A Chocobo's Story, Chapter 4

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

A Chocobo's Story, Chapter 4

By William W. Kelso

I faded in and out of consciousness as the wagon lumbered along, shock from my wounds making me weak and semi-delirious. I'd been hurt pretty badly in the battle, one wing was broken and I had other wounds, but the wing was the worst and throbbed and ached and every time it was jostled I squawked in pain until I was just too tired. But my main concern was for my rider, and lover, Alieya. Whenever I was coherent enough I would nudge her with my beak, and could smell that she was still alive, but she never woke up other than to moan occasionally. She had received a blow to the head, and that worried me as sometimes those with the healing touch couldn't heal such a wound if her mind had been damaged. Oh, they could heal the damage, but not the mind. But those were the least of our worries as we'd been captured by soldiers of the Dark Horde, and they seldom took prisoners. And when they did it was for slaves, and/or amusement. Birds usually ended up over the cookfires as the foot soldiers from both sides would often eat dead or wounded birds.

That night the wagon stopped and a female human, a slave, came and poured water through a funnel down my throat, only loosening the strap around my beak just enough to force the spout of the funnel into my mouth, then she repeated the process with what tasted like soup or gravy, and then more water. They took away Alieya, and despite my weak struggles I was unable to prevent it, and gave a muffled wail of anguish. The human slave came back later and gave me more water, and gently stroked my battered crest; a close slash from an enemy riders saber had removed the tips of several feathers and broke others. 'Poor little bird, the slave said, you made them pay, didn't you?' And she kept stroking my head until I fell asleep as she comforted me.

The next morning a veterinary healer came by and roughly set my wing, despite my agonized thrashing. She didn't even start with a spell or draught of drugs to deaden the pain, just grabbed the wing, pulled it back into place, and bound it up. Then she cast a healing spell to mend the shattered bones, put bandages on a few of my nastier cuts, and left. I felt worse AFTER she was through with me. My legs were left tied and hobbled, and my beak tied shut. I also had a band around my wings to keep me from flapping them, but it was fairly loose because of the splint around my broken one. I was fed again by the slave, and she cleaned me up as I had been lying in my own filth. I was left in the wagon, but by raising my head I could see a huge encampment spread out as far as I could see in any direction. I had never seen so many troops in one place. And the variety of creatures as amazing, the most numerous being Orcs and humans, followed by Dark Elves. But I also saw all sorts of other creatures, and Chocobos, lots of them. I noticed quite a few had slave collars on and realized they were changelings like I was. I'd been human once before I was transformed into a Chocobo and sold to the Army, why, because I was worth more as a bird then a man. And as a bird I had no rights, I was just an animal now, even though they knew I used to be human. But that was so long ago I can hardly even remember my previous life. I had been quite happy and content as a war bird assigned to the elite 7th Chocobo Scouts, and had seen a fair share of action. But the battle in which I'd been taken prisoner at Breakback Pass; while not very large, was one of the fiercest in the history of the never-ending war between the Dark Empire and the Free Kingdoms and Saurian Empire, and my unit was wiped out. So far as I knew Alieya and I were the only survivors from the 7th. But we gave better then we got and made them pay for their 'victory' in blood.

Finally; several days later, the wagon arrived at an even larger well fortified camp, passing through a ring of three palisade walls with towers and ditches. I was none too gently dragged out of the wagon and dumped into a stable, my captors obviously more then glad to get rid of me as despite my restraints I'd still managed to get in a good peck or two. And a jab from a raptor's beak can be deadly, and I know I broke at least one unwary man's arm. The stable was much better than the wagon though, at least I was no longer exposed to the sun and elements, and the stable shaded and much cooler. The straw was even reasonably clean, and from the smell and sounds the other occupants were mainly birds as well. A couple of curious Chocobo's stuck their heads over the tops of the stall walls and warbled questioningly until a Dark Elf ran them off. A couple more healers showed up, checked my wing and redid the dressings on my other wounds, cast a general healing spell, and helped me stand up. My legs were left hobbled and leather 'gloves' were put over my talons, and my beak was also kept strapped shut. But at least my wings were free now and I was able to hop up on a perch bar and felt a lot better. After awhile an older Dark Elf came in, and it was soon obvious she was a bird handler as she knew what she was doing, and wouldn't put up with any crap. The first thing she did was look for the brand that marked me as a changeling. Then she gave me the 'once over', and said,

"So, you're the bird I've been hearing about, and as I thought you're a changeling. You try and peck or kick me and I'll pull out all your tail feathers, understand bird? You behave and you'll be well treated."

I had NO intention of behaving, but I nodded. I certainly didn't want to lose my lovely tail feathers, and I had no doubt she was perfectly serious. I'd let them think I was being a good bird, and wait for a chance to do something, anything, to find Alieya and get out of this place. I realize now it was a stupid plan, but I'm afraid we birds aren't much on strategy and/or planning things ahead of time. Plus I was starving, and could smell the food in a bucket she had with her. I even let her groom me while I eagerly devoured the sweet mash. I was a mess, being bound I hadn't been able to preen and my feathers were still caked with dried blood and dirt from the battle. It took her a long time, but she knew what she was doing and she seemed to lighten up some as she saw all of my wounds. She counted them, eleven minor, two fairly bad, and my broken wing. Plus numerous bruises, broken feathers, and minor scratches, I even had a gash in my beak.

"Well, the Dark Elf said, it looks like they weren't exaggerating after all; you really did put up quite a fight."

And plan on putting up more, I thought. I may be a bird and have a fairly different outlook on life in general; much simpler for the most part, but I still had human level intelligence, and anyone who forgot that would suffer the consequences. Most riders know that, but most others don't. To them a bird is a bird, so I have lots of fun with them. It's amazing what you can get away with if everyone thinks you're just a stupid animal. Many changelings slowly become more bird like mentally over the years as we are treated just like natural born Chocobo's for the most part, and being treated like an animal eventually makes you act more like an animal. However I'd kept a 'wild' streak, which I attribute partly to Alieya spoiling me rotten. Fact is most elves paired with a bird do spoil their birds, but we give them our complete devotion and love in return. Not only as their mounts; but in most cases as their lovers as well. It's a perfectly healthy and mutually beneficial relationship as we're sexually compatible, and have the normal urges and needs of healthy young animals. If we didn't everyone would be sexually frustrated, and a sexually frustrated bird is almost uncontrollable because the only thing on his mind is hens. Plus it feels so very good and wonderful, so yes, we love our riders in more ways than one. And when a bird loses a rider, or a rider loses a bird, they grieve. Sometimes the birds actually die of grief unless they can accept another rider, usually one that has lost a bird and needs someone who can understand and share their own grief. So I was grieving for my rider; for Alieya, but it was tempered as she had been alive the last time I had seen her. And I would never stop looking for her.

I spent about a week in the stall, and then the older Dark Elf began to take me to an outside paddock for fresh air and some limited exercise. She seemed to be satisfied with my progress, and I kept 'behaving' myself. I also came to grudgingly respect her, she really knew birds and if you behaved she was gentle, plus you got treats if you were good. She wouldn't put up with any disobedience though, but as long as you did as you were told she treated you fairly. Finally the 'gloves' came off as well as the beak strap, but they left my legs hobbled, so I couldn't run off I guess. Not that I had any plans on going anywhere, at least not without Alieya. Three weeks later the splints and bandages on my broken wing were removed and I was as good as new, except for some new scars. I was starting to feel, and look, like my old self. Due to my unusual coloring and size I got a lot of attention, but it was 'hands off' as I belonged to someone special. No one tried to ride me either, which was smart. I wasn't about to let anyone on my back but Alieya.

Then one evening the older Dark Elf, I never did learn her name, came to my stall to perform another one of her duties. She was nude as she entered, and I responded as would any normal healthy male Chocobo with an Elvin female who knew what she was doing. I was on my perch and she squatted down, and reaching between my legs began stroking my genitals. My testicles are inside my body, but when a Chocobo cock gets aroused his testicles swell into a noticeable mound, and his penis slides out of his vent, and we love foreplay just as much as Elves do. My penis was fairly long, much longer then a male humans or Elf's, but it's pointed on the tip without a glans or head, and flares out to be much wider at the base. I think because of the somewhat conical shape, despite the size, we're able to penetrate a human or Elf female to the hilt fairly easily, whereas a male of their own species wouldn't be able to without causing pain if they were the same length. With a Chocobo mating is a little simpler and less complicated. We are very prolific, and most Chocobo cocks; at least feral ones, have a harem of several hens, but will mate outside of his 'flock' whenever he has the chance. And a hen will seldom turn down the advances of an interested cock, and a cock will seldom turn down the advance of an interested hen. We're a randy bunch of birds and enjoy mating very much. And as with humans and Elves we also mate just for pleasure as well as to breed. And with humans we have 'lovers' and 'partners'. I didn't feel I was betraying Alieya in any way as I mated with the Dark Elf, she would have wanted me too as being what I am I need it, and in my case even more so as I suffer from the mild, but permanent, effects of an overdose of fertility drugs and spells I was once subjected to at a breeding farm. I'm horny, all the time, in a perpetual state of low rut, plus it had been a long time for me, over a month. I certainly didn't love the Dark Elf, but I needed the relief she offered, and we both enjoyed it very much.

As soon as my cock was hard she gently stroked it, and took off my hobbles to make it easier for both of us. Then she licked and gently sucked my aching erection and I warbled and trilled in pleasure as I nibbled at her hair, she really knew how to pleasure a bird. She finally pulled away; and turning around got down on all fours; draping herself over a padded stool or 'mounting brace' as due to our size differences and weight most Elvin females need the support. I lowered my head and rubbed my beak against her soft silky sex, licking at it with my long pointed tongue. Then with a 'wark!" of pleasure I mounted her, and the first time I took her fairly quickly and roughly, much like a hen, as I needed the release so very badly. I had been used to sex almost every night, often with more than one partner if in garrison, and it had been over a month now. I think she enjoyed it like that though as her own grunts of pleasure were just as loud and frequent as my own. I leaned over and fucked her fast and hard, finally giving a short screech of pleasure as I orgasmed. Then I waited for awhile; keeping her pinned with my cock inside of her, and then fucked her long and slow, three more times before being temporarily spent. And she came as often as I did, I could smell her own release; and she gave deep moaning grunts when she came, and I felt her fluids soaking my feathers as she squealed and gasped in pleasure when she orgasmed. When I finally finished and dismounted she got up and left without saying a word, but I could tell she'd been quite satisfied with my service. She came back later and I satisfied her again with equal enthusiasm.

For another week she paid me regular 'servicing duty' visits, and to my delight sometimes brought a friend. While I fucked one the other would rub and caress my genitals mound, and oh that felt so good! I would trill and warble in sheer sexual bliss as I serviced them, fucking one while the other stimulated me. But I didn't love them; they were just a means to satisfy my natural needs. In fact I felt a certain satisfaction in fucking them so well, I'll bet their own birds weren't as good at it as I was! And changelings are much better 'lovers' then natural birds. Then one day I had a 'special' visitor and things changed, for the worse. My true captivity was just beginning.

I was dozing in my stall after a nice workout when I heard a commotion and woke up. I could tell both the Elves and other birds were agitated, which made me nervous. I started to calm down when the old Elf entered my stall, but was surprised when she put the gloves back on my feet and hobbled them, then bound my beak and wings again. She even put a short chain on the hobbles and attached it to a heavy ring on the wall. I cooperated as I'd come to trust her, but didn't like it much. When she was done she walked out of the stall and bowed to someone I couldn't see, and said,

"He's ready My Lady."

Then I narrowed my eyes and hissed as Lady Freya entered the stall. If I hadn't been restrained I'd have attacked her, and she knew it. She gave me a big smile and said,

"Well hello pretty bird, remember me? Yes, I think you do. I don't think you like me, do you?"

I just hissed again, lowering my head as a threat. I could still peck. Despite the fact she'd save my life I felt no gratitude, she hadn't done it for me, or out of the kindness of her heart. She was evil, I could sense it. As she said, I did NOT like her.

"Yes, she said, that's it my pet. Your anger and hate will make you stronger! And you'll need to be strong; I have very special things planned for you."

I hissed and lunged to the extent that my restraints allowed, jabbing at her viciously with my beak. I aimed for her face but my beak hit her breastplate instead, and she stepped back with an oath. Then she smiled, and said,

"Oh good, my pet, very good, you ARE a strong one! I was right about you. You're perfect for what I have in mind!" She turned to the Elves accompanying her and snapped, "Have him ready in the morning, I will send for him!"

I hissed again as she left, my eyes narrowed. I wanted to feel her under my beak and talons. She knew this, and laughed as she walked away.

The older Dark Elf came by again that night, for a last time. She rubbed and scratched my crest while I pressed my head against her shoulder and trilled in affection as I had come to like her despite the fact she was the 'enemy'. Chocobo's are quick to give affection to an Elf or other rider/handler if they are kind to us.

"I'm sorry, she said, I'll miss you."

I wished I could tell her I didn't blame her, that I appreciated she had been so good to me. But of course I couldn't talk, and sometimes I still miss that. So I thanked her the only way I could, I mated with her long and slow, gentle and as close to actual love making as I could, as much like a man as possible instead of just an aroused animal. I serviced her with slow steady thrusts, speeding up and slowing down, and she moaned and gasped in pleasure. I 'beaked' and tongued her sex and nipples, kissed her by running my tongue inside her mouth. I closed my eyes and warbled softly, the feel of her slick sex making me quiver in ecstasy as I fucked her, and her soft warm flesh against my feathers felt wonderful. Normally I service human females from behind, but some enjoy lying on their backs as I mate with them, and so did she. She would run her fingers through my breast feathers and stroke my neck and head if I lowered it, and I enjoyed looking into her face as she squealed and moaned in pleasure as I licked her breasts and nibbled her nipples. I serviced her five times that night, the session lasting several hours, and she fell asleep afterwards, and I slept next to her to help keep her warm. In the early morning she woke up and gave me a kiss on my beak, and said,

"Thank you for last night", and ran her hand through my crest, then added, "I'm sorry."

I watched her leave with mixed feelings. She was an enemy, but had treated me fairly and kindly, and had been a most enjoyable sexual partner. She had been a friend too, my only one in this place. As she passed out of sight I felt a horrible loneliness steal over me and gave a sad little trill, calling for her to come back, but I never saw her again.

A couple of Dark Elves came to collect me, and still hobbled and bound I had to kind of shuffle and hop after them trying to keep up while one gave impatient yanks on the leash. Finally one gave an exasperated sigh, and said,

"Take off the damn hobbles, he isn't going anywhere, it will take us forever as this pace!"

"I don't know, said the other, Lady Freya told us to be careful with him."

"Oh, it will be all right, he won't do anything, look at him, he's docile enough."

"Well, I guess it won't hurt, just the hobbles though."

The first Dark Elf bent over and undid my hobbles, which was exactly what I had been waiting for. I waited until they started leading me again, then hopped up and kicked the one with the leash in the butt as hard as I could with both feet, and she was so startled she let the leash go (as I had hoped) and flew face first into a puddle of mud and horse crap. Then I took off as fast as I could, even with the leather 'gloves' over my feet I could still run. The other Elf made a grab at the leash, but I was too fast for her, and I heard her laughing at the first one as she dragged herself out of the puddle saying very unladylike things in a very loud voice.

Well, in retrospect I realize it was a stupid thing to do as I was right in the middle of a huge camp with blocked and guarded gates being the only exits. I led them on a merry chase though, a loose Chocobo in restraints trailing a leash attracted attention, but I made them work for it. They finally cornered me against a palisade, winded and panting. I didn't object as the hobbles were put back on me, and let them lead me this time with no further problems. So ended my first escape attempt.

When we reached Lady Freya's personal 'quarters', which was pavilion that would have done a king proud, I was led to the 'stables', which turned out be a rather sumptuously appointed (for a stable) tent with several stalls for her 'personal mounts'. It seems she had several horses, riding lizards, and Chocobo's, of which I was the newest. The other birds warbled a welcome, but I ignored them. I recognized the big bird she'd been riding, and hissed at him, He was in the stall next to mine, but then I just pretended he didn't exist, and he in turn ignored me which was just fine as far as I was concerned. I was determined to be as unfriendly and uncooperative with everybody; Elves and livestock, as I could. I approved of the stall though, even though it was in a tent it was still nicer than most I'd stayed in. The hay was fresh and deep, there were roosting poles at various levels, a trough of clean water, and it was airy and cool. The only difference was the entrance to my stall and the others had rope nets across them, so I couldn't run off again. They took off the hobbles and beak strap so I could move around easier and eat & drink, but left on the 'gloves' and wing straps. I was starving, so didn't give the slave who brought me my feed any trouble. She looked like a Dark Elf too, but she was nude and had on a slave collar, so I left her alone. Dark Elves slaves don't wear clothes, they're considered to be just as much an 'animal' as I am, the only exception being in the winter, but then only if they go outside. It's a good way to remind someone they're a slave, being nude all the time is humbling, even if you do get used to it, at least I guess you do. Birds have no concept of modesty though, so it doesn't bother me one way or the other. All I know is it's easier to mate with an Elf if she's nude, clothes get in the way. Feathers are much more practical. So I settled down and greedily stuffed my beak.

I was fed again later that evening, but other than that was left to my own devices. I would have tried to get the 'gloves' off, but they were smart enough to put the beak strap back on between meals. It seems her stable staff was used to 'problem' animals, birds and otherwise. But early the next morning things changed for the worst. I had just finished 'breakfast' when Lady Freya and her ever present entourage showed up, much to my dismay. She walked up to the stall, and said,

"Hello pretty bird, do you remember me?"

Stupid question, I thought, as I lunged at her, but the net across my stall stopped me short.

"Yes, it would appear you do, she laughed. Well, I'm tired of your poor attitude bird. Let's make sure you're a little more...cooperative from now on." She turned to another Dark Elf that was accompanying her, and said "Put the collar on him!"

I went berserk when the Elf pulled a slave collar out of a pouch. I recognized it instantly as I'd worn one before. A slave collar makes slaves, human and other, docile and cooperative through the magic woven into it. Despite my restraints it took three Elves to hold me down while another put the collar on me. As soon as it was on they let me go, and I got up and threw myself against my restraints squawking in distress. Then Lady Freya gave a big smile as she activated the spell, and everything changed.

I felt a dullness and lethargy steal over me until I felt like I was almost half asleep, but still aware at the same time. It was a horribly unnatural feeling and I gave a shrill warble of dismay at first, but became quiet at the spell reached its full power. And nothing seemed very important anymore. I still felt fear, anger, and other emotions, but as soon as they would flare up that horrible dull feeling would drown them until it just didn't seem worth the effort to disobey or resist. The spell was designed to create the perfect docile slave who would work hard and be easy to control, and it worked quite well. Despite my anger and hatred I could not act on them, could do nothing except obey. The spell also made any 'reward' or praise an owner gave the slave very pleasurable, thus encouraging cooperation and creating the desire to please the owner. Usually once a slave is 'broken in' and becomes used to their new life the collar is removed as it is no longer needed, but sometimes they are left on permanently. The longer you wear one the less you worry about it until finally you're quite content with your lot.

Lady Freya approached me confidently and gently stroked my crest, and damn it I gave a warble of pleasure as it felt good.

"Good bird, she said, yes, you like that, don't you? Good birds get their crests scratched and get other treats, yes they do. Bad birds get punished, but you're a good bird now, aren't you?"

I just gave a soft squawk. How I wanted to peck her, but I just couldn't do it, it just didn't seem to be worth the effort. Besides, the scratching felt so good! I lowered my head and trilled, begging for more. Damn it! I was acting more like a natural bird then I ever had before! That damn collar had 'dumbed' me down.

"Yes, much better, Lady Freya said. You'll behave yourself now, won't you? Yes, that's a good bird. Have him brought to my tent tonight!" She ordered, and then turned and left.

I watched dully as she left, wanting more scratching. I knew that was the wrong way to feel, but that was what made the slave collar so degrading; it made you happy to be a slave, and eager to please. I closed my eyes, a couple of tears squeezing out. Damn them.

Shortly after Lady Freya left the slave came and removed the beak strap, hobbles, and 'gloves'. She even undid the net 'door' from the stall and left me 'free' and unattended. I wanted to run, to try and escape again, but I just stood there for a long time, feeling, well, numb. Every time any thought of fleeing started to form in my mind it just kind of dissipated, like it wasn't important. No, I wouldn't be making any more escape attempts, not while I wore a slave collar. I lowered my head and squawked softly in dismay. How would I find Alieya?

I heard a soft warble, and looking up it was the other big Chocobo. He had his neck and head over the boards dividing the stalls and was looking at me, his big black eyes friendly, and he warbled again. I almost just ignored him, but then I saw his own slave collar as well. So I walked over and we 'introduced' ourselves by rubbing beaks and preening and grooming one another's crest and neck feathers. As I straightened his feathers and plucked out a few errant ones I felt a little better as at least I'd found a friend, someone like myself, another poor soul doomed to live out their life as an animal.

He seemed glad to 'meet' me as he was the only other bird in the stable at that time, all the other occupants were horses, and a weird riding lizard of some kind that I'd never seen before. He was a big bird too, even taller then I was, but more slender and smaller bodied. He was solid white, fairly rare, and we made a striking contrast, his brilliant plumage next to my much darker plumage. He was a very friendly fellow too; I could tell he was a changeling too and didn't think he'd been around very many other birds, and I liked him right away. His slave collar, like mine, was a very fancy one. Soft black leather with the magical symbols embroidered in silver bullion wire. They were quite pretty, but were still slave collars. A slave doesn't care what his; or her, collar looks like. Believe me, I know.

Later that evening; after another nice meal, a couple of Elves came and collected me. The other bird got nervous when they entered, and even the giant lizard acted agitated. But when one of the Elves said "this one is the one the Lady wants for the nights sport" the other bird and lizard visibly relaxed. I figured the Lady Freya wanted me to service her, and while it wasn't something I was particularly looking forward to I'd do it, more because I needed it then any other reason. And I was at least partially right; she did want me for my sexual services, but not for herself. And I entered a new stage in my life, one of great and horrible pleasures that would tarnish my soul.

As we approached the main pavilion I was surprised to see two Saurians on guard at the main entrance, in full armor, the armor engraved and embossed with runes of power and spells. Normally Suarians will have nothing to do with the Dark Ladies forces, they prefer to be left alone in their own lands. The only reason they have allied themselves with the free kingdoms is the Dark Ladies hordes also threaten their ancient empire. But I understood as we passed through the entrance to the huge tent, they also wore slave collars. They did not serve Lady Freya willingly.

I looked around curiously as I was led through the 'corridors' of the truly gigantic tent. It appeared to have numerous rooms complete with doors and wooden frames, and then we entered a central room, easily two stories high, the ceiling far above had panels open to the cool breezes. I was impressed, at least at first. The 'room' had a kind of raised platform against one wall, not that tall but enough to give anyone seated at the table on it an advantage in height. The floor was covered in soft carpets and there were piles of pillows scattered about. The word 'decadent' came to mind. But my attention was soon drawn to one of the carpets; I'd seen one like it before. It had a large pentagram embroidered on it in gold and silver wire, and I got the impression it was very old. It was identical to the pentagram I'd been in when I'd been transformed from a man to a bird. Despite the slave collar I reared up and squawked in distress, backing away and pulling against the leash, my eyes rolling in my head. "Raaawwwkkk!" I shrieked in terror.

The handler knew what she was doing, and shortening the leash she rubbed the top of my beak soothingly, and said.

"There, there, don't be afraid, it's not for you. Now calm down and behave yourself or the Lady will be upset."

Under her expert touch; and still responding more like a normal bird due to that damn slave collar, I soon settled down and nervously chirped a few times while she stroked my beak and crest. She tied the leash to a heavy ring set in a support pole and left me alone in the room, and I shied behind the pole, as far away from that pentagram as I could get. I could smell the evil it gave off, could smell the terror that had soaked into it over the centuries.

'Urk, urk, waaarrkk!' I muttured. I didn't like it, not at all.

I looked up and raised my head when Lady Freya came into the room a few minutes later, with a human woman, and I recognized her! Despite the slave collar I hissed in hatred. It was the human woman; priestess or whatever her foul religion called themselves, that had transformed me all those years ago. She was wearing the same fancy embroidered robe she had worn before. No wonder I'd recognized the carpet with the pentagram, it was the one I'd been changed in! I gave a loud hiss and pulled at my tether.

Lady Freya said, "I don't think my new bird likes you very much Verana."

"Hmmm, the human woman said, I wonder?" And she walked over to me and I reared up as much as the leash let me, but didn't try to kick or peck, that damn collar wouldn't let me. She ran her hands through my feathers until she found my changeling brand, and said, "I thought so, he's one of mine. I think I even recognize him, his plumage is most unusual. Picked him up at the Southern Slave market a few years ago."

"Yes, he IS magnificent, isn't he? Lady Freya said, he was captured on the battlefield, both he and his rider. She was unconscious and he refused to leave her despite his broken wing. He killed any Orc or goblin that got near him. The idiots were going to destroy him, but I came along just in time. He's a nice match for my pure while Chocobo, they'll make a fine contrast, don't you think? I plan on harnessing them to a light chariot."

"Indeed, Lady Freya, the human woman said, a most stunning pair. Now, what is it you wish me to do for you My Lady?"

"What you always do, transform prisoners into Chocobo's for the army, we're running low. That last battle, though small, took a great toll on our light cavalry. We need more birds, desperately. So instead of killing the prisoners; as is our norm in the field, I instead gave orders to capture as many as possible. You and your fellow priestesses will be quite busy for awhile."

"And our payment?" The Priestess asked.

"The usual of course, Lady Freya replied. Though later I may have you try some of the special experiments we discussed."

"That will be acceptable My Lady, the human Priestess said, as for the, um, experiments you mentioned, while intriguing, I cannot guarantee success as we do not normally ask the powers for those kind of, er, things."

Lady Freya waved a hand, "Don't worry, if a few slaves or birds have to be sacrificed before you are successful that is of no consequence, we have plenty. But if you are successful I will pay you twice the normal fees."

The human woman bowed, "You are most generous My Lady."

"Ha! Lady Freya said, if you are successful I consider that price cheap enough. Now let us, or at least me, get comfortable. You'll be working. The first of the slaves will soon be arriving. And I will want more than just Chocobos, I have a special fate in store for certain captives. I want to add some of them to my private menagerie of pleasure slaves and my stables."

"You have but to command", the human Priestess said.

"Naturally." Lady Freya replied.

In the meantime several more Elvin ladies had arrived, an Orc officer, some Morc's, and one more human. They took seats at the table on the raised platform and slaves brought them a truly sumptuous feast. I didn't pay much attention though, just dozed in the half asleep/awake way birds have, my head pulled down in my fluffed up neck and chest feathers. I woke up though when the slaves began to arrive, and the horror started.

As I watched the human Priestess got up on a podium and opened a large leather-bound book. A young man was brought in, his hands tied behind his back, confused and naked. He was secured inside the pentagram, and when the Priestess cast the spell he screamed as his body began to contort, and I tucked my head under my wings and shrilled in terror, unable to watch. The screams became less and less human, until they became loud squawks. At that point I couldn't stand it anymore and looked, and there was a confused and terrified looking yellow Chocobo in the pentagram. Two Elves entered the pentagram and put a slave collar on the new bird, the Priestess branded him; and I echoed his shrill shriek of pain remembering how the hot metal had felt as it seared my own flesh, and they led him back the way they'd brought him when he had been human, the traumatized bird barely able to walk, dragging his wings and staggering like he didn't know how to use his new body yet, and he probably didn't. Seeing; and hearing, this brought back memories of my own transformation, and I remembered how disorientated and terrified I'd been after I'd been transformed from a man into an animal. As the new bird left the tent I heard screams and wails from other humans and Elves who had seen the man go in, and the bird come out. They knew what was going to happen to them.

The next few hours were ones of extreme terror for the poor Elves and humans doomed to spend the rest of their lives as animals, and for myself as I huddled in anguish with my head tightly tucked under a wing trying to ignore the screams and squawks of terror. Lady Freya and the other watchers actually seemed to enjoy the sight as they wined and dined, laughing when some poor wretch would beg for mercy, for anything but this. One rather buxom and pretty human woman pleaded desperately, so Lady Freya said,

"Very well woman, I will give you this choice. Become a bird, or a sex slave. What say you?"

The woman stared around in total misery, hoping for a kind face. She saw me; and the look of despair on my avian face as even birds can show some emotion despite our fixed features; and maybe she saw the sympathy in my eyes, and with a shudder, said,

"I, I will become a slave My Lady."

"A SEX slave, slave, Lady Freya said. Very well, you are spared becoming an animal, but I will train you personally to couple with animals. You may end up regretting your decision!" And Lady Freya laughed as the screaming woman was dragged away.

Up to this point I had been in a kind of dazed shock, I knew she had deliberately brought me here to witness this, this atrocity. I had become perfectly happy and content to be a Chocobo, an animal; my previous life as a human something I dimly remembered almost like a partially forgotten dream, but seeing this taking place awakened long buried memories of the trauma and horror I'd been subjected to, but even worse was yet to come. I have no doubt it was intended to help break my spirit and make me a better slave, and it worked.

"Well, said Lady Freya; that would appear to have been the last of the common slaves. Now for the special ones I told you about. I have special plans for these next few. Watch closely, this will be very...interesting."

The next several prisoners had apparently been officers or persons of importance or note, but now were just naked slaves. Lady Freya had chosen new 'forms' for each of them. Oh no, their 'punishment' had to be special. So they became animals as well, but not birds. One man and female Elf became large snakes, their screams fading into hisses as their legs grew together and their arms were absorbed, scales and bands replacing their skin as their heads pushed out into snouts and their eyes became the fixed and cold eyes of reptiles. They were collected, and writhing frantically were placed into large baskets, and shuddering in horror I wondered how much of their human minds remanded intact. As it would turn out all her 'pets' had their human memories intact, which just made their horrible fates that much worse, intentionally so. They would always know what had happened to them. A rather well fed human woman became a fat sow, and was led squealing to the kitchens as she was to be the 'guest of honor' at a feast the next night, a large still defiant Saurian became another riding lizard, and so on. One atrocity after another. And I watched helplessly, my slave collar keeping me obediently in place.

Then after the feast and horrors were over a new horror started as an orgy of incredible depravity took place. Human and Elvin slaves of both sexes were brought in, as well as nonhuman slaves and trained animals. The 'guests' had their choice of who; or what, they wanted to pleasure them, then the other slaves and beasts were paired off to perform for the voyeurism of their Mistress and her guests. And to my horror; and disgust, I was one of the 'trained animals'. My first partner was the pretty young woman that Lady Freya had 'spared' from becoming a Chocobo like me. She was brought in and strapped into a mounting rack, and Lady Frey led me to her, after having first aroused me, and damn her I couldn't resist her gentle touch, and was fully aroused and rampant, and even though I knew it was the collar I was still ashamed of my lust. As Lady Freya's intentions became clear the woman sobbed and begged,

"Please Lady, don't do this!! I've never...been with an animal!"

"I thought as such, Lady Freya said with a smile, which will just make this so much more enjoyable. You are in for a treat; I'm told he's quite insatiable."

The woman moaned and pleaded as Lady Freya led me up to her rear, and unable to stop myself I reared up and mounted her, Lady Freya guiding my aching cock into the terrified woman's sex. She was tight, but slick and my cock was well lubricated, so I quickly penetrated her to the hilt as I lunged into her squawking in pleasure, and her screams slowly faded into gasping moans and sobs as I raped her. Lady Freya rubbed my swollen genital bulge as I fucked the woman, and said,

"Yes, that's it my pretty bird, make her your hen. Are you enjoying yourself my pet, is she giving you pleasure?"

And Gods help me part of me was, the animal part who saw her as just another female to service, but my human part was horrified as I coupled with the moaning woman despite the incredible pleasure. I gave a loud "WARK!" of pleasure as I climaxed, my cum spurting into the woman. But as I moved to dismount Lady Freya said,

"No, not yet my pet, fuck her again, and do not stop until I tell you too. And having no choice I obeyed, squalling pleasure as I came again, and again, until thick strands of my cum were dripping from our joined sexes. Finally Lady Freya said,

"Good, that is enough." And with a last grunt of pleasure I pulled out of her and dismounted. Her ravaged sex was oozing a thick fluid of cum and other sexual juices, and her head hung as she sobbed quietly. Appalled at what I had just done; now that the animal part of me was satisfied, I gently nudged her hair with my beak and chrrred softly, licking her ear, and she raised her head and looked at me briefly through her tear filled eyes, and I hope she saw the anguish and plea to be forgiven in my eyes.

Then I was paired with other females, mostly human and Elf, but once with a large lizard, and I obediently serviced them all squawking in pleasure. And I tried to ignore the poor woman's renewed screams as she was gang raped by a flow of ever changing 'lovers', all animals or beasts. And surprisingly, despite the fact every one of her guests had one or more sexual partners, Lady Freya never took part in the 'festivities', instead being content to 'direct' the show, choosing who fucked what, or was fucked by who. By the time it was early morning I was totally sexually exhausted though I kept 'performing' as I had no chance, and when I was finally taken back to my stall I hopped up on a roosting pole and fell into a deep sleep filled with nightmares in which I relived my transformation from man to bird again and again, giving shrill calls of pain and fear as I slept, until a kind handler came and groomed me gently until I finally became calm and silent, my sleep dreamless.

Thus began the most horrible and sad part of my life. I had of course heard about how some of those in power were decadent and depraved, especially among the Dark Elves; as a general rule they tended to be a little more sexually 'uninhibited' then regular Elves anyway, which is really saying something, I guess it has something to do with whom they serve. The Dark Lady is after all a sex goddess in more than one of her various manifestations. But I was totally unprepared for just HOW depraved some of them could be. It would turn out that Lady Freya, in additions to being a rather brilliant military commander, was also a sadist and nymphomaniac, and her specialty was sexual 'torture'. Not so much for 'animals' like me, she just used us as instruments in the sexual degradations and tortures she inflicted on the Elves, humans, Saurians, and other intelligent beings who happened to be unfortunate to fall into her tender loving care. She was a truly evil creature in every sense of the word. And to my eternal shame I was soon a favorite 'tool' of hers, forced by my slave collar to perform whatever sexual acts she required of me of which rape was the most frequent. Being an animal I was more prone to give into my desires and needs, and aided by that foul collar was often an energetic; if not willing, participant against my will, my body desiring the horrible pleasures I soon grew used to, and wanted. And even a basically good and gentle soul can become warped and twisted by repeated exposure to; and indulgence, in such unnatural pleasures.

Soon a part of me came to accept Lady Freya as my Mistress and rider, and though it was largely due to the collar I did indeed accept it. I think it was largely due to being an animal; a bird, but I DID accept it, any thoughts of escape long gone as my memories of Alieya began to fade and grow dim, again I think aided by the collar I wore. The collars were a dark and evil magic, designed to make the strongest and proudest become eager willing slaves, living only to serve their owners, without even realizing it. Truly a dark and evil magic that warped the body, mind, and soul. I lost weight, becoming slimmer and leaner as I became one of Lady Freya's main riding birds, myself and the pure white changeling. I learned to pull a light chariot in tandem with him, and we made a good team. And almost every night I was brought to her tent to take part in her 'entertainments'. As time passed I began to look forward to it, and would arrive already rampant and aroused, eager to mount and service whatever females she provided for me, and usually it was some poor captive or slave, or another animal. I closed my mind to their cries and screams as I slaked my lust, it was that or go insane, or more insane then I had already become. For I honestly believe that during that period of enslavement I was insane, at least to some degree. Either that or I had become as evil as she was; which would have been far worse. But either way I became crazed to some degree, and unknown to me aphrodisiacs and other lust inducing drugs were being added to my feed in addition to a spell of 'sexual renewal' woven into my collar, making me insatiable and sexually crazed. I became obsessed with sex, addicted, needing it desperately no matter the form it took. Often after a night in her tent I would end up servicing one or more of my handlers until the next morning. I stopped eating regularly and got even thinner and even leaner, looking more like a true raptor then a ground bound one. And I was irritable, and soon the other birds and most handlers didn't want to be anywhere near me. My only friend being the white bird, a few of the handlers who I serviced regularly, and in my confusion I even saw Lady Freya as my friend; did she not provide with the outlets I needed to try and slake my horrible lust? And I would coo and trill as she stroked my beak and crest, and nibble at her hair while she laughed and gave me treats. I had become her creature, body and soul. And it's a horrible thing to hate one's self. And perhaps it was my new 'look' that gave Lady Freya the idea for what came next.

"Do you think you can do these things that I ask? Lady Freya said to the human priestess, is it possible?"

"I am not sure My Lady, the priestess replied, I will have to consult with the other members of my circle and make some...inquiries of the powers involved. But I do not see why not, and I must admit the possibilities are intriguing. The first thing you asked I am fairly sure can be done, the second I am not. And I concur, changelings would be the best subjects, they would mostly likely find it easier to adapt."

"Then do so, Lady Freya snapped, and you can have all the resources you require, within reason. And if you need birds ask the baggage train commander for as many as you feel are necessary for your...experiments. I will give you a letter of command. And the sooner the better."

Lady Freya walked over to her mount, the large lean dark grey and silver bird she called Malevolence, and as he cooed and nibbled at her hair she stroked his warm neck feathers affectionately.

"Yes my lovely, she said, I have big plans for you."

Then she mounted him, and they rode around the camp so she could inspect the troops gathering for the next big campaign, one that she hoped would tumble the Free Lands for good and end their annoying resistance to the natural dominance of the Dark Lady and her minions. She was a true believer, and felt that the world would be better off under the rule of the Dark, with her as one of the rulers of course.

Perhaps one reason Lady Freya enjoyed; and was a voyeur of the carnal pleasures, was that she herself was a virgin. Despite her beauty she had forbidden herself to partake of the pleasures of the flesh; except for those which she gave herself personally, in order to concentrate on her service to the Dark Lady. She was unique in this aspect as the priestesses of the Dark Lady used sex in their spells and enchantments to focus and strengthen their dark magic, but hers was even more powerful by remaining pure, at least in body, her soul was as dark as any. But she was a military commander, not a priestess, and knew if she allowed herself to enjoy the company of males her career would suffer. So instead she loved to watch as her 'pets' defiled and raped helpless captives and slaves, as her trained animals and slaves performed for her amusement, her heart hammering in her chest, her sex wet and swollen from a lust she wouldn't allow herself to satisfy. Perhaps that self denial and unrelieved sexual frustration was one reason she was so horribly depraved, subconsciously she desired what she inflicted on others.

Three weeks later the priestess asked for, and was granted, an audience with Lady Freya. The Lady made time from her busy schedule of building up the army to see her, and after the priestess had bowed, asked,


"Yes My Lady, it is possible, I have succeeded with two baggage train birds. There were a few failures, but only minor ones and those birds are still serviceable. But you must understand, now that they have the capability it does not mean they can learn to use it."

"Excellent, Lady Freya said with a gleeful clap of her hands, with the proper training anything is possible. Bring whatever you need to my tent tonight. After dinner and the evening entertainments you will cast your spell."

"Yes My Lady", the priestess said, and bowed and left.

I didn't think much of it when one of the handler's came to get me after my evening feed, I was sure my Mistress wished me to perform for her again, and I had lost any reservations about doing so, wanting only to slake my aching lust. And so I was allowed to do, first with a human slave woman, then with a poor unfortunate immediately after she had been transformed into a Chocobo hen. I'd like to think part of me still felt horror at what I was required to do, but I just don't know. That dark and depraved time in my life is something I do not like to dwell on. After the 'entertainment' was over and the guests had left; rather early for a change, I expected to be taken back to my stall until my Mistress required me again, but to my surprise, and growing horror, I was secured in the middle of the woven pentagram, the one in which my most recent 'mate' had been transformed a short time earlier, and I could still smell her terror, both as a human and a bird. I pulled at my tether and called for my Mistress, terrified despite the calming effect of my slave collar. She said,

"Don't fret my lovely, soon you will a very special Chocobo indeed."

As the human female priestess entered the room again and set up her spellbook I went crazy, shrieking and pulling at my harness. But I was well secured and couldn't break lose.

"I don't think he likes you." Lady Freya commented.

The priestess just gave a grim smile, and opening the spellbook began to intone and chant the words of power, and I gave a bloodcurdling almost human scream as I felt that horrible power flow into my body again and I began to change. Outside the tent even a few hardened soldiers grimaced and shook their heads in sympathy, the Saurian guards hissing in dismay, they had never heard a sound of such total terror. Lady Freya was busy tonight for sure.

I collapsed and writhed in agony as I began to change again. I felt my body began to swell in my upper torso as muscles rippled under my skin and feathers, and helplessly flapped my wings as feathers lengthened and changed shape, blood spraying from their tips. I collapsed and kicked as I convulsed and spasmed, my feathers rippling and it felt like my skin was crawling. I tried to screech as my throat contracted and it got harder to breathe, but only a dry rattling squawk came out of my open straining beak. I felt my very bones shifting and changing under my agonized skin, and then with a few more cramps and painful pops the agonizing pain came slowly to a stop, and I lay panting for breath, my eyes wide but not seeing as I had passed out.

Lady Freya crouched next to the unconscious bird and stroked his crest in a rare show of affection, and said, "You are sure he will recover? I had not expected it to be quite so...painful." Other then looking even leaner and sleeker then before he hadn't seemed to have changed all that much to her, though she could tell his wing feathers were longer and fuller.

"He will be fine My Lady, the priestess replied. Since the spell was not one I am used to casting it was a little more...stressful than normal, but with practice that will change. It can actually be harder to do a partial transformation then a full form one, the spell is longer and more complicated. But fear not, he will recover and suffer no adverse effects."

"You had better pray to your Goddess that he does, Lady Freya said, if he does not you will take his place as my next riding bird, after having first enjoyed the attentions of my menagerie of slaves and trained animals." At which the human gulped nervously, then bowed and excused herself.

Humans, thought Lady Freya, she had to admit some had their uses, but she did not much care for them as a general rule. Too crude and uncouth for her tastes. She gave the comatose bird another gentle stroke, and then called for two Saurian's to take him to his stall. She would give him a couple of days to recover, then have another look at him. She was quite excited; if the spell had truly worked then he would be most unique indeed.

I woke up in dazed confusion, and scrabbling to my feet shook my head and fluffed my feathers in agitation. "RAWK!" I shrieked, I was not a happy bird. My whole body hurt, and my feathers were itching, so I hopped up on a pole and started preening like crazy, my beak and talons busy. Soon the air was filled with a cloud of feathers, but I felt a lot better, my plumage had been really messed up by whatever that evil priestess had done to me. As soon as I felt, and looked, better I thought, what HAD she done to me?? I thought I was going to end up as a lizard or rat or something, but so far as I could see I was still a Chocobo, and I really didn't feel any different. I spread my wings and to my surprise the tips rubbed against the sides of the stall, normally they didn't do that. Well, guess my wingspan is bigger at least, and my tail feathers seem longer too. So I got longer feathers, what was the big deal? About that time a couple of handlers arrived with dinner (evidently I'd slept a whole day), and while I stuffed my beak; I was ravenous, they gave me a lovely in depth grooming, and it felt absolutely wonderful! I chrrred and crooned in absolute bliss as they ran their fingers and special combs through my feathers, lifting my wings and spreading my tail fan to give them easier access. When they were done they didn't leave right away, they had one more 'chore' to perform.

With a "Wark!" of pleasure I mounted the first Elf, they'd gotten me extremely aroused; on purpose, while they were grooming me, and I was more than ready for my daily servicing. I nibbled her hair affectionately while I coupled with her, taking her fast more like I would a hen, my lust was so intense I knew it would take quite awhile to satisfy me. But they were well trained, and enjoyed it as much as I did. They were both regular partners, and they knew what I liked, and I knew what they liked. The smaller female liked me to give her 'beak' before mounting her, which meant rubbing my beak against her sex and licking it with my long pointed tongue. The older female just liked me to mount her and service her slow and easy, making us both cum several times before finishing with her. I enjoyed it all, if they wanted it a certain way I was more than glad to comply as I was virtually insatiable, and it didn't matter to me how I mated with a female so long as I got to do it, as often as possible. I trilled and squawked in pleasure as I thrust into her warm slick sex, nice and tight, perfect! The other Elf was stroking my genital bulge and running her fingers through my breast down, and I was in sexual bliss as I fucked the first Elf energetically, speeding up as I brought us both to powerful climaxes. As I dismounted from the first Elf the second got ready for her turn and laid down; on her back, on a mounting stool. As I mounted her she wrapped her legs around my body just under my wings and moaned in pleasure as I lunged into her, she was smaller and tighter then the first Elf, so I had to really thrust hard to hilt while I mated with her, and we both gave cries of intense pleasure from the feeling. It took me a couple of hours to satisfy my two 'lovers', and myself, but finally they gave me one last grooming, cleaned me up, and it was bedtime. And boy was I tired, but felt a lot better, a LOT better. I hopped up on the perch and quickly fell into a deep restful sleep. For once I didn't dream very much.

In the morning I felt great, and after my morning feed was so fidgety they let me out into one of the pens to get rid of me. As always they put me in a pen with several Chcoco hen's so I could mate if I wanted to, which I did. But then something incredible happened. I was chasing the hen I had picked; she was not as enthusiastic as I had hoped, and as I was pursuing her I spread my wings and tried to jump on her back to pin her for mounting, and to my surprise soared into a neighboring pen full of horses who were just as surprised as I was! The fence was designed to keep Chocobo's from hopping over it as we could hop; and fluttering our wings glide for short distances, but I had cleared the tall fence by several feet! As the horses were now chasing me around their pen I frantically flapped my wings, and to my further amazement took off! I cleared the other pens fence with ease, and found myself gliding over the tops of a sea of tents. I was so shocked I lost my equilibrium, and flapping awkwardly landed on top of a large wall tent, which promptly collapsed under my weight and slowly folded inward over me, causing me to totally panic. When the equally panicking occupants of the tent began whaling on me with sticks, tent poles, and other handy objects I started shrieking in terror, struggling desperately to get free of the canvas I was wrapped in, to no avail. I was lucky they'd been in such a hurry to vacate their collapsing tent they'd left their weapons behind.

"Whut is it?" I heard a voice ask, "I dunno, maybe a small dragon?" said another. "Naw, looked like a big black bat." Another one said, "We better kill it before it gets loose!" to which sentiment the all seemed to agree. I started panicking even more.

Fortunately an officer came along; attracted by all the ruckus, and soon restored order. I was freed from my canvas confinement, and in a really bad mood now started hissing and jabbing my beak at anyone within reach. I was pissed!

"It's just a Chocobo, you big dummies!" The officer snarled at the sheepish looking soldiers, "Dragon my ass!"

"But it wuz flying sir, honest! One said, it landed on top of the tent. We didn't think Chocobo's could fly!"

"They can't, you moron!" The officer said in exasperation.

"Say, wait a minit, ain't that the commander's favorite mount? It's a big gray bird, init?" Another soldier said.

The officer took a closer look at me, and stepped back as I hissed at him.

"I think you're right, the officer said, you're not as stupid as you look. He must have gotten loose again. You, go tell them we've got him cornered. I'm not going to try and catch him." The other echoed that sentiment.

I had settled down by the time the handlers showed up to collect me, and was busily preening and straightening my ruffled feathers, and pride. At first they didn't believe the soldier's story as to how I got loose, or that I had been "flying" over the tents. I spread my wings and looked at them in amazement; I knew I had been flying; it had been much more than just a glide! Despite being ground birds Chocobo's were raptors, and we all had the instincts; and ancestral memories maybe, and a longing desire, for flight, for the sky. I felt my heart beating in my chest, was it true, could I FLY?? I hopped from one foot to the other, giving short flaps of my wings, and I could feel real lift! With a shriek I ran past the startled soldiers and handlers; ran down the street between the tents, and flapping my wings I took off, and FLEW!! It was really more of a long barely controlled glide, and when I landed on a hitching post I almost fell into a watering trough. But it was true, I could FLY!! I threw back my head and gave an ear-splitting screech of utter joy!!

I was chased around the huge camp by increasingly annoyed soldiers and handlers, and every time they got close I'd take off again, my glides becoming longer and more controlled. I wanted to try for some real altitude, but was a little bit scared to try that yet. Finally my Mistress; Lady Freya, had to come and get me as I wouldn't cooperate with anyone else. I saw her coming towards me, and taking off gliding to land in front of her, and she was a happy as I was. I trilled and rubbed her hair with my beak which she petted and stroked my crest and neck feathers.

"Yes my lovely, she said, you can fly! Isn't it wonderful?"

"RAAAWWKK, YESSS, AAWKK!!" I screeched, and almost passed out in shock! I had spoken an intelligible word, for the first time in years! It was more of a squawk, but it was understandable. I clacked my beak, and "Urrrrrrr'd??" in surprise, the others standing around as shocked as I was.

Lady Freya clapped her hands in glee, "It worked, the whole spell worked! You can talk too!"

She gave me a big hug, and at that point I came closer to truly loving her then I ever would again. She had given me the gifts of flight and speech, though of course for her own purposes. But still, you cannot come anywhere near understanding what that meant to me. I had gone from grounded bird and dumb animal, to being able to fly and speak, and nothing would ever been the same again. Though at times I would come to think the amazing gifts were more of a curse.

It was sometime before I was able to 'speak' again, as basically I had to learn to all over again. In the years since I had been transferred into a bird I had basically forgotten how to talk as my new body was incapable, and my brain wasn't really 'wired' for it anymore. But it helped that I could still understand quite well, all changelings can understand what they hear just fine even though most people don't seem to realize it, we just can't answer, which can be frustrating at times. And my 'speech' was more like the sounds made by other trained birds that were capable of learning a few words or phrases, kind of squawky sounding, but smoother and easy enough to understand if you listened. And it was different then making the sounds with a human throat, it came from deeper down and higher up at the same time, a combination. A word would start farther down, and be completed on the way up, I don't know how else to describe it. But it worked which was the main thing, so I didn't really care HOW it worked. Though my avian vocal cords; modified by the magic of the spell, could manage intelligible speech it was nowhere near as fast or fluent as 'normal', and longer words were a problem. But it was good enough. Several handlers were assigned to 'teach' me, and soon the problem was getting me to shut up. And being a bird I wasn't the greatest conversationalist in the world. I think listening to me, my 'speech' broken by 'warks', 'raaaaws', and other definitely Chocobo sounds gave them headaches after awhile. I didn't care, and happily babbled away even when I was by myself. And you should have seen the looks the other Chocobo's gave me! The natural birds just looked me like I was loony, and the other changelings just gaped with their beaks open.

It took me a few weeks to get the hang of flying, but after a few rather embarrassing tumbles and landing incidents I became quite skilled. And it was wonderful, to be able to soar in the clouds, to see the landscape spread out below me like a map, every detail sharp and in relief to my binocular vision. But of course I was still a slave, so long as I wore the slave collar I would always return to my Mistress, I had no choice. Even thinking about just flying away and never coming back was...impossible. Then one day as I was returning from a flight I saw movement below, it was a small herd of plains deer, much smaller than their forest cousins. And before I even realized what I was doing I stooped out of the sun and took one in my talons, then flew to the top of a rocky outcrop and feasted. It was the best meal I'd ever had. I'd had meat before, it was part of a Chocobo's diet in addition to the regular grain and other feed we are given. But this was the first time I'd ever made a kill of my own; lizards, rats, and snakes don't count, and I felt something very feral awaken in me as another mostly buried instinct manifested itself. And as with the flying and speech, I would never be the same again. If they wondered why I wasn't very hungry when I returned from my flight they didn't ask. And after that I hunted regularly when I was allowed to go on flights, and was quite skilled at it. And even mating felt more intense and pleasurable after returning from a successful hunt.

I should have known what was coming, but I was still surprised one day when I was fitted with a different kind of saddle and harness. My Mistress had still been riding me; I was even faster than before and could outrun most of the other birds except for those with really petite riders, but her armor slowed me down some. The new rig was much lighter weight with no real padding or protection of any kind. Basically it was just a leather harness with a small saddle, and I didn't much care for the bit, but put up with it. She liked bits, gave her more control over her mounts. If we didn't like them, well, no one asked us. When I was brought to her she rubbed my crest as I lowered my head, and said,

"Today my lovely you will fly, with me on your back."

Frankly at first I thought 'no way, you'll weigh me down too much'. But instead I just said, "Urrrawk, Yes Mistress", and clacked my beak against the bit. If she wanted to ride on my back while I flew I'd do my best, I was an obedient slave. And at this point I truly wanted to please her. She wasn't wearing any armor; in fact she wasn't wearing much of anything, just a kind of breechcloth. Other than that she was quite naked, which while nice as no big deal, lots of Elves ran around butt naked in their own camps. So I crouched so she could mount me, and then she rode me to an open field, and said,

"Fly my lovely!"

And with a loud "WARK" I did just that, and to both of our delights I was able to take off after a fairly short running start, and with strong flaps of my wings climbed into the air. I was much leaner and stronger then I'd ever been, but I was still surprised at just how easy it was. And my Mistress laughed like a little girl and I think I caught a glimpse of how she could have been if not warped by the dark mistress she served. It did limit my maneuvers and slowed me down a little, but overall I found it enjoyable to have a rider, to have someone else with me who was enjoying themselves as much as I was. One thing my Mistress found out fairly quickly was that the higher we went the colder it got, so the first flight was rather low and fairly short, so no more naked flights after that, which disappointed me. Having an almost naked beautiful female on my back was kind of nice. After that she wore lightweight, but very warm, pants and jackets, and also a kind of helmet with glass set in a leather band she could lower over her eyes to shield them from the wind and/or weather.

I should have known my new abilities were not just for pleasure when she took me on my first scouting flight over 'enemy' territory. She still didn't wear much armor except for a quilted vest and skirt, and also carried a bow and quiver of arrows as well as light lance. Both sides had airborne troops, mostly wyverns, griffons, and; rarely, a dragon whose services they'd bought. But with my sharp eyesight we stayed well away from any other large animal sharing the sky with us. If they'd gotten close enough to see what I was it would have been a major shock though. The other fliers were fairly few and far between, but Chocobo's were very common, and soon I wasn't the only one with the new abilities.

As soon as it was evident it worked the human priestess was kept busy 'adapting' more Chocobo's. At this point all changelings as we were able to adapt to; and learn to use, our new abilities much faster, and natural birds of course couldn't talk even if given that ability, let's face it, they're bird brains. The first was Lady Freya's other favorite Chocobo mount, and soon he was joining me on 'training flights' and I also introduced him to the joys of hunting for our own food. We never did tell our owners about that little ability, figured it was none of their damn business what we did with our 'spare' time. And soon there were whole flocks of Chocobo's being trained in aerial maneuvers and combat, the hardest being having 'flights' of birds performing coordinated maneuvers. Talk about mass confusion the first few times it was tried. It was mostly almost comical mayhem with birds and riders all over the sky, all yelling or shrieking at one another convinced it was the others faults everything was messed up, but there were a few sobering incidents, one in which a which a rider was knocked off her bird and fell to her death, and two birds that collided were injured. But finally; with lots of practice and threats, we eventually learned to perform as units. To keep; or change, formation in a fraction of a second, and how to support our 'wing birds' in combat as were formed up in groups of three as a basic 'talon'. In combat you always tried to stay with your two wing birds and support them. Most of the commands were relayed by the officers birds as our shrieks and calls where much louder than a riders voice. We were also trained to attack ground troop, mainly by staying out of missile range while out riders pelted them with arrows and light javelins, or even bags of lead sling slugs. With non-missile troops we experimented with direct attacks with our talons and riders lances, with mixed results. It would take actual combat and trial and error to work out the best tactics. But our main purpose was scouting and to take out the enemy's aerial troops. While larger and more powerful the wyverns, griffins, and other airborne animals were vastly outnumbered, and were fairly easy for a flight of well trained Chocobo's to bring down, we just mobbed them. We were also more maneuverable and could climb to higher altitudes, so often had that initial advantage as we stooped on an enemy formation from above. As far as dragons went, well, we just hoped we'd never had to mess with one for as long as possible. They're virtually indestructible, breath fire or other unpleasant things, and can use magic as well. So the tactic with dragons was to get the hell out of their airspace as quickly as possible, otherwise it was roast Chocobo for dinner.

But so far all our 'experience' had been with 'friendly' troops we went on maneuvers with. A few times though groups of slaves were armed and told to defend themselves; but that was pretty much just a slaughter as they of course weren't as organized as regular troops, it was mainly to let us 'blood' ourselves. It was stupid as far as I was concerned, they didn't have a chance, which was the whole idea. And until now our existence had been kept from the enemy, or so our riders hoped, but it was decided it was time for us to put on our first appearance in other then the rare scouting flights a few of us had been sent on. There was a small enemy expeditionary force moving through the abandoned ground existing between the two armies in a regular sweep, so it was decided to counter with a larger force and destroy the enemy force if possible, and since they had a flight of griffins with them it was decided to use the Chocobo's for the first time in force.

We had been formed into 'flights' of fifteen 'talons' of three birds each for a total of forty-five birds to a full flight, but the numbers varied quite a bit as usually some scouts or extra officers would accompany a flight. For the first battle three full flights were used, and the six griffins didn't have a chance. They never knew what hit them, and though they fought as best they could we killed four in the first few minutes of combat, and the other two; both wounded, fled for their lives. Instead of pursuing them our riders had us support the ground forces, and we helped route the enemy force by well placed volley's of arrows. Because of our height it turned out the arrows would even penetrate shields and armor they normally wouldn't have. The enemy force wasn't destroyed, but it was routed in a complete victory, largely due to our contributions. We lost one bird and rider to the griffins, and three to enemy ground fire when they went too low. Our officers were impressed. The idea had worked better than expected, so soon every unit was having their changelings 'adapted' and trained for the new type of warfare, and a whole new sub-species of Chocobo was created, because as it turned out we bred true with females who were also adapted. It would add a whole new aspect to warfare.

The End


Getting Even Can be Fun, Chapter 1

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Getting Even Can Be Fun Chapter 1 By William W. Kelso It wasn't my intention to grow up to be a powerful Sorceress, in fact until I went to University I never even believed in that stuff, nor was I very...

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