Pigma's Program

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Pigma has always been a pain for Starwolf and his team. The fact that he's so fat and greedy has made it hard for any of them to work with him, but with Andross, he's getting what he wants...until Leon says he's too fat. He can work it off, but...well, this stuff always has a cost, doesn't it?

Commissioned by Limemas

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Pigma's Program For Limemas By Draconicon

Working for Andross sure wasn't bad. Yeah, the big guy had a bit more of an ego to him than Wolf ever did - hell, a lot more of an ego - but he had all sorts of cool toys and fast ships. Better than that, the big ape had more bitches than you could shake a stick at, and none of them cared about how fat the pig was.

Pigma oinked as he spanked the latest one out of his lap, laughing as he looked at her waddle away with his cum oozing out of her ass. She was the latest of who knew how many whores he'd enjoyed. Twenty? Thirty? He'd lost count some time ago. Important thing was that he was getting his rocks off, anyway, and better than he'd ever done in the past.

"Hey, idiot."

Leon. Pigma grunted as the chameleon pushed past the fox whore that was just leaving, his squadmate giving her a glare before turning back to him.

"Is this all you do?"

"Hey, heh, it's not like it's hurting me."

"Still as fat and slobby as ever."

"Hey, doesn't matter how heavy I am when I get in the cockpit. Heeeeeeh, and besides, I can still shoot with the best of 'em."


Pigma rolled his eyes at the chameleon. Leon had always been a pain in his ass. Wolf, for all his faults, at least let him be as slobby as he liked as long as he kept up his skill in the cockpit. The sadist, however, seemed to glory in the moments when he could force Pigma into some form of exercise or other.

He hated that. Always had, always would. Long as he could fit in the cockpit, he didn't see any reason to stop stuffing his face and being lazy. It just worked for him.

He was about to call in a new meal - he was between whores, anyway - when Leon tossed a data-chip at him. The pig caught it with ease, despite his flab, then held it in front of his face.

"What the hell's this?"

"Your new schedule."

"New - fuck off."

He tossed the chip back, only for Leon to catch it and send it right back to him. This time, it plonked him right in the forehead.


"Take it, and read it. You're getting too damn fat for your Wolfen."

"...You ain't got any right to make me do this."

"I have every right. Unless you want to take it up with Andross?"

Pigma grumbled. Much as he hated Leon, he was more afraid of the big ape. Not just of rocking the boat and the sweet deal that they had, but also of ending up as one of the experiments that the big guy had. That was NOT what he wanted to spend the rest of his life doing.

Particularly not when he just had to look at Wolf have some idea of what he might become.

"Unless you want to try some experimental serums that the boss has going on?"

Pigma's ears perked up at that, his eyebrow arching up as he looked up from the chip.

"What kinda serums?"

"Muscle growth, weight loss, those kinds of things."

"...And they're just shots?"


"Sign me up!"

After all, he'd gotten tattooed to hell and back already. Like a needle was gonna bother him if it meant he didn't have to exercise.

The first shots were not that bad, though he hadn't expected two of them to be injected right into his taint. He'd squealed as they'd gone in, but more out of shock than out of any real pain.

Pigma left the med bay with a feeling of raw energy coursing through his veins, and for the first time in years, he had more than enough stamina to just walk back to his room. So, the pilot did something that he hadn't done for more than ten years.

He went for a walk.

Of course, he jiggled as he went, but the big guy was feeling happy. He walked down the large walkways of Andross's central base, looking over the blasted plains of Venom, and he grinned as he looked at the apes that were walking to and fro from one part of the base to the other. He usually looked at them with mockery on his mind - after all, the apes were clumsier than he was, and that was saying something - but today, he looked at them with something else.

He started fondling his dick through his pants, something else that he did regularly, but today...today, his cock jumped right up, pointing like a laser marker at the nearest monkey and the exposed crack of his ass.

Well, Pigma wasn't going to turn that down...and he supposed he could pretend that a monkey with that big an ass was a girl, so long as he fucked 'her' hard enough, kept her squealing right.

A few days later, the pig was walking out of the med bay again, his arms dotted with a couple of blood spots where his latest injections had gone in. It wasn't much more than a red dot the size of a period among his dog-fighting tattoos, but it was still something.

He squeezed his arms together, feeling muscles beneath the fat that still lingered on his limbs. Even that was less than it was, and he grunted and huffed like a big boar as he felt the sheer hardness of the new muscle beneath.

The rest of his body was doing better, too. While he still had a gut, most of it had been sloughed off by the serums that were being pumped into his body. Considering how high his libido was getting, he was half-sure that he was cumming all that fat into his sluts. The thought made him chuckle.

Once more, he went for a walk, and this time, he found himself surrounded by the gorillas of Andross's forces. Big, heavy guys with thick arms and thicker thighs, and asses that were more masculine than the monkeys.

He stared at them as he walked by, the urge there, but he pushed it down. Hell, he wasn't into other guys. Not unless they were girly enough for him to pretend otherwise.

So, he went back to his quarters, planning to call a few whores.

"Where's the fucking whores?!"

Pigma shoved the holo-projector over, the boar getting to his feet and verging on punching a hole in the wall. His balls had swollen to a size bigger than his fists, and he was desperate to fuck something. Anything with a cunt, at this point. Hell, almost anything with a hole.

The whores seemed to have disappeared, gone without a trace. The easy-order system that he'd been using since he took employment under Andross either had a hell of a glitch, or all the whores had quit.

Just thinking about that was enough to make him punch one of the walls, his fist denting the metal. He growled, shaking his hand about, wringing it as he swore he must have broken something doing that.

Ugh, where's the fucking whores? I need to fuck, need to fuck...

He was more muscular than ever now, but he barely cared. The fat that he'd lost, the muscle he'd gained, it barely mattered compared to the sheer fuckery that had hit him between the legs.

He flopped back on his couch, looking down at his balls. They were bigger than his fists, and his cock was bigger than it had been, too. It stuck out like some sort of crazy-thick control rod, oozing pre almost constantly to the point where his entire apartment smelled like nothing more than rutting boar. He hadn't had the chance to cum in three days, and that made him feel like he'd been in space for a month, unable to cum.

Growling, he grabbed his communicator, pressed one button, and started shouting as soon as the chameleon on the other end picked up.

"LEON! Where the fuck are the whores?!"

"They quit."

"What?! Since when are they allowed to do that?"

"Since they got sick of you. But if you really need to get your rocks off, I have one more experiment for you. You finish that, then -"

"Already on my way."

Fucking hell. If Leon was jerking his chain, then he was going to teach that chameleon what-for. Nobody put him through this. Nobody.

The next time, he didn't leave the med bay. Pigma groaned as he was held in chains, tied up behind a glass panel, injection lines running down into his neck and arms, into his ass and along one thigh. The green chemicals running into him pulsed with fire in his veins, and the effects were immediately noticeable.

His muscles continued to grow, and his cock and balls continued to throb and churn and push further forward. He oinked and growled as he humped his shaft against the glass between him, Pigma, and the ape doctors. Oinked, thrusted, oinked, and thrusted again, smearing his thick pre along the smooth surface.

He was sweating up a storm, too, the green chemicals heating him up from beneath the skin, making his tattoos shine and almost glow in the dark.

And it made it so hard to think.

His balls were so huge between his legs that they were all he could think of, his blood running down there instead of to his brain. All he thought about was sex. Sex and cock, cock and sex.

And while he couldn't make out what the others were saying on the other side of the glass, he could see what they were doing. One of the gorillas, manly and thick as all hell, was being wheeled back to his glass barrier, the barrier itself slowly being lowered.

He no longer cared that he was fucking a guy. He needed a hole. Any hole.

And that one would do just fine...

The End

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