Getting Some Tail

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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A young Kangaroo Buck is nervous and afraid - never having shared his bed with another male - he's on edge and nervous, but also curious...

Getting Some Tail

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

5th March, 2020

All Rights Reserved.

Nathan sat on the edge of the bed, as naked as the day he was born, his ears back swept and his whole body quivering in nervousness. As a young Kangaroo Buck, he was prone to anxiety and stress. He flinched when he felt the warm breath on the back of his nape, then the cold, leathery nose that probed from nape to skull.

"I've...never done this before, I mean..." He whimpered, his trembling growing worse.

A muzzle slid over his head, then gently licked up the edge of one ear before a faint whisper of moist, warm breath puffed the fine hairs of his inner ear.

Nathan giggled and squirmed, he couldn't help it. His black paws alternating between constricting and relaxing on the coverlet as he tried to force his breathing back to a normal rate, yet his heart hammered in his chest all the same. As the Whitetail behind him continued to sensuously lick and nuzzle his ears, the paws stroked up and down the kangaroo's chest in alternating rhythms - blunt hooflets pricking the skin beneath.

"Oh..." Nathan gurgled, tilting his head back.

Nodding, the Whitetail smiled and began licking down the side of Nathan's muzzle and neck, before lipping lightly at the shoulder before sliding carefully off the bed and kneeling on the floor, looking up at the squirming kangaroo with eyes that gleamed with trust and longing.

"I..." Nathan squeaked.

Despite the kangaroo's protestations and nervousness that filled the Whitetail's nostrils with the scent of fear, something wasn't at all shy or skittish... leaning back, the Whitetail looked at the S shaped prize that stood proudly.

Crouching slightly, he leaned forwards and delicately cupped the prize in the palm of his hand, feeling the slickness of it and the incredible warmth. Breathing ever so lightly upon it, the Whitetail smiled as it flicked and twitched. Tenderly, like a mother bathing a newborn, the Whitetail's tongue licked from the tip to the base then back again.

His tongue swirled and wrapped around the tip, as his jaws opened and he lowered his head carefully. Every twitch from Nathan made the Whitetail pause, before he looked up through long eyelashes. Nodding weakly, Nathan rested his paws on the Whitetail's ears and gripped them ever so lightly, his claws barely pricking the skin beneath the fine fur. Encouraged, the Whitetail snorted softly through his nostrils before resuming.

Nathan gasped and moaned, his paws kneading the ears as his mind was washed away in the unimagined pleasure the deer's tongue and muzzle was bringing. Tongue swirled and flickered, strong throat muscles rippled beneath the fur as salivary glands began to overstimulate. Closing his eyes, the Whitetail continued his attentive work, tail flagging from side to side in time with each gentle head bob.

"I...I..." Nathan gurgled, his eyes squeezing shut as he began to pant and tremble worse.

Suddenly, he splayed his fingers out over the stag's head and pushed it downwards. Eyes snapping open, the Whitetail snorted through his nostrils as he felt the gift given to him. Swallowing again and again, the Stag's tail flagged wildly, his hot breath ruffling the belly fur of the kangaroo.

Nathan's teeth ground, his lips curled back as he shuddered and flopped backwards onto the bed, his blood surging through his veins and body quivering. Carefully, the Whitetail lifted his muzzle and crept up onto the bed and lay down, resting his head on Nathan's sweat damp chest.

"I told you..." Come the quite snicker from the Whitetail. "I couldn't eat a whole Kangaroo..."

Nathan's snore was the only response...


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