Sex Toy - Chapter 2 - Chained and Knocked up

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#2 of Sex Toy

I don't think I need those disclaimers that I have been using for years ? Anyway this is a sequel to a Renamon lemon I made a long time ago for Vixentamer's pic. He made several more, so I though I'd continue. A twist in this one. It takes place near the start of Season 3 of Digimon Tamers.

Sex Toy #2

Chained and Knocked up

Renamon looked at herself of the mirror again. The yellow furred vixen knew her body well, but she had been in denial for some time. She stood sideways, rubbing her palm over her belly, ruffling the soft fur. She had been hoping for the last few weeks that it was just in her mind. That she was just a little inactive, eating one too many pieces of sushi. But there was no denying it now.

"I'm pregnant."

Those words sounded bitter when she spoke them. Because she only had sex once in her life... being drugged, bound up, and raped by that little black demon Impmon. The creature abused her in ways that she never even thought of. And to top it all off, he was blackmailing her. She couldn't attack Impmon without him revealing that she was used as, as, a sex toy. But now, it was even worse.

"What are the odds?" Renamon sighed as she rubbed her breasts to. They too were getting swollen. Her chest fur had trouble hiding them, and this morning, she woke up she found a couple of drops of breast milk leaking from her nipples. Digimon bred incredibly slowly. Digimon were immortal, pretty much, dying only from accidents and battles. And even then, it was pretty hard sometimes. So, from an evolutionary stand point, digimon bred extremely slowly. There was almost no need to practice safe sex.... A digimon couple could spend years, decades, even centuries copulating and not conceive.

Renamon walked out with a sigh... Luckily, she had been able to keep the pregnancy secret for now from Rika. She wasn't showing that much yet... but even she knew it would be harder. It was not like she could just wear a sweater or something to hide it. She didn't wear clothes, except the two purple arm bands.

But not, Renamon simply wandered the rooftops silently at night. Although she could hear herself land a touch louder than normal. She was looking for Impmon, even if he was the one responsible for this; he had to tell him what was happening. In a way, she'd think it kind of serve him right to thrust a digital egg on him like this. Digimon came from eggs... and the parents often had little bearing on the children that came out of it. A bird and a wolf could have a baby rabbit digimon... anything was possible.

It was late in the middle of the night when she was hopping from rooftop to rooftop in the warehouse district. She saw a light on in one of the windows in one of the abandoned buildings, with broken windows and a half collapsed roof. She landed on the window ledge. There was a small bed made out of old blankets, and some empty tin cans lying around. She carefully made her way inside, peering left and right. Someone was living here; she could even smell the cooked beans as the smell wafted up. Renamon stood on the window frame as her eyes scanned for movement. She had good eyes in the dark, looking for movement or a shape. There was a small fire in the center of the large room, but it did do much for the lighting. Finally, after a good minute of searching, she spotted the imp. He was nearly invisible in the dark; his deep purple skin was almost black. His red bandana flapped around his neck as he stared back down at her. He had spotted her when she entered. Now that he saw Renamon had spotted him, he flashed her a large grin. "Hey babe, miss me?" Impmon grinned from the rafters. His triangular tail moved back like a snake against the moonlight.

Renamon hissed a bit as she jumped down from the window sill, landing close to the fire. "I need to talk to you, about what happened..." Renamon looked up at Impmon, his dark pointed tail swinging back and forth slowly. Renamon could see his tight little ass now as she looked almost straight up.... It was a cute butt. All of a sudden she felt an odd twinge in her loins. Next, she felt a single drip of lubricated pussy juice start to form. (Ohhhhh fuck...) Renamon could not help but think to herself. She had heard about this, digimon female becoming lustful during pregnancy. It was called digital heat. "Uhhh...." There was that twinge again. It was another little biological quirk of digimon, at least from this dimension. Since they had so few kids, there was a natural instinct for parents to stay coupled. To protect their unborn child. And to keep the female from fighting, digimon had a natural instinct for battle after all; the adrenaline was transformed into something else. It made insatiable lust for the woman, and Renamon was feeling that right now. Her loins were getting nice and moist. She could feel the heat down there. (No I am better than this, I can control myself. Besides, it is Impmon, the vile little creature.)

Impmon stayed on the highest rafter. He was a little cautious around Renamon obviously. Last time they spent any time together, he tied her up and used her for his sexual pleasures. Quite enjoyable, but Renamon did not seem like the forgiving type. "So talk? You want to know where you can get some of those toys? I think I have a few around here. I kept them as souvenirs."

Renamon actually squirmed for a split second, remembering the anal beads and vibrator stuck up in her cunt... those were nice little gadgets. She closed her eyes. She had never experienced digi-heat before. It was a lot stronger than she ever gave it credit for. "Uh... no." Renamon shook her head and opened her eyes. "I want something else."

Impmon leapt from the rafter, landing on the second story railing. He was quite agile, Renamon had to admit. "Came here for some revenge then? A fight scene?" Impmon smiled, flashing his fangs. "Hey I got friends. And if anything happens to me, Rika will find out you got taken down by me, tied up, and fucked up in your cunt again, and again, and again..." Impmon was lying about the friend bit though. He simply didn't want to tangle with Renamon.

Renamon remembered that, being tied up, used for Impmon's twisted desires, and left there for hours, dripping cum from her cunt. "Uh..." She let out a little moan at that. The digital heat was a powerful thing. She brought her thighs closer together in an effort to control herself.

Impmon moved a bit close, leaping on to an old damaged crate. Renamon was acting weirder than usual. She seemed distracted, and then Impmon looked down at her body. To be frank, he was always checking her out. And this time he say her erect nipples, that just couldn't be hidden by her white chest fur tuft "Man, did you come all the way here for a fuck?" Impmon snickered as he could see a fine drop of lubricating pussy juice run down the side of her leg.

"No." Renamon shook her head softly, but to be honest that was all her body wanted right now. (Fuck it I'll just go, wait for this to die down.) Renamon thought to herself as she turned around. "I will... discuss this matter when you can be serious." Renamon turned to walk away. She figured maybe she could pleasure herself. Hell, that dinosaur Guilmon may even do, she was so deep in heat right now. Suddenly she felt something grab her leg and hold on tight. "What?" She looked down with a sneer on her face at the deep purple imp latched on her right leg, his own were legs wrapped around her furry yellow limb tightly.

The heat was hitting Impmon now. Her smell was intoxicating to him. Sure, he was always attracted to Renamon. What creature, human or digital, would not want to hit that? "Mmm where do you think you are going? I bet you came all the way here for me, and now you are getting cold feet."

"That is... not what I came her for." Which was the truth from Renamon, but it was the first thing on her mind. She placed two strong hands on Impmon's head and pushed down, her mind still fighting her body.

"I think it is you know?" Impmon suddenly jammed two red gloved fingers into her cunt in one solid motion. She was so wet they went in nice and easy.

"Uhhhhhh..." Renamon blushed hard, a bead of sweat running down her brow. Her legs felt weak now as the two digits pumped into her deep, the thumb pressing against her asshole. "Impmon..." She took one hand off, curling her ball into a fist, still trying to fight the rampaging hormones in her body. She was going to smack him, but she just shuddered as the thumb was pressed into her asshole. "Oh god..." As Impmon took both holes at once.

"Mmmmm..." Impmon bit down on her tail, right at the base, and held on. He drooled on it as he humped her soft yellow furred leg like a horny mutt. His almost black cock was pressed against her furry leg as he sucked on her tail like a mother calf sucking a tit. His red fingers began to pump into the holes again, two fingers into the cunt one in the ass.

"I said..." Renamon still had a hand on Impmon's head, but she wasn't pushing away very hard anymore. Her body shuddered now as she was feeling some pleasure in her body, and it was quickly growing in her. "I said..." Renamon suddenly felt another wave of pleasure. She leaned forward, a heavy hand on the wall as she was fingered more. "Oh... oh man..."

Impmon continued to suck on the tail, his teeth actually leaving marks in her skin under the yellow fur. His black cock rubbed against the leg, fully erect now as he continued to pleasure Renamon. His glove was getting wet as the digits slammed in deep inside of the yellow female fox. "Mmmmmpphhh." Impmon smiled, finally letting go of her salvia ridden tail base. "Like that eh?"

"Oh.... Oh yeah..." Renamon could not help but moan. That digital heat simply made her lust unquenchable. Then all off a suddenly Impmon let go of her leg, those finger sliding out of her ass and pussy. She felt a sudden feeling of emptiness in her now. "Wh... why did you stop?" She turned her around, still leaning against the wall. Her other hand came down to rub at her exposed pussy lips, to try and keep the pleasure flowing.

"I should have known you were a slut the first time I saw you." Impmon stood on the ground now, his dark purple dick standing straight up. He held it with one hand, the messy one that was in her orifices a moment ago. "I get served first, you got it?"

Renamon actually growled. "Why you little bastard." Renamon snarled, her lip curled up to show her white teeth. "You have the gall to order me like, like a prostitute?!"

"Yeah." Impmon smirked. "Because I noticed you haven't stooped fingering your cunt the entire time."

Renamon noticed with some embarrassment, that she hadn't stopped masturbating. "It's... it's just..." Renamon was going to admit she was in digital heat, but that usual came with pregnancy. She didn't want to admit she was knocked up with Impmon's child with her fingers jammed inside of her.

"You're horny, and let's face it. Your choice for digimon here are that pencil dicked Terriermon, and the retarded Guilmon." Impmon still stroked his dick. "Now, you want my cock, and I'll give it to you if you are a good girl. Now, kneel."

Renamon went down on her knees, her cheeks flushed red. She couldn't believe she just took an order from the weak little creature. "You..." The next thing she was going to say was stopped short. Impmon's cock was shoved against her muzzle. And she started sucking, without hesitation. The digital heat was stronger now, and like it or not, Impmon was her mate.

"Yeah didn't even need to be told now, did you bitch?" Impmon smiled as he placed a hand on the back of Renamon's head. He pumped his cock in and out. He was big for his size, but not so big Renamon couldn't take it with ease in her muzzle. "MMmm yeah that feels so awesome... and here I was planning to drug you again and you just show up here with a hankering for my cum."

Renamon snarled a bit, but she let out a loud moan as she suckled harder. She could hardly control herself as she fingered her vagina like a slut. Impmon pushed forward eagerly as he wanted to get off. She was knocked back a bit, the tip flying from her muzzle. Saliva drooled down her chin as she landed on her back. Renamon stretched back, landing on the old blankets. They were thread-bare and scratchy, but Renamon hardly noticed as Impmon climbed on top of her head. He straddled her head, facing her tits, and thrust his hips down. "Come on, keep sucking!"

"Uhhh..." Renamon took the dick in her mouth once more without thinking. She suckled as hard as she could. The thick purple dick slid in, dripping with precum already. This time she wasn't being forced. It was pure lust, pure heat, that drove her forward. Her mouth was as strong as the rest of her. Her inner cheeks massaged the black head while her tongue lapped at the piss slit. She had very little experience sucking dick, but she was a good learner.

"Oh, that's the way!" Impmon groaned as he had two legs on either side of Renamon's face right now. His dark purple cock pumped hard in Renamon's muzzle as he did little thrusts down. He was sweating now. The warehouse was an old musty place with stale air and no air conditioning anyway. A dirty place for a dirty fuck. "Suck it, suck it!" He orders as he rested his red gloved hands on the massive tits, larger than they normally were.

Renamon almost shuddered when those hands wrapped around her tits. Her nipples were supper sensitive now, her breasts straining to hold in all that milk that was meant to feed her child. She had never realized how good simple breast stimulation could be. And right now, her breasts have never been more sensitive right now. "Mmmm, mmmm...." She moaned around the pumping shaft. She moved a paw on to the small of Impmon's back, helping him thrust in. She couldn't believe how much she wanted physical contact now. Her free paw reached to the side, and grabbed a fist full of blanket. She balled it up in her first as Impmon's strong fingers massaged her tits. She was unaware that she was leaking breast milk now. The red gloved fingers were pinching and twisting the nipples just right to cause her to leak all over.

"Oh fuck, this is new..." Impmon smiled as he squeezed the left nipple hard, sending a squirt of milk straight up. "Oh man...." Impmon arched his head back, a bit of drool coming from his muzzle. He couldn't hold back any longer as he started to blow his load deep in Renamon's mouth. "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah!" Impmon thrusted hard, his balls bouncing on Renamon's nose.

Renamon sex toy3 Renamon sex toy3

Renamon swallowed the first part of the load, but Impmon came with a surprising amount for a little guy. Her lips turned snow while with jizz, some leaking out the side of her mouth and down her cheek. Impmon thrust for a few more seconds, before he pulled out. Renamon found herself straining for the cock, trying to suck on it more. She managed to regain herself though, but her cheeks burned red as Impmon stood up. "Uh..." Renamon panted a bit, she had felt some pleasure. But the release she needed so badly did not occur. Her pussy was leaking so much her white crotch fur was matted to the skin.

"Fuck you want my cock so bad, don't you?" Impmon waved his semi erect dick back and forth.

Renamon could not help but following it with her eyes. The digital heat was so bad, that she eyed the cock like a hungry dog eyeing meat. "Y... yes..." Renamon felt so ashamed at that, but her body wanted it so badly.

"I thought so." Impmon snickered as he turned around suddenly, and bent over a bunch of random junk. His tail hiked high as he dug around, throwing away random bits of garbage and metal.

"What are you doing?" Renamon asked, a white cum splotch dripping down the left side of her muzzle. Her eyes were glued firmly on that tight little butt of his. More shame filled her.

Impmon turned around, holding his prize. He held out a couple lengths of old chains with thick links. He knew rope would not hold her, but luckily a warehouse this size had lots of chains for shipping and moving. "I want to tie you down."

Renamon growled again, her whole body shaking. "So you can leave me... leave me like you did before?" Impmon left her tied up, half drugged, and helpless. It took hours for her to free herself. She was just happy that no one found her like that, raped and used.

"You can go slut." Impmon twirled the end of one chain around slowly in a circle. "Go home and use your fingers till they are bloody stumps.... I got my jollies." Impmon leaned forward, and with his free hand, wiped the cum from her chin, and held it out in front of her.

Renamon blushed some more and licked the cum off before her tongue could even stop herself. Her logical mind reeled against the idea of allowing Impmon to bind her. But the taste of cock was heavy on her lips. Her breasts dripped softly with slightly sweet breast milk. And her pussy, her pussy simply ached now, the heat radiating from it. "I... I will go." She got up on her knees, heavy tits swaying to and fro.

"No you won't." Impmon places his paw on her shoulder, forcing her down before she could get up. "Stay down."

"Yes." Renamon suddenly said. The heat was so strong for her mate. She never realized how much it controlled her. "I mean..."

"Just stay." Impmon went behind her and took the strong chains and began to bind her wrists tightly behind her. This forced Renamon to stick out her chest out more, her pert nipples standing out strong from her white chest fur.

"What are you doing?" Renamon felt the chain around her neck. Not tight enough to choke her, but enough to make an effective leash.

"Securing you." Impmon held out a finger, and the tip of his digit burned with fire. He held it to the end of the chain, melting the steel into a makeshift leash. "Don't want you escaping on me now, do we?"

Renamon struggled now, not believing she allowed it to go so far. "Let me..." She started to say, but still hurt pussy burned. Still lustful.

Impmon wrapped the chain around a metal beam, and used his power over fire to secure her. "Mmmm maybe in a bit. I think we can have lots of fun here... with you as my little pet."

Another growl escaped Renamon's lips, but this was followed by a moan. Without any satisfaction, the heat just boiled in between her legs more. "You..." Then all of a sudden Impmon crawled over to the blankets, and threw the top one over himself. "Wh... what are you doing?"

Impmon made a large fake yawn. "Going to catch some Z's. I was already tired when you dropped by for a quickie."

"B... but..." Renamon flexed her bound wrists behind her back. She was so horny now; Impmon just pleasured her enough to torment her.

"Yeah, you need to learn your manners... or you can just stay there." Impmon turned his head away from Renamon, nestling in the blankets.

"But..." Renamon blushed more. "I... I need..." Renamon closed her eyes tightly. "I need you." She admitted in deep shame. The lust was strong in her. The biological hormones were filling her with such need.

Impmon didn't even turn around, his eyes closed now. "In the morning. Like I said, I got my load. Maybe if I have a good night's sleep, I'll fuck you in the morning. Maybe even in your pussy, if you behave."

"But..." Renamon started, being denied pleasure was such torture for her right now. Every atom of her being needed pleasure, for her mate to be inside of her.

"Say another word." Impmon started, pulling the blanket over his shoulder. "And I'll let you spend all tomorrow alone, tied up, and horny."

Renamon was going to say another word, but she bit her lips. She hadn't the strength to break her chains, and they were too tight to wiggle out. She knew Impmon would leave her hear to starve. Although, right now, all she cared about was pleasure. She settled down, lying on the cold concrete. Her tail wrapped tightly around her as she squeezed her thighs tightly together, to spend a long night in lustful wanting.

I know I made Renamon out as a total slut, but hey, why not? I may make a part 3 to this when I feel up to this, and if demand is high enough. And especially if Vixentamer makes anymore pictures. I included most of his favourites. Bondage, lactation, and a hot vixen. Maybe some more master and slave stuff. Any requests, questions, comments, email them to [email protected]

Sex Toy - Chapter 1 - A Spot of Tea

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