Living Legends: Volume (Mew)Two: Part 2

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#2 of Living Legends: Volume (Mew) Two

Living Legends Volume: (Mew) Two; part 2

"So...this is your home?" the Mewtwo asked, throwing off the jacket Peter had forced her to wear into the pokemon centre.

"No, this is the pokemon centre hotel." he said with a shake of his head. "You know, for a psychic you're kind of-"

"Unobservant?" she finished for him with a faint giggle.

Somehow, the sound unnerved him. "I mean, other than-"

"Reading minds?" she asked, obviously amused now.


"Doing that!" she interjected, before he could finish.

Peter huffed and crossed his arms, and the Mewtwo just laughed at him, eyes seeming to glow with mirth.

"So tell me, what is it that you do here?" she asked calmly.

Peter frowned, tilting his head to the side, confused. "What do you mean...'here'?" he asked, blinking at her.

"As in, in this place. This...'pokecentre'."

Peter opened his mouth, but was cut off.

"What is 'sleep'? I assume is it not unpleasant..."


"Dreams? They sound most unpleasant. I doubt I'd want to dream. Thinking of places that are not my own..." she shuddered faintly. "Do you dream?"

Peter huffed and closed his mouth, refusing to reply.

" forget them in the morning?" she asked, and then frowned, canting her head to the side. "How very odd. What is the point of them?"

"Surely they must have some point." she continued.

Peter ground his teeth faintly.

"None at all? How...pointless." she said with a shake of her head. "...Am I annoying you?" she asked with a soft giggle.

"No." he said aloud, huffing once more.

"You want me to stop doing...what?" she asked, trailing off for a moment, "I'm not doing anything. You keep answering me!"

He opened his mouth,

"You just did it again!"

"I did not!" he said before she could cut him off.

"But you did." she pointed out, frowning at him.

"God, you're-"

"Impossible?" she asked with a canted head. "How...that...doesn't even make sense." she said with a deep frown. "What do you mean, I'm incorrigible?! You're the one who won't quit talking to me!"

"I'm not talking to you!" he said, grinding his teeth, and glaring at the door, trying to think of something calming...kitties. Kittens worked!

"...You are the most random person I'll ever meet." she said instantly.

"Stop doing that!"

"Doing what?" she asked, confused, frowning slightly.

"You know,"

"What you're doing?" she asked.

"That! Stop doing that!" he said, pointing at her accusingly.

"...doing what?" she asked in a dangerous hiss.

Peter gave a faint sound of frustration, and grabbed the pillow, stuffing it over his head and burying his face into the mattress, sprawling out.


"Going to sleep?"


" about ornery." she said with a huff.

Peter just shook his head and tried not to think about anything.

Peter's dream that night was...odd, vivid. Probably it was creeping around in the abandoned lab and the subsequent finding of the Mewtwo that caused them, but simply put, it was completely random, and slightly creepy.

He found himself in an odd hallway, all slate-grey walls and white washed floors. A door stood at the far end of the hallway, on the right-hand-side, and he found himself walking towards it.

Opening the door, he found himself looking down at a Vulpix with oddly flat, blue eyes, peering up at him quizzically.

He cocked his arm back, and hit it right on the nose with the pokeball, which opened and consumed the little red fox pokemon in a flash of light. The ball hit the ground, glowed bright white for a moment, and then went still.

Peter leaned down, picked up the ball, and then clicked it open.

The Mewtwo's face was staring back at him, from a mere inch away, eyes blazing with an insane yellow light...

Somewhere, his dream had ended, and his eyes had opened...but the vista he was presented with had changed not a bit, the Mewtwo had leaned over him in his sleep, and her nose was touching his own, eyes boring down into his, his own widening as he let out a cry of surprise and shock at this rude, unhappy awakening.

"Go back to sleep!" she hissed flatly, and he opened his mouth to shape a reply, when crashing waves of fatigue hit him, and then everything was darkness.

Angry voices intruded on his wonderful deep sleep, and he gave a faint grumble, head lifting slightly, eyes trying vainly to open enough to gain awareness of his surroundings, a pleasant, strong lulling sensation trying to put him back to sleep.

"-Out of here!" an angry male voice called, and Peter groaned faintly, heaving himself into a sitting position as he heard something smash outside in the hall.

"Please! There are sick pokemon here sir!" he heard Nurse Joy protest, and opening the door, he saw the scene.

A man, large and burly, was standing outside an open door, staring at the Mewtwo with a murderous expression, fist cocked back. Nurse Joy stood behind the Mewtwo, a ways back, watching helplessly.

Peter walked right up behind the larger man. "This is my pokemon." he said apologetically. "Sorry if she caused any concern." he said, trying to sound sincere, rubbing his eyes hard with the back of his hands, wondering why he felt so goddamned tired.

"Your...your pokemon was in our room staring at my wife, kid!" he said, turning on Peter, looking quite like he was going to hit him.

"Well you should have locked your bloody door." he replied with a huff, shaking his head.

The Mewtwo watched this exchange with interest, eyes switching to whoever was talking at the time.

"I did lock my door." he hissed dangerously between clenched teeth. "That...thing broke into our room and was watching up sleep! I have half a mind to beat the crap out of it to teach it a lesson!"

Peter glared at the larger man for a moment, "It doesn't quite understand how it's supposed to act." he said with a deep vehemence in his voice. "And if you're going to hit her, then you'll have to go through me." he said flatly.

"Fine." the larger man spat, and then a second later, Peter saw stars as a heavy fist slammed into his cheek, sending his reeling to the side onto his hands and knees, gasping in pain and holding his face.

"Got anything else to say you little bastard?!" the larger man said, stepping closer and drawing his fist back threateningly.

"This is a pokemon centre!" Nurse Joy cried out indignantly.

The larger man paused for a moment, eyes going wide as a white hand wrapped around his wrist.

"I wouldn't do that, if I was you." the Mewtwo said flatly, twisting the arm lightly in her grasp and causing the man to curl backwards slightly to try and relieve the pressure on his muscles and bones. "No, you cannot break my grip, no I will not show mercy, no, a hit to my stomach will not make me break my gasp." she said flatly, and then leaned in close, until her nose almost touched his. "Any more bright ideas?"

The mans eyes widened, and he started to shake his head rapidly, blubbering just faintly.

"Your terms are acceptable." the Mewtwo stated, and then released him, giving his rear a kick with her foot, sending him sprawling a moment.

Peter was still on his knees, holding his jaw, staring up at her as the man raced back into his room and slammed the door.

"Hmph!" Nurse Joy snorted, and then wheeled about, stalking away.

"It...hurts?" she asked of him after a moment. "Pain...not something I am familiar with. Unpleasant? How so?'m doing now?" she asked with a deep frown. "However could you compare pain to my talking to you? God, you're impossible!" she said, huffing and stalking back into their room.

Peter just shook his head and sat down against the wall, wincing faintly and working his jaw back and forth, tasting blood.

This was not going to be a fun time.

"I heard that!" came the hissing rebuke.

Peter just groaned faintly.

Peter wasn't aware of crawling back into the bed, but the first thing he was aware of, was that his jaw and cheek hurt, like hell, and then, as his eyes opened, that he was in the bed with the Mewtwo.

She was on her side, facing away from him, and one of his arms had found its way around her shoulders as he slept. Her thick tail was curled almost endearingly around his ankle, as if for security.

He was hungry...but he didn't want to wake her up...

"How do you wake up someone who isn't 'sleeping'?" she asked, rolling over and peering at him with a canted head, her tail lightly uncoiling from his ankle.

"You didn't sleep? Aren't you tired?" he asked, blinking at her.

"I tried as hard as I could to dream. I thought, and thought, and thought about it...but it never happened." she said sullenly.

"But...dreams aren't thought of. They just...happen." he said with a quizzical tilt of his head.

"So...I have to sleep first?" she said with a frown. "I don't want to sleep first. I don't care if I have to sleep first!" she protested, "And what do you mean, the conversation started off nice?!"

Peter just shook his head.

"Of course I don't understand, you won't tell me! What do you mean I won't let you tell me?! You're the one who won't shut up!" she said with a faint hiss of anger.

Peter gave a sound of frustration, and gripped her maw in his hands, holding it closed. "Now, do you hear what I'm saying?" he asked, before she could stop him, and her eyes blazed with anger. "Just nod or shake your head."

She nodded stiffly.

"Now, I'm saying this out loud." he said, narrowing his eyes at her, "Can you hear it?"

She gave another nod, glaring at him angrily.

He then thought, concentrating on 'this is me thinking...can you hear it?'

Another nod was his reply.

"Oh good. Because we can't hear when people are thinking." he said with a faint huff.

She shook her head rapidly to dislodge his grip, eyes wide and peering at him. "You mean...all...those things, that the scientists told me?...they weren't true?" she asked, sounding hurt, eyes filling with pain.

"I can't say that." he said with a blink. "I don't know what they said." he said with a helpless shrug.

"They said I was the best they'd ever seen." she said with a faint sniff. "That there wasn't anything better than me...they were devoted to me. They worshipped my existence. When they all had to leave, to a one, they wanted to come back and get me..." she paused for a moment, and her eyes widened slowly. "What do you mean they wanted me only as an experiment!?" she demanded to know.

"I didn't say that." he said, gritting his teeth.

"You thought it! It's the same thing!" she said with an angry hiss.

"Thinking and talking are completely different!" he said, gritting his teeth with frustration.


"Well..when you think something, it's there. Straight away, as soon as you think it. There's no pause. When you say something, you have time to think about what you're saying, to make sure you don't...I dunno, screw up, or say the wrong thing." he said with a firm nod

She frowned, brow furrowing, "Wouldn't it be better, socially, to work with thoughts?" she asked instantly, "I mean, it would make people honest, and people would generally get along better...what do you mean, it wouldn't work? Why not?" she asked before he could interject anything. "How would it annoy people?!"

"Like that!" he said before she could say any more. "You're not giving me a chance to speak!"

"...You don't need to speak. I can hear what you're thinking." she said flatly "This argument is pointless." she huffed.

"That's not the point!" he said in frustration, fists clenched against his eyes for a moment.

"Stop thinking those things about me!" she said, eyes narrowing.

"This is why you don't read minds! It caused problems." he tried to explain.

"So I shouldn't use what I've used to talk to people for my entire life?" Her brow furrowed deeply, and her tail thrashed back and forth behind her.

He shook his head firmly. "You should not. Because no one else can do it."

"That's elitist." she said with a huff. "And petty. Oh no, I shouldn't use my abilities because no one else can." she said in a sarcastic tone, crossing her arms and glowering at him.

"No, you shouldn't use your abilities because people aren't meant to hear other peoples thoughts! It'll just cause problems!" he said, grinding his teeth.

"No, you're just afraid I'll read your thoughts and see something I don't like." she replied, eyes narrowing deeply, brow furrowing. "So fine. I won't read your mind, happy? I don't care if that's not the point!" she said, before he could reply. "And so what if I'm breaking the rule already! You never accepted!"

"Fine!" he said with a huff, turning away and starting to forcefully pack his belongings, tossing shirts and whatnot into his suitcase. "We're due to get on the ferry back to the mainland in an hour."

"...What's an hour? And what's ferry?" she asked after a slight pause.

"Can't you just pluck their meanings from my head?" he asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

"I said I wouldn't do that any more." she replied in a flat voice.

"Fine. A ferry is a boat. Humans ride in them to get across water. And an hour is a unit of time. You'd need to know about all the other units of time to figure out how long an hour is." he explained, closing his suitcase and zipping it up tight.

"I know about seconds...milliseconds...minutes." she replied with a firm nod. "They used those units of time to measure things about me. Reaction time, the amount of time it took me to kill a Ratatta, how long I could hold my breath..."

Peter blinked at her slowly. "They made you....kill Rattata?" he asked slowly.

"Well, one of them was scurrying across the floor of the lab, and I tried to talk to it...but it sort of slowed down, and died." she said with a nonchalant shrug. "A scientist saw it, and soon, they brought me more to 'talk to'. They said they wanted me to talk to them, but I knew they really just wanted me to kill them." she said calmly.

Peter shivered faintly and was suddenly glad that she'd stopped reading his thoughts. "You're not going to....try talk to me or anyone else like that, are you?"

The Mewtwo shook her head slowly. "No. Somehow, I think killing random people would be...socially unacceptable." she replied just as calmly.

"W-well. Come on, we'll go get settled into our cabin early. It's a...long trip. More a sightseeing voyage than a straight-up ferry. But you'll have time to learn about humans...and how to act around them." he said with a single nod, picking up his suitcase.

"My behavior needs modification?" she asked, peering up at him for a moment, frowning. "I...wasn't aware there was anything wrong with it."

"Breaking into some one's room and watching them sleep is not socially acceptable." he replied dryly.

"I wasn't watching him sleep." she said with a faint huff, following him out of the room and down the steps into the pokecentre proper, and then out the front door. "I was watching his dreams. They were fascinating!" she said earnestly.

"Is that why you...forced me back to sleep when I woke up last night?" he asked.

"Yes." she replied instantly, without chagrin. "You were having a nice dream, and then you interrupted it. I wanted to see how it ended." she explained. "...Whatever happened to that...pokemon you were...killing?"

Dave blinked at her sideways a moment, leading her down towards the docks. "Well, I wasn't killing it." he said with a frown, pulling out a pokeball and clicking it open. "I was capturing it. And...I don't know what happened next, I woke up." he explained.

Her brow furrowed, and her tailtip gave an errant flick back and forth. "How...You were the one dreaming. How can you not know how it ended?"

"I just don't. Most dreams don't end in nice, neat area's." he tried to explain. "Usually, you'll get a fright in the dream, and wake up all of a sudden, and after that, the dream is over."

"But why didn't you continue it after I put you back to sleep?" she asked petulantly.

"Oh, so that's why went to someone else? I didn't dream for you any more?" he asked bluntly.

"Well, yes." she said with a huff. "But you're avoiding the question completely." she continued, as he led her up the gangplank and onto the ferry.

With a sideways glance at the Mewtwo, a crewman showed them to a cabin, and Peter closed the door behind them, tossing his suitcase on the bed and sitting down, peering out of the porthole.

"Well, You usually don't finish a dream if you wake up. It's all completely random." he said with a firm nod. "You can't control dreams...Unless you're a Haunter, and want to turn them into nightmares." he said with a shiver.

"Nightmares?" she asked curiously. "Like...a black Ponyta?"

"Nightmares are dreams. Really, really bad dreams. Most adults call them 'night terrors'." he tried to explain. "See...Not all dreams are nice."

"And Haunter benefit from bad dreams?" she asked instantly.

"Well, I think so. If they use 'Dream Eater'...but I think that makes them sick. So...ugh..." he trailed off helplessly.

"Then why would a Haunter make humans have bad dreams?" she asked of him.

"Well, I dunno. Maybe to, well...maybe the Haunter finds it fun? Haunter are kind of mischievous." he offered tentatively.

"Fun..." she rolled the word in her mouth. "First, tell me of these 'nightmares'. Do you have any nightmares?"

"Well...I only have one real nightmare." he said with a wrinkled nose. "And...I don't like talking about it."

"Why don't you like talking about it? What is the harm in discussing a subject? Does that not make you less likely to fear it or be...'hurt' from it next time?" she asked with a faint frown.

"For someone who doesn't know much about humans you sure seem to know a lot." he pointed out.

"Enough to know when you're being evasive." she answered, deadpan.

"Okay, fine!" he conceded, frowning down at his lap for a moment. "Well...It's kind of a stupid nightmare." he said with a shake of his head.

"So? It's not like you have any control over your nightmares...or are they different from dreams?" she asked.

"Well...nightmares usually base themselves on what frightens us." he explained, furrowing his brow. "I guess mine are about...I dunno. Being alone." he said lamely.

"...Being alone." she repeated. " could that possibly be frightening. I was always alone in my tank."

"Not like...alone." he tried to explain. "Alone, alone."

"How can you be more alone than...alone? You're not making any sense." she said with a huff.

"No...imagine, a rock. Floating in space," he said, peering sideways at her, but she interrupted.

"Rocks don't float." she said instantly, "Unless I make them." she added as an afterthought.

"Let's just say for a moment, that they did. And you were on a floating rock." he tried to explain.

"This is ludicrous." she said, crossing her arms and glaring at him.

"Imagine, that you're on this floating rock, and all you can see other than the rock, is just darkness. No people, no trees, no pokemon...just...darkness, and rock."

She frowned a little bit, and looked down at her feet a moment, before her glance found his eyes.

"I...just read your mind." she said with a deep frown.

"Well...just this one is fine." he admitted with a mirrored frown.

"...I didn't like it." she admitted, shaking her head rapidly from side to side and rubbing her paws against her face. "It was so...quiet...and...bleak." she rubbed a little bit harder. "I can see why...dreaming of that wouldn't be nice." she admitted for a moment, peering at him closely.

"Aye. Nightmares are always nasty." he explained.

"So...nightmares are your minds way of preying on your own weaknesses?" she asked after a few moments.

"Pretty much." he replied calmly.

"You humans are all masochists." she said in a tone of disbelief.

"Not our faults." he said with a helpless shrug.

"Well...'Fun' now. What is that." she asked of him.

" is...there's no real way to define 'fun'. Different people find different things fun." he said helplessly, shrugging once more.

"What does everyone find fun?" she asked after a moment, perking up a brow. "There must be something."

"Uhm..." he trailed off a moment, and tried to think of something...something other than the obvious.

"I could always pluck the answer out of your mind." she offered.

"Nono!" he said hurriedly. "Well...I guess the only thing everyone likes, unless they have something wrong with them, is well...mating." he said, swallowing once, audibly, as he said it.

"Mating." she repeated calmly, perking a brow upwards. "What is 'mating'?"

Peter made a faint, nervous sound. Not exactly the line of questioning he wanted to go down...but then again, she was a create raised in a lab, it was pretty much unavoidable, in the end.

"Well...mating is...procreation." he started lamely, trying to explain

"Oh, I see! Copulation!" she said happily, clapping her hands. "The one thing every living creature strives for, even though the end result is oft..unpleasant. I do not see how this is 'fun'." she pointed out after a moments pause.

"Well, most humans find it fun." he said nervously.

"Humans, yes. But not all pokemon. A female Luxray, for instance, is hurt by the male Luxray's penis during the act." she explained calmly.

"You were asking about humans!" he said with a huff.

"So all humans enjoy mating?" she asked instantly.

"Not...all of them. There are weirdo's in every breed." he tried to explain.

"Then how can you claim mating as being universally fun?" she pressed.

", I can show you." he said instantly

"You're...going to mate with me?" she asked, looking slightly confused for a moment.

Peter paused, and blinked at her slowly. "Whatever gives you that idea?" he asked, his mouth dry for a moment. He...never really looked at pokemon in that way, but now that she mentioned it...He was suddenly exceptionally pleased that she had stopped reading his mind.

"Well, how else will you show me?" she asked calmly. "Unless you intend to seduce a female of your species with your pheromones and have your way with her right here in front of me?"

Peter swallowed once, took a deep breath to collect his nerves, and then held up his laptop. "With this." he said calmly, flicking open the machine and laying it on the bed between them. "Now look, I'll put in the search for 'female'." he said calmly.

The screen changed, and a series of thumbnails appeared. first up, was a full-blown shot of a vagina, with labels of the parts and an internal view, and further along, were more anatomical references, and a single line down, it was onto 'female ejaculation'. Peter merely turned the laptop towards the Mewtwo.

"The internet is basically just a big porn hub." he said with a helpless shrug. "Humans...pokemon...everything is obsessed with sex." he explained. "And we wouldn't be obsessed with it if it wasn't fun, no?"

She frowned in reply, and then gave a slow, reaching forwards to touch the screen. "How...does this work?" she asked of him.

Peter leaned forwards and touched the little pad, showing her how to move the pointer with it.

The next half hour was spent teaching her the basics of using the laptop, how to move around the web page, and open new ones. "Have a look at whatever you want. Just stay away from some sites. Like...say, AGNPH, and the like. They don't give what you'd call an...unbiased opinion on things."

"But if I know the bias and the truth, then I can make my own opinion, can I not?" she asked with a furrowed brow.

"You'd best learn the truth before you learn the bias." he said with a firm nod, laying himself down across the bed. "I'll just be asleep...wake me if you need anything." he said, closing his eyes and laying his head on the pillow.

"I'll keep you informed." she said, eyes locked on the screen, flicking through pages already.

Peter was awoken an indeterminate amount of time later. Judging from the view out of the porthole, they were already well under way towards the mainland. He yawned and stretched slowly, rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand slightly. "What's happening?" he asked blearily.

"I'm curious." she said, without any further information, turning the laptop towards him so he could see the screen.

It was a full-blown, animated image of a woman going down on a man.

"What...what is she doing? Is she trying to bite him?" she asked, frowning.

Peter flushed, and stammered for a moment. "W-well n-no. She not...trying to eat him...She's...uhm...pleasuring him." he said helplessly.

Her brow furrowed further. "How could...that be pleasurable?" she asked.

"I...really don't know how to explain-" he started.

"Oh fine, be evasive." she said with a snort, and then canted her head to the side. "What's it feel like?" she asked innocently, an almost sweet smile on her face.

Without even realising he was doing it, his mind drifted off to the sensation of a swallowing mouth around his member, and the heady rush of euphoria that came with orgasm.

"Oh my..." she murmured, her cheeks flushing faintly. "That does seem can go back to sleep now."

Peter ground his teeth and shook his head slowly. "I thought you weren't going to read my mind any more?"

"I'll stop reading your mind when you stop being evasive." she countered calmly.

He reached over, and flipped the laptop lid down. "Enough of that for now." he said, as the mewtwo pouted at him faintly.

"Fine. What will I do, then?" she asked instantly.

"We are going to go and get something to eat. I am hungry. And I'm sure eat, right?" he asked, blinking at her slowly.

"I...obtain sustenance through oral means, if that's what you're referring to?" she asked.

"Yeah...that." he said, sliding off the bed and stretching slowly.

"Well then yes, I 'eat'." she said, bouncing off the bed and onto her feet, peering up at him. "To the top deck?"

"How did you know where they're serving food?" he asked.

"I read the mind of a crewman who passed by a while ago." she explained calmly, walking over to the opening it. "Meet you there?" she asked, before stepping out the door.

"We should stay tog-" he started, and then just sighed and shook his head slowly. He went do the door, and looked outside. She was already gone, and with a sigh, he started towards the top deck of the ship, where meals were served when the weather was good.

"No I am not wild." she was explaining to one of the ships staff. "I find it insulting that you think a pokemon unable of walking around a ship on its own." she said with a faint growl, low in her throat.

"Hey, no! She's with me!" Peter said, flailing an arm for attention as he skidded to a halt next to them both.

"You need to supervise your pokemon better." the staff member said with narrowed eyes.

"Or what?" the Mewtwo asked, eyes narrowing slowly, her right paw twitching, as though she longed to reach out and grip his head in her paw.

"Nono, it's fine." Peter said, wrapping an arm around the Mewtwo and starting to drag her away from the staff member.

"Let go of me!" she demanded, her cheeks flushing faintly, glaring at him.

Peter released her, shaking his head slowly. "You shouldn't wander off alone." he said with a huff.

"And why not? Because you think I'm not capable of being on my own?" she asked, glowering at him angrily.

"No, you're not!" he said, glowering, brow furrowing deeply. "You don't know any-"

"Is there a problem, son?" asked a kind voice, cutting him off, and he looked sideways to see a priest with a holy bible in the crook of one arm, and a long, flowing black robe.

"No, nothing, sorry." he said with a slight frown.

"A very interesting pokemon you have there. Which of Arceus' creations is it?" he asked.

"I wasn't created by a pokemon." the mewtwo interjected instantly.

"All creations are constructs of Arceus." the priest replied imperiously.

Peter tried to cut in before the situation developed into something unpleasant.

"I was created by scientists, therefore, not by Arceus." she said with a huff. "Unless that was the name of the lead scientist." she added before he could reply.

Peter groaned and put a hand on his forehead, feeling a headache coming on.

"...Is this true, son?" the priest asked, turning to him.

"Pretty much, yeah." he said with an apologetic shrug. "It can't be helped though, it's not her f-"

"Sin! Sin!" the priest shrieked, pointing at the Mewtwo with an outstretched arm. "You are the incarnation of mankinds sin!"

Peter almost growled to himself and gripped the Mewtwo paw, dragging her over to one of the tables, grabbing a few pieces of food, and then bodily dragging her after him back down into the ship, and back to the room.

After closing the door, the Mewtwo grinned at him, her face flushed.

"I'm sorry about that, some people like that, they're ju-"

She cut him off.

"I think I know what you mean by 'fun' now." she said, eyes bright with amusement. "'You are the incarnation of mankinds sin!'" she parroted with a giggle, her tailtip happily swirling back and forth behind her, looking more animated than any other time he had seen her. "I think I like that...that shall be my new Name." she stated. "Sin..." she rolled the word around her mouth. "Sin."

Peter just groaned and shook his head.

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