It All Ends

Story by Sparx Pup on SoFurry

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#3 of My New Girlfriend

Again, same warning, please do not read if you are underage, or if you do not like yiff. I do not own the characters and any likeness or resemblance is completely coincidence. So, the third installment, and maybe the last... this part is mostly fantasy, though the female character is real... so a combination of reality meeting fantasy. Enjoy

As Nick sat in his house, alone, in his own sorrow, he began to wonder if he ever would see Fia again. He walked down to the training room and pulled a nice size sword off the rack. He pushed a button and some of the ceiling tiles opened up and released wood and stone plates that were hung by a string. He ran at the first set of boards and struck the board with his wooden daito with bone shattering force. The board flew into another one and sent a chain reaction through the obstacles. Nick began to fight his way through the obstacles, constantly ducking and flipping out of the way in order to avoid being hit. He blocked and countered the boards that came within a so called, "threatening" distance. He worked his was through the makeshift obstacle course a few times before he noticed a dark figure standing in the shadow of the corner of the room. He rolled out of the obstacle course and threw his wooden sword at the mysterious figure. The figure drew their own sword and gracefully cut the wooden toy in half. Nick turned and grabbed both straight-swords off the wall and ran at the figure. The power was cut and the lights went off. Nick stood in total darkness, waiting for an attack.

"Who are you? Why have you come? State your purpose or die stranger," he shouted into the emptiness.

"I have been watching you, Nikoli; I know your story and I can help you escape it all, help you let go, but you must first prove to me that you are worthy to take on such a challenge," the stranger replied

"How do you know who I am? Why do you want to help me; I can get along just fine without you, but thanks anyway," he said.

"You think you know how to deal with your own pain? Fine. Then you shall relive your pain exactly how it happened. You will go through the pain again, and watch your family die before you as you are powerless to help them; you shall see your actions, and the demon you truly are," the voice said again.

Before Nick had a chance to answer the mysterious voice he was blinded by a flash of light, and found himself aboard the plane, watching the event from the outside like a ghost. He saw his brother and him laughing, and the cubs playing their silly little games with each other while his parents and grandparents spoke of matters of other importance. Then the turbulence hit. The plane began to shake, and he saw the terror in the cubs' eyes, and the fear that consumed all on the plane as it slowly began to nose dive into the water. He watched in horror as the plane crashed into the water, and he saw the ocean begin to fill the plane. He saw himself, submerged; looking to his brothers eyes, and selfishly turn away, leaving him helpless. He yelled to his younger self to turn around, and save his sibling, but his cry was not heard. He watched his brother and younger siblings die. He relived the pain, the image once again burned into his memory. He began to scream and cry out in pain at having to watch his family die before his own eyes.

"NO! Please, make it stop. No more, no more; I can't live with the horror any longer!" he yelled.

The scene of death and chaos dissipated and he found himself in his bed. He was sweating, and he felt hot all over.

"It was just a dream, it wasn't real, it was only a dream," he reassured himself.

"That Nikoli, was no dream. You were just reliving the event that changed your life forever, but I can change that, I can give you the opportunity to cease the pain, an opportunity to get your family back, but you must come with me, into another world where you will have to battle with relentless foes every day to survive. Do you accept my offer, or will you grieve the past, and be alone forever?" the voice said.

"Can you really end my pain, bring my family back?" he asked the voice.

"I can do that, and much more."

Nick thought on this for a while, contemplating whether or not he should believe the veil of shadows cast before him.

"I ask again, do you accept?"

"Yes, please, help me, I just want to forget the pain and have my family back."

"Then we begin now."

The figure spoke an ancient chant and the room dissolved and a world unlike anything he had ever seen before unfolded before his eyes. His clothes had changed; he now wore a black and red gi, with a sword on each hip. His fur had changed colors too. He was no longer gray and white, but now black and green. His eyes were no longer an ice blue, but now as golden as the sun.

"Where are we," he asked.

"We are in a feudal era, back when the gods and demons had wars," the figure said

"Ok, two questions. First, how will this help me in my bringing my family back? Secondly, why did my appearance change?" he asked.

"Your goal is to kill the demons of tragedy and hate. This will change the future and your family will have never died in that crash. Your appearance changed because you are still Nikoli, but you are the reincarnation of Kyuusaisha Unchuu, also known as the savior of the universe. You take his place in this war."

"Then who the fuck are you?"

"I am Shinomoura, the goddess of balance. You see when Kyuusaisha died; I was assigned to bring balance back to the war. I had to find a warrior that was worthy enough to hold such a title. You, Nikoli, are that warrior; you are destined to bring balance to the world. Your companion in your quest is someone you already know as Fia, but she is not the Fia you know, she is Fia's great elder, Shintara, whom also strives to bring peace between demons and gods."

Nick took a moment to take this all in. Shintara came around the corner and looked Nick in the eyes. He looked at her and saw that she looked exactly like Fia, only older, and a lot more dangerous.

"Hello, who may you be," she asked.

"I am Nikoli, the reincarnation of Kyuusaisha Unchuu. I am here to stop the chaos," he said.

"Wow, taking to your new role quite nicely," Shinomoura said.

"So, a dragon, a husky, and a fox are going to be able to stop demons?" Nikoli asked.

"No, just you and the fox can fight. Being a goddess I cannot help the mortals in their quest, only choose who may take the journey. Now that my job is done, I must leave you now. I will be watching over you. Good luck."

Shinomoura then vanished into the heavens to watch the over her handpicked warriors, and the war they were now a part of.

"So, I can't help but think that we wont be able to do much. We are only mortal, what can we do against demons?" Nikoli asked.

"You must have faith young warrior. The gods have chosen us for a reason. They obviously believe in us, and so we must have faith in their decision," Shintara answered.

"I guess you are right, but I cant help but feel this attraction between the two of us. You remind me of a girl I knew. I was told that you are her great elder." Nikoli said.

"This is true, I have been told by the god of time that I would one day meet the man who....."

She was cut off by a kiss. Nikoli had embraced her in a passionate kiss, as if her were once again kissing Fia. He began to remove her clothes as she kissed back. She began to strip him as well. Soon they were both staring at each others' bodies, each admiring the other. Shintara moved up close to Nikoli, kissing him again. He leaned back against a tree as her kiss overwhelmed him. They slid to the ground in each others' embrace. Nikoli was the first to make a move. He broke the kiss and began to kiss down, stopping momentarily at each breast, then working his way down further to her vagina. She moaned in pleasure as his tongue teased and tickled her sensitive area. She moved his head up, away from her hips and pushed him into an upright position against the tree. She massaged his chest and arms, admiring the perfectly shaped muscles before her. She slowly sat in his lap, the 8" doghood standing fully erect as she sat down, easing onto the doggy cock. She bobbed up and down on his throbbing cock, eliciting moans from both of them.

"Well look what we have here," a voice said from the bushes

Shintara jumped off Nikoli's cock when she heard the voice.

"Well, what do you say boys, two lovers just waiting to be killed. This will be fun, alright, attack!"

Nikoli and Shintara were ambushed by a hoard of demons. They ran at the couple with swords and other crude weapons. Shintara ran to her clothes and easily got them back on with no effort. She raised her bo staff and began to void off the attackers. Nikoli; however, only got as far as his gi pants before he had to pick up his straight swords and defend himself. The demons lunged from all directions, each trying to take any limb out they could. One managed to knock Shintara's bo staff away from her. She was fighting too close range to use her bow and arrow. She had to resort to kunai. She drew her kunai and began to quickly slice though demon flesh, spilling red, black, and green blood everywhere. Nikoli was doing the same, gracefully cutting through the demons, painting his swords with a menagerie of blood. He leapt into the air and hammer-kicked a demon in the head, crushing its skull with no effort. He landed and sheathed his swords, the last of the demons running away or dying on the ground.

"Come on, we have to follow them, they will lead us to the demons you wish to kill," Shintara exclaimed.

They jumped into the trees and followed the demons to a lair. The lair was fairly big, and the demons stopped before entering.

"Masters, the two you sent us to kill are stronger than believed."

"So you are telling us that you failed? Failure will not be accepted!"

A demon with four arms drew his swords and split the lesser demon in pieces. The other demon rose from the shadows, revealing a big, bulky mass of hard-hitting power.

"We have visitors," he said looking up into the trees.

"So, you are Kyuusaisha's reincarnation. Why don't we finish this now. We have more important things to do," the four-armed demon said.

Shintara and Nikoli jumped from the trees, and attacked the demons. Shintara moving towards the bulky one, while Nikoli attacked the other. The four-armed demon raised his swords and blocked his feeble attack. Then he ran at Nikoli, swords spinning in figure eight patterns. Nikoli ducked and dodged, trying to avoid being shredded to ribbons. Meanwhile, Shintara was having an easy time with the other demon. She was much faster and agile, easily avoiding his attacks and getting in a slash her and here with her kunai. The bigger demon cried out in pain. His brother looking over in time to see his throat being slit. He fell to the ground, quivering with pain, slowly dying. Shintara turned and ran at the remaining demon. Nikoli attacked from the back, while Shintara from the front. The demon easily countered all attacks with his arms and hit Shintara across the bog, into a tree. He turned to Nikoli.

"Try as you might, you can never change what you have done. I have heard the stories, of the goddess of balance bringing you here to kill me. You may change fate, but the memories will be burned into your skull forever, you cannot escape the demon you are, and you never will," the demon uttered.

He ran at Nikoli, and lunged with all four swords pointed at his chest. Nikoli went to block, but he thought of his pain, and how the demon was right. He would never forget his actions, even if his family was brought back. He would always remember how he betrayed them. He let his guard down and stood open armed as he was impaled in the chest by all four of the demon's swords.


Shintara ran over to the battle and sliced through the back of the demon's neck, and impaled him in the eyes and throat. He screamed in pain and horror as he was blinded. He stepped away from Nikoli, swords still impaled, and fell to the ground, choking for air.

"Why? Why did you let your guard down. Damnit why? Don't you want your family back, don't you want to see their faces again, and be able to live out your life ad you should have, with the company of your family?" she asked.

"I do, but he was right, though I may have my family back, I can never escape what I had become. I betrayed them all. I... will never... escape that. My... only option.... ugh..... is death. I'm so sorry, but I cannot live with them knowing I let them all die. Good bye, Shintara. Tell Shinomura that I am sorry, but I was not the warrior she believed me to be."

"No, you can't die, we've won. We have restored the balance. You have to live on, or all of this would have been in vain."

"That does not matter, my actions were in vain in the beginning, I should have never tried to right my own wrongs, and change fate."

Nikoli lay there, dying in Shintara's arms. His escape from his sorrow and quilt would be death. He now had the chance to curse himself to Hell for his betrayal, and so he did. He willingly cast his own soul into darkness, leaving everything behind.

The End.

This is unfortunately the end of the series. Now you all know the fate that I condemn myself to. Hope you enjoyed the story, most likely more to come.

Dreamy Husky

The breakup

Same warnings as before, please do not read if underage, or if you do not like yiff. I do not own any of the characters, any likeness is coincidental. You may redistribute this, and my other stories, but only with my permission. Continuing from the...

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She Met Me at the Beach

so, same kinda warning, do not view if under age, or if you so not enjoy yiff. i do not own any of the charcters, any likeness if completely coincidental. otherwise, read on, and plz be nice, its my first story., it about how my girlfriend picked me...

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