
Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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Time for more yum ~.^ Today Synx plays the role of a defending sniper that gets jumped by the enemy. After a short scuffle, it seems our raptoress has more in mind for this sharpshooter then just a swift death and rides the unwilling male all the way home!

I put a significant amount of effort into the two action scenes and, while they have little to do with the actual sex, they were lots of fun to write =D

Now, make yourself useful andVOTE if you read it!COMMENT if you want more!PAW if you loved it!

Your commanding officer demands it! ;P

Want more? Check out my Stories for Bucks

  • The great black glanced back and forth before hopping over the low block of ruined concrete, his high powered anti-material rifle bouncing on his back. Once out of sight, he crouched and brushed away the rubble, smiling toothily with his blood red fangs showing; at least the hot drop had been on time and in the right place. Digging the grey crate of ammunition out from its hidden spot, he peeked over the crumbling wall's edge, his silvery mane perfectly still in the windless corridor that was once a busy urban street. A mutated vinehound had wandered into the vicinity and Synx had no desire to fight the beast with encroaching enemy soldiers on the way. Sliding back against the remains of a nearby wall, he set to the tedious process of checking and cleaning his weaponry while listening to the quite sludgy slurp of the vinehound, occasionally broken up by the displacement of crumbled rocks as it searched for a meal.

  • If there's one thing a first class sniper must have it's the patience to wait for an opportunity for one always arises if you wait long enough; that's likely why Synx never made it into the army ranks, patience was not his strong suit. After only five minutes of checking and reloading his weapons, the black dragon let off a huff of impatience and rolled out of hiding. Extending his arm, the rash dragon casually fired a high impact shot at the beast from his sidearm. Though it hit square in its hind leg and tore out a chunk of fleshy looking meat from the plant hybrid, it simply turned toward him and screamed. The massive petals of its frontal pod opened as it did so revealing a stunning red and white cone but it simply amplified and directed the sound at its target. Despite the ear-wrenching screech, the black scaled hunter drake simply finished his roll, ending the maneuver behind a second chunk of less solid cement. As the sonic attack slammed into the degraded stone like the thump of a massive subwoofer, the force was like a physical impact, fracturing the wall and sending a flurry of dust into the air.

  • If one could imagine the most malnourished mountain lion with a mouth half as big as its body, teeth like millions of small sharp little razors, an endless appetite like a newborn hatchling and no self-preservation instinct, you might be able to imagine what a vinehound is like. Originally created by their enemies as frontal attack dogs, the vinehounds had been mutated somehow by their nation's counter-biological weapon and now were like feral animals that roamed the land, preying on anything they could find. Synx often found it good sport to hunt them. Its six legs provided incredible stability on most any terrain, its sonic screech gave it range and if it got hold of you it would never let go even to save its own life. Popping his head out above the wall using the dust as cover, he let off a quick pot shot, ripping a baseball sized hole through one of its red pod leaves. The whole pod shook and trembled viciously, its four 'lips' spreading apart to reveal the rows and rows of tiny little hook-like teeth, strands of slimy sap stretching over its mouth even as vein-vines stretched out in a crisscross pattern over the new wound, sealing it up within seconds.

  • Oh... and forgot to mention, it regenerates insanely quick. "Eight seconds before the sonic pouch is recharged boy, you better run." He thought to himself, turning and dashing into the dilapidated building's interior. Another hateful scream from the creature told him well enough he was being chased. The staircase up looked strong enough to support his weight so he bound up three steps at a time, hearing the vinehound crash into the wall he'd just been hiding behind moments before in its haste to make up the distance. "That was stupid. You could have been casually wandering up these stairs just the same without a hungry beast chasing you. But noooo, you had to go and shoot it first to piss it off!" He chided himself while clomping upward, circling around to continue up and up, stabbing a metal rod into wall on his way. A high pitched whine echoed as the device wound up until it clicked, now armed. The beast, oblivious to the danger, scrabbled right up into the trip line causing the mine to explode, further destabilizing the already rickety building.

  • Though one of its middle legs had been charged to a fine unusable crisp, it continued chasing its prey with no less resolve. By the time it had reached the next floor, the regenerative vines had severed the useless deadweight and sealed off the flow of sap escaping its body. With the stairs upward totally collapsed and ruined, he squeezed by onto the adjacent floor and dashed across the dusty empty room, skidding to a halt. "What now old boy?" The windows were too small to squeeze out of in time. His eyes turned to see the monstrous creature clawing its way through the rubble. Lifting his revolver to the ceiling, he unloaded the remaining six shots into a weakened section, watching the pieces of concrete fly out of the way. "Better hope there's no steel beam in the way." He thought, even as he crouched and launched himself up into the rubble.

  • Making it about halfway through, his powerful paws gripped and did their best to drag the rest of his weight through. "Blasted wings!" He cursed them, berating having wings almost as often as he praised them; in this situation though, they were on the side of being a nuisance as he dug his way through. Huffing with a grunt, the large drake dragged himself up, tail slipping out of reach from the gaping maw of the beast just in time to lose only a small pawfull of fluff from the end. This floor had a large hole in the ceiling and Synx wasted no time climbing the steel pillar upward. It took the vinehound a moment to reach the previous hole he'd blasted open but it pushed through with ravenous hunger. Its massive flower-like head flashed open with a shrill eruption of sound that slammed into the beam he'd been gripping, the impact just missing his tail once again. Unfortunately it hit with such jarring force that the hunter drake lost his grip and fell backward onto the floor above.

  • Though quite painful to land on one's own gun and half having the wind knocked out of you, the anthro dragon couldn't spare the time to indulge in pain and rolled over, scrambling away. Running at full speed, he dashed past the hole as the vinehound popped up and snapped at a hind leg, screaming in anger as it missed again. Paw out, the black drake swung around and into the staircase once more, skipping almost four steps at a time in his haste, chest heaving with the effort. "Fuck!" He yelled mentally in frustration as his path was diverted once more; the stairway didn't go all the way to the roof, forcing him onto another abandoned corridor. What floor was he on? Screw it, this would have to do. Still charging at full speed the large powerful male unclipped the holster and grabbed his rifle. Clicking the safety off while running toward the too-small window and spun, flinging himself backward at it.

  • There wasn't time to aim but this close he didn't really need to. With a shot in the general direction of the vinehound, he smashed the butt of the gun against his shoulder and squeezed the trigger. A deafening crack that made the creature's sonic attack sound like a yawn proceeded the projectile which simply tore into everything around it. Synx got a momentary glance of bright red leaves being ripped from the beast as the vinehound faltered before. Then his back slammed into the opening with sickening force, shattering the brick wall like glass sending the great black dragon into the open air. With bits of rubble falling from his body, the hunter drake took to the air. The 'Hound wasn't dead but it would be out of commission for a while and he still had all its parts... "You do have all your parts right?" A quick glance over his body confirmed that. Time to go home then.

  • 'Home' was the top of old Daeodr's 'Unity Pinnacle' which, for all accounts, was just a massive fancy walking stick held in the hand of a huge 12-story statue's with a wide dome top. Before the war Unity Pinnacle had held a glass and crystal miniscope of the city but after the first bombs had fallen, the display had been utterly destroyed. The statue that held Unity Pinnacle was barely recognizable as Daeodr anymore, many years of blasting and nature's wrath had worn away most of the details leaving it barely more than a massive lump of rock. But the location was hard to access, positioned in the center of town and the tallest location for miles; this was the perfect spot for a sniper that could fly. Synx was one of the single most deadly reasons the enemy didn't come into the city. Every now and then they'd push their luck and see if, perhaps, he'd been eliminated or reassigned. Being one of the best he hadn't gotten himself killed (yet) and not being part of the military means he was able to choose his own assignment.

  • His ears perked up, having been polishing his rifle to get all that nasty dust off its pristine black barrel and turned to look over the disk's edge. A crooked grin spread across his snout. Sure enough, there was movement out there just as he'd been told, time to get to work. Clicking the magazine into place, he lowered the large weapon down into position, the stabilizing bi-pod legs resting comfortably to support the massive weapon's weight. Flicking open the lens cap on the scope, he sprawled out on his belly and focused in. Huh... a pretty large squad this time. Eight... nine... ten...? It was unusual for them to push a full company out into his territory without testing it first. With a shrug, he took a moment to calculate his best targets and plan their order. "Poor saps." He mused, not really feeling any remorse for them.

  • With a simple motion of his talon the large male sent the first projectile speeding from the muzzle at nearly 1000 meters a second into the head of an unfortunate victim. The impact caused the poor beast's cranium it to explode rather than simply puncture it. Stunned, his comrades turned in time to watch his body fall limp and awkwardly to the ground, sprawling haphazardly where it lay in a puddle of greenish blood. A second soldier met his fate at the end of a sniper bullet even before the sound of the first shot reached their ears like a crashing snap of thunder. Panic spread through the group as they all scattered to find cover as if caught in a sudden rainstorm. A third soul died pinned against a wall that, even behind it, would not have provided enough resistance to stop the bullet from his rifle. "Odd..." He thought, tearing off the lower jaw of another that had peeked out just far enough, doing what he assumed was barking orders at the others. "You'd think they'd retreat by now, or find a big enough building to hide in."

  • Synx couldn't help but consider the wrongness of it- not the killing of the creatures belonging to an army that had bombed their peaceful nation but the fact that they were only doing token effort to save their own lives. "It's almost like..." The thought came almost too late as the click of talon on stone interrupted his next shot. The large male rolled out of the way just in time to avoid having a foot long blade stabbed through his back to the heart. Unable to get to his sidearm in this position, he blindly threw a box of ammunition at his aggressor and continued to roll over onto his back. The hiss that erupted from the disgruntled attacker was reptilian in nature and, as Synx reached for his gun, he saw the raptorial aggressor in its full glory.

  • She, for somehow he knew this eloquent though deadly figure was female, was nearly as tall as he, anthro with smooth chocolate colored scales that easily faded in with the cloudy sunless noon sky, her breastless body partly hidden beneath a collection of protective combat leatherwere. The grand golden plumage that trailed from the back of her head all the way down her spine to the tip of her tail stood on end as she hissed at him, her inky black paws still holding the deadly close combat weapon. For a split second, Synx' muddy yellow eyes met her bright green ones and he knew she meant him harm in any way she could manage. Unfortunately, the large male was unable to draw his weapon fast enough as the agile creature spun completely around and smacked the revolver strait from his paw with her long stiff tail. Her paws ground into the old stone, stopping her just past halfway around to hiss at him again, obviously enjoy his fear and helplessness.

  • "Run you fool!" He cried at himself, that sudden mental outburst just enough to get his legs moving as he turned and attempted to crawl/scramble off the edge; there was no way she'd be able to follow him if he could get into the air. He wouldn't be able to stay there long; no telling if she could use a rifle or not and it would be salt in the wound if he were to be killed by his own weapon. However, the raptoress never let him get that far, her powerful hind legs allowing the female to pounce on her prey from even several feet away, kicking him to the side. The sudden rush caused a surge of adrenalin to pulse through the great drake's system as he threw a punch at her as hard as he could. It was a lousy wild brawlers punch and her body jerked away in a very avian-like fashion, easily avoiding it for the most part but he did manage to find contact, smacking the back of her fist instead to send the knife flying off the platform's edge.

  • The small shock of victory was short lived as she simply came down on him with a hind leg slashing across his chest with those deadly raptorial talons. The sheer ferocity of her aggression stunned him for a moment as she rent his own padded leather right down to the skin of his hide. "Oh... forgot about those." He thought numbly, trying to grab and throw her off in the same way he'd done the knife. Forced to play keep away from those deadly jaws and claws, it gave the raptoress plenty of time to rake her talons all over his body, tearing chunks of clothing off and leaving little red welted scars in some places. Finally getting fed up with all this, he put his entire weight into pushing back and removing the aggressor which succeeded in at least throwing her off a few feet for a moment, the female crouching low as she skidded to a stop only a short ways away.

  • From all her heavy attacks, she'd managed to rip off most of his clothing, her half crouched poised position granting her just the right angle to see his heavy orbs trying to push free from a slice she'd made in his crotch. The maniacal grin that spread across her face could have easily been described as 'murderous glee' as his effort to get up finished the job she'd accidentally started, allowing his engorged male bits to fall into the open; her soft clicking purr tickled the air in delight. With a bit of exhausted tension, Synx flopped to his back, grabbing his rifle and aiming it at where he expected the raptoress to be. Unfortunately, having jumped at him, she was about a meter too high for the bullet to have any effect and, as he tried to lift the gun into range, she came down on barrel with her entire weight. With nothing to lose at this point, the black dragon fired.

  • Without even his shoulder to soften the recoil and the gun now aimed down, the butt came straight up into his jaw. Blackness threatened to consume him from the powerful blow to the head and only the soft methodical hum of a raptor purr kept him from losing consciousness completely. "So this is it?" He mused sadly, recalling some of the more peaceful points in his life, back before all this had started and couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if the war had never happened. "I always knew it would be a girl that would kill me." The black wanted to laugh but it hurt too much. He could feel his arms being moved but was too dizzy to find out why. "What the hells is she doing now? IF YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ME JUST KILL ME DAMN IT!" He wanted to shout, and tried too- but all that came out was a cough, the taste of blood on his tongue.

  • Several minutes later of unexpected continued life, the large male blinked pained tears from his eyes, attempting to sit up only to find his forearms bound to the ground with a pair of exposed rebar that she'd somehow bent over his wrists. A sudden weight on his stomach made him winch and puff loudly in pain as the carefully cultivated air he'd been pulling into his lungs was rudely knocked out. His vision was all blurry from the pained tears in his eyes but it would be hard to mistake the dark brown figure on his lap as anything other than his attacker. What the hells did she want from him now? Probably some sort of military intelligence which he had none of. He smiled inwardly at that small victory, other than his orders for hot-dropped supplies he had no connection with the Illisian army, just a personal vendetta against the brutal assault these reptiles had laid at their doorstep.

  • Having expected torture and interrogation to come at any moment, he was further confused when she just remained there, looking him over. Perhaps she was waiting for reinforcements? Was he to become a prisoner of war? Instead she only kept an eye out past the ramparts, watching her companions filter through the city. Now that the sniper was taken care of they could move much more freely. It was nearly a half hour later before they were gone; no one would come to check up on her, no one knew where she was. With everyone out of earshot, she could have her fun now.

  • Slipping those large taloned paws down his chest, she began removing the last vestiges of it with a second combat knife identical to the one he had knocked out of her paw earlier. Synx' vision had cleared by then, concentrating fully on regaining some strength to make another push soon when she slid down and simply began cutting his belt off. How embarrassing! Not going to let himself be stripped of what little dignity he had left, the large powerful male began to thrash and fight back. However, she would have none of it and those slitted emerald reptilian eyes flashed up at him, the knife going from beneath his belt to the edge of his throat before he even realized her arm had moved. A bead of sweat dripped off his brow, she'd made her point. Keeping the blade just under his jaw, she slid her other paw up under his belt and, never taking her eyes off his own, yanked it away with a sharp tug.

  • The large male couldn't help but flush slightly under the circumstances as he felt his thick sheath and testacles flop free directly beneath the aggressive raptoress' crotch. With a fancy little maneuver, she cut the air with her blade and pressed the pointed tip to the remains of his leather jerkin just above the heart as her eyes diverted from his face to the heavy package between those powerful thighs of his. Her soft chitter-purr made voice again, tilting her head to one side, then sharply to the other, observing her prize from different angles. The unoccupied paw slid down and cupped those heavily laden orbs, feeling their weight and virility with great satisfaction. Gently setting the large drakeballs back down, she rubbed the palm of her paw over that warm sheath as well, one claw on either side while the third glided right down the center bulge. Poor Synx couldn't help his body's reaction to the stimulation, his sheath swelling up to the female's teasing caress.

  • Despite being a soldier and a highly trained assassin the raptoress had incredibly soft paws, the smooth scales almost ticklish against his sensitive neithers making him squirm some- though not much with the sharp blade tip poised at his heart which, at this point, was beginning to beat harder again. At a complete loss, the big black laid there helplessly while his hated enemy teases his body like it was her own personal plaything. Testing the bonds that held his wrist, he found them quite secure. Without some good leverage he wouldn't be able to bend them himself in this position; that slim supple body of hers hid the impressive strength she had quite well. Speaking of body, he couldn't help but stare in odd fascination as he watched her paw leave his crotch and being unbuttoning her own protective leathers.

  • He already knew she had no breasts; the slick streamlined figure showed as much but what he wasn't prepared for was the lush cream-colored underbelly and chest area that spread outward slightly from her front like a splotch of ice-cream paint. She didn't actually take the vest off but he soon understood why she had to open it. The lower half of her suit had a crotch piece, easily removable to answer nature's call without completely exposing oneself if caught or surprised. With the soft rip of velcro, the chocolate and cream colored female tore the center of her lower suit completely out and tossed it casually at his snout. Though Synx closed one eye and jerked his head aside to avoid the blow, it immediately became apparent at what she was planning.

  • The center pad was simply soaked with a heavy pheromone-rich scent that made his blood tingle with unwanted excitement. By the Gods she was in heat! As if reading his thoughts, the green-eyed female leaned forward and pressed her slightly damp crotch against his already fully swollen sheath and began grinding herself against it. He bit his lip, then his tongue, trying to induce enough pain not to get aroused but she had every advantage and knew how to make use of them. She loved seeing him in such agony, the turmoil of sentient hatred against primal biological need bringing her almost as much pleasure as feeling his shaft swelling up involuntarily inside that protective housing. As that delicate soft paw cupped his sheath and held it up some, she brought her hot fertile sex down on the end and firmly mashed the two genders together.

  • The poor black suffered through the feeling but inevitably lost to the natural response of his body, feeling the protective covering of his sheath spread open around his cockhead and expose the wet tip of his inky black shaft to the fertile confines of that warm reptilian pussy. A loud chitter-purr of satisfaction rumbled from her throat as she sat back, sliding up and down just enough to stimulate the reluctant male beneath her, her paw pushing his sheathskin back, feeding more and more of that meaty prick right up into her hungry cunt lips, feeling him grow to an impressive girth inside her. Oh Timat's mercy, he was huge! Why couldn't any of their males feel this good inside her?! Using her knife bearing paw, she steadied herself with that arm while her other reached back under her tail to grip that thick log of flesh she'd just stuffed up her pussy around the base and give it an encouraging squeeze and stroke.

  • Synx let off a soft grunting huff, his heart racing, sweat dripping off his brow. He couldn't give her what she wanted, he'd never give this beast a child to raise and use against their homeland... Fffff---! Holy Bahamut she was tight! Gods... how long had it been since he last had sex? He gritted his teeth, toe claws curling in unwanted pleasure. The chocolate female, now holding his breeding tool nice and firmly, leaned forward to raise her rump up off his crotch. That fat flesh vacated her hungry sex inch by inch, all of it slick and glossy with her rich lubricating estrus juices while her paw glide over its surface just behind, letting it slip through her encircling talons to admire its thick fullness, enjoying every detail. Just like any one of her knives, she memorized every curve and vein of his 'hilt', measuring his girth and length until he slid completely free of her hot inviting slit.

  • "Nuhh! Not... not just one child..." He reminded himself. "She'd lay a whole clutch of them, dozen... maybe more... don't give her what she wants!" Of course that was easier said than done, the cum hungry female making quite a show as she angled his glossy glittering black prick right back under her lifted tail and stuffed the hot log of dragonflesh back inside her wanting tunnel, wiggling her hips back and fourth to make sure every last inch of him was crammed all the way in. "Ungh! That... wasn't so bad..." He reassured himself, trying to ignore the hard twitch in his pre-dribbling shaft. She let off a loud huff of pleasure. Not only was her prize cunt-stretchingly thick, he went so deliciously deep inside her. Grinding her hips she could feel his tip rubbing up against her inner barrier, the cervical wall quite use to pushing eggs out but she couldn't help but ponder at the possibility of shoving him all the way up inside her. At least just the tip, if she could wedge him in nice and snug where his cream had nowhere to go but into her ripe little womb she'd be sure to bear a clutch of such well endowed children without doubt.

  • Encouraged by the thought, she began rocking up and down on that thick spear of flesh between her prey's legs. As the pleasure began to rise in the unwilling male's body, he become more active in his struggles but it wasn't hard for her to keep him pacified. No matter what he did: buck, twist, jerk, growl or the like, it only served to increase the raptoress' pleasure. She even managed to lean down and steal a quick kiss from him which only served to enrage and arouse the male further. Still, no matter what happened the further she rode him the more his instincts took over, his self preservation a key instinct to keeping him from giving any truly meaningful struggle. The only thing he could do was squeeze off the supply at the source and hope he could keep from cumming inside her.

  • Of course the one thing his befuddled mind didn't take into consideration is that she would keep going until she got what she wanted. Though with the way her taunt pussy lips were hugging that thick wet girth as it slid in and out of her hungry sex, it was doubtful she'd have to wait too long; she could already feel his balls tightening in anticipated release. She was just as predatory with sex as she was with combat, stalking her prey by alternating between several different stimuli to keep his body aroused, working it slowly toward that inevitable orgasm. At times she would grind him deep between her legs, feeding her wet pussy full of his hot thick breeding pole, driving all the way in and rubbing it about while other times she would rapidly bounce just a few inches of him between tightly squeezed legs letting the copious amounts of their intermingled sex juices that oozed from between her well stuffed pussy lips keep the deliciously stimulating friction from becoming too much. When all else failed she would suddenly pull him completely from her well worked folds, letting the shocking absence of stimulate claw at his nerves in ways he would never expect. Giving his body just the right amount of time to want to feel her wrapped snuggly around his thick breeding pole, she teased his senses by making his cock search for her sex and only then would she finally give him the relief he was looking for by working the meaty tip between the lush folds of her sex and swallow it right up into her with a groan of satisfaction, plunging him right back into the lush ripe folds of her flesh to work at her fertile fuck field all over.

  • Her crotch was a mess, plastered with her own gooey sex juices, the scent mingled slightly with that of her male's. The involuntary release of seminal fluid along her insides was being friction warmed leaving a heady aroma to linger on the air. Mmm, so close! She closed her eyes and twisted her head up and to the side in elation, her free paw slipping down between her legs, feeling her own well stuffed slit for a moment before gently gripping his thick girth and letting it slide in and out of both paw and pussy at the same time. Ohhh soooo gooood!

  • The one thing he'd been surprising above all else was his breeder's instinct and it was all simply too much for his mind to hold at bay at once. Poor Synx finally admitted total defeat by giving the raptoress just what she wanted. His unrestrained hind paws made just enough purchase on the ground to give one last hard surprise shove and lurched forward, embedding his cock up into the soft delicate cervical lining she'd tenderized throughout this rough rutting. The reptilian assassin screeched in surprise at the sudden change as she found herself in a rather awkward position, literally impaled on a spear of black dragonflesh but moaned and shuddered a moment later at feeling that girthy organ plunge up into her ripe womb. Maw open with a shrill cry of pleasure, she couldn't help but let the corners tug upward in victory as she watched her prey finally break and fulfill his role.

  • Eyes closed and head jammed against the floor, Synx didn't think, he couldn't let himself think about what he was doing as his hips wiggled some, working his bare unprotected length in as deep as he could go before feeling the incredible surge of release. She could feel him jerk hard, eagerly spitting that first thick rope of virile semen deep into her receptive womb with such force that she gasp, feeling the sticky glob hit the other side of her egg chamber, shivering all over at the indescribable sensation. This was what he had been trying avoid at all costs and here he was, arching his back while his body did its damnedest to get the chocolate raptoress fat with his eggs. The female let out a loud puff and another moan as her hot little fucktoy let loose a second thick wet wave of cum, ejaculating hard. Ohh so eager to paint her insides with his wet cream! Another powerful shudder passed through her frame, feeling the stuff dripping and oozing down over her inner walls, the eager sperm reaching for the fresh eggs of her womb and eagerly working into them. Cradling her slowly expanding belly with one paw, she reached under her tail with the other and gently caressed those throbbing orbs with the other, encouraging him to empty it all into her.

  • It took the horny male almost a full minute before she felt his body relax and finally collapse back onto the ground in exhaustion, panting with glazed eyes. With her womb corked by that thick shaft, very little of his virile essence escaped her belly leaving the fairly slender female looking several weeks gravid with just his generous donation. She'd also felt something inside her break, like a pressure being released. It had been a delicious feeling that had giving her not one but two shuddering orgasms as each of her oviducts was forced open under the increasing pressure of his seed, allowing the flood of rich semen to flow up directly into her ovaries and fertilize several dozen eggs directly at the source. She didn't know it yet but the raptoress was in for one hell of a pregnancy.

  • Unconscious after a day of such struggling, she looked down at her new prize and licked her lips with a wide hungry look in her eyes. This one would be returned to their queen, they would most certainly put his talents to good use- and not those with a gun.

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