Guarded - Episode 2

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#3 of Guarded

Being one of the biggest pop stars in the country isn't all fun and games. When Leo, also known as idol sensation Electric Blue has one too many encounters with obsessed fans, he decides it's high time he got himself a bodyguard. However when his bodyguard ends up being a no-nonsense wolf by the name of Tracey, who has seen her fair share of tragedy and has no patience for the idol's flippant ways, this ram and wolf will butt heads and the sparks will fly.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Episode 2: Are you protecting me, or beating me up?

Tracey leaned up against the wall of the dressing room, one knee bent forward from her boot planted on the wall behind her. "So a pair of scissors huh, you almost pissed yourself over something like that?"

Leo glared at the wolf sharply while sitting in the makeup chair. "I didn't p-!" His mouth snapped shut as the pink haired llama doing his second layer grabbed his chin and forced his mouth shut with a sigh and a roll of her eyes. The ram glared daggers at her but she seemed unphased and continued to work.

The wolf snorted at the scene and looked down at Max. "I've seen some shit over the years, rat, but this takes the cake." Tracey shakes her head as she looks back at the exit door to the dressing room.

"Ah uh... y-yes. I have a name mis- erm Tracey." Max squeaks the words out quietly as he fidgets on the floor drumming his fingers together.

"I'll worry about caring if this lasts longer than the next ten minutes." Tracey growled the words and rolled her shoulder, audible pops coming from the joints. The weather had made it start to ache more than usual.

"I didn't piss myself!" The ram finally snapped out as the llama turned away from him.

"Cool, a few more nights like that and you can start wearing the big boy pants to bed." The wolf drawled out as she folded her arms and gave the ram a level look. Max turned away, fighting back a snort of laughter in response, the llama just outright giving a laugh as she steps from the room.

"Are you going to spend this whole weekend insulting and threatening me?!" Leo snarled as he spun the chair around to look dead on at the wolf.

Tracey shrugged a shoulder before responding. "Are you going to be a cry baby all weekend?" The wolf clicked her tongue as she stared the ram down. "I know this is hard to do in that getup but... man up."

Leo twitched at the words and jumped out of the chair stomping over to the wolf. Tracey gave him a bored look as he loomed down over her in his heeled boots and thrust a finger towards her face. "You think I like wearing this ridiculous mess?!"

"Yes." The wolf said flatly as she kept her azure eyes level with his bright green ones, the new layer of makeup making them pop more and seem to shine like fire.

Leo looked away from the icy blue pools of her eyes and grunted. "Okay, I do a little... but it doesn't make me any less of a man gawd damn it!"

The wolf closed her eyes and nodded to herself, choosing her words carefully before opening her eyes once more and giving the ram glaring at her another bored look. "I really don't care about your masculinity or whatever. Dance around in negligee for all I care. My job is to keep people away from you."

"Bet you'd like to see me in negligee wouldn't you?" Leo quipped with a grin.

The last comment had caught her off guard, this one she was ready for. "Pretty boys don't do it for me sheep. Go pick up one of your groupies with that line."

The ram gave her a look of shock and perhaps injury from the stab to his ego. The young man let out his own growl and turned his back before stomping away a few paces, his small puff of a tail visible at his backside, also dyed blue. "Wow... fuck you too..."

"Did I hit a nerve? You used to everyone kissing your ass and falling all over you for attention?" She rolled her eyes and kicked off the wall. "Thought it was refreshing to you?"

"Didn't expect you would get so personal with it." The ram sneered the word and stomped a foot.

"I'm sure Maximillian takes it in stride when you rage on him like a spoiled brat. Can't handle your own medicine sheep?" The wolf growled the words, her tail flicking in irritation again.

"Ah! D-don't worry about me, no need to drag me into this!" The rat squeaked and quickly scurred away from the two of them but smiled as she used his full name.

"I told you to stop calling me a fucking sheep!" The ram stomped back over to the wolf practically shouting the words in her face.

Again they were met with a flat unamused look by the canine before she simply said. "No."

The ram clenched his teeth in rage and stepped back before pointing to the door. "Fuck you, get out. I don't need a bodyguard!"

Tracey quirked a brow and moved over to snatch her two duffle bags from the corner. "Alright then, good luck with the scissor wielding maniacs." The wolf moved out the door shutting it behind her. She dropped a bag and casually pulled out her cellphone while standing in the backstage area.

"W-wait a sec damnit!" Leo busted out of the door after her. The ram came face to face with a stopwatch app on the wolf's phone, frozen on eight point seven seconds. "W-what?"

"That's how long your threats last. Eight and a half seconds." Tracey pocketed her phone and gave the ram another bored look. "You cut the diva act, you don't talk to your manager or stage hands like shit around me, and maybe... maybe I will stop calling you a sheep."

"Why do you give a fuck how I act around them? You trying to be some good guy here?" Leo stomped a foot, his cheeks flushed from his frustration and embarrassment as the wolf had literally just called him out on his threat.

"Personally? I could care less if you tie them up like pinatas and beat the shit out of them every night. It just annoys me to watch you spout off like some pampered little sissy that has to have their way constantly." The wolf was now growling as she folded her arms under her chest, again unintentionally pushing her breasts out. "I'm used to working with the elite, not spoiled children. You wanted the best, you got it, but there's more to my fee than money."

"How dare you assume I've had it easy! Do you have any idea how much work and effort I have had to-!"

Tracey shoved her fingertips against the ram's mouth, silencing him. The first time she had touched him this entire encounter. The look in her eyes made Leo's blood run cold with fear, she looked furious, like a feral wolf that could easily end him without a second thought. "Do NOT talk to me about adversity. You will NOT talk to me about sacrifice and loss. Do I make myself clear?" The words came out sharp, heated, and deadly serious.

Leo pulled from her hand, leaving blue smudges on the wolf's fingertips and tried to speak but words wouldn't come forth. He finally settled on a quick nod.

She clenched her locket with her free hand and hissed out a curse under her breath, looking at her fingertips covered in lipstick. "I don't give a flying fuck about you or your staff. The job is all I care about. Do you understand?"

The ram blinked slowly then nodded again. "Yes, I get it." His words came out quietly and he turned to look away from the wolf staring at her fingertips. "I- I'm sorry okay? I'm not used to being called out, not used to being stood up to, ya know?"

She hadn't had an interaction like this before, it was always business first, chatting later. It had always been business ever since Helen. Even when she got friendly it was polite and distant. Never personal and certainly not something like this.

"Look, Leo. This isn't going to work for me. I will talk to my boss and have him send you someone more reasonable." The wolf spoke the words in a soft but firm tone of voice as she grabs her bags again and turned to walk out of the venue.

The ram watched the wolf walking away, recalling the fierce look in her eyes made him shiver, it made him kind of glad that scary sensation was walking out the door. Then he recalled the other look he saw, the sadness, the loneliness. He wasn't a good judge of character but even he had seen it and felt the despair in the woman's voice.

Max scurried up to the ram and looked between him and the wolf until the woman pushed the door open and walked out of the building. "Leo, baby! Are you still going to go on stage without her? You did kind of ask her to leave!"

Tracey stood outside of the building, the cold late autumn air gusting in her face. Raindrops falling on her ears and hair. She stepped past the new bouncer who gave her a wide berth after hearing what happened to the other guy. Dozens of hopeful fans were clamoring around hoping to sneak past the security somehow to see the ram.

A few moments later the door slammed open as Leo pushed out into the rain after her. "Tracey, wait a sec!"

The fans screamed and went crazy roaring and calling out their love for the idol, any words he tried to say being swallowed up by the noise they collectively created. The wolf simply turned to the ram and held her phone up, on the display was the stopwatch app, the numbers fifty one point two blinking in his face.

Tracey stood in the dressing room once more, flicking water off her ears. "So you just 'had a feeling' huh?" The older woman snorted out through her nose before rolling her blue eyes. "Do these lines actually work for you?"

Leo groaned in frustration as he leaned against the makeup chair. "Can you stop busting my balls for a sec? I'm serious!"

She closed her eyes a smile threatening to creep up on her lips, then it was gone as she opened them and gave the young man a level look. "Alright sheep. Let's go over logistics."

The ram grit his teeth showing the obvious displeasure of the continued use of the nickname but swallowed down his words. "Max! Get in here!"

The rat opened the door as if he had been waiting with his hand on the doorknob the whole time. "Leo, baby. What's up?"

"Tracey wants to go over details with the show." The ram spoke out as he looked in the mirror and grimaced at his makeup, the rain had done a number on it and he would have to call his makeup girl back out.

Max began as he started wringing his hands together, "Right. So the venue has their own security as well like the bouncers at the door, and the-"

"Stop." Tracey barked out, holding a hand to the rat's direction. Max quickly piped up at the orders and stood a little straighter, as if the wolf were a drill sergeant. "When I said logistics, I mean to say... I'm going to tell you what I plan to do, you listen, we agree, or I leave."

Max and Leo shared a look and the ram looked back at the wolf and folded his arms across his chest, there was still water hanging off his smooth clean shaven chest muscles from the rain. "Oooookay, let's hear it then."

Tracey kicked off the wall and started to pace back and forth in the small room as she explained things. "The venue handles their own bullshit. I'm a countermeasure when they inevitably fail. Max, you stand at the side of the stage at the curtains every show, correct?"

The mouse gives a quick nod. "Yes, of course. I'm not just Blue's manager, I'm one of his biggest fans!"

The wolf takes a moment to process the name before putting the pieces back together in her head. "So, whom do you like better. Blue or Leo?" The wolf asks, her curiosity getting the better of her.

The rat looks panicked at the answer and unsure how to respond. "I uh... they're the same, right?"

"They aren't. How many fans do you think Blue would have if they saw how he acted behind the scenes?" Tracey prodded the subject and cut her eyes hard over at the ram who was starting to look irritated at the topic.

"Tracey... uh... what does this have to do with preparing for the show?" Max stuttered the words out quickly while drumming his fingertips together nervously.

The wolf flicks an ear at the question as she thought to herself. Crafty damn rat, nice escape route... "It doesn't I was just curious." The wolf growls the words and waves a hand. "Fine, moving on..."

"Actually now I want to know!" Leo chimes in, glaring down at his manager. "Who do you prefer, me or my stage persona?" Max squeaks out hesitating to answer and the ram gives him a harder stare. "Tell me or you're fired!"

"I- I like you both Leo, baby!" Max grins awkwardly and shifts his gaze away from the glaring ram's. "Maybe... well. You're friendlier and nicer to me as Blue these days." Leo snorts out through his nose and stands up straight again, looking thoughtful at the exchange.

"Look at us, just building bridges and learning all about one another." Tracey huffs the words lazily as she looks to Max once again. "I will take up a position next to you on the side of the stage. Depending on the angles I may also occasionally move over to the other side to keep an eye on the audience."

"Well how are you going to protect me if you're off stage?" Leo chimes in, looking into the mirror now trying to fix his stars himself with an eyeliner pencil.

"You want me up on stage dancing and singing with you, idiot?" The wolf barks out the words and sees the ram flinch as he pokes his own cheek with the pencil. "Oh for fuck sakes will you pay attention?!"

Leo looks over at the wolf with a scowl on his face, a large streak of blue eyeliner now dragged across his cheek. "I wasn't thinking, you don't have to call me a fucking idiot!"

"Then think next time!" Tracey growls the words and stomps over to the ram, snatching the pencil out of his hand. "You're worse than a damn child!" The wolf grabs his chin and jerks it down to look at her before taking a tissue from the makeup table. "Hold still, sheep."

Leo sucks in a breath through his teeth to bite back the words he was going to say. Tracey simply gave him a knowing glare as she cleaned the streaks away and looked at some of the intact stars as a reference point before penciling in some new ones. Her scent was right at his nose, she had an almost feral wild scent to her, like grass and leaves mixed with the unmistakable odor of a predator. Her large white tail started wagging on it's own as she focused on the work. He almost wanted to reach out and touch it, but thought better of it, figuring she might break his nose or worse.

"Didn't expect you to do makeup, you don't seem the type to wear it..." Leo spoke the words through clenched teeth, trying not to move his cheeks while she worked. He drew in a breath through his nose taking in more of her scent, the wolf again gave him a knowing look while focusing on her work.

"I don't do makeup for myself. I just learned to do this with one of my first jobs. I used to put on makeup for... for... a friend. Before she would go on... stage..." The wolf trailed off her words and looked away from the ram before pulling away from him. "T-there, your fucking stars are fixed you baby!" She snarls the words and launched the pencil at the mirror before stomping back over to where she had been pacing, turning her back to the two of them and taking a deep calming breath.

She closed her eyes which were burning now, sure she enjoyed the scent of the ram and he seemed to be smelling her too. He looked and smelled good, she wouldn't deny that, but it also pulled her kicking and screaming back to a simpler time. Her sitting on the bus putting on Helen's makeup for her before a rally. Sure the older wolf was more than adept at applying her own makeup, but she seemed to particularly enjoy the younger wolf doing it.

Tracey clenched the locket at her chest and huffed out in a ragged soft voice. "Bathroom..."

"What?" Leo asked with confusion.

"Where's the fucking bathroom, you deaf fucking sheep!" The wolf barked the words out, her voice cracking a little as rage started to fill her up again.

Max quickly moved to open the exit door. "Straight ahead, first door on your right!"

Tracey snarled a curse and stomped out of the room. Max gently pushed the door to and shared a look with the ram. "W-was she crying?" Leo asked the rat with some hesitation.

"I-I don't think so, I got a good look at her face on the way out... but..." The rat wrung his hands together looking down at his feet. "Maybe on the verge of it."

"Stupid!" Tracey barked the words out, slamming her fist into the nearby metal first aid box, knocking it off the wall and onto the floor. She glared at herself in the mirror, tears rushing down her cheeks, the memory coming back full force now, tearing itself free for the first time in years. Her and Helen sitting on the bus together laughing and happy. "Weak... and... s-stupid..." The wolf shuddered as she sobbed the words while bracing on the sink. "Get it together you stupid dog... You... You're working..."

Almost ten minutes passed before the wolf strode back into the dressing room like nothing had happened. Her eyes were red but other than that she seemed perfectly composed. "Sorry about that delay. So as I was saying, I will be watching from the sides. All you've got to do is sing your little songs and do your little dances. Someone gets past the venue goons. I will take care of them."

Max and Leo shared a look before turning their gaze to Tracey. The wolf perked her ears up at the two of them looking her over. "What, am I not being simple enough?"

"Are you okay?" Leo finally breaks the question.

Tracey flinches at the words and shows her sharp teeth as she growls in response. "I'm fucking peachy, sheep. How are you?"

Leo blinks at the angry scowl and rubs the back of his head. "L-look I was just making sure, okay? Don't be so angry about it."

"Cool. Noted. Now mind your own fucking business." The wolf growls the words as she turns her back to reach into her jacket and withdraw her small caliber handgun and the taser. "Here is what I will be wearing during the performance."

"A fucking gun?! Is that really necessary?" The ram barks out the words, obviously shocked and in protest to the firearm.

"M-mi-... Tracey, I don't think such measures are really c-called for." Max stammers his own protest out timidly, his fingertips drumming together.

"How about you two ask me when someone starts shooting at you first or runs faster than me." The wolf gives the two of them a flat look before she kneels down and pulls her pants leg up, letting them see the large serrated combat knife in it's own leather holster. Then finally stands up and reaches into her back pocket pulling out her brass knuckles.

"Well, you're like a walking armory." The ram says dryly.

"I can tell you don't like weapons, but that's part of the line of work. If you were in government I would have a kevlar vest on too." Tracey tucks the knuckles back into her pocket and gives a shrug.

"You're right, I don't." Leo huffs the words, an edge to his voice.

"Maybe you will appreciate them more when they save your life." Tracey grits her teeth and rubs her shoulder. "Weapons aren't bad, it's the assholes that use them you need to worry about."

"Well! If weapons weren't around to begin with, we wouldn't have to worry about it!" The ram barks back, obviously eager to continue the debate.

"You're kidding right?" Tracey sighs and rolls her shoulder before giving Leo that same bored look. "I'm not going to sit here and debate with you over pro or anti gun shit, but you bet your ass so long as the bad guys are packing, I will be too."

The wolf frowns and looks between the two of them, seeing neither were keen on the idea. "Anyway there is really only one rule you need to remember, if shit goes down. You do what I say. No thinking, no questioning me, I'm only useful as a protector if you listen to me. Got it?"

"Understood." Max speaks out quietly.

"Yeah yeah, I get it." Leo grumbles the words before turning back to the mirror to look over his makeup.

"Glad we're all on the same page then." The wolf moves back over to her bags and takes a knee, opening one and digging around in it before withdrawing a protein bar and a small black vial. She tears the wrapper off the bar and starts eating it before tossing the vial underhanded to Max.

The rat squeaks and fumbles to catch the small black tube before peering at it curiously. "What's this?"

The wolf swallows the bite she was working on before answering. "It's pepper spray. Uncap it and it's got a spray nozzle. Works like hairspray or any other aerosol type device."

"Why would I need this?!" The rat squeaked out the words, looking afraid of the tube of spray more than anything else.

With a sigh the wolf snapped down the rest of her bar before tossing the wrapper into the nearby trash can. She took a few moments to finish chewing before continuing. "Because you're his fucking manager, there may come a time someone targets you as well, and since there's not two of me, it's a safey measure."

"I think I would blow my brains out if there were more than one of you." Leo says mockingly while touching up his lipstick.

"You would be an expert at blowing things, huh sheep?" The wolf quipped back, her voice calm and dry.

"Okay, look you bitch! Are you trying to start a fight? This is how you pick a fight!" The ram stomped over to her once more, in her face again.

That same bored look and an eye roll from the dog. "You actually chimed in while I was talking to Maximillian. So I'm pretty sure you started this one, sheep." The wolf gently placed her hand on the ram's chest and casually shoved him, the taller man stumbling back several paces from the force of her shove. "Also please don't threaten to fight me, I would destroy you in a matter of seconds, Leo."

The ram blinked at her hand to his chest before grunting and stumbling back, the wolf was smaller than him but the shove she made felt like a guy twice his size made it, and it looked effortless for her. Leo thrust a finger out and opened his mouth, but Tracey just gave him another look and snorted through her nose. "Also if you're going to threaten to fire me, stick to it this time. Next time you levy that threat, I won't come back."

The ram scowls at her and folds his arms over his chest looking away in thought. "Fuck, you better be worth all this trouble!"

The wolf shrugs a shoulder and zips her duffle bag up. "All a matter of perception. I might go a month just standing around, but when that time comes you need me. You're gonna be glad you have me here."

The rat was busy fumbling around with the vial of spray, as if it were a grenade. The wolf drooped her ears and growled at him. "Fuck, Maximillian! Treat it like a can of hairspray! It's not a fucking bomb, just put it in your back pocket and forget about it. Nothing else practice spraying it a few times outside later!"

"O-oh, right... S-sorry." The rat quickly tucked the small tube into his back pocket and took out a handkerchief to wipe his brow and face. "S-so, we should probably get ready to go Leo, baby. The opening act will probably be wrapping up soon!"

"Right..." The ram put his hands on his hips and took a deep breath, then gave the wolf an awkward glance, his cheeks growing dark, even through the makeup.

Tracey gave him a confused and annoyed look. "The fuck is it? You falling in love or something, Casanova?"

"No! I just... I have to get in the right mindset, I've only ever done this with Max around." The ram speaks the words awkwardly and rubs the back of his head.

The wolf snorts and puts her hands on her hips giving the ram a level stare. "Well you better get used to me being around. Pretty much unless you're taking a shit, or banging a groupie, I'm gonna be nearby. So unless your pre-show ritual is jerking each other off, get over it and move it along!"

Leo snarled at the words but jerked his head back and put his hands on his hips, closing his eyes and taking in a deep controlled breath. A few moments passed while he stood there in silent concentration. Tracey looked at him in confusion wondering what this was all about.

The ram opened his eyes wide, the emerald in them shining and looking bright before giving the mirror a wide bright grin. "Alright! Let's do this!"

"Yeah!" Max cheered and raised his fist. The ram and rat fist bumped like best bros. "Time to make some magic, baby!"

"You said it, Max! Time to fulfill some hopes and dreams!" The ram looked over at Tracey and gave her a point and a wide bright smile. "C'mon my foxy bodyguard, it's showtime!"

"Who the fuck is foxy?! I'm a fucking wolf you half wit!" Tracey snapped the words, glaring at the ram, the whole scene looking ridiculous and simply irritating her further.

"Don't be that way, babe! We've got some magic to put on!" Blue sauntered up to the wolf and gracefully took her hand, bringing it to his face to place a soft kiss on the top of it. "Keep me safe won't you?" The ram gave her a playful wink.

The dog barked out her disapproval, her cheeks flushing heavily at the entire encounter and jerked her hand away ears perked up sharply. "T-the fuck is your problem?! L-let's just go if it gets me out of this dressing room with you weirdos!" Tracey huffed out and pushed the door open, noticing the faint blue lipstick prints on her hand and feeling her cheeks grow warmer as she stormed out into the backstage area, tail rapidly thrashing about.

The opening act finished and after a few minutes Leo's group was set up behind the curtain and ready to go. The ram seemed to be dripping with charisma and energy, going to each band member one by one with excited words of encouragement. It was always things like, "Think of our fans and do your best!"

Max had changed too. The timid little rat now seemed to have an air of command and confidence about him, deftly directing stage hands to prepare and guiding the whole crew as a cohesive unit. "Let's go darlings, I want those curtains up in thirty seconds!"

Tracey checked the feedback on her ear piece knowing she wouldn't get the chance later. Pulling out some fingerless leather gloves she slid them on, testing the grip. She always wore gloves like this during events; the grip of them feeling familiar and bolstering her confidence.

A loud dramatic intro of synthesizers and lasers and the current jerked up instantly, Blue standing standing there with a dazzling grin and pointing out over the audience of several thousand. The whole concert hall just became an uncontrollable wave of cheers and screams. The sheer volume of the roars making it feel like the building would come down on itself at any moment.

Blue simply stood there pointing, letting the fans scream and roar their love for him. Several seconds passed and he just stood there like a statue. Finally he simply called out. "I love all of you too!" The place went crazy after that and the show began with the keyboardist opening and leading into the first song.

The wolf stalked the outer rim of the stage behind the curtains, keeping an eye on the mass of dancing and cheering fans. Most of them were younger women as to be expected. The venue security seemed to be doing a reasonable job keeping the mass away from the fringes of the stage.

Tracey moved behind the band to circle around to the other side of the stage and found Max there. The rat was wiggling his hips and whipping his tail about, dancing along to the song as if he were one of the fans down in the front. He looked up at Tracey with a wide smile, looking like a little kid and gave the wolf a grin.

With an eye roll Tracey focused on the crowd again, the music didn't seem to do anything for her, her tail not even moving in time with the beat. The wolf felt a thrum of tension when one girl tried to clamber on stage but was quickly snatched down and pulled away by one of the security staff.

One song passed, then another. Blue broke from the singing and dancing to talk at the crowd a little, mostly cheering them on and lavishing them with adoration. The crowd of course returned the gesture thousands of times fold and seemed to grow more charged up and excited with every word he spoke.

"Is he always this different?!" Tracey called out as she leaned in and spoke loudly directly next to Max's ear.

The rat leaned up to yell out into the wolf's ear. "Yeah! Blue loves his fans more than anything else! It's not about the money, it's about them!"

Tracey snorted at the words and stood back up, putting her hands on her hips while continuing to watch things. Another song passed, then another and another. The show went on for the better part of an hour with no incident.

By now the ram was covered in a sheen of sweat from the singing and dancing under the hot stage lights. They were hot even from the side of the stage, so Tracey could only imagine being directly under them. She sat there on the opposite side of the stage from Max again, arms crossed and looking bored but focused.

Her eyes drifted back to Blue and she looked him over again, his whole outfit was clinging to him now; the tight leather of his jeans left nothing to the imagination, clearly showing the definition of his legs and ass. His tight jacket was zipped down to just below his navel and showed the strong defined muscles, also covered in a sheen of sweat that made them look shiny under the light.

She could smell him and he smelled good, the sweat and natural adrenaline from being on stage had gotten his own musk going, giving him a heady masculine smell. The wolf found herself chewing on her lower lip for a moment, her stomach twisting in a knot at the sensation, her body happy to remind her how long it had been since she had been with someone and how lovely this ram was looking right now. It was one thing to see it in a picture or from a distance, but another to smell and see it live and just feet away from you.

Blue finished his current song and with a pant of breath called out to the audience, "Thank you!" The crowd roared to life, still full of energy. The ram ran his fingers through his bangs that were dripping with sweat, and made a quick look at the wolf, seeing her admiring him. He shot a playful finger gun and gave a wink to her. Tracey felt her face burn and scowled at the ram before giving him a different finger gesture and stalking off behind stage to change sides.

It had been almost two hours now and the concert was starting to reach its climax. Everyone lost their minds when the band started up his number one hit, 'Neon Sunset'. Tracey had positioned herself next to Max once more, arms crossed over her stomach, tail lazily wagging while she watched the crowd.

"This will be the last number!" Max yelled out to the wolf. Tracey gave a nod to him and resumed scanning the front.

The wolf gave a lazy yawn and then blinked a few times before jerking her ears up sharply and putting a hand to her earpiece. "Section three, you got that handled on the stage?" A young woman was trying to climb onto the stage on the other side opposite of Tracey and Max.

"Got what handled?" Was the reply that came back. The wolf growled to herself. She had already started walking behind the band to get to the other side but that made her pick up the pace to a quick run. She sidestepped a stage hand and came out on the other side of the stage behind the curtain.

Tracey quickly sized the girl up, she was already on the stage and running along it towards Blue. A dog... probably had some greyhound in her given the speed she was getting and the tone of her legs. Didn't seem to be armed, probably early twenties so highly unlikely to have sufficient martial training. The wolf ran the details in her head in a split second deduction as she flexed her hands and felt her whole body tense.

Blue saw the girl rushing towards him screaming in adoration as he tried to carry the high note of the song and keep his cool. The second she took a step past the curtain his bodyguard had grabbed the young woman's arm and dragged her behind the curtain in a vicious tug. Predictably the security team had only just started taking note of the whole thing.

"Are you stupid or just insane!?" Tracey snarled the words as she whipped the girl around, dragged her right arm behind her back and wrenched it up, making the younger canine yelp out in pain.

"Fuck you bitch! Let me go! He loves me!" The dog snarled the words then let out another yelp as the wolf jerked up and intensified the pressure of the hold.

"Sure he does, girl. Keep walking..." Tracey growled the words in a calm voice, pushing the dog forward, walking her forcefully through the backstage area while various stage hands and roadies looked on in confusion.

"Let me go you whor- Guh! I'm gonna fucking sue you!" The dog barked out and squirmed as the grip got tighter and the wolf kept her walking, feeling like her whole shoulder was going to pull out of socket.

"Wish I had a dollar for every time I hear that. " The wolf huffed out as she kept the younger dog walking towards the backstage exit. "Blue doesn't love you or give two fucks about you lady, get over it."

"How would you know?! Like an old mutt like you would ever understand our love or have a chance with my Blue!" The dog sneered and looked back at her, teeth grit.

The wolf flicked an ear sharply at the words and let out a controlled huff before responding pointedly. "That's funny considering the last thing he did before going on stage tonight was kiss me."

With a shaken glare the younger dog began to thrash before Tracey gave another reprimanding grip on her arm eliciting another yelp and more swearing. "You're lying! You're fucking lying! He only loves me!"

"Sorry sweetie, I don't lie or bluff. You can believe what you want." The wolf reaches the door and bumps it open with her hip. The bouncer gives her another shocked look as she drags the young girl out by the arm and proceeds to shove her forward. The dog yelps and stumbles before flopping into the gravel outside of the building. Tracey gives the bouncer a nod before walking back in and pulling the door to.

Max was already scurrying up to Tracey when she walked back in. "Tracey! I-Is everything okay?!"

The wolf gave a shrug. "What, that? That was nothing." She huffed the words and started walking back to the stage, the rat giving chase right next to her.

"I was terrified for a second there, you saved the whole performance, not to mention protected Blue!" Max squeaked the words happily, his tail whipping about.

"It's no big thing, Max. Just doing my job." The wolf continued to walk, the sound of the performance growing louder and drowning out any hope of further discussion on the matter.

The show finally came to an end and the thousands of people began shuffling and filtering out of the concert hall to their cars to face the inevitable late night grid lock. Blue kept his pep going the whole time, thanking each musician that played with him and the various stage hands on his way back to the dressing room. Tracey followed behind him at a distance, letting him do his meet and greets all the while.

The ram stepped into his dressing room and flopped into his chair with a deep heavy sigh of exhaustion. Tracey stood there, arms folded across her stomach, leaning against the wall while the ram relaxed. His whole body was drenched in sweat and his scent was intensified by the smaller room. His smooth sculpted muscles rose and fell with his heavy breaths, his outfit tight and clinging all over. The drenched tight pants clung in all the right places, showcasing the large bulge in his pants and would probably have showcased the ram's ass quite nicely had he not been sitting. The wolf felt her stomach twist into a knot and cast her azure eyes away from him as to not stare, feeling her heart rate elevate rapidly.

"I've got to admit, I thought you might of been all talk..." The ram finally called out in a soft pant of a breath.

Tracey flicked her pierced ear and shifted her gaze back to Leo whom was sitting up in his chair looking winded but relaxed. "Sorry to have disappointed you."

The ram let out a laugh and gave the wolf a small grin. "You're joking right? This is one time I'm happy to be wrong. You were pretty cool out there tonight!" His blazing green eyes met her icy blue ones, the look he had in them was cocky and full of confidence, like he knew she was admiring and could read her thoughts.

Tracey felt her cheeks heat up and looked away. She was used to working with higher ups in the government. People that just expected this and had no reason to thank her for doing her job. No one had thanked her since... "It's... it's my job, no big deal."

"I still appreciate you. Not just over the last part. You were there watching me all night." The ram gave a smile and rubbed the back of his head, feeling how soaked through with sweat his hair was. "It made me feel... safe."

She felt her tail wag a little at the compliment. "Ah... again, it's my job... Leo."

"No sheep commentary?" The ram asked with a playful grin.

Tracey snorted through her nose and blushed, his scent was getting to her and quickly. "Stupid fucking sheep! Stop trying to flirt with me and get cleaned up, you stink!" The wolf barked the words and stomped to the exit of the dressing room.

"Tracey, wait a sec!" Leo called out to her as she had her hand resting on the door.

"What, asshole?" She growled back, showing her teeth and blushing.

"You're a bitch... but thanks, I mean it. I appreciate you tonight and hope you will stick around."

The wolf blushed heavily at the words and then shot the ram a glare. "Y-you're an idiot. I will think about it!" She barked the words and stomped out, slamming the door behind her.

The wolf leaned against the door of the dressing room, standing in the cool open backstage area, thankful for the fresh air and feeling her heart throbbing in a heavy violent pound. She could still feel her cheeks hot while looking down at the ground thinking to herself the faintest pant on her lips. You dumb dog... get it together... still he smelled so...

"Great job tonight, Tracey!" Max called out to her in a cheerful voice.

The wolf nearly jumped out of her skin with a loud yip and shifted into a fighting stance. "I will fucking murder you!!... uh... S-sorry..." She huffed and relaxed her stance, looking away awkwardly.

The rat had already hopped back away from her looking like he was ready to run away. "Sorry if I spooked you..."

"No, I'm fine. Sorry just... tired I think." The wolf growls as she rubbed at her face, trying to pull her brain from the gutter.

The rat seemed to register the words and put a finger to his chin in thought. "Now that I consider it, we've not set up sleeping arrangements for you."

"Wouldn't I just take a bunk on the tour bus? That's what I assumed would happen." Tracey folds her arms under her breasts leaning against the door, a boot propped on it.

Max averts his eyes politely while the wolf unintentionally shoves her chest forward, it was obviously a regular stance of hers, she had no idea she did. "Y-yes normally. However, the bus is in the shop for routine work while we are here for the weekend."

The wolf gives a shrug, "No big. I live in this town after all, I can just catch a cab home and be back here tomorrow."

"Oh good! I'm glad that works out then." Max speaks the words cheerfully and flicks his tail about.

Tracey hears the door handle turn and pushes off the door, side stepping from it as it opens and the ram steps out. "It's not good and it doesn't work out. What good is my bodyguard if she's halfway across town?"

"Leo, baby... we don't have anything in the budget of the tour for extra room accomodations and that's if the hotel has anything open!" Max speaks out apologetically to the ram.

Tracey looks over at the ram, he still stunk of musk and sweat and it made her stomach knot all over again, but he had cleaned the makeup from his face and horns. The wolf blinked a few times, looking at his face, she definitely thought he looked better without the getup on. His skin was soft looking and smooth and she could tell he took care of it. His curled horns were a light brown now that the paint and makeup had been removed from them.

"Then I will take care of her sleeping arrangements myself." Leo huffed the words with a growl in his voice.

Tracey shot her ears up and interrupted the two of them. "Hang on there lover boy, if you start suggesting me sharing a room with you..."

Leo's cheeks grew a much deeper shade of red, his soft skin having had already been a little red from scrubbing it with a cloth to clean makeup free. "W-what? No! I wasn't going to suggest anything like that! I was saying I would cover a room for you!"

The wolf gave him a skeptical look, "You're being awful generous to me, sheep."

Leo's drooped ears perked up as he fussed and looked away. "It's not like I'm trying to be nice, I just want my bodyguard nearby so she can do her job!"

"Ah ha, so it's just business. Got it." The wolf spoke the words dryly.

"Y-yeah, that's right." Leo grit his teeth and looked away, feeling his stomach twist at her words, hearing the resignation in them.

"Well at any rate, we should make our way to the hotel as soon as you're ready to go Leo, baby!" Max spoke the words cheerfully to the ram.

With a grumble Leo crossed his arms, the frustration of upsetting her starting to get to him. "Fuck you're such a nag... I swear it's a miracle I get anything done with your incompetence!"

Tracey glared at the ram and gave a heavy huff through her nose before putting her hands on her hips. "What did I tell you earlier?"

"Well you are still calling me a fucking sheep!" The idol fired back with a scowl.

"Because you're still acting like a spoiled little shit!" Tracey snarls the words and jabs a finger into the rams chest. "You wouldn't be anything without all of these people supporting you, least of all, Maximilian!"

"Ah... no need to worry about me!" The rat squeaks the words and quickly scurries off.

"None of these people were around when I had to work to make it!" Leo spat the words back at Tracey getting face to face with her now.

The wolf was loudly growling now, her sharp teeth showing plainly and her fist clenching. Leo felt his heart sink at the look in her eyes but tried to stand his ground. "Y-you come in here, demanding changes of me. I just asked you for a service, not life lessons or how to treat my staff!"

"You didn't, but I also refuse to work with such an opinionated, pompous jackass! How do you think your fans would feel seeing you like this?! You were talking about how much you love them out there, but the ones that make you, you. The ones that let you do all that, you hate?!" Tracey barked the words in his face, a small gathering of roadies and stage hands awkwardly watching the confrontation from the sidelines.

"That is none of your concern, wolf. Your job is guarding me, not telling me how to live my fucking life! Things are fine how they are, I don't need you coming in here fucking them up!" Leo snapped the words back pushing his finger into Tracey's bad shoulder sending a sharp jolt of pain through her.

The wolf let out a pained yip and winced at the jab then a look of fury crossed her face. Before the ram knew it she had snatched the sides of his jacket, wrenched him down and shoved him against the door of the dressing room with a heavy thud. He was now eye level with her, the large sharp canines showing in her mouth as she spat out venomously at him. "If you ever touch me again, they won't be able to find all the pieces to glue you back together! Do I make myself clear you fucking spoiled sheep!?"

The bravado shattered in an instant as Leo let out a panicked yelp at being pinned down with a furious wolf looming over him. "Y-yes ma'am! I-I'm sorry!" The ram clenched his teeth, feeling his heart throbbing in his ears while she glared at him.

The wolf flinched a little her glare softening when she saw his fear in those green eyes, her own getting misty and shiny in the bright lights of the backstage area. The whole area was silent, multiple people looking upon the two of them. "N-no... I'm sorry... you're right, it's not my place." The dog spoke the words in a raspy weak voice, her fingers uncurling from the jacket.

Leo stayed against the door as he watched the dog clutch her shoulder he had shoved his finger into and she let out a ragged sigh. "It's no excuse... but it's an old injury... you just got unlucky enough to hit it, and I snapped... my fault for putting my hands on you first..."

The ram felt his heart sink at the thought of hurting her and stood fully before rubbing the back of his head. "Tracey... I'm sorry... I didn't know it would hurt you..."

"I'm fine..." The wolf growled the words, the familiar heat returning to her voice, her teeth clenching. She was shoveling more dirt on the old wounds, quickly burying them before she lost her cool again.

"You're not... Can I get you some ice or something for it?" Leo asked hesitantly, the words probably sounding as foreign to him as they did to her at this point.

Tracey laughs bitterly and straightens herself. "You're such an idiot... I come in here and wreck your situation, make you look like a fool in front of your subordinates. Even assault you, and you're worried about me..."

The idol rubs the back of his head, wanting to say something but finding no words. The wolf gives him a level look, the tears that were forming gone now. "You do what you like Leo I won't nag you about how you handle business but do you want people around you that actually like you, or just tolerate you for your money and fame? We're all doing a job one way or another."

She pushes past the ram and moves into the dressing room. "I've got a cold pack in my bag, that and a few painkillers and I will be fine."

"Alright, I'm sorry again for hurting you." The ram spoke the words, sounding small and childish.

Tracey flicked her ears and listened to him, it was probably the first time he had ever hurt someone, the fact it was a girl probably just made it worse. "I told you shee- Leo. I started it, it's my fault it happened. I will butt out of your business in the future. You don't have to like me and I don't have to like you, we will just do our respective jobs and call it there."

The ram stepped away from the door letting it close as Tracey started to pull her shirt off. He felt his stomach ache as he moved over to the wall and leaned there in thought.

"You okay Leo, baby?" Max asked him gently, are you hurt?

"I'm not hurt, not physically anyway." The ram speaks the words as he closes his eyes and thinks about the whole concept of people just tolerating him and not liking him, her not liking him and Max not liking him.

Tracey brought the strap of her bra down and shoved the cold pack against the large scar and tender area of her shoulder. She hissed out from the pain and shifted her gaze to the mirror, seeing herself in the reflection. "What's with you today, dog... this is a mess... Get it together..."

Tracey was walking with Leo to the exit of the building. She knew what to expect and when reaching the exit door she pushed in front of the ram gently, giving him a look to stay behind her until she got out.

A few hundred fans had gathered and were pushing against the various security of the venue a large black limousine parked nearby. After surveying the area she stepped back in and clenched her hands within the fingerless gloves and rolled her shoulder. "Okay, go ahead, I'm right behind you."

The ram watched her roll her shoulder, he had seen her do it several times tonight, but now he felt a twinge of guilt, wondering if it bothered her because of him. The idol gave the wolf a long stare and Tracey blinked at him in confusion. "What? You've done this plenty of times before, it's just with me now."

"That's not it, are you sure you're okay? Your shoulder I mean." The ram spoke the words with concern in his voice, again it sounded bizarre to the wolf to hear the stuck up idol worrying about her.

Tracey drooped her ears and growled at him. "I'm fine, I'm not a sissy like you, now get out the fucking door already! I will talk to you all you want later." The wolf moved up behind him and gave him a gentle bump with her hip, pushing him forward and out the door.

Leo pushed out the exit and the hundreds of fans roared out their love for him. He gave them all a smile and waved at them as he made his way to the limo waiting for him. Tracey was there behind him, right on top of him, so close he could feel her heat and her smaller body pushing up against his back while the crowd tried to close in around them, the handful of security acting as shields.

The ram finally made it to the car and slid in with a relieved sigh, his drooped ears lifting sharply as the door shut beside him. "W-what the fuck?!" He quickly grabbed the handle and jerked the door back open as he snapped out sharply. "What the hell are you doing, wolf?!"

Tracey looked down at the ram, blinking in confusion as the mass of people tried to push in once more as the door came open again. She didn't understand why he opened the door again and then he had reached out and grabbed her hand. His grip was strong, stronger than she expected and his hand was very warm, she could feel his heat even through the gloves she wore. He pulled at her, pulling her into the limo with him. The wolf didn't think; she just followed along and plopped down on the smooth leather of the seat.

One of the venue security shoved the door closed and the limo pulled out of the gravel of the backlot and onto the smooth pavement of the road. Tracey slowly looked about the backseat of the limo, she had never been in one in all these years. She always rode along in one of the following cars but never with the client in the limo before. "Why did you want me to come with you?"

"Because you're my bodyguard, you said you had to stay with me, yeah?" Leo spoke the words awkwardly, still gripping her hand and not realizing it.

Tracey looked down to see her smaller hand resting in his larger one, the wolf's cheeks darkening several shades before she jerked her hand away from his and glared out the window, almost as if she were pouting over the situation. "Fucking idiot... I'm not supposed to ride with you!"

The ram flinched at the words then prodded the wolf for an answer. "Why not? You can't protect me if you're not with me."

The dog cut her eyes back to the ram sitting right next to her, his scent was quickly filling the cabin of the limo up. She moved to the button on the door and cracked the tinted window for some fresh air before looking away again. "I've never rode in one of these, the clients don't like that, they prefer we follow in detail cars behind them."

"They are pretty pretentious huh?" The ram laughed as he spoke the words, rubbing the back of his head. "Truth be told I hate them."

Large white ears popped up at that, it was an unexpected statement. She looked back at the young man who had made himself comfortable. He shifted over further into the large backseat and opened a small mini fridge, pulling out a beer and tossing one to Tracey. "How about a drink to celebrate a job well done?"

Tracey caught the beer in her hands and blinked at it. Sissy level stuff for amateurs, she preferred the hard stuff. Who did he think she was, some buddy to share drinks with, a bimbo to try to woo and flirt with. The wolf cracked the can open and bumped it against the ram's open one before taking a long pull from it.

She forced it down trying to keep a calm expression on her face. She really did hate beer though, she was more of a hard liquor or mixed drinks kind of girl. She resigned herself to taking small sips on the drink. She wasn't even sure why she didn't just tell him to fuck off at the proposal, maybe she felt bad for shoving him against a wall, or was still in shock from him taking her hand and pulling her into the car like he did.

Several awkward minutes passed before Tracey cleared her throat after taking another sip of her beer. She was only about halfway done and Leo was opening a second. "So... why do you hate them? Limo's I mean."

A loud hiss and crack filled the air as the can opened and the ram took several heavy gulps from it before pulling away and letting out a satisfied sigh. "Too damn pretentious, even for me..." The ram gives a shrug and smiles at his bodyguard. "But... the record label insists upon it, if I'm not on the bus and have to go somewhere while touring, I have an appearance to keep up I guess."

Tracey nods and takes another sip of her beer, turning her gaze back to the window, watching the building and street lights move by as the car drove through the city. Leo watched her for a long moment before rubbing the back of his head and speaking up once more. "Sorry, I mean if you didn't want to ride with me."

She really didn't, but not out of dislike so much as it wasn't what she was supposed to do, or at least that's what she always thought. He was being fairly civil now, comfortable to be around. Was it because he wasn't in the middle of a show, or because he was alone with a woman.

"Ah... about what you said earlier..." Leo spoke out again and the wolf gave him a curious look.

"I said a lot of things earlier, Leo. you're going to have to be more specific." Tracey shifted in the seat to face him and not the window, sipping on her beer again.

"Disliking each other, people around me disliking me." The ram rubbed the back of his head as he spoke quietly in the limo.

Ah that. She must have hit a nerve, maybe one that needed to be struck. Unlike her, he seemed to care what people thought about him. The wolf mulled on the words for a moment, then thought about herself. She felt a slight tug in her, like she didn't want to dislike him, or maybe she didn't want him to dislike her. She finally spoke out. "What of it?"

"I consider Max a friend, we've been through a lot together." He spoke the words somberly as he looked down.

"That's a hell of a way to treat a friend that's been through a lot with you, Leo." She was making a conscious effort now to not use 'sheep' so much with him.

"I know that! I just..." The ram grit his teeth and looked away. "I guess it's just a defense mechanism of mine, whenever I get stressed or upset, I just turn into that."

Tracey finished her beer off and laid the empty can in a cup holder. She then crossed her arms over her stomach in thought. The wolf replayed the scene in her head that lead up to their last squabble. "Upset... you seemed fine after the show, you were in a good mood, then out of nowhere you flew off on Max, then I jumped in... and well here we are."

The ram felt his cheeks heating up as he furiously thought to himself. It's because I upset you, I was trying to be nice, it wasn't just business... I wanted to make you happy because you were protecting me. "I...I'm not sure why. Likewise there were times you seemed to get upset over simple things like my stars."

She sucked a deep breath in through her teeth at the mention of that situation and looked away, trying to keep her memories flushed out of this conversation. "Y-yes... that had nothing to do with you, it was my own personal shit. Sorry..."

He gave her a hopeful look and spoke gently. "Do you wan-"

"Absolutely not!" The wolf barked out, the heat returning to her voice, her teeth showing and looking sharp.

"Okay okay! Just don't get so mad all the time at me okay? Fuck..." The ram folded his arms, his own words coming out a little hot now, frustration showing from dealing with the wolf and her prickly attitude. "I'm not trying to piss you off you know."

A growl was her response before Tracey took a controlled huff through her nose."I know... I know... there are just things I won't... can't talk's not you, it's all me."

Leo gives a quick nod of understanding. "Okay, well... you know if you ever want too... I'm here. We're gonna be seeing a lot of one another, I want you to be able to talk to me."

The wolf flicks an ear and composes herself before giving the ram a smile, the first smile she had given him since he saw her. In truth she couldn't remember the last time she smiled at all. "Talking like we're old friends... You've known me for like twelve hours and you're offering to listen to my problems. Do these tactics actually work for you with girls?" The wolf clicks her tongue at the words, hoping the nature of the words wasn't lost. She had trouble speaking casually sometimes.

Leo's green eyes widened at Tracey's smile, it was beautiful to him for some reason, earnest but a little sad too. Still it felt like something he had earned tonight with his words, it changed things. He blushed heavily and jerked his head away mulling over her teasing words. "I'm glad I could make you smile at least once tonight." He looked into the wolf's eyes again with a gentle confidence, promising himself he would do what he could to see that smile more often from her.

Tracey felt her cheeks darken at his honest words and clenched her teeth with a growl her tail thrashing around furiously in embarrassment before jerking her eyes from his. "S-saying something like that to a girl you hardly know? You really are an idiot, sheep!"

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode!

If you enjoyed this and want to keep up with my writing, you can find me on twitter @stargazer_g

Cover and episode art was done by my good friend Indigo. Find her on twitter @WhollyMary

Guarded - Episode 3

**Episode 3: I like you, you stupid dog!** Leo strode over to the check-in desk of the hotel lobby. He was still in his leather pants his jacket open plainly exposing his well defined muscles for all to see. The front desk girl gave a polite bow...

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Guarded - Episode 1

Episode 1: Don't call me a sheep! The door leading to the conference room backstage nearly flew off the hinges as the young ram shoved it open, the door banging loudly against the wall as it opened. The stage crew and roadies grew quiet and...

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Guarded - Prologue

Prologue: It means nothing without her. "The witness has been sworn in, your Honor." The short stocky bailiff snorted the words out before stomping back over to the side of the stand. "Thank you." The judge spoke towards the bailiff, he then peered...

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