Castrated by a Demon

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A horse has his prize jewels taken by a demon with a grasp on magic...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Kinktober 2019

Castration / Nullification

Castrated by a Demon

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Duslor

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"Oh, such a poor colt you are..."

She stalked around me, just a lone stallion bound in the middle of the barn, nostrils flared, head lowered. I was not just a stallion, of course, but that was just why she had come for me and me alone, knowing that my chestnut hide was worth more than the shades of gold that gleamed through it on a sharp spring morning. I was better than the rest with the arch and crest of my neck and that was just why the demon of the other world had come to take it all from me.

The mare nickered cruelly and tossed her head, eyes glittering a devious red, sparkled through with silver shards. But where there should have been beauty in the pure black lines of her coat, as dark as the deepest pit of hell, there was only fury. No warmth lay in her eyes and the shafts of moonlight spilling into the barn illuminated only part of our tryst, although it was a claiming that was set to last forever if the demoness had her way about it.

I pulled and tugged, flaxen mane spilling down my neck, sticking where sweat layered my coat in dank, stark cow-licks. No... No, I had to break free, had to do something, had to fight back - somehow! But she'd sent her magic out to bind my hooves, spreading them wide and splayed to four posts in the barn, shifting and changing the world around her to her will. My head was forced down, a lattice of rope around my neck keeping it there, nostrils flared as I puffed and puffed, knowing just how wild I looked. If I'd seen one of the non-intelligent equines that I still dealt with looking as I did, I would have been concerned enough to find somewhere safe for them too.

Yet there was nowhere safe for me and the mare of the underworld had no inclination of kindness towards me, another soul to claim as her nose trailed over my hindquarters, taking stock of me.

"Fresh meat..."

It was too late. It was far, far too late. But what would she take?

"Stay still," she murmured, although there was no hint of softness in her tone. "This will hurt...a lot."

What? What was it that was going to hurt? What was she going to do with me? Equine submission thrummed through me, the prey animal in me shutting down against the might of one that I could not help but deem as a predator, even though she looked like me. But she wasn't like me, flowing without touching the ground, for I could not have said that what she was doing was any kind of walking at all. Her hooves gleamed and my eyes, fixed so low and forced into submission, were forced to follow them, the grip of her magic swirling around me, tendrils of darkness seeking out my soul.

Around my barrel, stroking over my flanks. I was bound so tightly that something in me didn't even think I could flinch from it and I stood there stock still and snorting, eyes wide, waiting for the ultimate. I hoped it would be quick, I hoped it would be painless, even though that second one was, of course, a futile wish. What an end... And if only I hadn't come out to the barn that night to check on my charges, maybe everything would have been well and good with the nightmare embodied seeking out more amenable, pliable prey in my stead. But maybe it was just as well that she had not found one of the truly feral kind, the horses that did not have the intelligence of anthros or the like, for they may have been due to suffer even more than me.

It was okay. I tensed, forcing down my will against it, accepting, dully, that it was all going to happen whether I wanted it to or not. It was no longer my choice. My life was no longer mine to live and control as she hiked up my tail, magic wickedly teasing in an overly intimate caress over the pucker of my tail hole, a round doughnut that all the colts, in my much younger days, had teased me for. No one had dared to, however, once I'd grown to my full size as a Suffolk Punch stallion, primed for breeding, but I clung to the memories, sifting through them, one by one, as she took my balls in her magical grasp.

The sense of them being caressed forced my body to react but I still could not honestly have said what she was doing as my cock eased out, responding instinctively. How could she manipulate me like that? And it was far from painful... Ah, yes, the threat of that, clearly, still loomed, my ears flicking fearfully. What did she want? What was it?

"Now, now..."

She didn't have to explain herself, wisping around me in a hiss of breath that was more like the death rattle of a corpse that had already departed to the afterlife. The mare rolled her head and I started as her magic clutched my nuts tightly, the seed-makers churning, although I could not have said even then whether there was any true desire left in me at that time.

Harder and harder... I knew that the whites of my eyes were showing as sharp claws pierced into them without actually breaking the barrier of the skin there, demonic magic taking me, holding them. There was nothing like having one's most intimate, vulnerable of regions held in such a way, demoralising and lowering one's sense of worth, knowing that all that made them proud and whole could be taken away at a moment's notice. I was a breeding stud for a reason and they loved me for it, furthering my genetic line and breathing fresh life into a breed that, even then, was struggling to prosper.

"Not anymore."

It was as if she knew exactly what I was thinking and could sequester away that thought, feeding on it right then and there and licking her lips, a streak of moonlight glinting off her sharply dished and angular face. She could have been beautiful. Except she wasn't.

Her grip closed down on my balls and I grunted, trying not to make a noise, every bit of the prey animal in me wanting to bear through it, wanting to wait for it all to be over against all the odds. If I just stuck it out, maybe everything would go away, but she pressed down harder and harder, tugging my balls apart so that they were easily separated within the fleshy sack of skin, defined and stark even as my body wanted to squash them back together again, where they belonged.

Pain lanced through me even though I did not know, not then, what was happening, breaking my silence in a half-strangled neigh that could not come out properly with the angle that my head was at. But there was no way to remain stoic through such pain when it seared through me as if using my veins as a pathway down which to travel, burning, seething. The claws of a monster clutched and dug into my balls and my nostrils flared, swearing that they caught a whiff of fresh blood. Whether that blood was mine or not, was another question entirely.

"Yes... For the feeding..."

What feeding? Was my life over? The pain came from one place and she cruelly played it against warm lines of pleasuring, softening the edges only to break my mind as she abused and tortured my body. There was no other way to describe it as my cock tingled, the demoness pumping and teasing it, demonstrating her control over me so effortlessly that it made me feel smaller and more insignificant than ever before, wanting to shrink down into the ground, to forget everything that had happened and, even so far, to no longer be. Anything had to be better, my cock throbbing and balls aching, guts churning... If, as an equine, I could have vomited, I would have right there and then.

But that was not to be and the pain curled up sickeningly through my intestines, through my guts, hot blood splattering down, my life essence pouring out. Yet there were only neat holes to be found in the aftermath of it all, despite the pain when it was actually occurring, mind-numbing as she sought the tubes within that could separate my nuts, finally, from the bearing of my body. Smirking, for I could see her face before me, sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight, she bared her fangs at him, revelling in my pain, the myriad of expressions that were surely crossing my face. Even then, I thought how sick that was that she could and would take such pleasure from my pain. But that was just the way of a demon.

"Small one... You don't need these any longer. But they'll feed a lesser demon or two. Wouldn't you like that?"

Her tone cajoled and wheedled and dripped from her lips like honey, yet her magic still forced my tail up, dock exposed, nuts aching as even the testis trembled, seeming to flinch from her hold. Yet there was no escaping her as she used her magic to massage them, the strange sense of something shifting that should never have touched, let alone squeezed in such a vicious manner. I huffed and puffed, head swimming, pain clawing at my soul. Was she going to crush them? What?

Yet that was not quite to be as she revelled in the finesse of her art of castration, taking one of my tubes - I could not have said which - and maintaining wicked eye contact with me as something bit down with a pain that made my tail thrash...and then something was gone. A nut, one half of the whole, dropped heavily into my sack, no longer connected, blood welling up and out of the gashes she had created to do her work. The demoness snickered, mane fluttering as if in the wind of hell itself.

"One down..."

It was over quickly and still I near enough blacked out from the pain, ropes keeping me up and stable enough in my bondage as my second was taken, sliced through, heavy and useless and no longer connected in the way that made me the stud I was.

"And there we go!"

Throwing her head back, she laughed, the sound of it echoing through the barn as she forced my cock to remain hard, a tightness around the base as if a cock ring had been placed there. I was not familiar with such tools at that time but I soon would be, even if I did not know it then.

Of course, she would never have been satisfied with just snipping my tubes and her magic swept around my nuts, cradling and hefting them up, skin trying to twitch where it was still connected to my nervous system. But the pain, oh... Oh, the pain of her pulling my nuts out, one by one, to squeeze them, my guts aching as if they were still a part of me. There were no words to be had for that and I sweated heavily her magic allowing a little of the blood to keep on dripping, though mostly sealing up the holes in my sack through which she had so viciously emasculated me. After all, she didn't want me to think that she would protect me entirely, leaving the terrifying scent of fresh, hot blood thick and heavy in my nostrils.

"And I thought you would scream..."

She sounded disappointed but I did know that there were many more ways in the afterlife for a demoness to make me scream. She had time. Yet I was no longer the proud stallion that I was, my sack hanging empty and uselessly, a mere mockery of what I had once been, who I had been. Licking my neck, the demoness hissed, coldness seeping through my skin, into my very soul - what little I had left of it anyway. She'd taken the rest from me in one, lonesome night as if it was nothing at all.

Pain fading, a dull throbbing in the background of sensibility, it was time to start my new life as a gelding, for there was no other way forward. And who only knew what trials that would bring in the clutches of hell?

Only hell itself would tell.

Pleasing the Pod

**Pleasing the Pod** **The Dolphins Find a Dragon** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar_ _ _ _ _ Bubbles streamed from Xigfeldo's nostrils as he dived, twisting and turning through a reef of light...

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The Spirit

**Kinktober 2019** **Supernatural/Paranormal** ** ** **The Spirit** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Silver_ _ _ _ _ "Siiiilver..." The whisper hissed through the hunting cabin and the dragon snarled, backed...

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A Lustful Invitation

**A Lustful Invitation** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar_ _ _ _ _ "Avilia... It has been many moons since you last dared to visit my territory..." Xigfeldo raised his head, muzzle streaming with...

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