In the Coils of the serpent

Story by Articlynx582 on SoFurry

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An orphaned calico cat ends up in the snake god's realm. They meet and it turns out that the snake god is lonely and seeing the cat anthro in his realm, decides to keep him here.

The realm of the snake god, Levi, was a mixture of humid marshlands, scorching desert, thick tropical rainforest, and Savannah grassland. His godhood stood longer than the bible and while the number of worshipers dwindled down over time, there was still enough belief in him to keep his powers strong and his realm safe for new claims.

The large serpent god laid on along several boulders surrounding his most sacred pool enjoying the feel of the humid air against his skin. He let his mind drift as he sunned himself. When was the last time he mated? Had it really been over a century? He would have to correct that.

A male calico cat was walking through the grassland, enjoying the nice breeze as he continued walking onward. He sighed as he felt lonely ever since he left the orphanage, his appearance rendering him an outcast and made others keep away for some reason. He never had companionship and wondered if he would ever had anyone for a companion.

Levi flipped out his tongue mostly to taste the moisture in the air, but sensed something else. He slowly raised his head bringing his dark eyes above the grassland. There was someone else in his land not deep into the area but enough that he could sense the presence. He didn't know why another creature would be in his lands considering this time of year his followers kept themselves indoors away from the cold.

The cat sighed as he lay down and stare at the sky. Admiring the clouds moving slowly up above. "Well at the very least, it's not gonna rain." He said as he relaxed. 'Though I still feel lonely. I wish I had some kind of companion or something.' He thought but sighed again. 'Not like anyone would wanna be friends with me though. Everybody thinks I'm a freak!' He then closed his eyes to let his mind wander.

Levi shifted his huge body off the series of warm stones and slithered along the ground tasting the air every so often so he knew which way to go. He wanted to know just what kind of creature would venture into a god's land uninvited. He moved along until he found the source of the new scent - a calico cat anthro lazing in the grass. "Have you brought me a gift?" He asked as his head rose up from the grass.

The Calico cat rose up as he looked around, thinking that he heard a voice somewhere. Though he doesn't see anyone and didn't look behind him. "Heh, like anyone would be here in the middle of the grasslands." He stated laying down once again.

Levi didn't like being ignored so he did what any good snake god would do. He shook his tail which made a loud rattle sound then spoke again. "It's rude to ignore someone when they are talking to you, little kitten. And yes I am talking to you. You're in my lands."

The feline jolted up at what he thought was a rattlesnake tail and words behind him and he turned and looked at a rather large looking snake creature standing about 4 ft above him. The cat shivered a bit as he tried to speak. "S-sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I was just passing by and didn't know this was your land. I apologized."

"What is a pretty little kitten like you doing out here?" Levi asked as he slowly closed the distance between himself and cat. He chuckled to himself at the little shiver that ran down the intruder's spine. "Are you going to run off little kitten? You're the first person enter my land is quite some time and it would be so rude of you to run off before you had a proper visit."

The calico gulped at the large serpent. "Um.. Thank you." He said embarrassed at the compliment. "I don't mean to intrude I can leave now it it helps." He offered.

Oh no, little kitten," Levi smirked as his tail slowly coiled around the delightful creature, "you can't leave now. You have to keep me company." He teased as he drew the coils closer to the cat's body. "I like little kittens. They are soft and make such cute little noises when I rub their bellies. Do you like having your belly rubbed, little kitten?"

The feline shuddered at the feeling of his scales and muscles wrap around his body. While at first he was scared, he quickly realized he wasn't in danger then he was told what was natural about cats and blushed. "I... I wouldn't know." He stated, "I never had my belly rubbed before."

Levi hissed at the words. "No one has ever rubbed your belly?" He didn't like that all. "Well I'll just have to change that, now won't I?" He smiled letting his large, front fangs popped out of his gums. He pulled the coils closer tightening around the cute little furball as he reached out with one of his scaly, clawed hands and slowly brushed the kitten's soft fur covered belly. "Now little kitten, what are you doing out here alone in the land of the Serpent god?"

"Uuuhh.. Uuuuooo..." The feline blushes as the petting felt pretty good, his ears twitching as he tries to answer. "I... I been traveling... From place to place." He answered murring as the snake's scaly hands felt rather pleasant.

"Traveling from place to place?" Levi asked as his hand drifted lower below the belly button on the next stomach pet. "Are you traveling by yourself or do you have a companion?" The snake god pulled his coils in tight letting the loops touch from ankles to the back of the cat's knees. "You shouldn't be traveling alone, little kitten. A big bad serpent god may see you can take you for himself. Bring you down to his nest and keep you there."

"Well it's not like my life's any better anyway." The cat anthro muttered sadly. "I have no one. I grew up in an orphanage and had no friends. Everyone thought it was weird for a male cat like me to look so feminine. They thought I was cursed and stayed away from me. So I have been wandering around trying to find a place to call home."

Now that perked up the Serpent god quite nicely because if he took this little morsel home no one would come looking for him. "What's your name, little kitten?" Levi asked as once again his hand drifted lower under the belly button and dangerously close to the tip of the v at the kitten's hips. "Your fur is very soft, makes me want to pet it forever. Makes me want to keep you here in my land so I can pet you all over any time I want."

His whiskers twitched, someone wanted him to stay. They didn't mind that they look girly? He could hardly believe it, but the petting and the hug felt so nice, he started purring happily at the offer. "M-my name is.... Akihiru." He introduced himself still purring.

"I like your little purr," Levi said as he pulled his coils tight under the kitten making sure he couldn't escape. "Akihiru," he repeated the name twice before he offered his own. "I am the Serpent god, Leviathan but you can call me Levi." He greeted as once again his hand traveled lower down Akihiru's body to cup the tip of the V between the legs. "And I'll going to keep you here so I can pet you."

He blushes from the touch from Levi's hand. "I.... I wouldn't mind." He said shuddering. 'Wh-why is he touching me down there though? Not bad, but didn't expect that.' He thought, but kept quiet for now.

Levi smiled before he pulled Akihiru close ready to bring him to his godly nest. "So little kitten," he said while he continued to pet his new plaything, "do you know what happens to creatures that fall into the hands of gods?"

Akihiru blushes as he shakes his head slowly, feeling the reptile's oddly comforting embrace as he hugged Levy back.

Levi closed his eyes and flicked out his tongue letting the forked tip just barely brush the kitten's nose. "Once you're in the lands of a god, you can never leave. You become part of the god's realm and fall to the mercy of that god. Some gods like to feast on flesh, others want some kind of sport, but I want a mate. I bred those that enter my realm so they will give birth to my children." He said while he made his way back to his nest with Akihiru clutched in his coils.

For most that would sound terrifying and would try to struggle, escape, or beg for their lives, Akihiru however, he just lay there in his coils. Levi have been very kind to him and never once was threatening or humiliate him. Of course he teased him, but it was a nice kind of teasing. Though one thing made him confused. "I can't have kids, I'm a male."

"Do you think the laws of reproduction apply to gods like me?" Levi chuckled as he slivered quickly through the grassland to the edge of the pool. "I suggest you hold your breath, little kitten. You're about to get wet."

Akihiru shuddered at the serpent's tone. 'I... I could really get impregnated? That's impossible.' They reached a pool when Levi told him to hold his breath. He takes a deep breath to prepare himself for the plunge.

The serpent god drove into the chilly pool with his new kitten tucked safely into his coils. He swam down to the muddy bottom before a bright green light flashed and a portal to the god's realm opened. He swam through the portal with his prize in tow and when his body was completely through it closed behind him.

The Calico cat kept his eyes closed to keep his eyes from becoming cold. He felt the cold water seep into his fur as he struggled to keep his mouth closed and lose his breath. He didn't even realized they entered the portal to the god's realm.

The serpent uncoiled his new mate before he shifted into a more humanoid looking form. Two strong, muscular legs, solid core muscles and a generous set of pecs and shoulders emerged from the snake form. He spread his arms wide and took in the warmth of the realm. "Welcome to your new home."

Akihiru opened his eyes and gasped at the sight of the place. "Whoa..." he stated before taking a look at Levi who look more human than before. Though he still had a snakes head, tail and scales, he has arms, legs, muscles and shoulders. "Holy..." he didn't realize he was blushing at the moment.

Levi walked over to a large, smoothed out, dip in the rock floor that looked somewhat like a nest of soft silks and cottons. "Come join me, little kitten. We have much to discuss."

The male cat nods as he followed right behind him. "What is it we need to talk about?" he asked admiring the impressive look.

The serpent began to slowly stroke the kitten's soft belly again as he settled his large body into the fabrics. "For one, you need to rid yourself of all your clothes. Since you will be my mate, I want to always be able to look at you without any covering. And I can pet whatever part of your body I want whenever I want without those silly garments getting in the way." He smiled as his hand traveled down to the tip of the V between the legs again. "But of course when we travel to the surface world, you'll wear clothes. Ceremonial robes and linens that tell the world your position at my side. Do you understand?"

He purrs at the rubbing, feeling right at ease with his gentle touch, though he blushes at the words. "A-always? You mean that everytime that I'm in your realm, I have to walk around naked?" he twitches from the rubbing of his shaft.

"Any time you are in this realm, little kitten," Levi agreed as he continued to pet his new mate, "like right now. You are wearing too many clothes, little kitten, and not following my rules."

Akihiru blushes as he felt himself uncomfortable about walking around nude, but felt he'll get in trouble if he doesn't comply. With that he started to unbuckle his shirt and slowly slid it off to the ground. Leaving his chest bare for the serpent god.

"That's a good little kitten," Levi cooed after Akihiru took off his shirt. He did enjoy seeing the bright crimson on his mate's cheeks. "Now continue. You're still wearing clothes." He made sure to look directly at the pants the anthro wore.

He shuddered as he went to his pants and took them off, alongside his underwear. When he was finished, he was completely bare, his light blue fur complimenting his white underbelly. He covered his groin when he's finished. "I-is this good?" he asked blushing red.

"Yes this is very good," Levi said as he gently pulled Akihiru's hand away from his groin. "Don't hide yourself from me. You're my mate. I'm going to breed you. You shouldn't hide yourself from me ever."

"W-well I never had sex before." he stated still embarrassed as Levi held his hands softly. "How would you feel if you were told to disrobe in front of someone?"

Levi leveraged himself above his mate as he petted the kitten's belly and chest. "I'm a serpent and in case you haven't noticed, I don't wear clothes."

"G-good point." he purred as he closed his eyes, his tail curling around his leg as he relaxed to the god's gentle touch. "T-truly a magnificent god." he praised.

"I happen to think I am," Levi teased as he gently cupped Akihiru. "And I think you're going to enjoy this a great deal. I want you to relax and spread your legs wide for me."

Akihiru blushes as he lay down on his back, feeling comforting from the makeshift nest. He opened his legs exposing his toned butt. "H-here you go."

"Now you can't be so stiff, you need to relax," Levi suggested as he continued to pet his kitten. "Breathe in and out a few times then I want you to say the first thing that pops into that pretty little head of yours."

Akihiru purred happily as he breathed in and out, feeling himself calm himself as he stared into the serpent's yellow eyes. "L-levi..." he spoke softly, tail rubbing the god's side as he held his sides.

"Breathe in and out again," Levi teased as he slowly stroked his mate, "and now you're going to tell me your favorite color."

"Ahh.. ahh..." he purred as he nuzzled Levi's cheek affectionately. "It's purple... Why?" he asked feeling his cock hardening from the stroking.

"Because right now you're trembling and our first time will not be with you frightened and scared. You're going to be relaxed with passion burning in your veins." He explained before he instructed Akihiru to breathe in and out again only this time he wanted the kitten's favorite food.

"Mmm.. Ramen with shrimp broth... Salmon sushi... Pizza... Curry.." he mentioned breathing calmly.

Levi smiled his fangs hanging over his bottom jaw as he listened to his little mate. "I'll feed you nothing but your favorites." He explained watching the tension slowly seep out of the kitten. "Now spin me a fairy tale where you are a fair maiden and I'm a handsome prince and we run off together."

He blushes brightly as he smiles as he started to speak. "Oh Prince Levi..." he spoke making his voice as feminine as possible. "I am in your dept from saving me from that bandit." he stated lovingly. "How can I ever repay you for your bravery and strength?"

Levi smiled down at his kitten as the last of the trembles settled down and Akihiru looked very ready to mate. "Well beautiful maiden there are several ways you may repay me. A kiss on the cheek would be a very nice start."

Akihiru smiled as he kissed the snake on the cheek as he requested. he hugged him and looked deep into his eyes. "I wonder how your lips would feel?"

"A kiss on the lips would also be an acceptable way to repay my courage," he smiled.

The feline smiled as he cupped the serpent's face in his paws and move forward, kissing Levi fully on the lips, closing his eyes in bliss as they held each other in their arms.

Levi let Akihiru the kiss for a few moments traced his forked tongue over his lips.

He opened his mouth and wrapped his tongue with his as they tenderly make out with each other. Akihiru wrapped his arms around Levi's back and hugged him deeply, using his claws to scratch his back, carefully as to not harm him.

"That's my good little kitten," Levi chuckled as they kissed. His cock rose from his body.

Akihiru purred as he felt the two cocks emerge. He continues to cuddle the serpent while sneaking his tail to cock and started rubbing it, gaining confidence to initiate foreplay with his god. "I wonder how many mates before me you used on this?" he purred lovingly.

Levi hissed at the feeling of the fluffy tail rubbing against his twin cocks. "You're very soft, my little kitten. I'm going to enjoy feeling all of you." He smiled while he grinding against Akihiru. "I've had a number of past mates, each bringing a new generation into the world."

The cat blushes as he felt himself becoming attracted to the serpent. grinding back to the serpent's scales. "It might be impossible but..." he blushes as he adds. "Would it be possible to live for eternity with you?"

"Oh absolutely." Levi said licking the top of his head.

"There is a way?" Akihiru asked blushing cutely.

"You merely need to consume a little of my blood."

"Erm, that's quite a step to do." The neko stated grimacing at the info.

"You don't need much, just a drop is all." Levi said grimacing a little as he intentionally bit his own tongue a little, letting a little blood flow. He opened and stuck it out with the neko gulping.

Akihiru takes a deep breath as he opened his mouth and sealed it in a kiss. He licked the blood up and shivered while trying to keep from gagging. 'It taste like iron.' he thought feeling his tip on his ass. When the snake pulled away and licked his lips Akihiru gulped and felt a tingling sensation. 'Whoa, feels like a cold wind blowing inside my skin.'

"It may feel weird at first, but it'll be ok." Levi said with a smile. "Now, it's time we mate. Enjoy it to your heart's content."

The feline looked at the tip and felt his tail swish in anticipation. He saw the tip started to press against his tailhole. He braced himself and started to push his anus against it. He remembered what the god told him and relaxed his body, thinking good and sweet thoughts.

"It will be a snug fit." Levi commented, rubbing the cat's chest, making him purr.

"G-Good, that means you'll enjoy it too." the neko stated smiling. He moved back even more and groaned feeling the dick slowly stretching his ass open. "Aahh... " he gasped squirming a little.

"Want me to move?"

"Y-Yes Levi." he said shuddering fro the feeling of the cock entering his butt. He moaned as the snake pushed in with his tail swishing much more. He started to nuzzle the snake naga's head. He moved back and moaned feeling over half the girth stuff him. "Mmmhhh.."

"Your cute butt is already gripping me~" The naga groaned.

"It feels good."Akihiru stated holding Levi's neck to keep his body up. "It's stuffing my butt!"

The snake god snickers at the feline holding him as he continues to thrust up and down his tailhole. "More like your butt is consuming my dick."

His tail started to rub the snake's testicles, the fluffy tail caressing them.

"It's so big~!" he cried out before he started to slide up and down it. He felt his own cock flopping from the movement as his butt tingles. "I feel like I'm bouncing on a branch~!"

"Hehe, enjoy it as much as you please. Don't be afraid to moan out loud." hissed the reptile while moving his own hips.

"Y-Yes Levi. Ooohhh!" He moaned out, making his ass tighter around him. "I want it all!"

"Get ready soon pet, I'll be releasing soon." He growled lustfully, licking his ears.

"Ahhhh!" cried out the cat biting his lip as the dick twitch. "I'M CUMMING!"

They both cried out as Akihiru sprayed his seed out to the open while Levi filled the neko's ass with his. Said cat kept onto the girth to keep from falling off it. He murred and panted as he felt his seed filled in his belly.

"So...warm~" he purred as he felt the snake embrace him tightly to him. "I feel so good~"

"Mmm, so you were." He said as he finished unloading his batch into him. "You felt like you wanted every single drop."

"You felt really good. Plus its nice and warm too." hummed Akihiru while trying to catch his breath.

"Hmhmh... good to see your first time was enjoyable." He said moving into the nest. "Now we should rest."

"Ok." he said as he felt the snake god coil his body around him. "Good night." he got out as he closed his eyes to sleep.

"Good night, my mate." Levi stated as they both fell asleep in each other's arms.


"Mmm, this is so good." he purrs as he eats a bowl of ramen in his paws. "The broth is so rich with taste."

"Glad to hear you enjoy it." Levi said as he had his lower body gently coiled around the neko's body, feeling his purr. "But I'll bet I can think of something even better."

"Hmm..." he looks at him. "Is that so? What would that be?"

"Well, if we are to live on for the end of time, it would make sense we have something to occupy our time."

He giggled as he nuzzled at his face, kissing his cheek. "You are right."

"That is why I'm thinking of having children." He stated as he went and started to rub Akigiru's belly. "About a few dozen to be precise." he said licking his ear playfully, rubbing his head.

"A few dozen?" blushed the cat. He looked at his belly and sees a bulge and blushed "They're really gonna be a dozen?"

"Of course." He said moving to rub his round belly, licking at his neck and chest. "And they'll all have your eyes."

He blushes as he felt him latch on one of his nipples, licking and sucking it a little. "A-Ah~!"

"Mmm, already producing milk. You're an early preparer." he giggled as he drinks some a little.

"Ahhh~!" moaned the cat with a shiver while feeling his dick grow hard. "Oh, lord Levi."

'I can't wait to see our children suckle on his nipples.'he thought as he felt his soft butt and rubbed his shaft.

"Ahh, lord Levi, please don't tease me." moaned the cat.

"Ahh, Akihiru, you're too adorable not to tease." he stated as he got off his nipple, some milk leaking downward. "I might not contain myself, even when you start nursing our young."

He blushes at the words, then he felt something shift in his belly. He looked down and felt it, then felt another feeling on the other side. He winces a little at the feeling. "Ngh..."

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" He asked as he noticed liquid dripping from underneath the neko.

"Ah, I don't-AH!" He yelped as he felt contractions moving through him. "I-I feel-AHHH!"

"Relax, it's completely natural." he said helping the neko to the nest and getting him comfortable. "Just let it happen, I'm right here."

Akihiru quivered and grunted as he felt numerous objects moving down and pressing against his tailhole. "I-I feel like I'm going to explode!"

"Just push them out, and breathe." urged the serpent rubbing his mate's head.

"O-Okay." he said taking a deep breath and he felt his asshole spread apart as part of an egg revealed itself. He grit his teeth and groaned as the egg slowly came popping out onto the floor.

"There we go, first one is out." he said moving it to safety. "Keep going dear."

"Easier said...than done." he stuttered panting and wincing in slight pain as he continues to lay the eggs. "I'm... gonna be sore... after this."

"Relax, I'll give you a massage afterwards."

"Th-Thank you."he said smiling as he laid a second egg, then third, then fourth. "Fuck! It's getting ...harder and harder."

"You're doing well." Levi said moving the eggs aside as he counted them. "A couple more to go dear."

"They don't wanna come out." Akihiru grunted pushing hard. "C-Can you help?"

"Of course." he used his tail to reach into the ass.

"Ahhh~..." He moaned as he felt it spread his hole open, making it easier for the eggs to come out. He felt the tail wiggle a little and groaned before it slid out and he felt more eggs pop out together. Soon the last one came out and the neko let out a tired pant and laid out on the floor. "Gahh... f-finally." He muttered, feeling exhausted.

"See? You did a wonderful job." Levi stated cooing, rubbing Akihiru's head. "And now we have enough children to raise for quite a long time."

The neko purred as he got up and snuggled up to the serpent. "I wonder how they'll look."

"Probably have your eyes." Levi said.

"They could have your color too." he said laying near him, feeling Levi coil around him into an embrace.

"Let's rest now, we can do something after you wake up."

Akihiru nods while he closed his eyes, feeling the serpent hold him close to him, holding his form lovingly.

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