Authors - Ch 6 Flirting

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#207 of Prequel

A little one-on-one time with Weather. And once again I promote my subtle protest against labels like 'lesbian' and 'heterosexual'. I firmly believe anyone can become either given the right person and circumstances. It just seems kinda limiting to me otherwise. So yeah, I know QW is 'gay'. She has a gaydar after all! But I refuse to think its set in stone. Life is long. People come and go and circumstances change. I'm not trying to 'straighten' her out or anything, just proposing that in life nothing is immutable.

"It's not far," Weather explained. "Just a few blocks into the Residential section."

They'd almost reached that area when Blackie stopped for a moment and threw up at the side of the road.

"There, he'll sober up pretty quick now," Weather explained.

Blackie seemed to have forgotten Quill when she helped him back to his feet. The scream was pretty comical, though at this time of night it could rouse the ire of the guards.

"For fuck's sake, Blackie, shut the hell up!" Weather commanded as he got the drunk back under control. "She's just trying to help."

"Oh, sorry," he mumbled. "I'm drunk."

"I've noticed," Quill said. "Let's just get you home, okay?"

"Sorry about that, Quill," Weather said from the other side.

"Oh, it's okay. We get used to it pretty quick. Sometimes it comes in handy when some human sees us as a monster with sharp teeth and all. I think, given our physical differences, it's probably a natural reaction."

"Yeah, I suppose so. Still, after tonight you'd think he'd know better."

"I'm afraid it's too ingrained, Weather. We're too different, physically at least."

They arrived at Blackie's door and Weather knocked. A bleary-eyed woman opened the door and Blackie walked in as if it was routine. The woman grunted her thanks to Weather and begrudgingly acknowledged Quill as well.

"Let me walk you back to the hotel?" Weather offered.

The offer was really not necessary - the Imperial city at night was well patrolled. But Quill liked the guy, even if he sucked at dancing.

"Sure. Thanks, Weather. So what, did your mom not like you when you were born or something?"

"Oh, it's just a nickname. My real name's Laythe. To be honest, I'm not sure how I got the nickname. I've had it since I was a kid."

"Well, glad to meet you officially, Laythe. It's been a fun night."

"Yeah, it has."

The two walked in somewhat awkward silence for a little bit.

"Say, Quill..."

She looked at him. "Yeah?"

"Not... everyone is bothered by your body you know."

Now she was intrigued. Was he actually coming on to her?

"No?" she replied. She was just drunk enough still to want to verify where this was going before nipping it in the bud.

He looked her in the eye. "No. Some of us kinda like the differences."

"Like who?" she smiled back at him. She'd been faking human expressions so long she didn't even have to think about it. Expose a little teeth - just a little. It wasn't really even fake anymore, it was reflexive. When she felt humor, she did the teeth-thing.

"Me," he said, grinning back.

"Weather, are you coming on to me?" she said, but put her arm around his shoulder and drew him to her.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and the two walked on for a bit. "Yeah, I guess I am."

For a second, she considered it. She did have some experience with human men, after all, and Casta... well, they hadn't really discussed the subject. She assumed Casta probably had some other relationships, possibly physical.

And, despite what she'd implied to Brill under the bridge, she actually found the male equipment quite a turn-on, given the right circumstances. But she was in love with Casta, and ever since she realized that fact, any other physical relationship felt wrong.

Weather sensed her hesitation and she felt his arm retreat from her waist.

"I'm sorry Quill," he said, looking away from her. "I suppose we humans probably seem too odd to you as well."

She pulled him closer, "Nonsense, I like you monkey-boys! Here, let's get off the road for a minute..."

They stepped into a graveyard at the side of the road and Quill led him to a dark corner and sat behind a good-sized mausoleum.

"Weather, just so you know... I've spent time with a human man before. A couple in fact."

"Quill, it's just the drink, you know? I'm sorry if I offended..."

She pulled him to her again and kissed him on the cheek - at least as near to a kiss as she could without actually having human lips.

"Oh, I know Weather. I'd let you do me right here if only..."

"Only what?"

"Weather, I am currently on this trip to propose to someone in Chorrol."

"Oh. I see. You're in love then. I can respect that. Another Argonian?"

"No, in fact. She's a human."

She let him digest that little nugget for a minute. Both those little nuggets.

"So, you see, I'm quite interested in the human form too."

"Just not...."

"Weather, I'm in love with this person. She happens to be a she. If she were male, I truly believe I'd still be in love with her just as much."

"Okay, okay. I get it."

"Weather..." she said quietly, and he looked at her again. "I'm not engaged yet."

She saw his eyes brighten somewhat and laughed a little inside. "Men. So obvious. I suppose it comes from having everything on the outside like they do."

"If you like, I could... um... show you my tongue - so to speak."

Weather obviously considered it for a moment and she moved her hand down his chest to make her offer more clear.

He took her hand in his.

"No, but thanks Quill. It's just the drink, you know? Makes me horny when I'm with you."

She took his hand and pulled him up back to his feet.

"Me too," she said.

She kissed him again before they resumed their walk back to the Tiber.

At the door, Weather took her hands in his and bid her good night.

"Weather, I really did have a wonderful time."

"Sorry about the whole..."

"That was the most wonderful part of the night. Honestly. I'm really flattered that you liked me that much! Maybe I'll meet you on my way back."

"I'd like that. When do you think that'll be?"

She shrugged. "Not sure. Three days or so probably. I can't be gone too long from home."

"I do hope we meet again. I'll respect your betrothal next time."

She shook her head. "Really, it's quite flattering, especially at my age, Weather. Don't think another thing about it."

"Good night, Quill," He said, releasing her hands.

"Good night, Laythe," she replied, and closed the door behind her.

The tavern was quiet now - the Bard had left and only a few patrons remained, conversing quietly. She went back to her room and closed the door behind her.

"You know," she thought to herself as she got undressed and climbed into the bed, "you're really not engaged yet. You could have."

"Hey, it's not like I didn't offer a little something, if he'd wanted it so bad. Of course, it could be that the sharp teeth might be a turn-off."

"Maybe if he'd have danced a little better," she laughed to herself as she drifted off to sleep.

Her dreams were not visited by Vaermina that night, but Dibella may have had something to do with some of them.

Authors - Ch 7 Arrival

* * * When she awoke, she found herself extremely thirsty for physical companionship. She was going to rock Casta's world today! The sun was well up by the time she had gotten dressed, and she was happy to open her door to a nice breakfast, left by...

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Authors - Ch 5 The Tiber Septim Hotel

She woke slowly, wondering idly if it was too late to go down to the tavern. But then she noticed the raucous sound of merrymaking and the bard's voice crooning. It was prime-time down there. She stretched and yawned, then scratched herself in places...

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Authors - Ch 4 The Imperial City

* * * The Imperial City never failed to impress. She suspected its builders - those mysterious Ayleids - planned it that way. No one could look up to the sky at the white-gold tower and not feel a little awe at the sight. She had seen it countless...

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