mine. She said, in an amazingly human sounding and very sensuous voice,

"It has been a long time since I've coupled with a human male, I'm afraid I'm not as popular as some of the other sex demoness's. Thank you for summoning me."

"It was my pleasure, I said, and I don't know why you're not popular, you're lovely."

"You do say such nicest things." she hissed.

She crouched down on her legs; looking more like a bird than ever, and gently fondled my balls; thankfully being careful with those nasty talons, and then a long forked tongue licked a drop of pre off my cock, and I moaned, then gasped as that tongue licked back out and wrapped around my cock and started slowly jacking me off. Her tongue was absolutely fantastic, it was long enough to twine around my cock several times, and she licked the head of my cock with the forked tip, lapping up my precum as I stood there, my whole body shuddering. I almost came right then and there, but she knew what she was doing.

"Mmmm, she said, not yet, your seed is of no use to me on the floor. Now come, mount me and let us consummate our bargain; and I will give you that which you desire."

But I wasn't ready yet, she'd seen mine, I wanted to see hers. I wanted to know what SHE tasted like! So I crouched down in front of her and looked at her mound, and both sets of her labial lip protruded noticeably, and leaning forward I gently kissed her nether lips, and gently bit her minor labia lips and she gave shriek of surprised pleasure as I pulled back her clitoral hood to expose the knob of her clit, and tongued and sucked on it, pulling the gold ring with my teeth as her whole sex quivered.

"Human, she chrrred, you are most definitely earning that which you desire! That is wonderful, don't stop!"

Pussy 'eating' was a fetish of mine, and I loved to 'dine' on a nice juicy vagina, and explore every square millimeter of it. And hers was an exceptional example of the female sex, and not quite human. To my delighted surprise she had TWO clitorises; one at the top and one at the bottom of her pussy; both pierced with gold rings, and I divided my attention evenly between both of them. I traced the outlines of both her outer and inner lips, my tongue sliding deeply between their velvety smooth opening, and she grunted and chrred, pushing at the back of my head. I was rewarded with a flow of sexual fluids as her sex became swollen and aroused, her own pre dripping from her feathers.

"Urrrk, caaawww! She rasped, "I'm ready human, don't make me wait, my pussy aches for you!"

"Your wish is my command" I said, and pulled away from her lovely sex after a final slow lick.

"Are sure you won't let me take you back the Hell with me, she said, I promise to treat you quite well, I can always used a skilled sex slave who knows how to use his tongue. You are talented; with proper training you could be exceptional. I could give you a demon's tongue, a foot long and forked, or perhaps a giraffe's?"

"No, but thank you for the offer" I said as she turned away and crouched down, lifting her tail for me.

"A shame." She said sadly.

"Maybe later." I said.

"Promise?" she hissed, and I just laughed.

I crouched behind her, the angle a little odd because of her bestial hindquarters, and taking my cock I guided it into her ripe and dripping sex, gasping in pleasure as I slid between her nether lips. Here pussy was wet, slick, and HOT! Not in a bad way though, just must warmer then I was used to. It felt absolutely fantastic, her vagina slick and velvety smooth. I gripped her around her waist just below her wings and lunged into her until I hilted, then started fucking her nice and slow with powerful thrusts, grunting in pleasure. She wrapped her lizard tail around my waist, and from her sounds she was enjoying it as much as I was; her beak open and panting when she turned her head to watch me, emotionless eyes glowing brightly.

"Uggggh, rawwwkkkk! Glackxa hissed, faster, harder, mortal! Urrrkkkk!!"

Grackxa clacked her beak in pleasure, her tongue lolling out as she panted in pleasure. For a human this male was a good fuck, he was pleasuring her quite nicely, and knew what a tongue was for. Oh, any demon could outdo him, but there was the thrill of coupling with a mortal, plus the power she took from his cum and the pleasure he gave her, that made it so enjoyable. He provided the energy for the spell by fucking her, she provided the magic. She had been somewhat surprised when she was summoned; she wasn't as popular a demoness as Mistress Vulva or some of the other ones. But she could give pretty much the same things in payment as they could, she just needed more business! She grunted as the man began speeding up his thrusts, yes, he was a very nice fuck indeed. Maybe he could send some more business her way, surely he had plenty of horny friends?

Finally I couldn't hold back any longer, those pussy lips sucking at my cock were driving me mad with pleasure, and with a deep guttural moan I orgasmed, my ass cheeks clenching as I pumped my cum into her, and I knew she'd come when I felt a wash of hot fluid burst and flow past my lunging cock to drench our crotches as she shrieked like a hawk. Oh yeah, I thought, that was NICE!

Grackxa gave a shrill shrieking hiss of ecstasy as she orgasmed, the feel of the man's cum filling her womb as her pussy sucked his cock was marvelously pleasurable, and she could feel the power spreading out from it. She clenched her beak shut as the intense pleasure gradually faded, breathing heavily through the nostril slits on her beak. He had fulfilled his part of the bargain, now it was time to fulfill hers.

"Raawk, caaaww, that was most nicely done mortal, she said, I am satisfied, you have fulfilled your part of the bargain. Now tell me, what animal's sexual organs do you desire?"

I stayed inside of her, the feeling of my cock inside her drenched dripping pussy exquisite, and thought, Oh crap, I hadn't thought about it at all, I'd been too distracted by the fantastic sex. Damn it, there were so many!! But I came to a conclusion fairly quickly."

"I want a goat's sexual organs." I said. There was a goat breeding farm just down the road about a mile, and I figured that was the most practical choice. The place was huge, and the goats wandered all over the place. They even got out all the time, so maybe I could 'kidnap' a few and keep them for a 'harem'.

"Good choice! Grackxa hissed, it is done, our bargain is concluded!"

I felt a sudden intense tingling and warmth in my crotch; and with a moan of pleasure started fucking her again, I figured she wouldn't mind, and I was right. Her squeals were quite loud.

By fucking her again it made the transfer of the magical energy that powered the spell even easier and more enjoyable, and Grackxa squealed in pleasure. How did he know? Too bad it wouldn't last for long, but she should be able to climax at least one more time.

I reached my second orgasm a lot faster than I had planned, and was a little disappointed as an intensely pleasure orgasm racked my body; I'd wanted to fuck her even longer and slower with my new cock, and the demoness gave a loud 'caaawwww!' of pleasure as she came again too. I could feel a growing weight between my legs and the warm feeling of soft skin brushing against my thighs, and thought, damn, my balls are huge now! I kept fucking her, but to my surprise suddenly felt my penis slide out of her as it went flaccid. What the fuck!?! I'd never lost a hard-on inside a pussy before, never! And I was even hornier then ever! I thrust a few more times, but it was useless, I couldn't feel her pussy anymore.

She still had her tail wrapped around my waist, but as I pulled back she let me go. I stood up and looked down at myself, and frowned. Reaching down I hefted one of my now very large balls, the organ soft and squishy feeling, but where was my dick?? So far all I could see was that my crotch looked smooth; other than a covering of whitish fur, but figured my new dick was inside a sheath or something. And my pubic hair was gone, my balls were hairless, smooth and pinkish/white. I hefted the heavy ballsac again, and frowned some more. Reaching down I lifted up my balls so I could see them better, and there were NIPPLES on the bottom of them, BIG nipples, four of them!! Since when the hell do balls have nipples, I thought?? I gave one of them a squeeze, and a white fluid leaked out of the nipple and I gave a moan of pleasure; that felt good! Then suddenly I realized what I had in my hands, those weren't balls, they were UDDERS!

"AAAAHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed, "WHAT the FUCK???"

"Owwww, the demoness hissed, not so loud, I have sensitive ears!"

"WHAT the FUCK did you do to me????" I yelled, and feeling something strange on my lower back I reached behind me and felt, a short tufted tail!! My hand slid lower and I squealed as it suddenly slid into something warm, wet, and sensitive. That is NOT my asshole, I thought in growing horror!

"Whatever do you mean?" The demoness asked as she stood up and stretched, fluffing her feathers and preening. "I gave you a goat's sexual organs as you requested."

"But, but, I have a PUSSY!!!" I moaned as I ran my fingers over the wet opening again, the wet opening sucking at my fingers, damn that felt good!

"Ohhh, you meant a MALE sexual organ, the demoness chuckled, silly me! You should have been more specific, and said 'Billy goat' or 'Nanny goat'."

"But, but, why the HELL would I want a GOAT pussy and tits!" I said.

"Hell if I know, Grackxa said, humans are weird."

"But, but, please, I don't want this, please take it back! I don't want to be a girl goat!"

"A Nanny goat, Grackxa said, and sorry, no can do, done deal, no 'refunds'. Our business is concluded. And it's almost time for me to go home, and for you to find some randy Billy goats to keep you satisfied. Don't worry, they'll love fucking you."

"But I don't WANT to have sex with a goat!" I moaned.

"I thought you wanted to have sex with animals?" Grackxa said.

"But as a GUY! I said, please, can't you do anything?? Can't we have sex again, make another deal?"

"Sorry, only allowed once a month, so you'll have to summon me again in a month. But, oh, wait, no can do. I'm a girl too, we can't have sex, at least the kind required to make a bargain since you don't have cum now. You'll have to summon a demon instead. I can recommend some really well hung ones, both goat demons. They'd love you."

"NO, I sobbed, you tricked me!!"

"Did NOT, Grackxa replied, you stupid humans always claim that when you don't get what you want, always blame the demonkind! Well I'm SICK of it, it's not OUR fault you're not more specific! We try to please you, give you what you ask for, and you just get mad!"

"Look, please, I'm sorry! I begged, getting down on my knees, please, I thought you liked me, please don't leave me like this, I don't want to be a goat girl!"

"Wellll, Grackxa considered, you DID do a good job of fucking me. Let me have a look, see what I can do."

A little nervously I bent over onto all fours as she walked around behind me, the heavy udders; no, dugs, rubbing against my thighs, smooth and warm.

"Hmm, Glackxa said, you have a very nice goat pussy; and nice dugs too. Be a shame to waste them."

"What do you...ohhhh, ahhhhhhh!" I gasped as I felt her tongue lick over the folds of my bestial sex. "What are you doing?!? Stop it, I.....ugggghhh!" I moaned as her tongue slid inside of me, and she began to gently squeeze my 'tits'. "Oh, oh, I, oh, ugggggghhhhh!" I gasped, that felt SO good! "Please, please don't!!" I sobbed, even as I started pushing my rear back, wanting her tongue deeper inside of my pussy as I gyrated my hips. Oh, it felt wonderful!! "Nooooo!" I moaned, not, not like THIS!! I'm a man, not a girl!"

"Mmm, you have a nice tasty pussy now, Grackxa said, and it's really wet and hot. Can you feel the heat, the need to be serviced? Don't you want a nice hot cock deep inside of you?"

"Uggghhh, I moaned as her tongue flicked over my clitoris, then slid back into my pussy, and I could feel the slick organ deep inside of me, I'd never felt anything remotely like it before. "Ohhhh, please...don't...ooooh"

Hmm, thought Grackxa, he, no, she is certainly hot enough, time for something else. She brought her tail around and guided the tip; which was now velvety smooth, into the swollen wet vagina. She forced it in, and began to slide it in and out with strong rapid thrusts, and gave a hiss of pleasure as the tip of her tail; as with all demonkind, was very sensitive.

I gasped as I felt something hard and slick slide into my horrible new sex, Oh no, I thought, that can't be what it feels like!! She's a girl! "Aaaahhhhh, I moaned, what are you..., what IS that!?!"

"Don't worry, Grackxa replied, it's not a cock, it's the tip of my tail silly little goat. Your cunt feels lovely, tight and juicy, how does my tail feel?"

I had my eyes shut from the intense pleasure; I could feel it was so deep into my aching sex that I swore it was in as far in as my chest! "It's too big! I gasped, you'll hurt me!" But it felt soooo good!

"Don't worry, she said, since you have a goat's ovaries and womb you have a really deep pussy, I'm only in about fifteen inches, you could take a lot more, and you're a big girl!"

"Ohhh, ahhhhhh , I moaned as the pleasure just kept increasing, "I'm a man, not a goat!" I sobbed.

"Males have dicks, she said, you don't qualify any more, I guess you're a Nanny boy now, or maybe a goat girl? What DO you call a guy with a goat's twat anyway?" She grunted in pleasure as his vaginal muscles rubbed and clenched against the tip of her tail and knew he, no, she, was close. With an amused hiss she sped up her thrusts.

"No, no, NOOOOO!!" I squealed as what could only be an orgasm exploded deep inside me and washed through my body in waves of ecstasy, and I'd never felt anything like it. It was different, yet the same, only much more intense. So this is what a woman feels; or at least a female animal, when they orgasm I thought. Ohhh, it felt absolutely wonderful.

Glackxa pulled her dripping tail from the trembling goat/mans sex, and licked it with her tongue. Mmmm, delicious, she thought. His; or rather her, mixture of desire and denial had added a spicy taste to her sexual juices. Now, she thought, I'm thirsty, time for a drink. She bent over on her digitigrades legs and grabbed the goat/mans dugs and popped a large pink nipple in her mouth and started suckling, and was rewarded with a steady trickle of sweet fresh goat's milk.

I hung my head gasping as she pulled her tail out of my sex, and felt wetness as it was followed by a slow flow of sexual juices. Oh God, I thought, I've just been raped with a tail! I started to get up, but suddenly felt a hand on my rump, and then felt another grab one of my udders, and start sucking on a nipple!!

"AHHH!" I hissed in pleasure, what are you doing now!?!"

Glackxa, milk dripping from her beak, said, "I'm milking you, your dugs are full and I'm thirsty. Now hold still!"

And I did, I didn't want her to stop, it was a feeling I can't describe, almost like a constant very low level orgasm, her beak and tongue on my nipples felt absolutely unbelievable as she kneaded and fondled my pendulous dugs. So I stayed still and gave little gasps and moans as she switched from nipple to nipple. This is so wrong, I thought.

"Good girl! Glackxa said as she finished, your milk was delicious. Thank you. Now let me reward you for the lovely drink."

And she started tail fucking him/her again; taking even longer this time and the goat/man squealed and sobbed in pleasure, begging her to stop even though his pussy eagerly sucked at her tail. She thought he/she was going to pass out when they orgasmed the second, and then third, times. Finally, over an hour later, she slid her tail out and sucked on the tip. Mmmm.

With a grunt I stood up, my dugs rubbing against my thighs, damn things hung down to my knees! I felt horribly and unnaturally defiled, but it had also been the most intense pleasure I'd ever felt in my life, each orgasm more intense and pleasurable then the last. And I wanted more.

"What now?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"Well, nothing I guess, said the demoness, our bargain is done. You can summon a demon next month and have him fuck you in return for a Ram's cock and balls, or whatever you might want. Then you can summon me again and we can have some more fun. I enjoyed fucking you as a male AND a female."

A month! I thought in despair, the burning wetness at the base of my tail couldn't wait that long!! And somehow I knew a normal Billy Goat wouldn't be able to satisfy me for long.

"You had better leave the pentagram mortal, Glackxa said, it is almost daybreak and I must return to Hell. I am satisfied, our bargain is fulfilled."

Numbly I stepped out of the pentagram, and a minute later she vanished and the candles went out, spirals of smoke rising straight up in the still air. My God, I thought, did that really happen?? But as I hefted my 'dugs' and felt warm fluid trickling down my thighs I knew it was real, very real. I had the sexual organs of a female goat, and I was in full blown estrus.

By the end of the day I was growing desperate for sexual relief, my new pussy quivering and aching. I tried rubbing my rump against things, but other than leaving smears of my sexual fluids only made it worse. And my damn dugs, they were steadily swelling, getting taught with milk and it was awkward as Hell to walk around, and NO way could I wear pants. I put on some boxers with a large enough opening in the front to hang them through, but it was pretty much a wasted effort, there was no way I could go out in public. Finally I milked myself, grunting in pleasure as I pulled at my large rubbery nipples, warm milk squirting into a bucket. I didn't drink it; I poured it down the drain. It was better after that, at least for a few hours until they filled up again.

By the third day I couldn't stand it, so that evening I got in my car; with a towel thrown over my 'problem', and drove out to near where the goat farm was. I had no choice, I was going crazy from lust, and it just kept increasing. I pulled over and parked along a wooded area of a county gravel road, then making sure there was no one coming I got out, hopped the barbed wire fence being very careful of my dugs, and moved quickly into woods. I must have been a very strange sight, my furry hindquarters, tail, and udders leaving no doubt I was a beast, but human from the waist up and knees down. I was nude except for a shirt and tennis shoes. I made my way through the brush and woods, heavy udders swinging, until I caught the scent of 'other' goats, and felt my lust increase even more. Soon I reached a clearing full of large shaggy goats, Nannies and Billies. And like the demoness had promised, the Billie's were delighted to see me.

I grunted in pleasure as a large black Billy Goat mounted me with a bleat of pleasure, happy at finding such a willing female in heat at this time of the year. As he serviced me I dug my fingers into the dry grass and dirt and squealed and moaned in ecstasy, his huge cock sliding deeply into my body as he fucked me energetically. As I felt his hot cum spurt inside of me I orgasmed violently with a soft scream of intense pleasure. And as soon as he had dismounted I was ready again, and another eager Billy took his place. I stayed there almost six hours and lost track of how many times I was serviced, but finally managed to stagger to my car and drive home, my furry hindquarters and thighs drenched in goat cum. After I got home I took a hot shower for over an hour trying to wash away the shame and the smell, but it was useless. Then I milked myself, and finally collapsed into bed totally exhausted. But even as I lay there, my legs spread to accommodate my udders, I realized I couldn't wait to return the goat herd. I needed more of that horrible pleasure, needed to have the Billie's service me again. Needed it more then I'd ever needed anything, but knew my unnatural lust could never really be satisfied.

For the next month I spent eight to twelve hours a day or longer with the goat herd, Billy after Billy mounting and servicing me while I squealed in ecstasy. The last week I took some blankets and food, and spent both night and day with them. I would couple until I was exhausted; fall asleep for a few hours, only to wake to find an eager Billy sniffing at my hindquarters. And as soon as I got up and bent over he'd mount me and another gang bang would begin. And I came to love it.

Finally the month was over, and I had to walk back to my house at night as my car had been towed as being abandoned, but I didn't care. I let myself in, and went straight to the basement and summoned Grackxa again. I watched as she appeared in the pentagram, my sex dripping and aching, my lust as intense as ever, insatiable. I needed the Billie's again, desperately so.

Glackxa was a little surprised when the goat/man summoned her again, and said "Greetings mortal, but I cannot help you. You much summon a demon if you desire to have your male genitals restored to you. I can recommend some for you, if you like."

But that wasn't what I wanted. "If, if I come with you, I asked, back to Hell, what...what will you do to me?"

"Well, I must say this is an interesting development, Glackxa said in glee. If you choose to give yourself to me you'll become my sex slave of course, and I'll use you in whatever way I see fit, but I promise you an eternity of sexual ecstasy and pleasurable torment." Then she got serious, "I can't lie to you, Hell is not a nice place, but because you are still living and gave yourself to me willingly I will not do you any physical harm or injure you in any way. Voluntary damnation does have certain...benefits. We must treat you well and give you what you; and we, need."

"You, you won't hurt me?? I asked, I mean, cut me up or burn me or anything like that 'lakes of fire' stuff?"

"Oh no! Glackxa said, you'd be a valued and favored slave, I will personally train you and you will join my stock of special pleasure slaves. The only pain you'll feel will be agonizing sexual ecstasy."

I thought about it, my pussy burning in need despite my recent 'servicing'. An eternity of sexual pleasure with all sorts of strange creatures and beasts, but no real pain other then sexual ecstasy. I looked at her and remembered what it had felt like to fuck her, and what it had felt like as the Billie's had serviced me, and damn it , I wanted MORE! As both male and female.

"I'll do it." I whispered.

Glackxa cocked her head in delight, "What did you say mortal? Speak up!"

"I said I'll DO it!" I sobbed.

"Excellent! Glackxa hissed, oh the things I will do to you, have you do to me and others! Oh, the fun we'll have! I will train you personally, and you will find me a most...loving Mistress. Now you must make this formal, you must say: 'I willingly forfeit my body and soul to Mistress Glackxa, and do give myself over to her in slavery for eternity for her to do with as she sees fit.' We have to do this properly, it's required.

I realized I could still back out at this point, but I felt my pussy twinge and quiver as more fluid leaked from it, my need unbearable, so I moaned in lust, and repeated what she'd told me as I stepped into the pentagram, and she gave me a huge evil grin and clapped her hands in delight, her tongue licking over her fangs.

"I accept your voluntary damnation!!" She shrieked, "It is DONE! You are MINE now, SLAVE, bow to your Mistress!"

Numbly I fell to my knees, what have I done??? I thought. But I need it, oh how I need it!

"On your belly slave!" Glackxa ordered.

So I obeyed, something told me I'd better. She walked over and put one of her large bird feet on my back, and said, "Hold still slave, this will hurt for a second, but it will pass quickly."

What do you mean 'hurt'? I wanted to ask, you promised no pain!! But then I gave a shriek as I suddenly felt a burning agony on my rump, and smelled burning flesh.

"AAAHHHIIIEEEE!!" I screamed.

Quickly Glackxa burned her brand into the new slave's rump using the tip of her tail which now glowed white hot. It didn't take her long to carve and burn the pentagram bearing her personal seal into the slaves flesh. Then she bent over and gently licked the inflamed wound, and as she watched the flesh healed and the brand looked as if it had been there forever, and so it would be now. Once branded there was no going back, it could never be removed. He was marked as her property, now and forever.

"I'm sorry for the pain my new slave, Glackxa said, but I had to brand you. Otherwise you could be taken from me by a more powerful demonkind. Now they will have to buy you, should I chose to sell you." She licked the brand again just to make sure.

I gave a shuddering moan as the pain faded away, the feel of her tongue licking my flesh made me moan in pleasure this time.

"Get up slave." Glackxa ordered.

So I stood up, and looked curiously at the brand burned into my butt cheek, and to my surprise it looked like it had been there for years, the wound entirely healed. "How did you DO that?" I asked.

"How did you do that, MISTRESS!" Glackxa hissed, and gave the slave a slap with her tail, but not a hard one. "And how do you think, magic! I AM a demoness you know!"

"I'm s-sorry, I said, putting a hand to my stinging cheek, Mistress."

"Look, Glackxa said, it is VERY important that you call ANY demonkind, no matter their type or class, Master or Mistress. Some will take great offense if you don't. So I will warn you now, every time you forget the punishment will steadily get worse. This is for your own good. If you cooperate and enjoy your servitude it can be quite...pleasant, but if you have an attitude problem, well, you WILL be in Hell you know, and slaves with disciplinary problems get 'special' treatment."

"Yes Mistress." I said.

She cocked her head, and said "Good! Now come here, I'll start your training now by pleasuring you with some more tail sex. Get down on all fours."

So I did, I had no choice, I was a slave. And part of me wanted it, badly, and moaned in pleasure as her tail slid into my aching needy sex again. She began sliding it back and forth and I squealed in pleasure.

"You're really wet, Glackxa said, good, let's see just how deep you are. She began to force her tail deeper and deeper into the slave, and when he/she finally gave a whimper of pain she stopped. Almost twenty inches, nice! She'd penetrated all the way well into the womb. She pulled back a few inches, and hissed in pleasure as she tail fucked the moaning slave. She was going to have so much fun training her newest slave; it had been quite awhile since she'd gotten the last one.

I bit my lip and moaned as I felt my sex stretched more and more, the lovely hardness pushing deep into my body, then gasped and whimpered as it started to hurt, and the demoness stopped, pulled back a little, then proceeded to give me more pleasure then I'd ever thought possible while I squealed and moaned in ecstasy. She made me cum several times to various degrees of pleasure, and then made me orgasm violently and I bleated in sexual euphoria. Wait a second, bleated??? But there was no doubt about it, as I was coming I'd gone 'BAAA-AAAAA!' As she pulled out I scrambled to my... hooves!!! And looked at myself in horror!

I WAS a goat girl now! I had fur over my entire body, my digitigrades legs ended in hooves, and I realized I was looking down a muzzle at a large wet nose! With trembling hands; hands that now had three large clumsy looking fingers with large black nails, I felt over a muzzle, furry skin, and large floppy ears and small horns.

"BBBAAAAA-AAAAA! I bleated, whaa-aat have you done to me-ee-ee!?!"

"MISTRESS, what have you done to me, MISTRESS!" Glackxa said as she tail slapped the slave again, making the furry creature squeal in pain. "I have decided you can best serve me for now as a female beast. Since my specialty is bestiality most of my slaves are beasts, part human/part animal to varying degrees. Being a female beast will also help you to...adjust to your new life easier; help make you understand what you are now. Your sole purpose will be to provide your Mistress; and anything else she wishes you to, with your sexual services."

I remembered how hot and feverish I'd felt while she was tail fucking me, and how my legs had cramped so I'd gotten up from my knees, but somehow stayed well bent over. I realize now what I'd felt was myself becoming a...beast, the feeling of the transformation being lessened by the sexual pleasure. And I had tits now too, human looking tits on my chest, BIG firm human tits. With a soft bleat of pleasure I rubbed one of my nipples and gasped, and I still had my dugs as well, swollen and full again, and I knew I'd be getting 'milked' on a regular basis, and gave a shiver of anticipation.

"Pleaa-aaase Mistress, I begged, I don't want to be an animal."

"Oh, it's just for awhile slave, Glackxa said; I'll give you another form when I get tired of this one in a few years. I can make you male, female, both, human, animal, beast, or whatever else I desire. You will learn how to pleasure demonkind as any sex and in any form we desire. Now come, it is almost dawn and the pentagram will close in a minute."

So I went to her, My Mistress, and she wrapped her wings around us, and she ran her claws through my fur and fondled by new breasts as I gently sucked on one of her nipples.

"Oh, the pleasures I will teach you, the things we will do together, the ecstasy you will feel!" She hised softly in my ear as the candles went out.

The End


A Chocobo's Story, Chapter 4

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! A Chocobo's Story, Chapter 4 By William W. Kelso I faded in and out of consciousness as the wagon lumbered along, shock from my wounds making me weak and semi-delirious. I'd been hurt pretty badly in the...

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Getting Even Can be Fun, Chapter 1

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Getting Even Can Be Fun Chapter 1 By William W. Kelso It wasn't my intention to grow up to be a powerful Sorceress, in fact until I went to University I never even believed in that stuff, nor was I very...

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Vivian's New Pet, A Tale of Erotic Horror

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Vivian's New Pet, a Tale of Erotic Horror By William W. Kelso Vivian Darla Darkley was a very disturbed girl. She was selfish, spoiled, neurotic, self centered, entirely without compassion for others, and...

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