Nova Wars 8: Spying While Training

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#8 of Nova Wars

Sollon and Lorkos are sent down to the slave training part of the station. Sollon is curious how it will go, and there's some surprising revelations in how the Hierarchy train their slaves.

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Nova Wars Chapter 8: Spying While Training By Draconicon

Sollon had been interested in how the slave training of the Hierarchy would actually work, but at the same time, the rat was somewhat concerned about how the sexual aspects would work for him. He knew that the captain had asked them to go along with it, and he had every intention of doing just that, no matter how much it...disturbed him.

The rat walked alongside Lorkos, the gunnery officer keeping pace with him with ease. He shook his head as they made their way down the hallways after leaving the elevator, making their way to what was the slave quarters on the upper levels, where the training - according to Klim - would happen.

"Are you looking forward to this?"

The rat turned at the wolf's question, arching an eyebrow. Lorkos shrugged.

"Not saying you should or anything, but I was curious. You didn't seem that interested in the captain's training sessions."

"That is because I am not interested in the sexual aspects of things."

"You are a strange one. I mean, it's not like it hurts you. I mean, I don't think it does....does it?"

"Not in the typical way, no."

"Then why did you volunteer?"

"Was anyone else going to?"

Sollon shrugged, continuing his walk down the hallway. Lorkos hesitated before following, and didn't ask anymore questions, for which the rat was grateful.

His mind went forward, thinking through the training that he and the rest of the crew had gone through already. Most of it was sexual, which he was competent enough at, even though he didn't particularly enjoy it. There was no real reason for it aside from biology, for him; there were none of the urges that the rest of the crew talked about, and the desire to have sex - or at least, the sex drive that he did have - was so minute that it almost never came to the point of needing to indulge it.

When it did, it was uncomfortable, to say the least, and he didn't particularly enjoy it. It had become something more akin to a period of endured annoyance and aggravation in exchange for peace of mind.

The other stuff, however...

Sollon remembered the strict details that the captain had taught them, remembered how the Hierarchy had been so focused on the process of things that it neglected the bigger picture, at times. Slaves were supposed to keep no less than a certain amount of steps behind their masters, depending on the rank of said master among the Hierarchy. Those that were of a military rank were to be treated differently than those with a social rank, and those with a mystical rank different from that.

In addition, the sheer cultural difference between the Hierarchy and most any other society in known space was fascinating to him. The differences would be most interesting to study.

Eventually, they reached a part of the station that was populated more by slaves than by free scalies. He fell into line with the rest of them, joining a crowd hanging around just outside a large door. Lorkos joined him, the two near-naked slaves shuffling back and forth as they waited.

As Lorkos opened his mouth, Sollon held up a finger, shushing him.

We're not among the crew. We can't speak freely just because we're around other slaves.

That was something else that Klim had warned them about. Slaves were generally trained to a point where they would prefer the Hierarchy's way of doing things over anything else. It was a form of brainwashing, a means of keeping them from running away. Not that different from how other cultures taught the history of their people from birth onwards, always preaching about how it was better than those around them.

It was a simple fact that living beings had a way of teaching those that lived with them that they were better than anyone else around them, or that their way of life was required despite whatever hardships that came with it. This was just a more extreme version of that.

"How long do you think we'll have to wait?" Lorkos asked.

Sollon shrugged.

"Do you think that this will be harder than what the - the commodore had us do?"

He turned his head slowly, fixing the wolf with a steady stare. Slowly, the black-furred wolf dropped his eyes, going quiet. Sollon shook his head, turning back to the door in front of them.

It didn't take long for it to open. Perhaps ten minutes later, the hydraulic doors pushed to the side, and two lines of slaves started emptying out. He watched them, studying them. They looked tired, but not injured, so there was nothing going on in there that would cause them pain. Some leaned forward, looking like they had been pushed harder than the others, but not to any dangerous extent.

The only worrying thing he saw was the more robotic looks he saw in some pairs of eyes. He didn't like the way that they seemed to stare forward without thought, particularly considering some of the brainwashing methods that the Hierarchy had at their disposal. If there was any way for them to be hypnotized, there could be a problem.

Well, we'll just have to be obedient not to need those methods.

"Forward, slaves!"

The shout came from inside the next room, and the crowd started moving en masse. Sollon joined them, managing to match their movements from the start, while Lorkos was out of step for the first few seconds. The wolf managed to cover for it, but it was hard for him, Sollon could tell.

They followed the large group of slaves into the next room. It was a large one, padded along the floor with a series of different emplacements along the walls and ceiling. If he had to guess, Sollon would have picked out this room as a gym, at least for the prior owners. Now, with hard-light emitters and force-field generators pushed around the room, it looked more like a dungeon.

He kept himself to the middle of the group as much as possible, even as Lorkos was pushed closer to the outside. The rat watched the wolf, giving him as reassuring a nod as he could, though that wasn't much considering how far apart they were.

As the cluster of slaves came together in the center of the room, a large T-rex took up position at the front of the group. He wore black leather from head to toe, a uniform that looked like it was designed to intimidate rather than just command. He looked back and forth over their group, and then cleared his throat.

"I am Commander Rator, and you are my slaves for the next two hours. During those two hours, you will be reminded of your purpose, of your place in life, and your need to obey. Repeat after me."

The T-rex stomped a massive three-toed foot.

"Obedience is Pleasure."

"Obedience is Pleasure," the slaves chanted back, Sollon forcing the same phrase past his lips.

"Pleasure is Obedience."

"Pleasure is Obedience."

"My place is under all."

"My place is under all."

"There is no better place than mine."

"There is no better place than mine."

"My place is to obey."

"My place is to obey."

It came together as a means of holding someone down through their own preference, rather than through force. The rat had to admit, it wasn't a bad idea. There were dystopian regimes that were built on less.

The T-rex nodded, stomping his foot again.

"Repeat it. Now."

"Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is Obedience. My place is under all. There is no better place than mine. My place is to obey."

"Repeat it. Again."

They did, with the words echoing slowly around the room, the large chamber making it perfect for reverberations. Sollon could feel the words ringing in his ears, lingering longer each time that he was made to say it.

And Commander Rator had them repeat it quite a few times. He said it again, and again, and again, each time wondering when it would be the last. The words were sinking into his head, too, memorized in short order.

He's ensuring that we always remember this little mantra, Sollon thought. The more we say it, the more we want to say it. We anticipate it, and he builds on that. Very clever, very clever indeed.

It worked, too, as he was about to open his mouth and say it when he realized that the Commander hadn't called for it to be said again. He stopped, and so did everyone else in the group. The T-rex chuckled.

"Very good. Now, we're going to move on. Row one, step forward."

That row included Lorkos, he realized. The mostly-naked slaves, dressed only in accessories that did nothing to hide their genitals, stepped forward. They held their position, arms at their side as the T-rex walked down the line.

Here and there, Sollon noticed, the big guy reached down and either fondled a pair of balls or reached around, squeezing the ass cheeks of the slave in question. He never said anything, nor did any of the slaves that seemed to be from this station, or brought here.

Don't speak up, Lorkos, don't -

He winced as he heard the sound of a wolf yelping, realizing that the gunnery officer hadn't been paying enough attention. Sollon shifted his position slightly, tilting his head to the side as if he was just trying to stretch his neck, but it also let him get a better look at the front lines of the crowd.

Lorkos had been pulled forward by the balls, the black wolf forced to stare straight ahead as the T-rex walked behind him.

"You're new here. Where do you come from?"

"I'm in the service of Commodore Klim Hexclaw, sir."

"The word you're looking for, wolf, is Master."

He couldn't see it, but the rat imagined that a ball-squeeze was involved at that point, considering the expression of pain that he just managed to see on the wolf's face.

"Mmmph. Corrected, Master. I am in the service of Commodore Klim Hexclaw, Master."

"That's better. Why are you here?"

"He had me registered to receive further training."

"Heh, I imagine he did. Picking a slave up on the battlefield means that you have a long way to go. If you don't even know the titles, you might need to be implanted."

Implanted. That would explain it. Sollon had wondered if that was the reason behind the blank looks in the eyes of the men and women that had been dragged out of the room earlier. If it was...well, he just had to be careful. He was smart enough to avoid that.

Eventually, the T-rex let go of the wolf's balls.

"Learn your place quickly, wolf, or you'll be implanted tomorrow."

"I understand, Master."

"Row two, step forward!"

The examination continued row by row, with some of the slaves being hit with the same warning that Lorkos had gotten. Learn or be implanted. Learn or be implanted. It was becoming a more and more common threat.

Finally, the row that Sollon was in was called forward, and he joined them. He took the same stance that he noticed had gained approval in other rows, his hands pulled behind and up, clasped at the small of his back, his legs further apart to expose himself but not showing off or thrusting forward. His head was kept down, just enough to be respectful without looking cowering.

He had always been a quick study, and it helped him here. He didn't get called out for doing something stupid. However, his large balls did get some attention.

Commander Rator walked right up to him, grabbing him by the sack. He didn't yelp, knowing that had been Lorkos's mistake, but he didn't start getting hard the way that other people did, either.

The T-rex stroked him several times, dragging on his balls and then up to his cock, but there was no reaction. The rat said nothing, knowing that another rule was not to speak unless he was addressed.

"Are you defective, rodent?"

"I am uninterested in my body, Master."

"Heh, you mean that you don't want to cum?"

"I've never felt the need, Master."

"You wouldn't mind if these were crushed, then?"

A sudden tightening of the commander's fist around his balls left him gritting his teeth at the pain, his stomach flipping over a bit at the unpleasantness that was rising between his legs. Sollon chose his next words carefully.

"Such a decision would be up to you, Master. My body does not belong to me, and the pleasure that it may or may not receive is not mine to crave. I am here merely to be trained to be better than I already am."

"Heh, sounds like you already have a leg up over some of the people here. Who sent you?"

"Commodore Klim Hexclaw, Master."

"He sends me one that has no training, and one that has a great deal. Should have sent you both to different classes..."

The T-rex shook his head, but didn't move on just yet. There was a look in his eyes, something of a glimmer of interest that didn't make Sollon feel particularly good. He might have overdone it, showing off more than he should have in a place that was meant for slave training.

Finally, the Commander let go of his balls, moving down the line. The rat waited for a few minutes to let out a sigh of relief, shaking his head.

Well, this is going to be an interesting day.

"Slaves. Bend over for your examination."

I stand corrected. This is going to be just like the captain's orgies.

Two hours later, the slaves were allowed to stand again. They had been forced to remain on all fours for the second hour of their training, bearing various different tools back and forth between Commander Rator and those that he assigned to work with them. Any error in judgment had been punished swiftly by either a painful shock, or something akin to a whip along their backs and buttocks.

Sollon counted himself lucky to have only received two shocks. The majority of slaves had received upwards of eight, and each one had been nearly enough to paralyze him in pain for the duration of the shock. Lorkos, when he'd been hit by it, had been turned into a puffball of fur. He doubted the wolf would be walking out easily.

But neither of them had been implanted. That was the important thing.

"Slaves, stand and present!"

The rat did as he was told, getting to his feet and turning around, bending over and grabbing his ankles. His cheeks parted on their own, revealing the butt-plug that he had been fitted with, and the little transparent gem on the underside of it, just poking past his hole.

Every other slave had a similar plug shoved up their ass, and they were told that they would continue to wear it for as long as they were onboard the station. He didn't know if Commander Rator was telling the truth or not, but the T-rex had said that anyone that took it out without a master to disarm it first would suffer from a dose of rather intense paralytics, as well as a dose of painful chemicals squirted up their backside. He didn't want to test it, just in case it was something too dangerous for his own biology.

The Commander walked down the lines, examining each one, pushing on the little jewels and making the plugs slide in and out. Some slaves moaned, some groaned. Only Sollon was silent, barely letting out a sigh of resignation after the Commander was out of earshot.

And here I was hoping that there might be something interesting here. No, just more debauchery.

He was about to turn his mind to other things when he heard a sudden struggle. The rat casually turned his head, watching as a raven was pulled out of line. Probably one of the previous occupants of the station, by the species, he thought.

"This one is going to need to be implanted," Commander Rator said.

"You fucker! I did everything right! You can't just -"

"I can choose any of you to be implanted, if I think that you are slacking. You're not obeying because you want to obey, because it's your place. You're obeying because you're waiting to strike. It's written all over you."

Hmm, a body reader? Now that will make things interesting.

Sollon watched silently as the raven was pulled back, dragged towards the rear of the room. He was pushed up against the wall, face-first, and his body was bound to it by various hard-light fields. Other scaly officers were already pulling out a series of vials, some of them biologically filled, others filled with different parts.

The rat couldn't look away as the raven's skull was painlessly opened, a field of energy keeping the blood from coming free. Within minutes, the bio-mechanical parasitic implant was placed inside, and the skin and feathers were stitched back together.

"There," the Commander muttered. "Come!"

The raven turned as he was released from the wall, walking back to the T-rex without any hesitation. He fell to his knees as the Commander pointed at the ground, and opened his beak when the Commander pointed to his crotch.

Before the eyes of every slave, the angry bird was face-fucked by the T-rex, that large cock pumping down a throat that should have been too small for the shaft that it was presented with. Commander Rator looked over them all, and Sollon wondered if there was a slightly too-long glance in his direction as the big dinosaur lectured them.

"Let this be a lesson to all of you. You can't hide your motivations from me. Every session, the requirements to avoid implantation will grow stricter. Today, anyone with aggressive tendencies will be implanted. That includes you, and you, and you," the Commander said, pointing to three people in the row behind Sollon. They jumped to their feet, but were seized before they could run.

"Tomorrow, anyone with ideas that this is temporary will be seized. The day after, anyone with non-submissive tendencies. We will work down the list, one by one, until only the best remain."

It only took a second for the rat to come up with something to say.

"May this lowly one ask what great one among the Hierarchy could have such demands for a slave such as this, Master?"

"...You may," the Commander said. "But I can't answer you. It's above my paygrade."

Which means that it's higher than a commander, or even an admiral, the rat realized. And there's not much higher than that out here. Which means that there's something else involved. Something big. Perhaps something that they want to appease, then, which is why they want to do this rather than simply implant everyone...

Because they could. They could implant everyone, but instead, they were keeping it as a punishment rather than simply going through them all. They needed someone that would be at the top of the heap, someone that was a willing slave and a perfectly suitable submissive for whatever this was. Not for one of them, and probably not for the Evaluator that was dealing with the station's top officer, either. This wasn't meant to be that sort of bribe.

But it was meant to be a bribe, or -

No, not a bribe, an offering.

Sollon had seen this too many times in other cultures and myths. Sacrifices that were given from one culture to another, when it was done in this ritual sort of way, had to be willing, had to be given away with the full consent of the person being offered. And the offering was usually being done to a much, much higher power.

Which does not bode well for us...

Sollon waited until he was allowed to stand with the rest of the slaves before moving. The rat's ears twitched as he walked as if he was trying to make his way forward, but he never made any progress. His ears were more focused on what was being said by the officers gathered behind him.

"...some promise...few candidates..."

" good...should have brought...temple."

"Rat might...if trained..."

Temples, hmm? They're thinking of me for something. And they wanted to bring someone from their religious places back home...

He knew not to push his luck, and started making his way through the crowd. Lorkos was waiting for him at the end of the hallway, and the pair of them started walking towards the elevator. With their status as part of Klim's group, the rat knew that they wouldn't be stopped. Something about the captain allowed him more freedom and say over things than a mere Commodore should have been given.

They entered the elevator. Before Lorkos could reach for his plug, Sollon grabbed him.

"Assume the Commander was telling the truth. We don't want to trigger those."

"Ugh, but it's too big for my ass."

"Hold it until we're in the Commodore's quarters. He'll be able to take it out, if he deigns us worthy."

"Do you have to talk like that?"

"We are being judged."

There could be cameras anywhere, he thought. We have to keep up the role.

Eventually, the wolf pulled his hand back, and the rat pulled his back, as well. He looked ahead at the doors of the elevator, shaking his head a few times.

They're already considering me as a top candidate for this. If that is the case...

If that was the case, then there was information to be had, there, information that he might be able to glean that nobody else could. But it would mean shifting his way of thinking a little ways.

Sollon had always come up through the world with the idea that one shifted the way that they acted, the way that they served, the way that they offered themselves to another, based on the situation around them. It was a quality of his people to be able to mold themselves to whatever they needed to do. The downside, of course, meant that it was very easy to slide away from what they really were into what someone else wanted them to be.

He would have to be very, very careful not to do that.

The End

Nova Wars 9: Commander and Commodore

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