Authors - Ch 5 The Tiber Septim Hotel

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#206 of Prequel

It is possible for Quill-Weave to get drunk without necessarily regretting it in the morning!

She woke slowly, wondering idly if it was too late to go down to the tavern. But then she noticed the raucous sound of merrymaking and the bard's voice crooning. It was prime-time down there. She stretched and yawned, then scratched herself in places she couldn't scratch in public, and stood up.

As she came down into the tavern, she smiled at a small group below that noticed her, and their shouts of "Lizard Babe!" were heard.

Augusta looked up from behind the bar, somewhat alarmed, but Quill-Weave waived her concern away. If she couldn't handle a few drunks at a bar, she had no right to be in a bar in the first place.

As she walked past the table she patted one of the patrons on the cheek with her tail. "Like lizard babes do you, monkey boy?"

That set off a round of laughter at the table. Fortunately her victim had a good sense of humor as well.

"Come back Lizard Babe!" he called as she crossed to the bar.

"What can I get you, Quill?" Augusta asked, multitasking all the while. She was a good taverner in all respects.

"Oh, something strong. I feel like getting drunk tonight. Just don't let me go too wild."

"It's a wild night. Don't make me responsible!"

She took the glass offered and wiggled a couple fingers at her. "Another!"

"Pretty strong stuff," Augusta replied, but started pouring again.

"I'm a pretty strong girl. Give it."

She took the drinks and crossed back to the Lizard Babe table.

"Hey boys, got a free seat?"

"For you! Sure!" said the cheeky one. He patted his lap.

"Oh no. Lap dances cost money, big boy!"

"Damn. I don't have any money."

"Then you're in the wrong bar, stud!" she laughed - but sat on his lap anyway, to the hoots of his friends.

"What are you drinking tonight, Lizard Babe?" said the guy on her right.

"No idea. You wanna taste?"

He shrugged and she passed a glass to him. "Careful, I'm no milk-drinker."

He took a sip and started coughing.


She took the glass back and took a sip. It was damn strong, but she played it off like it was nothing.

"Oh! It's a Fireball. Guess Auggy wants to turn me into a dragon tonight."

"Dragon with tits!" Said the fat guy across the table.a

"Careful, big boy. I can fit your entire head within my mouth, and I'm not talking about your little one!"

"Dammit, here," said the guy she was sitting on. "Lemme up. I'll get you a chair. You're fun!"

"Well thank you, Mr. Seatcushion," she laughed but let him up. It took awhile for him to find a chair. While he was gone, she took his seat.

"You'll have to excuse us, lady. We're maybe a little drunk," said the guy beside her. "But let me introduce myself. They call me Weather. My fat friend here is Blackie and your seat cushion was Carl."

"Why thanks... Weather. Interesting name. I'm Quill. Nice to meet you."

"Mind if I compliment you on your speech? Don't hear many Argonians sound as, um..."

"No, it's okay. I've been living in Cyrodiil a long, long time. It's part of my profession. I've been told I speak like a native."

"You do!" said Carl, returning with a chair and sitting beside her..

"So," Quill said as she took a hefty drink, "You guys from out of town?"

"Na," said Blackie from across the table. "We're locals. We come here all the time. Nice tavern. Expensive enough to keep out the riff-raff, hardly ever a fight and the crapper's not too bad."

"Crapper?" she asked, not familiar with the term.

"Lavatory? Bathroom?"

"Oh! The piss-holes."

All three laughed at that and Quill began to feel a little light headed, but took another drink.

"Hey, any of you feel like dancing with a lizard tonight? Or do you think we'd offend people here. I know the Imperial City is pretty good with the other races, but... Well, I wouldn't want to start a scene."

"Oh, nobody here would mind. Or if they did they sure as hell wouldn't say anything.", said Blackie from across the table. "Now some of the other taverns maybe, but not in Augustas' place!"

"So, how about it Blackie? Can you move those feet a little with me? Shake your non-existent tail?"

The big man looked at his friends, who encouraged him.

"Okay, but I'm not very good..."

"Here, have a drink of my Fireball. You won't get better, but you won't care as much and neither will I!" she said, standing up and handing him the second glass.

"Careful Blackie, that stuff's got a kick!" Weather warned, but Blackie took a good sized gulp, set the glass down, and took Quill's hand. She smiled and matched him, then let him lead her out to the dancing area. It was already occupied by four other couples while the Bard continued to play a jaunty melody that sounded like it could go on all night.

In fact, Blackie turned out to be the best dancer of the three, despite his size. Carl wasn't bad, but obviously didn't actually know any dance steps per-se. Eventually they even persuaded Weather to get up. He really sucked at dancing, but she still liked him best of the three, and she didn't make him embarrass himself too long before she pulled him back to their table.

"Wow!" said Carl as they sat back down. "You know, I've never seen Weather dance before, Quill."

"Is that what that was?" Quill said, but she patted Weather on the back and he took the ribbing well. "I brought him back because I thought he was having a seizure."

"Nice," Weather groaned.

Quill held up her remaining glass, which was getting alarmingly close to its empty.

"Here's to Weather!" Quill shouted, maybe a little too loudly. "He may not be able to dance for shit, but he's brave enough to prove it!"

The returning shouts of "Here, here!" came not only from the others at the table, but from quite a few other patrons who had watched the spectacle as well. Weather stood dutifully and raised his glass to them, before downing it. Quill and the others did likewise.

"Well, gentlemen..." she began, rising after Weather had sat back down.

"Oh, you're not leaving us already are you?" Blackie said sadly.

"You can't go yet!" Weather protested. "The night is still young!"

"As am I," Quill laughed. "No, I'm going to check out the piss-holes and see how not-bad it really is. Anybody want anything? Another round?"

"You buying?" Carl asked, and Quill could see his eyes brighten.

She looked at Blackie. "Is he always like this?"

"Only before payday."

She nodded and put a hand on Carl's shoulder. "I got it, Carl."

"Never thought I'd be getting drinks from an Argonian!" he said sincerely, and Quill patted his shoulder.

"Everybody has their ups and downs, Carl. You caught me on an up, and you're on a down. Remember some poor Argonian some day when you're back on an up."

"You got it Quill!"

She left and stopped by the bar, ordered another round for the table - and two for her - and went to check out the piss-hole.

This was actually one of the reasons she didn't mind paying for the high price of a night at the Tiber. They had separate restrooms for the males and females. That wasn't the case back home in Anvil, and sometimes things got awkward. Plus, the women were SO much more accurate with their aim.

When she returned, Blackie was gone but new drinks were around the table.

"Where's Blackie?"

"Piss-hole," Carl lauged, and took a deep drink from his mug. "Here's to you, Quill! And, really, thanks!"

She nodded and tapped her glass against his mug. "Here's to the up-times!"

"To the up times!"

"So, you wanna pay me back? Let's see if that Bard knows any other dance songs!"

Carl was on his feet instantly, if a little wobbly, and took her hand.

As he led her to the dance floor, she realized she was actually having a hell of a good time. She could grow to like this. Even if it wasn't Casta. She should take Casta to a tavern sometime.

The rest of the night got slowly more fuzzy, but she was having more fun that she'd had in an awfully long time. Yet eventually the drink took its toll. The tavern had begun to thin out, and Blackie started to nod off.

"Well," Carl said to Weather, "I think Blackie's had enough. You gonna walk him home or me?"

"I'll do the <hic> honors," Weather said.

"Thanks, pal," Carl said as he stood. "Time for me too I'm afraid, Quill. It's been really great though. Will you be here tomorrow night?"

"No. I gotta go to Chorrol. Got a big thing to do. You take care Carl!"

"Can you watch Blackie for a minute while I go stop by the... pisser?"

"No problem," Quill said.

While he was gone, Augusta came by the table. "Separate bills I assume?"

"Na," she said. "They were fun. Put it on my tab."

Augusta whispered a figure, wanting to confirm.

"What, that's all? Hell, I've drank more'n that by myself!"

"Very good, Quill. Um... you will remember this in the morning, right?"

"Oh... maybe not. I better sign the bill."

She did so, wondering how legible her handwriting was in this state, but managed to get the job done.

Weather returned and got Blackie awake enough to get his arm around his shoulder and they headed for the door with considerable effort.

"Ah hell," Quill sighed as she watched the two stumble towards the door. "Literally one step forward, two steps back."

She caught up with Weather and Blackie before they'd even managed to get to the door, and she held it open before leaving the tavern herself. Amid Weather's grateful thanks, she pulled Blackie's other arm over her own shoulder and the three of them stumbled into the dark street outside.

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