Nature's Pact - Chapter One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of Nature's Pact

In the deep woods, a Unicorn Filly is brought into the world - an act by her father and the Great Forest itself. Willow was born to fulfil a destiny - one she was never told, but it holds grave conscequences for both the Human Kingdom and the Great Wood itself....

Nature's Pact

Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

28thFebruary, 2020

All Rights Reserved.

It was widely rumoured, that Willow was born from a single drop of her father's blood and an acorn from the Great Oak that towered over the forest. Of course, this was complete fabrication, but it added to the mystique and magick that shrouded this enchanted forest.

Willow had no idea of her past, there was nothing, then late one moonlit eve, she awoke before the great oak, her father's wise, gentle eyes gazing down at her as he lifted his head, his horn shimmering with iridescent magicks.

"Welcome - willow..." He spoke quietly, as he stepped back and let the filly clamber to her cloven hooves.

Willow rose carefully, her slender legs never having had to bear her weight before - and as she stood quivering and panting from exertion. Her father watched her, yet made no effort to assist, as Willow had to face life on its own terms. Willow's silvery mane and tail flicked a few leaves and twigs from it, before she glanced around, eyes wide in bewilderment and confusion.

"Who..." Willow's voice was soft, like a breeze through the threes.

Nervously, Willow stepped sideways, fighting for balance and equilibrium, as she took in her soundings. Her father stood at the edge of the clearing, watching her before he nipped a mouth full off a shrub and chewed it.

Carefully, Willow took another step, then a third, her body still quivering with nervousness and instability.

"You are my daughter - my only offspring - " Intoned the stallion, as he walked over and stood over her, gazing down at the quivering filly. "I have been blessed by the Lord and Lady, in your creation and existence, for this, I honour and thank them."

"I'm - " Willow began.

"You have a destiny my dear that will ensure the future of our beloved forest, its inhabitants and of...another..."


Over the next year, Willow learned much of the forest world in which she inhabited. Her father she come to learn, was regarded almost as a god amongst the woodland denizens - firm yet compassionate in his ruling over them, always listening to both sides of a disagreement before rendering his judgement. Fascinated, Willow watched him adjudicate between the wolves and the deer.

"Are we all in agreement then?" He intoned, standing upon a massive granite outcropping, that served as the place where any disputes were heard and resolved.

"Aye, lord Shadow hoof." Spoke the Alpha wolf, bowing himself low before the Stallion.

"Yes my lord, we acquiesce to your wisdom." Answered the stag, sliding one long leg forward, then placing his neck along his outstretched leg, his antlers brushing the ground.

Quietly, the gathered animals turned and left, except for a young stag who stood quivering at the edge of the clearing. Willow watched him from the far side, her curiosity aroused. After the others had left, the stag hung his head and began to turn away, before Willow approached and nudged him gently on the neck.

"What troubles you brother?" Willow asked, her concern evident in her voice and mannerisms, as she knelt down and gazed at him.

With a snort, the stag turned his head away, ears slashing backwards as he snorted. "Its nothing..."

Frowning, Willow snorted through her nostrils, then closed her eyes as she used her magicks on him to see inside the tormented stag's mind, then her eyes widened as the pictures come to her.

"I had no idea..." Willow stammered.

Turning about, he looked sideways at her, before he hung his head in guilt and shame.

"You have no concept of what it is like!" He wailed suddenly, then twisted away again, his body quivering. "These - urges - yet unable to do anything about them! I have no chance - I'm young, inexperienced and no match for the dominant stag..what Hind would even look twice at me?"

Willow's young mind processed the mental images it had received from the stag - images she didn't comprehend, having had no knowledge of their mating habits. All she knew, was a brother was hurting terribly, and her inner compulsions drove her to seek out such and console and heal as best she could.

"I may not understand - " Willow pondered, as she gazed up at him. "Yet with your help, I could learn..."

With a startled grunt, the stag stepped away, shaking his small antlered head violently.

"My lady, you can not say such things!" He moaned, eyes widening.

Frowning, Willow stared at him, before she crept back to her hooves and stared him down.

"I can say what I mean, and always have and always shall! My father taught me magicks and my own compulsions to help and heal my brothers and sisters demand me to help however I can!"

Taking a step backwards, the stag again shook his head.

" wrong! If I am to breed, I need to grow, to mature and to prove myself to the Hind's that I am worthy of siring their offspring, I'm only three winters old - barely an adult and - "

With a snort, Willow stamped a hoof, her horn glowing as she channelled her magicks and froze him in place.

"You would disobey my wishes to help?" Willow snorted, her mane crackling with eldritch energies as her anger rose within her. "It is my choice, and my desire that drives me - how many of your own kind have come to me, hurt in body or mind? How many have I used my magicks to heal and counsel?"

Fighting as he'd never fought before, he struggled to beak free of the power that seized him and locked him into immobility.

"You must not, please, believe me!" He begged, tears sliding down his muzzle. "It would dishonour the laws of nature we are all compelled to obey!"

With a snort, the filly shook her head and paced back and forth.

"I was given life, through a method I know not, taught and instructed by the wisest amongst us all - my father. He told me I had a destiny, yet he would not speak of what that destiny was! If it is not to help, to heal and to comfort my brothers and sisters, for what greater destiny is there?"

With a flick of her head, she broke her hold over him, and he dropped to his knees, bowing his head and shuddering.

"I know what you speak of is truth... yet I feel it violates the rules by which we live, does it not? If I am to one day prove myself, then should it not be by my own strength and resolve?"

With a twinkle in her eyes, the Filly nodded, then stepped forwards and nuzzled his neck comfortingly, before she twitched and a subtle flow of magicks flowed over him.

"If you are to learn, then is it better not to do such, with one who is themselves, curious?"

He snorted and shuddered, before stepping back again, his eyes dazed and expression confused. He shuddered, then he frowned and pondered, before shyly nuzzling her neck in response.

"I've never mated before - I only have my own observations and instincts to guide me..." He whispered, his tongue licking her silky smooth fur.

"Then you have more than I myself know - oh, I've watched many of our brothers and sisters mating - it - intrigues me. I understand the reasons for it, truly I do, but I have no one in my life that would teach me the ways of my kind."

Nodding, the Stag nibbled delicately at her neck and mane, following it with a gentle lick. Willow quivered involuntarily, as he stag continued nuzzling and sniffing at her, working his way down her side, across her rump and finally, coming to a halt behind her.

Curious, Willow twisted her head over her back to watch, then as he lowered his head and nudged her tail, she willingly lifted it and held it aside - letting him glance and sniff at the pale folds that had been obscured. His warm breath excited her, making her instincts take control and her tail slashed aside.

Inhaling the scent, he nervously brushed his nostrils up and down the velvety folds. They were nothing like what he'd imagined a doe's hindquarters were like - yet the scent and the taste - when he delicately lapped at one edge, made him snort and quiver. Willow nickered and squirmed, crouching slightly with her back legs, as he nervously licked again - this time she winked her labial folds and his tongue slithered from the bottom of her warm, inviting depths to the top.

"Oh..." Willow gurgled, her whole body quivering.

Encouraged by her quivering, the stag licked again, tasting things he'd never imagined. Willow quivered and squirmed, before pressing back slightly, both encouraging and assisting the stag's curiosity. He willingly explored the edges of the warm folds that alternated between gripping and relaxing against his nose and mouth.

Experimentally, he probed a little deeper, easing a small part of his muzzle further forwards and Willow grunted and shuddered from tail to horn as she squealed and with a powerful muscular contraction, her labial folds squeezed down on the stag's muzzle, making him gasp in fright. Willow pushed back again, and he resumed his curious exploration. He felt his own body responding, he couldn't help it, as at first, only the penile head slid from the furred sheath between his hind legs, quickly growing and engorging as he savoured the tastes and sensations of this enigmatic young filly.

Willow's nostrils flared and her head tilted back, before she shuddered and squealed loudly - the stag's tongue flickering over her clitoris with relentless enthusiasm. Willow's legs trembled, her breathing become ragged and sharp, before she shuddered and he coughed as her folds squeezed down tight on his muzzle and she experienced her first orgasm.

It was beyond his comprehension, one minute he barely was inside her, the next a third of his muzzle was soaked in her fluids and he swallowed and snapped his head backwards. Coughing, he cleared his throat, before he shuddered and blinked.

Instincts beyond his control - and compelled by the magicks that burned through his veins, he reared up and pushed forwards. Both his front legs slid down her narrow flanks before gripping her tightly and he pushed forwards. Willow crouched a little more, then both the stag and filly gasped, as he thrust once and slid into her willing body.

There come a short, sharp ache in Willow's groin, as her maidenhood was taken in one movement, but the stag clenched his forelegs tighter and thrust forwards, burying himself completely into her young body and claiming her as his.

Willow twisted her head around, touching her velvety nose to his, as he panted and thrust again, his groin thumping against hers right before he squealed and flooded her maiden body with his strong, powerful orgasm. Willow's eyes widened, as she felt the powerful spurts and the warmth that spread from her groin to the very ends of her silky fur - pleasure beyond anything she had experienced nearly overwhelming her.

Through the bonds of magicks she had ensnared him with, the stag felt everything that Willow felt - as she did with him.

His orgasm...

Both Willow and the stag felt every second of it, not only did he feel his own pleasure from this moment - but it was amplified, and reflected back through the bond they had - and then doubled again, as Willow's own experiences of it swept through his very being.

Willow couldn't fathom what had happened, she had no words to describe the pleasure that washed over her and drove out any semblance of rational thought processes. Her body began to tremble, muscles fired and flinched, the nerve endings over-firing and stimulating each other, before Willow's cervical walls crushed down and the stag grunted as another powerful orgasm shattered Willow's already overwhelmed body.

Exhausted,the stag collapsed on Willow's back, his chest heaving and body sweat soaked, as his head hung near her front shoulder and he panted helplessly.

"What..." Willow whispered, twisting her head around, to brush noses with him. "What was..."

Helpless, the stag had no words for her, he could only sprawl over her back and try to draw enough breath. He felt like he'd run a thousand, no, ten thousand, laps around the forest. Every muscle in his body burned with lactic acid, yet the pleasure of his first mating - it was something he couldn't give words too...neither of them fully understood what they had done, nor had the power to explain or even comprehend...

To Be Continued...

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