Sodomising the Stallion
A stallion cannot run forever and his rival comes down on him hard and fast, driving up under his tail...
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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe
Characters © respective owners
Kinktober 2019
Non-consensual / Rape
Sodomising the Stallion
Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)
Commissioned by Duslor
"Free will... And what is that, to you, exactly?"
The grey stallion ran, fleeing from his oppressor as rain pelted his hide, head down against the barrage of the storm. The mountains could be a cold and unforgiving place and yet Glaw had found a valley up there in which to seclude his herd away, to hide them from those who may have otherwise have sought to do them harm. But even an intelligent feral horse like him had weaknesses against reality and he bared his teeth as if he could suck in more air through his maw, nostrils hopelessly flared and lungs heaving to take a breath with every gallop stride.
Yet Glaw could not evade him, the stallion pursuing him covering more ground than he could ever have hoped to, circling him, toying with him. In the flashes of lightning illuminating the land between rolls of thunder, Avast seemed twice the size of the grey, but his golden palomino coat held the sheen of the devil himself, plastered down flat and grey to his skin in the deluge of the storm.
Avast's eyes fixed on the grey stallion and Glaw knew, even then, that his world, the life he had built, was done for. Not even his herd was safe anymore.
"I'll show you..." He hissed, seeming like a creature from another world and not a mere horse anymore, eyes flashing cruelly. "This is not how it was meant to be - and look what you've pushed me to!"
Mad, he was utterly mad, but such was the way of one who had been born in the midst of a storm and then been brought down to the lows of nothing at all, left to clamour and scrape for the scraps of life after stronger beings had taken it first. Avast knew that he was nothing and made something of himself out of that, a golden brute of a stallion that bit and ripped and tore and fought like a creature from the abyss, from the depths of hell and worlds that they did not even have the strength to speak of amongst sane herds with the light of day to guide them on.
Glaw's hooves pounded the ground, although Avast's breath washed over his hindquarters. It was done.
He hit the ground in a tumble of flailing limbs, not quite sure how he got there as mud spattered his coat and he could barely make sense of the impact itself. It did not matter as he slid through muck and filth, the body of a stallion who only sought to make less of him pounding him down, hooves kicking and teeth flying. Avast was a beast and a brute and he made sure that Glaw knew it too even as the grey horse tried to stagger up, barely getting to his hooves before the other stallion sank his teeth into his rump, hot blood mixing with rainwater to feed the stomach of the earth that had, at one point, given both of them so much life.
"Let me go!" He screamed, the tenor of his words holding more power than the words he actually used. "Please!"
But begging was mere music to Avast's ears in the din of the storm, pushing up over Glaw's hide with a wracking, wheezing laugh that did not seem to come from any kind of mortal lungs. He had no answer to give Glaw but in the throb of his body, something pulsing up against Glaw's back end that not even the grey stallion, who had thought before that time that he had seen everything there was to see in the cruelty of the world, could have expected or even hoped for.
His life was not to end, not even as Avast, a creature driven mad, brutally bite and tore into his neck, streaks of red marking his coat where his soaked winter coat was not thick enough to protect him, along with his mane. But maybe that would have been better than what Avast had in mind for him, the ultimate abuse and betrayal of one's own kind, the golden stallion's huge cock ramming against him, seeking entry.
And it was then that Glaw found that there were fates worse than death as another stallion's cock sank into a hole that was never intended to be treated with such harsh crudity, burrowing deep, forced up under his tail with brutal, driving force. His scream was lost in another roll of thunder and Avast neighed out his furious triumph as he pounded into Glaw as if he was nothing to him, a body to be forced down, driven to submit to his will.
Glaw did not submit, sinking down, hooves sliding in the mud, screaming and wailing, his cries lost, although he hoped in the back of his mind too that his herd would not hear them, would not know what had come of him. Maybe Avast would be a stronger leader for them, someone who could fiercely keep them safe from harm, for he had unorthodox methods to showing his domination even if Glaw heaved for breath, sides soaked with more than just rain.
Yet the broken name would not call Avast back from the ragged brink of madness, the stallion driving and pounding, not even fucking Glaw for the manner and nuance of sexual pleasure but merely for dominance, for claiming. He would have the herd and he would have Glaw too, everything belonging to him and only him as he chuffed and heaved for breath, demanding more of his heavily muscled body still as the storm raged on.
The storm itself should have driven them to safety and shelter, some sort of cover, but a stallion like Avast did not care about something like that as he threw everything he had in him into sodomising Glaw, brutalising him like no stallion had ever been taken before. The hot, tight hole tried to squeeze down around him, to push him back out, but there was no denying a mad stallion what he thought he was due as his teeth latched onto the crest of Glaw's neck, snatching up, thankfully, more mane than flesh.
Glaw, however, was not in such a position, his body trying to come to terms with what was happening, to grasp at least the essence of it. He was more than a mere feral equine and he grappled with the horror of it all as his tail hole seared through with pain, seeming to curdle up within him, bubbling up in the slick slide of mud and other sordid affairs. He heaved but no breath soothed his lungs, although even he doubted that it was possible to ease any manner of tension in his body at such a point in his sodomy.
It was wrong, it was gone, his day was done, done, done, his time as the top stallion of the mountains, the one that everyone looked up to, admired and wanted to be under. There was nothing more to him as his anal passage was stretched and spread over and over again, trying to close down even then on a shaft that was far too large for him to take - or, at least, that was how it felt. Every stroke came with a fresh wave of pain and the prey creature in him tried to slink away from it, retreat into a darker, deeper part of his brain for the sake of maintaining some sense of the stallion and stud that he was.
But that in itself was more than he could as his foreleg slipped beneath him, bowing down to the ground with the other flung out before him, balance lost and struggling to even remain somewhat level. He had no will, of course, to make things easier for Avast, the stallion's grinding, driving hindquarters powering into him over and over again, brutally pounding. There was no end to it, seemingly in the rolling moment, thunder vibrating through Glaw as he tried to bear through it, eyes closed and sensations, however painful, running rampant through the remnants of his soul.
Just a bit longer. He could manage it. He had to manage it.
Yet not even he could have prepared himself for the complete and utter humiliation of the stallion grunting with pleasure over him, nickering as if was taking a mare, the natural force and speed of a horse, at least, making the whole sordid endeavour at least a little quicker for him. It didn't feel quicker, one moment dragging into the next as his nose pushed through the mud, hide marked so that Glaw was no longer even recognisable as himself. So far gone was he that he swore that his own shaft, the fleshy pink and grey skin, even protruded from his own sheath, but that was merely a reaction of the body and one that did not last very long either.
It was not a relief when Avast's cum filled him, hot, gooey spurts of stallion seed flooding his abused hole, although Glaw could not be sure even then whether he was broken and bleeding inside. His debasement was complete and, in a flash of forked lightning splitting the sky, Avast neighed out his triumph and conquest, the gods above surely pleased with his takings - for, after all, he was not the mad one there when Glaw had been broken down, abused into the nothing from which he had come from.
Too much... Glaw's head dipped and spun and throbbed, unable to differentiate one sensation from the other as his skin twitched, trying to take everything in at once. His heart pounded too quickly, flanks shivering, but the cock slipped from him, all the same, when Avast was satisfied that he had made his point clear, the herd taken and all that Glaw had held dear lost to him forevermore.
Time passed, however, and things could change. In the throbbing, humiliating ache of his tail hole as he sank down into the mud, Glaw hoped against hope that it would change. Cum drooled from his tail hole as Avast reared, striking the air furiously, although in the din of it all Glaw could only be thankful that those hooves were not directed at his beaten body when they could otherwise very well have been. Small things had to be clung onto, or so it seemed.
Flat out in the mud, Glaw closed his eyes, rain beating down, washing blood and sweat and stains from his coat, although it could not wash every last drop of it from his soul. He would live but there was little more to be had from living as he lay there, heaving for breath that no longer seemed fitting slipping into his lungs, passions broken, the triumphant stallion leaving him there, proud of his victory and dancing in his madness. The storm had only served to add fuel to the fire that burned within Avast and the golden stallion would have tales of fear and wonder told about him throughout the land and the mountains too, even though one could not truly know what had taken place there, that night, between him and Glaw. For Glaw never made himself known under that name again, his shame absolute.
Avast's hoof beats dulled into the thrum of the storm and Glaw closed his eyes, relaxing as soreness resonated through his body, although muscles remained contracted where they should have been softened. The cold seeped into his body and he could not find the strength in himself to get up - not yet. Just a while, a little while, he would lay there, recover his strength, come back to himself, find what and who Glaw was again, if only so that he could get up and move on his way with his life intact.
Life, however, would forever be different with what Avast had done to him, although Glaw could only be lucky and fortunate that he had escaped with his life.
Rape was one thing but moving on from it, well...that was another entirely. The experience would remain with him.