The breakup

Story by Sparx Pup on SoFurry

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#2 of My New Girlfriend

Same warnings as before, please do not read if underage, or if you do not like yiff. I do not own any of the characters, any likeness is coincidental. You may redistribute this, and my other stories, but only with my permission. Continuing from the previous story... again, very long intro, explains backgrounds, and what really happened to my family. Very sad and tragic, just as further warning. Anyway, here you go....

"Ah, oh god, YES!! Give it to me you husky stud, oh yes, harder, harder, YES!!!!"

Fia woke up in a slight sweat, realizing that it was a dream from last night. She rolled over to find an empty place next to her, only a note taped to a pillow was the only evidence of the husky. She read aloud:

"Dear Fia, sorry about leaving you, but I had a training session this morning. I left you clothes from the Lambo in the bathroom, and breakfast is waiting for you in the table. Please feel free to make yourself at home. I should be back around 2 in the afternoon. The keys to a Buick are on the table as well, you will find it in the garage; feel free to use it if you had things to do today. See you soon. Love Nick"

"Hm... guess I might as well get changed, don't want to be late for my own training." She thought to herself.

She got out of bed, and went into the luxurious bathroom; this too had pictures of family in it, just not as many. She turned on the shower and steam quickly filed the room. "There is something he is not telling me" she though to herself. She shrugged it off and stepped into the nice shower. The hot water soothed away the muscle pain in her back. She washed quickly, dressed, and went downstairs. She picked up the keys without eating breakfast; she was running late as it was.

Nick spun and ducked quickly to get out the way of Mario's bo staff. He back-flipped landed in the splits and raised his sword to Mario's neck, the tip, barely touching his throat.

"Ah, well done my friend, another draw." Mario said.

Nick looked up at the wolf with his ice blue eyes.

"Indeed, I seems that there is never a clear victor." He said as he got up off the floor and walked over to his bag.

"What's wrong, Nikoli" The wolf asked

"How many times do I have to ask you to please call me Nick, I can live with Nikoli anymore, not after what happened, and really, its nothing" He replied.

"I will always call you Nikoli, it is your birth name, and Italian as well, we must not forget our past, or heritage, and yes something is wrong, I sense it, you are holding back something, now speak up." The wolf demanded

"Its just that I met this wonderful vixen, she is everything I ever wanted, looks, personality, friendship, it's just that I don't think she and I can be together, she obviously knows about my family, and I cant hide my feelings from her, I'm scared to connect with anyone again, ever since the crash." Nick replied

"You have to tell her, I'm sure she can help you. Women have a gift for that kind of stuff." He said.

Nick walked over to the corner and sat down on the bench, pondering about whether not to tell Fia about what really happened when the plane crashed.

"Hey Mario, I'm finally here, sorry I'm late, I was out last night. Met this really cute guy." A voice said.

"Hey, Nikoli, come here, I want you to meet my half sister Fidelia. I've been training her at our home for the past few years, and she finally decided to come to class with me." Mario called over.

Nick rose, still in slight shadow, and looked over at the new student. He walked into the light and gasped.

"Fia, is that you?" he said in astonishment

"Nick?" she asked

"Wait, am I missing something, do you two know each other?" Mario said confused

"Um... Mario, this is the guy I met at the beach, we went back to his place, and I spent the night there last night."

"What... you mean to tell me this is the guy you met, and you went back to his place. Fidelia, how could you, you know he is too old for you." Mario screamed outraged.

"Why do you always have to be like dad, constantly babying me, I'm a grown woman, and he's only a year older than me, how the hell is that too old?!" she yelled.

"You know that you need approval before going out and staying at a strangers' house!" He yelled back.

"Hey! Calm down, both of you; you are both blowing this whole thing out of proportion. Mario, she does have a point, she is a grown woman, and Fia, you should have said something to someone if you knew they'd react like this." Nick intervened.

"You stay out of this Nikoli; it is none of your business." Mario said

"It is my business now, Fia and I are having a relation ship, and you need to accept that, she isn't a cub anymore. Let her live her own life." Nick replied

"That's it Nikoli, you are no longer welcome here" Mario screamed.

Mario ran at Nick and lunged with his staff. Nick dodged sideways and spun lower, knocking Mario to the ground.

"Stop it both of you!" Fia screamed.

Mario got up and ran Nick again, but this time Fia interfered, grabbing her half brother by the arm and throwing him to the ground. He jumped to his feet and hit his sister across the room. He turned to Nick, only to be met by his foot into his face. Mario was sent into a mirror.

"Mario, this is crazy, you can't do this, you aren't her father, you only her brother, and half at that. Please do not fight me out of anger, you know you will only lose, and be hurt, badly. Let your sis and me be, please." Nick pleaded

"No, it isn't right, I should have known, she knows the consequences of dating before knowing a person. Remember what happened last time sis? Or did it slip your memory." Mario said.

"How dare you bring that up, that was a long time ago, I'm older now, I've learned since then." Fia said.

She stormed out of the room and ran outside into the rain and began to run down the street, not noticing the flood beginning to form on the streets. Nick ran out after her and got into the Lambo. He drove up to her.

"Fia, please, get in the car, a storm is causing a flood." Nick pleaded.

Fia reluctantly got into the car and they drove off, back up to Nick's place. He pulled into the garage and they got out. Fia sat down on the couch, and was joined by Nick.

"So I guess we both have some things to confess." Nick said.

"Yeah, we do, I've heard of you before, Mario talks about you all the time; I should have realized that you were the one. You match the description perfectly, and when I saw the training room, it should have clicked that you were the one." Fia said.

"It's ok, but what is it about you and the past, what happened?" he asked.

"I was 16, and I had found a wolf boyfriend, we went out in secret and finally had sex. After the sex he started to beat me, he bound me to the bed. I was his prisoner for a week. Finally, Mario figured out where I was, because he had been spying on me on my dates, and he came and saved me from that wolfs horrible torture." she explained as she welled up in tears. "I have been receiving lessons from Mario ever since, and I have never trusted a guy since." She said.

"Hey, it's alright, some furs are just nasty fuckers that deserve to burn in Hell. Me being one of them" he replied.

"What, what are you talking about?" she asked.

"You know how my family died in that crash, well, my brother and I were both there. We have always been rivals. We hit some turbulence and the plane started to go down. We spiraled and everyone started freaking out. I tried my best to calm the pups, but to no avail. We hit the ocean and a surge of water rushed in. We were all consumed by the ocean. The cubs had no chance, and our parents, and grandparents were stuck in their chairs, my father pinned down by another seat, stuck in his own. My mother was passed out, and my grandparents both died on impact. The little ones were too small to swim, I got out, and so did my brother, but I didn't even try to help any of them!" he said, tears consuming his eyes, and running down his cheeks. "I knew my brother had a chance, but I left him there, I was so scared. He looked at me, with his vibrant green eyes, and he looked at me in pain, and I looked back, and swam out. I selfishly tried to save myself, I never once thought about the rest of my family, not once!" he said as he burst into tears. "That's why I no longer go by the name of Nikoli; I can still see my brother's eyes, calling to me for help, but I selfishly ignored him. They all died, I lived, but I should be dead, and damned to hell for my actions. That's why I let you into my life, I try to be solitary, except for a job, and my martial arts, your eyes remind me of my brothers, I would give anything to see him, and the rest of my family just once more, that's why there are pictures of them everywhere, I cant stop thinking about them. I miss them, and I curse myself for what I did that day." He said as he fell into Fia's arms and began to ball uncontrollably.

"Sweetie, look at me. Hun, it wasn't your fault, you were scared and only sixteen. You have to forgive yourself. Being mad at yourself is tearing you apart. Please baby, just forgive yourself and move on, though it was your whole family, you have to move on." She said, rubbing his back. He continued to cry, and she pulled his muzzle up to her and kissed him deeply.

"I'm going to try to make you forget your pain, come here stud." She said lustfully.

He kissed her back, tears still in his eyes, momentarily forgetting the pain. She took off his shirt and admired his perfect chest, and well toned arms. She kissed him again as she took off his gi pants, and soon her own gi.

"Look at you; you are a perfect husky, every girls dream, you don't get stereotyped as gay, you turn people away, don't you; you need to let people in, so they can help you." she said as the kissed him once more before moving down to his fuzzy sheath. She caressed it with her paw, rubbing it up and down, and playing with his cream white orbs.

He moaned in pleasure. His pink cock began to peek out of the sheath. She licked the tip and sent him into a world of pleasure. She kept massaging his cock and orbs with her paws and mouth, drawing out his full 8". She put the cock into her muzzle and sucked roughly. He moaned and pulled her up to him. He kissed her passionately and slowly eased her onto his cock. She moved rhythmically up and down, eliciting moans of pleasure from both of them. As she bobbed up and down on his cock, he sucked her breasts. Moving from one nipple to the other he sucked like a nursing baby, sending more pleasure through Fia's body. She began to moan out loud, bouncing on the husky's cock faster now, drawing more and more pre from the canine member. She got off of his cock and moved to the floor, spreading her breast for him. Nick bent down and slid his cock through her cleavage as she pushed her boobs together and gripped his member. He pumped at a fast pace. I didn't take long for his hot seed to come shooting out of the head of his throbbing pink member. She liked the cum from her face and moved to his cock, once again cleaning it off with her mouth, milking him like a cow for every last drop of seed she could get. She turned from his cock to his mouth, kissing him deeply, their tongues probing each others mouths. She broke the kiss and got up.

"Oh my god, what are we doing, I can't see you anymore, I have to return to my family, I have betrayed them by being here with you. I'm sorry, I'm sure you will find someone else. Remember me in your dreams. I hope to see you again some day, my husky stud." Fia said.

"But why, why cant you just stay here with me, me can run away, live our lives away from the world. Please stay Fia." Nick pleaded

"You may be able to live your life away from the world as you have done for the past 4 years, but I'm not like you, cant you see that? I just cant run away without saying good bye, and never return; I need people to be around; I have to be social, unlike you, you hide from the world, sulking in your won sorrow and I just can't live that way; I'm sorry, but i must go, maybe our paths will cross again one day. Good bye, Nikoli" she explained

She quickly got dressed and ran out the door, into the rain, and off into the distance disappearing into the storm.

"Fia! No! Please don't leave me, I need you, you are the only one that understands me. I need you; you can help me through the pain. Fia! Fia! No, don't go." He yelled into the storm.

His plea was not heard by the vixen, and once again the door closed him into the dark forever. He thought he was to be alone once more, never knowing the pleasure of company again.

The End?......

Hope you enjoyed the story, tragedy and all, sorry if it took a while to get to yiff, but the background must be included. I may write more on Nick and another friend, but it depends on how this one goes. Again, please comment and rate.

Dreamy Husky

She Met Me at the Beach

so, same kinda warning, do not view if under age, or if you so not enjoy yiff. i do not own any of the charcters, any likeness if completely coincidental. otherwise, read on, and plz be nice, its my first story., it about how my girlfriend picked me...

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