Sex Toy - Chapter 1 - A Spot of Tea

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#1 of Sex Toy

This writing by Red Rover contains adult situations from the television shows Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under eighteen or this material is illegal in you jurisdiction

Based on a pic I saw of Impmon on Renamon done by Vixentamer. This takes place early on in Season 3, shortly after Impmon meets Renamon the first time.

Sex Toy #1

A Spot of Tea


A small tiny tearoom sat on the second story of a quaint brick building. The doors on the first story bookstore were locked, of course, but there was no need to lock the windows on the second floor. This suited the intruder just fine. The climb up a fire escape, then jump to the six-inch concrete ledge was little more than a mild exertion on her part. The window slid open with a silent squeak.

Renamon quietly slipped into the tearoom, her feet making no noise on the hard wood floor. Renamon looked around, the surroundings already familiar. She had discovered this place a while ago, an ear shot from Rika's place. It had become a place she hid to lose herself. "Sigh...." Renamon placed some hot water in a kettle. "What does she want?" Renamon watched the kettle whistle, almost therapeutically. "Am I nothing more than data?" Renamon lifted the kettle, and poured boiling hot water into a small mug. She replaced the kettle, and swiped a single bag of green tea. Renamon was smart enough to replace everything she took. Even the angle of the kettle was the same, and the owners of the building would hardly miss a tea bag from the box of a hundred.

Renamon sat down at the low lying table, watching the steam rise from the cup. Renamon took a spoonful of sugar, and dropped it into the cup. "But I eat, I drink. Is that not more than data?" Renamon took a deep sip from the tea. The warmth was soothing, very relaxing. Renamon took another deep breath. "I wonder... what would happen if I disappeared? Defeated in one of those battles?" Renamon took another drink from the warm liquid, her eyelids growing heavy. "Would Rika miss me? Or would it be simply losing a game..." Renamon placed the tea bag back in the half filled cup, and began to swirl it around. The whirlpool swirled in the cup, flakes of white powder sticking to the side. "Hmmmm?" Renamon noticed a few white flakes of undissolved powder on the side of the cup. "Is that flour?" She brought the cup close to her eyes, the cup seeming very heavy. "What's happening to me?" The cup slipped from her grip, and shattered on the corner of the table. "Uhhhh...." Renamon stood up, but her legs were like rubber. She took a step forward, and every ounce of strength left her. She fell to the floor with a dull thump.

"Hehe." Another figure laughed from the darkened corner. "A little something added to the sugar." The tiny figure walked up to Renamon's sleeping form. "And now the fun begins."

Renamon's first sensation was a weird pressing on her lips. A wet touch was up against her. She concentrated harder, forcing the black to go away. Light slowly crept around the corners, but a large black patch remained in front of her eyes. Renamon strained harder. The black began to turn into a face. The drugs caused Renamon to take a second before she recognized the face clumsily kissing her. "YOU!" Renamon snapped her head to the side.

Impmon fell over. "Finally, I was getting tired of waiting for you to wake up, so I decided to start without you.

"What are you talking about?!" Renamon growled, and tried to take a step forward, but was pulled back. She realized that her arms were chained behind her back, and chained to the ceiling. Renamon was also very weak, from whatever drug she ingested. She couldn't even stand up straight, her head down at a right angle. Trying to stand up straight filled her with nausea. Renamon looked back and realized that her tail was attached to the chain as well, her tail now straight up in the air.

"Oh, the basement of the tea room. They never used it, so I got it all ready for you." Impmon went on. "You know, you are such a bitch. I mean brushing me off like that! I mean, there are so few digi chicks around. And most of them are so... boring.

"So where do you want it?" Impmon smiled rubbing his crotch.

"What do you mean?" Renamon glared.

"Ass, pussy, or mouth." Impmon smiled as his dick began to emerge. "Come on, make up your mind."

Renamon's eyes narrowed. "You come one inch closer and I will rip that off." Renamon tried to sound threatening, but her voice wavered.

Impmon pretended not to hear her. "So what to do first?" Impmon walked around Renamon.

Renamon tried to shake her hands free, but the chain was strong, and tied too tight. "Release me!"

Impmon stopped in front of her. "Oh, there is so much I want to do to you, I hardly know where to begin." Impmon smiled as his eyes moved down from her chest, to her furry mane. "Hey, bet you got a nice rack under there, mind if I took a look?" Impmon began brushing the white fur aside.

Renamon scowled, and kicked out with her feet. "You are a sick twisted bastard!" Renamon coughed. She was still weak, and her kick was slow. Impmon dodged with little effort.

Impmon reached up and grabbed Renamon's cheek pinching it hard. "You know, babe, I don't think you're enjoying this." Impmon walked over to a dusty shelf, and came back with a box. "Now let me show how nice I was being." Impmon reached into the box, and pulled out a spring cloth pin.

"What are you doing?" Renamon looked down.

Impmon reached under her white mane and brushed the fur aside. "Oh, you are big!" Impmon smiled as he caressed the breast. "Now, anyway, you are going to be much nicer to me." Impmon moved the cloth pin to the left nipple. "Right?" Impmon smiled as he released the pin on the tit.

"ARGGGH!!" Renamon screamed as the pin clamped. She tried to shake it off, but it only succeeded in making it worse.

"Now you see how rough I can be?" Impmon grabbed another cloth pin.

"No don't!" Renamon pleaded, tears in here eyes, another cloth pin clamped on her right tit. "AHHH!!" Renamon screamed again.

"Now you know how much fun we could be having now?" Impmon jumped on Renamon's back. Renamon whined again as another cloth pin was clamped on her left ear. "This must really hurt." Impmon let another pin shut on her right ear. Renamon let out a little squeak as more pain filled her. Impmon turned to her tail, and clipped one on the very tip. "Now then..." Impmon jumped off Renamon. "Ready to behave?"

"Crawl back under your rock!" Renamon snorted, trying to shake off the pins on her nipples.

"Sighhhhh...." Impmon walked up under Renamon. "You know I was hoping by being nice, you'd see my way." Impmon was at Renamon's crotch. Renamon tried to kick out again, but Impmon stopped her with his right hand. "Now then...." Renamon ran her hand over her pussy, moving the fur around until her slit was visible. "One last time, are you going to do whatever I say?"

"Never, you vermin." Renamon was angry at how weak she was.

Impmon smiled open a cloth pin. "What about..." Impmon moved the pin the Renamon's slit. Renamon's digimon species has a very pronounced clitoris, Impmon discovered. "Now?" He released his finger when the pin was over her clit.

"ARRRGGHHHH!!!!" Renamon screamed, kicking out with a strength she didn't know she had. The pain almost caused her to pass out.

Impmon fell back, rattled. "Whoa, that must hurt a lot!"

Renamon was crying. "Please, take it off! Take it off!" She begged, ashamed of herself. But this was the worst pain she had ever experienced.

"You could have done me when I asked nicely." Impmon jumped on a chair in front of Renamon, so his crotch was at eye level. "The pin goes when I cum!" Renamon looked forward, the pain shaking her up. Impmon was stroking his black dick. Renamon hated what she had to do, but the pain forced her. She all but inhaled the cock. "Oh, that's the way!" Impmon groaned.

Renamon frantically sucked, wanting to make Impmon cum as soon as possible. She had an extreme desire to bite down and sever three inches of Impmon's pride and joy. But the need to remove the pins far outweighed the desire to inflict pain on Impmon. She could tell Impmon was holding back, and her sucking became more frantic. "Oh yeah..." Impmon panted as Renamon sucked with all her might. He was trying to make it last, but Renamon's pain made it so she didn't hold back. Thirty seconds and he was already ready to play, a drop of precum dripping out of his hole. "Swallow it!" Impmon cried as he began to shoot out his load. "Swallow or the pin stays!" Renamon, who was planning to spit, kept her lips tightly shut. The cum filled her mouth, but she swallowed as quickly as possible in order not to taste it. "Oh yeah, drink it all!" Impmon thrust himself forward, shooting the last stream inside Renamon's mouth. "Oh baby..." Impmon finally withdrew himself, his dick flopping out.

A drop of cum rested on Renamon's lip, which was quivering. "Please, the cloth pin...." Renamon begged, ashamed of herself.

"Yeah, yeah." Impmon jumped off the chair, and walked over to Renamon's crotch. He grabbed the pin, expanding it. Impmon tossed the pin to the side as Renamon breathed a sigh of relief. "That good?"

Renamon sighed, the other cloth pins still hurt, but the worst one was gone. "Yes...." Renamon panted.

"Want me to kiss it all better?" Impmon smiled.

Renamon started to say something, but she stopped. "Yes please..." She said, defeated. It was all part of Impmon's game. Compliance avoided pain.

Impmon placed his lips on her clit, and kissed it. Renamon winced, her bulb was very sensitive. It was much more desirable than the pin. "MMmmm you look good enough to eat." Impmon shoved his face in Renamon's crotch, and began to lick her red clit.

Renamon whimpered a little, but she didn't dare complain. In her weakened and chained up state, Impmon was more than a match for her. That thought alone sickened her. The fact that the monster's tongue was lapping her cunt made it worse. And the topper was the fact this was feeling quite good. "Mmm..." She let out a little groan in spite of herself.

"Oh, you like it rough?" Impmon stopped his oral job for the briefest of seconds. Impmon licked harder, and reached around her back, and began needing her butt like bread dough.

Renamon panted through the experience. She hated to admit it, but this was feeling really good. So good, she began to shake. "OHhhhhh!" She shivered as she came, her cunt becoming noticeably wetter.

Impmon licked his lips as he removed himself. "Mmmm what a tasty treat." Impmon walked over to Renamon who was panting softly. "But I am all sticky." Impmon looked Renamon in the eyes. "Now clean me up, and the I'll remove two."

Renamon scowled, but stuck out her tongue, and began licking Impmon on his face. Impmon closed his eyes and let the soft tongue caress his face. "Mmm much better." Impmon moaned as he was licked clean.

Renamon took that as a cue to stop. She spit to the side, getting the taste out of her mouth. Impmon was forcing her to do one degrading thing after another, and she was powerless to stop it. "Your welcome." She coughed out.

"And for your reward." Impmon jumped back on the chair. "For being such a well behaved girl." Impmon reached up with both hands, and unhinged the cloth pins on her ears. "Now what do we say?" Impmon clapped the pins together.

"Thank you." Renamon choked out. "But my breasts...." Renamon's tits were red, sore from the remaining cloth pins.

"Did I say you could ask questions?" Renamon arched her head back, seeing Impmon land behind her. "Now I think a good spanking is in order."

THWACK! Renamon's taut ass quivered as Impmon slapped her yellow furred ass hard. Renamon kept quiet as she quivered. "Would you like another?" Impmon asked behind her, leaving his hand on her ass.

Renamon's defiance sparked up again. "No."

"Awww..." Impmon bent down at Renamon's feet, and picked a cloth pin of the ground. Then he reached under Renamon's pussy and began rubbing the wooden pin over her slit. "You sure?"

Renamon shivered as Impmon opened the pin. "Ah, I mean yes, I would like another!"

Impmon smiled and withdrew the pin. THWACK! Renamon felt her ass whacked again. "Another?" Impmon asked.

"Yes, please." Renamon was getting the hang of this psychotic game.

THWACK! Impmon was really getting into the spanking. He didn't have the physical strength to hurt her, and her fur gave her some protection, but it still stung. Besides, Impmon was more interested in humiliating Renamon as he worked up for his third time.

THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! Impmon smiled as his arm began to get tired from spanking. The pin on her tail had fallen off, and landed on the ground, Impmon didn't even notice. His pace slowed as he watched Renamon's flesh quiver. "Oh, man, I can't stand it!" Impmon looked down, he had been stroking his dick to another erection. "That ass is begging to be fucked!" Renamon was panting hard to say anything as Impmon dragged up a footstool, since Renamon was quite a bit higher than he."Oh yeah." Impmon drooled as he pressed the head of his dick up against Renamon's asshole.

Renamon bit her lip as she felt an intrusion in her ass. Impmon wasn't too large, in relation to her size. It sill hurt some though as he managed to slide himself completely in. "MMmmmm...." Renamon shivered as Impmon began pumping himself. It was the oddest sensation, one which she might have enjoyed if it wasn't for the vile creature who was doing it.

"Oh, man, this is tight!" Impmon had two fists full of yellow fur as he pounded Renamon's ass. Renamon's butt hole was like a vacuum, sucking him in, and refusing to let him go. He had to pull out with some effort, before thrusting himself back in hard, not holding anything back. "Oh man, here I cum!" Impmon's panting began more intense, and Renamon became aware of a warm sensation as her rectum was coated with Impmon's cum again. Impmon panted as he withdrew from Renamon's ass, giving her butt cheeks a quick squeeze. A drop of cum dripped out or Renamon's asshole. "MMmmmm now that felt good." Impmon pinched her ass hard. "Didn't it?"

"Yes, it did." Renamon said what Impmon wanted her to say.

"Now I know you are dying for me to take you in the pussy." Impmon reached under and began to finger Renamon. "I am willing to bet such a tight ass like yourself has never been fucked before. But it's going to take me a while to go a third time. So we are going to have some fun." Impmon got under Renamon, and finally removed the final two cloth pins off Renamon's very erect and red nipples. Impmon took some time to suck and lick the sore tits, running his tongue from one breast to another. Renamon groaned slightly, rather enjoying this, although she would never admit it. Impmon took some time to wet every square inch of Renamon's ample rack, and went over it twice to make sure he didn't miss any. Impmon paid special attention to Renamon's tits of course. The black digimon enjoyed this immensely. Half of the female digimon hardly even had breasts. In fact, as far as Impmon could think, Renamon was the only rookie that had something over a B cup. "Mmmm, you should be proud." Impmon licked his lips as he finished. "You have one of the nicest sets I have ever seen." Impmon walked out from under Renamon, and went to the box he got the cloth pins from. "Now babe, can you tell me what these are for?" Impmon held out a large pink cylinder with a wire running to a small box.

Renamon looked it over. She couldn't place it at first. "No, I don't."

"I'll give you a hint." Impmon held the pink rod next to his own already hardening dick. "Got an idea?"

"A fake dick..." Renamon admitted.

"You got it." Impmon smiled as he held up the pink device. "Now let's have some fun." Impmon traced the dildo over Renamon's breasts slowly at first, then tracing a slowly long path down her chest. "I can tell you are just dying for this." Impmon ran the plastic device over her stomach, and finally reached her cunt. Impmon smiled as Renamon grimaced in anticipation, and with one swift motion, buried the plastic hard in Renamon. Renamon gasped at the sudden sensation. "Oh yeah, you like that bitch?" Impmon moved the dildo in and out or Renamon's cunt.

"Yes..." Renamon groaned as she was violated.

Impmon landed on Renamon's butt. "Now you'll love this." Impmon flicked the switch on the box, and all of a sudden, the box started vibrating.

"UHHhhh!" Renamon whimpered as her entire cunt started buzzing.

Impmon smiled as the dildo's effects became rather visible. He let go of the box, so the dildo was freely hanging out of her pussy. "Now if that falls out, I am putting the cloth pins back on." The box hanging from the dildo swung back and forth in time with the vibrations.

Renamon felt the dildo begin to slide out, and immediately clamped her hips tight. The pain of the cloth pins were enough to make her obey Impmon to the letter. Tightening herself, she stopped the pink plastic. It was difficult because the dildo was vibrating, and her cunt was rather wet. But Renamon had rather strong muscles, and the dildo stopped.

Impmon laughed as he watched Renamon struggle to keep the intruder in. Doing so only seemed to increase her unwanted pleasure. After a few minutes, Impmon got bored with merely watching. "Now for our next toy!" Impmon held out what looked like a necklace with pink plastic balls. "What is this for?"

Renamon was stumped. "I... have no idea." The dildo in her cunt clipped again, so she clenched harder.

Impmon smiled. "You'll see." Impmon moved back to sitting on Renamon's butt, grabbing the dildo's control box as he did so. "Let's play the counting game." Impmon dangled the pink balls, letting the bounce up against her asshole. "Count with me." Impmon gripped the end of the ball chain. He placed the smallest of the balls at Renamon's asshole. Renamon realized what he was doing, and bit her lips. Impmon shoved one of the balls in her tight asshole.

"UH!" Renamon gasped as she realized the device's purpose.

"One." Impmon smiled as he lined up the next ball. "And I said count." Already his cock was begining to harder. Having a wet, hapless female Renamon under him easily had that affect.

Renamon grimaced as she felt another intrusion, the second ball forcing the first ball even further. "Two..." She got out.

Impmon smiled, and suddenly flicked the switch on the dildo box he was holding. Renamon suddenly gasped as the vibrator doubled in intensity. "Uhhhhh!" Renamon hung her head panting hard. An orgasm was almost on her now, and she hardly noticed when Impmon shoved a third pink ball up her ass.

THWACK!!" Impmon slapped Renamon hard on the ass. "Pardon?"

"Three!" Renamon shouted as she came, the dildo sliding out of her body. Her whole body spasmed as she came hard, Impmon enjoying the whole effect. Renamon's eyes were closed as she began to regain control. Her tongue protruded slightly as she breathed hard. Suddenly her eyes flew open.

"I think I am ready for another round!" Impmon declared after he had inserted himself in Renamon's cunt. While not as tight as Renamon's ass, it still was more than enough to satisfy him.

"Mmmm...." Renamon whimpered as she felt Impmon tear into her like the sex-crazed beast that he was.

"What an honour it is to be your first!" Impmon joked as he rammed in even harder, putting all his effort into his thrust. Renamon's whole body rocked as she was penetrated again and again. Renamon began moaning in spite of herself, she no longer had the energy to mask her pleasure. Impmon was fucking as hard as he could cumming twice before made the third time even harder. Renamon's third orgasm was also difficult, because she was incredible tired. Still, a third tiny orgasm filled her body with sexual hormones, causing her to whimper in unwanted pleasure.

"Yeah baby!" Impmon was much more enthusiastic, shouting in joy as he finally shot his load into Renamon's limp body. "Oh man!" Impmon pumped a few more times before withdrawing. "This day is defiantly making my top ten." Impmon's dick shriveled back into his pouch, completely spent.

A coupled drops of cum dripped from Renamon's cunt as Impmon left his position. Renamon lifted her head, and saw Impmon half way up the stairs to the basement. "Wait!" Renamon begged as she saw Impmon begin to leave.

"Man you can't get enough of the Impmon!" Impmon smirked as he turned around. "But I am completly spent, sorry toots."

"You aren't going to leave me here!" Renamon tried to stand up straight, but the drugs, as well as the entire ordeal left her drained. The pink balls swung from her ass like a second tail.

"Oh, yeah right." Impmon laughed. "Release the ninja fox women I just raped." Impmon turned and went back up the stairs. "Hey, if you are still here tonight, maybe we can have some more fun." Impmon laughed as he closed the door, sealing the rookie digimon alone.

The rest of the day for Renamon included passing out a few times, and then slowly as the drugs wore off, her strength returned. She stood up straight, and began pulling down on the roof hard. The chains rattled with each pull. Suddenly there was a large creaking, and the chains ripped off the ceiling. Renamon fell over as the chains fell on her, utterly exhausted. She lay there a few seconds, before getting up. Now that her hands were no longer attached to the ceiling, she managed to slip them over her feet so they were in front of here. A few more minutes of struggling, and the bonds slipped from her hands. The first thing she did was remove the plastic palls from her ass, which Impmon had left in her. She felt the oddest sensation of being empty as she tossed the plastic ball ring aside. Renamon cranked her shoulders around, her joints stiff from the unusual position they were in for hours. And in a flash, she was gone, leaving the basement empty.


Renamon silently landed in front of Rika's room. Her anger was intense, so much she hardly noticed her tamer behind her. "Finally. I was wondering where you were."

Renamon turned around, Rika stood behind her, arms crossed. "I was... detained." Renamon stood up straight.

"Ah yeah, all work and no play." Renamon looked up. Impmon was on a branch over Rika.

Renamon's eyes flashed, but Rika hardly acknowledged his existence. "He has been here for the last couple hours. I've known telemarketers less annoying."

Renamon took a step forward. "I will be more than happy to remove him."

"Ahhh..." Impmon laughed, waving a finger and jumped down on the tree, and beckoned Renamon with a finger. "Come here a sec, toots. I want to tell you something in private."

Renamon, although she wanted to rip Impmon's tail off and beat him to death with it, indulged him. She bent down, so her head was close to Impmon's. "What is it, you sick little rapist?"

"Do you think you can kill me before I accidentally let out what happened to you?" Impmon winked. "What do you think your trainer will think when she finds out her big tough Renamon was my little sex toy?"

Renamon growled. "Then I will merely kill you by myself, when she isn't around..."

"And what happen if I escape your wrath?" Impmon reached up and pinched Renamon's cheek. "I will just come right here and torch the whole joint. I've been here for hours. She is alive because you played my game." Impmon jumped back on the tree, and raised his voice so Rika could hear. "Leaving now, try not to miss me too much!" Impmon jumped up into the branches, and was gone from sight.

"Why didn't you delete him?" Rika walked up to Renamon, who stood under the tree looking up.

"He was not worth it." Renamon looked down at Rika.

"Yeah, you are probably right." Rika turned around. "Who wants the data from such a weakling anyway?" Rika walked back into her house.

Renamon looked into the tree Impmon was just in. "Yeah... weakling." She replied softly as she disappeared.

A lemon I felt like doing myself. I may make a sex toy 2 one day, if there is enough demand for it :) Any comments, requests, compliments, etc email me at [[email protected]](%5C)

Proofread by: Madman

Sex Toy - Chapter 2 - Chained and Knocked up

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