Guarded - Episode 4

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#5 of Guarded

Being one of the biggest pop stars in the country isn't all fun and games. When Leo, also known as idol sensation Electric Blue has one too many encounters with obsessed fans, he decides it's high time he got himself a bodyguard. However when his bodyguard ends up being a no-nonsense wolf by the name of Tracey, who has seen her fair share of tragedy and has no patience for the idol's flippant ways, this ram and wolf will butt heads and the sparks will fly.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Episode 4:

Every part of you is beautiful to me.

"Alright! Let's do this!" Blue thrust his outstretched hand towards the mirror a wide bright grin on his face, his emerald eyes looking ablaze in contrast to the blue and white stars along with the blue bolt across his eye.

"Yeah! Let's make some magic, baby!" Max thrusts his fist up and out as the two of them fist bumped.

Tracey snorts out a laugh and rolls her eyes playfully. "Nerds..."

Blue saunters over to the wolf and puts a hand on his hip, his teeth showing as he grins wide at her. Hesitating for a moment he gripped her hand and lifted it to his face.

Tracey snorts in amusement and jerks her hand out of his grip, startling the idol who gave her a shocked look. The wolf glances to the rat and thrusts a hand towards the door. "Maximillian, step out for a second."

The rat blinks at the display with a bit of hesitation then quickly scurries out of the room, shutting the door behind him. The wolf growls at the ram and grabs the open collar of his jacket pulling him down an extra few inches thanks to his heeled boots.

Tracey shoves her mouth against his again in a vicious, hungry kiss. The ram's eyes widen at the gesture but quickly close as he eagerly accepts the wolf's lips. He could smell her feral scent as he drew in a deep breath through his nose. The two kiss for several heartbeats before she pulls from his mouth and gives him a coy grin, her own lips stained blue from the lipstick he wore.

"Yes, I will keep you safe." The dog huffs the words and steps towards the exit of the dressing room her tail wagging lazily. She didn't even bother to wipe her mouth off as she gives Max a nod while passing by him outside, the rat blinking several times at the obvious blue lipstick on her lips.

Blue moves out right behind her, his cheeks dark even through his makeup. He quickly gives Max a look as the rat gives him a knowing smile before clenching his fists and stomping a foot. "Focus baby, it's time for magic, remember!?"

The ram grins at the rat and nods. "R-right! Time for hopes and dreams to be fulfilled!"

"Yeah!" Both the ram and rat exclaim together and fist bump again before moving towards the stage area.

The opening song had begun and Tracey found herself next to Max to the side of the stage. Her gloves came out as she slid them on, clenching her fists while trying to focus. She glanced up at the ram on stage dancing and singing to the crowd, her heart throbbing in her chest.

"Focus... you're here for a reason and it's not pleasure." The wolf growled the words out loud, though no one could hear her through the loud roar of the fans and the sound of the music. She cleared her mind then saw Max looking up at her with a wide knowing grin.

The wolf gave him an amused look and put a hand on her hip, as if waiting on him to say something. The rat gave her a toothy grin and shoved his fist out at her. The dog rolled her eyes before lightly bumping her gloved fist to his. "Yeah!" The rat yelled out, continuing to shake his hips and move in time to Blue's song.

The wolf grinned and rolled her eyes again before moving back stage to take up position on the other side of the band. Once in position she rested her hands on her hips, smiling as she looked over the crowd for trouble makers. A song passed, then another, and then another. Every now and then Blue would glance over her way, she was always there, if not on the left of stage, then on the right side with Max.

"Thank you my loves!" The ram called out to the roaring audience, taking a moment to quickly move over to one of the amplifiers where a bottle of water was sitting. While he drank some water to refresh his throat, the band got ready for the next set. He glanced over to see his bodyguard standing there behind the curtains. The two of them made eye contact and Tracey gave him a grin, folding her arms over her stomach and quirking a brow. He could plainly see the blue lipstick still on her lips and it made his heart flutter as he caught himself getting lost in the moment.

The dog rolled her azure eyes which seemed to sparkle in the laser lights of the stage and jerked her head towards the front of the stage. The ram raised his drooped ears and came back to the moment, quickly moving back to the mic. "Alright, let's keep the magic going!" The crowd roared back to life as the band began the intro to the next song.

The first hour of the show came to a close, then the second was on its way out the door soon enough as well. Tracey flicked an ear recognizing the intro to 'Neon Sunset' and knew this would be the final song. She grit her teeth and growled thinking about yesterday and tensed up, clenching her fists and whipping her tail about in focus.

Thankfully the last of the show went off without a hitch, the venue security actually doing their jobs this time and keeping all the fans off the stage. Tracey found herself back at the dressing room with Leo after escorting him from the stage. A few moments later Max came prancing in. "Leo, baby! That was probably your best performance yet!"

"You say that every time, Max." The ram huffed the words, lounging in the makeup chair, still trying to catch his breath. His entire body was dripping with sweat, his blue and white bangs plastered to his forehead, his stars and bolt streaked from dripping sweat and his open chest muscles glistening in the light of the room.

"I mean it this time though! You seemed to have an extra bit of fire in you tonight. Like something had reignited your passion!" The rat grinned and looked over at Tracey who was leaning against the wall, a boot propped against it with her leg bent.

The wolf perked her ears and felt her cheeks heat up, her lips were still slightly blue from the kiss a few hours ago. "W-what are you looking at me for?"

"You seemed to enjoy the performance more tonight as well, Tracey." The rat squeaked the words in a teasing tone of voice. "I saw your tail wagging in time to the music a few times."

Tracey snorted out through her nose. "Staring at my butt, Maximilian?"

The rat squeaked out and threw a hand up. "N-no! That's not what I was doing at all!"

"Ha... you guys are great..." Leo finally spoke out again, leaning back in his chair, his arm over his eyes, still panting softly in fatigue. An amused grin on his face.

"You seem more worn out than usual, you okay Leo, baby?" The rat prodded at him with a bit of worry in his voice.

"It's probably my fault. I had him out running around all day with me knowing he had a show tonight. Sorry..." Tracey huffed the words, drooping her ears and looking away.

"Don't be stupid!" The ram barked out and sat up in the chair rolling his neck. "You didn't have a gun to my head, and I needed a nice chill day to have some fun. Don't even think about apologizing for that!" Tracey gave the ram a small smile, her tail flicking slowly.

"Well once you're cleaned up we can be on our way!" The rat spoke out excitedly. "Ah, do you have any preparations to make before we head out, Tracey?"

The wolf shrugged and pushed up off the wall. "Nah, I packed accordingly, I can go anytime."

"Alright! It's a tight window to the next show, so let's not dawdle too long here, we've got to be in the next city in two days." Max threw a hand up as he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Tracey looked over at the ram and he returned the look. "So..." The wolf clenched her teeth and drooped her ears, looking away. "You're sure you want me tagging along?"

Leo stood from his chair and rolled his neck before stepping over to the makeup mirror and started cleaning the makeup off his face. "I'm absolutely sure!"

She felt a tug in her, she wanted to go over to him, but she also didn't want to cling and harass the ram while he was going through his post show routine. Not to mention if she got on top of him while he smelled like that, she might lose her mind.

Leo scrubbed his face off then went to clean the paint off his horns, huffing out gently, his tail flicking about in focus while he bent forward. Tracey looked his figure over, his ass looked amazing in those tight jeans, which was the point she figured. Her heart rate paced up faster and she found his scent starting to get to her. "S-so... where do we stand?" The wolf asked curiously.

Leo blinked a few times then turned to look at her, his green eyes looking troubled as they met her blue ones. "I'm not sure... I know I want you near me though."

Tracey grit her teeth and looked away, hissing through them. "T-that's my job, Leo. No worries there."

"You know that's not what I mean, Tracey." The ram puts his hand on his hip and gives her a flat look.

The dog droops her ears and huffs out. "I know, I know..."

Leo saunters over to her and the wolf flicks her ears up sharply as he closes the distant, his scent getting stronger with every step. "It gets hot up on stage doesn't it?"

The wolf blinks up at him and nods her head a few times, taking in a deep huff through her nose, smelling the younger man's sweat and musk, he smelled just like he did last night. "Y-yeah... it does..."

"Even on the sidelines like you were, it gets pretty hot, doesn't it?" The ram leans in, now whispering in her large white ears, the one with the silver hoop in it jerked and twitching against his hot breath.

"Y-yes..." Tracey practically growled the word, her tail started to wag faster, her body growing warmer by the second.

"You also worked up a sweat tonight, I can smell it on you." The ram huffs the words into her flicking ear.

Tracey yipped out softly at the words and took a step back, her cheeks flushed brightly in embarrassment. "Y-you can't just say that! Stupid... damn... sh-sheep!"

"You said it to me last night, why can't I tell you that you smell good when you're sweating?" He gave a wink and put his hands on his hips.

The wolf had no words and just thrashed her tail about rapidly, looking frazzled and uncertain. The ram grinned and moved a few more steps and leaned in on her now. Tracey huffed out and looked up at him, her cheeks flush as she pushed back into the wall, his palm next to her head as he leaned in. His eyes burned with confidence and desire. "I think you smell amazing..." Leo huffed the words down into her ear before starting to place soft kisses along her cheek and chin.

The wolf shivered at his words and kisses, her head tilting to fully expose her throat to him, feeling him start to move down her neck with his lips. Tracey gave out a soft gasp when his teeth gave little soft nips against her flesh. "I like... I really..." Her tail started wagging faster and faster as her pulse paced up more and more.

"What is it, Tracey?" The ram cooed the words, his voice dripping with confidence and desire, still moving along her throat kissing her soft flesh, tasting her.

The wolf shuddered, letting out a ragged huff before grabbing Leo by the collar and looking into his bright eyes, her canines showing as she growled the words in a feral almost savage tone of voice. "I fucking love how you smell!"

Leo let out an excited huff as she brought him to eye level again and eagerly pushed his mouth to hers before she could do it first. The wolf and ram locked into another heated kiss, their hands now exploring one another's body frantically, their tongues wrestling playfully, while they furiously tasted one another.

Tracey shoved her hands against his gleaming chest, pushing her fingertips up against his muscles and over his strong shoulders, eager to strip his open jacket away and see all of him.

Likewise Leo had already moved his hands to grab the front of Tracey's jeans, jerking the button free and pulling the zipper down to show her white panties beneath.

The door swung wide open to the dressing room as Max pushed in once more, "Leo, baby the bus driver wants t- Wah!" The rat squeaked out at the scene before him and quickly turned his back to them.

Leo pulled from Tracey's mouth and grit his teeth, blushing furiously or maybe the heat on his cheeks was anger. "Max! I swear to fucking gawd!"

"I'm so sorry Leo, baby! I-I'm not used to you needing privacy like this!" The rat drummed his fingertips together and shifted on his feet. "B-but... we are almost out of time on our rental of the venue, they are kicking us out."

Tracey pushed up off the wall and tucked her tongue back into her mouth, zipping her pants back up again and taking a controlled huff of breath. "Sorry, this is my fault. I don't mean to muck up your work and such, Maximillian."

The rat looks at the wolf and gives her a wide grin, waving a hand. "No no! I think it's great! Leo, he isn't the type... I mean in two years now... I've never seen him with-"

"Will you shut the fuck up!" The ram barks out at the rat and stomps over to him glaring while straightening his jacket.

"Eep! S-sorry! I'm just... happy for you, ya know?" The rat gives him a playful grin as he takes a few steps towards the exit.

The ram glares at him and folds his arms, "Fine... fuck me... fine! We're leaving then!" Leo looks over at Tracey with an apologetic look on his face. The wolf gives him a hungry grin in response.

"C'mon sheep, we need to get you on your bus." The wolf coos the words playfully as she walks by him and gives his firm butt a heavy pat.

The idol lets out a soft grunt at the pat and blushes furiously before collecting some of his personal items, trotting out of the dressing room.

It was more of the same scene as yesterday getting on the bus, fans screaming and pushing to get a chance to see and possibly touch Electric Blue as he left their city. Once Leo was on the bus Tracey let out a sigh of relief as the crowd seemed to collectively accept the reality and quieted down, some starting to disperse.

"Great job tonight, Tracey." Max trotted up to her whipping his pink tail about while grinning up at the wolf.

"You too, Maximillian. So what happens now?" The wolf asked curiously, still having to keep her voice up over the several dozen people that were still remaining and trying to get to the bus.

The rat gave a toothy grin. "We ride to the next city and then do the whole thing again. Your stuff is already on the bus here."

The dog grunted at the words and jerked her head towards the large unassuming black bus. "Wait... this bus? Shouldn't it be on one of the buses the rest of the roadies and staff ride on?"

The rat wrings his hands together and looks away with a silly grin on his face. "W-well normally, but you know... Leo made this big how to do that you couldn't protect him if you weren't on the bus."

"P-protect him from what?! Motion sickness?!" Tracey barked the words out, feeling her cheeks burn furiously at the thought of riding on the same bus as that ram and smelling him the whole time. "Did the perverted sheep just tell you this?!"

"No, he mentioned this from the get go before you even showed up yesterday. Said he wanted his bodyguard nearby at all times." The rat fidgeted on his feet as he explained.

"So uh..." The wolf looks away blushing heavily now, her tail whipping about as she folds her arms over her stomach. "How do we get him cleaned up? He kind of smells from that show..."

"Truck stop." The rat says with a matter of fact tone, then gives the wolf a smile. "I understand..."

The wolf growls at him. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?!"

The rat squeaks and drums his fingertips together. "Ah! I mean... I have a sensitive nose too, most uh... most rats do you know? It can get rough when someone is all sweaty and in need of a shower!"

"Right... so..." Tracey shifts on her feet awkwardly. "I guess I should... go?"

The rat gives her a grin and shrugs. "I mean we can't leave until you're on the bus, Tracey."

"This... is a terrible idea, Maximillian." The wolf growls the words and bends down to huff at him with a slight glare.

The rat gives a playful smile. "Well you could always refuse and ride on the other buses... Leo might be a little sad though."

Tracey frowns at the idea of upsetting him, he was such a cute ram and it made her stomach twist in a knot at the idea of making him sad. "Tch... whatever... this whole job is a shit show."

The wolf turns and pushes the doors of the bus open as the rat grins, and spoke again. "You two are really cute, makes me wish I was home with my wife!"

The wolf felt her cheeks flush and looked back at the rat with a glare. "I-it's not like that!"

Max gave the dog a surprisingly cocky grin. "Right... care for a little insider info?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Sure, why not."

"I've been his manager on tour for two years, four if you count the early days when it was just him and me." The rat speaks fondly as he thinks back on it.

"Okay, so?" The wolf prods the rat and gives a look like she was getting impatient.

"I've never seen him with someone like he was with you earlier. I mean... seriously. If he's ever been with someone, I've never known about it, and I've got a better sense of smell than you dogs do and I've not spent a day apart from him in almost four years." The rat huffs the words and crosses his arms.

Her azure eyes widened and she felt her stomach twist at the words. "S-so you're telling me this because?"

"Because Leo isn't the type to hook up or have casual things. If he says he likes you, he means it." The rat shrugs and turns away from the dog. "Just my observations over the years, I just don't want you getting the wrong impression about what he may or may not want."

Tracey bites her lower lip at the thought and shakes her head before pushing the doors open and climbing onto the tour bus. The steps lead straight into the main cavity of the bus. There was a small sofa looking piece of furniture along one side of the bus with a bolted down table in front of it. A TV about the size of Tracey's hung bolted to the wall opposing the sofa. There was a minifridge and then in the back was a drawing curtain that lead to a small sleeping area.

The sleeping area had a bed that seemed to take up the entire back end of the bus. There were two guitars next to the bed, an electric one that was blue, and then a traditional one you would half expect to see played at a campfire meet up. The ram was piled up in the bed already collapsed in it fast asleep.

Tracey walked through the bus looking around, the whole thing smelled of him strongly. She stood there for a few moments, just looking at the ram sleeping in his bed. It wasn't a graceful thing. He was flopped over on his belly, clinging to a large pillow, his boots were still on him along with his entire outfit.

"Poor thing, you really wore yourself out after spending the day with me..." Tracey spoke the words gently as she took a seat on the side of the bed and carefully removed his boots, pulling them free and setting them next to the bed. Leo gave a groan and huff in response before clinging tighter to his pillow and wiggling his tail and toes about.

Tracey looked at his tail flicking cutely and grinned, then looked down at his ass, her cheeks flushed as she stared at his rear. The ram had a hell of an ass on him, faintly round but firm and a little muscled but not to the point of looking blocky. The wolf let out a controlled breath through her nose and snatched up the sheets on the bed, draping them over him before walking back out to the sofa, pulling the privacy curtain to for him on the way.

There was a pillow and sheet set out next to the couch for her. "Well... it's not the worst sleeping arrangements I've had on a gig." The wolf spoke the words with a smile and took a seat on the sofa, unlacing her boots. She felt the bus jerk and heard the various rivets and bolts holding things down squeak and groan before the vehicle started moving. She looked out the window seeing the street lights and building start to pass by, then a few minutes later they were on the interstate and leaving her city.

She thought about the situation she was in, thought about her mother and this bus, the concert, Max and the days to come, but mostly she just thought about him. "You've really gotten yourself in a mess this time, dog." Tracey spoke the words aloud as she laid onto the sofa and pulled the sheet up over her. She didn't bother changing out of her black jeans or top, just closed her eyes, letting the gentle rocking of the tour bus help her drift to sleep, her nose filled with the scent of that ram that was driving her crazy.

Tracey let out a soft huff of a yawn while stirring, her ear flicked from the noise in the background. It was the sound of an announcer, a sportscaster actually. She recognized the terminology instantly, it was baseball. There was a baseball game playing on the TV. She cracked an eye open and blinked it, seeing the TV on the other side of the tour bus with a game going.

She grunted and nuzzled into her pillow then huffed and realized it wasn't a pillow. She took a deep breath in through her nose and could plainly smell him. Her head was in his lap, well on his leg to be more specific. She blinked her eyes open and looked up out of the corner of her vision, seeing Leo messing around on his cell phone, paying no mind to the game whatsoever.

Tracey started to say something and then felt his left hand push onto her head and stroke her hair, rubbing her ears gently. The movement felt practiced and familiar, as if he had been doing it for a while now. The wolf clenched her teeth feeling her cheeks furiously burn while he fingered and rubbed her sensitive ears. She wasn't sure if she wanted to growl at him or wag her tail.

It had been too long since someone touched her like this. He wasn't being sexual, he was just petting her and doting on her. The wolf closed her eyes, deciding she would have a little more of the attention. It had been so long since anyone had done such a thing and she had been putting up with his shit this whole time. Least she could do is get pampered a little by him.

A few more minutes passed, then a few more. When she had woken the game was on the top of the third inning, but now it was wrapping up the seventh inning stretch. All the while he just kept stroking her messy white hair and petting her ears, his fingertips occasionally brushing over the large hoop in her chipped ear.

She decided she had been sufficiently pampered and rolled over onto her back, laying her head into his lap fully and blinking up at him, her ears perked up at she huffed out in a clear non-drowsy voice. "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

The idol looked down at her with a playful smile and moved a hand to rub at the wolf's ears once more. "I'm Leo, nice to meet you." He hummed the words in a playful sing-song voice.

Tracey grinned and flicked an ear against his finger then rolled her eyes. "So you thought it was okay just to put my head in your lap?"

"There's nowhere else to sit, and I didn't want to lay in bed all day." He spoke the words gently, then brushed her bangs out of her face to get a better look at her. Azure eyes blinked up at him as she gave him a playful smile.

"Well... maybe you should have thought of that before insisting I bunk with you." The wolf snapped her teeth and grinned at the ram.

"Are you complaining? Should I stop?" Leo asked her pointedly.

"I-I'm not... and you shouldn't..." She blushes while answering his questions, then closed her eyes, enjoying the rubbing of her head and ears.

A few more minutes pass before she breaks the silence again. "So baseball huh?"

Leo set his phone down and looked down at her once more. "I'm not really a sports guy, but I recall you saying you liked it."

Tracey grinned at him, feeling her cheeks warming again. "So you just put it on for me? You could have watched what you wanted you know."

"Truth be told, I think this is the first time the satellite has been turned on since I started this tour. I mostly use the TV to play games." The ram was now stroking his fingertips through the strands of hair that were near her throat.

"What time is it?" She asked, looking around while in his lap, seeing the sun was clearly up.

"It's almost noon, you were out for a while... You've been in my lap for at least three hours." He spoke the words gently while combing his fingers through her soft hair.

"Half a day... fuck... was I really that tired?" She gives a stretch and starts to sit up, but feels Leo place a hand gently on her collar and pull her back down. She huffs up at him looking irritated.

"Sorry... just a few more minutes, please?" He smiles down at her, stroking her hair and petting at her ears gently.

The wolf fusses and growls but relaxes in his lap once more. "Fine... just until the game wraps up..." She grumbles the words and turns her head to look at the TV, a small smile creeping at the corner of her mouth.

"We're going to be stopping at a travel center in about an hour by the way." Leo speaks the words out gently while rubbing Tracey's ears. He had waited until the commercial break between the top and bottom of the eighth inning to speak.

Her ear flicks at the words and she nods. "Alright, that's nothing new for me. I will make sure to shower and get any toiletries I need. How often do you guys do these pit stops?"

"We will stop at least four times a day for the crew to get breaks and food, but we only make a big stop for long showers and clothes washing every two days or so. It drives poor Max crazy." He grins as he speaks the words, his fingertips rolling the hoop in her ear gently.

"Why would it drive him crazy?" She asks curiously.

"Guy's a neat freak, likes to shower at least twice a day if he can. I think it's because rats have a very keen sense of smell, even now he sometimes has to stand several feet from me after a show until I clean up." Leo runs his fingertip along the inside of her ear, where the fur was more thin.

Tracey shivers at the touch and lets out a ragged huff before shooting a quick glare at the ram. "S-stop that..."

"Sorrrrrrry." He grins and resumes stroking her hair and ears gently.

The wolf huffs out softly, trying to focus on the game. Truth be told he still smelled great and it still made her ache with desire.

"Speaking of... I can still smell you and it's intoxicating..." The ram hisses the words down into her ears while rubbing at them gently, as if he had read her mind.

She grinned and felt her cheeks burn as she looked at him out of the corner of her eye. "Perverted sheep."

The two of them settled into a comfortable silence while Tracey stared at the TV. A few minutes passed before the wolf snapped out with a sharp edge in her voice. "What the fuck! That was clearly a strike."

Leo let out an amused snort and patted her head gently, as if to placate her. "There there, the referee is still a person and can make mistakes."

The wolf huffs and looks up at him. "They're called umpires in baseball."

"Oops my bad, umpire. Yay sports ball, go team A, move the thing to the other thing and get the points. Woo!" The ram spoke the words dryly and the wolf glared at him with a playful pout.

"Okay smartass, we get it. You're a comedic genius." Tracey grumbles the words and turns back to her game.

"Are you really upset with me?" Leo asks with a grin, rubbing at the tip of her left ear.

"Phht... no!" The wolf grins and sits up, rolling her neck and shoulder. Her hair was a mess, the tie holding it in a ponytail lost during her sleep, and then the ram just stroking and petting it made the whole situation worse. Tracy began combing her fingers through her hair to try to make it somewhat less of a tangled mess.

"You want me to brush it for you?" Leo offered, the tone of his voice sounding eager.

Tracey flicked her ears up sharply, a memory of her sitting on the bus when Helen would brush and braid her hair for her. The wolf clenched her teeth and drooped her ears. "I... I..." She took a controlled breath and glared out at nothing in particular before cutting her eyes back to Leo. "I would like that... very much." Her words came out sharp and determined as she gave a quick nod.

She found herself sitting on the couch facing away from him, the ram behind her running his own hair brush through her long white hair again and again. Tracey had her eyes closed, smiling and enjoying the treatment he was giving her. Her tail wagged a bit and she sighed happily.

The ram grunted and laughed as he gently put his hand on the side of her tail clear of the base and held it down. "H-hey... c'mon... I can't work with that thing smacking me in the face and chest constantly."

The wolf looked over her shoulder at him with a happy smile. "Sorry, I guess it's got a mind of its own." She pulled her tail around and rested it in her lap, letting him continue to brush her hair.

Tracey didn't have curly hair, it was straight and no frills, she knew it would take two or three minutes to brush at the most, but the ram just kept on brushing it for her. It had been well over ten minutes by the time he sat the brush down on the small table in front of the couch.

"Thank you, Leo. This is nice..." She spoke the words cheerfully then felt her ears raise as he started to tug and work at her hair, she could feel by the way he was moving that he was braiding her hair now. The dog smiled sadly and closed her eyes, drinking in the moment and relishing it.

A few minutes later she was sporting a long braid that ran all the way down her back to the base of her tail. Tracey grinned and pulled some of it around to admire the weaving work. "You're not bad at this..."

"Thanks, I had two older sisters that constantly made me braid their hair. I got lots of practice in." The ram spoke the words with a laugh.

Tracey looked over at him, then looked over his own curly almost wooly hair. "Oh man, if they had hair like yours, that would of been a challenge."

"Oh it was, trust me... your hair is a dream to work with, I would braid it every day if you wanted me too." The ram huffs the words out with a gentle smile, his own tail flicking behind him.

"Really?" Tracey had already missed the end of the game and in truth hadn't cared who was going to win anyway. She turned around to face the ram, then gingerly threw her leg over his lap and moved to straddle him, sitting on her knees while grinning playingfully at him.

Leo bit his lower lip as she slid into his lap to face him, her crotch pressing to his own. He was sure she could feel that heavy bulge in his jeans that had been there most of the morning. "Y-yeah... anytime you want it braided or brushed... just ask me." The ram spoke the words with a faint pant, trying to play it cool.

"I guess my scent really did get to you, huh?" She growled the words and shifted her hips, grinding on his lap letting him know she could feel his eagerness. The older woman leaned in, wrapping her arms around the younger man's neck and shoved her mouth impatiently against his own.

Leo flicked his ears up when she moved in to kiss him, then they drooped once more as he returned the kiss eagerly. Both his hands rested on the wolf's curvy hips, squeezing them through her jeans and then circling around to her backside, grabbing a handful of her ass in both palms.

Tracey let out a soft gasp and pulled from his mouth with a hungry grin, looking into his eyes while he kneaded at her backside. "Hum... not even going to ask before you start touching my ass?"

"You didn't ask before smacking my butt when we left yesterday." The ram gave her a cocky little grin and gripped her butt, pulling her closer, her smaller body pressing closer.

"Ngh... touche, I guess you got me there..." The wolf leans in and drifts her lips along his throat now. Soft kisses feather up his skin before she darts her tongue out and slides it along his flesh, tasting him and feeling his pulse throb along his neck.

Leo couldn't help but blush and tilted his head to give her better access, as if baring his throat for her to do as she pleased with him. He could feel the fur of her tail brushing his fingertips as she wagged it furiously in response to his submission, letting out a hungry growl before parting her lips and shoving her mouth hard up against his throat.

The idol hissed out as he felt her suckling at his throat his flesh stinging from her marking and claiming him, his fingers clenching and squeezing her firm round ass while she wagged her tail and began to grind her hips more intently. "Ngh... Trixie is going to give me so much shit..."

Tracey perked her large white ears and pulled from Leo's throat with a hot pant on her lips, then admired the small bruise she left behind. The wolf then sat back and let him rub and squeeze her butt for a few more moments before speaking with a huff. "So... who is Trixie?"

The ram brushes his fingertips along his throat with a grin. "Ah, you've met her. That's my makeup girl."

"Ohh... the llama. Yeah I like her because she seemed to be the only other one that wouldn't put up with your bullshit!" The wolf barks the words playfully and grins at him.

"W-well... yeah. She is one of the best and she knows it. One time I went off on a rant and she just walked off on me halfway done and..." The ram blinked his green eyes into Tracey's azure ones as she moved in on him once more.

"I get it... shut up..." The wolf growled the words playfully, her nose brushing his own before she pushed her mouth to his once more, her tongue darting out and forcing into his own mouth this time.

Leo met her tongue with his own and they started flicking and rolling against one another while kissing fervently. The younger ram drew in a heavy breath through his nose, plainly smelling the wolf's own scent of desire now, it mingled with his own musk and started to make his head spin.

Tracey let out a snarl and slid her fingertips over his face, thumbs brushing the curled horns before pressing harder to his lips, drinking in his taste and drawing in heavy breaths through her nose. She could smell him all over her now and he knew he could smell her.

Several moments of frantic kissing passed before the wolf pulled from his mouth and started kissing more fervently down his throat. She started to shift off his lap, placing a hand on the back of the couch her other moving to grab the front of the ram's jeans. "Ha... I want to taste you, I want to smell you, I want to..."

Her ears jerk up along with his as the bus shifts and starts to slow, obviously pulling off the interstate to stop. Tracey clenches her teeth and growls out furiously. "... end all life on this planet!"

"W-well I did say we would be sto-"

"I know!" The wolf snarls and climbs off his lap, pacing a few times along the length of the bus, whipping her tail around furiously. "I just... I just!"

Leo blushes and steadies his breath before giving the wolf a gentle smile. "You what?"

"I like you too!" Tracey growls the words and stomps a foot on the floor, showing her sharp teeth. "And I... really want you!"

Leo snorts a laugh and brushes his fingertips along the bruise at his throat while grinning at the wolf. "You don't say... I would have never guessed..."

The wolf growls and thrusts a finger at him as she feels the bus slow to a stop. "Don't test me sheep!"

The ram gave her a grin and hopped up, sauntering over to her flicking his tail. Tracey glared up at him, cheeks flushed and furiously thrashing her tail about. The idol pushes right up against her chest and the wolf blinks as she feels herself forced gently up against the wall of the bus. His mouth was on hers again just like that, his tongue darting forth and meeting hers as the two embraced in a hungry fervent kiss once more.

Tracey felt her anger and tension ease while her body's desire started to rev up once more. Her tongue lashed out at his eagerly as her fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt.

They kissed for several moments until Leo pulled back. Their lips parted and the wolf blinked up at him, her tongue still lolled slightly as she huffed and looked at him questioningly.

The idol gave Tracey a knowing grin and pulled from her arms, moving to snatch up his own duffle bag with all the things he needed for a shower. The wolf's eyes widened as she saw him moving towards the exit of the bus. "Y-you want me to kill you don't you?" She snarled the words furiously.

Leo gave her a playful wink and bumped the door of the bus open. "Don't be like that, my foxy bodyguard."

The wolf growled and started stomping towards the ram. "You're gonna need someone to guard you from me!"

The ram let out a panicked laugh and gave the wolf a peace sign. "Enjoy your shower, Tracey." He quickly hopped off the bus and trotted into the travel center with a sense of urgency. He grinned the whole way his tail rapidly flicking about. He knew there would be hell to pay for the stunt but it would be worth it.

"I'm gonna kill him... I'm gonna ravage him, then I'm gonna kill him!" The wolf snarled the words while under the stream of hot water in the shower her tail whipping about furiously. She had already fully scrubbed and rinsed and now was just soaking in the water, enjoying the heat on her shoulder.

She rested her forehead on the tiles of the shower wall while standing in the stream of water, thinking to herself furiously. In three days this guy had tore down walls she took almost ten years to build up. Spending time with him made her feel alive for the first time since then.

She had hesitated to take the braid out of her hair, she wanted to leave it there since he had done it for her, but she also wanted to smell good for him. The wolf bit her lower lip at her thought process, wanting to 'smell good' for him. In such a short time she went from not giving a flying fuck about him or anyone near him to actually having feelings and liking him. It wasn't just him either, she found Max endearing too, he was such a friendly and supportive guy.

Tracey stepped from the hot shower and began to towel her body off, looking in the large mirror of the stall seeing the heavy deep scars on her shoulder and thigh. Her heart sunk at the sight of it. What if he found them ugly, what if it put him off. The wolf clenched her teeth and flicked her ears with worry, then shook her head and growled furiously at herself. "Y-you're stupid! He said he likes you, so... he won't care...right?"

She brushes her fingers over the scar along her shoulder, remember how sad and worried he looked when he accidentally hurt her, even though she was on top of him and ready to tear him apart, he only had concern for her in his eyes.

"Whatever... all or nothing... right?" She spoke to herself in the mirror and gave a nod before finishing toweling off and getting dressed. She wanted to wear something sexy for him, but all she had was jeans and t shirts. The wolf bit her lower lip and thought about it for a long moment before having an idea and giving herself a hungry grin.

Tracey climbed back onto the tour bus after making preparations, the ram was already back in the bus sitting on the couch with a book in his hand. He flicked a drooped ear up and smiled at the wolf as she walked in. "Ah Tracey, I finished my last will and testament. It's all yours, the cars, the house, all I ask is you make it quick." The idol spoke the words playfully to the wolf.

He had changed into a pair of black jeans and wore a simple white t shirt, he looked very down to earth despite the blue and white hair. Tracey was wearing a set of blue jeans and her own white shirt, and had put on a button down shirt that looked of the same color of denim as her jeans, the top open showing her white shirt beneath it. She kicked off her tennis shoes she had quickly slipped on to get back to the bus, opting to go barefoot in the bus like the ram currently was.

She snorted through her nose and tossed the ram her hairbrush before setting her bag down. Saying not a word she climbed onto the couch on her knees and turned away from him, giving him an expectant huff.

Leo grinned at her and went right to work, brushing out her still slightly damp hair, taking his time doing it. A few minutes into the brushing they both felt the bus lurch and move into life, starting on its way once more. The jerking stops and starts of traffic lights were common for a few minutes before the bus pulled out onto the interstate once more, the ride growing smooth and quiet.

Tracey wagged her tail slowly while feeling him braid her hair and tying it off. The wolf smiled and let out a satisfied huff before finally speaking out. "So did you enjoy that little stunt you pulled back at the travel center?"

Leo gave an awkward laugh and leaned closer huffing into the wolf's ears gently. "Truth be told, I was a little nervous about us getting too intimate with me all sweaty and gross."

The wolf growled. "I liked how you smelled, I wouldn't of minded." She shifted and slid out of the blue jean overshirt, dropping it to the floor, leaving her in just her white shirt and pants. "Don't misunderstand, I think you smell fucking amazing now too!" The dog barked the words out then moved and sat right down in Leo's lap, facing away from him.

The ram grunted gently as the smaller wolf climbed right into his lap and pushed her back to his chest. Her scent tickled his nose while her ears flicked just below it. She had that natural scent of a predator but it mingled with the soap and shampoo from the shower.

Tracey huffed out impatiently and leaned into the ram, growling up at him. "Touch me already, I want to feel your hands on me!" She grabbed both his wrists and brought them up, forcing him to cup his hands over her heavy breasts.

The ram flinched in surprise and let out a shocked huff into her ears, the wolf grinning as she felt his hands start rubbing, realizing she wasn't wearing a bra beneath the white fabric. Tracey felt her cheeks grow warm as his fingertips rubbed at her, feeling her peaks hard and obvious for him. "I... I wanted to wear something sexy, but... this was the best I could do..."

"I find everything about you sexy, Tracey..." The idol whispered the words against her throat while fondling her chest. She felt his lips brush the side of her neck as he leaned in and started to kiss her freshly washed skin.

"Everything? Even when I'm a monsterous bitch?" The wolf let out a soft gasp as he flicked at her hard nipples through the top and then curiously gave them both a gentle pinch. "Ha... careful, they are sensitive, Leo..."

"Everything... you're the most attractive girl I've ever met..." The ram whispered the words in her ears while giving both her breasts a somewhat rough squeeze.

"Ngh!" The wolf let out a soft groan as he squeezed at her chest, then laughed gently and grinned. "You've got some terrible tastes in women, sheep!" The wolf huffed the words and pulled from his arms, turning to sit in his lap like she had been earlier.

The ram saw instantly why Tracey had come in with the overshirt on, the white shirt she wore was tight and clung to her chest snuggly, easily showcasing her hard nipples and the dark areolas of her breasts to him. The wolf blushed furiously and looked away looking timid and fragile at his gaze. "Ah... I... do you have to stare so intently, you stupid sheep!" She growled the words and looked back at him, glaring and huffing the words.

"Yes I do!" The ram spoke the words excitedly and grabbed at the hem of the wolf's shirt, tugging it up to expose her stomach to him.

"W-wait a sec!" She barked out sharply, panic starting to fill her voice but the ram just continued to pull her top up, forcing her to raise her arms and let her heavy breasts spill out of the shirt. Tracey flinched as he dropped her shirt and grit her teeth, looking away and holding her left hand over her right shoulder.

"They're... a lot bigger than I thought!" The ram spoke excitedly and moved his hands over her breasts, rubbing and squeezing them curiously. The wolf felt her tongue show slightly as she began to pant, feeling his hot touch on her sensitive flesh.

"You're so gorgeous... I can't believe I'm getting to touch you..." Leo sighed the words and gently moved to grip at her left wrist to pull it away as he started to move in for her throat. Tracey flinched and held her grip biting her lip and looking away, keeping her fingers splayed across her right shoulder.

The ram saw the faint signs of scarring at the edges of her fingertips and leaned in giving the wolf a soft kiss on the lips. "It won't change how I feel, don't be afraid to show your body to me..." He whispers the words as he moves in kissing at her throat now, his grip tightening on her left wrist as he gently but forcefully pulls her grip from her own shoulder.

She flinched as he forced her hand away but let him guide it off her shoulder, shivering as his lips moved along her exposed throat. The large scar on her shoulder came fully into view, showing where she had the bullet tear through her all those years ago trying to save Helen.

Tracey grit her teeth, feeling panic well up in her stomach. "I-I'm sorry, I probably look terrible to you!"

"Stupid wolf... you're just as beautiful to me as you've been since the moment I laid eyes on you... " He whispered the words, kissing down her collar and feathering kisses along the scarred flesh of her shoulder.

"D-don't say such cheesy things... stupid... sheep..." Clenching her teeth sharply, Tracey drooped her ears, feeling his kisses brush the sensitive scarred flesh, letting out a whimper before blinking her eyes open, sliding her fingertips into the ram's soft white and blue curls.

Leo looked up at her with a bright grin, his emerald eyes shining in the low light of the tour bus's interior. It wasn't the same plastered on grin he used when he was Blue. It was a look he had only shown her. "I think you're wonderful... thank you for trusting me..."

The wolf felt her face darkening and grit her teeth, her tail thrashing about heavily. "S-stop with all the sappy lines!" She barked the words out and then let out a soft yip as the ram moved down a little further and shoved his mouth over her left nipple.

Her tongue lolled out softly as she started to pant, her body feeling like it was on fire while Leo rolled his tongue against her sensitive peak, then began to eagerly suck upon it. Tracey laced her fingers into his hair, holding his head there while he suckled upon her eagerly. "Perverted sheep... huff..."

He said nothing and just kept suckling on her for several heartbeats, then parted his lips and kissed across her chest to her right breast. He snapped down with more eagerness on this one and suckled more intently.

Tracey let out a hiss at the force of his suckling and pulled at his hair slightly. "N-not so... rough... sensi..tive..." She was panting the words now, her hips grinding and squirming on his lap, feeling the ram's heavy bulge growing harder beneath her in his jeans.

Leo pulled his mouth from her breast, giving a satisfied huff of his own from sucking and marking her flesh. His hands reached around and grabbed the dog's ass firmly as he pulled her body hard up against his chest. Tracey let out a soft gasp at the force of his grip then let out a confused huff as he stood off the sofa with her, holding her off the ground.

"T-the fuck are you trying to do, Leo!?" Tracey barked the words in protest, clutching her arms around his neck and wrapping her legs around his waist while he stood with her against him, her ass held in his palms.

"Just making you more comfortable my wolf..." The ram spoke the words with a cocky little tone of confidence in them as he started moving towards his bed with her.

"Who said I was yours, asshole?!" Tracey barked the words in protest then let out a huff as he put his knees on the bed and dropped her to the mattress. The older wolf growled out and then glared up at him with a fuss on her face. "I told you before, I'm not something to be tamed by you!"

The ram grinned and loomed over the wolf, putting a hand to her good shoulder and gently pushing her down fully onto her back. "I don't ever want to tame you, but for today, I want you to be mine, and I will be yours."

Tracey blushed and blinked her eyes up at him as he leaned in on her and shoved his mouth to hers once more. The wolf drooped her ears and eagerly returned the kiss, both their tongues furiously flicking against one another, vying for dominance.

Fingers grabbed at his shirt while they furiously kissed and she began to tug and pull at it impatiently. With a snarl Tracey pulled from his mouth and proceeded to peel the ram's shirt off, exposing his muscled flesh to her, his slightly damp curls spreading out across his back and shoulders. With an excited huff she moved her fingertips over his defined chest, trailing them down his stomach and over his abs, feeling the hard yet soft definition against his flesh. "Fuck... you're such a gorgeous damn sheep..."

"Nothing you've not seen before." Leo hummed the words playfully, then let out a soft sigh as her fingertips explored his body, her hands hot and eager while she touched him.

"Let me see all of you, Tracey... I want to see, touch, and taste everything!" The ram hissed the words as he pulled from her grip and grabbed the front of his lover's jeans, flicking the button free and dragging the zipper down, exposing the soft white panties beneath.

"H-hey! Don't think you can just go... undressing me at your whim!" The wolf protested but was eager to lift her hips as the ram started to pull her pants down. Her ears jerked up as the denim cleared her hips, fully exposing her panties to him. The wolf felt panic well up in her once more and quickly snatched the sides of the jeans halting his progress once more before he revealed her other scar. "W-wait a second already!"

Leo blinked at her, seeing the distress on her face, taking it the wrong way and tilting his head. "I'm sorry, Tracey. Am I moving too fast?"

"No stupid! It's not like this is my first time!" She barked out sharply, showing her teeth, then looked away and squirmed her hips. "I just... there's... another one..."

"Your whole body could be covered in them, I wouldn't find you any less amazing and perfect..." Leo huffed the words and gripped her pants, starting to tug them down again.

The wolf drooped her ears and snorted at the line but smiled at him, her azure eyes glittering in the light. "Sappy fucker... f-fine..." She released her pants and let him pull them free, revealing the deep scar along her inner left thigh.

The ram peeled her pants down her legs admiring the tone and muscle in them but how soft they felt under his fingers. His own tail flicked eagerly from her scent, her white panties were visibly wet and her own musky scent of desire quickly filled the air, making his head spin with desire. "Fuck you smell amazing..."

"You don't smell so bad y- Hey!" Tracey barked out in protest as the ram snatched at her panties and started peeling them down right away. She clenched her teeth blushing furiously and folding her ears as Leo stripped them off her impatiently, exposing her fully to him.

He tossed the damp panties onto the floor of the bus and began to kiss along the wolf's inner thigh, his lips softly brushing over the scar like he had done earlier before coming to face with her slick folds. She had kept herself neat and trim, her folds clear of hair but a cute little white tuft of it resting on her crotch right above her.

"Gawd this is so embarrassing, will you stop staring already you damn sheep!" Tracey barked the words of protest then let out a sharp deep throated gasp as the ram shoved his mouth right up against her and started lapping at her spot with his hot wet tongue.

Leo shoved his tongue against her folds, then slid it up to taste her little sensitive clit. His drooped ears perked as he listened to the wolf he adored cry out in lustful pleasure, making his heart leap. He wasn't even thinking anymore, her scent was driving him wild, he just wanted to taste her, touch her and please her.

Tracey barked out in soft moans and frantically panted for the ram now. "S-stupid.. Perverted... ha... ha..." Her tongue lolled and she moved a hand down to rest on his head, tangling it into his hair and gripping one of his horns. "Don't stop... oh fuck please..."

Leo grunted at the grip to his hair and horn but her pleading words just made him roll his tongue and lap harder and faster against her sensitive little spot. Her taste and smell were all he could think about.

It had been a while, a season or more since she had even done it herself and years since someone had done it for her and never in such an intimate way. She clenched her teeth ears folding as she felt him push her further and further until she couldn't take it anymore, her body was burning up for him, and she gave in to the beautiful ram with a loud throaty moan.

He huffed out as she cried out for him, feeling her spasm and clench at his tongue. He eagerly shoved his tongue against her clenching entrance, happy to taste the honey she had given up for him. It had been a long time since he tasted a woman, but he could never recall it having tasted as amazing as she did right now.

Tracey whimpered gently, panting and shivering as she felt the ram lapping at her and tasting her. "Ha... ha... lewd ram... perverted sheep..." She drunkenly groaned the words and then blinked up at him weakly as he rose up from her spread legs, his eyes were burning with heat and desire and the ram gave her a wild hungry grin as he grabbed the front of his pants and unbuttoned them, dragging his zipper down.

She flicked her ears up sharply, shaking her head of the haze of pleasure and bit her lower lip watching him tug his pants open. Her body ached, it wanted more of him but then she thought about the days leading up to this. She snapped her teeth together and fixed Leo with a hard glare and huffed out the words. "Like hell..."

The glare and the words shook him from his crazed haze of lust and he blinked down at her. "Uh... did I do something wrong?"

Tracey snarled at him and grabbed the ram by the shoulders, glaring up at him showing her sharp canines. "L-like hell will my first time with you be you taking me like some fragile little flower!"

"W-what?!" Leo spoke out in confusion then let out a shocked little bleat as the wolf gripped his shoulders and rolled them both over, pushing him to the bed and looming over him, her tail whipping about furiously.

Tracey growled and grabbed at his pants, she jerked them the rest of the way open, seeing the ram was wearing boxer shorts beneath them, a blue set ironically enough. She laced her fingertips under them as well and pulled both the shorts and pants down in one fell tug. The wolf yipped out as the ram's length sprang forth in full view. He had a lot more going for him than she had anticipated. Truth be told his size made her temporarily reconsider her bravado. "Holy hell... t-that's pretty damn big!"

Leo bit his lower lip and looked away, blushing furiously, then let out a soft gasp when he felt the wolf grab the base of his shaft, pumping at it curiously as she looked upon it. "H-hey, you said you had done this before!"

"I have, stupid! I'm just admiring!" She growled the words and glared at him past his cock. "You sat and stared and groped at me, so turn around is fair play! Shut up and let me do what I want!" The wolf barked the words then blinked at his length, her heart pounding as she grinned at how it throbbed in her hand.

His length felt hard in her grip but seemed to have enough give to not be overly rigid. The ram seemed to keep up on his grooming and was clean of hair, an appropriate look given his smooth sculpted muscles on the rest of his body.

A heavy bead of precum formed and dripped down the front of his pulsing length from her coaxing hand. "Fuck... you're dripping for me~" The wolf cooed the words in a lustful haze and moved in to drag her tongue up the length and lap up the pre. His taste was musky and a little salty on her tongue. She looked upon her young lover as he shivered from her tongue lapping at him.

"Well it's a good thing you braided my hair, eh sheep?" Tracey sighed the words happily as she pushed her braid out of the way and gave the ram a hungry grin, showing off her sharp teeth. "Now don't you move around too much, these are as sharp as they look..." The wolf parted her lips, showing her small pink tongue and the large canines in her mouth.

Leo felt his heart grind to a halt at the scene and froze in place, biting his lower lip hard and digging his fingers into the sheets of his bed. Tracey pushed his tip into her mouth and the ram let out a ragged sigh of pleasure from the heat of her mouth on him.

The wolf huffed through her nose, drawing in more and more of his scent while she gently suckled upon him. Truth be told she had never been good at this, she was using all her focus to just keep her teeth away from his throbbing flesh. She clumsily suckled on his throbbing cock, tasting pre dribble onto her tongue in a steady eager flow. She didn't try to take him too far in and just happily suckled upon what she could comfortably handle without worrying about her teeth.

The soft groans and huffs of pleasure from him were reward enough for her efforts, she could feel his length throb violently at the base where she gripped him, her saliva rolling down the length and over her own fingers. After several more moments of suckling upon him she popped the length from her mouth and let out a soft sigh of pleasure. "You taste as good as you smell, sorry if I'm not very good at-" She huffed as a hand heavily rested on her head and stroked at her ears and hair, reminding her of earlier on the couch.

"It was wonderful, your mouth is amazing. I was barely holding on at the end there." Leo panted the words of praise, his voice ragged while he fondled and rubbed at her ears lovingly.

Tracey blushed and grinned at his praise before sitting up and climbing over the ram. She gives him a coy look as she straddled his hips and reaches between her legs to grab his pulsing length and positions it under her, the tip now pressed right to her entrance, both of them slick and wet with one another's saliva. "No regrets then? Ready for me to take you my lovely sheep?" Tracey grinned teasingly at him from above.

Leo huffed through his nose and grabbed the wolf's hips heavily with both hands. Tracey perked her ears up sharply at the gesture and then clenched her teeth hard as the ram forced her down without answering. The wolf lolled her tongue out as his length pushed up into her, spreading her tight walls and filling her up inch by inch until he bumped into her deepest regions. The ram shuddered and then gave the wolf a cocky grin. "That answer your question, my lovely wolf?"

She shuddered and panted, trying to gain her composure as he throbbed heavily in her, just pushing in had almost brought her to climax again, she wasn't even sure how it was all fitting inside her. Finally the wolf panted out a response. "Son of a bitch... You were supposed to let me keep the lead."

"Well... rams are stubborn... ha... are you... mad?" He pants the words, grinning up at the wolf, his cheeks flushed bright red, his hips gently grinding beneath her now. Leo watched her body grind and sway in time with his movements, his tip jabbing deep into her again and again, her walls growing tighter by the second before she viciously clenched him in response to his movements.

Tracey lolled her tongue in a soft defeated moan of pleasure, her large white tail wagging heavily, brushing his knees while her honey slicked his length, her walls clenching and squeezing his intruding cock. "No... ha... none at all... you feel so good... I wanted it so bad..."

Leo panted and moved his hands off her hips moving them over her heavy swaying breasts. His hands rubbed and squeezed at them gently, the wolf panting heavily for him, her ears folded and her eyes looking glazed over with pleasure. "You feel amazing, Tracey... so fucking good..."

The wolf clenched her teeth while he ground and moved in her, feeling his tip jabbing and grinding against her cervix while he rubbed and squeezed her breasts. She moved her hands over his chest, digging her nails into his strong muscles and bracing on him while he mated her from below. "Good... really good... Leo... don't stop, keep touching me, keep fucking me..." She panted the words feeling her body burn like fire, the ram quickly building her up to another release.

With a hungry grin the ram grabbed her hips once more and with a shift of his hips they rolled over once again. Tracey blinked up at him and wagged her tail happily as he loomed over her. Leo began to push down into her with more intent now, his length gliding against her walls while they drew tighter and tighter.

"Yes, yes... fuck..." The wolf clenched her sharp teeth and shuddered as the ram pushed down hard into her, bumping deep into her and grinding. Her walls locked down and clenched him as he forced another release from her. "Fuck... s-so many..."

He looked down at her, his own tongue showing as he panted softly and kept pushing down into the wolf he had fallen for. "Anything for you... ha... ha... I don't think I can... you're just so fucking tight, Tracey..."

She blinked up at him with a childish grin, feeling herself clenching and squeezing, her body furiously burning for him and starting to build up yet again. "Leo... ngh... not yet, please... one more... give me... one more!" The dog moaned the words and moved her hands up lacing her fingers into his hair and pulling him down on top of her fully.

Leo let out a soft gasp as she pulled him down on top of her, his chest pressed to her own. Tracey locked her legs around him and began to grind her hips desperately against him, his own hips matching the pace. "T-tracey! I c-can't..."

Tracey lolled her tongue out feeling herself there and wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing her forehead to his and staring into his sparkling emerald eyes with her azure ones. "Don't... it's okay! Ngh..." The wolf clenches her teeth and folds her ears, feeling herself giving in.

With a defeated moan Leo pushes his mouth to hers. Tracey felt her own moan swallowed up by her lover's mouth and closed her eyes, losing herself in the furious kiss. Her nails dug into his back sharply as she felt him violently throb and pulse inside her clenching walls, then heat, burning soothing heat that flooded deep inside her in a heavy thick tide. The wolf shudders and moans against the ram's lips, her body responding violently and clenching hard at his length, as if milking him.

Their tongues dart out and begin to flick aggressively about while they fervently kiss, both their hips grinding desperately against one another. Leo finally parted the kiss with a weak defeated moan, his whole body shivering from the adrenaline leaving his system. Tracey pulled the ram down into her arms and he collapsed eagerly into them.

Both the wolf and ram laid there panting and holding one another, bodies spent and satisfied. Leo had his head resting against the wolf's chest, his tongue out slightly in a heavy pant. Tracey was running her fingers through his now damp locks of hair, panting gently into his own ears while her chest rose and fell against his cheek.

Several moments passed maybe even a few minutes, the air filled with nothing but the sound of their panting and the steady rumble of the bus as it moved down the road. Tracey continued to pet at Leo's head gently, finally breaking the silence with a soft whisper into his ear. "Your wolf huh?"

The ram blushed and stirred to sit up before the wolf gently restrained his head, not letting him pull it from her chest. "Well... y-you did call me yours in there too I recall..."

"Uhuh... my lovely sheep..." Tracey hums the words gently and continues to stroke his soft hair while holding him against her chest.

"You're never going to stop calling me a sheep, are you?" Leo huffs the words softly against her breasts.

"Mmm... odds are good I won't." The wolf coos the words into his ears and lets out a satisfied sigh. "Well I guess I would if you threatened to leave me."

The ram's eyes widened at the words and he shifted before pulling from her grip and look down at her. "W-wait... are we... together now?"

Tracey moved a finger to her cheek in thought, "W-well... I mean you kept asking me to stay, kept telling me you wanted to be by my side and me not go away. I just assumed that's what you were implying... was I mistaken?"

Leo felt his face burn and grit his teeth, looking away and flicking his tail as he spoke hesitantly. "Ah no you're not... Is that okay? It's only been three days after all... do you think I'm being stupid?"

Tracey grins and moves her hands up to pull his face back to hers, forcing him to look into her eyes. "Yes... you're a fucking idiot... why you would want someone like me in your life is beyond me!" The wolf bites her lower lip and rubs at his soft cheeks and stares into his shining emerald eyes. "But I don't mind... if I let you get in my pants so soon, what do I have to lose? I've already opened up more to you than I have anyone else in... well, ever."

Leo flicks his ears up and lets out a relieved huff before pushing forward and shoving his mouth to hers in a furious kiss. Tracey folds her ears and holds the ram close in her arms, kissing him back, her tail wagging happily while they embrace one another in his bed.

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode!

If you enjoyed this and want to keep up with my writing, you can find me on twitterstargazer_g

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Cover and episode art was done by my good friend Indigo. Find her on twitter WhollyMary

Guarded - Episode 5

**Episode 5: I will be your rock.** "So, if you call me a sheep again, I'm leaving you." Leo speaks the words playfully into the wolf's large white ears while rubbing at them. Tracey flicks her ears just below his chin, not bothering to raise...

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Guarded - Episode 3

**Episode 3: I like you, you stupid dog!** Leo strode over to the check-in desk of the hotel lobby. He was still in his leather pants his jacket open plainly exposing his well defined muscles for all to see. The front desk girl gave a polite bow...

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Guarded - Episode 2

**Episode 2: Are you protecting me, or beating me up?** Tracey leaned up against the wall of the dressing room, one knee bent forward from her boot planted on the wall behind her. "So a pair of scissors huh, you almost pissed yourself over...

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