
Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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Being that I'm working on 3 or 4 projects at the same time, things are coming along a little slower then I had anticipated. However, I've finally finished this particular project =D

This one is a heavily edited, modified and corrected RP between Sargon and myself. I've spent several days going over it, modifying bits and pieces and trying to make sure all the tensing is correct but if you find a mistake please forgive it ^_^

This one contains a lot of heavy emotional innuendos, careful seduction and cleaver manipulation in which Sargon works his way slowly under [female] Draccy's tail ~.^

Keep me writing, its easy:VOTE if you read it.COMMENT if you enjoyed it.PAW if you loved it!

You can find a smexy adult reference for Sargon here and a nice visual for the story itself over here. Story edited and posted with permission :)

Want more? Check out my Stories for Bucks

  • Penmoore station floated high above an ice planet, the huge construct fully capable of holding and supporting just under a million residence while easily seeing several hundred thousand more in and out of the docks every day. Constructed with creatures of massive proportions in mind, the station provided a wide variety of entertainment and relaxation options for many species. Thus it comes as little surprise when a large leather clad blue dragon pads into one of the local clubs. A soft swish of displaced air flowed from the auto-sliding door, closing neatly behind his spaded tail. Pausing just inside, he sat back on his haunches and looked the place over.

  • The place is a bar as well as a club sporting a subtle dark atmosphere with glowing lamps of red or blue hanging above each table; the only particularly well lit area is the bar itself and only by a small margin. Lively thumping music is more felt then heard giving just enough ambiance to allow for more private, less easily overheard conversations without requiring one to shout. Just a quick glance around the room would tally a not-insignificant number of reptilians too. This would do nicely... now to find tonight's entertainment...

  • The newest patron was a rather enormous feral dragon, his body covered in carefully shined royal blue scales, adorning an outfit of worn black leather bands that encircle his entire torso. Large ivory-like horns and spikes sweeping back along his head accent his rather gruff appearance which, accompanied by the sharp powerful teeth lining his jaws, made the great beast look quite intimidating to the smaller species. With a casual motion of his head, those cool, slitted, golden yellow eyes scanned the dim chamber looking for one who might keep him company tonight.

  • From a darkened corner of the room illuminated by one of the blue lights, rested the only other full dragon, her slender feminine form lounging sprawled out lazily on her side. Dracasis' onyx black scales were partly hidden from view being covered in the draconic equivalent of a silky red dress. Bright glowing green eyes focused on her drink for, despite the upbeat song and atmosphere, she was utterly bored. The fact was further reinforced as she let a talon rim the edge of her glass which was more of an elaborate dragon-sized bowl... but it served its purpose nicely. With an inaudible sigh, she scooped the container up and lifted it to her muzzle, sipping its contents. All the while her black tailtip thumped against the back of the stall in rhythm of the bassy beat, the only indication at all that she was getting any enjoyment at all out of being here.

  • Sargon, the large blue male, let his eyes roll over the denizens while being careful not to let his gaze linger too long. The great drake was more than a little satisfied noticing the number of eyes that averted from his powerful gaze when he took notice of them. One after another he dismissed them, most on account of simply being too small... Perhaps later if he were in the mood for a snack or the like- for the moment it was another hunger he wanted to satisfy. There was a table of what appeared to be mercenary lizardfolk with a not-too scrawny looking female with them. Hmm... too much trouble. An attractive little gecko girl also caught his eye for a moment but that was all before a creature in the far corner caught his attention. A dragoness? Oh yes, she would do nicely.

  • The leather clad dragon unfurled his wings for a moment, giving them a good stretch before tucking them in against his sides. Padding between the tables, he casually came upon the booth she inhabited and spoke in a rich tone. " Greetings. Do you mind if I sit here? There doesn't seem to be any room elsewhere." The question was an obvious innocent ruse, the slight smirk on his snout further accenting his true intent to supply company for the black. Truth be told there were plenty of unoccupied tables; the place was hardly crowded.

  • The silk-dressed female had noticed the exuberant male the moment he'd wandered in- it would be near impossible not to with the way he'd been flaunting about. However, she simply ignored him for the most part. From the look of his outfit he was one of those space junkies, the ones that did cargo shipments or personnel transports perhaps. He could be a pilot or an engineer or some such with an outfit like that. Still... not her type. The arrival to her table was punctual, she knew he'd either gravitate toward her or to an empty booth of his own and she could just guess by that smug look on his face just what his ploy was. The obvious, simple question left a sharp choice for only total rejection or curious interest. She wanted to snort but she wasn't that kind of person and withheld the gesture, thinking of a polite way to tell him off.

  • Turning her head with open muzzle, she paused for just a fraction of a second glancing up at his facial features. Perhaps it was just the way the cobalt colored light accented his own rather impressive blue hide but she felt herself leaning toward curious interest. The mental debate lasted for only a moment for she only had a moment to respond before the pause would make her look silly. Deciding to ignore the rather lacking introduction, the dragoness just closed her maw, forced a smile and nodded, tail stilling for the first time that evening. " Well hello to you too stranger, make yourself comfortable. I think the company would be appreciated." She didn't have anything better to do anyway, why not?

  • That moment's indecision was not missed by the blue drake but his manner and casual grace shows no sign of it. " Thank you." Much like a feline, the great beast circles around once to situate his limbs comfortably before sitting. " My name is Sargon. My ship is in berth for the night and I had hoped to sample the local allure." With a customary tilt of the snout in greeting, he sprawled out on his side in a mirror to her position. The booth side was significantly more comfortable then the open backing but this would be fine for now. " And you are...?" He continued politely.

  • Though there was a long narrow ovular table occupying the space between their bellies, the larger male stretched a leg out to lay a hind paw over her own casually. His rather thick tail draped lazily across her tail base, the spade coming to rest behind her rump. She couldn't help but grin slightly at the forwardness of the blue drake- not entirely feigning her enjoyment of being the immediate center of attention all of a sudden. It was impossible not to notice what he was doing with his limbs but she ignored the teasing touches of her would-be suitor for now. "This could be fun..." She thought to herself, eyes drifting over his body more thoroughly now that she had a chance, being sure not to stare or linger too long without replying.

" Dracasis." She answered in kind, purring her name with a slightly slurred hiss on the second 's' for effect. She was careful not to give off any hints as to her interest or lack there-of yet, keeping her body language quite neutral in his presence. She knew his game but she was still curious how far he'd go to get what he wanted. Despite being smaller than he, she could still hold her own if needed.

  • Sargon, however, made no secret of his intentions while keeping polite, civilized company so as to not scare her away. " Dracasis-" He repeats to himself as if tasting the feel of the word on his forked tongue. " I rather like that; it's a very nice name." He responded sweetly, drawing his thick, taloned toes out to rub the softer underpads over her hind paws now... nonchalantly stroking along her hide, enjoying the feel of the small overlapping snake-like scales of her hide. " Do you come here often? You did look a little bored when I came in."

"Mmm... but you don't look very bored now..." He added to himself mentally, his bright yellow eyes grazing over her smooth hide, wondering if her entire body feels that soft. His tail crept slowly along the side of the dressed female's tailbase as she laid there casually. The movement was slow and careful during their conversation, the male's spade coming in contact with her backside and drawing up along the fine silky red fabric of her gown as it flowed along her spine to the top of her haunches, just stroking very softly.

  • Her green eyes sparkled with mischief as her hide is touched and caressed like that though the rest of her body remains carefully neutral. Such a forward creature he is; though if he were here for only one night she could understand why. While a wonderful way to get the blood flowing, courting was time expensive. By now Dracasis had become quite interested but she did her best not to give it all away yet. Raising an eye ridge at the question, she picked her cup up with a slight nod.

" Oh often enough though it's usually a little more active than this." She offers in return, her own tailtip flicking back and forth- this time in excitement rather then boredom. Bringing the glass to her muzzle she tilted it back and finished the last of the red wine, momentarily losing sight of her companion behind the dark tinted bowl. " Tends to have more scale-kin which I find easier to relax around." She added once she'd drained her cup, licking those moist lips of hers with a little more flourish then she realized. " Would you like a drink?"

  • With a moment to stare with her vision barred, Sargon watched as the last of her cup disappear, watching her throat work. "Lovely." He rumbled to himself. " Well then, it seems I may have to help you relax rather by myself tonight." That powerful grin of his spread across his features for only moment, masked by a gentle caress of his tail. " And yes, I am thirsty; if you wouldn't mind me buying you another as well?" Catching the attention of the waiter cleaning the nearby table, he signals him over. The server, a young, rather boyish looking gray fox who appears otherwise out of place in this establishment makes a prompt appearance without hesitation seeming quite at home taking orders even from such large guests.

  • Without waiting to hear whether his companion wishes another drink or not, the massive blue dragon rumbles out: " Another for the fine dragoness here. And I would like one for myself as well." She doesn't make a fuss, only smiles both in appreciation for the drink and the fact that it shows the blue male has at least a little class under that spacer suit. Collecting the discarded bowl, the waiter sniffs the drink, nods and wanders on his way while the blue dragon rights himself. " Now then..." He steps his rather large forepaws over the table and the black herself to set down snuggly behind her. In the span of only a few seconds, Sargon managed to sprawl out comfortably on his side with his belly along her back. Wiggling a bit to get just right, he lays his full weight down and relaxes- weathered leather bands against smooth fine silk... and scales to hide in a few places too.

" I hope you'll pardon the closeness, but there is little space back here." The dragon's manner continues to be entirely polite even if his claws are rather less so, the tips caressing along her side slowly from behind the shoulder, all along her flank and down to her haunch. Satisfied with the relaxed subconscious response he gets the large blue drake then begins rubbing in a slow circle along her higher thigh. " There now. Is that relaxing?"

  • His innocent charm might only be skin deep but he can tell she's at least falling for it to some degree. The slight grin when he so politely offered her another drink isn't missed, it's just casually overlooked. It's more obvious how much she's trying to hide her interest then she understood but Sargon doesn't let on in the least. As the large male moves over to her side of the table, she watches him with a bit of excitement and a bit of leery cautiousness. Her eyes glance about the room subconsciously wondering if anyone is watching and this tension is also not missed. Not normally one to be so self-conscious, she couldn't help the slight prick of fear that tickled her senses just as easily as those soft caresses do.

  • Taking a deep breath, she forces herself to relax, eyes averted from the rest of the room to just the fox-boy as he wandered back with both of their drinks, setting them down without so much as a lingering look. " Mmm... I'll live." She lets slip before thinking. Though having ment her words to be playful, Dracasis immediately realized the tone in which she said it might have sounded reproachful. " Oh! I mean... I'm sorry Sargon, I meant yes very relaxing."

  • For the first time since he'd arrived she let her guard down trying to cover up her slight mistake and show she was truly enjoying the company with a soft nuzzle along the neck above her. The black dragoness didn't even realize how much it pleased him to see her reaction for he only smiled back softly in response. Reaching out with his forepaw, he took her drink and handed it to her casually before acquiring his own, taking a sip of it while she took a generous draught of her own. " Oh my! This is quite nice..." He rumbled softly, not really referring to the beverage as he placed it back down, freeing his fore paws to draw along her belly.

  • His slitted eyes caught those of a blue-furred wolf at one of the other nearby tables staring. A brief darkening of his demeanor and a waft of smoke from the large dragon's nostrils was enough to hastily avert the mammal's eyes. He'd worked too hard already to let a snack like that set him back any further. Instantly returning to his casual self, the blue beast's claw made gentle circuits over her belly, tracing its shape, expanding a little further downward on each pass until coming quite close to her inner thigh with each orbit. Giving a soft nuzzle to the side of her snout, he cooed, " That does seem to be relaxing you... you hardly seem bored at all now." He rumbles with a slight toothiness to his smile.

  • The thin fabric of her soft dress is the only thing keeping those sensual paws from her supple hide and that thought alone excited her. Gods! What is she doing with a stranger like this, she should be more refined then to mess around with a drake she hardly knows! Mpfh... well... no harm in pets and caresses. " Good company will do that." She offered the obvious, though cheesy compliment. The wine was starting to seep into her system by now, this being the third glass of some good quality stuff. With her inhibitions started to loosen up to the point where she let her tail wander around his own, finding and wrapping a coil or two loosely around. " You have a very... relaxing way with your paws." Her grin only grew, partly hidden as she tilted the glass back up to her muzzle, sipping a bit more to keep the pleasant warmth in her tummy alive.

  • Leaning in close with a soft rumble to her ear, he spoke in a slightly deeper, more exciting tone " I'd like to think so." By now the orbit of his fore claws had his talons brushing against the front of his companion's thighs, testing her willingness this time. Sliding his paw in a little further, not quiiiiite touching anything untoward, he let his caresses troll over her abdomen and brush over the soft fabric. " I do have quite an affinity for helping pretty dragonesses relax..."

  • His fore claws draw away a bit then, seeming to retreat... but instead the adventurous male finds the edge of her dress where it borders that lovely inner thigh and slips in beneath the fabric ever so slowly... testingly... drawing in between her hind legs until his pawpads rub gently across the petals of her vent. Pausing his motion there for a moment to feel out her reaction, the blue drake resumed his slow caress, rubbing his center digit slowly, repeatedly along it, pushing a little more into her on each gentle stroke. Keeping his voice low but provocative, he whispers in her ear once more. " I saw that they have back rooms for rent here... Would you like to come with me and then I can... really help you relax tonight?" That last comes with a subtle emphasis as the large male's underbelly rubs against her back letting the twin long bulges beneath his leathers press against her tailbase firmly.

  • Now the simple answer should have been 'No.' and a longer more graceful answer should have been 'No thank you.' but the dragoness found herself hesitant refute his offer. She knew exactly what he wanted, what he was getting at; she'd known for some time and how could there be any doubt now after that little tease? But she couldn't lie to herself the offer was very enticing... She found herself wondering what he would be like, you know... in bed. It had been quite some time since she'd taken a male being so overly cautious of the possible consequences but now with one pressed so pleasantly against her backside... Hmm...

  • Well she wasn't in season and she could take the proper precautions right? Maybe this could be fun. In all likelihood he'd be gone tomorrow and there'd be no drama, just a fun one night fling with a stranger? She rumbled as the thought pleased her more than she wanted to admit. " You buy me one more drink stud and I'll follow you." She grinned, her body trembling ever so slightly in heated excitement.

  • Sargon rubbed slowly over the female's vent casually as he watched the emotions roll through her features. The next words she spoke where simply music to his ears that she would respond so positively. " Of course!" He rubbed the side of her neck for a moment with his snout, showing his happiness at her acceptance. And with that, he drew his fore claw back from between those lovely neither lips and began righting himself. He stepped over the attractive female gingerly, the rather massive dragon managing to step through without causing anything to fall. His egress also gave the black a momentary glance along his underbelly, the leather bands not quite keeping him entirely modest... The narrow gaps between the bands that circled his haunches showed just a little of the male's twin grey hemipenes. Even knowing what they're soon to engage in, Dracasis politely averted her eyes after the first glimpse.

  • He padded off to the bar, speaking lowly just between the barkeep and himself before collecting several credits from a pouch in his leathers and placing them upon the counter. With a fresh drink poured, he collected it and the provided digital key. The bartender nods and points nonchalantly toward the backrooms with a brief explanation and before long he's motioning his 'date' to follow. The dragoness is rather tense between the time his massive bulk leaves her backside and when she finally enters the sanctuary of the rented room. Though she prides herself on not caring what others think about her at face value, exhilaration mingled with a little fear tease the forefront of her mind with scenarios of how this whole thing could go so terribly wrong. After all, she was leaving the relative safety of a public area for that of a private confine with a stranger she planned to share a bed with. Mmm and what a bed!

  • The room was decorated in the same fashion as the club area: black walls decorated in grays and silvers. A large plush pile of pillows cultivated one area while a large circular bed dominated the rest of the room. The room's purpose is rather obvious being nearly soundproof as well so none of the activities that go on within could be easily heard from the hallway. Setting her drink down on a table beside the door, Sargon motioned toward the bed. " There now, lay down and slide out of that dress and we can get started."

  • For the she-drake, modesty is a problem only for a fleeting moment as she's directed to the massive plush and very inviting looking surface. Pressing her nose to the sheets, she slides forward with a sultry purr. With eyes half-lidded she wiggles her forearms free from the dress, being slow and seductive with her movements looking like a snake shedding old skin to reveal the fresh new gorgeous scales beneath. It takes only a few moments before she's fully undressed, no undergarments or other such restrictive wear under the dress as his naughty paw well found out before. Sprawling out naked on the bed, she looked back at the large blue male with a lewd lick of her muzzle, tail not quite raised but arched just enough to give a teasing peeks of her neither regions, the flush of arousal at her slit almost a perfect mirror with the soft blush on her cheeks.

  • Though Sargon begins to unfasten his leathers where they clasp at the spines along his back, he soon slows to a stop as he watches the pretty female sprawl onto the bed and slide out of that dress. " Very sexy..." He rumbles under his breath. His slitted eyes follow her now bare form back to those delicate haunches letting his tongue tips brush his upper lip slowly as he drinks in the view under that heavy tail for a moment. It takes a moment to pull himself away from the delicious view but eventually the great drake resumes unfastening the leathers. Each band, starting with his shoulders and working down, draws loose until he's able to slide them all backward. Stepping free of the confining outfit, he reveals the shiny black stripe and diamond patterns that adorn his back... and the twin grey spires that jut from beneath his belly.

" I didn't bring any condoms," He rumbles as he looks over to where some condoms are provided in the corner but they're sized for much smaller two-leggers, they'd never fit him. " So I'm going to be barebacking you." He continues as he steps onto the bed behind the cute black girl. His foreclaw returns to that same spot under her tail he teased earlier, rubbing gently over her vent again. " I hope you're on birth control..." He rumbled, stroking his center digit more deeply inside... feeling her heat.

  • Condoms would have been a good idea... Mmm... two cocks? And of course she didn't have any; she hadn't been planning on this kind activity tonight. Usable birth control didn't exist for dragons out here, nothing was potent enough without being damaging and what little was available was far too expensive for any prolonged use. Would a contraceptive work? Perhaps she could find some properly sized condoms or... A soft growl emanated from her throat as his talon worked its way into the soft carnal flesh of her sex, caressing her needy body just right. Her hind leg lifted slightly in an instinctual response as her now completely vulnerable body was teased and stroked once more.

  • The warnings in the back of her mind began to fade, screaming in vain to remember the 'proper protection' she'd been so adamant about requiring earlier to even consider this encounter. But resolve melted slowly beneath hot primal desire as her heart rate and body heat began rising. Mmm... she wasn't anywhere near her season right? She had... what... two months? It'd been a long time since she bothered keeping track. Two months sounded about right though... this would be alright... She let off a soft audible huff. "Yes, things will be fine. Just relax and enjoy yourself girl." She chided herself. Her body was already beginning to enjoy itself however, a bit of moisture coating that probing talon, a bit of her ripe scent tinting the air.

  • Sargon worked his digit slowly back and forth under her tail rubbing rudely inside that slick needy vent as he lets his question sink in. Oh, the blue dragon already knew she wasn't on birth control; he's been able to smell the scent of her beginning season ever since he neared her booth. Indeed, he actually does have a couple of condoms in the leathers he just stripped off... but no need to mention that to the black if she'll let him do this without. Stepping his hind paws onto the bed behind her, he moves in while its surface tilts toward him a little under the great dragon's weight. Taking her silence as consent as she mulls over whether or not she should do this, he scoots up snug against her back and rumbles in a deep powerful tone. " Lift your tail." The large cobalt colored drake strokes along his right hemipene in anticipation, brushing its tip along her tail base teasingly... having no reservations at all about knocking up the dragoness before him.

  • Her eyes stare at his crotch, the fondling rub against those twin lengths making her heart skip a beat in a rush of exhilaration. She can tell by that gruff voice and lusty demeanor that it's going to be a rough ride. But she won't deny the danger of this whole thing, of letting some stranger under her tail with no protection at all, is incredibly arousing. This must be why good girls like bad boys... Biting back any last misgivings, Dracasis dose as she's asked and pulls her tail up out of the way. She checks the door for a fleeting moment as her heart feels like it may just beat right out of her chest, using any distraction to keep her from thinking about what she's letting him do.

  • The soft puffy folds of her sex tense up in anticipation and relax a moment later, her heightened heartbeat sending fresh warm blood to her neithers, making them swell up nicely, preparing her to be bred whether she knows it or not. She even goes a step further, her hind legs spreading just a little to give the large male ample room to take advantage of his cautiously willing partner. Sargon smiles toothily as the black dragoness arches her tail before him and even steps her hind paws a little wider.

  • There's little he loves more than having a dragoness beneath him willing to be bred. Not that he'll be sticking around to see her lay; to him, getting her to go all the way for real is nothing more than an increase in pleasure for the night. It's hotter knowing he'll be emptying himself into a working, fertile vent. Knowing that she'll be dealing with the consequences for the rest of her life for a single night of his pleasure is a decadence he finds very appealing. And so he guides his bare tip into her... pressing in slowly... feeling her channel spread deliciously wide around his thick girth as his other hemipene slides up along the side of her inner thigh. He grips her haunches in his foreclaws to steady himself as he works into her until his abdomen is flush with her undertail.

  • The poor girl trembles slightly beneath the larger drake, her half-lidded eyes focused solely on that impressive girth as it slowly sinks into the soft pink flesh between her hind legs. She's no virgin and no a stranger to sex to be sure, but it's been several years since she's had a good male under her tail and it shows with how easy it is to make her body react. The hot wet orifice swallows that girthy drakehood right up, her moist folds squeezing around the subtle contours of his cock as it invades her body, exploring the depths of her fertile folds. Her body wants him deep inside her for reasons other than why her mind dose, though both are in ecstasy all the same.

  • She lets off a soft grunt, feeling him press his crotch snug against her undertail probing the most private of places of her gender with that well endowed breeding flesh. With having one of his cocks sheathed inside her vulnerable body she can't help but pant quietly, her insides deliciously tender, hugging around him perfectly in oh-so many ways. The poor girl's forepaws kneed the bed as she feels the great beast lustfully exploring the depths of her sex, her logical mind trying to figure out how she let herself get into this predicament while her primal mind only hopes she'll do it again soon.

  • Sargon's toes curl against the bed as he feels the pleasure of that initial entry... the way the dragoness squeezes and tenses around his bare hemipene inside her. " Oooh... krrrrrrrr..." He rumbles out as he draws back slowly, quite pleased with himself at finding and seducing such a prize. Sliding his length slowly and completely from the black undertail right into his awaiting paw, he pauses for a moment before pressing back in. Repeating the movement three times, he thoroughly enjoys each individual stroke and how he leaves the vent before his tip gaping a little... awaiting his shaft's return.

  • After the third time he starts to thrust up under that lifted tail, rocking his haunches back and forth slowly at first, savoring the pleasure of working his unprotected length inside the hen beneath him. Gods, she feels even better than the red dragoness he seeded the evening before. The blue dragon worked up to a steady rhythm... one that will build him slowly towards a well-earned and very virile release. Though not wanting this to end too quickly, already he's thinking about what it's going to feel like to empty himself into those fine haunches.

  • The dragoness of choice for this evening is soon letting off soft huffing grunts as the powerful male's hips make contact with her own, the feeling making her body twitch and jerk a little beneath him each time he rams home in her. By the fourth time she can't refrain the soft but vivid moan of pleasure that escapes her throat. The blush on her cheeks brightens, wanting to look away from the carnal act taking place between her legs but cant, her eyes glued intimately to the scene. Dracasis watches fixated as her own muscular hips ripple under the effort put forth by the great drake on her back taking and enjoying his female to the fullest extent, stretching her neither lips just right as he fills her with his breeding flesh again and again. Even the loose hemipene that rubs and slaps gently against her crotch is oddly arousing, as if it's just waiting its turn.

  • She can't help her body's natural reaction, the feeling of having a powerful dominant male lording over and rutting into her a simple yet powerfully arousing gesture. After only a few moments he's forced her thick black tail up completely out of the way leaving nothing to protect her vulnerable slit, exposing her lush ripe lips to the healthy sexual appetite of powerful male dragon. Now spread and ready to take him at a more vigorous pace, she lets her eyes close and shivered as bare flesh was vigorously rubbed against bare flesh, nothing between her fertile sex and his greedy shaft but a thin layer of her juicy nectar that served only to make it all the easier for him to rut into the black drake.

  • Sargon starts to huff above his lovely companion, the large dragon's motions becoming increasingly jerky as the tension in his abdomen grows steadily with each rock of his hips. Pushing himself forward over the undressed dragoness now, he laid his belly over her back to take a more dominant stance over the female beneath him. Never ceasing his rapid motions, he hovered his snout near her ear and rumbles out over the hard firm slapping sounds of their bodies colliding. " I'm going to cum inside you..." He states in a matter of fact manor, giving her one last chance.

  • But even as he lets the warning roll off his tongue he placed his foreclaws down over each of her own, nuzzling firmly along the back of her neck, letting his weight and position to keep the female pinned beneath him there while not quite forcing her. As a final measure to insure her submission for these last few moments, lets the warm little hen feel the curve of his teeth as he draws his maw open... and then bites down, sinking in slowly to the gums as he uses the black female. His thrusts come very hard now with the musculature of the great dragon bearing down on and into the depths of her body, so close to his release now.

  • Now there would have been a good idea: just ask him not to! She could give just as incredible head and even if she didn't get quite the same release, at least there would be no chance then. She shied and shrank away some as the large male shifted his gorgeous blue body atop hers, the submissive feminine insticts her taking hold for just a moment wasting valuable seconds with his gorgeous breeding pole still buried deep beneath her hot needy undertail, ready to burst. Just as she opened her maw to make the suggestion, all that comes out is a shocked quivering gasp as he bites in and pins her down casually. The feral mating grip on her vulnerable neck is just what she needs to set her off, the next instroke causing her soft sex to begin spasming.

  • The poor used female's tail tenses, hips squeezing together some while a loud but subdued squeak rasps from her gaping maw at the feel of that marvelous orgasm ripping through her frame. Powerful, pleasurable contractions caress the log of male flesh as still pistons eagerly between those wide child-bearing hips. The wild release forces thick rivulets of her pheromone rich nectar out around that well stuffed and tightly stretched slit, the thick viscous fluid dripping down between her inner thighs to pool generously on the bed. Her entire body trembles with harsh convulsions, unable to do anything but take those rough rapid bucks as he continued to plow into her ripe fertile fields. The dragoness' completely vulnerable sex nurses that stiff hemipene with powerful and pleasurable spasms, waiting with frightening urgency to feel him flood inside her with his thick virile seed, needing his release just as much as she needed her own.

  • With a jerk of his maw, Sargon yanks her neck one way, then the other... emphasizing his control over the dragoness beneath him- just some dragoness he happened across in a bar. The feel of her peaking beneath him is simply delicious as he sloshes through the moisture around his cock, enjoying just how slippery she becomes inside. He can feel the slick excess of her nectar being forced out her vent as he stuffs himself in, dragging his bare length over those ripe heated folds just a few more times. He knows he's rutting a dragoness for real and he takes his last golden strokes inside her with that knowledge at the forefront of his thoughts. And with that he buries himself all the way in, wriggling his haunches left and right to sink in just that last little extra bit as his hemipene starts to jerk. The first spatter of cum shoots strait up into her womb... followed by another... and another... pulse after pulse of rich creamy dragon seed emptying into her- reaching those fresh vulnerable eggs and working into them.

  • The unknowing female hardly feels anything other than the hot wet spurts being loosed deep deep inside her, their difference in size becoming more apparent now than ever before as he just fills every crack and crevice of her vent with his thick potent sperm. The poor dragoness takes every delicious creamy glob right under her tail where the conclusion to this reckless one-night-rut can work best create the unexpected consequences she'll learn about soon enough, the busy sperm 'unintentionally' inseminate every last one of her young innocent little eggs. Her entire body twitches in pleasure helping the copulating drake on her back drain every drop of that virile sperm while she simply lays there in dizzying ecstasy letting it happen, tongue dangling from her maw.

  • Thoroughly satisfied with himself, Sargon stays buried within her for some time even after he's stopped pulsing inside. Satisfied, he finally draws off and out of the well used little hen. " Aah... That was very nice. Thanks." He rumbles with a toothyness to his grin, not bothering to put fourth much effort into any sort of formality now that he was finished with her. Idly he began putting his leathers back on, taking a moment to rub his spent hemipene off on the sheets. The great drake takes his time getting everything back into place, not offering a single word to the dragoness until everything's in order. " Have a pleasant evening. And enjoy your drink." He rumbles those last words and steps out the door without even waiting for a response.

Dracasis manages to keep her composure for long enough to watch her companion go, wanting to say something but unable to come up with anything that wouldn't make her sound foolish. His exit was not a moment too soon, already ready to burst. As the door clicked closed, she immediately flopped over onto her back and moaned out loud both with a bit of shame and more than a little pleasure. Her insides feeling so sticky and bloated with the seed of some random male. Gods she couldn't even remember his name, had she really let him just rut and cum inside her? She hissed softly rubbing her sore neck while the other paw caressed her well used vent. Mmm... oh well, that was soooo... mrrrrrrr! At least he'd made that evening much more enjoyable...


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Zygote Studies

" **Alright class, you know the drill: test on chapter four tomorrow followed by the lab.**" That elected a few groans and she just smirked. " **That's right, we'll be observing gamete cells under the microscope, looking at the different traits of the...

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Cruise Fling

- Tanya, the tall gryphon girl giggled softly as she was led up the aft lounge deck of the large cruise ship holding a strong alcoholic beverage in one paw, the other draped lazily over her companion's backside. While she was a sturdy six and a half...

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