Nova Wars 7: Splitting Company

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#7 of Nova Wars

Ryker is part of the group going down into the mines, trying to figure out what is going on down there. Unfortunately, there are some complications when it comes to the mining suits and equipment.

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Nova Wars Chapter 7: Splitting Company By Draconicon

None of the different tasks had appealed to him, but at least mining duty was a hell of a lot better than going for slave training. Ryker wasn't sure if the captain had been lying to him when he said that there was a lot of 'submission' involved there, but the folf wasn't going to risk it. Not when he had kept his ass intact for this long.

"You sure you want to go into the mines like that?" he asked.

"Why not?"

"Oh, I don't know. Hot star, metal in sensitive places. Seems like a one-way ticket to pain, if you don't mind me saying."

He looked over his shoulder as the elevator took him and Maggie O'Mare down to the mining levels of the station. It was a long way down, all things considered. It was essentially a giant elevator tube that connected the station to the star that it orbited. All around them, barely held at bay by the shields that ran from the station down to the mining facilities inside the star, were the plasma and gas bursts that writhed around the dangerous high-density core of the star. Even with all the shielding, he could feel the elevator shaft swaying from side to side, making them sway.

And making the mare's ass sway, too, for that matter. He chuckled as she kept shuffling from one side of the elevator to another, shaking his head as her chains jangled.

"Need a hand there?"

"No. And I don't need a hand in there, either, before you ask."

"Just offering," the folf said with a chuckle.

He certainly didn't mind watching her sway around, barely keeping her footing and often spreading her legs to catch her balance. The chains that ran from her neck to her nipples, and her nipples down to her clit, were just as fun to watch as they swung around. Any one of them would make for a very kinky leash, and he was just barely restraining himself from reaching out and grabbing hold.

A sudden slam from behind took him out of his naughty fantasies, nearly throwing him into Maggie's arms in the process. He groaned as he caught himself on a railing pushing out from the wall, shaking his head.

Maggie, on the other hand, did go sprawling out, hitting the ground hard. She slid on her ample rump against the elevator door and yelped, sliding away from it again.

"Hot hot hot hot!"

"Well, we are inside a star, aren't we?"

"Yeah, but there's supposed to be shields. I mean, not that I'd know how it works, but...ow!"

"Come on, walk it off."

"Walk it - Oh, you come here and lean on that thing, see how YOU walk it off, buster."

"I'll pass, thanks."

"Yeah, I'll bet you will..."

Maggie groaned, rubbing her ass as she stood beside him again. He leaned back, looking down at her bottom, and winced. It was definitely scalded, leaving her rump a darker shade of red compared to the rest of her, and by some way, too.

Still, it could have been worse. Much, much worse.

Here's hoping that the supervisors down here aren't too asshole-y, the folf thought. Last thing I need is to punch someone out if I can avoid it.

Much as he knew that the captain didn't think he had any tact, or any common sense, Ryker actually did think things through. It was just that, most of the time, he didn't have to deal with quite so many restrictions as he did here. He was more used to working in the more equal spaces of the Feathered Federation, or out in the Free Mammal Cluster, or other places throughout space where one wasn't quite so far down the totem pole as this.

The elevator rattled again, making his sheath jiggle from side to side as he gripped the railing behind him again. Maggie did the same, the pair of them bumping hips more than once. He came out the worse of that, though, rubbing his side.

"Keep those weapons to yourself, girl," he muttered.

"Hey, don't knock it. I could send someone through a wall with these hips."

"Yeah, I don't doubt it. Just don't do it to me in a space elevator."

Thankfully, that was the last of the rattles. They reached the bottom, the shields turning off and leaving them in darkness for a few seconds. Outside, the lights came on, and an electronic voice announced an arriving elevator just before the doors opened. Ryker's fingers twitched, wishing that he still had a gun, but the captain had pointed out that there was no way to hide it unless he wanted to put it...

Well, it wasn't a place where even he would hide a blaster.

The next room was surprisingly empty, though not of equipment. There were a series of hover-trays, some of which were already loaded, most of which were not. Ryker stepped out, glancing left and right as he tried to find some foreman. Usually, authority stayed near the back, but -

"New slaves scanned and integrated into database. Slave one, species Folf. Designated Owner, Commodore Klim Hexclaw."

"Well, he works fast," the folf muttered.

No need for authority when there was a computer system that would track people, then. He wondered if that was just down in the mines, or if it was integrated into the upper levels as well. If the latter...

Well, there might be trouble.

"Slave two, species mare. Designated Owner, Commodore Klim Hexclaw. What is your purpose?"

"Mining volunteer," the folf said.

"Mining is suitable for male slaves, not female."

"Great, they're making sexist robots, now?" Maggie muttered.

"If Slave two wishes to take part, a test of strength is required."

"Bring it on, bi-"

He spanked her before she could finish the sentence, sending the mare airborn by about a foot. She whipped her head around, glaring at him, and he narrowed his eyes at her. She got the message a moment later. Just because it was an automated thing didn't mean that they could mouth off at it. It was still part of the Hierarchy forces.

"Sorry," she muttered. "I'm ready to take the test."

"Slave one, step to the side. Equipment for mining is set up in the lockers. Dress yourself in protective gear, and then take up a mining laser."

Well, that was more like it. He was happy to get something that would at least let him cover up again. He was getting tired of lizards staring at his ass.

As Maggie was addressed by the voice overhead, he walked over to the lockers. Most were open. Considering that slaves tended not to have anything that belonged to them, he supposed it was all there to put the equipment in, rather than to allow for someone to store their own goods. Even so, he was surprised at the sheer laxness of security. Hell, the fact that the slaves were allowed mining lasers either meant that there was another form of security in the mines itself, or that the other slaves were completely broken down, not having any more thoughts of freedom.

So much for leading a slave rebellion, he thought. Ryker hadn't been seriously considering it, but the idea had been a source of amusement on the way down. The folf had smiled at the idea of leading an army of slaves against the officers here, but if the scaly officers were confident enough to hand over lasers...

Well, he didn't want to jump to conclusions, but he was pretty sure that it was useless.

Pulling on a spacesuit that had more power-compensators and muscle-enhances than he was used to, Ryker snapped the various panels into place and pulled the helmet over his head. He could feel a series of neural integrators settling in, digging just under his skin like a hundred different needles across his body. It was almost like the power armor that he'd used when he was still a free agent, without a crew.

Not bad, really.

It wasn't until he felt a sudden jolt down below, a suction tube sliding down on his dick, that he actually yelped in surprise.

"The fuck?!"

"Allowing for waste removal and continuous reward stimulation for good work," the suit explained.

"Oh, you've gotta be - mmph!"

Ryker bit his lips as he felt the tube slowly working down into his sheath, the feeling of it slippery and cool rather than the hot touch of a mouth. Yet, at the same time, the feeling of it slowly sucking on his cock...

The feeling of the suction around his shaft was more than enough to drag his dick out in short order, and he almost wished that he could look down in the suit, just to see how hard a time the tube was having containing the whole thing. He could feel that his cock was pressed right up against the sides of the suction tube, and he bit his lip as he felt the lubrication in it slowly sliding along his shaft.

As the tube started bouncing, bobbing along his shaft, the folf forced himself to focus on the moment. The last thing he needed was to lose focus because he was getting sucked off by a spacesuit. He shook his head, making his way to the other locker.

The mining laser was built like a giant two-handed machine gun, almost like a minigun from the history books. He shook his head as he pulled it out, examining it. It wasn't exactly a weapon, but considering the rapid-fire output that it had and the fact that it needed to be strong enough to punch through the plasma solids that were further down in the star, he had no doubt that it would be good enough for use as a weapon.

And they really don't care...

"Detecting aggressive thoughts. Initiating suppressive chemicals."

"No, no, no aggressive thoughts here. I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Suppressive chemicals injected."


Ryker slumped forward a bit, the suit catching him as he felt a sudden pulse through his cock, almost like the thing had gone half-numb. There was a flooding feeling of coolness running through his veins almost immediately afterwards, running from his head to his toes and back again. His cock throbbed harder than ever, but the sucking feeling seemed almost at the edge of his mind, now, rather than at the forefront.

Great...numbed, and...and...

He shivered, feeling a sensation that was almost like getting high. It wasn't so bad as he would normally have felt - hell, he had had harder drugs when he was a teen - but it made it hard to focus on the idea of hurting anybody. Hell, it made it hard to focus on anything but what he was told to do.

What was that again?

"Take your equipment to door 112 and wait for a supervisor to assign you."

Oh, right, that.

The folf walked along, his head still spinning a bit. There was something off with this, but he knew that there was no use fighting it at the moment. He'd come back to the plan later, when the drug wore off.

The muscle-enhancers along the suit's exterior really proved their worth, though. The last time he was in a suit of power armor, he had been having to push hard from the inside, with all the extra muscles focused on melee blows rather than anything else. Now, he could feel it rushing forward all around him, and it was more a need to slow himself down rather than force himself to hit and dodge and move with all possible force.

He wasn't sure how long he had been standing at the door before Maggie joined him. The mare was suited up just like him, though when he looked over at her, he didn't see any of the drugged glaze in her eyes. She was blushing, though.

"Heh...clit sucker?"

"Perverted fucking suit. It's hot."

"Heh. What are...what were we doing again?"

"...You forgot?"

He tapped the side of his head.

"Some sort of drug. Can't think too straight."

"...Punch yourself in the face."



Maggie's laughter echoed through the helmet he wore. Thankfully, the actual punch hadn't broken the viewport in the front, but the fall had rattled him around a little bit in the suit. He groaned as he pushed himself upright again, shaking his head a few times.

"I don't think that's what I was supposed to do."

"No, but - hehehe - but it was pretty freaking funny."

"I'll get you for that later."

"No you won't."

"No, I won't." He blinked. "Damn it."

"Ohhhhh, I could have fun with this."

"I swear to the stars, if you -"

Beep, beep, beep. The sound of the door opening in front of them pulled them both back to the moment. Even in his hazy mindset, Ryker could focus on that much, at least. He held his mining laser at his side, careful to keep it as non-threatening as possible as the giant metal hatch opened.

It was a...rather amazing operation, if he gave it full credit. A giant flat line of energy went straight out from the door, which itself was one of the most highly-shielded things that he had ever seen. The energy itself formed a blue-tinted floor, one that looked like it was probably about three or four feet thick. No solids could be seen in it, probably because it was too much of a risk to put something that could melt down here, but made it look almost impossibly delicate at the same time.

Pushing floating trays and more along the large walkway were other slaves, suited up just like them, and other paths of energy shields ran off from the main walkway. Ryker could just about make out the machines used for that, little boxers with emitters at the top that were carried by the gold-marked supervisor suits.

So, the supervisors create the paths, and the slaves go out and mine on them. Interesting.

If he had been fully sober, he would have started thinking about how to get a supervisor suit. As it was, with the drug running through his system and most of his aggression tamped down, Ryker could only see the supervisors as important. He made a mental note not to piss any of them off; if they could create the shielded pathways, they could get rid of them, too.

One gold suit walked over, stomping along in slow, heavy fashion. The tinted-out viewport faded in, and he saw a lizard on the other side.

"New slaves?" he asked.

"Volunteered from Commodore Klim Hexclaw, sir," the folf answered.

"That old officer's back, huh? I never would have guessed. Never was one to shy away from the work. Alright. Any experience?"

"Not much, sir."

"Some entertainment experience," Maggie said, "but not so much mining."

"Then you'll start up here, woman, and you, slave, will head downwards."


"Find Supervisor 21. They'll put you to work."

The lizard tapped his arm, and Ryker made out the mark of a number there. This one was Supervisor 2, which meant that the one he was assigned to was probably someone much further down the chain of command. That was good in one way, and damn depressing in another. Even if the drugs did wear off, he would have a hard time doing much with that sort of rank.

Even so, he bowed as best he could, as Klim had taught them. He got a reward of a hard suck on his cock, enough to make him moan a little even with the deadened feeling on the end of his shaft.

"Mmmp. Yes, sir."

"Get going, slave."

He did, hurrying off to the side. He walked around the other tray-bearing slaves that were bringing plasma-solids and hot star oil out of the depths. The latter was already eating through the mining trays, which wasn't too surprising. Once in a liquid state, the star oil never changed until it was hit with a specific chemical reaction, one that set it to explode rather than just burn. Once that happened, a ship could keep going on that explosive thrust for nearly two weeks.

But until then, it was a high-temperature, very dangerous liquid, one that would probably eat through his suit in the space of seconds.

As he walked along the energy shield walkway that they had, he could feel the heat of the star around him. There was nothing above them to hold off the buffeting winds and swirling gases that burned around them, and the suit was barely enough to keep it at bay. He felt the heat on his arms and back and under his feet, along his chest and in his groin and over his face. Everything burned like the hottest summer day that he'd ever experienced, and his fur matted down along his body as he started to sweat.

On the plus side, it would at least burn that chemical out of him faster.

He lumbered along, soon finding Supervisor 21. The gold suit turned around, this time showing him a snake inside.

"Yeah? Who are you?"

"A slave assigned to work for you."

"Yeah? Can you suck my dick through the suit?"

It was a moment of utter annoyance at that point. He wanted to punch the snake in the face, but both the drug and the situation kept him from doing it. A second or two passed, then the supervisor laughed.

"Heh, I'm kidding. Not that you could do much. And not that this damn suit is built for a legless man. It's nearly impossible in here."

He supposed it was. Ryker shook his head.

"I am sorry for that, sir."

"Yeah, well, until you see a suit that was made for a serpent, I'm out of luck."

"...I might have seen one in the lockers, sir."

Oh, please, please, PLEASE let me get away with this.

"Lockers, huh? Where?"

"I didn't notice distinguishing marks. Shall I show you?"

"Yeah, slave, show me."

He nodded, turning slowly, exaggerating the suit's actual issues. Ryker could feel the drug burning out of his system, could feel the heat making him sweat it out. He was pretty sure that these suits were not meant for this sort of work; they were forced into it, and the drug itself felt more like something that the Hierarchy had pulled in rather than something designed for a hot environment like this.

Just a bit more...

Forcing himself to think as obsequious thoughts as he could, the folf walked back to the big door that went into the station. He was utterly soaked in the suit, something that was more than a little apparent as the tube continued to slide along his cock. It was slipping now, almost popping off his shaft more than once, and he could feel it struggling to slide down on his knot.

Just a bit...further...

The door opened and the snake-officer stepped in first.

"Where is it?"

"Over here..."

He waited for the door to shut behind him. This was a risk, but a calculated one. The supervisor computer voice hadn't triggered after they left the elevator bay. The airlock out into the star was probably not under surveillance as a result, as the company probably was trying to save money by not spending it in places where it didn't have to. Which meant -

Now or never!

The folf swung his mining laser forward, slamming it into the helmet on the back of the other suit. The snake inside tumbled forward, the faceplate hitting the deck hard. The echoing clang reverberated around the room for a few seconds, faded...and then nothing.

"Initiating secondary dose of anti-aggression drug."


He struggled with the straps of his suit, even as his cock was numbed again, his body going cool once more. Grumbling under his breath until the happy drugs cut out his anger, Ryker still managed to hold tight to his plan to undo the suit around him. He managed to get out, and then slumped down a bit. The outside of the other suit was warm, but nowhere near as hot as standing out in the star would have left anything else. He tapped a few buttons, forcing it to open.

The snake on the inside was out cold, and the folf chuckled. He had...he had plans...right?

Ugh, this is why I hate drugs...

He stumbled back to his open suit, pulling the communicator inside to his ear.


"A little busy here. What do you need?"

"What do I do with a supervisor suit?"

"Besides wear it, you mean?"

"...Right, that, yeah."

He looked down at the snake, and then back outside. It was a struggle to think, but he felt...yeah, yeah, it was possible. People probably weren't coming in and out so fast right now, particularly with a recent rush back to this room. He probably had...well, a bit of time, at least.

"One more thing."


"Talk dirty to me. Tell me what to do with a big ol' snake that can't fight back."

"Oh ho ho, you are drugged again, aren't you?"


"You need me to remind you how to fuck, big guy? You forget how to do that? It's really easy, you know. When two people love each other very, very much -"

"Fuck you, Maggie."

"Heh, I could tell you that you need to sit on the snake's dicks."

"...I'll just put on the suit."

"Good idea."

Shaking his head, the folf did just that. He dragged the supervisor snake out, pulled him over to a locker, and shoved him in. There were enough open lockers that had equipment waiting for people that he doubted anyone would be checking the closed ones anytime soon. He shook his head, his cock throbbing hard as he walked back to the supervisor's suit.

Before he stepped in, he checked the front. No drug applicators, this time. Good.

As he slipped back in, he hoped that the drug would wear off fast. The last thing he needed was to be a supervisor that would bend to anyone telling him what to do. Particularly here, and particularly if they actually found that snake.

He stepped back into the star, wondering what he was supposed to find, but knowing that Klim would want him to check everywhere. Well, he was a security officer. He was good at ferreting out secrets.

As long as I'm not high, that is, he thought as his cock twitched numbly a few times.

The End

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