Living Legends: Volume (Mew)Two: Part 4

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#4 of Living Legends: Volume (Mew) Two

Living Legends: Volume (Mew)Two: part 4

Peter blinked himself awake as a beam of sunlight lanced through the porthole by the bed and painted his face in its golden glow, closing his eyes and throwing an arm over his face to protect his eyes from the relative brightness and groaning sleepily.

There was a sight sense of movement next to him, and he turned his head, opening his eyes once more and peering at the face of the Mewtwo, who was watching him intently, her cheeks seeming to flush slightly.

He took note of that, since he had never noticed such a shy action about her movements before.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked sleepily, perking a brow and resting his head on his arm.

Sin was likewise on her side, watching him, head resting easily on the crook of her own arm, tailtip gently, elegantly swirling back and forth. But she seemed to be nervous, almost squirming in position.

"I...well...I..." she started, and then swallowed faintly, cringing backwards, "Iwaswatchingyoudream!" she admitted, covering her face with her hands reflexively.

Peter canted his head at this odd display from her, and raised a brow slowly. "...I'm not going to hit you...or yell..." he a said with a faint frown.

She seemed to relax slightly, and he reached over to touch her cheek.

Sin flinched just a little bit.

"Hey...I...only yelled last time because it was important." he tried to explain.

"W-well..." she started, swallowing once more, "I was t-thinking last night...I...learned my lesson fastest when you...get angry at me." she admitted, painfully honest.

"And?" he asked, arching a brow, leaving his hand resting on her neck.

" would be easier if you yelled at me every time I did something wrong? So I learned faster?" she offered timidly.

Peter shook his head vehemently.

"Nonono." he said with a soft huff. "I only got so angry because it was important." he said with a firm nod. "It was one of the most important lessons I could teach you...and...I guess I don't mind you watching my dreams." he offered with pursed lips.

"That's a relief." she said, relaxing slightly. "It's like...a magnificient vista being spread out in front of you, and being told to look only inside the room you're in. You can't help but sneak a peek every now and again..."

Peter nodded slowly. "I guess that...I'd wanna watch people's dreams if I could." he admitted, and then pulled her into a gentle hug. "I'll only yell if it's really important, okay?" he murmured, peering down at her, holding her to his chest.

She nodded up at him, and then buried her nose in against his chest, closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around him, her tail coiling around his ankle possessively.

"I want to help that pokemon I hurt..." she murmured against him, snuffling slightly and rubbing her nose in against him endearingly.

"Well...there's not much we can do, and I doubt that that trainer wants to see you after what you did to his pokemon..." he explained helplessly, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

"But...I want to help...shouldn't that be all that matters?" she asked plaintively, sniffling just slightly up at him.

"If the world was like that, then it would be a nicer place..." he murmured, and then sighed softly. "Well...we can go, and at least try. You can apologize to the trainer, and the pokemon again."

Sin peered up at him for a long moment, blinking once. "But I already would doing it again help?" she asked, confused.

"Well...last time, I had you on your knees in tears, and forced you to say's a lot more meaningful if it isn't coerced." he said with a firm nod.

"So the intent...and the origin of the apology matter more than the act itself?" she said, wrinkling her nose.

"Sounds about right." he replied with a chuckle, sliding out of bed, and offering her his hand. "C'mon."

She hesitated briefly, and then took his hand, sliding out of bed, and then walking with him towards the pokecentre. It was a short walk, as it was on the same deck as the guest cabins.

When they got there, the nurse looked them both up and down, and tilted her head towards the back rooms questioningly. Peter nodded slowly.

Nurse Joy led them into the back rooms, where the Pidgeotto was still laying sprawled on its back, wings slightly unfurled, beak parted a little, eyes closed. Sin made her way over towards the comatose pokemon.

"You!" The trainer shouted immediately, flinging the magazine he had been reading aside where it flapped pointlessly against the wall and thudded to the floor as he sprang to his feet and pointed at her accusingly.

He was about to shape an angry comment at her, when Sin turned towards Peter and seemed to glow faintly. "I have to fix this. You showed me that." she said with a firm nod, lifting a paw, and then seemingly pressing it flat to an invisible object in front of her.

The entire world seemed to freeze for Peter, his limbs immobile, his eyes seemingly the only thing able to move. From the looks of it, Nurse Joy and the trainer were also, likewise frozen, the trainer stuck in the accusatory position, an expression of anger on his face.

Sin looked at them all, her eyes seeming to glow faintly with some kind of inner power, and a faint, powerful droning filling the air around her.

She lifted a paw, and held it above the Pidgey, and glowing blue motes of energy seemed to rise up from all around them, hovering placidly in the air at first, before being drawn towards the Mewtwo's palm, coalescing there in a starburst of colour which quickly turned white, before Sin growled and slammed the ball of energy into the comatose, helpless Pidgeotto.

The machines hooked up to the pokemon went wild, beeping and shrilling their high-pitched warning sirens, while the Pidgeotto itself arched so hard that it seemed its spine might snap in two, wings flaring hard and beak parting, tongue spasming in its beak, before its body went limp and the machines all around it shorted out, a low-pitched droning coming from one of them...the sound of a flatline.

Peter dropped to one knee as the stasis suddenly lifted, and both Nurse Joy and the Trainer dropped to the ground as well.

In an instant, the trainer was springing towards Sin, fist raised to deliver a punch on her form.

For her part, she seemed drained, her face slak, expressionless, listless and unfeeling, as if on the verge of fainting.

Peter clambered to his feet and moved to intercept the trainer, blocking him before he could get to his target, putting himself between the trainer and Sin.

"Get out of my way!" the trainer snarled, and took a heavy swing at Peter's face.

He rolled with the punch, letting it glance off his cheek, and then swung a heavy kick up into his stomach, doubling him over.

The trainer came back with a quick, bone-jarring uppercut, sending Peter flailing backwards a step, clutching at his jaw in pain.

Behind him, Sin had raised her three-fingered hand, and slowly lowered one finger.

Peter blocked on the inside of a heavy punched leveled at his jaw, and jabbed the trainer cleanly on the nose, causing him to reel slightly in pain, before pivoting and elbowing Peter sharply in the temple, making him see stars.

Sin lowered a second finger.

Peter uppercutted hard into the trainers lower stomach, doubling him over again, before receiving a swift straight to the solar plexus for his troubles, dropping him to his knee, wheezing and coughing for air, clutching his stomach and chest.

The trainer raised both fists high, clasped them together, and brought them down hard on Peter's back, sending him thudding to the floor, before he stepped over the defeated reporter, and drew back his fist to deliver a punch to the unprotected back of Sin's head.

Sin closed her fist.


The sound was jarring, not with its intensity, but with its suddenness, and the silence that followed it. From a droning, constant beep, to a single sound.


It sounded again, and the trainer stood there, blinking ever so slowly as his Pidgeotto opened its eyes and cawed softly.

He pushed roughly past Sin, who stumbled slightly, seeming off-balance, and leaned over his Pidgeotto, scooping it up and holding it to his chest fiercely, stroking a hand across its feathers.

Peter crawled to his feet, and was on them just long enough to catch Sin before she collapsed, whimpering and shaking.

"Sin?" he asked, shaking her slightly.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she blinked up at him, giving a small, pained smile. "I fixed it..." she murmured softly.

He nodded firmly, and hugged her tight, "You did." he said with a smile in return, ignoring the pains and aches over his body.

Sin tried to lift a hand up to his face, but couldn't, sprawling limply in his grasp. "I' hard to heavy..." she murmured pitifully.

"C'mon, you need sleep, rest." he said with a firm nod, throwing one of her arms over his shoulder and heaving her to her feet, supporting her. "Just walk, I'll lead."

It was a long, slow walk back to the cabin, and Sin was almost comatose the entire way, protesting weakly. "I...don't need...s...s...sleep..." she murmured faintly.

"You do." he said, nudging open the door and pulling her into the room, gently guiding her to the bed and laying her on it. Her expression changed, and she tried to sit up.

Peter forced her back down. "Sleep." he ordered.

"...I don't want to!" she protested weakly, plaintively.

"You have to!" he said with a huff, dropping to his side and pulling her in close, basically spooning with her. "I'm not moving until you're asleep." he said with a firm nod.

"I don't want to!" she cried out, bursting into tears and trying to squirm away. "Don't make me sleep!"

Peter blinked at this odd, almost violent reaction, trying to sooth her with gentle strokes along her cheek and neck, though retaining a strong grip on her so she couldn't squirm free.

"Why are you so afraid of sleep?" he asked suddenly.

"I-....I...." she whimpered softly, tailtip coiling unnaturally tight around his ankle, making his foot go numb. "I slept in the tube....for so long...and every time...every time....every time I went to sleep it could have been my last!" she cried pitifully. "I'm never going to sleep again! I won't!" she thrashed against him impotently, wailing incoherently.

Peter shushed her gently, and rolled her over to face him, laying his nose against her own and looking into her wide, scared eyes. "You're afraid you won't wake up?" he asked seriously.

She nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks slowly. "I don't want to sleep forever..." she whispered, her voice broken, helpless, pleading with him, "Don't make me sleep...please..."

Peter's face fell slightly, and he pulled her in close to his chest, hugging her tight to him. "Don't worry, I'm right here." he murmured, looking deep into her eyes, set, serious. "I won't let you sleep forever."

Sin whimpered at him, and her brows furrowed, her paws pushing at him impotently. "I don't" she murmured, voice trailing off weakly. "Prom....promise...? You'll...wake me...up?

"I promise." he whispered solemnly, holding her shaking body against his until her shivers ceased as she fell asleep.

Sin's dreamscape was...odd, to say the least.

Inhabited as it was by laboratories, operating tables, and, oddly, grass, and stars trapped inside rooms, bursting to be free of their earthly confines. It was an endless hallway of these rooms, each containing a new tableau of oddities and wonderful imaginings...

And then she was awake.

She gasped faintly and sat bolt-upright in the bed, panting and clutching at the blankets for support with quivering paws.

Peter made a faint, groggy sound next to her.

Sin ignored him for the moment, focusing on calmly her breathing...she was awake!

Slowly, she relaxed, her breathing slowly, swallowing once to try and moisten her dry throat, brow furrowing as she looked down at her paws, recalling the odd was so vivid, and so nonsensical.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked, sitting up and rubbing his forehead a moment. His jaws was still tender, and throbbed angrily when he brushed it by accident, but otherwise, he wasn't feeling too bad.

"I'm...awake." she said, her tone relieved.

Peter snuffed a laugh. "Of course you are. But it's almost midnight." he pointed out, laying back down and stretching slightly.

"I'm hungry." she said immediately, and then started to slide out of bed.

"Wait." Peter grumbled, climbing out after her, shivering and tugging on a jacket. "I remember what happened last time you went wandering around without supervision after dark. I don't know Kung Fu, and you always seem to get me into fights." he huffed at her playfully.

Her cheeks flushed. "I can't help it...people seem to get angry around me. I'm a bad influence."

Peter chuckled faintly and ruffled her non-existent hair. "Don't worry, you'll learn eventually." he said, sliding on his shoes and then waving a hand. "Lead on, I'm sure the kitchen will still have some food left. We can eat it up on the deck."

Sin nodded at him slowly, and then ambled out of the room, leading the way towards the kitchen. There was a table set out for late diners, though it was starting to empty out. The nightly party had come to a stop, and soft music was playing in the background.

Sin led to the table, and they both took a plate of food, heading for the top deck, where they found two recliner chairs near the bow of the ship, and settled into them. The deck was deserted, but it was rather pleasant, with a cool wind blowing across the deck and a sky littered with stars and the odd wispy cloud.

Sin stretched across a deck chair, and placed her plate on her stomach, looking up at the stars while Peter edged his chair in next to hers and sprawled across it. "This is a nice enough place to sleep." he stated, and stretched a little bit.

"They're...pretty, aren't they?" Sin asked earnestly, looking over at him, eyes widening hopefully.

"...What?" he asked in reply, confused.

"The stars." she said, pointing up at them with a lazy finger. "They're pretty?" she phrased it like more of an actual question than a rhetoric one.

He frowned for a moment, brow furrowing.

"So...they're not pretty?" she said, her face falling, reading his expression wrong.

"Nono, they are." he protested, holding up a hand to try and gain a little patience from her. "Things aren't...just, pretty...or not." he tried to explain.

"Yes, they are." she said with a frown. "Pretty, and ugly are both ways to describe something. It's either one or the other."

"'re right. But...'pretty' is an opinion." he endeavoured to explain.

"But..." she trailed off, mystified.

"See...some people might find you very ugly." he said, nodding at her wisely.

Her eyes widened slightly, and she looked sad a moment.

"But other people might think you's all a matter of opinion." he continued quickly.

"I...see...I think. I think the stars are very you?" she asked slowly.

Peter sprawled back on the deck chair and put a hand under his head, pulling up a grape and chewing on it happily. "Yeah, I do too." he said with a faint smile.

It was several long moments before Sin spoke again, asking, suddenly, " you think I'm beautiful?"

A mumbled affirmative came from the half-asleep human, and she peered over at him for a long moment, her cheeks flushing faintly.

It was almost an hour later that Sin turned to look towards the sleeping Journalist, head canting to the side, tailtip giving a bit of a swish back and forth. He was dreaming, a vivid, decadent dream. She could feel it. It was like a TV's glow. You didn't need to be exactly looking at it to get a general picture of what was on the could almost tell by the glow. But to be sure, you had to have a good look.

So, she focused on him, and her brow furrowed at the images she saw.

It was odd...they were both naked.

Both he and the strange woman in the dream with him.

She was raven-haired, green eyed, and limber, not quite a supermodel, but nobody would call her 'fat'.

And she was...doing something to his midriff.

With brow furrowing in curiosity, she leaned over, and peered at him closer, focusing on the dream, watching several odd expressions cross his features, and trying her hardest to concentrate on the dream, to figure out this strange, seemingly pleasurable act taking place in it.

As the girl drew back for air, she saw what was happening...she had the strange, long object jutting from his waist in her mouth...add, for sure. It wasn't any form of feeding..and yet she was suckling at it so hungrily...

Absently, her gaze drifted down his form, and she saw the faint bulge in his pants, her brow furrowing further...she was sure that that wasn't there earlier...

Curiously, her hand reached out, and touched the bulge lightly, paw withdrawing slightly as it jumped under the clothe, before closing over it, feeling the faint throb deep within it, and the warmth emanation from the odd, fleshy protrusion.

Sin let go for a moment, and then slid her paw in underneath the band of his shorts, clasping around the bare flesh now, her brows furrowing, starting to slowly work it back and forth like the woman was doing in the dream, trying to puzzle out the significance of the actions...

The dream woman pressed her lips back over it, and Peter groaned, both in the dream, and out loud, and Sin frowned, tongue lightly rolling along her teeth for a moment, trying to decide if her mouth was human enough to have the same effect...

She decided that it was, eventually, and pulled down Peter's pants just slightly, hooking them under his scrotum, and then pressing her nose in close to the erect length.

Her brow furrowed as the strange scent of an aroused human assaulted her senses, and she felt an odd warmth blooming in the pit of her stomach, sending her knees weak.

Brows furrowing deeply at this odd weakness...and the delicious sense of warmth it was bringing, she wasted no time in pressing her nose close and licking the very tip of the strange tool, tasting him, pausing and holding her tongue against him, eyes widening as a wash of pheromones hit her.

A soft whine left Sin's muzzle, and she parted her maw, pressing down over the cock and holding it in her maw, focusing on mimicking the dream-actions, but finding it difficult to do so...there was something addictive about what she was doing. Equal parts exploration and instinct, letting the strange object fill her mouth, rubbing her tongue along the underside, making up for her lack of knowledge with zeal.

Peter groaned a little bit louder, and she backed off slightly, not wanting to wake him and end his dream...he seemed to be enjoying it...both what she was doing to him, and what was happening in the dream, and it was oddly...gratifying, to know that her work was making him feel good. She had already caused him pain...and trouble...this was how she could repay him!

With this new decision at the forefront of her mind, she focused on making it feel the best for him, eyes closing, and brows furrowing, concentrating, not on the dream now, but on his mind...and the throbs of flaring red that flashed across it every time her tongue rubbed across the bulbous tip of the fleshy tool spreading her maw, trying to figure out the best way to cause this lustful red tinge to grow and multiply in power.

She closed her mouth over it firmly, and drew back slowly, increasing the pressure in her maw as she went, giving a happy little sound around it as Peter's pleasure increased, her eyes opening slightly to stare down at the base of the shaft disappearing into her maw, lightly rubbing her tongue back and forth across the tip as it slid out far enough for her to work it.

A salty splash of liquid touched her tongue, and she blinked once, eyes widening a little bit as the intoxicating taste and sensation of slippery fluids coating her tongue shot through her, her legs shaking a little bit and that warmth in the pit of her stomach blossoming into something like a raging fire.

Without even realising what she was doing, she parted her jaws and pressed down hard, sliding the entirety of the long tool into her mouth, gasping in air around it and then beginning to suckle at it as hard as she could, brows furrowing, tailtip thrashing back and forth rapidly in slight agitation, her actions gaining an almost desperate fervour.

She needed to find the...source of that wonderfully intoxicating taste, the source of that scent, she was drunk on it, and the sensations of igniting flames in her body, ignoring such petty, base needs as breathing in her quest for his pleasure...and somehow, her own.

It was odd, the enjoyment she was getting from this strange act, pleasing, and delightful...and to judge from the cascades of flaring white ecstasy flooding Peter's mind, he was enjoying it immensely too...

Her thoughts had clouded her mind, and it was a few moments before she realised that the tool buried in her maw was throbbing...not like the steady, firm throb from before, but an urgent, desperate throb.

It gave a hard twitch, and then an odd, gooey substance splashed across her tongue.

Her body went still, and her eyes widened as it splattered against the back of her throat, forcing her to swallow it or gag, her paws tightening on his thighs reflexively as more, and more and more of the warm, sticky cream poured into her maw.

Sin almost drew back, but something told her to take it, closing her lips over it and struggling not to choke as ribbons of the seed spilled from the corners of her mouth involuntarily, before it started to lessen in intensity, oozing into her maw rather than pooling in it, letting her tilt her head back and swallow repeatedly, before popping the messy, used tool out of her muzzle and gasping for air, tongue hanging free, slow dribbles of white cum dripping from the end of it messily.

Swallowing slightly once more, she lapped him clean delicately, leaving no evidence of what she had done, before replacing his clothing neatly, politely, and climbing back atop her deck chair, shivering slightly...but not with the cold. She felt warm all over, especially between her convulsively quivering thighs, and her paw slid down between them on reflex, rubbing at the puffy, over-sensitive lips of her sex.

Her fingertips met a strange, slick liquid, and she brought it up to her face to inspect it, inhaling the faint scent of her own arousal in confusing, before tasting it, brow furrowing curiously. She gave a faint 'harrumph' at the odd sensations, and then rolled over onto her side, closing her eyes, tailtip coiling between her legs reflexively, her brow furrowing slightly as she tried to go to sleep and ignore this new, itchy sensation in the pit of her stomach.

Living Legends: Volume (Mew)Two: Part 3

Living Legends: Volume (Mew)Two: Part 3 The cruise ship was taking the 'scenic route', as the tour guides called it. Rather than just sailing straight to its destination, it was, instead, making a large figure-8 around several islands south of...

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Living Legends: Volume (Mew)Two: Part 2

Living Legends Volume: (Mew) Two; part 2 "So...this is your home?" the Mewtwo asked, throwing off the jacket Peter had forced her to wear into the pokemon centre. "No, this is the pokemon centre hotel." he said with a shake of his head. "You...

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Living Legends: Ripples in the Water

Living Legends: Ripples in the Water The seas were choppy, thunderclouds settled heavily overhead, threatening rain, with the ominous rumble of thunder from deep within their grey depths, an occasional flash of lightning licking along their edges....

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