The Chinese gods free time (Part 1)

Story by Articlynx582 on SoFurry

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What the chinese gods do when they're not being worshipped

We find ourselves in a sacred land where no mortals inhabit, instead sacred beings. Said land was dotted with cherry blossoms with numerous large lakes. There was a large temple with statues a four imposing looking figures at the front.

One looked like a turtle sitting cross legged with his eyes closed and a smile. The second looked liked a tiger standing tall with a fierce gaze. The third was a dragon curled around himself with a regal look to his face. The fourth and last statue showed a bird with his arms out as if making an announcement.

Inside the temple was numerous pillars and torches with various hooded figures meditating, offering tribute, or cleaning the place up. The figures worship the figures as deities.

"Oh great and wise Genbu, please allow my village the knowledge to safely endure this harsh drought we are going through." one of the prayers spoke as he had his hands clasp together. "Our crops are dying, our water has dried up, and our people are starving."

"Oh fierce and keen Byakko, give my men morale and blessing to protect our homes from rogues and bandits." One prayer appearing like a general spoke.

"Oh noble and radiant Suzaku, I humbly ask you for protection as my land has been ravaged by despicable tyrants for generations."

"Oh confident and brave Seiryu give me the strength to face any hardships this year."

All of them bowed or begged, but the camera starts to pan away from the hall. Even moving away from the temple from a bird's eye view. It zoomed in towards the top of a mountain behind the temple and towards what looked like a hot spring that had several cherry blossoms around it.

There was a figure within the springs with a bottle of sake near him.

"Ahh, this is the life." the figure said that was revealed to be a black skinned tortoise who was basking in the hot spring, drinking sake. He scratched his belly while sipping from a cup and looking a little flushed.

"Oh, Genbu. I didn't expect you to be here." a voice spoke out as it showed a red feathered avian entered with a towel on.

"Well I figured I deserved a little time to relax and get some sake." he smiled holding a bottle up. "Care to join me for some?"

"I was hoping to just relax, but sure I can go for a drink." Suzaku stated, stepping into the spring. He sighed feeling the warmth while Genbu grabbed another sake cup and filled it up before handing it to the bird.

Suzaku took the cup and takes a small sip from it, finding the taste quite strong, but fruity too. "Very good, how old?" He asked finishing the cup.

"Century, give or take a few years."

"Sake's better with age after all." Suzaku said settling the cup down. "Do you know where the others are? They might want to join us."

"Byakko and Seiryu are at the sparring grounds, wanting to hone their fighting skills." Genbu said pouring another cup and handing it to Suzaku. "Which means we're free to get drunk and unwind."

"I don't know, I'm not...much of a drinker." He said seeing the cup.

"Oh come now, don't pass up a chance like this." the tortoise stated still offering the cup. "Relax and take your mind off things."

"Even still, maybe we should wait for them."

"Come on, don't be so uptight. Take a drink and relax already." Genbu stated. "They'll be gone a while so no point."

"....alright, but not too much." he said as he takes the cup and drinks the sake.

"Of course of course." Genbu stated as he downs his own cup in a single gulp. "Ah! No matter how long I live, the taste of sake will never wane."

"Hehe.. It is great." Suzaku smiled while looking at the cup and leaned back to stretch out his legs. He stared at the star filled sky as he looked at the patterns. "The heavens sure are beautiful today."

"It sure is." Genbu stated downing another cup, which made the bird notice and discover a couple empty containers of sake.

"Genbu, how long have you been drinking?" he asked just noticing Genbu tossing an empty bottle away and taking out another one.

"Mmm, just a few." Genbu said as he poured cups for two and handed one to Suzaku.

"Perhaps you're already drunk." He stated placing the cup down. "Maybe you should cut back on the alcohol."

"Oh come now, don't be so stiff." laughed the tortoise.

"Look, you're actually looking a little... unfocused." he stated trying to help his cup down. "Maybe go easy and just try to enjoy the water."

"Hmm..." Genbu thought as he looked at Suzaku. "You know...maybe you should drink more, help loosen your feathers."

"N-No, I'm actually feeling warm enough already, I shouldn't drink anymore. Already have 2 cups."

"Come oooon, a few more won't kill ya." He said offering the bird a cup.

"Really, I'm good." He tried to keep himself from caving. He moved away a little and leaned against the edge to try and get comfy.

"What's keeping you back? Just one more cup, surely a strong avian like you can handle one can you?" Genbu stated. "Or maybe .... The great Suzaku is a bit of a lightweight?"

"Wh-no. I just don't indulge myself in drinking often." he stated shaking his head. "Besides, if you drink so much you'll pass out."

"Hey, no worries, I understand. Not everyone can take alcohol well. No need to be embarrassed."

"I am NOT embarrassed." Suzaku stated, blushing a little.

"That's what an embarrassed person would say."

"Cut it out." he stated seeing the cup he put down. "I know what you're doing. I'm not getting drunk for you."

"If you have the resilience, it shouldn't be a problem." Genbu stated. "But if you're not brave enough to do it, that's fine."

The avian sighed and shook his head. "If I drink it, will you give it a rest?"

"Maybe." The tortoise stated.

"Fine, I'll drink." Suzaku stated looking at the cup. He does feel his head feeling like a bee's within it, 'It's okay, I can take it!' he downs the sake down his throat.

"See? That's the spirit." Genbu stated as the bird shakes his head.

"Hehe, see. I'm- hic! Not a lightweight!" he stated as he stumblingly sat back down.

"No, you sure ain't." He said continuing to look over Suzaku's form. Said avian had a rather slim and slightly built form that was noticeable.

Suzaku murmured as he noticed the tortoise looking at him. "I-Is something the matter?"

"Ya know, I never really noticed your body before Suzaku." Genbu stated, "You're taking care of yourself."

"Of course, I have to." He stated as he looked at him. "I mean, I may not be as muscular or bulky at most, but I don't need to be in order to make an impact."

"Well I'll bet the mortals have noticed, especially the females."

"Hehe, I did get some views from both females and males." Suzaku admitted. "It's nice getting that attention."

"I'll bet you got some real nice offerings, if you catch my drift."

"Yes, I get food, money, minerals. How about you?" Suzaku asked.

"Sake, fruit, and the occasional virgin offering."

"Virgin offering?" Suzaku stated surprised.

"Of course, don't you get them?"

"First time I heard about it, no." he stated, shaking his head.

"Well I've gotten a few here and there, offerings to try and bless the mortal with fertility, maybe a child too."

"Hmm, well I'm sure my time will come one day. It is interesting." he said, taking another cup of sake.

"I'm amazed you haven't been flooded with them." Genbu stated moving a bit closer to him. "I'll bet tons of mortals would flock to see you in bed."

"Maybe they're just being shy. I don't know why, I won't yell at them." Suzaku stated with a laugh.

"No, but you'd probably yell something." muttered Genbu with a drunken chuckle.

"I wouldn't. What would I even yell about?"

"Like 'Oh yeah! Ride me like a horse you tight little mortal!' or something like that."

Suzaku blushed at that comment, "M-Maybe."

"Ha! So you have thought of it."

"I'm not made of stone. Of course!" He stated.


Suzaku couldn't help but laugh as well. "I think I had enough of the spring. I'm going out." Suzaku stated as he got up. He felt a hand on his wing pull him back in and saw Genbu giving him a grin. "Huh? What's going on?" he asked confused.

"Now now, don't go just yet."

"But why? I had enough." Suzaku stated, trying to gently pull away. That's when he found himself yanked into the water with a splash, getting his head wet. "Mmmpphh!" he grunted as he started struggling.

"Come oooon, don't be shy~" Genbu stated with a big grin. He saw Suzaku pull his head out with a gasp before glaring at the reptile. "Ya know, you actually look adorable when you frown like that."

"Ghhahh! What was that for?!" he cried out, trying to get the water away from his mouth.

"What? You seem like you could use a longer soak."

"But I already feel like I have enough." Suzaku stated, trying to get the excess water off. "If I stay in any longer my feathers are gonna be soaked all the way through." he tries to get out once more.

"Come now, you're being silly~"

Suzaku was wobbling as the alcohol was taking effect, soon he fell back and onto Genbu. He groaned while feeling said tortoise feel up his chest and stomach. "H-hey..." He stuttered, blushing from the feeling. That's when he felt something hard poking at his rear. "Genbu, why are you hard right now?" the bird asked, blushing brightly.

"Because I'm eager for a little fun~"

"What? B-But I'm not a female." Suzaku stated, seeing Genbu turned him around to face him.

"That's never stopped me before. I've mated with male and females numerous times."

He was about to speak before he felt Genbu kissed him. He was caught off guard and felt the tortoise hold him by the waist and was completely unprepared for that. He muffles from the kiss as he felt him caress and massage his body. 'This feels... oddly good.' He thought kissing back.

'Hehehe, been a while since I kissed a beak.' Genbu started to grind his cock in between the bird's butt, feeling it to be soft and lean.

Suzaku shivered while noting how warm and cool it was to the touch. "D-Do we have to do this here?"

"Why not?" Genbu asked. "Seiryu and Byakko are busy sparring, so they won't know." He pointed out.

"B-But the water will get dirty."

"Hmm.. Good point." He gets up and headed off somewhere, carrying Suzaku in his arms, said bird blushed since he was being carried like a shrine maiden.

'Where are we going?' he thought looking forward.


Genbu kept Suzaku in his arms as he kissed him deeply. Said bird tried kissing back while still finding the It still felt strange and bizzare to him, but still not horrible.

Next thing he knew he was plopped onto the large bed Genbu had with said tortoise having a gleam in his eyes.

The bird blushes deeply from the gaze as he opened his mouth to try to speak, but was gently .

"No talk, now we just let our bodies do the speaking." Genbu said as he laid down on top of Suzaku, his semi-hard cock pressed against his belly. "And the only thing you'll be saying is more~"

"More what?" Suzaku asked confused at what he meant.

"Oh you'll see, but first." Genbu pointed to his massive girth rising up from his shell which throbbed.

Suzaku's face flushed at the sight of his long thick cock rising up from arousal.

"Give it a taste."

The bird shuddered from the sight of it as he held Genbu's side and started licking it.

'I can't believe I'm actually doing this.'

"Hehe, not bad Suzaku. Keep going." The tortoise said eagerly. "Show me how experienced you truly are."

"I never done anything like this before." Susaku pointed out.

"Then this will be good training for you." Genbu stated, patting the bird's head. "Now open up and use your tongue."

Susaku blushes as he opens his mouth and takes the tip in. He was hesitant to slide much in, so he resorted to simply licking the tip. 'This is a bit much, but he has been supportive so far.' he thought, shuddering from the taste. 'I just hope he doesn't loose himself.'

Genbu held the sides of Suzaku's head as the bird licked the tip. "Mmmm, that's a good birdy~"

Suzaku blushes as he felt him caressed his head as he slipped a little more in his mouth. 'I can't believe I'm letting him call me that.' Suzaku thought as he continues to lick him off. 'I also can't believe I'm doing this.'

"Mmmm, good birdy~"

The bird blushes from his rubbing of his head and cheeks. He licked the dick more while feeling like he was being treated as a child. 'He is being sweet with me, so I guess I can let this continue.' he thought to himself licking all over the cock. 'I just hope the other two don't discover us like this.'

He continues to suck off the tortoise, rubbing his testicles, said tortoise leaned back while enjoying the soft feathers.

He blushes as he felt him throb a little in his mouth. "I'm gonna give you something just as good as sake~"

Suzaku muffled as he soon felt Genbu thrusting faster and deeper.

Soon he thrust all the way inside and cum inside his mouth. "Ahhhhh yes!" the tortoise cried out. "Mmmphh!" Suzaku muffled in shock as he felt his thick seed spilling down his mouth. "Drink it aaaallll up!" Genbu cried out as he unloaded into Suzaku.

Genbu cried out as he unloaded into Suzaku, said bird felt some of it slip down as he almost choked.

He soon felt it stem and stop as Suzaku slid out and takes a moment to breath fresh air. "Oh yeah...."

Suzaku blushed from what they did, but smiled. "Well that was good."

"And it ain't over."

"So there's more?" he asked, not surprised at that.

"Course there is." The tortoise said, caressing the bird. "Show me your rear." Genbu stated, but he started turning Suzaku around before he can respond. The tortoise grabbed and rubbed it, making the bird jump and blush.

"Eep!" he yelped from the touch, feeling his firm hands rubbed along his butt.

"Mmmm, this is an ass that's going to be quite the fit."

"Mmm..." Suzaku shuddered from the stroking as he felt Genbu's dick rubbing between his cheeks, making him bright red.

"Since we don't have any lube, we'll have to go without."

'He does realize that my saliva doesn't dry that fast right?' he thought, rolling his eyes.

Genbu lined up the tip to Suzaku's anus before he started pushing against the hole, wanting to get inside.

Both of them groaned, the dick going in smoother than Genbu expected.

"Gaahh!" he gasped from the penetration, gripping the blankets on the bed to keep his body still.

"T-Too big!"

"Just relax. Here, I'll wait for you to adjust to my girth." he stated, laying down on him. "Just keep in mind if your ass is as tight as I feel, I won't be able to stop."

"H-hey, you better keep control..!" He stated, squeezing the bedsheets.

"No promises~" Genbu stated, caressing his sides. 'It was too much to ask for with how he is right now.'

As he laid there, he felt his insides starting to relax and adjust to Genbu's length. He groaned while feeling it go in deeper than he expected.

Seeing Suzaku getting comfortable, he starts to move his hips back and forth in the bird's tailhole, said hole was small and extremely snug. "Mmmhhh... Tight holes like yours really get me going." Genbu growled softly. "All fresh and ready to get flooded~"

"A-Ahhh..." Suzaku gasped and moaned from the thrusting, his own cock grinding against the

"Oooh, it just got tighter!"

'I can't believe this feels so good. It's making my butt tingle!' Suzaku thought, covering his face. 'How humiliating.'

Genbu chuckled at seeing the Vermilion bird looking so embarassed about having his first anal sex experience. "Come on, lighten up and take it like a slut." He teased, moving his arms away to see Suzaku's face.

"I-Im not a slut." Suzaku denied, gripping the sheets tighter to still himself.

"You're rear says otherwise." Genbu stated, giving it a light slap.

"Ah!" Suzaku yelped from the slap. He took a deep breath as he tried not to get flustered at that.

"See? You sound like one too."

"I can't let out a moan or yelp without sounding like a slut?" Suzaku asked.

"Nope, not unless you admit to it."

"That's ridiculous!" Suzaku stated. "I won't admit to that."

"Really, then I suppose you can keep quiet if I do this!" He then thrust hard inside.

"AHHH!" He cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure as his toes curled.


"J-Just surprised, that's all.." Suzaku said in denial.

"Liar." Genbu said, leaning down and rubbing the Vermilion bird's cheek. "Go ahead and tell me." he whispered while blowing in Suzaku's ear making him shiver.

"Nnngghhh..." his body tingles from the sensation. "I...I.."


Suzaku grumbles a little in embarrassment, sighing. "I... really like this." he stated.

"See? I told you~." Genbu answered, patting the bird on the head gently.

"S-Shut up. Just keep going." Suzaku stated, shuddering from his warmth.

"With pleasure~" Genbu pressed him down and started to thrust faster and harder into Suzaku's ass.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" They both moaned out from pleasure as they were getting close to their orgasm.

"Come on, really squeeze my dick!"

"Aah!" Suzaku gasped, feeling him squeeze around his body. making him squeeze the member as well.

"I'm cumming!" Genbu releases a torrent of seed into Suzaku's body, holding him in his grip.

AHHHHHHHHH!" Suzaku cried out as he cums as well, spraying the bed with his seed.

He felt the tortoise's sperm expand his anus, making him grit his beak.

He's got a lot to give... Kinda wish he let it out earlier.' he thought, murmuring from the warmth inside the ass 'But it does feel warm and thick...' he thought blushing deeply. "So good..."

"Ah yes....I haven't let out this much in centuries."

"Well it was an outstanding experience myself." Suzaku admitted. 'Even if it did happen to me.'

Suzaku's body felt sluggish and heavy, and not because Genbu's still on him. "Ngh... so tired.."

"Come on, don't tell me you're tired already."

"Well aren't you? It WAS an exhilarating moment." he pointed out panting a little.

"Yes, but with wisdom comes stamina."

"Well, yes. I am tired from that." Suzaku stated, getting comfortable.

"Awww, party pooper." Genbu gripped Suzaku and caressed his sides. "I'm sure you got a few more in you."

"Ah!" moaned Suzaku, his ass still sensitive along with his dick. "I-I said I'm tired!" he stated, feeling his body shaking a little.

"Don't worry, you can rest, I'll just keep on moving."

'I doubt I'll get any rest with you around at the moment.' Suzaku thought as they both moaned out as the screen fades to black.

In the Pursuit of Science

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In the Coils of the serpent

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