The Great Hunt

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Deep in the Dark Wood, a Stag flees for his life from a pack of wolves who run him to ground, his final, desperate action causes a mis-step and he finds himself surrounded with few options...

The Great Hunt

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

1stMarch, 2020

All Rights Reserved.

Branches snapped as the whitetail stag fled through the forest; his flanks heavy and drenched in sweat, foam curds flying from his open muzzle as his chest heaved. He leapt over a large moss covered tree, dodging left then right. Panicked, he ran blindly as shapes paced effortlessly either side of him. Trying to draw breath to keep running, even though he felt his leg muscles burning like they were on fire - he knew the chase would soon be over - but he wouldn't go down easily. His twelve point rack of antlers shredded branches and leaves alike as he ran and he knew from experience - he could fight with the best of them - albeit fighting for breeding rights was one thing - a fight for his life - was quite another...

Tearing through a thicket, he found himself skidding, his cloven hooves tearing gouges in the loamy soul as he realised he'd made a terrible mistake in his panic driven state. Before him lay a cliff into a dark chasm. Somewhere down below, his fevered mind knew was a powerful river - he could smell the water his body so craved.

His mind turned back to his pursuers, who burst from the forest and quickly moved on their four large feet to form a semi-circle, their golden eyes reflecting the moonlight as their own flanks heaved and broad tongues lolled from muzzles as they sensed the game was over - their prey - was cornered.

One, a young bitch, darted forwards - perhaps eager or foolish - but she yelped as the stag slashed at her with his antlers, just missing her as she jumped away and retreated, her tail tucking between her legs.

A piercing howl split the night air, and the others of the pack immediately dropped to their bellies in submission. From the shadows of the woods, a wolf - twice their size - padded regally into the grove and stood, glaring at the stag who defiantly stared back. Taking a step forwards, then slamming a cloven fore-hoof onto the ground, the stag bellowed a deafening roar of Cervid challenge.

With a tilt of his black and silver speckled head, the alpha merely let his tongue slip out of his muzzle as it was wreathed in a wolfish grin. Again, the young female rose and stalked towards the stag, the alpha locking his eyes on the stag before him. With a startled squeal, the Stag glimpsed the Wolfess that crept towards him and again, he slashed out with his antlers - this time sending her head over tail by catching her a glancing blow.

Her frightened yelp brought the others leaping to their feet, but a single growl of the Alpha made them submit again, before he paced back and forth before the stag - sizing up his strengths and weaknesses.

Chastised, the young Wolfess limped away and a male nipped her sharply on the nose, eliciting another yelp from her, before she fell onto her back in the submissive posture. Glancing for the briefest of seconds, the Alpha turned his attention back to their prey.

It had been a glorious hunt - they had harassed, chased and finally corned it after first scenting him in the twilight of evening - now - the hunt was drawing to a close and they'd successfully run their quarry to the end of would play out this entertaining game in its final act...


Pacing back and forth, the Alpha took full advantage of his intimidating size, watching as the stag's eyes tracked every footfall. Without warning, he would leap forwards then straight back, testing his preys reflexes and stamina. Impressed, he easily dodged the flailing antlers and the occasional cloven hoof that'd lash out at him.

He knew his prey was tired - tired, exhausted and on his last reserves, in one way, the Alpha respected his prey - for he had proven elusive, cunning and a challenging hunt. It was almost too much to think of what would happen soon enough...such prey only come once every century - or so he felt in his heart. Standing, he bowed formally to the stag, his hind quarters raised, and head resting on outstretched forelegs.

One by one, the pack followed their leader in this action, before they obediently lay on their bellies and rested their heads on forelegs. Confused, the Stag merely snorted and as he twitched or even tried to take a step - one of the pack would leap to his or her feet in warning.

Their standoff continued, the Stag refusing to acknowledge his defeat, occasionally bellowing in dominant cries, the wolves grinning and adding their own howls to his voice - mocking and taunting him. Finally, with a sharp bark, the Alpha asserted himself and the cacophony of howls ended abruptly - echoing off the cavern walls and eventually fading away.

Striding to almost within striking distance of the Stag, the Alpha grinned at him, then shuddered as his body began to twist and writhe. Confused, the Stag took a step backwards, before he squealed and felt the edge of the cliff crumble beneath his hind hooves.

After a handful of the terrified Stag's heartbeats, the Alpha grunted, then placed furred paws on the ground as he stood up, his digigrade legs bent like a wolf - but his stance like that of the Stag's second greatest fear...


"That...hurt - " Come the soft grunt from the Alpha in a semi-human tongue, still bestial in its inflections, but clear enough to comprehend.

Eyes wide like the moon that shone down so far above - the Stag bleated and wet himself in terror. He'd known cruelty at human hands. Had known the terror of being hunted. Many a lone wolf had died to his antlers or his hooves...

This...this was beyond anything...he had ever experienced...


Glancing quickly over his shoulder, the Stag trembled. Step backwards and plummet to his death? Fight the beast and the Wolves - he was certain that too would result in death - probably a horrific one...or....

Trembling, the Stag bowed his head and knelt, willingly submitting to the enigmatic beast.

Raising both eyebrows, the Alpha blinked, then a broad smile spread across his furred lips.

"Well now, this isn't what I was expecting..." Cautiously, mindful of the quivering Stag's strength and speed, the Alpha stepped forwards and reached out a paw.

With a low, grunt, the stag squeezed his eyes closed and bleated, letting the Alpha's paw touch him between the antlers, yet he made no aggressive move - even though the Alpha was well within striking range.

"Good, very good..." Snickered the Alpha, as he smiled and stroked the Stag's forehead. "You have chosen a very wise course of action young one."

Unable to suppress it, the Stag's body shuddered with his fear - fear the Alpha drank in through his flaring black nostrils like it was the finest scent ever. As he lifted the Stag by an antler, the Buck shivered and lifted up his head obediently, knowing this was his only choice - was complete obedience and submission.

"Come..." Commanded the Alpha, as he pulled the stag away from the cliff edge.

Nervously, the Buck complied, until he stood in the centre of the clearing, where the Alpha pointed at the ground and the Stag dropped to his knees and bowed his head.

"You're a quick learner - I like that..." Smiled the Alpha, content he had broken the will of the Stag utterly.

Terrified, the Stag remained as still as he could, feeling the rough paw pads of the Alpha trail along his throat, then neck, sides and slowly over his quivering rump. Not daring to even breathe, the Stag's ears become hyper-sensitive as they heard the soft huffs of the panting wolf pack around him.

"Easy young one..." Whispered the Alpha, as he caressed the Stag's tail, running it between his paws. "I have control, my pack...not so much - you try to flee - they'll hamstring you just like..."

Without warning, the Alpha grabbed the hind legs of the Stag and pulled them sharply up and back. Gripping him just at the knees in his powerful paws, the Stag squealed and was forced onto his front knees, his hind legs held about four feet off the ground and rendered him helpless.

Bleating in fear, the Stag flinched, but the menacing growl of the Alpha froze his blood in his veins. He couldn't kick and defend himself, the Alpha obviously knew how to incapacitate a deer - he was well and truly trapped.

"Easy..." Growled the alpha, letting one leg down carefully, but keeping the other firmly locked in a vice like grip.

Other Wolves watched, their muzzles wreathed in wolfish smiles, as they glanced at each other, then back at the Stag, who flicked his ears back, desperately trying to understand what was happening. As he watched, the young female he'd rolled, slunk over on her belly and moved to his side - her eyes narrow slits as she glared at him, then a growl from her Alpha made her instantly obey.

Confused and frightened, the Stag suddenly and violently flinched as he felt a cold, wet nose up under his tail. Instinctively, he slapped it down only to feel the Alpha growl and sharply slap him on the firm rump.

"No, stop that..."

Bleating in fear, the Stag felt the Alpha grip his tail, then pull it back upright, before pressing it down on his back, holding it there with the palm of his paw. Confused, the Stag turned his head, only to get slapped harder on his rump, making him cry out in fright.

"I won't tell you a third time..." Growled the Alpha.

With a hesitant nod, the Stag shuddered and lay his chin on the ground, squeezing his eyes closed before he gasped, feeling a broad, rough tongue begin lathering his anus. It swirled, curled and tickled him, and he was reminded of what he himself done when he was scenting does for their breeding opportunity. It wasn't dissimilar - except he wasn't a doe...

After a few moments, the tongue dissapeared, then something quite firm and flattened pressed against his rump.

No...he can't...I'm not a... Come the panicked thoughts of the Stag, before he bleated and tossed his head back.

With a grunt, the Alpha slid himself into the Stag's warm, tight virginal depths, releasing his tail and splaying his fingers out on the Stag's rump.

"Good boy..." Panted the Alpha, as he shuddered in pleasure and slid back again, before pushing forwards again. "Good little Doe..."

Trembling, the Stag felt the impressive length slide deeper still, making him grunt and pant heavily, the Alpha's gasps and trembling conveyed through the paw on the Stag's back.

"I never imagined..." Wheezed the Alpha, as he pushed forwards, then the Stag's eyes widened as he felt the firm knot held against his violated rump. "There is two ways this can go little one..."

With a deep convulsive shudder, the Stag grit his teeth, then shoved himself backwards - before he bleated in fear and surprise as he forced the knot inside him and caused the Alpha to drop his held leg and grip him by the hips.

"Urgh!" Grunted the Alpha, feeling himself tied to the Stag who shuddered and bleated loudly.

His pack lifted their heads and howled in joyous pleasure, sensing their Alpha consummate this mating, and his own howl tore from his constricting throat to join with theirs.

Unable to help himself, the Stag began panting, as he quickly banished the pain of this unnatural mating - oh - sure, in his youth as a yearling, he'd submit to dominant Buck's...they'd mated him countless times during the rut, but nothing had prepared him for this! His mind went to water as he felt the Alpha slide both paws down his flanks, then under his belly - the rough paw pads wrapping around the firming length that had thrust itself from the Stag's sheath.

"Feels...good, doesn't it little one?" Grunted the Alpha, as he pushed forwards a little further, feeling the Stag involuntarily push back against him. "Seems you're a little...excited - maybe I can help you with that..."

He looked at the submissive female, who blinked and tilted her head. He gestured with his free paw, then she frowned and yelped then barked. He stared at her, then gestured again, before, fearfully, the female dropped to her knees and crawled forwards.

No...I'm vulnerable, I can't fight like this and...and...

Her tongue wrapped around the penile head of the stag, who grunted and bucked his hips, before bleating loudly and shuddering. With a fearful whine, the bitch scooted backwards, before the Alpha gripped her nape and pulled her back towards the Stag.

"You will obey me little one..I will not tolerate your insolence and disobedience much longer..."

Suddenly, the Stag uttered a loud, piecing bark and he bucked his hips, straining the Alpha's self control, as sharp, powerful jets of Cervid semen spurted from his penis and spattered his belly and chest before dribbling onto the ground.

"I knew Stag's had some control..iss...ussue..." Gasping, the Alpha gripped the Buck between his paws, as his own orgasm spurted inside the Stag, who gasped and pushed back, tail flagging wildly in the surprise and pleasure of the hot, surprising gift.

For nearly three minutes, the Alpha's seed flooded the panting Stag, who quivered and arched his back. He was lost in the pleasure of what this strange beast was doing - he couldn't deny it - or stop himself from the sensations that flooded his mind and body.

Huffing and panting, the Alpha's paws squeezed the Stag's flanks hard.

" be my" he panted, before shuddering helplessly.

With a timid nod of his head, the Stag finally surrendered himself to the strong, powerful half-wolf half-man who had mated him. At first, it'd hurt, borderline painful as any bite or antler slash - but soon, the pain dissolved and was replaced with unimagined pleasure that just built and built within him - until the Wolf moved and just that...that...

With a loud bleating squeal, the Stag ejaculated again and again - he couldn't help it, as the pressure within his rump eased slightly, the warmth of the hybrids semen within him continued to pleasure him in ways none of his brother Stag's had...

"Don't...move little one - " Panted the Alpha, as he leaned over the Stag's back ,then licked the side of the sweaty Stag's shoulder. "We'll be like this for a good hour or think I'm a stag...just once and we're done? No, my dear, sweet little're in for quite a surprise indeed..."

Eyes widening, the Stag trembled and looked back over his shoulder at the Alpha, who smiled at him and caressed the Stag's cheek gently with his rough paw pads.

" the pack..."


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