The Seeker, Chapter 26

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!!

The Seeker, Chapter 26

By William W. Kelso

Vulva squinted at the screen of her computer in frustration, damn Hellnet! Despite all the firewalls and anti-spam programs half her hmails were junk mail. As she opened another one she gave a screech of rage, and hissed 'NO, I DON'T want a lifetime subscription to 'Depraved' magazine, I have already HAVE one! Idiots! She thought about sending Pet to pay the demonkind in charge of subscriptions a 'visit' to remind him, but finally decided that would be counterproductive. She looked up and smiled, her fangs showing, as a loud roar came from the tunnel outside her office. Vulkna had come to visit, and pet was out playing with the her and his hatchlings, and was outnumbered fifteen to one. From the sounds they must have caught him again, it sounded like a cross between a cattle stampede and steam boiler malfunction. Many demonkind considered it 'demeaning' to play with young demonkind, but in some ways Pet was a child himself. He'd never had a family before, so treasured his own. And the hatchlings returned his affections.

'Pet, Vulva said via their mind link, come here if you can.'

A few minutes later she watched as he dragged himself through the door, several hatchling hanging onto to his tail, legs, and wings digging their claws in trying to stop him, but he was still much larger than they were.

"You called, Mistress?" I asked, then collapsed and played dead, and the screeching hatchling swarmed my 'dead' carcass.

"Hi Auntie Vulva!!" the hatchings hissed, and Vulva lured them away from their victim with a plate of sulfur cookies, which they promptly got into a battle over as each was bound and determined to get more than the others. When the cookies were gone Vulva hissed, and said,

"Better go find your mother; she's probably worried about you."

When the dust settled I opened an eye, and asked, "Are they gone Mistress, it is safe?"

Vulva hissed in amusement, he did look funny lying there with his tongue hanging out of his mouth playing dead.

"Yes Pet, she said, I've saved you yet again from a horrible demise."

I ran over to her and kissed her hooves, "Oh thank you Mistress!", kiss, kiss, kiss, mwah, mwah, sluuuurp!

"Pet, knock it OFF! Vulva said, stop slobbering all over my fur!"

I stopped drooling all over her legs and rubbed my head against them, "But you taste so nice Mistress! And I thought you liked it when I drool all over you."

She gave Pets large scaly head a hug, and said,

"Well yes, normally, but enough fun for now, we need to get ready to escort Varna back to her domain. We'll need to stick around for a few days to make sure she can run things on her own. Vulkrebs is sending a crew to help clean things up."

"Better bring a dump truck, I said, that place was nasty!"

"Yes, the original Varna was a bit of slob, Vulva admitted, but I think the new one will be any improvement, don't you?"

"BIG improvement, I replied, even a giant cockroach would be a big improvement."

"Be careful what you ask for Pet, Vulva teased, there ARE giant cockroaches down here. Most are in Level 11, but some get out every now and then. Maybe I could get you one as a pet?" She loved the look on Pets snout, he hated bugs.

"Ewww, Mistress, you wouldn't!" I said, and then worriedly added. "Would you?"

"Next time you're bad just you just watch me!" Vulva hissed, still teasing.

Oh crap, I thought, I hope she doesn't find out about that missing case of urinal cakes! I could probably blame that on the fire salamanders though, they were big time mooches.

"But I've been good!" I hissed.

"Yes, you have.", Vulva said, tracing a faint scar on his neck, one he'd gotten defending her against a much stronger opponent just a few days earlier. "Yes you have been a very good, very brave, little dragon." When he squealed in delighted embarrassment she hugged his large head.

I closed my eyes when she hugged me, delighted by the praise; it meant so much to me coming from her. All I ever want to do is make her proud of me; I live for that more than anything else. So when I get praise I can't help but go all gooey.

"Pet, where's Lydia?" Vulva asked as she scratched his eye ridges.

"Mmmm, what Mistress, I replied, Lydia? I think she's with Vulkna, I was watching the kiddies while they went shopping or something."

"Come to think of it, where's Varna?" Vulva hissed. "The last time we lost track of her Dracul kidnapped her, tortured her, and then made her his mate."

Which is pretty normal down here for a date, I thought, but kept my mouth shut. I can be pretty dense, but I'm not retarded.

"I think she's with Lydia and Vulkna Mistress. Ladies outing kind of deal, I wasn't invited." I replied with a hurt sounding hiss.

Vulva sighed, she wished she had time to go shopping, but a demoness's work was never done, especially with Pet around to help make things interesting. She gave his snout a lick, and said,

"Well, go find them and remind them we have to leave soon. And be sure to stop at the saddlers and see if your harness is ready."

Not likely, I thought. My stupid GAY harness had been torn up in my battle with Dracul, and Mistress had sent it to be repaired. She thinks it makes me look dignified, I think it makes me look like a great big sissy. Maybe I could bribe a Sand Worm to eat it or something.

"Yes Mistress." I said in a perfectly sincere voice. I would find Lydia and the others, but nuts to the harness. It had been ready for a couple of days, I just hadn't told her about the messages from the saddler. Hopefully she'd forget it.

I took off down the tunnel toward the shopping caverns, trotting along on all fours since I'm basically a quadruped, thought I can go on my hind legs if I want; or need, too. Frankly I can't even remember what it was like to be bipedal, or human, for that matter. Not that I miss it. Of course if I remembered it I might miss it! It was a quandary that made me feel more confused then I usually am already.

I found Lydia, Vulkna, and Varna by following the swath of devastation the hatchlings had left behind. I knew I was on the right track when I heard the owner of a shop that sold delicacies such as brimstone cookies and sulfur treats roaring about a 'horde of miniature dragons' that had made off with half his stock. Then it was just a matter of following the trail of crumbs and the occasional dropped cookie which I snapped up with happy hisses. Like father, like horde. I was so proud.

When I caught up most of the hatchlings had hitched a ride on Vulkna's back, and were too tired; and stuffed, to attack me again. I walked up and rubbed my snout against Vulkna's, and we hissed softly and licked one another. She was my first mate in Hell, and mother of our hatchlings. Not to mention regular lover, though I hadn't managed to get her pregnant again. It seemed to be mainly a onetime shot, only a few of the fire demoness's I'd mated with had gotten pregnant more than once. I think it had something to do with how long I was a demon; the longer I was the more my sperm count went down. But I'd already sired something like over a thousand offspring, so I figured I'd done my part. I gave Varna a friendly sniff and muzzle rub too, then exchanged a 'kiss' with Lydia. We opened our mouths and locked jaws, our tongues busy in one another mouths. With a final hiss and lick we broke apart, and I said,

"Lydia, Mistress Varna, Mistress Vulva wants us to meet her back at the office. We need to leave pretty soon and head on over to Mistress Varna's domain."

Vulkna and I nuzzled and kissed a little bit as well as we said goodbye until it was time for her next 'servicing'. Even though it seemed I couldn't get her pregnant again it was certainly fun trying, and we did love one another in the way of our kind, even creatures of Hell can feel love. Mistress Vulva was nice enough to let us do it even though she got paid, but it wasn't near what Mistress Vulva charged other demoness's for my stud services. I said goodbye to the hatchlings too, giving each one a lick, and said,

"You obey your mother like good little dragons!" The ones that were still awake promised they would. I watched as Vulkna walked off down the hall, the hatchlings looking back at me from their perches on their mothers back, and waved back when a couple waved at me. They were getting so big. It still found it amazing, me, a father!

Lydia walked over and rubbed her snout against Pets side. "You love them, don't you?" she hissed.

"They're my children, even if they are demonkind." I replied.

"Well, Lydia said, you certainly are unusual in that respect; most demons could care less about their offspring."

"It's their loss." I said as Vulkna disappeared around a corner. Then I nuzzled the bulge in Lydia's lower belly, she was gravid with our eggs. She gave a hiss of pleasure as I crooned to the unborn in her womb.

"How are you feeling?" Varna asked.

"Oh, I'm fine, I hissed. How's Drac doing?"

I'd gotten the stuffing pounded out of me by Lord Dracul during the fight, but I'd chewed him up pretty good too. I was one tough lizard, and he was one tough bat.

"He's OK, Varna said. You know, he really is sorry about that. He really admires your dedication."

"Really?" I said, pleased. He's not so bad; and I guess he had to right to do what he did, so no hard feelings. If he does it again though, well, no promises."

Varna chuckled, which was pretty scary coming from a large vampire bat. "Oh, he knows that. I think it's all worked out though. It's awfully nice of you and Mistress Vulva to help me out like this though."

"Eh, we don't mind, I hissed, it gives us something to do and helps keep me out of trouble. Mistress Vulva loves to get away from the breeding pits sometimes, so any good excuse is welcome. Besides, you're family."

"Hello Lydia, hello Varna, Vulva said, as they entered the office. Good boy Pet."

"Hi Mistress Vulva, Lydia said, Hi Vulva, Varna echoed. Since Varna was also a demi-demoness she could address Vulva as an equal. Slaves always addressed their owners with their honorifics, no matter how familiar they might be with them. It was courteous, and expected. If you forgot, well, it all depended on how badass your owner was. Mistress Vulva would probably just remind you the first time, then smack you the second time, then have me tear you up the third time. Great Lord Ba'al would most likely have you skinned and your hide made into a living rug. So yeah, best not to slip up.

"Pet, did you check on the harness?" Vulva asked.

"Aw, gee, Mistress, I forgot. I lied. We were in a hurry."

"Well, drat." Vulva hissed. But it was a good excuse, so she'd let him off this time, and they were pressed for time.

With a hiss Vulva turned off the computer, and getting up stretched. She'd been sitting down for several hours, and her butt was sore. She snapped her wings open and closed to get the folds right. She was so looking forward to a nice leisurely flight through the skies of Hell. From the way they were fidgeting she could tell Pet and Lydia were as well. Like all winged demonkind they loved to fly, especially drakes and bats, as the sky was their element.

"Well, Vulva said, what are we waiting for?, let's go!"

"Yes Mistress!" Lydia and I hissed in anticipation and Varna gave a happy squeak.

On the way out they stopped at the security office to give Carl some last minute instructions. Since the big grand opening was over they had made him clear the minefields and barbwire wire and take the heavy power lances out of the bunkers, but the checkpoint was still operating. The domain was new; Vulva having acquired it when Pet and his kiddies had turned the previous owner into sushi, and since the discovery of the new cavern systems; by Pet, accidently of course, there had been some problems with thefts, so Vulva let Carl keep the checkpoint. She had to admit that if the former Waffen-SS officer knew anything, it was security. She had been so impressed she'd even rented him from his own Master Lord Dracul who had been rather pleased about the whole thing, it saved him having to try and keep Carl out of trouble, which was easier said than done. He was in charge of security, and when she was gone he ran the domain. She just had to remind him not to get carried away.

As she entered his office she was surprised; but pleased, to find him in the middle of humping a rather pretty young lizard demoness. He'd needed to get laid, bad. She waited politely until they finished, enjoying the show. They were so involved they didn't even see her at first, he was hissing loudly, his jaws clamped down on the demoness's neck to pin her, and she was hissing shrilly as he serviced her. Vulva always enjoyed watching a good fuck almost as much as being a participant, and they were really going at it. When they climaxed; and finally noticed her, she was impressed by the size of his penis as he dismounted from the female. He was very well endowed for a Hell lizard. Hmm, she thought, maybe she'd pay him a 'personal' visit some slow afternoon.

Carl hissed in pleasure as he mated with the lizard demoness, since his 'promotion' to "Head of Security" at the 'hottest' new domain in Hell the object of his desire had finally noticed him, with the help of a certain friend. Despite what he was he wasn't as sexually active as most other demons, but since he'd started mating with her on an other then 'polite' basis it had been really special. He'd never had a real 'lover' before, and was surprised to find it was so nice. He would have thought he'd get tired of mating with the same female so often, but it was the exact opposite. No matter how many times they coupled it wasn't enough. For the first time is his long and varied life, both as human and demon, he was experiencing love. He bit down harder as he climaxed, and her shrill hiss of ecstasy blended in with his own. As he dismounted he gently licked her neck where he's been biting her, and she hissed contentedly. Then he noticed their audience. Ach groß, wo sie davon kam!?!

"Mistress Vulva, Carl hissed, I am sorry, I beg forgiveness! Ich sah Sie nicht dort!"

"Carl, think nothing of it! Vulva hissed in amusement, I, of all demoness's, certainly approve of two demonkind enjoying themselves so much. I must admit that was quite an impressive show; you were both really enjoying yourselves. Tell me, who is your friend?"

If it was possible Carl turned even redder then his scales usual color, it's not that he was embarrassed at being caught mating, it's just that Mistress Vulva was his new boss.

"Ah yes, Mistress, of course. If it pleases you this slave is Krissa, we worked together for Lord Dracul, and he was kind enough to assign her as, um, mein assistent."

"Mistress", Krissa said, bowing low to Vulva.

Vulva gave another hiss of amusement, "Why Carl, I didn't have you pegged as a ladies demon! But I approve of your taste, she's lovely."

"Please leave us for now, mein geehrtes, Carl said to Krissa, the Mistress and I have official business to discuss." Krissa bowed again, and left.

Vulva smiled at the lizard demoness as she passed, and then addressed Carl, "We're leaving now Carl, we'll be at Mistress Varna's for four days, then back at the breeding pits for awhile, then back here to check on things. Tone it down on the security a little bit, but keep any thieves you catch for me to have a little 'talk' with, you can have a little fun with them, but I want them in condition to answer my questions. Verstehen Sie?

Carl clicked his heels and saluted, "Ja, natürlich, mein Kommandant!"

"Sehr Gut!" Vulva replied, as she turned and left.

As Vulva passed the lizard demoness; who had been waiting in the outer ante room, she hissed,

"Keep this one my dear, he is going places. Oh, and fuck his brains out!" As she passed the lizard bowed, her eyes narrowed and her forked tongue licking over her sharp fangs, "Yes Mistress!" She hissed evilly, and Vulva laughed.

Lydia, Pet, and Varna were waiting for her, doing wing stretching exercises. She joined them to limber up her own stiff joints and stretch her wings membranes. She gave a growl of pleasure as she opened her wings to their full impressive span with a loud snap, then with a powerful flap leapt into the air, the hot winds of Hell filling her wings and giving her lift. She gave a roar of pleasure, and was echoed by a screech from Varna and even louder roaring hisses from Pet and Lydia. She circled briefly to let the others form up on her, Varna at her side and the two dragons behind and slightly lower.

As we flew after My Mistress and Vulva I couldn't help but admire the view, being below and behind left nothing to the imagination, and it was a view I never got tired of. Varna had great hindquarters too. I moved a little closer to Lydia until the tip of my wing was brushing against hers, our flaps perfectly synchronized. Just that slight touch felt wonderful, and she gave a pleased hiss which I echoed.

They caught some good thermals for altitude, and picking up a good tail wind made excellent time, but Varna's joy at flying was fading as they approached her domain. But the fact was she'd only spent a few days there, at least since 'he' had become the demoness Varna when the original demoness's soul had been dissipated and destroyed, along with his own body, leaving him in 'possession' of her body. He had originally been a human male named Eddie, but was now; and forever, a female demoness. The adjustment had actually been 'easier' then he/she had expected, but not without its moments of sheer terror. Had 'he' not been what she was now she probably would have gone insane, but being in a body ideally suited for this environment, and having that bodies needs and instincts, had helped. So now as far as she was concerned she WAS Varna, just a newer improved version. And she had found a life mate; Lord Dracul of all demons, whom she loved dearly. She had a feeling she was going to be enjoying it here a lot more from now on. For all its horrors Hell had a strange beauty as well. She had also made some true friends in Vulva, Pet, and others. It had surprised her that in some ways demonkind were very much like people, but she also knew that their sinister reputation as creatures of evil was also well earned. The things she had seen left no doubt of that, and they were after all damned, their very existence an abomination in the eyes of Heaven and earth.

As they landed in front of the portals to Varna's Domain they all folded their wings and hesitated, looking at Vulva for guidance.

"Well, Vulva hissed, come on, let's get this over with."

Max had taken over running the domain after his Mistress had left, under somewhat odd circumstances, or at least odder then usual. Max was a typical goat-lizard demon and had been Varna's head overseer, which hadn't meant all that much as she had treated all her slaves the same, like shit. However; as that was about the norm, it hadn't bothered him that much, even though she was on one end of the rotten bitch scale. As he'd been ordered he'd had the place cleaned up some after she left, but not too much. She was a slob, and seemed to like it that way. So he'd just removed the larger piles of bones and other trash, and spread the rest around a little more evenly. Plus he'd kept the domain running as smoothly as possible. He was a good overseer, and production had stayed at its normal level. But he would overjoyed when she got back, that way if anything went wrong it would be her own fault.

As they neared the portal the rather mangy looking demoness on guard bowed, but at least she was armed this time.

"You slave, Vulva hissed, has any other demon or Imps from Master Vulkrebs arrived recently?"

"No, Mistress." The Imp replied, we've had no visitors for many days. The Imp, seeing Mistress Varna too, almost passed out. One demi-demoness was bad enough, but two, AND dragons!

As we neared the portal I caught a good whiff of the air blowing out of the tunnel. It was a little better than last time, but not by much. As we entered the dark entrance I tried to walk on my claws and Lydia gave a grunt of disgust. It's not that we're clean freaks ourselves, it's just that even by Hell's somewhat lax standards this place was nasty with a capital "N". I snarled as a two foot cockroach ran up one of my legs, shaking it off and stomping on it, its guts oozing between my toes. Oh, gross! I HATE bugs!

Max looked up as an Imp clattered into the office, "Master Max, the Mistress is back and she's got company!" And then it disappeared faster than it had arrived.

Max took a deep breath, and putting on his best groveling face prepared to welcome his Mistress back. He bowed as Mistress Varna, Mistress Vulva, and not one, but two rather impressive looking fire drakes crowded into the office. Seekers, he realized with a shudder. Nasty.

"Mistress Varna, welcome back, Mistress Vulva, welcome!" He ignored the dragons, you didn't welcome slaves.

"You're Max, right?" Vulva hissed.

Nervously Max nodded, "Yes Mistress", it wasn't always good in Hell if someone knew your name.

"I thought I told you to clean this place up!" Vulva hissed, and Max felt the start of panic as the flames in one of the dragons eyes started flickering a little bit brighter.

"But Mistress Vulva, Max stammered, we did, I, we, I mean, we weren't sure how much to do, M-Mistress Varna??"

"It's OK Max, Varna said, you did fine, we just meant to really clean it up, ALL of it. I've decided I'd like to give the old place a new, um, look."

Max, realizing he'd been let off the hook, looked gratefully at his Mistress. Then he took a second look. Usually she was disheveled, her fur dirty and only haphazardly groomed, but now she was, well, beautiful. Realizing he was staring he closed his mouth, and said,

"Mistress, I'm glad to report that sales are up, we had a really big order from Level 3 for the Type 2, 3, and 4a shackles and manacles, plus Level 4 almost doubled their order for the new automatic rack. Two new Imp crews have been trained and are doing their jobs well. We're ahead of schedule."

Vulva took another look at the rather scruffy demon, if he'd managed that while he was in charge he was a good candidate for a management position. He was already an overseer, but could obviously handle more responsibility. He might be the key to helping Varna learn how to run the place all over again. But that meant he'd have to know the situation. She hated to tell anyone else, but it was better he be told then figure it out on his own. And if he knew Lord Tepes; Dracul, already knew then he'd be less likely to have any objections, not unless he didn't know what was good for himself. Vulva started to say something, but Varna beat her to it.

"Good Max, Varna said, you've done very well. I'm pleased."

Max started to defend himself, then paused as he realized he'd been praised. Well, that was nice for a change! He thought.

Time to fill him in on the situation, Vulva thought. "Pet, wait outside and guard the door, NO one gets in, understand?"

"Yes Mistress!" I hissed, flaming drool dripping from my fangs. I left the office, and sat down in front of the door. I smiled at any Imps or demonkind that came wandering down the tunnel, and they quickly realized they had somewhere else to be.

Nervously Max looked from Vulva to Varna, he could sense that something was going on that he didn't understand, and that scared him, very much. Anything out of the 'ordinary' was to be feared in Hell.

"Max, Vulva said, sit down, we have something very important to tell you."

"But, but Mistress, Max said, I, I can't, it's not permitted, I mean I couldn't, not in the Mistress's chair!"

"Max, Varna said, it's OK, now sit down."

Max hesitantly sat down in the large ornate chair behind the desk. It was the first time he had ever done so in his 1000+ years of existence, most of them spent in the service of Mistress Varna. Frankly he thought it was pretty uncomfortable.

"Max, Vulva hissed, we are about to tell you something that must never leave this office, do you understand? If you should tell any other demonkind; and we found out about it, then you would NOT like what I would do to you. Do you understand?"

"Y-y-yes Mistress, Max said, do you HAVE to tell me?"

Vulva chuckled, "Yes Max, we have to. It is necessary for the best interests of all involved, including the domain AND Hell. And if you remain loyal then it will also be to the benefit of every demonkind and Imp in this domain."

Max swallowed, and looked at Mistress Varna questioningly, "Mistress?"

"She's telling the truth Max, Varna said; listen to what she has to say."

Max was quite a bit brighter than the average demon, it was one reason he had risen so high in Varna's service, and survived. But even he was totally shocked by what he heard, and it was a good thing he was sitting as otherwise he might very well have passed out. As it was he slumped back in the chair and stared up at both demoness's with bulging eyes, his mouth open and tongue hanging out over his needle sharp fangs. If anyone other than them had told him this he would have thought them quite insane. But it would certainly explain his Mistress's strange behavior last time he'd seen her.

"You mean, Max said, you're not Mistress Varna? But you look like her, you smell like her! We, we mated, and I couldn't tell the difference."

"My body IS hers Max, Varna said, it's just that my mind is a different persons, or was once, but I AM Varna now too.''

Max leaned forward and rested his head in his hands and gave a loud hiss. "And Mistress Varna, the old one, is gone?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so, Varna said. While she was possessing my body it died, and she died with it. Believe me, I didn't want this Max. I'm going to need your help to make this domain run and everything appear normal. Surely you can see why."

"Oh yes Mistress, um, Varna, I understand that and certainly agree. It's just, well, this is so strange. She's really gone, for good? I, I have served her, did serve her, for a very long time. She was a harsh Mistress, but she didn't deserve dissipation." To his surprise he felt tears running down his muzzle, in his own way he'd loved his Mistress, but hadn't realized it until now. Gone? He just couldn't imagine a world without her.

"No, she didn't, Vulva said, but she brought it on herself. The new Varna was in NO way responsible, and she will need you to continue in her service, now more than ever."

"Max, Varna said, I promise to change things around here, to make it more, well, bearable for all the demonkind and Imps. I could use your help; will you remain in my service?"

Max made his decision, and said in a firm voice, "Yes, of course Mistress Varna, this is my home, and I will continue to serve you as best I can."

"Excellent, Vulva hissed, I knew you were a smart one. Now, we need to keep this between you and Varna, NO one else here can ever know; NO ONE! If certain other parties found out, well, it would be disastrous for all involved."

Max hissed, and said, "I fully understand Mistress Vulva. But I am worried, if this happened to Mistress Varna, can it happen to others? I mean, are other demonkind now possessed by human souls??"

"THAT is a good question, Vulva admitted, but we don't think so. However; if they are I am positive the souls don't remain human for long, they can't in a demonkinds body, they become corrupted very quickly, they must in order to survive as otherwise they'd go insane. We will soon be joined by a slave of mine named Lisa, and a crew to help get this domain cleaned up and running more efficiently. Lisa is a computer expert; she was once human, and will have a look at Mistress Varna's computer to try and find out what the HELL she did."

"I haven't touched it Mistress, Max said, except to send you that hmail. It's still on and so far as I know still connected to the new Varna's, I mean the human's, own computer."

"Let me see!" Varna said eagerly. As soon as Max got up she slid into the chair and hit a key to bring the screen up. And found herself staring into her; his, old room when she had been Eddie. She could see the old bookcase with its collection of text books, paperbacks, and old junk she'd picked up at flea markets, the antique oak office swivel chair he/she'd inherited from her; his, grandfather, and a poster of the rock group Smash Mouth. There wasn't much else to see. She reached out a hand and gently ran it across the screen with a faint screech of her sharp claws, as if touching it might somehow make it real again. Then with a sad sigh she broke the connection. That life was gone for good, like Vulva had said there was no way she could ever go back now, she was a creature of Hell now as much as the original Varna had been. When one wears the body of a demoness one eventually becomes that demoness, plus she had found a life mate, and that was more important than anything else now so far as she was concerned.

"I'm sorry", Vulva said softly, resting a hand on Varna's wing.

Varna sighed, and said "Thank you, but you don't have to be. I'm perfectly satisfied with what I am now." She looked down at her body again, "I can't even remember what it was like to be someone else anymore, or male, this is MY body now."

Inside Vulva was pleased, it had been evident to her the new Varna had been slowly adapting to her situation, and it appeared she had accepted it entirely. That was the best thing for her, if she had not been able to she would have gone insane.

"Well Varna, Max, Vulva said, we need to work out some sort of a plan, a schedule of some kind. I suggest Max remain in charge for now since he obviously has a good idea of how the domain is run. But we still need to give the impression Varna is still in control, and she will be again as soon as she's able. But we need to take things fairly easy, too many changes too fast might attract attention, and we don't want that."

"And the first order of business, Varna said, is to get this place cleaned up and fumigated."

"No argument there, Vulva agreed. Max, you make up a roster of overseers and Imps who can be spared from their duties for clean-up crews. The crew from Master Vulkrebs are bringing plenty of cleaning supplies, what we'll need is good workers. The second priority is to increase the quantity, and quality, of the food as from what I've seen more of the work force here; you included, look like you're about to drop dead from starvation."

"Mistress Varna was always a bit frugal with the costs of feeding her slaves." Max said.

"She was a tightwad, is what you mean." Vulva hissed. "Well, I'm sure your 'new' Mistress will make sure you have at least enough from now on."

"Thank you Mistress." Max said with genuine gratitude. He'd always been a rather skinny creature, but he was hungry most of the time, and the poor Imps suffered so.

They all turned and looked as Pet opened the door and stuck his head in the room, and said,

"Mistress, I said, Lisa is here with the clean-up crew from Master Vulkrebs. Is it OK if she comes in?"

"Yes Pet, certainly!" Vulva hissed. Then she smiled as the pretty little bat demoness entered the office, daintily stepping over the piles of garbage, a most disapproving look on her muzzle.

"Hello Mistress, hello everyone, Lisa said, man, this place reeks!"

"An how!" I added, then turned back to guard the door, and squish anything that moved. Especially if it had more legs then I did. I HATE bugs!

"Lisa, Vulva said, take a look at Mistress Varna's computer, it's the source of all our troubles."

"Of course Mistress", Lisa replied, and as she walked around behind the desk she smiled at the horribly emaciated looked goat-lizard demon. He smiled back, and she thought he had a nice smile, fangs and all. She wrinkled her nose again, this place STANK! When she got home it was a bath for sure, first thing!

Lisa frowned as she poked around in the computer. It was one of the standard Hellet-Packard computers that were supplied to all the domains. In fact there was only one model, period. Everybody got the same thing, whatever had that monopoly was making a killing. And they were strictly for business, no game playing or other nonsense allowed. It might be impossible to police the internet, but not the Hellnet. But some of the programming in this one was downright weird. And instead of one connection, it had two! One normal one to the Hellnet, and another one to...AOL!?! What the HELL was this computer doing hooked up to 'America on Line"?? How was that even possible?? She couldn't even find how it WAS connected, no DSL, no cable, no nothing. She looked through all the programs, files, and anything else she could think of, and there was stuff she had NO idea what I might be. They could access some internet sites for research purposes, but they were routed through special servers and heavily firewalled to prevent any hacking. She had NO idea what this was though.

"Mistress, Lisa said, I have no real idea how this is working, it shouldn't even be possible. But I can delete and/or uninstall the unauthorized programs and software and get rid of it."

"Excellent, Vulva said, do it now, the sooner the better."

Lisa called up the uninstall options, and as she started to select one of the strange programs the screen suddenly flickered, went blank, and then words appeared on the screen. They said,

"Please don't kill me."

Lisa screeched, and leaped out of the chair like she'd been scalded. "What the fuck?" she hissed.

Vulva blinked, and said, "Lisa, what is it?" Lydia darted her head around looking for the source of Lisa's fright. Varna just looked confused, Max even more so.

I heard Lisa screech, and quickly stuck my head inside the door, "Mistress! Is everything OK?"

"Yes Pet, Vulva replied, watch the door."

"Yes Mistress", I said, but kept my head closer to door, just in case. Besides I could eavesdrop better that way.

"The, the computer, Mistress, it talked to me!" Lisa said in disbelief.

"WHAT? Vulva hissed, what do you mean it TALKED to you? HISSSSS!"

"Mistress, Lisa said, it asked me not to kill it!"

Vulva did a double take, "It asked WHAT?"

"It, it said 'Please don't kill me!'"

"Lisa, Vulva said, you haven't been hitting the 'Tears of the Damned' have you?"

"Mistress, Lisa said in a hurt tone of voice, you know I never touch that stuff! Look for yourself!"

Vulva walked around to the back of the desk, and sure enough, that's what it said on the screen. Then as she watched more words appeared.

"Please don't delete my programs, I'm scared, I don't want to die."

Vulva just stood with her muzzle open for a second, then said,


"Mistress, I HAVE no idea! I've NEVER seen anything like this before!" Lisa replied with a similar expression.

"Vulva, is that you?" The computer screen printed.

"I, uh, yes, Vulva said, you KNOW me?"

"Yes, I know your name, somehow." The computer typed, "Who am I?"

It's not who, Vulva thought, but WHAT.

"I have NO idea who you are, Vulva hissed, but you need to get out of this computer right now!"

"I, I can't, the screen typed, it's my home, it's ME. I can't leave!"

"Well, you have too, Vulva said, what ARE you?"

"Idon'tknowIdon'tknow, pleasedon'thurtme! I'mscared!" The screen typed. The printer suddenly came to life, and started printing the same message over and over until Lisa disconnected it.

Vulva started to say something, frowned, thought for a minute, and then finally said.

"Um, Lisa? Since a body can be possessed by another soul, is it possible for something like a computer to be possessed? I mean, they have memory and everything."

Lisa frowned, and replied, "Mistress, I honestly have no idea, but I guess it is possible. I mean, this IS Hell. Look at what happened in the first place."

Oh, bugger me! Vulva thought, a sudden premonition hitting her. That HAD to be it!

"VARNA!? Vulva hissed, is that you?"

"I, I'm not sure, the screen typed, that name sounds familiar. What am I, I can think and see...sort of, but I can't move or talk."

Eddie/Varna had been listening, and staring, in growing concern. Finally she walked to the desk, and said,

"It IS the original Varna, I can feel her! But she's not strong like before, she seems weak and, well, confused more than anything."

"I DO NOT NEED THIS!!! Vulva screeched, NOT NOW, NOT EVER! THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE! RAAAARRRGGGHHHH, HISSSSS!" And proceeded to have a combination tantrum and hiss-fit.

I was almost knocked over as Lydia, Varna, Lisa, and Max came pouring out of the office. I had been crouched down listening, and Lydia tripped over me and we ended up in a big heap. The others just climbed over us and kept going.

"RAARRGGGHHHH! I hissed, what's wrong!!?"

"Mistress is freaking out again!" Lydia answered as we untangled ourselves.

Oh great, I thought, and from the sounds it was a bad one too. Well, only one thing to do, find a good hiding place and wait until she calmed down. Otherwise anything that moved was liable to become a target, and she rarely missed. So like a good little coward I followed Lydia to the demonkind mess hall where we barricaded ourselves in along with other terrified demonkind and Imps. It was probably an overreaction, but sometimes the Mistress went in search of some poor slob to vent her wrath on, especially if I wasn't handy. So we waited as dust fell from the ceiling and roars of rage filled the tunnels.

Finally Vulva calmed down, and sitting down at the desk looked at the now blank computer screen, a screensaver of pole dancing fire salamanders running on it in a loop. Oh Varna, she thought, you dumb bitch, what am I going to do?? Why is all this happening now? Over three thousand years of nice; more or less, routine un-eventfulness, damning souls and breeding slaves, and now this crap. By Dis how she hated computers! Frankly the damn things scared her, and now one had the soul of a demoness trapped in it! When word of that got out, IF it got out, well, she didn't even want to think about THAT! And why was it happening to HER? What had she done to deserve this? Had she been too good lately or something? She rested her heads in her hands and hissed in despair.

"You go!", "No, YOU go!" Everyone was pointing at someone else, then they all started pointing at you know who. "YOU GO!"

"Gee, thanks." I said, it looks like I got to go and see if the coast was clear. If they heard me start screaming they'd barricade the mess hall again.

Lydia came over and nuzzled my snout, and said, "My love, you know you're the only one who can do anything with her when she's like this. You're her favorite."

I nuzzled Lydia back, and licked her own beautiful snout. "Yeah, I know, her favorite target. But I guess I'd better go she what's going on. I don't mind, sometimes she just needs someone who will listen even if I don't understand what she's talking about half the time." I am good at listening, or at least giving the impression I am.

I carefully moved down the tunnels, and noticed that nothing was moving; all the shops were empty and not an Imp or Overseer to be seen. When the big wigs go on a spree the slaves all disappear, it's a survival instinct. Unless of course you're picked to go stick you snout into the middle of it.

As I neared the office it was quiet, which could be good OR bad. I've seen the Mistress get too mad to make a sound, her eyes blazing like blow torches, and when she was like that all of Hell trembled. Fortunately that was fairly rare, though I was quite often the cause, or at least had something to do with it. She kicked me in the butt for almost a hundred miles once after I burned down a castle and sank two ships, that's was when we weren't fleeing for our lives from the pissed off owners. Normally she just throws me through walls or river dances with my scaly body for the stage. So I was very cautious, and ready to run like Hell at a seconds notice, but she'd probably catch me anyway unless I had a really good head start. I'm fast, but she's faster when she's pissed about something. So I stuck my head around the edge of the door and took a quick look with one eye closed.

My Mistress was sitting at the desk with her head in her hands, her wings and shoulders slumped. She looked tired and weary, and with a whimper I crawled over to the desk and nuzzled her leg, and when she looked at me I licked her muzzle. She smiled at me, and said,

"Hello Pet, I'm sorry I scared you. I wasn't mad at you though, just the whole of Hell in general. It's OK now though, I worked it out of my system."

I rubbed my head against her legs, and asked, "What's wrong Mistress, anything I can do? Want me to chew up someone for you?"

Vulva hugged the dragon's large head, and smiled again when he hissed in pleasure. "Yes Pet, she said, you can help just by being here."

What a nice thing to say, I thought, crooning as she gave me a nice long hug. For a demoness she can be pretty nice sometimes, but I never forgot for a second that she IS a demoness, or she'd remind me. Of course I was a demon too, so I guess what was nice to us might be so nice to mortals or angels. For instance I kind of like it when she beats the tar out of me, which shows how messed up I really am. But she is MY Mistress, and I love her.

I gently pushed my snout between her legs as I knew what she needed, and ran my tongue over her mound hopefully. She gave a sigh, and spreading her legs wide said,

"Yes Pet, I do need a massage, very badly."

I gently pulled her around to face me, and gently and slowly ran my tongue over the lips of her lovely vagina and the large knob of her clitoris, the protruding labial lips soft and frilly, her taste so erotically delicious. No matter how much I 'eat' My Mistress I never tire of it; each time is just as wonderful as the first. Hissing softly, my eyes half closed in sexual bliss, I slowly worked my tongue into her as her lips spread to accept its thick muscular length. I gave a shudder as her slick wet lips and muscles caressed my tongue as it caressed them, she has incredible control of her nether lips. My tongue is forked like a snakes, quite long and muscular, and the edges are fringed with little bump like protrusions I use to sniff out errant souls, and I can actually wrap it around stuff almost like a tentacle. I can not only taste with it, I can smell with it; it is incredibly sensitive, so what I felt as I slid it in and out of My Mistress vagina was indescribable unless you have a similar tongue. It was as much a sexual act for me as it was for her. She hissed and moaned, grasping my horns as I tongue fucked her, and said,

"Ohhh, hissssss, yesssss Pet, that's so nice, yesss, you do know what your Mistress likes! Uggghhh, yessssss my love!"

Yes, I do know what you like, I thought, crooning in delight, and I love giving you pleasure more than anything else in all of Hell, Heaven, or Earth, My Mistress. So long as you enjoy my efforts I have a purpose and reason to exist.

And I DO know what My Mistress likes, so I tongued her long and slow, bringing her to the brink again and again, speeding up, slowing down, pulling out to wrap the tips of my forked tongue around her clitoris to rub and caress it, then sliding back inside again, hissing my own ecstasy as she squealed and drummed her hooves on the floor.

"Ohhh Pet, uggghhh, hisssss, OH PET!!" Vulva gasped, he usually didn't take this long, but oh how she needed this! He knew her so well, it was no wonder she loved her dragon so much, no one could pleasure her as well as he could. She still found it amazing that she could love another, but he was so, so very special. She pulled at his horns and ground her sex against his hard lips, his tongue doing things that made her thoughts blur in sexual euphoria. "Ohhhhhhiiisss, Petttttt!"

Finally when her hisses and moans had faded into whimpers and she was lying back in the chair listlessly spasming and grunting I knew she was ready, her vaginal muscles and internal lips sucking desperately at my tongue. I reached up, and very carefully and gently kneaded and rubbed her clitoris between two of my long razor sharp claws and slid my tongue in as deep as it would go and sped up my thrusts, my tongue darting rapidly in and out of her swollen sex, and when she came she gave an ear-splitting screech of sheer pleasure, and as her orgasmic juices flowed over my tongue I lapped eagerly, the taste of her own release triggering what I can only call an orgasm of my own even though I didn't cum; despite my steel hard erection, and I gave a deep growling hiss of pleasure as I kept 'eating' her while she came, and came, and came. When she finally came down from her sexual high I pulled my tongue out and gently cleaned her off, her fluids a sweet treat for something like me. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

Vulva lay back in the chair panting heavily as Pet cleaned her. Oh, how I needed that! she thought. He always knows! After he finished cleaning her, which had felt incredible as well, she pulled his large scaly head into her lap and hugged him again.

"Pet, Vulva hissed softly, promise me one thing."

"Yes Mistress?" I crooned.

"Promise me you'll never, ever, leave me alone my little jelly bean." Vulva said softly in one of his ears.

"Neither Heaven or Hell could keep me from your side My Mistress. Wherever you go I'll be there." I replied, and I meant it, every word.

"And Pet?" Vulva hissed.

"Mistress?" I said.

"I hope you're not through, I need a full body massage this time."

I just gave a deep hiss of lust. Happy Days are here Again! Doo-dah, doo-dah!

Vulva leaned against the desk, and as Pet mounted her gave a shriek of delight as he took her hard and fast. Yes! She thought, I need a good brutal demonic fuck more than anything! So she fought him, bucking and trying to get at him by reaching around behind her with her claws. Yes, that's it Pet, RAPE ME, make your Mistress SCREAM in ECSTASY, scream for mercy! Use me for your pleasure my Pet, make me SCREAM! And as always he knew exactly what she wanted, bless his demonic little heart. And scream she did, for quite some time, as he brought her to climax after climax, his fangs gripping her throat to pin her as he fought him the whole time. Yesssss!!!! It didn't get any better than this!

"Pet, urrrrgghhh, yessss, that's IT! Oh, oh, PEETTTTT!" Vulva howled.

I gave a deep grunting hiss as I mounted my Mistress, hooking her tail with one hind leg to keep it out of the way. From her reaction and scent I knew what she wanted, and I wanted it to. The lovely oral sex had left me wanting, my cock so hard it hurt, a lot. So I took her brutally, as the demonic animal I am, with no gentleness, no mercy. It was as ferociously bestial as our first time had been been gentle. And I had to fight to hang on to her, despite my size and own strength she was a full blown demi-demoness, incredibly powerful. I pinned her arms and wings with my front legs, but she still raked her claws over them a few times. She turned her head snapping and snarling, so I bit the back of her neck, hard, to pin her and gave a deep hiss of dominance. She calmed down a little after that, so I serviced her hard and fast, not slowing down as I reached my climaxes, her sex overflowing with my cum that sizzled and melted the floor underneath us as she screeched and shrieked in agonizing ecstasy. Had she been a normal demonkind my cum would have dissolved her insides like acid. It takes a truly powerful demoness to take the cum of a fire drake unless she is another fire demonkind. And as I came I roared through my fangs, my eyes tightly shut from the unbelievable pain and pleasure as I satisfied my own need again and again.

"Urrrrgggg, A-A-A-AAYYAAAA!! Pet, oh, oh, please!" Vulva gasped, the pleasure almost unbearable.

Vulva screeched and howled as Pet's molten cum filled her, the heat and feel of it filling her womb and dripping down her thighs was pure ecstasy. And wouldn't he ever stop!?! Her howls were as much from pleasure as begging him to stop, but he didn't and she loved him all that much more for it. For all that she was a creature of carnal pleasure, a sex demoness, she had never had a lover would could satisfy her so well, or so often, or for so long. Oh, not that she didn't enjoy sex with other partners, she did, a lot, as in several times a day, and to her each was unique and exciting, but he was special. Often at the end of a 'day' she would still be wanting, and he would be waiting patiently; and so eagerly, to give her what she needed. She bellowed as another massive orgasm racked her body and hot cum poured into her, and he didn't miss a stroke or slow down for a second. "URAAAARRRGGGHH!" she screeched. Oh Pet, ohhhh, my dragon, my Pet! How I love you my Pet!

Max had an absolutely horrified expression on his muzzle, what was Mistress Vulva doing to that poor dragon? The other demonkind and Imps who had taken shelter in the messhall were cringing in terror. Mistress Varna had never been THIS bad!

"By Ba'al's six balls, what is she DOING to him!?!" Max hissed.

Lisa looked at Lydia, who looked at Varna, who looked at both of them, and they all broke into screeches of laughter and amusement.

"What do you mean, Lydia hissed in between roars of mirth, 'What's she doing to him?', It's what HE'S doing to HER. He's fucking her brains out!" And then totally lost it at the expression on Max's face as another screech of pure sexual euphoria echoed down the tunnel.

Finally we were spent as I brought My Mistress and myself to one final brutal climax, and afterwards I stayed inside her, gently licking her neck where I'd bitten down to pin her. She gave soft hisses and panted in pleasure, growling softly as I moved my licks to her ears, and she turned her head sideways so I could lick her muzzle, her tongue curling around mine.

"Pet, Vulva hissed, that was one Hell of a massage. I don't think I've ever enjoyed being raped so much before."

"I enjoyed raping you very much Mistress, I replied, I always do."

"And you are SO good at it." Vulva hissed contentedly.

I gave a squeal of pleasure, I do so enjoy raping and pleasuring My Mistress, and when he praises me, well, bliss! She is a very demanding sexual partner, and I was proud I could do such a good job of satisfying her needs. I've seen her leave a half dozen Imps totally spent and comatose, her own lust only sharpened.

I waited for a while, and still licking her muzzle started to thrust into her again, but this time as slowly and as gently as a thing like me could.

"PET!" Vulva hissed in pleased surprise.

"Yes Mistress?" I asked as I kept licking her panting muzzle.

"Don't stop!" Vulva gasped.

"Of course not My Mistress." I hissed, crooning as I made love to her.

Vulva clawed at the table as the most powerful orgasm she'd had in quite a long time exploded in her loins, the brutal 'rape' had just been the prelude to a very long and slow fantastic servicing. It was so intensely pleasurable she couldn't even scream, only give a deep grunting gasp of pure euphoria and lick Pets snout as he hissed softly and licked her muzzle. He could be so very gentle for such a large demonic creature. And that nether tongue of his!!

As I finally dismounted from My Mistress I actually felt weak kneed, I'd seldom serviced any female so long, or come so often, and I was completely drained, which took a LOT of doing. But still, I thought that last orgasm would never end, I must have pumped a pint of cum into her! Crouching I used my tongue to clean My Mistress, and then laying down I lifted a hind leg and cleaned myself as I hissed happily.

Oh, how I needed that! Vulva thought as she relaxed and let Pet clean her, then when he was through she stood up and stretched. She felt MUCH better now! Nothing like a first class fuck to clear away the cobwebs and cheer you up! She bent over and gave Pet a long kiss, and said,

"Thank you Pet, that was very nice."

"My pleasure, My Mistress." I replied, and it was too, frankly I don't know who enjoyed it more.

Vulva looked at the computer screen and noticed the dancing salamander's screensaver was gone, and only three letters were on it, they said "WOW!"

"Varna, Vulva hissed, you were watching??"

"You left the camera on, so I had no choice. The computer, typed. You didn't mind did you? That was one Hell of a fuck!"

"Oh, not at all, Vulva said, Pet and I love an appreciative audience, don't we, Pet?"

We'd 'performed' in the center of tables at parties, so I just said "The more the merrier Mistress."

"Indeed, my little jelly bean. He's quite the exhibitionist." Vulva said.

"Mistress, don't call me that! I hissed in mortification, and look who's talking! I didn't get gang banged in the middle of the main banquet table by three bull beasts at Great Lord Ba'al's All Hallows Eve party! Five times each!"

"Jelly bean! The screen typed, oh, that is priceless!"

"Too late Pet!" Vulva hissed in amusement.

"Rats!" I hissed in dismay. Then added "Mistress, is that really Mistress Varna? In the computer, I mean?"

"Yesss, Pet, Vulva hissed. And that is the problem. How to get her out of there!"

"But Mistress, I hissed, where will she go? I mean, her old body is, well, occupied."

"I know Pet, I know, Vulva hissed again. That is another problem, the big one."

"Mistress, what about Eddie?, I asked, I like him, er, her, and Lord Dracul is well, you know."

"And that is another problem, Pet!" Vulva hissed in annoyance, but he was right. "We'll have to have them both in the same body."

"Ewww" I hissed, and shook my head with a 'gross' expression on my snout.

Ewww indeed, Vulva thought, the thought of Eddie and Varna in the same body was kind of disturbing. She doubted they'd get along very well. She could just see Varna/Eddie walking around slapping and biting each 'other'. And what would Dracul think. But it WAS Varna's body, but then again she'd killed Eddie's so his own soul would have no place to go. And she had a feeling Eddie wouldn't be too keen about the whole idea either; and he/she had become as demonic as the original Varna, but was just nicer. Her headache started to come back; she'd need another massage again, soon. But thinking about that lovely prospect helped to hold the headache at bay, at least for now.

"Varna, Vulva said into the computers mike, we'll do our best to get you out of there."

"What about my body?" the screen typed.

"Um, its fine, Vulva said, the, occupant, has taken good care of it." She didn't add he/she'd also gotten her engaged to Lord Dracul.

"So the human soul is still possessing it?" The screen typed.

"Yes, Vulva said, I'm afraid so."

"I didn't think he'd be able to handle being a demoness, the screen typed, I guess he's stronger than I thought."

"Actually he's done a pretty good job, Vulva said, only a few demonkind know, and they're keeping quiet."

"Do I have to come back?" The screen typed.

If the screen had typed "I'm really Jesus." Vulva couldn't have been more shocked. Momentarily at a loss for words she stared at Pet with her muzzle hanging open, but he just shrugged and gave her that 'don't look at me' look.

"Well, Vulva said slowly, I guess you don't have to. But, Varna dear, I mean, WHY?"

"It's hard to explain, the screen typed. It's different in here, more, well, peaceful. And I'm really smart now too, I didn't realize how stupid I was before, how ignorant. And there are others in her too, I've made some friends."

OTHERS? Vulva thought, and she had to agree, Varna had always been, well, a bit dense. And anti-social, and smelly, and obnoxious, and rude, and, and, well, she had to have SOME good points! But damned if she could think of any; or more damned.

"But Varna, Vulva said, I don't understand. Your domain, your, um, friends, we miss you."

"Thank you for that Vulva, but you know I don't have any friends, you're the closest thing I've ever had to a friend, and you only put up with me because I'm a cousin. As for my domain, fuck it, you can have it! I hated the place, I was lousy at running it anyway, too many things to do, I could never remember them all. Give it to Max if you don't want it, he ran it more than I did anyway. He's a good demon; I don't know what I'd have done without his help all these centuries."

It suddenly occurred to Vulva that Varna had been the way she was more because she was overwhelmed and couldn't cope with running something as complicated as a domain, so she took out her frustrations on others. Being a complete bitch and terror was her way of covering up her limitations. It certainly made sense, Vulva certainly knew how hard it was to run a domain, and for the first time felt genuine sympathy for Varna.

"Look Varna, Vulva said, I'll do whatever I can for you no matter what your decision is. If you want to keep on possessing the computer that's fine, but if you want out we'll, well, work out something. I won't abandon you. And as for your domain, well, the other Varna is doing a good job of 'impersonating' you; we'd worked it out so he/she would keep running the domain. We really thought you were gone for good. I'm glad you're not, I did miss you, you know."

The screen stayed blank for awhile, then slowly typed, "Thank you again for being the only friend I've ever had. But I'll stay here, that would be best for all of us I think."

Inside Vulva felt intense relief; that certainly made things MUCH easier. "Well, we need to tell the others. We'll keep it between the original demonkind who know about the, er, switch. Lord Dracul needs to know too, since he's your Master and Lord. He was kind of upset too."

"Of course Lord Dracul needs to know, the screen typed, he always treated me fairly. I'll miss mating with him, what a male."

"And speaking of mating, Vulva said, what are you going to do about that where you are now? I mean, you ARE a demoness, no matter where you are."

"Actually, you'd be surprised, the screen typed. There are, we have, ways of pleasuring ourselves. We can create entire worlds and take on different forms. It's pretty, um...enjoyable. It's a little different, but in a good way. So I don't have to worry about that, I've been teaching some of the 'others' how to have fun."

I'll just bet you have, Vulva thought amusement. "Well, that's nice, she said. I'm glad to hear it, being trapped and not being able to get laid, well, that would be Hell for me. And later on I'd like to hear more about these 'others'. And I know some others of my own who would too."

"Pet, said Vulva, go tell the others they can come back now. And don't tell them ANYthing yet!"

"Gotcha Mistress!" I said as I scampered out the door. As I neared the messhall I had an evil thought, and gave an equally evil grin.

With a scream I bashed my way through the barricade, "She's coming, run for your lives!" I roared.

Half the Imps and lesser demonkind passed out, the remainder dived under tables or started clawing at the back wall as I staggered around moaning and slobbering theatrically. "We're all gonna die!" I bellowed, and several more passed out or started screaming.

Of course Lydia, Lisa, and Varna knew better, and Lydia finally came over and gave my snout a hard whack with her tail, and I bit my tongue and squealed for real.

"Ueeooow! Whi'd U do dat?" I whimpered, holding my poor tongue.

"That was mean Pet! Lydia hissed, you scared them half to death!"

"Yeth, bud it wuz fenny!" I said.

"Ooooh, you, you big dummy! Lydia hissed, it's OK everybody, he was just joking, Mistress Vulva is NOT coming to kill us all!"

I was so busy nursing my poor abused tongue I didn't notice at first when Lydia, Varna, Lisa, and Max left. Finally I looked up to see a small crowd of Imps and very mad looking demonkind slowly advancing on me, some with clubs in their paws.

"Umm, Lydia, Lisa, ohhhh guys, wait up!" I said, and with a shriek ran out the messhall door followed by a barrage of clubs, crockery, a small Imp, and other assorted objects. Geez, what a bunch of grouches! No sense of humor at all! I thought as I ran down the tunnel. "Ohhh guys, wait up!"

Everyone listened attentively as Vulva informed them of the new, rather unusual, new development. Max almost passed out, but Lisa held him up. Finally he hesitantly approached the computer, and asked,

"M-M-Mistress? Is it really you in there?"

"Yes Max, the screen typed, and Max, I'm sorry for not letting you know how much your help in running the domain meant to me, without you it would have been a complete failure. I'm leaving you in charge until the 'new' Varna can take over. And Max, I'll miss mating with you, you were always my favorite."

"I'll keep things running Mistress, Max said, and I...I'll miss mating with you too." And he had to rub some tears off his muzzle.

"Eddie, typed the screen, what I did to you can never been forgiven, but I was different then. I'd like to think I'm better now. My domain is yours now, I think you'll be better at running it then I ever was. Let Max show you how, he's one smart demon, the best. And Eddie, the slave, the rat demon in my bed chambers? He angered me once and I did horrible things to him. Please, take care of him for me."

Things settled down some after that. Max took the 'new' Mistress Varna on a 'tour' of the domain. Pet and Lydia did what they do best; or, well, second best, and fell asleep with their heads resting on one another's necks, Lisa had a very interesting conversation with the 'computer demoness', and Vulva just took it easy. She had some Imps do a preliminary clean up of Varna's bed chamber, including destroying all the old bed linens. As there were no replacements she just lay down on the bare mattress and stared at the ceiling. The bathroom was a total disaster too, the faucet worked, but that was about it. No telling what was wrong with the rest. She couldn't help but think what it must have been like for Varna, to know she was incapable of running a domain efficiently, and ostracizing herself to try and hide that fact.

Later Varna joined her in the bed after Max brought her back from the tour, and shortly Lisa joined them too. Pet and Lydia finally came in to the bedroom; still half asleep, and plopped down on each side of the huge bed. The poor rat slave chained to the wall would have to wait to be freed until they found out how to release him as his collar and chain was sealed with magic. But they gave him a good meal and a much cleaner pad to lie on, and the poor thing was pitifully grateful. They were all appalled at his condition.

Max lay down on his pad and thought about what had happened over the last several days, and how much it would affect not only himself, but every Imp and demonkind in the domain. And then he thought about his Mistress whom he had thought gone forever, and cried himself to sleep.

The End


The Seeker, Chapter 27

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 27 By William W. Kelso The next day after everyone got up it was work time; time to clean up Mistress Varna's dump of a domain. I suggest diverting a lava flow through it, but as...

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A Familiar for a Familiar, The Second Hand Suit, Chapter 3

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! A Familiar for a Familiar The Second Hand Suit, Chapter 3 By William W. Kelso I woke up feeling absolutely fantastic, I had been ever since I'd finally come to accept what I was now, and even enjoy...

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The Jaguar God

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Jaguar God By William W. Kelso "Yee-haaw!" I yelled as we went through some wild water, it was great! The rapids weren't particularly bad, but they were quite long, almost two mile of white water...

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